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The honorouble all the jury, my beloved friends and all the people here.

I’m Nuria Farahdina with number 42

Ladies and gentlemen

First of all, let us thanks to Allah SWT for the abundance of grace and the joy so all of us can still gather
in this place without any barriers at all and in good condition. Not forgetting the salawat and salam to
our beloved the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into brightness.

On this opportunity, please allow me standing here to deliver a couple of sentence speeches that
hopefully will motivate you to make a living in this world.

Ladies and gentlemen,

some of you might be thinking that this life is hard to live. Well it actually is. But, it wouldn’t be that hard
if we can enjoy our life and not being regretful about anything. I mean, we can be regretful for the every
single mistakes that we made. But, the feeling of regret isn’t a feeling of death. We can still make a good
living after that and do a lot of better things by learning through the mistakes in our past.

This world is too small to regret about anything. It means that, no matter how hard your life is, just
move on and always do what you should do and avoid what you should avoid.

It is funny sometimes when people tell us that we can’t make another good step of life when we have
done a single little mistake. Im standing right here in front of you to beg you not to hear them. You have
to move on because you’re too precious to be hurt.

As Albert Einstein said, “life is like riding bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Ladies and gentlemen,

That’s all about my speech today. Hopefully, you can take the benefit from my speech.

Wassalam. Wr. Wb

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