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The Bad Boy Stole My Bra by Cherry_Cola_x

This story is my intellectual exclusive property. Any text written

underneath this story is protected under United States, United Kingdom
and international copyright laws. The content may not be copied to
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manipulated, projected, or altered in any way, Any violations of this can
be punishable by law.


P.G. 13- Extensive language used

Chapter 1|| What the actual Fudge?

Riley POV.

"Mario wins again!"

I watch through narrowed eyes as my eight year old brother catapults

around the room in victory, lifting his shirt over his head to reveal his
pale torso. What is it with boys and showing their chest when they win
something? Is it some warped form of dominance display, originated from
our monkey ancestors? I snort unattractively at the thought, before
rolling my eyes at my loopy brother. My hands dart out to trap his waist
in my grasp, and I pull him to my lap to tickle him. "You wish, little
brother," I tease him playfully; "We all know I kicked your ass on the
other games."

Jack squirms hastily to free himself from my torturous hold, shooting me

a look as he does so. I smile smugly in return: Yoshi always wins and he
knows it.

"Riley, come down here please!" Mom shouts from downstairs, releasing a
small sigh from me. Reluctantly, I swing my legs from my comfy spot in
the bean bag and follow my brother downstairs, knowing full well that by
the time my aching legs have gotten back up here, he will have stolen my
place. Ugh, sibling rivalry. As soon as I've entered the kitchen, I'm hit
with the heart-warmingly familiar aroma that is mom's cooking. She's
always loved to bake and I've always loved caffeine, therefore totalling
in a kitchen that constantly smells like the interior of a Starbucks
store. Not that I'm complaining, honestly.

I turn to mom herself, who's icing a batch of white chocolate cupcakes at

the moment. She glances up as I head over, offering me a sugar-dusted
smile. In one fluid movement, she leans back and dusts her palms on her
apron. "Hey sweetie. Come and have a look at this!" She leads me over to
the window, pulling back the plaid curtains ever so slightly- just enough
for me to peek through. Throwing her a confused glance, I put my head in
the gap and look out. What I see surprises me greatly.

We have new neighbours.

Parked next door, in the house that has been empty for five years, is a
large green moving truck. Its enormous frame completely shadows that of
the small red car beside it, and I find my curiosity seeps into my gaze
as I watch the people exiting the car. A woman steps out first, balancing
a small girl on her hip. Her hair is scraped back into a clasp and her
features are delicate and feminine. My small glance sideways confirms
that mom is already interested- she's always wanted a friend that lives
locally. The girl the woman carries appears around four, with the cutest
baby face I've ever laid eyes on and two brunette bunches either side of
her head. Adorable.

I'm not sure who I was expecting next, but it definitely wasn't the
alluring, moody boy that I see now. He looks around my age, and from what
I can see of his ebony hair and angled jaw, he's hot. No doubt the
population of the student body will completely swarm this one. My eyes
instantly lock onto him as he threads his fingers through his hair, but
suddenly his gaze snaps to mine and I freeze. After a second of
hesitation, I jerk away from the window as though it's on fire and I can
sense my cheeks burning already. He must think I'm such a creep.
Surprisingly, by the time I've recovered courage enough to peek through
again, he doesn't look affected in the slightest- bored, almost.

Suddenly realising that I probably look incredibly strange, creeping on

the neighbours with only my head in view, I withdraw from the curtains
and pull them closed swiftly, turning on my heel to face a now grinning
mother. She wiggles her eyebrows at me, dancing forward to trap my waist
in her hands and press a small kiss against my forehead. "What do you
think eh? New neighbours for the first time in years..."

I smile half-heartedly, heading over to the fridge. "I wonder why they
moved here. I mean, Lindale isn't exactly the most famous hotspot in
Oregon." I frown confusedly as my eyes scour the shelves, but I'm left
disappointed. "No orange juice," I murmur. My nose wrinkles as I peer at
the remnants of our fridge: basically consisting of wafer ham, flavoured
water and an old piece of lettuce. Fun, right?

Mom shrugs in reply, slapping my hand away as I reach for a cupcake

without even looking up. She knows me way too well. "We need to go
shopping mama," I groan loudly, "There's no food in this house." What?
Obviously healthy stuff doesn't count as food. She sticks her tongue out
mockingly at me, and I'm momentarily stunned by how alike we are. The
truth is, mom and I are similar in more ways than one. Along with our
almost matching appearance- auburn curls and the palest of the pale skin,
we're both sarcastic and jokey, with an abnormally weird side. Thus the
musical marathons we have on Sunday nights...

"I'm going upstairs to do some studying," I slam the fridge door shut and
grab a lollipop from my sweetie jar. Just as I'm thinking about what
homework I have, my phone vibrates in my pocket. An amused smile curves
my lips as a particularly horrific picture of Violet pops onto the
screen. "Hey Vi," I hum as I pick up the line, "How's the blind date
going?" I stuff a cola lolly into my mouth as I jog up the stairs, eager
to hear her reply. No doubt it will be entertaining; Violet never uses
her phone unless it's urgent.

"Horrible!" She hushes, "I'm in the girls bathrooms at the moment,

hiding. Stupid period had to come today, when I'm wearing white trousers.
Plus, he has the table manners of a complete pig! He spilt water down me
for chrissakes!"

I snort quietly in attempt to rein in my laughter, "Okay," I bite back my

smile, "Dry yourself off a bit, first. You're wearing your cardigan
aren't you? Well, tie it around your waist to cover the trouser stains
and tell him you have tummy ache. Works every time."

"Thank you!" She squeals gratefully, "Okay, I've got to go back out now
or it'll be rude. Do you think he'll believe the tummy ache story?"

"Trust me, even the grossest of men understand what you want if you say
you have a tummy ache." I roll my eyes at her panicky state, "Are you
okay now then? I have studying to do and you, my friend, need to get your
ass back on that date."

"Yeah, okay. Chill your tits woman, I'm going."

"Bye, Violet," My voice is amused, and I'm unable to restrain the smile
tugging at the corners of my lips. I wouldn't say that Violet and I are
polar opposites, but we are definitely very different. Although we're
both Class B/C nerds, I tend to be a little bit more resigned around
people than what she is. Whilst I usually stay quiet around strangers,
she's the slightly gabby, funny one out of us two. I remember when she
dyed her hair purple in sophomore year, and slapped a jock for calling
her a witch. She really doesn't give a damn, and I guess that's what I
respect about her.

I head straight to my small desk, observing my messy surroundings in a

small glance. The far wall is a deep purple, almost completely masked by
posters of bands and concert tickets. In fact, by my pillow, I have a
signed My Chemical Romance ticket that my Dad got me for Christmas. I
think its second hand, but I really don't care- it's my prize possession.
I practically went through cardiac arrest when they split up.

My bed is an unruly mess, as always. It is right opposite the window,

which is in exactly the same position of that from the neighbouring
house- meaning either side can see perfectly into the other. What sort of
a messed up architect would design that? Especially now that we have
neighbours...oh crap.

I tiptoe towards the window and cautiously peer around the window frame
into the room opposite. I fight to restrain a deafening groan as I see
who's in the room. Of course it has to be the freaking boy. Guess my
curtains are staying closed from now on...

Curiously, I tug my purple curtains further back to see that he's packing
away his things. It's only this close up that I realise quite how hot he
actually is. He has a strong, chiselled jawline and defined cheekbones,
making his face appear angular and dare I say it, sexy. Inky locks curl
over his forehead, matching perfectly with his pair of deep cobalt eyes.

He turns away from me, and I snap out of it. What the hell am I doing?
Checking out my next door neighbour is one hundred per cent pathetic,
especially seeing as we're probably never going to talk. Well, not on my
watch anyway. It's not like a guy like him would want to talk to me
anyway. By the first day, he'll be one of the most popular guys in
school, I bet. Having a sarcastic chick next door will only come in
useful to him when he's having trouble with his homework. Yay for me,
right? I shake my head in attempt to clear my negative thoughts, stepping
away from the window to draw my curtains and hopefully, block out the

Putting on my music, I settle down to do some studying. Yeah, I'm not a

nerd but I do like to at least try and get decent grades for my finals.
Call me a geek, whatever, but I prefer intellectual badass. My maths
final is the one coming up first, and I suck at math, so I guess I'll try
and do some revising for that. The Killers blast through my docking
station, and I nod my head in time to the music as I stare down at the
equations in front of me until my eyes blur. Excuse me for asking, but
when am I ever going to need simultaneous equations in life? A text pops
up on my screen and I glance over at it.
Violet is hashtag amazeballs: I escaped from that hellish date! I'll tell
you the details tomorrow ;) Thanks for the help xx

Don't get distracted by the phone.

Ugh go on then. Might as well reply.

I type in a hasty reply before turning off my phone to avoid

distractions. No doubt if I didn't, mom would walk in and see me texting
Violet, and think that is what I've been doing the entire time. She would
never believe me if I told her otherwise. Me, her daughter, her own blood
and flesh. Yeah, we have some major trust issues going on in our
relationship, mainly due to the time she made me get a bowl cut when I
was a kid. I shudder at the thought.

After what seems like endless hours of studying, I'm finally finished and
it's getting late. Well, if like me, you count half ten as late. Hey,
what can I say? I need all the beauty sleep I can get. I stifle a yawn
quickly, and begin to get changed ready for bed, making sure the curtains
are firmly closed before I strip. Wouldn't want neighbour dude to get a
bit more than what he's bargained for, eh?

I slide into the covers in my pyjama top, frowning when I realise that
music is playing very loudly next door. Surely that screamo couldn't
belong to the mum of a toddler. No, my bet is placed on the boy in the
room next door- which would be why I seem to be taking the brunt of the
volume. I'm assuming Mr Neighbour dude over there has some guests, by the
laughing and heavy rock music I can hear. I can't believe he hasn't been
here a day yet, and already he's having a party. Looks like my
predictions are coming true.

I sigh defeatedly and slam the pillow over my head in attempt to muffle
the sound, curling further into the soft duvet and hoping for the best.

Twenty minutes later, I'm still unsuccessful.

Looks like this will be a long night.


I stir awake to a small sound, and groan quietly as I awake from my

slumber. The music from next door still hasn't stopped?! Can a girl not
get her beauty sleep anymore? Blinking furiously to clear my vision, I
prop myself up on one elbow and turn on the lamp beside my bed. Light
floods the room, and I survey the lit scene quickly only to freeze in my
tracks, my jaw slacking in surprise.

