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Unit 5 Test

1 Complete the sentences about the properties of materials.

resistant   absorbent   flexible   fragile   rigid   waterproof

a. A kitchen sponge is absorbent because it can soak up water.

b. An umbrella is because it repels water.

c. A can is because it does not change shape easily.

d. A rubber band is because it changes shape easily.

e. A glass jar is because it breaks easily.

f. A stone wall is because it does not break easily.

2 Choose the correct word to make sentences about mixtures.

a. I can / can’t see the different materials in saltwater.

b. I can / can’t see the different materials in a salad.

c. I can / can’t see the different materials in a milkshake.

d. I can / can’t see the different materials in a cup of coffee with milk.

e. I can / can’t the different materials in a bowl of cereal with milk.

3 Complete each box with a tick ( ) or a cross (û).

Solid Liquid Gas

Definite shape

Definite volume

1 Natural Science Primary 3 • Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.

Unit 5

4 How can we change the state of water? Write the correct process.
a. We use this process to change water from a liquid to a solid. f

b. We use this process to change water from a solid to a liquid. m

c. We use this process to change water from a liquid to a gas. e

5 Order and label the different ways to separate materials in a mixture.

sieving   filtering   evaporating

a. sieving



6 Complete the sentences with the forms of energy.

chemical   sound   electrical   kinetic   light   thermal

a b c

A vibrating drum is an The Sun produces

example of and Food contains

energy. energy. chemical energy.

d e
Lots of things in our Moving things have
homes use

energy. energy.

2 Natural Science Primary 3 • Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.

Unit 5

7 Label the different types of energy in the picture.

a. light and thermal energy b. c.

d. f.

e. g.

8 Correct the sentences about electrical conductors and insulators. Change one word in
each sentence.
a. Electricity passes through electrical insulators very easily.
Electricity passes through electrical conductors very easily.

b. Electrical conductors don’t allow electricity to pass through them.

c. Metals and water are very good electrical insulators.

d. Wood and plastic are very good electrical conductors.

e. It is important to cover electrical cables in metal.

3 Natural Science Primary 3 • Downloadable and printable © Ediciones Bilingües, S.L.

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