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9/4/2019 SparkNotes: Introduction to Cell Structure: Introduction to the Cell




Introduction to the Cell

The purpose of this guide is to provide an overview of the basic structural

components of living cells. In reviewing these structures, we will also discuss
their functions.

All living organisms are composed of cells. A cell is a small, membrane-bound

compartment that contains all the chemicals and molecules that help support
an organism's life. An understanding of the structure of cells is one of the rst
steps in comprehending the complex cellular interactions that direct and
produce life.

Cells can be thought of as building blocks of organisms. Some organisms are

composed of a single cell. Others, like ourselves, are composed of millions of
cells that work together to perform the more complex functions that make us
di erent from bacteria. It is di cult to imagine that humans are descendants of
a single cell, but this is a common belief in the scienti c world. Before we can
understand how multiple cells can work together to create complex biological
functions, it is necessary to understand what biological functions single cells
are capable of performing on their own to sustain life.

There are di erent types of cells with individuated structures. Single-celled

organisms have di erent cell structure than multi-celled organisms and plant
cells have di erent structures from animal cells. These di erences re ect
di erences in the functions that each of these classes of cells is required to
perform. While the focus of this guide will be on the structures that compose 1/3
9/4/2019 SparkNotes: Introduction to Cell Structure: Introduction to the Cell

complex multi-cellular organisms, we will begin our discussion of cell

structure with a structure that is universal to all cells, membranes.

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