I stare wide eyed at the boy, who seems just as paralysed as I am.

His eyes lock onto mine in shock and we stare at each other for what
feels like hours, but is actually mere seconds. He's positioned halfway
through the window, reaching for the opposite sill, with my Minnie mouse
bra swinging from his tight grip.

What. The. Actual. Fudge.



Chapter 2//Come and Get it

Riley POV

My first instinct is to scream.

Unfortunately, the boy is one step ahead of me, it appears. By the time I
snap back into reality from my shocked senseless expression, he's already
darting out of the window. He doesn't look back as he climbs nimbly over
the frame, and my expression hardens from one of a paralytic manner to
one of pure confusion and rage combined. "What the absolute hell do you
think you are you doing?!"

Swiftly, I yank the covers back and swing my legs out of bed to chase
him to the window. He gives me a single unreadable glance back before
making the final leap towards the opposite sill, landing so gracefully
that a cat would be jealous. My bare legs tingle with goose bumps in the
chilly night air, and I fold my arms across my chest as I turn to face
the window. Inside the opposite room are a group of boys, all laughing
their asses off, barely recognisable in the dim lamp light.

One of the boys clambers up to the window, the breeze in the frosty air
ruffling his golden locks. Dylan Merrick. The school's golden guy. He
gives me a soft, reassuring grin which would undoubtedly melt any girl
within a second. That category would normally include me, unfortunately,
but this time my anger seems to have immunised me from the vortex of
perfection that is Dylan. "You must be really confused," He comments,
taking in my mixed expressions.

"No shit Sherlock," I snarl, surprising even myself at my hostile tone,

"Care to tell me what the fudge you guys are doing?"

"Chill," He raises his palms in surrender, "It was a dare, no need to get
so worked up about it."
"He stole my freaking bra!" I cry, throwing my arms in the air in
frustration, "He broke into my room in the middle of the night, stole my
bra and you're telling me not to get worked up about it?" I ask him
incredulously, watching him wince at my bat shit crazy tone. I had a
right to be crazy though, surely?

"Very nice bra by the way," Another head pops into the window beside
Dylan, and I recognise the guy immediately as Joe Travis, the schools
cheeky prankster. He's mostly popular for the amount of times he's played
pranks on the ex-principal- itching powder in her underwear, superglue on
a chair and stuff like that. He hasn't performed any tricks on the
current one, but i think he's waiting for the right moment to attack.
This guy is legendary in our school. He grins mischievously at me, "I do
appreciate a girl who loves Disney."

"Shut up," I mutter, my cheeks flaming red. Of all the things, this guy
had to steal my freaking Disney bra, too. He couldn't have picked a plain
one, or even the pretty rose one that was stashed in my draw? Ugh, talk
about humiliating. Surprisingly, most of my anger has diminished by this
point, leaving me confused, embarrassed and a little bit overwhelmed.

"Look, can I please have it back?"

"Come and get it."

"Fine," I growl out of frustration. Stupid boys. I prepare myself to

climb over the gap, before another gust of chilly wind alerts my senses
to my bare legs and batman pyjama top. Goosebumps crawl over the pale
skin, and I wince as I realise I'm in my night clothes. Not exactly
something I want to show the three most popular boys at school. And I
thought this situation couldn't get any more humiliating on my part. They
want me to come over? Well they can keep frickin' dreaming: it's not

With a fresh sense of determination, I withdraw my body from the gap,

stunningly aware of the fact that if I fall, I am dead. Happy thoughts,
Riley, happy thoughts. Once I'm back in the confines of my safe haven, I
fold my arms tightly across my chest and smirk in a small act of
defiance. Come and get it. Well they certainly did, didn't they?

"I'm not coming to get it." I announce the words smugly, but my blue eyes
soon mist precariously as Dylan slumps against the wall with a smirk of
his own. "No?"

"No," I confirm proudly. "For a start, why should I? You people stole it
in the first place; you can bloody well give it back." I hold up one
finger, before raising another. "Secondly, I'm in my pyjamas."

"Change." Joe leans across the gap, facing me as close as he dare. His
eyes glint with challenge; as if he's daring me to come across the gap.
His fists are clenched so tight on the window that the knuckles have
turned white. My eyes narrow onto his.
"Dude, did I just hear the word change?" I'm on the brink of temptation
to push Joe away when another head joins the window. Chase Thatcher
himself narrows his eyes onto me, before sending me a playful wink, "Go
right ahead, sweetie. Don't mind me." Ladies and gentlemen, introducing
Chase- the school's most notorious player. He throws girls away like
dirty Kleenex tissues, yet still manages to get them to fall for his
charm again and again. Suffice to say, Violet and I steer well clear of
his clique.

"Pervert," Dylan mumbles, interrupting my trail of thought by punching

Chase on the arm.

"Be careful there, Merrick, or you might just hurt my feelings."

"Nah, your ego is way too big for that." The boys clear from the window,
one by one, allowing me to scan the scene quickly. My eyes immediately
settle onto the boy who stole my bra, a.k.a my hot neighbour, and my
curious gaze morphs into a heated glare. Who the hell does he think he
is? He glances over at me, but before he has the chance to say or do
anything, I'm hitching my legs over the sill and sitting precariously on
my window seat. I turn to Dylan first. "Where is it?"

He just shrugs innocently in reply. I never really expected him to have

it, anyway. Let me fill you in here. Dylan Merrick is golden at our
school. Perfect looks, perfect personality, perfect grades. He's the
least likely to have the bra out of the boys. Quarterback of the football
team, school councillor and full time rich nerd were never things I
thought would come together, but alas, I have been proved wrong in the
epitome of perfect that is Dylan Christopher Merrick. Yay.

I look to Joe next, with his scruffy brown hair that somehow makes him
even cuter, and his clear blue eyes which almost always have a glint of
mischief hidden in their depths. To be honest, I'm not all that shocked
that this boy seems to already have befriended the three most popular
guys at school. It was expected right? Typical cliché. Joe simply shakes
his head at my inquisitive expression, as does Chase, leaving me with one
suspect left. Unsurprisingly, it's the boy who committed the crime. I
look to him for my answer, and sure enough I receive the form of
a smirk.

Of course. After all, who else could it be? "You know where my bra is?"
I ask him tiredly, running a hand through my knotted bed hair.

"Might do."

"Are you going to give it back, or am I wasting my time?" I ask, unable

to stop the irritation seeping into my voice. What the hell am I doing
here? I could be curled up in bed right now, happily lost in beautiful,
beautiful slumber. Yet here I am, on a school night, trying to get my bra
back from the three most popular guys at school and my hot next door
neighbour. Not exactly a normal occurrence, eh?
"He's not going to give it back. Just so you know," Chase pipes in,
rolling his eyes at his smug friend, "Anyway...what's your name

"Riley," I reply suspiciously, fighting back my blush at the compliment.

I'm not sure about other girls, but my cheeks have a tendency to flush
crimson at even the slightest compliment. I guess you could say it's a
flaw; I'm working on it. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, "I do go
to your school you know."

"Really? How could I have overlooked a face like yours?"

The guys all cringe; mirroring my facial expression exactly. "Save the
flirting for another time," My neighbour grins casually, his eyes
flickering to mine in a silent challenge. My gaze morphs into a glare as
I look at him, my body stiffening in annoyance.

"I was not flirting." I speak through gritted teeth.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, chica."

"Who the hell do you think you are?!"

"I'm Alec Ryder," He replies smoothly, his lips twitching upwards at the
corners into an annoyingly cute half smirk, "Nice to meet you, Riles."

"Aw, the feeling isn't mutual," I batter my eyelashes in a sickly sweet

manner, before shooting a sideways glance at the boys watching our fight
with both amused, yet wary expressions.

"Bull isn't your colour, princessa."

I silently fume, glaring at the cocky boy in front of me. "Give me my


He smiles sadistically at me. Infuriating, cocky little-

My mouth drops open to tell him so, but I'm stopped in my tracks by a
slight tug on my pyjama sleeve. I spin around, surprised, to see my
little brother standing there. He rubs his eyes tiredly as a yawn escapes
that tiny mouth of his. "What's all the noise about, Riley?"

He stiffens a little bit as he notices the boys next door, his mouth
dropping open. "You're talking to boys?" He sounds flabbergasted, and I
wince, wanting nothing more than to curl up and die as I spy Alec's
delighted smirk in my peripheral vision. Jack continues to blabber on,
oblivious to the humiliation he is drowning his sister in. "Why are you
talking to boys in the middle of the night Riley? You never talk to boys.
Especially since Toby. You've avoided them until now. Do you want a
boyfriend, is that it? Oh, or is one of them your boyfriend? Or maybe-"

I slap a hand over his mouth, dropping my hair over my face in an attempt
to conceal my blush. "Right, time for bed then Jack!" I chime loudly,
feigning happiness. I usher him out of the room as quickly as possible,
muttering profanities under my breath as he protests under my determined
statuesque. It takes everything I have not to head-butt the closed door,
I swear.

With one glance at Alec's expression, I slam the window shut and pull the
curtains closed. I think I've had enough humiliation for one night. Yeah,
you may call me a coward for not fighting to get my bra back, but I don't
think I could face Alec after that horrifying encounter. I dread to think
what he'd say. I dive into the bedcovers, smothering my face in the
pillow as I release a muffled scream. Why does this stuff happen to me?!

After a while, I begin to fade back into the land of dreams, one thing
running through my mind as I drift off.

Alec Ryder, I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you.


"Come on, we're going to be late!" My mum tugs on my arm forcefully,

dragging me towards the door. She grins excitedly at Jack and I as she
shoos us down the driveway towards the sidewalk, barely remembering to
shut the door, never mind lock it. "Mum, do I have to go?" I hush,
leaning closer to her as I eye the house sceptically.

"Of course you do! It's only polite to welcome the neighbours!"

Little does mum know that I've actually met Alec already, and I'm not too
keen to see him again. I was absolutely exhausted this morning. Guess
that's what you get for staying up in the middle of the night with a
delinquent, a player, a prankster and a god. Lucky me. I stretch on an
elasticated friendly smile as mum rings the doorbell, smoothing down my
top and clasping my brother's hand for dear life.

