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# M O N T E S S O R I M A D E S I M P L E

Montessori belongs
to everyone
"Now, what really makes
a teacher is love for the human child;
for it is love that transforms the
social duty of the educator into the
higher consciousness of a mission. "
Maria Montessori
Our Story
A t M o n t e s s o r i H a u s A s i a , w e u n d e rs ta n d th a t l i f e c a n g e t a h e a d of u s. Y et , it is
i m p o r t a n t t o a p p r e c i a t e a n d p u rs u e th e th i n g s w e l o v e . T o us, t he ex p er ienc e
m a t t e r s a n d M o n t e s s o r i i s a l i f e s ty l e to f a c i l i ta te th i s w a y o f l i f e w it h u s.

M o n t e s s o r i H a u s A s i a h a s a r a n g e o f a l l - i n c l u s i v e "N o F u s s " s e rv ic es for t eac her s,

p a r e n t s , s c h o o l s o r e n t r e p r e n e u r s w h o a re i n te re s te d to i m p l e m e nt t he M ont essor i
M e t h o d o l o g y i n t h e i r s c h o o l s , s e tti n g u p a n I n te rn a ti o n a l M o nt essor i S c hool or
a p p l y i n g t h e M o n t e s s o r i M e t h o d a t h o m e w i th th e i r l i ttl e c h a m p ions. W e also ar e
c o m m i t t e d t o o f f e r i n g a w i d e r a n g e o f e a rl y y e a rs a n d M o n te s s o ri T eac her s T r aining
P r o g r a m m e s a n d s e m i n a r s t o e m p o w e r th e l o c a l e d u c a to rs .

O u r b u s i n e s s i s b u i l t o n t h e s o p h i s ti c a ti o n a n d s i m p l i c i ty w e b ri n g t o y ou . W e t ak e an
i n t e r e s t i n u n d e r s t a n d i n g w h a t o u r c u s to m e rs m a y s e e k a n d p ro v id e t hem t he v er y
b e s t . M o n t e s s o r i H a u s A s i a b e l i e v e s i n o u r c o m m i tm e n t th a t a l i g n s w it h y ou r p assion
and interest in the Montessori Way.

W e a r e h e r e t o m a k e M o n t e s s o ri a n d q u a l i ty E a rl y Y e a rs E d uc at ion sim p le and

a f f o r d a b l e f o r e v e r y o n e ; h e n c e o u r c a m p a i g n # M o n t e s s o r i M a d e S i m p l e.

Montessori Haus Asia strives to provide our services in the best

way possible through our ETHICS :

Enthusiasm towards changi ng l ives thr ough q u ality ed u cation.

Teamwork is the key to growth.
Hard work i s the basis of success.
Indi vi dual i nnovati ons and ownership are encourag ed and valu e d.
Commi tment to research and devel opment.
Satisfaction and success of partners are of utmost i mp ortance.

What We Do?

Teacher's Trai ning

Parenti ng Workshop
Educati on Consul tant
Professional Certificate in Montessori
Class : Weekdays / Weekend
Duration : 120 hours

Professional Certificate in Montessori is designed for parents who have desire to implement
Montessori Method at home. This program will cover the philosophy and 5 areas of Montessori
Curriculum. You will learn how to apply Montessori from the start and have the skill set to help your
children to help themselves at home.

PDME 1 : Montessori Philosophy ( 28 hours )

This module allows trainees to understand A - Z of the Montessori Philosophy and the science behind
the apparatus which is being used in the classroom. This module will set the tone for the rest of the
programme as trainees will understand the importance of not being an egocentric adult from a
Montessori point of view.

PDME 2 : Montessori Practical Life ( 16 hours )

Practical life is the cornerstone of the Montessori Methodology. The exercises are made up of
apparatus found in a child's daily life. This is the area of learning which assist the child to develop
his fine and gross motor skills, language and concentration. The main aim of this module is for the
trainees to understand the important of a child understanding that everything in the environment has
a place, a name, and a usage. This will set the child in motion towards independence.

PDME 3 : Montessori Sensorial ( 16 hours )

Children is an active learner. In this area of learning, children are given the opportunity to refine
their 5 senses through the Montessori sensorial materials. Sensorial plays an important part in
helping the child with pre-mathematics skills as children are introduced to units of measurements,
shapes and also classification skills.

PDME 4 : Montessori Language ( 20 hours )

Montessori Phonics is a very effective system of introducing language to children. Based on the PInk,
Blue and Green schemes, children are introduced to word building, sentence structure and grammar in
the system.

PDME 5 : Montessori Mathematics ( 20 hours )

Mathematics are made simple, fun and effective for children. They are not forced to memorize
numbers and patterns. Children are given the tools to understand the mathematical concepts.
Children who go through the whole Montessori Mathematics system will be able to work on operation
of up to 10,000 by the end of the journey.

PDME 6 : Montessori Cultural Studies ( 20 hours )

This is the module where children will be given the guidance to develop into a citizen of the world.
Children will be introduced to the zoology and botany; enabling them to understand the concept that
they share this world with other living thing. They will also learn about the different landscapes of
the world through geography. They will learn the concept of time through history.
Professional Diploma in Early Years Montessori &

Class : Weekdays / Weekend

Duration : 228 hours

This Program is designed to enable the teacher trainee to work with children from the age of 18
months to 8 years. This is a detailed and comprehensive programme which will produce an all-rounded
educator. As a specialist in the Montessori Methodology, the teacher trainee will gain a skill set which
will enable her to design, implement and review Montessori programmes in a school setting. They
willa lso be acquire the skills of setting up an International Montessori School.

