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Measles - Rubeola

red and morbiliform, non blanching-

starts at back of ears and
spreads to
head and neck within a few
and then the body (itchy)-

4c's, fever 104, kid looks ill!

Labs- confirm + IgM antibodies or
isolate measles virus RNA from
sx respiratory secretions
Koplik Spots here: clustered white

Koplik spots start 2/3 days before

and start fading before the rash
(exanthem) comes

Textbook definition: ulcerated

mucosal lesions marked by necrosis,
neutrophillic exudates, and

Subacute sclerosing Panencephalitis

very contangious- spreads via cough/

sneeze to close people or by
direct contact with secretions
Rubella (bella baby) Erythema Infectiosum

Rash starts at head (face)--> Prodromal sx like fever +

down to body- pink- blanches rhinorrhea start first -> then rash
3 DAY GERMAN MEASLES 5th Disease Parvo. B19

LAD here!! Then slapped-cheek rash on face

Subocciptal, Posterior Auricular, Posterior Cervical and reticular rash on body!
Dx: Serology PPx: Live attenuated rubella shot
at 1 and 4 years

Kids - fever (100-101) and starting head --> toe rash

Adults- same as kids but add arthritis/arthralgias

in utero infx- sensorineural deafness, PDA, cataracts

Risk of these when infx perinatal infx:

fetal demise, spontaenous abortion, congenital
Palatal Lesions - Forchheimer spots here
Kawasaki Scarlet Fever

Strep Infx- rash

in skin folds --> trunk
All >5days --> extremities

Fever, sandpaper rash

Fever, palatal petechiae-
BL conjunctivitis, rash axilla/groin (skinfolds)

Edema of palms & soles

cervical LN >1.5 cm


Coronary Aneurysm


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