"Riley, why are you holding my hand? I'm not five," Jack grumbles beside
me, trying desperately to retrieve his hand from my tight grip. Suddenly,
the door swings open revealing the woman we saw yesterday. She grins
happily as she sees us, before ushering us inside. "Welcome, welcome! I'm
Marie Ryder; it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Her dark curls hang wild around her porcelain face, the exact inky shade
that Alec's hair is. It's quite obvious that he gets his appearance from
his mum's side, although Alec's skin is more olive than hers. I'm
guessing that he inherited that from his father, wherever he may be.

"Indeed it is!" My mum gushes cheerily, and I smile at the sight. Mum's
always complaining about how she hasn't any friends living nearby, so
this is good for her. "I'm Ruby, Ruby Greene. This is my daughter, Riley
and my son, Jack."

"Hi there," Marie smiles welcomingly at us, "It's a pleasure to meet you!
I'll have to call my kids down in a bit, so you can meet them! Millie is
a little younger, but Alec should be around your age Riley...Anyway, come
on into the lounge and I'll make us some drinks!"
I trail behind my mother into the living room, settling daintily at the
edge of a plump couch as I glance around my surroundings. The house is
cosy and warm, despite its lack of furnishings. Candles and dried flowers
are set up on the mantelpiece, giving the fireplace a rosy glow. As for
the layout, well it's exactly like that of our house, but the opposite.
Kind of like a mirror image.

"Do you take two sugars or one? Milk?" Marie frets, running a hand
through her untamed curls, her bright eyes flickering between myself and
my mum.

"I'll come and help if you'd like?" My mum offers happily, and the relief
on Marie's face is immediate, but is quickly masked with denial.

"Are you sure? You're a guest, I-"

My mum interrupts her with a firm nod, and together they walk over to
the kitchen, leaving me with my annoyingly little brother. I glance over
at Jack, to see that he's playing his Gameboy. "Jack," I hiss lowly,
"That's rude! Put it away, now."

"But she's not even here!" Jack protests in a grumbling voice, his eyes
still focused securely on the brightly lit screen of his gadget. I roll
my eyes at his childish behaviour, "Jack. It's rude."

"Fine, I'll put it away mom."

I roll my eyes fondly at my little brother, settling into the sofa as I

breathe in the tantalising vanilla scent. As much as Jack and I do fight,
he can be a cutie sometimes- both physically and in persona.
Unfortunately for me, he inherited all the good genes. His scruffy brown
hair and wide green eyes somewhat resemble my Dad, whereas his faint
scatter of freckles and snub nose are inherited from Mom. Even I admit
that he's adorable, but in my defence, he is the devil's incarnation
behind the good looks.

"Here you are, sweetheart," Marie places a plate of cookies on the coffee
table which, from the mouth-watering smell, I'm guessing are homemade.
She hands me and Jack a glass of lemonade each, and I smile gratefully at
her. "Thanks, Marie. This looks wonderful."

Her answering smile is sweet, before she rushes off to call her kids
downstairs. "Alec, Millie! Come down here please! We have guests."

"What is it mom?" I hear Alec grumble in reply, before the patter of

footsteps down the stairs catches my attention. My breath hitches as Alec
comes down the stairs, wearing some faded jeans and a black t shirt which
hugs his torso, adorning his well-defined muscles. His gaze locks onto
mine, his eyes widening in recognition before turning confused. "What are
you doing here, Riles?"

"You two know each other?" The two women enter the room, holding cups of
tea and sharing confused glances.
"No!" I rush out, just as Alec claims the opposite.

"Riley, dear, you never told me you knew this dashing young lad," Mum
frowns. I cringe at her wording, taking note of Alec's smug smile as he
comes to stand beside me. He slings an arm around my shoulders casually,
smirking at me from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, Riley and I go way back, Ma'am."

My mum turns to me with a horrifying obvious playful wink, and I slump

into my hands. What sort of godforsaken trick is Alec trying to pull? He
couldn't have just gone along with it? Of course not, he's Alec Ryder. So
far, he seems intent on annoying me. Almost as intent as my mother is on
playing matchmaker. Always whining at me to get a boyfriend. Does she not
seem to realise that by nagging me, she's only rubbing the fact in my

"Ah, how sweet!" Marie gushes, and I cringe into my palms. "How did you

Beside me, Alec stiffens, before coughing discreetly to disguise his

suspicious actions. "Oh, well she's friends with my cousin, you see," He
lies smoothly, "Natasha. I met Riley one night in the library, when I was
searching for..."

"A book?" I supply my face lighting up mischievously. He nods, his eyes

narrowing a fraction of an inch as he takes notice of my sudden
excitement, but not enough to ruin his cover. I lean back into his
shoulder, to his surprise, before casually continuing. "Oh yes, you
always have had a passion for you remember you came out of
the closet that night?"

Payback is a b*tch, Ryder.

Marie chokes on her tea, "Alec, you're gay?"

"No," Alec's voice is tight as he shoots me a glare, "I was


My shoulders shake with silent laughter as I look up at his positively

murderous expression. Alec turns to flash me a glare, grabbing my hand
and pulling me up from the sofa. "Riley and I are going up to my room. We
have a lot," he enunciates the word clearly, his heated gaze boring holes
into my smug smile, "to talk about."

"Keep the door open!" My mum chimes after us, chuckling merrily with her
newfound friend. I scowl as the heat reaches my cheeks. Could I get any
more red?

"You look like a tomato." Alec comments beside me as we reach his

bedroom, poking my cheek curiously.
"Why thank you, I'm charmed," I reply sarcastically, rolling my eyes as a
smile tugs at my lips.

"Ever heard that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit?"

"How would you know anything about wit?"

"That one, right there, almost hurt Riley. You should be careful with my
feelings. They're precious." Alec clasps his chest in mime hurt, pouting

Obviously, when I say adorably I mean annoyingly.

"So, you bat for the other team then?"

Alec turns to me with a scowl. "You're going to regret that, princessa."

"Sure, sure," I dismiss smugly, taking a seat on the edge of his bed and
earning myself another glare. I take the opportunity to look around his
room. The walls are block navy and white, with a few posters scattered
around. I recognise Metallica and My Chemical Romance. Other than that,
his room is eerily bare.

"I mean it, Riley. They don't call me a bad boy for nothing."

"Egotistical jerk."

"Ah but the ladies love it."

"Did it hurt when you fell down the whore tree and banged every girl on
the way down?"

"No, it was actually very pleasurable."

"Ew, pervert," I hit him on the shoulder as he chuckles lowly at my

disgusted expression. My nose smoothens out as I turn to him again, "Just old are you?"

"17..." He trails off, "You?"

"16. I'm turning seventeen next month though."

"Aw, my big girl is getting older!" He ruffles my hair patronisingly,

raising a scowl from me. I hate being patronised. With a passion.

"Go and bang yourself, Ryder."

"Ah, but why would I do that when I have lots of lady volunteers willing
to do the job?"

"Man slag."

"Ooh, she swears!"

Ugh. Stupid boy.

Hi :) Welcome to the first update of TBBSMB! I hope you enjoyed the

chapter. If you did, please comment, vote and/or fan! Banner to the side-

Chapter 3// Sweet Metallica Lullabies

"What's up your fine ass this morning?"

I turn to face Violet with an acknowledging grunt, slamming my head into

my locker with more force than intended. I whimper as I feel the
tenderness emerge in my temple and my fingers automatically rise up to
massage the pain. Have you ever loathed something so much that just the
mere thought of it wipes the smile off your face, and instantly makes you
a hundred times more irritable?

Ah, then you understand my mutual relationship with Monday. Specifically

Monday mornings.

"You look like crap you know," Violet comments bluntly, leaning against
the lockers beside mine and crossing her arms across her chest in a
casual manner. I shoot her a scowl in reply. "It's not my fault that Alec
bloody Ryder doesn't know what time is acceptable to play music," I
grumble under my breath. My hands dart angrily into my locker to retrieve
my books, and I shut it with a satisfying slam! Huh, maybe I should get
anger management.

"Seriously though, did you get dressed in the dark or something? Look at
what you're wearing!"

I peer self-consciously down at my pale blue skinny jeans and Beatles t

shirt. My usual home attire. I don't have anything against this outfit-
it's comfy, casual and practical. Violet, however, has a different
opinion on my clothing choices, and she never hesitates to make it known.
"Not now, Violet. I'm not in the mood." I murmur, rubbing the skin under
my eyes in an attempt to erase the bags there. Sure enough, I know I look
like crap. My hair is done up into a sloppy messy bun, and my converse
are beginning to get tatty from overuse. Personally, I blame my
dishevelled appearance on Alec Ryder. He was the one playing Metallica
until god knows what time last night.

"So, news on the street says that you have a drool worthy neighbour next

I cringe as we begin the slow walk towards Math, popping some gum into my
mouth to cover the fact that I forgot to brush my teeth this morning in
my dazed, sleepy state. Violet chatters on obliviously beside me. "I
can't believe you live next to Alec Ryder. Man candy, dude! Dammit,
you're lucky. You probably don't even realise how lucky you are, you know
that? Free stripping shows every morning and night! You might even -"

"Stop right there!" I hastily pull her to a stop. "There's a lot you
don't know so don't go assuming things."

She raises an expectant eyebrow. "Spill."

"Well basically, I was woken up on Saturday night because-"

"Riley!" My eyes snap towards the source of the voice, before widening
in horror. Dylan Merrick stands further up the corridor, flanked by Joe,
both of their gazes trained on my disgruntled form. Just at the mere
sound of their God's voice, people immediately zone onto me and before I
know it, I've gone from my safe spot below the radar to hot topic for
gossip in the matter of a few seconds. I watch precariously as the two
head towards me, shrinking back into the lockers and hoping to god that
there is some other Riley stood conveniently behind me.

"Hey there," Dylan greets me with a small smile as he nears us, leaning
on the locker beside me. "How are you?" Is he completely oblivious to the
curious stares we're getting? Maybe he's just grown overly used to it by
now, what with him being popular and all. Suddenly self-conscious under
multiple gazes, I flush pink and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"I've been better," My voice comes out surprisingly strangled and croaky
as Joe steps into my only escape route. I'm surrounded, literally, by a
confused and most likely irritated best friend, a blonde jock slash nerd
trying to make small talk and the guy who set the principals desk on
fire! Karma really has it out for me.

