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Clasa a IX-a

Varianta 2

1. Choose the right variant and, on your exam sheet, write the corresponding letter next to the number indicating each

1. What is yellow? b) is working;

a) rain c) worked;
b) train d) work.
c) lemon 11. When a ship is sinking, which order is given?
d) house a) Jump out the ship!;
2. Mie imi plac fructele. b) Abandon ship!;
a) I like her. c) Leave the ship!;
b) I like fruits. d) Escape the ship!.
c) I love icecream. 12. Which sentence is correct?
d) I don’t like fruits. a) The telephone is calling.;
3. I can see with my ______ . b) The phone is sounding.;
a) nose c) The telephone is ringing.;
b) eyes d) The phone is calling.
c) ears 13. ... candidate was given a sheet containing the questions
d) legs for
4. Open the _______ ! the exam.
a) sister a) All;
b) morning b) Each;
c) flower c) Some;
d) window d) Everyone.
5. What is blue in the sky? 14. All ... were covered with snow,
a) a tiger a) roofvs;
b) a cat b) roves;
c) a cloud c) roofs;
d) a mouse d) roofes.
6. May I _______ the door, please? 15. Take this handkerchief, it's ....
a) run a) your;
b) open b) yours;
c) go c) yourself;
d) cut d) you.
7. Generally, summer is a hot season. But ... summer of 2005 16. The book you recommended me, ... was very funny, was
was rainy and pretty cold, a
a) a; pleasure to read,
b) the; a) which;
c) -; b) who;
d) this. c) that;
8. I'm sure you know who sings this song, ...? d) what.
a) aren't I; 17. After finishing school, we want to go to ... university,
b) doesn't he; a) the;
c) do you; b) a;
d) don't you. a) c)-;
9. "I like playing basketball!" c) an.
a) I do also.; 18. If a person is as cold as ..., they are unemotional,
b) I am also.; a) stone;
c) So I like.; b) glass;
d) So do I. c) cucumber;
10. She can't come right now. She ... on the project, d) ice-cream.
a) works;

2. Fill in these mini dialogues. Write the answers on your exam sheet.

1) A: “Hello. Could I speak to Robert, please?”

B: _________________________
2) A: “Did you hear about the demonstration?”
B: _________________________

3) A: “Does she ever stop talking?”

B: _________________________

3. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Write the correct sentences on your exam sheet.

1) Do you know whom bag this is?

2) There was so many rain last night, that the roads were flooded.
3) We have started this course three weeks ago.
4) Paula felt happily when her exams were over.
5) I’m not understanding this sentence.

4. Fill in each blank with one word only so that the sentence makes sense.

1) Tony is younger _____ Bob.

2) That’s the man _____ daughter got married to my neighbour.
3) There was so _____ noise that I couldn’t hear him.

5. Comment on the following statement: Clothes do not make the man

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