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A lot of professionals dream about having their private business to make more money or to have

self independence on their own business one day.

However, hundreds of times I hear the same words which is "not enough money to do
it" or "afraid of the risk".

Today I will tell you how to have your own business starting with 0% investment or less than
5K, NO RISK and actually an opportunity to make good income from the 1st month. IS

YESSS!! Lets see how.

So first you need to think about your experience and knowledge and how you can sell it as a
service and not count on products or building a store, below some examples based on profession:

* A Teacher: can deliver private lessons.

* An Accountant: can do financial calculation services.

* Corporate expert: can deliver freelance training.

* Human resources: can do freelance recruiter.

* Web designer: can build websites for startups.

And so on, so first know how to sell your knowledge or experience and try to use it as a
freelancer. Now you are an Entrepreneur or a Freelancer. But how you turn that to a company?

So you have 2 options to maximize your work:

1- To network with professionals like you, then start taking more work from clients and
distribute on network.
2- Get fresh talents and train them to be like you and you can work on freelance base or hire
them if you guarantee an income for salaries.

Then, the business opening You will need a website to present and promote your services which
can be design free online and around 5K for company registration according to country.

So you have a registered company, website, experience in a service, and a team. Now time to sell
and you have 3 options here:

a- To sell to your own network of relations.

b- To Sell manually to unknown clients.

c- To spend some money on marketing.

So you don't have monthly expenses, and no harm if you don't sell 1st month or even quarter. Off
course there is a lot to learn about how to make this happen successfully. Yet the main idea is
that you don't have to own a huge pile of money to have your business.

Hope you enjoyed it and tell me what you think in the comments.

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