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Luis Pérez

C/Ronda de la paz 02270


Office manager

Ciudad Real, 01360

Dear Sr. Luis

I am writing to express my disagreement with the service because it made a mistake

sending a bag without a purse inside it, which the company promised me to send it the
day 1 august through your online shopping service (number: 846921).

Fortunately, the package arrived that evening with a prize of $35 including postal
costs. In that moment, everything was right; however, I realized that the purse was not
inside the box. Therefore, I phoned the company and I talked with the manager of the
shop saying if it would be possible to acquire the purse as soon as possible since I had
paid for it. The manager politely paid me attention and told me that my package will
arrive next month because they were sold out. At the beginning, I was convinced but
the 1 September arrived and it had not still been sent, so immediately, I phoned the
company again and this time the conversation was not so pleasant, since the boss told
me that the purse had been already sent. Furthermore, he believed that I was laying
him so his reaction was to hang up the phone.

We have not made any report to the police since I prefer that this deplorable event will
be resolve soon, and if it is possible, amicably. Nevertheless, I am still very
disappointed because of the event, but I am going to give you a chance; so, I want to
have a meeting with you with the purpose of resolve this uncomfortable situation and
give me some profits.

I hope your answer will give a positive solution to my problem. I will be waiting for it
one more week before asking for help of a consumer protection agency. If you want
you can keep in touch me by means of my telephone number or you can call me to my
office if it is better for you.

Yours faithfully.

Belén Verde Valero.

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