"So has Ryder given it back yet?" Joe asks me curiously, shooting a
sideways glance to a very overwhelmed Violet. Her face is puckered in
confusion, and it would take a blind man not to see the interrogation I
have to look forward to. Yay. "Nope," I grumble disappointedly.
Yesterday, when I was around his house, I took the valuable time to
search for my bra in his room. We were there for an hour and I still
couldn't find it. And the worst part? All throughout that hour, he simply
watched me get more and more irritated, and he smirked. Infuriating jerk

"You know I could help you get him back..." A spark of excitement flares
in Joe's eyes as he says the dreaded words.

"Er, no thanks." I chuckle uneasily, "Helping isn't really your forte.

Your forte would be fire, danger and exclusion."

"I'm just a dial tone away if you change your mind," Joe winks playfully.
Beside me, Violet cringes and straightens from her slumped statuesque
against the lockers. "Excuse me?" She butts in, "Have I missed something
here? Last Friday you didn't even know she existed and now you're
flirting? What happened on Saturday night?"


"Care to share, Riley?" Her tone is demanding, and I catch the tail end
of a scrutinizing glare which makes me wince. I look to Joe and Dylan for
help, but remain unsuccessful. Dylan shifts uncomfortably under my
pleading gaze, and Joe just grins, amused by the situation. Just me,
then. I take a deep breath. I'm gonna need it.

"Basically Chase, Dylan and Joe were at Alec's house having a little
party or something. I was asleep, but I woke up and Alec was in my room
and he had my bra! He ran across the window before I could stop him, and
that's how I was introduced to the others. They stole my bra, Vi- that's
how I know them. Now if you'll excuse me..."
I scarper hastily away from the scene and without another word, escape
into my maths classroom.

Yeah I wish.

"What?" Violet shrieks, her voice pierces the humid air as she locks my
forearm in a steely grip, yanking me back towards her none too gently.
"Alec Ryder stole your bra? Why? Have you got it back? How does he know
the others? What did you talk about? How-"

"I will answer any questions you have in math, just please don't
decapitate me." My voice comes out robotic and automated, rehearsed
almost. Ah who am I kidding? I've said the same sentence about fifty
times over. I have a tendency to forget about telling my best friend
everything that happens in my life, sue me.

"Okay," Violet agrees reluctantly, eyes narrowing. "But I want every

single detail. Capiche?"

"Er, we're just going to go now..." Dylan hums beside me, and my head
snaps towards him. To be honest, I completely forgot him and Joe were
there...I nod in confirmation, offering the pair a small smile as they
walk away. I guess they aren't that bad after all. I turn back to Violet
with my hands in automatic surrender. "I know I should've called you, I'm
sorry. I was too busy eating and sleeping. I tell you everything about my
weekend, and you describe this disastrous blind date. Deal?"

She ponders my request jokingly, scratching her chinny chin chin. "Deal."


"And that's my sad, sad tale." I finish off, peering warily around the
cosy library interior to check that I'm not about to get booted out
anytime soon for talking. Although we are hidden in the furthest corner
of the library, the librarian has ears like a hawk, and I hate the idea
of her listening to us from behind that lacquered desk of hers. My ears
pick up on no sounds, luckily, and I sigh in relief as I turn back to
Violet, but the sigh quickly diminishes in my throat as I take note of
her expression.

I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting Violets reaction to be after I

told her about my weekend, but this wasn't on the agenda. A fan girl
squeal? Interrogation? Sure. But instead I'm faced with something a lot
scarier: Violet is thinking. You might think it strange for me to be
worried about that, but you don't quite understand how opinionated Violet
is. She's really loud, really confident and she knows her mind clearly.
Very rarely do I ever see her thinking before she says something, hence
the butterflies which have somehow found their way into my stomach.

"I think..." Violet begins- hesitation evident in her faraway, drifting

gaze and detached voice, "I think you need to get revenge." Her eyes snap
to mine, surely now, and an evil smirk curves those lips of hers. "He's
not going to give it back- accept that and move on. You need to pull out
the big guns if you want that bra back, and I understand why you do. I
mean, that thing shouldn't be allowed to exist." She pauses to wrinkle up
her nose, before continuing with more excitement prominent in her tone.
"Blackmail him, steal his boxers, embarrass that pretty little face of
his and knock him down a peg or two. That's the way you get the bra

I nod, fighting to restrain the evil laugh bubbling up my throat.

Violet's right- did I honestly think he was going to give it back without
a fight? No, I need to get my revenge. "Should I be taking notes?" I
tease her, taking a bite of my ham sandwich, "I feel like I'm at an army
camp or something." She rolls her eyes at this, settling back into the
bookshelf as normal and taking a forkful of her own pasta salad. Unlike
me, full time steak lover and meat-eater, she's a vegetarian.

"So, how did the blind date go?" I ask her curiously, and her expression
immediately drops from a half-hearted smile into a scowl. "Horrendously,"
She shudders, "He had the table manners of a complete pig, he wasn't
attractive in the slightest and his name was Dustin. Honestly, who would
name their child that? It's evil!"

I snort with laughter, catching the attention of a passing boy. He

falters as he sees us, immediately blushing crimson in a cute form of
embarrassment. His pretty brown eyes are shielded with a pair of thick
back rimmed glasses, and he wears a shirt two times too big for his tall,
skinny frame. I offer him a friendly smile, which he shakily returns
before taking a step towards us. Violet stiffens beside me, and I glance
over to see her blushing and smiling at the boy. No way.

"Hi Martin," She grins, "What's up?" My face lapses in disbelief as I

watch the affair. Violet is blushing beneath that white face powder. God,
why did she never tell me she had a crush on this dude? I mean, it's
adorable! Immediately my face breaks into a dazed, cheeky grin and I
stand up from my position on the tatty carpeted floor.

"You know, I've just realised that I have an er....I have something to
do! Er, you two go on without me. Violet, call me tonight. We need to
talk." I wink playfully, which causes her to blush even more as she
shoots me a returning glare. Aw, she knows that I know that she has a
crush! She'll hate me for this, but hey, what can I say? I'm cupid's


"Can everybody please get their homework out?"

I freeze. Chemistry homework? We had chemistry homework? My hands slap to

my face in realisation. Shit! Of course we did! What with all this bra
business, my mind has been focused elsewhere. I've definitely got a
detention...I groan loudly, cupping my face in my hands and wincing as I
hear the snapping of Mrs Thompson's heels getting closer and closer. Rest
in peace Riley Greene, because if the teacher doesn't kill me, mom surely

"Miss Greene, may I see your homework please?"

"I-uh, I might have er left it at home? Can I bring it in tomorrow Miss?"

"Now, Riley. We have a policy at this school. I can't just favourite one
child." Mrs Thompson sneers at me from behind her thick framed glasses.
She's never really liked me, but the feeling is pretty mutual to be
honest. She's one of those tight, thin women who care of nothing more
than discipline. She even looks like one of those evil headmistresses for
chrissakes! Her coarse grey hair is pulled tightly into a coil at the
back of her head, and her teeth are dashed with crimson. How is it
possible to apply lipstick that badly?

"Excuse me?" Mrs Thompson gasps, her eyes widen in sheer shock before
brimming over with liquid fire. Oh crap, did I say that aloud? Anger
flushes her face in answer to my question, her hairy cheeks staining red
as her pupils dilate dangerously. Truthfully, she looks like a rare breed
of dragon.

"Detention!" She barks, her musty breath fanning my face so much so that
I have to fight to keep a straight face, "I will not have students
disrespect me in my classroom! Especially not when they've forgotten
their homework!"



My hand knocks timidly on the door of the detention room, and a deep
feeling of disappointment stirs in my gut. Cautiously, I take a few steps
in to face Mr Harris, a fairly nice teacher from my art class a few years
ago. Quite a strange man actually. I mean, you just have to take a look
at his socks and sandals to know that. Plus, that ginger beard does not
look appealing on him. "Take a seat, Miss Greene, and complete the
detention slip." I turn to face the room, seeing for myself that it is
pretty much empty. Damon Charles- a greasy kid who smells like he hasn't
washed in weeks- sits in the back row. Shortly to the left of him is a
girl with a nose piercing and dyed pink hair who sends me a piercing
glare, and then there's the couple in the front row who I can't make out
because their faces are attached. Fun.

I make my way to a seat by the window, a fair distance away from Damon's
body odour. Leaning my head against the cool glass, I attempt to clear my
head a little. After six murderously long hours at school, I should be at
home. But no, I'm stuck here in this dingy room with a couple making out,
a dozing teacher and a girl who won't stop glaring at me. All of this,
just for questioning a teacher's make-up application. What happened to
Freedom of Speech?!
I wince as I hear the door opening, a fatigued sigh escaping my lips. I
just want to go to sleep, is that such a crime? And preferably not by
succumbing to Metallica lullabies. "Sit down, kid, and complete the
detention slip." I hear Mr Harris' gruff voice speaking, but frankly I
cannot be bothered to move an inch and see who my new detention buddy is.
My head is killing me.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in," a familiar voice chuckles beside
me. My head darts up, despite the pain, and I groan loudly as I see who
it is. "Just for that, I'm going to come and sit next to you." Alec
comments with a smirk, clumsily pulling out the chair beside me and
plonking himself down.

"Abracadabra," I mutter under my breath, before pausing to assess the

damage. "Nope. You're still here."

I'm not going to lie; I'm disappointed that my magic trick didn't work.

Alec gives me a strange look, and I just roll my eyes, turning away. How
is it possible for a boy to be this annoying? Silently, I fish my phone
from my pocket as a distraction. I have a horrible habit of scanning
through my messages to avoid socializing. Unfortunately for me, no new
messages have come through- meaning I'm on my own. Oh joy.

Suddenly my phone is whisked away from me, and I yelp in surprise. Alec
holds it securely in his right hand, angling his body away from me so
that I can't reach it. "Alec!" I protest loudly. My gaze switches to the
teacher dozing happily in the corner, and I roll my eyes. Is it just me,
or is that sickeningly cliché? "Give it back you stupid ass llama!" I
turn to pound my fists against Alec's back, to no avail. Scowling, I hit
him harder and faster- still earning no reaction of course. I groan
loudly and slump, "Give it back!" I whine as another painful throb hits
my head like a bullet.

"Ooh nice picture, Riles."

