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Hernia (2011) 15:417–421

DOI 10.1007/s10029-011-0805-1


Assessment of abdominal muscle function using the Biodex

System-4. Validity and reliability in healthy volunteers
and patients with giant ventral hernia
U. Gunnarsson · M. Johansson · K. Strigård

Received: 6 September 2010 / Accepted: 22 February 2011 / Published online: 5 March 2011
© Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Conclusion Measurement of abdominal muscle function

Background The decrease in recurrence rates in ventral using the Biodex System-4 is a reliable and valid method to
hernia surgery have led to a redirection of focus towards assess this important patient-related endpoint. Further
other important patient-related endpoints. One such end- investigations will be made to explore the potential of this
point is abdominal wall function. The aim of the present technique in the evaluation of the results of ventral hernia
study was to evaluate the reliability and external validity of surgery, and to compare muscle function after diVerent
abdominal wall strength measurement using the Biodex abdominal wall reconstruction techniques.
System-4 with a back abdomen unit.
Material and method Ten healthy volunteers and ten Keywords Giant ventral hernia · Abdominal muscle
patients with ventral hernias exceeding 10 cm were strength · Biodex System-4 · Girdle
recruited. Test–retest reliability, both with and without gir-
dle, was evaluated by comparison of measurements at two
test occasions 1 week apart. Reliability was calculated by Introduction
the interclass correlation coeYcients (ICC) method. Valid-
ity was evaluated by correlation with the well-established Ventral incisional hernias are common after abdominal
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and a surgery, with an incidence of around 10%. Factors that
self-assessment of abdominal wall strength. increases the risk up to 50% are smoking, high age, deteriora-
Results One person in the healthy group was excluded tion, prior abdominal surgery, immunosuppressive medication
after the Wrst test due to neck problems following minor and obesity [1]. Furthermore, the surgeon’s technique when
trauma. The reliability was excellent (>0.75), with ICC val- closing the abdominal wall is important for the develop-
ues between 0.92 and 0.97 for the diVerent modalities tested. ment of hernia [2]. Abdominal wall defects may cause back
No diVerences were seen between testing with and without a pain due to impaired ability to use muscle groups important
girdle. Validity was also excellent both when calculated as for posture control [3]. Weakness of the abdominal wall
correlation to self-assessment of abdominal wall strength, may also cause inability to perform some movements
and to IPAQ, giving Kendall tau values of 0.51 and 0.47, where strength of the abdominal wall muscles is of impor-
respectively, and corresponding P values of 0.002 and 0.004. tance. The strength of the abdominal wall muscles might be
reduced further due to the inability to conduct daily activi-
ties because of the volume of the hernia.
U. Gunnarsson · K. Strigård (&)
When evaluating techniques for reconstruction of
Department of Surgery, CLINTEC, Karolinska Institutet,
Karolinska University Hospital, Gastrocentrum K53, abdominal wall defects, as well as performance of surgical
141 86 Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden settings, recurrence rate has been the most important end-
e-mail: point. However, improvements in surgical technique and
prosthetic material has decreased the recurrence rate
M. Johansson
Department of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, by 50% [4], leading to a redirection of focus towards
Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden other patient-related endpoints. Such endpoints include

418 Hernia (2011) 15:417–421

well-being or pain measured by questionnaires and/or abdominal surgery. Patients with giant ventral incisional
objective evaluation of abdominal wall strength. The latter hernia were recruited from the waiting list for surgery.
endpoint has been diYcult to assess due to diYculties in Height, weight and BMI were recorded for all participants.
measuring the strength of isolated abdominal muscles. Since the attempt was to assess validity and reliability for a
The Biodex Multi-Joint System-4 Pro provides the means broad spectrum of abdominal wall function, healthy volun-
to measure strength in diVerent groups of muscles. The sys- teers were allowed to be younger than patients with a her-
tem has been evaluated and tested for reliability in other mus- nia. Before starting the test procedure the participants were
cle groups in the Welds of rehabilitation and sports medicine provided with general information about the procedure and
[5–8]. The system also includes a back-abdomen unit aimed time was oVered for questions. Patients with ventral hernia
to measure performance of abdominal wall muscles. Should were obliged to wear a girdle preoperatively and the tests
it be possible to use this tool in the evaluation of patients with were therefore performed both with and without girdle in
large or giant ventral hernia, it would provide the possibility both groups. This assured reliability with the girdle and
to compare abdominal strength, before and after surgery, as also enabled us to detect any obvious diVerence in abdomi-
well as being useful for long term follow-up. nal muscle function caused by the girdle.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the reliabil-
ity of the Biodex back abdomen unit in terms of test–retest Biodex
stability, and its external validity in terms of correlation to
the well-established International Physical Activity Ques- A Biodex Multi-Joint System-4 Pro machine with a unit for
tionnaire (IPAQ) [9] and a self assessment of abdominal testing back and abdominal muscle strength was used for
wall strength. The study included healthy volunteers and the tests. The device is developed to test and train speciWc
persons with giant ventral hernia, intending to evaluate per- muscles or muscle groups. The results are given in Newton
sons with a broad spectrum of abdominal wall function. metre (Nm). The muscle tests are isokinteic, which means
that a pre-designed movement speed cannot be exceeded.
DiVerent variables in the test situation are maximal strength
Materials and methods (peak torque) and maximal work. The test subject sits in a
chair-like position (Fig. 1), with the cristae iliaca, the centre
Two groups of volunteers were recruited, one from the of movement, as anatomic landmarks. The angle of the
healthy population and one group of patients with giant back, the height at which the test subject sits, and the angles
ventral hernia (>10 cm). Ten test persons were included of their feet and legs were corrected. Markings on the sys-
in each group after written informed consent. The healthy tem made it possible to reproduce the exact position at the
volunteers were health-care personnel without prior retest situation. The thighs and chest were Wxed with straps.

