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9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

10 Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga For Arthritis

What is Arthritis?
Arthritis is inflammation of joints. The word arthritis is used for any disorder that affects the joints, tissues surrounding
joints and connective tissues. Joints are the places where your bones connect such as your knees, hips, wrists, or
fingers. Arthritis can affect one or more than one joints. There are more than 100 types of arthritis and all have different
causes and different treatments. The main focus of the treatment of arthritis is to reduce the symptoms and enhance
the quality of life.

Most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In Osteoarthritis the cartilage( hard and
slippery tissue) gets breaks down. Cartilage covers the ends of bones where they form a joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that targets the lining of joints (synovium).

Arthritis usually affects people above 60 years of age but it can affect people of all ages. It is more common in
overweight people and women.

Causes and Risk Factors of Arthritis

There are many factors that can cause arthritis in a person, there can be different causes for different types of arthritis.
Some common causes of arthritis are:

1. Injuries
2. hereditary/Inheritance
3. Infections
4. Reduction in cartilage tissue.
5. Abnormal immune system
6. Weak metabolism
7. Diet and nutrition can cause gout arthritis.

Risk factors associated with arthritis are:

1. Gender- arthritis is more common in females.
2. Age- older people are at more risk of arthritis than the younger generation.
3. Overweight- excess weight increases pressure on the knees which develops into arthritis.
4. Occupation- jobs that require frequent movement of legs are linked with arthritis.
5. Genes- people with certain genes are at more risk of arthritis.
6. Smoking and high blood pressure have also been linked with arthritis in some studies.

Signs and symptoms of arthritis
Symptoms of arthritis develop gradually in a person but in some cases, sudden onset of symptoms can be observed.
Most common symptoms of arthritis are: 1/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis

1. Pain in the joints Call Now Whatsapp Now

2. Stiffness in the joints
Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga
3. Decreases range of motion
4. Tenderness
5. Swelling of the affected joints and the surrounding area.
6. Redness of the skin around the affected joint.
7. Weakness
8. Loss of appetite
9. Decreased amount of red blood cells
10. Weight loss
11. Poor sleep
12. Unable to use hands and legs more the movement.
13. Muscle aches
14. Muscle weakness
15. Loss of flexibility
16. Aching around the joints
17. Fatigue

In some cases, the body becomes very stiff and doesn’t move an inch. All the symptoms of arthritis disturb the normal
life of a person to a large extent, in some cases, the social life of the patient completely disappears due to the pain and
immobility. Early diagnosis and early treatment is the key to getting relief from arthritis.

Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga For Arthritis

During the treatment, all the asanas will be performed with the help of props.
Patients will be treated by the trained yoga teachers under the guidance of Yogacharya Rajveer Singh
The sequence and difficulty level of asanas may vary according to the condition of patients and their
respective medical condition.
Every person will be advised to perform asanas based on their current health, age and their present capacity
to perform asanas.
For Arthritis, there are a lot of asanas for different joints in the body. Here, mentioning some of the important
ones for all joints.

1. Sirsasana 2/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

This asana is practised at our center and so under the guidance of our expert teachers. As this asana is against
gravitational force, it makes the joints tension free and relieves the pain. This asana is beneficial for all joints arthritis.

2. Sarvangasana

This asana is very effective for shoulders and hands as it stretches the joints and releases the stiffness. This asana by
reducing the pain in the upper joints arthritis, re-initiates the movement of joints properly.

3. Rope I - Rope Yoga 3/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

This asana as seen benefits in shoulders and wrists arthritis. This asana by stretching them and increasing blood flow
relieves the arthritis pain and provides flexibility.

4. Rope II - Rope Yoga

This asana is also very effective for shoulder pain and wrist arthritis and provides very effective relieve in pain and
improves the mobility of the joints.

5. Utthita Bhekasana 4/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

This asana as you can see above regulates proper blood flow towards knee joints and provides flexibility and relief from
knee pain by reducing stiffness in knee.

6. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana

The asana above is a twisting asana, along with reducing stiffness from the stomach, improves the blood circulation in
upper body. This asana provides relief in back arthritis or spine arthritis, pelvic arthritis, shoulder arthritis, neck arthritis
and ribs arthritis. This is very effective to provide relief in pain of arthritis.

7. Bharadvajasana 5/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

This asana is also a twisting one and very beneficial for back arthritis and overall spine from neck to tail bone. This
asana improves flexibility in the spine and reduces back pain.

8. Adho Mukha Svanasana

This asana also regulates blood flow in the spine and hip joints. It reduces the stiffness from the hip joints and back.
Reduction in stiffness along with relieving pain helps in the movement that affected due to arthritis.

9. Supta Padangusthasana 6/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

This asana is very effective in reducing pain from back, knee, hips and ankles. This asana helps in reducing stiffness
from the joints and overall provides relief in back pain, knee pain and hips joint pain

10. Ujjayi Pranayama

This pranayama is very effective in calming the mind as it increases the energy and oxygen level in the body.


Arthritis means any disorder or disease that affects the joints in the body.
Injuries, genes, and age are the common causing factors of arthritis.
Pain and stiffness in the joints are common symptoms of arthritis.
All the asanas must be performed in the proper sequence and under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher.

Arthritis occurs in different joints. So above discussed are common yoga for arthritis. But for different joints,
we do different treatment. Follow the appropriate link - Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Knee Pain, Hip Joint Pain, 7/8
9/12/2019 Arthritis | Symptom, Cause and 10 Yoga asanas for Arthritis Call Now Whatsapp Now

Arthritis Causes Symptoms Iyengar Yoga

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