My head darts up, and I only just manage to spy the picture he's looking
at from over his shoulder. Since when did I get so short? The picture is
of Violet and I wearing deep sea mud masks, imitating the oh-so classic
duck pout in a jokey take. We look like aliens. "Please?" I groan feebly,
"Please can I have my phone back?"

I can sense Alec's body shaking with laughter as he looks through my

camera roll and my hits against his back slow in defeat until I'm barely
trying at all. What's the point? It's pretty obvious he's not going to
give it back.

"Hey, is this you?" Alec asks me curiously, twisting his body around to
face me again. My stomach lurches at the picture he's showing me, taken
only a few short months ago- but practically from another era. I can
sense my throat tightening as I take notice of the people in the picture,
and it's a harsh awakening to say the least. In this picture, I'm happy.
It sounds so simple aloud, but it's a lot more complex than the words let
on. If you look closely, my eyes are crinkled with laughter and even my
hair hangs down my back in sleek, shiny locks. This is the time I made an
effort. Why, you ask? The boy next to me. The dirty blonde haired, hazel
eyed jock poking his tongue out at me with his arm casually slung over my
shoulders. The sight of him still hurts- a painful, sore burn where my
heart should be.

Why hadn't I deleted this picture?

Because it's all you have left of him.

"Yeah." My voice escapes as a soft murmur, and I can barely recognise it

as my own. Sensing that something is wrong, Alec's eyes widen and he
shifts uncomfortably in his seat. I take the opportunity to dart my hand
in and grab the phone back. I can't help the reassurance I feel as I hide
the picture, tucking the cell safely back into my pocket. "You tricked
me," Alec whines beside me, and I scoff a little to hide the sudden
weight in my chest.

"What are you, five?"

"Yep," Alec confirms cheekily, "I could be your toy boy baby." He winks
flirtily, and I recoil in disgust despite my chuckles. If he thinks that
he's going to tempt me into his charms that easily, he's sadly mistaken.
Unlike the other girls pining after him, I know what I'm in for with this
playboy- and he isn't worth the inevitable packets of Kleenex and Ben and
Jerry's ice-cream.

"So, your first day and you already have a detention, huh?" I ask him
casually, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arms across my chest
in an attempt for nonchalance. I'm kind of curious about how he got his
detention, sue me. He gives me a lopsided grin at this, leaning forward
to play with a stray pencil crayon left on the desk. "Yep. I'm just that
bad ass."

I give him a questioning look, and he sighs heartily before grumbling

under his breath, "I got into an argument with Mr Wild." He pauses for a
second before adding, "Asshole."

"Mr Wild is an asshole," I agree with a small chuckle, "You know, he once
told a girl off for wearing her ponytail too high. Apparently she was
blocking the view of other students." All true, every word, I swear. Alec
chuckles at this, and that's when it hits me. Alec and I aren't arguing!
I guess the apocalypse is near, after all.

Alec leans down to fumble in his bag, before pulling out a pair of ear
buds and an iPhone. I roll my eyes as he successfully blocks out the rest
of the world, leaning back into the chair and closing his eyes. What is
it with boys and the volume of their music, may I ask? Do they constantly
feel the need to burst their eardrums with eighty decibels, or something?
Heck, even I can make out the lyrics to the song blaring out of the
earphones. I begin humming along to the song, muttering lyrics under my
breath. Alec has a good taste in music, I'll give him that. I'm a sucker
for Radiohead.

I'm cut short in my rave when the music ceases, and my head snaps over to
Alec, who watches me with raised eyebrows. "You like Radiohead?" He
sounds surprised, but moody at the same time if that makes sense.

"Yeah," I shrug, "They're pretty awesome."

"Good for you. Now can you please quit the humming? It's really
annoying." Whoa- bipolar much?
And here I thought we were capable of civilised conversation. Jerk.

"Oh my apologies, your highness. I thought you wouldn't be able to hear

me over the millions of decibels blasting your ears apart." I retort
sarcastically, matched with a hard scowl. Alec meets my glare with
another of his own, and we lock into an intense stare-down. When my head
gives another painful throb however, I break the eye contact to lean my
head against the cool glass of the window again. I would kill for some
painkillers right now.

And I still have another fifteen minutes left. Joy.


"Hey Riley?"

"What?" I growl in frustration, turning to the open window for the

fiftieth time in ten minutes. Tonight, Alec seems to have recognised that
my patience is low and he seems intent on annoying the living sugar out
of me. There he sits, slouched against his window seat with a victorious
smirk on his face, which I'd kill to wipe off. I deliberated closing the
window, trust me, but he just pelted it continuously with bits of broken
pencil and boiled sweets, and in a way- this is somehow the less annoying

"Are you Google?" Alec asks me bluntly.

"What?" I turn to him, squinting in confusion.

"Because you have everything I'm searching for."

"What the fudge Alec-"

"I was reading a book of numbers yesterday, and I realise I don't have

"Alec, what are you-"

"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do you want me to walk by


"Alec, stop-"

"Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you."


"Stop what?" Alec asks me innocently, despite the malicious grin curving
the corners of his lips upwards. "Giving you compliments? Is a guy not
allowed to hit on his crush these days?"

...Did I just hear that?

My cheeks flame instantly and I begin to choke on my own saliva. "Crush?!


Alec stares at me plainly for a second, before roaring with laughter.

"Aw, you actually believed me? That's just sweet." He wipes metaphorical
tears from under his eyes, the odd chuckle still escaping his lips. My
face hardens into a humiliated scowl. What a jerk. I turn to face my
homework again, and begin to scribble down the answers as quickly as I
cab- uncaring of whether they're correct or not. I just want to escape
this torture. It's silent for a couple of minutes with just the
scratching sound of my pencil on the paper, before Alec takes the chance
to annoy me all over again.

"Hey Riley?" I swear if I hear that one more time, there will be nothing
but a pile of ash left of Alec's tiny balls by tomorrow.

"What?" I practically spit the word through my gritted teeth, sending the
devils incarnation a death glare.

"The effect I have on you is just adorable, I must say."

"What, you mean wanting to rip your head off your shoulders?" I say in a
sickeningly sweet tone.

"Yep: you look like an angry kitten. And my god, that blush. I can't
believe you believed me."

"Shut up." I turn away again to hide the humiliation staining my cheeks.

"Hey Riley?"


"Is your face from McDonalds? Because," He pauses to wink at me, "I am
lovin it."

That boy is just too infuriating for his own good.

A/N: Picture of Riley at the side! A cheeky vote/comment if you like it,
Chapter 4// Cupcakes and Horror movies

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat that please?"

"I told Marie that you would babysit tonight," Mom repeats tiredly,
running a hand through her newly cut curls. I blink at her,
uncomprehending- is this some sort of a joke or is she actually serious?
"And you told her that why?" I question loudly. She winces at my tone of
voice, turning away ashamedly.

"I was talking about how occasionally you do babysitting for people-"She
holds up a single finger when I go to butt in. Actually I've only ever
babysat once, and it did not go too well to say the least. "Anyway, she
mentioned that she was going to a business conference tonight, and I
offered your help."

"Wait, who am I babysitting? Millie or Alec? I'm pretty sure that Alec
could look after her if he put that pea-sized brain to some use." I roll
my eyes at the thought. Why is Marie asking for a babysitter when she
knows, surely, that Alec is perfectly able to do it himself? Lazy
bastard. Mom sighs before me, massaging her temples to try and relieve
her stress. Despite having a long day at work, she still looks stunning
from her lunch with Marie earlier. A pair of skinny jeans really does
accentuate mom's killer figure- she looks more like my sister than ever.

"Look, Riley, please don't argue. You need money for college don't you?"
Mom pleads, clutching her wine glass stem as though her life depends on
it. She must have had a bad patient today. It's a day in the life of
being a doctor, I suppose- not every case ends well. Deciding that I'm
being a little selfish, I hitch my legs from their comfortable position
on the couch and walk over to peck mom on the cheek.

"Alright mama," I murmur, "Put your feet up and eats some Hershey's okay?
I'll babysit them both." Ruffling her new beach wave bob, I head towards
the door quietly.

"Thank you Riley," Mom says behind me, and I turn slightly to return her
grateful smile, something similar to warmth stirring in the pit of my
stomach. Call me corny but I like pleasing my mom. "There are some
cupcakes on the stand if you want one. Take some over for Millie and
Alec, okay?"
Hmm... something tells me that even cupcakes aren't going to help me out


The two simple doorbell tones ricochet throughout the chilly air, and I
shiver in my woolly sweater- rubbing my hands together for warmth. Please
don't answer the door. Please don't answer the door. It's pointless
hoping, I know. The door swings open, cascading light upon my frozen
figure. "Riley! Come in, come in! You must be freezing." Marie ushers me
inside with a beaming smile that I find myself returning unconsciously.
How can a mother and son be that different, I wonder?

"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice!" Marie smiles
gratefully at me, "I was terrified I was going to have to call the kids'
Aunty Grace, Natasha's mother, and they're on holiday at the moment.
Let's just say that you saved me a tonne of hassle."

"You're welcome." I reply, peering around my surroundings and soaking up

the warmth. The house is a lot more furnished then when I last saw it:
with warm beige rugs and picture frames decorating the interior. The
earthy tones compliment themselves, and instantly I feel at home. Marie
checks her watch beside me, sending me one last grateful glance. "I'm
afraid I really need to go and get ready now, Riley. There are sodas in
the fridge; Alec and Millie are in the living room if you want them. I'll
be down in ten minutes tops, okay?"

I salute her teasingly as she jogs up the stairs, turning my attention

towards the living room humming with chatter and socialisation.
Cautiously, I peer around the door to see a sight I was not expecting to
see- Alec playing with Millie.

I watch, aghast, as the pair play together, oblivious to my presence.

Laughing with his sister as she pours 'tea' into his cup, and taking a
pretend biscuit from her- rubbing his tummy to her delight. Where did
this Alec come from? The jerk I know from school is suddenly showing a
whole other side to him which I frankly didn't realise existed. The guy I
know wouldn't be caught dead doing half of this stuff. I watch in
silenced awe as the heart-warming scene plays out, and I can't help but
wonder if there's more than meets the eye with Alec Ryder. That maybe
he's not all bad.

Of course that doesn't last for long.

