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English for Spesific Purposes

ESP: Approach not Product


Kokok Djoko Purwanto, M.Pd.


10th Group

Lidia Tambunan 201812570019

Masyithoh Rizqa Mayandari 201712579062
Nanang Rojali 201712579053
Shindi Elisa 201712579039






All of the praises to the Almighty God who has given us His blessing for
completing the paper of “English for Spesific Purposes” titled “ESP: Approach
Not Product” by Mr. Kokok Djoko Purwanto, M.Pd.
We also thank to all the participants who participates in this paper, so that
it finished right ontime. We know that this paper is incomplete, so that we need
some criticals and advices in order to make the better paper in the future.
At the end, we thank and hope this paper can give some advantages about
the paper both for writers (especially) and readers (generally).

Tanjung Barat / October 5th, 2019.

10th Group


PREFACE .............................................................................................................. i

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................1

1.1 Background ..............................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Formulation ..............................................................................2

1.3 Writing Purposes .....................................................................................2
1.4 Writing Beneficial ....................................................................................2

CHAPTER II ESP: Approach Not Product .........................................................3

2.1 ESP: Approach Not Product ..................................................................3

2.2 The Tree of ELT .....................................................................................3

2.3 The Several Focuses of ESP ..................................................................4

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION .............................................................................6

SOURCES ................................................................................................................7


1.1 Background
According to Tom Hutchinson & Alan Waters Lancaster (1986),
“English for Specific Purposes is teaching which has specified objectives”.
English Language world got a long well enough without it for many years,
so why has ESP became such an important part of English Language
In ESP, students hoped that by learning ESP can serve as a guide to
all present and future and inhabitant of ESP, revealing both the challenges
and pleasures to be enjoyed there and the pitfalls to be avoided. The writer
make this paper in order we will not only explain our reason for writing it
but will also be able to presents a plan of the itinerary we shall follow, the
ESP is related to learning central approach because in development
ESP has paid scant attention to the questions of how people learn,
focusing instead on the question of what people learn. Besides, ESP
divided into several focuses there are ESP for Science and Technology
(EST) divided into two English Academic Purposes (EAP) English for
Occupational Purposes (EAP). In English Academic Purposes (EAP) there
is English for Medical Studies, and English for Occupational Purposes
(EAP) there is English for Technicians. English for Business and
Economics (EBE) divided into two are EAP there is English for
Economics and EOP English for Secretaries. In English for Social
Sciences (ESS) divided into two EAP there is English for Psychology and
EOP (English for Teaching).

1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What is ESP: Approach Not Product?
2. The tree of ELT and several focuses of ESP.

1.3 Writing Purposes

1. To know the meaning of ESP: Approach Not Product.

2. To explain the tree of ELT
3. To know the several focuses of ESP.

1.4 Writing Beneficial

1. Increasing the cognition about the ESP: Approach Not Product.
2. Can be a consideration as a thought and an input about the ESP:
Approach Not Product, the tree of ELT and several focuses of ESP.
3. Giving some information, both for writers and readers.


2.1 Overview

ESP: Approach not Product

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

{Aesop: “The Fable of the Dog and the Shadow}

The survey above shows that in its relatively brief history there have been several
major shifts in the development of ESP both in theory and practice. However, we
have tried to show that, in spite of their differences, the successive stages have all
concentrated on the linguistic aspect of ESP: they are all essentially language-
centred approaches. In later chapters we shall look in greater detail at how this has
shaped the way in which people see ESP. For now let us return to the question
posed at the beginning of this section: 'What is ESP?' To answer this question
fully, we need first of all to establish a context which will help us to see how ESP
at the present time relates to the rest of ELT. What exactly is the status of the
citizens of ESP and its satellite settlements in relation to the general world of

In the time-honoured manner of linguistics, we shall represent the relationship in

the form of a tree (see figure 3).

Figure 3: The tree of ELT

The tree represents some of the common divisions that are made in ELT. The
topmost branches of the tree show the level at which individual ESP courses
occur. The branches just below this level indicate that these may conveniently be
divided into two main types of ESP differentiated according to whether the learner
requires English for academic study (EAP: English for Academic Purposes) or for
work/training (EOP /EVP /VESL: English for Occupational Purposes/English for
Vocational Purposes/Vocational English as a Second Language).This is of
course not a clear-cut distinction: people can work and study simultaneously; it is
also likely- that in many cases the language learnt' /for immediate use in a study
environment will be used later Where the Student takes up, or returns to, a job.