The key differentiator of our programme is that it is more than just theory based. It is through a
depp understanding of what the industry needs and thus we have included early childhood modules to
ensure that the teacher we trained will be a multi-dimensional individual.

PDME 1 : Montessori Philosophy ( 28 hours )

This module allows trainees to understand A - Z of the Montessori Philosophy and the science behind
the apparatus which is being used in the classroom. This module will set the tone for the rest of the
programme as trainees will understand the importance of not being an egocentric adult from a
Montessori point of view.

PDME 2 : Montessori Practical Life ( 16 hours )

Practical life is the cornerstone of the Montessori Methodology. The exercises are made up of
apparatus found in a child's daily life. This is teh area of learning which assist the child to develop
his fine and gross motor skills, language and concentration. The main aim of this module is for the
trainees to understand the importanc eof a child understanding that everything in the environment
has a place, a name, and a usage. This will set the child in motion towards independence.

PDME 3 : Montessori Sensorial ( 16 hours )

Children is an active learner. In this area of learning, children are given the opportunity to refine
their 5 senses through the Montessori sensorial materials. Sensorial plays an important part in
helping the child with pre-mathematics skills as children are introduced to units of measurements,
shapes and also classification skills.

PDME 4 : Montessori Language ( 20 hours )

Montessori Phonics is a very effective system of introducing language to children. Based on the PInk,
Blue and Green schemes, children are introduced to word building, sentence structure and grammar in
the system.

PDME 5 : Montessori Mathematics ( 20 hours )

Mathematics are made simple, fun and effective for children. They are not forced to memorize
numbers and patterns. Children are given the tools to understand the mathematical concepts.
Children who go through the whole Montessori Mathematics system will be able to work on operation
of up to 10,000 by the end of the journey.
PDME 6 : Montessori Cultural Studies ( 20 hours )
This is the module where children will be given the guidance develop into a citizen of the world.
Children will be introduced to the zoology and botany; enabling them to understand the concept that
they share this world with other living thing. They will also learn about the different landscapes of
the world through geography. They will learn the concept of time through history.

PDME 7 : Montessori for Baby ( 8 hours )

This module will give you the well-rounded understanding about how Montessori starts from such an
early infancy. The understanding of Montessori from the start will be differentiator to create the
Baby Class or Baby and I program in your own center.

PDME 8 : Curriculum Planning ( 16 hours )

From subject web to concept web, trainees will be equipped the skills to design the lesson plan
according to the age appropriate based on a theme. This is a very important skill set all teachers
must have. You will be assisted to plan the big picture of your own pre-school or daycare program.

PDME 9 : Professional Development ( 4 hours )

This module will introduce and allow students to explore professional behavior and responsibilities of
a teacher / business owner / principal. The focus will be on the collaboration and also role of
educators in the community.

PDME 10 : Art & Crafts ( 8 hours )

This module will discuss about the importance of Art and Crafts in a curriculum and how trainees can
explore various strategies to foster creativity in children. Trainees will also be introduced to a
variety of art and crafts activities to work with children.

PDME 11 : Music & Movement ( 8 hours )

This module is designed to promote personal growth, awareness appreciation and enjoyment of music
in children. Students will have an overview of music and movement as it relates to children's concepts
including rhythm, melody and timbre.

PDME 12 : Health, Safety & Nutrition ( 8 hours )

This module introduce the safety, health and nutritional needs of young children. Topics include
nutrition, first aid kit, safety in the playground, classroom and home. We invite the professional in
this field to conduct the training.

PDME 13 : Child Development ( 16 hours )

Trainees will be introduced to the developmental milestones of a child. Discussion on various theories
of child development will be included to enable students to gain deeper understanding about
children's development.

PDME 14 : PLAY Program ( 20 hours )

This module will introduce to the importance of play in the early childhood curriculum,the theories
and perspectives underlying the development of play in terms of physical, social and emotional and
cognitive development. The role of teacher in observation, facilitation and assesment of play
strategies and activities for young children will also be introduced.
PDME 15 : Communication ( 8 hours )
First impression counts. A teacher must be well dressed and presentable at all times. It is the
decorum of being an early childhood professional. This modules is designed to empower the trainees
of the importance of the role they are playing for the children. They will also be introduced to the
importance of communication with parents.

PDME 16 : Special Needs Education ( 16 hours )

This module presents practices in early childhood special education. Trainees will be introduced to
the different types of special needs and programmes to meet their needs.


Maria Montessori
Gedung Permata Kuningan - Level 9
Jl. Kuningan Mulia Lot 9C
South Jakarta
Ph. : 0813 1421 2414

Ruko Graha Boulevard Summarecon Serpong
Blok C No.10 ( 2nd Floor )
Ph. : 0811 9232 368

Ruko Gateway Junction TL 06/08
Ph. : 0821 4007 0700

"The man of
character is the
persistent man, the
man who is faithful
to his own word, his
own convictions, his
own affections."
Maria Montessori

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