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Chapter No.

Chapter No. 2

Chapter No. 4


Chapter No. 5


Among the key findings in this year’s investment banking client survey:

 Clients are generally satisfied. The vast majority of investment banking clients would
recommend their main investment bank to others.
 Risk management services are a priority for investment banking clients. These
services include reporting, advice, tools, and specialized trades.
 Basic services are still valued. Investment banking clients value basic trading services,
execution performance and analytics, although this follows a five-year, low-volatility bull
market in equities.
 Provision of research is still central to investment banking relationships. Research
remains a core product, although standard written reports are valued far less than access to
analysts or corporate executives.
 Asset manager clients value electronic trading. Most asset managers use electronic
trading in addition to traditional channels, and often specifically to pay for research.
 Opportunity for improvement of institutional client portals. About half of asset
managers surveyed said their bank does not offer a website sufficiently useful for day-to-
day communications.

Investment banking is entering a new phase—one where controlling costs remains an absolute
priority, but so too does finding new areas of growth. Knowing what services clients expect is the
first step for investment banks when setting their strategic direction.

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