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Ghost: the shadow of love

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This movie is very sentimental. Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore give life to Sam and Moly have to
pass a tough test, after being unfairly separated. Sam is killed, after a robbery, what a contract,
nothing more and nothing less his best friend. All for money. However, Sam still dead, not wanting
to leave Moly's side, puts himself in the task of protecting her, so he walks and roams the world,
until he meets a person. To which he begs to help tell Moly that his death was not accidental, but
was killed by their friend.

Reluctantly, we help you get the money out of the bank and donate it. This part is very funny,
because seeing Whoopi Goldberg's face (the seer), having to give the check to the nun, hurt her
more than the murderer himself.

The friend goes to Moly to convince her that he is protecting and that he wants to help with
everything he needs, but Sam comes here, listening to everything and feeling helpless without
being able to do anything. However, his friend realizes his presence and threatens him by telling
him that if a media night does not give him the check he will kill Moly.

She goes to the seer and warns her that the murderer goes for her too, managing to save her from
the attack that is run over. They run to Moly's house, because they know the friend is going to her.
So Sam arrives with the seer and has to make jokes to convince her of what is really there is Sam,
who almost does not succeed, but perseverance makes him give proof that he is. That is the
prettiest part of the movie where the seer lends her body so that he can materialize in front of
Moly, and the one he can play for the last time.

In these arrivals of the murderer, he interrupts them and they have to try to put a save because he
is determined to kill her too, in the flight, they defend themselves as they can, being helped by
Sam, who draws strength from the immense love he feels for her. The friend encourages a window
to break, dying of glass that fell on him. When Sam dies, he sees that his friend notices him, but
unfortunately he does not go to the same place as Sam, since the evil spirits take him away, while
Sam is led by an intense light that allows Moly and the seer to see him for a moment.


It is a very beautiful story, where not even death makes them stop loving each other. How cute,
they even make me tear

Título original: Ghost

Título en España: Fantasma, más allá del amor

Año: 1990

Duración: 128 min.

Género: Romance

Dirección: Jerry Zucker

Protagonistas: Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn, Stanley Lawrence,
Christopher J. Keene, Susan Breslau, Martina Deignan, Vincent Schiavelli

Sam Wheat

Molly Jensen

Oda Mae Brown

Carl Bruner

Willie Lopez

Ghost in subway

Ghost in the operating room


security guard



Lyle Ferguson

Priest at funeral

Bank Employee

the same



Rosa Santiago

Police sergeant


Hortency Friend

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