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Republic of the Philippines


Cavite City Campus
Pulo II, Dalahican, Cavite City
Tel. (046) 431-35-70; (046) 431-35-80

Good day! We would like you to participate in this survey. We will ensure that the information
you will provide will only be used for this academic exercise and will be treated strictly confidential.
Please answer all the items. However, if you feel threatened or uncomfortable to answer any or all part
of this survey, you may, at any time, withdraw your participation.

General Direction: Please answer the following questions with honesty by putting a check mark (✔)
on the space provided and filling the blanks.

I. Demographic Profile

Age: Sex:
___ 12-14 years old ___ Male
___ 15-17 years old ___ Female
___ 18-20 years old
___ 21-above

II. Level of awareness/knowledge in Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

Instruction: Please rate the following statement below according to how or not aware do they
seem to you. Use the following answer code:

1- Not aware (does not know any of the provisions of ROTC)

2- Slightly aware (heard about some provisions of ROTC but cannot discuss)
3- Moderately aware (knows majority of the provision of ROTC and can explain)
4- Extremely aware (knows all the provision of ROTC and can fully explain)

1 2 3 4

1. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is one of the components of National Service Training
Program (NSTP).

2. Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) prepares reservists for military and civic service

3. One of the objectives of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is to develop good
citizenship and develop the youth as potential community leaders

4. Graduates of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) will become enlisted or Officer

5. If you fail to pass the basic Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) in accordance of the
National Service Training Program Act (RA 9163) shall not be qualified for graduation

6. In 2002, Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) has been a requisite for graduation in
all Filipino college

7. Mark Welson Chua died because of alleged irregularities in the Reserve Officers' Training
Corps (ROTC) unit.

8. In 2001, Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) becomes an optional program under
National Service Training Program Act (RA 9163).

9. President Duterte pushes for the mandatory Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) to
all senior high school

10. The revision of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) seeks to instill patriotism, love
of country, moral and spiritual virtues, and respect for human rights
III. Students patriotism towards the country
Instruction: Please rate the following statement below according to your own manifested and
observed or practiced actions to other students or youth. Use the following answer code:

1- Never 4- Always
2- Sometime
3- Most of times

1 2 3 4
Self- Observa Self- Observa Self- Observa Self- Observa
assess tion to assess tion to assess tion to assess tion to
ment others ment others ment others ment others

a. Living in peace and harmony

with other citizens

b. Obeying the laws of the country

c. Respecting the Philippine flag

d. Extending help to the needy


e. Stand proud for every Filipinos


f. Patronizing and supporting

country’s products

g. Respect everyone and value


h. Using our own language

i. Showing respect in our heroes’

sacrifices for our country

j. Studying and sharing our

history to others

k. Respecting the rights of others

l. Participating actively in various

government program

m. Keeping the surroundings clean

n. Taking care and conserving our

natural resources
IV. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) deterrent factors and influencing factors.
Instruction: Please put a check (✔) in the box if the following statement below is deterrent or
influencing factors to you.
Influencing Factors Deterrent Factors
a. Marching
b. Military haircut (crewcut-white side wall)
c. Familiarization of the basic weapons of the AFP.
d. Military uniform
e. Military courtesy and discipline
f. Military-related ceremonies
g. Military band
h. War strategies
i. Physical exercises:
- Jumping jacks
- Push-ups
- Marathon
- Crawling

V. Level of Probability that Reserve Officers’ Training Corps can develop and increase patriotic
Instruction: Please rate the following statement below according to the level of probability that
the statements are reflected to you. Use the following answer code:

1- None 3- Moderate
2- Low 4- High

What is the level of probability that Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
1 2 3 4
would help you develop and increase the following patriotic behavior?:

a. Love for the country and people

b. Sense of service to others

c. Willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the nation.

d. Observance of one’s duties towards the nation

e. Understanding of the needs of one’s community or society

f. Loyalty to the government

g. Will never live selfishly for himself alone

h. Desire to see your nation succeed

i. Productive member of society

j. Proud to be Filipino Citizen

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