Fig. 1 Biodex system-4 with

the back abdomen unit

Hernia (2011) 15:417–421 419

The legs were Wxed distally with the knees Xexed 90°, and were recorded as means and ranges. Comparisons between
the arms were crossed over the chest so as to minimize the dichotomous variables were made using the Fisher two-
inXuence of muscle forces from other parts of the body. tailed exact test, whereas ordinal data were compared using
the Mann-Whitney U-test. Correlations between the VAS,
Reliability IPAQ and isometric strength results were estimated by the
Kandall Tau method.
Test–retest reliability was evaluated by comparison of mea- Reliability evaluation of the test–retest of muscle
surements at two test occasions 1 week apart. The same strength was performed by the interclass correlation coeY-
investigator conducted all tests. Instructions were short and cient (ICC) [12] calculated with SPSS software. An ICC
precise with the same wording used on both test occasions between 0.4 and 0.75 is considered fair-to-good, and a cor-
to avoid positive or negative inXuence from the investigator relation higher than 0.75 is excellent.
[10]. On both test occasions the Wrst test was performed
with the girdle applied. To avoid exhaustion inXuencing the
results, the procedure was performed in exactly the same Results
order each time. Each session consisted of Wve training runs
before the Wnal test. Reliability
The test programme involved a maximal extent of move-
ment of 30°, 20° of extension and 10° of Xexion. The ana- Basic demographic data for the two groups are shown in
tomic reference was 90° in the hip related to the back. All Table 1. The patients in the ventral hernia group were older
20 test persons performed two exercise series, separated by and had a higher BMI than the healthy volunteers. One test
a rest period of 5 min, one with and one without a specially person in the latter group was excluded due to neck prob-
manufactured girdle. Each series consisted of Wve tests with lems after minor trauma between tests, thus leaving nine
Wve repetitions: passive isokinetic test 30°/s £ 2; 60°/ subjects for analysis.
s £ 2; and a static muscle strength test. The static maximal Reliability between the test and retest was excellent in
force test starts with 10° of Xexion. There was 90 s rest both the healthy volunteer group and in the ventral hernia
between each repetition. group as calculated by ICC (Table 2). The healthy volun-
teers seemed more comfortable with the Xexion/extension
External validity tests than with the isokinetic test. On the contrary, the isoki-
netic test was easier to perform among persons in the ven-
External validity was calculated by comparison of tral hernia group. No diVerences were seen between testing
isometric strength measured by the Biodex System with the with and without girdle in any of the groups. One person
result of the IPAQ [9] and the patient’s self-assessment of with a girdle from each group showed no similarity
their own muscle strength on a visual analogue scale between the test and re-test.
(VAS) ranging from 0 to 10 (0 = extremely weak and
10 = extremely strong). The VAS ruler appears to the test External validity
person as a continuous line and only the investigator can
see the score. IPAQ is an instrument designed for measure- When assessing external validity, all patients were calcu-
ment of daily activity with a short form designed for popu- lated together for correlation of isometric strength against
lation surveillance of physical activity. These have been self-assessment of abdominal wall strength and the results
developed and tested for use in adults (age range of 15–69 of IPAQ. Both groups easily understood the instructions for
years) [9]. In the short Swedish version, there are 11 ques- the isometric test, and the risk for false high or low values
tions about daily activity over the previous 7 days [11]. are less than with the isokinetic tests. For this reason, the
The degree of activity can be computed by weighting the
diVerent type of activities related to energy requirements
Table 1 Demographic data (mean and range) of the two test groups
deWned in METs (Metabolic Equivalent Task) to yield a
score in MET-minutes. Results from the questionnaire are Healthy volunteers Ventral hernia
classiWed as low, moderate or high activity. Age (years) 37.7 (25–61) 59.6 (34–76)
The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee.
Men/women 3/7 4/6
Weight (kg) 67.4 (46.7–103.7) 84.2 (57.2–101.3)
Statistical methods
Height (cm) 173.3 (162–195) 167 (155–176)
BMI 21.9 (17–29) 30.1 (23–37)
Statistics were calculated using the STATISTICA software
Abdominal operations 0
(Statsoft, Tusla, OK). Age and other demographic data

