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Scoala : CNAM - DEJ

Disciplina: Limba engleza

Clasa: a IXa 2h/saptamana
Manal : FCE Gold plus
!"o#esso":$ai%a Simona


N"* (nitatea Contint +biecti,eope"aionale Acti,it.i%en,.a"e 'es"se E,ala"e

1"amma" : present perfect simple - "ein#o"cing an% t"aining - 4e 6o"% t"ans#o"mation 'e,ision e5
0 (NI) 0: and continuous the means o# e5p"essing - 6o"% #o"mation )e5tboo4
$ocabla": 3o"% #amilies p"esent pe"#ect simple an% - "eph"asing e5e"cises 3o"4sheets
Ente"tainment continos - mltiple choice e5e"cises
What’s on?
- t"aining the abilit o# - co""ecting mista4es CD
6o"%-#o"mation acco"%ing
to conte5tal "e7i"ements
'ea%ing : reality tv -mltiple matching
- "ea%ing comp"ehension "ea%ing;
%e%cing meaning #"om -#in%ing simila" 6o"%s an%
conte5t ph"ases
- t"aining the abilit o# -ans6e" 7estions
i%enti#ing app"op"iate -as4 7estions
hea%ings #o" pa"ag"aphs in
a gi,en te5t Dialoge p"actice-a
- p"e%icting content b #ilm s",e
- t"aining spea4ing an% sing 4e 6o"%s

Spea4ing : #ilms -listening

ppils8abilit to - con,e"sation
Listening : sentence completion 6"ite an email b #ollo6ing - o"%e"ing pa"ag"aphs
a gi,en scheme9 - 6"iting an in#o"mal email
3"iting: informal email - sing pe"sonal <6: writing an
in#o"mation an% ,ocabla" informal email
in spea4ing an% 6"iting
0= (NI) 0=: 1"amma": - t"aining ppils8 abilit o# - "eph"asing e5e"cises )e5tboo4
countable/uncountable nouns sing contable an% - co""ecting mista4es 3o"4sheets 'e,ision e5
-introductory it ncontable nons in - sentence completion CD
Close to
- t"aining spea4ing abilit - con,e"sation p"actice $ocabla" an%
$ocabla" : the en,i"onment an% "ein#o"cing ,ocabla" - matching e5e"cises g"amma" p"actice
-animals connecte% to the 6o"%s to pict"es / 6o"%s
-the nat"al 6o"l% en,i"onment b appealing to thei" e5planations;
-ph"asal ,e"bs an% compon% to ppils8 pe"sonal - t"anslation e5e"cises !"o?ect 6o"4:!lanet
nons e5pe"ience Ea"th
- t"aining spea4ing abilit-

p"otecting the en,i"onment

an% en%ange"e% species

- mltiple choice e5e"cise

- matching e5e"cise  ne6
'ea%ing :A safari to save the big- t"aining speci#ic "ea%ing 6o"%s #"om the te5t to
cats comp"ehension thei" conte5tal meaning ;
Sni##e" %og ea"ns mo"e than Spea4ing
police-open cloze - mltiple choice e5* p"actice:%iscssion
-t"aining gene"al "ea%ing - #ill in a cha"t 6hile abot nat"e
s4ills listening;
Listening :<o6 eco-#"ien%l a"e - spea4ing p"actice-
o>-mltiple-choice - t"aining #i"st gene"al an% %iscssion an% ta4ing long
Insects #"om hell then speci#ic listening t"ns
Spea4ing:%iscssion-species comp"ehension
n%e" th"eat - t"aining spea4ing s4ills -#ill in e5 Listening p"actice-
-son%ing inte"este% base% on pe"sonal mltiple choice
-%iscssing a 7iz:<o6 mch e5pe"ience
o 4no6 abot the 6o"l% a"on%
-t"aining 6"iting - open cloze :Chie#
s4ills:"epo"ts -%iscss the 7estions 3"iting a "epo"t
3"iting : reports -%iscss 6"iting
Writing plans "ecommen%ations
Report dos and don’ts
@ 1"amma" :na""ati,e tenses - "ein#o"cing an% t"aining - mltiple choice e5* )e5tboo4 'e,ision e5
(NI) @:
- adverbs the conte5tal se o# !ast - e""o" co""ection Copboo4
Simple!ast Cont* an% !ast - t"anslation e5e"cises CD
Fact or pe"#ect in e5p"essing past - "eph"asing e5e"cises
fiction? na""ati,es
$ocabla": - #ill in the blan4s
- mo%i#ie"s - sing a %ictiona" - i%enti#ing an%
- intensi#ie"s co""ecting the inco""ect
-%e%cing meaning #"om 6o"% in a gi,en conte5t
'ea%ing :Strange landings Spea4ing p"actice-
-gappe% te5t - mltiple matching e5* tal4 abot the
Spea4ing : 3as o# gi,ing an% - 7estion-ans6e" p"actice impo"tance o#
as4ing #o" opinion9 6as o# "ea%ing
"eacting to opinions - t"aining topic base%
,ocabla" in e5p"essing -con,e"sation p"actice
pe"sonal opinion an%
"eacting to opinions

- p"e%icting missing
Listening :6hat people "ea% in#o"mation
- t"aining speci#ic listening -se7encing e5p"essions
comp"ehension -6"iting sto"ies 3"iting a sto"

3"iting : Stories
(NI) 02: 1"amma" : passi,es-"e,ie6 - teaching an% t"aining the - matching e5* an% #ill in )e5tboo4 'e,ision e5
-ha,e/get something %one conte5tal %i##e"ence in se e5* 3o"4sheets
an% meaning bet6een - e""o" co""ection  #in% the CD
Strange but
ha,e/get something %one lac4ing 6o"% in the
true - "ein#o"cing an% t"aining sentence; 1"amma" an%
$ocabla" : c"ime an% the se o# passi,e ,oice - mltiple choice e5* ,ocabla" p"actice

-nons lin4e% b o# - t"aining the se o# -#ill in a cha"t
,ocabla" items connecte% - t"ans#o"mation e5e"cises
to c"ime an% pnishment - mltiple choice e5e"cises
-t"aining the se o# nons - matching e5e"cises
connecte% b o# - open cloze Spea4ing p"actice-
- #ill in the blan4s tal4 abot c"ime
- t"aining ppils8abilit o# e5e"cises an% pnishment-
'ea%ing :Rebecca scanning a te5t %ebate
)he lost cit o# Ca"al-gappe% te5t - t"aining gene"al "ea%ing - #ill in the gaps 6ith
comp"ehension an% lite"a" matching sentences
analsis  e5planation matching ; Listening p"actice-
- 7estion-ans6e" sentence
p"actice completion
Listening :)he Stella a6a"%s
Song-Men in blac4 - 7estion  ans6e" e5*
-listening #o" gene"al an% - #ill in the blan4s e5*
Spea4ing : tal4ing abot c"ime speci#ic in#o"mation - %esc"ibing pict"es
an% pnishment -t"aining st%ents8 abilit to - matching e5*
e5p"ess opinions an% b"ing - con,e"sation p"actice
a"gments to sppo"t thei"
3"iting : sto"ies i%eas - o"%e"ing e,ents
- 6"iting a sto" sing
%i##e"ent a%?ecti,es to 3"iting a sto"
- i%enti#ing an% o"%e"ing ma4e the sto" mo"e
pa"ag"aph topics inte"esting
- t"aining the ppils8 abilit
o# 6"iting a sto"

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