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The main objective of this project is to unlock a garage door by a mobile phone

using a unique password entered through the keypad of the phone. Opening and
closing of garage doors involves human labor. In this proposed system, the
opening and closing of a garage door is achieved by using a mobile phone. The
owner can call to a mobile phone interfaced to the system which in turn is
connected to the garage door that can open/close the door by entering the
password. This method is very convenient as one doesn’t have to get down of
his car to open/close the door physically.
This project is based on the concept of DTMF (dual tone multi – frequency).
Every numeric button on the keypad of a mobile phone generates a unique
frequency when pressed. These frequencies are decoded by the DTMF decoder
IC at the receiving end which is fed to the microcontroller. If this decoded
values (password entered by the user) matches with the password stored in the
microcontroller, then the microcontroller initiates a mechanism to open the door
through a motor driver interface.
Further this project can be incorporated with an EEPROM i.e., a non-volatile
memory so that the password can be changed by the owner.

Hello World in this post I will be showing you how to control doort using cellphone
.Controlling a doort using cellphone is not that complicated as your thinking it is very
simple The features of this doort are

It have overcome the drawback of limited range and limited control. of the bot
(Controlling range as large as the coverage area of the service provider)No interface
with other controllers This doort can be made in two methods
1. Without using Micro controllers hence no coding required
2. Using Micro controllers (Atmega/ Arduino) which requires coding In this post I will
be making the bot using the 1st method( Without Micro controllers).If you want to
make in other method please like our Facebook page for the updates
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NOTE : This was a trial video taken, after the completions of the doort I have
changed the appearance of the doort I have arranged all the wire and parts properly
.so don’t be confused by seeing the wire and extra things in the video :)

Make the circuit as per the given schematics,The circuit is divided into 4 parts

 Power supply
 CM8870 DTMF Decoder IC connection
 L293D Motor Driver IC connection
 3.5mm Jack Connection

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Step 5: Power Supply
I am using 12v geared motor for my doort so I need 12 power supply for it but the
two IC in the circuit can have only 5v supply ,so to regulate the voltage I have used
7805 IC ,Which take Input current 12V and regulates it gives an output of 5V for the

 Solder the 7805 (Voltage Regulator), to the perfboard and place one 10 µF capacitor
in INPUT & GND connection of IC 7805 and one more 10µF capacitor in GND &
OUTPUT of 7805.
 Take the positive supply from the battery and connect it to INPUT of IC 7805, and
also connect its negative supply to GND of 7805 and you will get 5V supply from the
OUTPUT pin 3. To verifying the power flow, connect an LED to output pin via a 1K
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Step 6: CM8870 DTMF Decoder IC Circuit

1. Solder the DTMF decoder IC on the perf board and connect two leg of 3.57Mhz
crystal to Pin 7 and 8.
2. Solder a 100K resistor from Pin 3 to Pin 2 ,Take another 100K resistor and connect
one end of it to Pin 3 and end to a 0.1uf Ceramic capacitor ,Leave the connection of
other end of the ceramic capacitor. I will discuss it in later step (3.5mm Jack
3. Solder another 0.1uf Ceramic capacitor between the PIN 17 and 18.
4. Solder a 330K resistor to PIN 17 from Pin 16.
5. Join Pin 1 and Pin 4 together.
6. Join Pin 5, Pin 6 and together and connect it to GND.
7. Join Pin 10 and Pin 18 together and connect it OUTPUT pin of 7805 (5v) .
8. The Pins 11 ,12 , 13, 14 are the output pins of the DTMF decoder which are to be
connected to the Pins 15 , 10 , 7 , 2 of the Motor driver IC L293D respectively

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Step 7: L293D Motor Driver IC Connection

1. Provide 5v supply to Pins 1 , 9 and 16 of L293D.

2. The Pin 8 provide the voltage for the Motors so connected it INPUT of 7805 or you
can provide an external power supply for the motors by providing external power
supply to the Pin 8.
3. The Pins 4 , 5 , 12 , 13 are to connected to GND.
4. Connect terminals of one motors to Pin 3 (Output 1) and Pin 6 (Output 2) ,and
terminals of other motor to Pin 11 and 14

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Step 8: 3.5mm Jack Connection
There are three different layers for the 3.5mm jack say Tip,Ring,Sleeve The tip and
ring is to connected to the GND .In the dtmf IC connection circuit part I have left a
connection of a 0.1uf ceramic capacitor which is to be connected to the sleeve check
the below pictures for more clarifications
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Step 9: Working of the Doort

After complete construction ,connect 3.5mm jack to a mobile phone and turn on the
auto answer mode in the call settings and enable keypad tones in the cell phone that
you use to make calls. and connect 12 power supply to the circuit.Now the doort is
ready for controlling through the mobile After the jack be connected to the mobile
make a call to the connected the mobile on the doort Use the above table for the

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