"Riles!" Alec exclaims from the other side of the room, shocking me out
of my thoughts. "Finally the babysitter is here. Took you long enough."
He straightens up and walks past me, deliberately shoving me backwards
with his steely hard shoulder. Millie watches him in angst, her adorable
porcelain features crinkling in hurt. "Alec, why are you leaving?"

Her innocence warms me to the core, and I hastily dash towards the vacant
space in her tea party. "Hello there," I smile, crouching down at her
level, "I love your dress! Did you choose it yourself?" Immediately she
flushes pink and hides behind her hair, her fingers scrabbling and
picking at a loose thread of her dress. "Yes," She replies shyly, her
wide doe eyes peering at me curiously- as though measuring me up. "Where
was Alec gone?"

"He's probably gone to put some perfume on," I say in a hushed whisper,
"He's a bit smelly, isn't he?" She giggles delightedly at me, and dances
closer- her timid approach disintegrating almost instantly. She comes
closer and offers me an adorable toothy grin, which I gladly return. "I
like you," She announces, grabbing my hand and leading me to sit down at
the vacant spot in her tea party. "Would you like to join our tea party?"

"I would love to," I smile, sitting down cross legged on her picnic
blanket and taking a dainty teacup from the set up. "You know, I'm very

"Would you like some tea?" She asks me in a singsong giggly voice,
picking up the teapot and leaning over to pour some 'tea' in my cup.
"This is my best tea set so we need to be careful not to break it," She
leans over to whisper in my ear. "The tea is only pretend though. Mommy
says I can't have real tea or I might get burnt."

"Oh okay. Are you a good pretender?" I'm fighting the urge to squeal at
how cute she is right now, seriously I am. I mime a sip of tea, moaning
in appreciation and making her giggle.
"I could have you moaning louder than that sunshine," Alec whispers in my
ear, startling me. I spin around quickly to slap him on the shoulder as
he laughs, shooting him a scowl. "Alec, don't say stuff like that in
front of your sister."

"Why not? She doesn't know what it means." He shrugs it off casually,
lounging on the couch unattractively. Unfortunately for me, my position
in the tea party puts me at the perfect distance and height to be a
footrest for Alec, as proved by the devil himself. I huff and shove his
feet from my shoulders. "With a brother like you, it won't take her long
to figure out."

"That hurts right here, Greene." He clamps a hand over his heart
dramatically, earning an eye-roll from me. He really is immature.

"Oh bite me, Ryder."

"Just tell me where, sunshine."

Ew. I wrinkle my nose in disgust but my retort is interrupted by another


"Right kids, I'd best be off now. I should be home about ten, okay? It
won't last long." Marie says from the doorway. Her normally wild frizz is
tamed back into a fancy topknot, matching perfectly with her stilettos
and pencil skirt: she looks like a woman on a mission. She leans forward
to kiss Millie on the head, and ruffles Alec's hair. "Alec will help you
get Millie to bed in about half an hour- it's almost her bed time, bless
her. Then I guess you and him can watch a movie or something until I get
back. Thanks for doing this Riley," She says gratefully as she slams the
front door behind her.

Silence echoes her departure for a second, before Alec snaps into action
by turning the TV on. Immediately a loud burst of music blares through
the speakers around the room, and we all jump a mile from our seats,
hearts jump starting in shock. It's only after a second's hesitation that
all goes quiet once more as Alec presses the mute button in a rush. I
turn to face him with a scowl, my heart still beating rapidly from the
shock. "Nice one, Ryder."

Alec puts his hands in the air in surrender, a sheepish smile curving his
lips. "Not my fault."

I roll my eyes and turn to Millie, who still looks a little stunned from
the incident. "Hey Millie, are you okay?"

I'm surprised to say the least when she bursts into tears. "I want m-m-
mommy!" She wails, clutching her teddy in a death grip. Shit. I turn to
Alec in panic, and my expression is mirrored in his features. Well- he's
going to be no help whatsoever then. I dart towards Millie and scoop her
up into my arms, rocking her awkwardly as she sobs. "Alec," I hiss, "Go
and fetch some tissues, and her favourite candy or something."

"Which one is her favourite?" He panics. If I didn't have a screaming

baby in my arms, I would probably find this situation hilarious and laugh
at Alec for hours. But I do have a screaming baby in my arms- and so the
sheer amusement of this situation is masked by my own panic. Does she
suffer from parent withdrawal or was it just shock? Is that why Marie
won't leave her with Alec on his own? If that is the reason, then I
completely sympathise- Alec doesn't seem to have a clue. How could
everything go so wrong so quickly?

"Shh baby, shhh," I coo in her ear, "It's going to be alright. Mommy will
be home soon, okay?" She calms down the tiniest fraction at this, but
still continues to cry noisily into my tee shirt. After rocking back and
forth for another thirty seconds to no avail- I try different tactics. I
heave us both up from the floor and walk around, stroking her hair and
murmuring sweet nothings in her ear. "Hey Millie, I've got a special
cupcake in my bag all for you. Would you like it?"

I'm not sure if she didn't hear me at first or whether she was
contemplating the offer, but it takes her a few seconds to nod into my
neck. Tears flow freely down my shoulder, but the once body wracking sobs
have calmed now and I couldn't be more grateful. I sit down on the couch,
Millie still clinging to me, and pull the cupcake from my box. "Take a
look at this Millie." I whisper. She pulls away slowly, revealing a tear
stained face which breaks my heart into a million tiny pieces. She
visibly brightens at the sight of the treat though, and looks to me for
permission before taking the cupcake and snuggling back into my arms.
Every now and then, she hiccups with tears or takes a gasp for air- still
recovering from the after effects of her breakdown.

"I have tissues!" Alec jogs into the room, still in a rushed state. "I
wasn't sure which candy she liked though, so I brought a load of
different ones. " He stiffens when he sees us on the couch- Millie
licking the icing off a cupcake, and me shooting him piercing death
glares. "Aw," He moans loudly, "Who brought the cupcake?"

"That's a very good question. Who brought the tissues when I needed them?
Hmm...the answer to that would have to be...Nobody." I stare pointedly at
Alec, eyebrows raised.

"I'm not your bloody maid service, Greene." Alec grunts moodily, "I
panicked. You can't blame me for that." I sigh at this and turn back to
Millie. Her lavender eyelids are already drooping drowsily and she's
snuggled up into my arms in a way that I can't help but grin at. "I've
got to get this little one to bed." Slowly and carefully, I straighten up
with Millie in my arms, only wobbling slightly. She watches me through
half closed eyelids, her lips forming a weak smile despite her
sleepiness. The cupcake wrapper is clutched into her tiny fist.

"Millie's bedroom is second on the left." Alec calls behind me.

Jerk. Could he not offer to help me? It's pretty damn obvious that I'm
struggling under the weight. I roll my eyes and obediently begin to carry
an already half-asleep Millie upstairs, dodging the toys on the steps as
best I can.

Millie's bedroom can be described in one word and one word only: pink.
Pink curtains, rosy pink wallpaper and matching pink carpets- the list
goes on and on. Her bed is a giant canopy palace bunk bed, and her
wardrobe is a matching ivory with pink detailing. I head straight for the
bed with Millie, carefully lying her down on the soft mattress- trying
not to wake her from her drowsy state. Luckily, she only stirs slightly
as I pull the blankets over her, and then she's lost to the world of

I take the opportunity to take a look around her room. Aside from all the
pink, it is actually really nice- with a small bookshelf filled with
fairy tales, a dolls house almost as big as me and a huge canvas filled
with photographs. Curiously, I step towards it and begin to scan through
the pictures. Most are of Millie as a baby, Millie in Disneyland etc.
Almost like a timeline. However, there's a distinct one in the centre
which prominently catches my eye as different. "Is that Alec?" I breathe

The picture is gorgeous, without a doubt. It's a professional white

studio photograph taken of the two siblings. A younger version of Millie
is giggling and pulling on Alec's gelled locks. She looks around the age
of one, her chocolate ringlets pulled into two cute bunches on either
side of her head. As for Alec...he looks adorable at the age of 14. His
toothy grin radiates an angelic aura, and he has a basketball clutched in
his grasp. The photo is perfect.

Quietly, I exit the bedroom and head back downstairs, still quite in awe
at what I've just seen.

"Yo Greene, do you want anything from the Chinese?" Alec greets me at the
bottom of the stairs, his eyes averted to the slim cell phone in his
hands. Definitely expensive. I shake my head, running my sweaty hands
through my hair. "Er no thanks," I refuse politely, "I've already had my

"So that's a Dim Sum for you then? Excellent." He walks back into the
living room, pulling the phone to his ear. I trail behind him slowly, my
attention caught by the remote left on the arm of the couch. I swipe it
up hastily and turn the volume down, so that when I un-mute it, the sound
comes on at a reasonable amount of decibels. I collapse into the sofa
with a sigh and attempt to watch the television yet my mind is buzzing
with activity. Why did Millie break down like that? Was it just a shock,
or does she suffer something greater? How much has Alec changed since
that picture, just a few short years ago? What made him change so
drastically? I massage my temples in the hope to relieve the thoughts
buzzing around my head like wasps on a high. It doesn't help much.

"I ordered the Chinese," Alec collapses into the sofa next to me.
"So...what do you wanna do, eh?" He wriggles his eyebrows like a pervert,
and I hit him softly on the shoulder with a laugh. Alec can be a real
jerk sometimes, but it's nice to know that he actually cares for his
sister- the playing surely proved it. Plus, Alec's reaction to the tears
was quite amusing now that I think back on it.
"So...afraid of tears then, are ya?" I tease him, elbowing him in the
ribs. He scowls at this and doesn't reply, deliberately ignoring me in
his shame. I begin to laugh softly at the recall of it, and after a
minute or two he joins me. "It was random, you know? Scared the shit
outta me," he shakes his head amusedly, "As for you, Miss Nightingale-
you were the complete opposite. Who knew you were the pits with kids?"

"The pits?!" I echo disbelievingly, laughter laced in my voice, "Who says

that anymore?"

"I do." Alec replies confidently, lifting his chin up and pouting.
"Anyway...wanna watch a movie?" At my nod in approval, he pauses to
smirk, "Let's see how a girly chick like you handles a horror, eh?"

