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Learning activity 6

1. What’s your name? I'm Fabiola.

2. How old are you? I’m 37 years old.

3. Where do you born? In Valladolid, Yucatán, México.

4. What's your birth date? I was born in 1982, August 14

5. What do you do? I’m a teacher in Telesecundaria.

6. Do you like dancing salsa? Yes, I love it.

7. How often do you dance salsa? I dance in the partys

8. Do you like singing in the karaoke? Yes, I do.

9. How often do you sing in the karaoke? One time a month.

10. Do you like cooking cakes? No, I don’t

11. How often do you cook cakes? One time a year

12. Do you like riding bicycle? Yes, I do.

13. How often do you ride bicycle? Two or three times a week.

14. Do you like painting? No, I don’t.

15. How often do you paint? Never

Omar Alejandro Ramos Burgos

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