420 Hernia (2011) 15:417–421

Table 2 Reliability evaluation with interclass correlation coeYcient abdominal hernia with a high validity in terms of correla-
(ICC) of the test–retest peak torque (Nm) for all test subjects. tion to well-established methods and with a high degree of
Isokinetic muscle test measured the abdominal muscles concentric test–retest reliability. This provides the possibility to objec-
and eccentric muscle strength, and the isometric muscle strength test,
only the static muscle strength tively assess an important patient-related endpoint—
abdominal wall function in terms of strength of the abdom-
inal wall muscles.
30°/s Patient-related endpoints have increased in importance
Concentric 0.957 since the classic endpoint, recurrence rate, has decreased
Excentric 0.958 considerably over recent years since the broad introduc-
30°/s (with girdle) tion of prosthetic mesh [4]. Important endpoints from the
Concentric 0.976 patient’s point of view include abdominal wall function,
Excentric 0.969 and adverse eVects of surgery such as long-lasting pain—
60°/s an endpoint that has grown in importance in the Weld of
Concentric 0.970
inguinal hernia surgery [13]. The endpoint “abdominal
Excentric 0.948
wall function” has been more diYcult to assess objec-
tively in patients with ventral hernia. The results of this
60°/s (with girdle)
study show the Biodex system to be a useful tool for such
Concentric 0.942
evaluations. One drawback with this method, however, is
Excentric 0.920
the considerable cost of the apparatus and the additional
back/abdomen unit. Furthermore, the method of investi-
Concentric 0.966
gation necessitates a dedicated physiotherapist and a
Isometric (with girdle)
standardised programme to conduct the investigations.
Concentric 0.975
Our results show the method to be valid and reliable at
our unit, but there may still be diVerences between
160 measurements performed at other units with diVerent
140 investigators.
Reliability in terms of test–retest stability was assessed
Isometric (Nm)

by the ICC method [12]. The ICC method has been used in
most previously published reliability studies of the Biodex
system with other muscle groups [5–8]. Compared to those
60 studies, the present reliability results are very good. There
40 are several methods available for evaluation of reliability,
20 the choice depending on the situation. In the present case
0 the requisites were in concordance with the description of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the ICC method [12], but reliability was also tested by other
Fig. 2 Isometric strength in Nm related to International Physical methods (i.e. Pearson and Spearman correlation, as well as
Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (blue diamonds) and visual analogue Wilcoxon signed rank test) with the same high degree of
scale (VAS) (pink squares). The three diVerent steps in IPAQ have correlation. It thus seems safe to conclude that the reliabil-
been transformed to 1 (=low activity), 2 (=moderate activity) and 3
ity between the two test occasions in this study may be clas-
(=high activity)
siWed as very high.
To assure validity, physical performance of a speciWc
isometric test was generally used for calculation of external muscle group should ideally be compared with another
validity. Correlation plots are shown in Fig. 2. There was a muscle group for internal validity, and with the results of
very strong correlation with both entities of external validity, other established instruments to assure external validity. In
giving Kendall tau values of 0.51 and 0.47, respectively, and the present case, where the goal was to measure perfor-
corresponding P values of 0.002 and 0.004. mance of a diseased organ (i.e. the abdominal wall) it is
not relevant to compare the performance of those muscles
with muscle from healthy parts of the body. To assure that
Discussion the method is valid also for measurements of a broad
spectrum of abdominal wall strength, including the non-
Abdominal muscle function can be evaluated using the diseased abdominal wall, a group of healthy controls was
Biodex System-4 in healthy persons and patients with included.

Hernia (2011) 15:417–421 421

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Further investigations will be made to explore the potential
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133 Review
after diVerent abdominal wall reconstruction techniques.


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