And here is when the clichés and stereotypes kick in. There's always that
cliché stereotype that girls love shopping, dresses, shoes and eat
truffles on their period (I mean, I'm sorry, but truffles are nice
anytime for me. Not just on my period). However, one of the largest
clichés that really gets my back up is when men deem women as weaker than
them- with less muscle, less brain and no backbone whatsoever. And that,
right there, is precisely the reason that the mere mention of a horror
movie brings an amused smile to my lips.

Oh Alec, if only you knew.

"Paranormal activity? Nightmare on Elm Street? Smiley?" Alec wriggles his

eyebrows at me, and I feign a nervous face- bringing my nails to my mouth
to add to the authenticity. Judging by Alec's victorious smirk, it seems
to work. "Or perhaps you'd like some final destination?"

Eventually he settles with Scream, thinking that of course a man in a

mask brandished so often in children's Halloween costumes will terrify a
weak, sensitive girl like me. I mean, does he know me at all? Throughout
the scary movie adverts, Alec keeps sending me sideway glances- observing
my reaction, at which I pretend to be nervous. Then the first scene kicks
in, and I begin to mouth the lines as the actors say them.

It takes a few seconds for Alec to notice but when it does, his mouth
drops open in surprise. I still don't look at him of course, only
watching in my peripheral vision as my lips curve around the familiar
lines. But after a few more lines, the temptation is too much to resist.

"Who are you trying to reach?"

I send a smirk towards a baffled Alec as I say this line- his eyes wide
and mouth slack in amazement. He watches me, stunned, before finally
fumbling for the remote and pausing the film. I turn to face him
victoriously, cackling with evil laughter inside. So much for
stereotypes. He obviously does not know me well, or pay attention to me
for that matter, because if he did then he'd know that I watch horror
movies practically every night- and I know most of the lines backwards.
Scream is not one of my particular favourites (I find it a little
repetitive and tedious) but I still know the lines for the first good
fifteen minutes of the film, and a few more.

"How did you do that?" Alec demands.

"Well, I watch movies you see," I enunciate the words clearly, as though
I'm talking to a five year old, "And horror is one of my favourite
genres. I've watched a tonne of 'em. Test me if you'd like." I smirk at
him, and his face hardens in determination to find one which I haven't
watched. Good luck to him is all I'm saying.

"Paranormal Activity?"

I yawn as a reply to this one, and his face sets harder if that's even
possible. Gosh, I kind of feel sorry for him- he's not going to get one.


"I can quote it backwards."

"One of my personal favourites."

"Saw? Alone in the Dark?" Seeing my smirk, he sighs. "You know what?
Don't even answer that. I give up. You win." I jump up at this and
proceed to do a victory dance- shaking my hips and moving my hands in the
Macarena dance. I can sense Alec watching me with a slightly creeped out
expression, until the doorbell rings. "Wow. Quick service." I comment.
Alec rolls his eyes moodily, obviously still upset about my victory and
gets up to answer the door. "Don't answer the door Alec!" I scream in a
high pitched girly tone, collapsing into laughter at the sight of his
middle finger. A minute later, he comes back in holding a small paper bag
of Chinese takeaway.

"This is for me, this is for me and this is for..." He turns to survey me
jokingly, "Me as well. So...none for you then. What a shame." He
collapses into the couch next to me with a delicious smirk curving his
features. I watch from beside him as he eats each tender morsel, before a
plan finally pops into my head and my own smirk comes out to play. I
would do anything for my food. Just saying.

With a Tarzan cry, I launch myself on top of Alec and snatch the bag of
takeaway, successfully pinning his hands down as I collapse on top of
him. He writhes and struggles beneath me, but I've successfully trapped
him to the couch. Now, sat on his lap in an awkward slouch, I grab a
cushion from beside me and shove it into Alec's face, muffling his curses
and profanities, before leaning back into it. It's actually quite a
comfortable position.

"You know what I feel like watching? A chick flick." I declare loudly.
Instantly, Alec's hands are unleashed from beneath me, darting towards my
sides and tickling me frantically. A cry escapes my lips and I squirm
like I've just been electrocuted, before hysterics follow- my eyes
watering with unshed tears of joy. Dammit, I hate being tickled. It's one
of my only weaknesses, besides food of course. Helpless against his
merciless fingers, my hold weakens and I go crashing to the floor with
Alec following shortly behind.

The bag of takeaway is quickly forgotten as this morphs into a tickling

war. He straddles my legs and pins my hands above my head with one hand,
his eyes glinting deviously as he leans forward. "Did you honestly think
you'd get away with that, Greene?" I writhe frantically under his legs,
the knowing churn in my stomach telling me that there's much worse to
come- and my jaw is already hurting from all the laughing. I don't
understand why we laugh when we're tickled- it's not like we enjoy it.
Keeping my chin up and maintaining the shred of dignity that I have left,
I wink playfully at him.

Unfortunately though, my plan to surprise him and jump back up fails the
moment that I hear a new voice coming from the living room doorway.

"Well, well, well. What have we got here?"

Authors Note: Well hai there :3 What did you think of the chapter? Who is
the person in the doorway? Comment ideas below! Picture of the beautiful
Alec Ryder to the side ;) xox

Dedicated to chexyie for the absolutely gorgeous cover she made me, plus
the OTHER cover on the side! :)

Chapter 5// Revenge is Sweet

Alec and I spring apart instantly, and I land on the floor with a hard
thud. Ouch. Rubbing my backside, I groan loudly and attempt to shield my
cheeks from the laughing boys. Unfortunately, this doesn't quite go to
plan because they've already seen, judging by the hoots of laughter. Aw
crap. Chase, Dylan and Joe seem to be in stitches laughing, and I'm
disgruntled to say the least when Alec joins in with their laughter and
gets up to greet them. Do you know what that means? It means I'm sat
alone in the centre of the carpet looking like a tomato with four
obnoxious guys laughing at me. Yay.

"Well if it isn't bra girl," Chase says in a teasing manner, collapsing

onto a nearby couch. His eyebrows are raised amusedly, and I shuffle
uncomfortably under his suggestive tone. "Looked like Alec was having fun
there." Awkward. How very, very awkward. What they saw as a compromising
position was actually a full blown war over food, which I was undoubtedly
going to lose. So much for dignity.

"Well obviously," I wink playfully back at him to hide my unease. "Who

wouldn't want a piece of this?" Down past the nervous laughter and
cringe-worthy jokes however, I am fighting to restrain the blush
threatening to explode over my cheeks. That would ruin my nonchalant act
completely, and I'm hanging on to shreds of dignity as it is- I don't
need further embarrassment through blushing and stuttering.

"Oh I can think of quite a few actually," Alec crosses the floor towards
me and leans against the mantelpiece, eyebrows skyward. His tone is
mocking and light, but all I can freaking think about is he
looks standing there. Somehow it makes him even more annoying. Why can't
he be ugly? It would be so much easier to hate him that way. Rolling my
eyes, I quickly retort. "Multiply that number by 100, and bam you have
the number of times that you've broken a mirror."

"That's the best you can come up with?" Alec shoots back, "Don't deny you
want me, princess." He gestures towards himself cockily, and I simply
scowl in reply. I think he's the hottest guy I've ever hated.

"Please. Control your whoremones," I retort breezily as I stand up to

brush myself down. My nonchalant act still seems to be going strong: that
comeback was quite cool actually. I pull my woolly sweater tighter around
my chest, looking up to see all of the guys staring at me in...approval?
No, that can't be right. Shrugging it off, I salute them jokingly. "I'm
sure you ladies can take care of Millie yourselves. You're big boys
aren't you? I'm going home."

"Wait," Dylan calls out as I turn to open the door. "There's a party
Thursday night. Would you like to go with us?" My jaw slacks in surprise.
They want me to come to a party with them? I'm not sure whether to be
flattered at the notion, or whether to be disgusted that their bringing
me along to one of their girl raids. Although by the awkward looks and
the way that none of them are meeting my eye, I suppose I'm in the
minority of girls being asked as friends. I falter slightly and my hand
lingers on the front door handle unsurely. What's the worst that can
happen? It's not like I'll drink or take drugs, and I don't have to wear
any provocative clothing...jeans and a sweater should fit, right? No

You won't know until you try.

"Sure," I hum in reply, offering the boys a glimpse of a real smile,

before my expression morphs back into my signature smirk. "But I'm
expecting a ride." And with one last cheeky wink at the boys, I swing
open the front door and step outside into the chilly night.


This is it, I think to myself. This is the final straw.

I storm through the corridors determinedly. My glare is sharp and

focused, piercing into innocent bystanders who have no choice but to stop
and stare as I stalk past. The usual chatter that colours the friendly
atmosphere seems to diminish under my livid stance, people parting like
the red sea. Good. They don't need to see this. I cross through the
emptying canteen, and that's it. That's when I see him- the source of all
my fury; the one thing my mind has been focused on ever since six thirty
this morning. Alec freaking Ryder.
There he stands, the manwhore himself, surrounded by people as per usual
(a fact that he is becoming scarily accustomed to).

He looks different today, somehow. It could be his shirt, adorning that

perfectly sculpted torso of his. It could be his piercing cerulean
irises, darkened with lust. However, I'm betting it has something to do
with the slutty blonde parasite (go figure) whose ass is currently in his
grip. How romantic.

I come to a stop in front of the pair, unimpressed by the sheer amount of

publicity they are receiving, and they don't even notice. Who makes out
in the school corridor anyway? Public make outs are simply destined to
find their way on YouTube, does he not realise that? Then again, I don't
really blame him. The bimbo shoving boobs into his face with her belly
exposed is bound to cause a little bit of distraction.

"Seriously guys?" I drawl out sarcastically, leaning against a nearby

locker and crossing my arms to emphasise my point, "What happened to
keeping it PG?" Instantly, they pull away as though only just aware of
their audience. A mixture of lusty looks and congratulatory wolf whistles
head their way and heck, even Alec's cheeks tinge pink! Really though? Is
it that hard to look around you and notice the camera flashes and
whispering? Rolling my eyes, my gaze trails over to the girl, who judging
by her smug smirk, wasn't as oblivious to the attention as she let on.
What a slut. I look on as she presses one last lingering kiss to Alec's
lips, before walking away with a 'seductive' sway to her hips. I give an
unattractive snort at the sight. She looks like she needs a hip

However, it's not long until my amused smirk morphs back into a scowl as
I remember why I'm here. I turn to the smirking Alec and grab his hand-
pulling him away from the scene, away from the attention. Honestly, how
much attention does he need? Girls throwing himself at him all the time,
guys wanting to be him- he's only been here a week! For a second, Alec
allows himself to be pulled away but it's not long until he snaps out of
his lusty daze. "What do you want?" He suddenly hisses, yanking his hand
back as though mine is white hot and pulling me to a stop.

