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Articles of Confederation

Ms Thomas©

*US operated under the Articles for 8 yrs-1781-1789

1. Franklin’s Albany Plan 1754: Join, Or Die
a. July 1775-Franklin submitted proposal to 2 Continental Congress
2. Richard Henry Lee (VA)-June 7, 1776
a. Submitted 2 proposals to 2 Cont Congress
i. Independence Decl of Indep
ii. Form a nat’l govt Articles of Confederation

Problems addressed by the Articles

1. Fear of strong nat’l govt
a. Make it Weak
2. Fear of some states dominating
a. Give all states 1 vote

1. Weak central govt (has few powers)
2. Congress: 2-7 delegates from each state, each state has 1 vote
3. NO Separate Executive or Judicial Branch

**Critical Period: pol and econ

Articles of Confederation
**States were Sovereign (power to rule)
Govt Could Do Govt Could NOT Do
1. Make Treaties 1. Raise an Army.
-each state own militia
2. Regulate Foreign Trade 2. Tax

3. Regulate Interstate Trade

4. Coin Money-each state had its own

Land Claims
1. State claims overlapped. Prevented states from ratifying Articles
2. MD-none

3. 1781-VA gave up land claims

a. All other states followed
b. MD Signed
c. Articles ratified, went into effect
Problem: how would Confederation deal w/ land?
1. Land Ordinance -1785- Thomas Jefferson
a. Purpose: map and control the land
b. Section land into 6 mi townships
i. Townships-divided 36 one-mi sections
1. Sect 16-educ
2. Any 4 sect-govt

2. Northwest Ordinance-1787
a. Rules for Governing w/ the Old Northwest
b. 5 Main elements
i. Confederation Congress would appt Territorial Governor and 3 Judges
ii. 5,000 free white men-legislature
iii. 60,000 free white men-apply for statehood
1. New states are equal to original 13
iv. No slavery
1. 3-5 states: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin
Daniel Shay’s Rebellion-Mass-1786
1. Central govt did NOT have enough power

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