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NAME : Hayatul Fikri

NPM : 1810014211022
LECTURER : Dr. Yusrita Yanti M.Hum

An unbelieveabble story - Aaron Beverly

Analyze those video :

1. How to avoid 5 mistakes?

a) Become blunt
He is not boring because he makes a lot of jokes when he speech
b) Failure to adjust someone’s speech to the need and interests of the audience
He make intersting speech
c) Failure to maintain good eye contach listener
He’s not nervous and preparation the concept will make good eye contact
d) Not ready
He look so confident because he preparation the main idea before and make eye contact with
the audience.
e) Trying to talk too much
He just spoke about the main ideas and mix with jokes

2. Value

f) The massage must be applied in our life

3. Empasize

g) Never
h) I’m the only black man there
i) This is a game
j) Is this normal?
k) To automate
Mistakes make the man – Mathew george

Analyze those video :

1. How to avoid 5 mistakes?

a) Failure to adjust someone’s speech to the need and interests of the audience
He made good ideas and good points
b) Not ready
He prepared the main ideas before speech to the audience
c) Trying to talk too much
He prepared the main ideas first and carefully so he made a good speech
d) Being boring
He makes a lot of jokes when he speech
e) Failure the maintain good eye contact
He has good eye contact because he prepared the main idea, enjoy and very confident.

2. Value

f) The most important point is how we can accept the criticism and improve it for the better

3. Emphasize

g) Me
h) Error
i) now

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