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Tangkuban perahu

Once upon a time in West Java lived a wise king who had a beautiful daughter. Her name
is Dayang Sumbi. Dayang symbi has a husband named Tumang. Tumang was actually a
prince, he was spelled by a bad witch into a dog.

Several months later, they had a son. His name is Sangkuriang. He is handsome and
healthy boy. He didnt know that his father is the dog. Sangkuriang likes hunting very much,
he often went hunting to the woods using his gun. When he went hunting, Tumang always
go with him.

One day, Dayang Sumbi wanted to eat a deer’s heart, so she asked her son to hunt for a

Dayang Sumbi : “Oh my dearest son, today, suddenly I feel like eating a deer’s
heart. Will you go hunt it for your mom?”

Sangkuriang : “Of course, mom. It’s my pleasure to do it. I will go hunt to the
wood right now. Bye-bye, Mom. Let’s go, Tumang!”

Then Sangkuriang went to the wood holding his gun and with his faithful dog, Tumang.
But, after several days in the wood, Sangkuriang couldn’t find any deer. They were all
disappeared. Sangkuriang was exstremely tired and desperate. He sat below on the tree
and talk to himself.

Sangkuriang : “What should I do right now? I couldn’t find any deer after
several days hunting. What should I do now?!”

He looked at Tumang. His faithful dog is laying beside him right now. Tired. Then
Sangkuriang holds his gun and shot Tumang right in its heart.
Sangkuriang : “Sorry Tumang, its doesnt seem right, but I have to find an
animal heart to replace the deer’s heart”

Sangkuriang really didn’t want to disappointed his mother so he killed Tumang.

Sangkuriang didn’t know that Tumang is actually his father. Sangkuriang went home and
bring Tumang’s heart to give it to his mother.

Sangkuriang : “Mom, here it is. Deer’s heart. I have been looking for it for
several days. All deers were all disappear suddenly. Then I found this only one deer this

Dayang Sumbi : “Awww.. thank you so much, my dearest son. Anyways,

where is Tumang? I don’t see him around with you.”

Sangkuriang : “Ermmm…”

Sangkuriang : “… please, don’t be mad at me if I’m being honest to you. I

really couldn’t find any deer at the jungle. And… and I don’t want to disappoint you. So I
killed…. Tumang.”

Dayang Sumbi was very upset that she couldn’t handle her emotion so she hit
Sangkuriang at his head. Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a big scar on his head.
Dayang Sumbi also revelled him.



*Dayang sumbi leaves the room*

Days by days, weeks by weeks, months by months, years by years. Many years passed
and Sangkuriang has grown up to a very strong and attractive young man. But, he still has
a scar on his head which was being hit by his mother. Sangkuriang wandered everywhere,
one day he arrived at his own mansion but didn’t realize it. There, he met Dayang Sumbi.

Sangkuriang : “Wow.. How beautiful is that woman. I need to know her.

But… her face looks so familiar, but ah nevermind.”

Sangkuriang : ”What’s your name miss ? “

Dayang Sumbi : “My name is Dayang sumbi sir, and what is your name sir ? “

Sangkuriang : “My name is Sangkuriang

At the time, Dayang Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God, so she is forever young.
Both of them, didn’t recognize each other. They fell in love at the first sight. They chat and
share about stuffs until the sun goes down.

Dayang Sumbi: "I think there's a scar on your head?"

Sangkuriang: "Really?"
Dayang Sumbi: "Yes. Can you tell me why the wound? "

Sangkuriang suddenly remembered little of her past.

Dayang Sumbi: "What was the cause of the wound?"

Sangkuriang: "That hit by my own mother."

Dayang Sumbi: "? Huh Hit?"

Dayang Sumbi almost fainted because too upset that she is now realized that this man
was her son.

Dayang Sumbi : “Oh my God! Hey you’re my son!”

Sangkuriang : “What? Mom? You’re not my mom, she’s old now! Haha.. You
must be kidding me.”

It was impossible for them to marry, Dayang Sumbi told him about that but he doesn’t
believe it. He wished to marry her soon. So, Dayang Sumbi gave a very difficult condition.
She wanted sangkuriang to build a yacth in a night, she said, she needed that for

Dayang Sumbi : “It is impposible for us to marry! You are my son, Sangkuriang.
See that scar on your head? I hit you long time ago, remember? We can’t..”

Sangkuriang : “Me? Your son? Like seriously, if you were my mom, you
would be way older than me.”

Dayang Sumbi : “No… you are my son, Sangkuriang. I am your mommy.

Dayang Sumbi!”

Sangkuriang : “No way! You must be kidding me!”

Dayang Sumbi : “Okay if you don’t believe me, fine. I will marry you.. BUT..
build me a yacth, in a night !”

Sangkuriang : “Okay, if I finished it in a night, you must marry me !”

*Genie comes out from a door*

Sangkuriang : Genieeeeee !! Genieeeee
Genie : I am here master
Sangkuriang : “Oh, Genie. I need your help, my future wife wants me to build
a yacht for her in a night.”

Genie : “Ha.. So easy master. I could make it in less than a night.”

Then he started building the yacth. It was almost morning when he nearly finished it.
Meanwhile, Dayang Sumbi keep watching on them. She was worried, the she made lights
in the east by waving a orange sarong and she made the rooster wake up. The genie
thought that it was already done. It was time for it to left Sangkuriang alone. Without its
help he couldn’t finish the yacht.

Genie : “what….. I gotta go, master. The sun is going up. Bye bye”

Sangkuriang : “Nooooo dont leave meee…”

Dayang Sumbi : “Oh.. I’m really sorry to say but… you failed. I am sorry but I
can’t marry you, Sangkuriang. It’s morning already and.. you haven’t finished the yacht I
asked you.”

Sangkuriang was very angry and he kicked the yacht, and the yacht turned out to be Mount
Tangkuban Perahu. It means, the upside-down yacht, because from a distant it looks like

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