At the next: level down it is possible to distinguish ESP courses by the general
nature of the learners' specialism. Three large categories are usually identified
here, EST (English for Science and Technology), which are divided into two
English Academic Purposes (EAP) English for Occupational Purposes (EAP). In
English Academic Purposes (EAP) there is English for Medical Studies, and
English for Occupational Purposes (EAP) there is English for Technicians. EBE
(English for Business and Economics) divided into two are EAP there is English
for Economics and EOP English for Secretaries and ESS (English for the Social
Sciences) divided into two EAP there is English for Psychology and EOP (English
for Teaching). This last is not common, probably because it is not thought to
differ significantly from more traditional humanities-based General English.

As we go down the tree, we can see that ESP is just one branch of EFL/ESL,
which are they the main branches of English Language Teaching in general. ELT,
in turn is one variety of the many possible kinds of language teaching. But, of
course, there is more to a tree than is visible above ground: a tree cannot survive
without roots. The roots which nourish the tree of ELT
are communication and learning.

The analogy of a tree can help us to get a bit closer to a definition of ESP not so
much by showing what ESP is, but rather by showing what ESP isn’t.

a. ESP is not a matter of teaching ''specialized varieties'' of English because the

fact that language is used for a specific purpose. There are some features which
can identified as ''typical'' of a particular context of use, and which , so, the
learners is more perhaps to meet in the target situation. But these differences
should not be allowed to obscure the far larger area of common ground that
underlies all English use, and indeed, all languageuse.

b. ESP is not just a matter of science words and grammar for scientist, so on.
When we look at the tree, there's actually much hidden from view inside and
beneath the tree although we know the leaves and the branches. They are
supported by a complex underlying structure. The point is we need much more
communication than just the surface features of what we read and hear and also
we need to distinguish between performance and competence in relation to what
people actually do with the language and the range of knowledge and abilities
which can enables them to do it (Hutchinson and Waters, 1981).

c. ESP is not different in kind from any other form of language teaching. It
based on the principles of effective and efficient learning. Even though the content
of the learning is different, the processes of learning should be any different for
the ESP learner than for the general English learner. There is, in other words, no
such thing as an ESP methodology, merely methodologies that have been applied
in ESP classrooms, but could just as well have been used in the learning of any
kind of English.

So, what is ESP? Having stressed the commonality of language and learning, how
does ESP differ from other forms of ELT? To answer this, ESP must be seen as an
approach not as a product. ESP is not a particular kind of language or
methodology not does it consist of a particular type of teaching material.
Understood properly, it is an approach to language learning, which is based on
learner need. The foundation of all ESP is the simple question: Why does this
learner need to learn a foreign language? From this question will flow a whole
host of further questions, some of which will relate to the learners themselves,
some to the nature of the language the learners will need to operate, some to the
given learning context. Rut this whole analysis derives from an initial identified
need on the part of the learner to learn a language. ESP then is an approach to
language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on
the learner’s reason for learning.



The ELT tree diagram shows that ESP is the only branch of EFL /ESL where the
main branch is ELT in general. It is also a key to communication and learning.
ESP is not necessarily a language fact product but as a learning to teach a
language that is shown with specific and clear reasons for learning.
Tree analogy can help us to be a little closer to ESP definition not so much by
showing what ESP is, but rather by indicating whether it is ESP or not.

A) ESP is not about 'special varieties' of English teaching. Language is used for
specific purposes rather than language-specific forms, different types from other

B) ESP is not just a matter of scientific and grammatical words for scientists

C) ESP does not differ in its kind from some other form of language teaching.

It is concluded that ESP is an approach to teaching a language in which all its

firmness as content and method is based on the reason of the learner to study it.


ESP : Approach not product (ESP : Pendekatan Bukan Produk) Access on 25-April-2017

ESP : Approach not product (ESP : Pendekatan Bukan Produk) Oleh .

Rorona NOVEMBER 22, 2015. Access on 25-April-2017


2015 by egaginanjar79. Access on 25-April-2017

Hutchinson, Tom and Waters, Alan., 1987., English for Specific Purposes: A
learning-centred approach., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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