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Eighth Grade: Integrated American History SS080201

Unit 2: Creating a New Government Lesson 1

Student Handout #5: Land Ordinances under the Articles

Land Ordinance of 1785:

 Set up a system for organizing the disputed western lands in the U.S.
 Territories were divided into townships.
 Townships were divided into 36 sections 1 square mile each.
 Congress would sell sections in order to raise revenue (money) to pay debt.
 One section in every township was to be used for public education or public schools.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787:

 Established that the federal government, not the states, controlled the Northwest Territory.
 Guaranteed natural rights to settlers.
 Outlawed slavery there.
 Set up way for the territories to be divided later.
 Provided a way for states to be admitted to the nation:
1. Territories had to have 60,000 settlers to be admitted


2. Territories needed approval from the federal government for admission as new

Turn and Talk Discussion Questions

1. Why might these ordinances be significant?

2. How might they be connected to the Civil War?

3. In your opinion, what part of the Northwest Ordinance was most significant? Why?

4. How might these ordinances affect the development of the United States as a country?

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