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1) Research Based
Social( Society (Individuals(Both
Sex,M,F), Economics(Perspectives(Individual,
Regional, Systemic(International Level)(I/O, MNCs,
Regional Organizations), Politics(History(Past,
Transitions(Impacts, Causes, Impediments

In additions to these things ( Inverse Pyramid


Essay ( English Essay ) ( Grammar ( Blunders) +

English Essay ( Examiner) ( )---->> Basics>>>>>
+Terminologies (Sociology) (Psycho-analytical)+Pol
Science +Economics + Public Administration

Inclusive Institutions
Economic Institutions(Role( Development(Economic,
Social ,Political)(Impacts(D,E,S(I,S,C,C,R,W),P)

Capitalism, Socialism, Islamic

Political Institutions( Liberalism, Communism)
Social Institutions( Individual, Society, Community,
Country, Region, World)
Judiciary( Roles)(Impacts)
Organizations( History, Recent
UNESCO) Regional Organizations)(MDGs)(SDGs)
Roles(Individuals(Positive, negative)
Exclusive Institutions(Against)
Models( Pro-poor Growth)

Utopian concept
Libertarianism (Core values( Liberty( economics,
decision making, politics, choices, association , trade,
Reforms(Pragmatic solutions )

Construction of outline(20 marks)

1) Sequential (cohesiveness ,coherence )(clauses
(independent sentences )

1 Introduction (120-200)
2 Ingredients of inclusive institutions
A Connection among all three systems
I Political integrations with economic and social
B Valuing Existentialism
C Respecting Libertarianism
D Pragmatic intervention of institutions
3 Requirements for inclusive institutions
A Openness-a pre-requisite for inclusive institutions
B Policy environment-an approach to build inclusive institutions

C Incentives- an approach to create inclusive environment for institutions

D Capacity Building –life style for ensuring the inclusive institutions

4) Irritants in the way of institution which make it exclusive

A) Personal aspiration –a negative connotation

I Bureaucratic holding of instructions

B) Negative role of other individuals
C) Fault lines in International organizations
5) Impacts of Inclusive Institutions
A) Political institutions

B) Economic Institutions

C) Social Institutions
D Development of the state
E ) Progressiveness of the state
F) Governance structure (
6) Effects of Inclusive Institutions

A) Political institutions

B) Economic Institutions
C) Social Institutions
D Development of the state
E ) Progressiveness of the state
F) Governance structure (

Conclusion (120-200)

Thesis Statement= Topic+ Stance(argument) =single sentence

Inclusive institutions are pre-requisite for the development and progress of any nation,
society and individual, however exclusive institutions will take away all these things
from the concerned stake holders.


Summary of your essay (

The Fault, Dear Brutus!, is not in the institutions , but in those who are controlling the
institutions. These lines from William Shakespeare are showing the importance of
institutions. Institutions: including economic; political; social and their compatibility
are the tools which ensures existentialism , libertarianism and provides policy
incentives to the stake holders .Fundamentally , Institutions which are inclusive need to
be open, pragmatic, result oriented with capacity building . However, personal
aspiration, power sharing, vested interests of other states as well organizations and
fault lines in later are the hurdles in making of inclusive institutions .Inclusive
institutions are significant for all the structures of states which ensures the good
governance – a life style required to survive in competitive environment . As, these
institutions in daily practices affects the stake holders in multiple way .So, Inclusive
institutions are pre-requisite for the development and progress of any nation, society
and individual, however exclusive institutions will take away all these things from the
concerned stake holders.

Ingredients of inclusive institutions are : ;

; ; ;
Connection among all three systems are

pre-requisite for inclusive institutions which are

political ;economic; social institution. As, they can’t
operate in vacuum. John Stuart Mill in his book , “ “
emphasized on the integration of above mentioned institutions.

Secondly, inclusive institutions ensures the respect for existentialism –in which individuals’
values are accepted and respected .

Thirdly , inclusive institutions focused on libertarianism-a philosophy in which liberty of

individuals including all rights and privileges have core principled values …..

Fourthly ,

However , this is not possible without taking basic tenets of inclusive institutions which are

Quotation .

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