"Are you kidding me?" I snap back angrily, "You know very well what I

Alec's face wrinkles with confusion, and I look on- getting more and
more annoyed by the second. Does he honestly not know what he's done?
Surely he hasn't forgotten the prank. But alas, after a mere second of
thought, realisation crosses Alec's chiselled features, quickly followed
by a smirk. "Oh," He states proudly, "That."
"What did you think it was about?!" I ask him incredulously. Despite my
annoyance, my voice is tinged with curiosity. How did he not realise
straight away? It's not exactly forgettable. He put every piece of
underwear I own in my front yard for chrissakes!

"I don't know, you confessing your undying love for me or something?"

"Not going to happen," I deadpan. Trust Alec to think that.

"So you do love me then?"

"Jerk." I sigh, hitting him around the shoulder lightly. "I want my
underwear back. Believe it or not, I was actually in a good mood this
morning until I saw my underwear hanging on the tree in the street." He
snorts at this and slings an arm around my shoulders as we begin to walk
the corridor towards my locker again. "It was a good prank though;" He
muses aloud, "Wasn't it?" He turns to me now with a playful spark in his
eye, but I remain adamant and shake my head. Unfortunately, when he
starts jabbing my sides, it's hard to maintain my moody approach. "Wasn't
it?" He persists, jabbing me again so that a small shriek of laughter
escapes my lips.

Darting away before he can catch me around the waist, I stick my tongue
out. "Worst prank ever by the way. You'll regret it, for sure."

"I think you're forgetting, princess, that I'm the one who is currently
in possession of your underwear."

Oops. How did I forget about that? I guess I've just been so caught up in
everything recently...

"Whatever grasshole." And the world's suckiest comeback goes to...Riley

Greene! Shock Horror.

"You really need to get a new vocabulary, Greene." He teases me, "Jerk
and asshole are all you ever call me anymore. My name's Alec y'know.
Ryder is your special privilege only, so start using it."
"I'm so glad we're on a surname basis," I say sarcastically, but a smile
curves my lips. Am I the only one who calls him Ryder? Wow. I feel
special. I was expecting a load of his guy mates to call him that. I stop
in front of my locker and take out my books, suddenly realising how much
my mood has changed in the last five minutes due to Alec. From livid
fury, he has somehow manipulated me into a teasing and even...flirty
mood. How did he do that?! "Oh by the way," I say casually, grabbing my
chemistry book to add to the pile, "I want my bra back."

"No chance." Alec shakes his head, leaning against the locker besides
mine. His gaze draws away from me, and he finally takes notice of the
guys on the other side of the corridor. They beckon him over, and he
straightens from his slumped position beside me. "I've got to go, Greene.
But you aren't getting your bra back." He blows me a kiss playfully as he
crosses the corridor, "It's totally face book worthy. Just like my post
about you this morning."

And just like that, my entire mood flips all over again. "What?" I say in
a horrified whisper. "Alec Ryder, what have you done?!" My voice upturns
into a tiny shriek at the end, met by Alec's evil chuckles. Oh holy crap,
what has he posted?! I only added him last night! He has like, over 300
friends on Facebook dammit! Just as my world is going into complete
meltdown wondering what he's posted, someone speaks beside me.

"So, what's going on between you and Alec, huh?"

I spin around quickly, slamming my locker door shut in the process. Wow.
That was actually pretty cool. "Dylan!" I exclaim, "Hi."

"Hey," Dylan replies suspiciously. His eyes flicker over my face, before
narrowing further. "Riley, why do you look a cross between constipated
and excited? It's scary."

Immediately my smile drops, and I raise my eyebrows. "Well I apologise

profusely sir for trying to look happy to see you. Now can you please get
your phone out? I need to see what Alec posted about me this morning-
thus the constipated face." Dylan obliges, pulling out (another) sleek
and no doubt expensive phone. I mean, are these boys made of money or
something? Rolling my eyes, I watch as Dylan opens up the Facebook app,
my stomach twisting in unease. I hope he hasn't posted anything too bad.
Surely Alec wouldn't post anything that bad on there would he? I mean
he's teasing and jerky, but he's not mean...oh, who am I kidding? I'm
just in denial.

Eventually, Dylan finds the post after seemingly endless scrolling down
his news feed. "Here we go," he selects it and passes the phone over to
me, his lips curved into a tight amused he is trying to hold
his laughter in. Oh god, it's bad isn't it? And as I peer at the brightly
lit screen, my jaw slacks in horror, because there, there posted in
cyberspace for endless amounts of people to a picture of me

Alec Ryder:

That drool is simply adorable I must say ;)

I stare in horror at the screen. The picture is quite possibly the worst
I've ever seen of me. I look like a cavewoman. My hair is wild and spread
all over the pillow in a fiery auburn waterfall of frizz, my face is pale
and spotty and there's a spot of dribble rolling down my chin from the
corner of my mouth.

89 likes. 23 comments. 6 shares.

As if on cue, the school bell rings for first period- and it's as if the
alarm bells in my head have gone off too. Because one minute I'm stood
up, and the next I'm on the floor rubbing my head and cursing so loudly I
hope Alec can hear it. Shit! I can't believe he posted that picture of
me! I don't think I've ever felt so humiliated. Why would he do this?
It's not like I did anything to him! Disbelief is coursing through my
veins, along with insecurities and mainly anger. My face is burning with
humiliation, and I'm practically pulsing with anger. Oh that's it Alec
Ryder, if you want to play dirty then so be freaking it! I think it's
about time to get that revenge I was talking about.

And Ryder. Poor, innocent Alec fricking Ryder won't know what has hit


Stage one of the plan: Get my Bra back.

I stare scruntinizingly at my attire in the mirror. My curtains are

closed; my room is dark- I am not taking any risks that Alec sees me
preparing myself. Albeit, my outfit is a little cliché leggings,
black converse and a stripy burglar top that I thought would look cool.
But hey, the guys in the movies do it for a reason, right? If I look like
I'm going to a third grade costume party then so be it: it's all part of
the experience. Cautiously, I tiptoe over to the window and peer through
the curtains. In the opposite room, Alec is shirtless.

Oh holy crap, I think my ovaries are exploding.

JOKING! You know I would never be attracted to that douche. But honestly,
they are some nice muscles. He must have worked for ages to get that six
pack (and it's very worthwhile). I mean...damn. Shaking my head to clear
my thoughts, I internally groan. Riley, what are you doing with your
life? Stop being so damn cliché, lusting over the boy next door. You need
to go kick his ass! That's right. Phase two of my plan: get sweet
revenge over the jerk hole. When I'm through with him, he won't mess with
me again, that's for sure.

Slowly but surely, I return my eye to the slit in the curtains. It's
around midnight now, and I'm not sure how much longer I can wait for him
to go to sleep before I collapse myself. Luckily for me, he appears to be
stripping for bed. As his hands reach for his jeans, I turn away: cheeks
burning brightly. Unlike some girls our age, I am all prepared to keep my
innocence. And by that, I mean all of it- seeing a boy in his boxers

I swiftly gather my hair in a ponytail and lie down on my bed to distract

myself. Now all I have to do is wait another twenty minutes for him to
fall asleep before I can proceed with my plan. Now doesn't that sound
like fun? Sighing, I look determinedly up at the ceiling in an attempt to
keep awake, and prevent my already drowsy eyes from closing. I know
people stare at the ceiling in movies and novels, but personally I don't
understand what the big fuss is about. At the end of the day, it's just a
ceiling right? It's not making me feel any better.

My nonsensical thoughts are interrupted by the buzz of my phone and my

eyes open wide in realisation. A distraction from going to sleep! Why
didn't I think of this before? Unfortunately, as I pick up the cell I see
it's a text from did he get my number? I don't remember adding
him to my contacts. I stare confusedly down at my phone for a second,
before realising the contact is saved as 'Alec the sexy beast'. I guess
that gives me my answer. He must have stolen my phone at some point and
added himself.
Alec the sexy beast

You know, I was wondering something today

Riley :)


Alec the sexy beast

You know they say you are what you eat?

Riley :)

Yeah, and...?

Alec the sexy beast

Well I don't remember eating a sex god this morning

Riley :)

-_- Really Alec?

Alec the sexy beast


Riley :)

Whatever. Night. :P

Alec the sexy beast

Night princess ;) x

With a smile, I put my phone back on the bureau at the end of my bed. I
honestly don't understand how someone can be that cocky, and yet somehow
it adds to his...charm? No, that's not the word for it. More like
alluring aura...he flirts and gets girls caught up in his web so easily.
What makes me think that I'm any different? Shrugging my shoulders, I
watch through the curtains as his light goes out next door. I'm going to
have to be very careful not to be hooked into his trap. After all, he's
an expert, and well...I'm just me. Plain old little me.

And I'm not ready to get my heart broken again.


Twenty minutes later, I'm psyching myself up to jump out of a window.

Sure it's only a tiny gap, but if I fall then I would probably die. Just
saying. Taking a deep breath, I climb nimbly over the window frame and
stretch out onto the opposite sill. Don't look down, do not look down. Aw
shit, why am I doing this again? I hate heights. Luckily, Alec left his
window open which means that I should be able to climb in without too
much fuss. However, as I prepare to launch myself over the gap, I begin
to sense the familiar build up in the back of my throat. Oh no, oh no,
shit no-

"Achoo!" I sneeze loudly into the silence, freezing in my position. Did

he hear that? Crap. Crap, crap, crap. Only I would do the loudest sneeze
imaginable right now. I lie still for a few more seconds, but nothing
stirs in the room. Thank holy mother fried chicken. Slowly, I prepare
myself to jump again- bending into a crouch position and bouncing on the
balls of my feet. Taking a deep breath, I make the final leap...

Surprisingly, I don't land all that badly. I scrape my ankle a little off
the wooden frame, but apart from that I land niftily on my toes. Wow,
maybe I should pursue burglary as a career. I mean, I totally suit the
outfit. I swing myself into his room quickly and land quietly on my feet,
pleased with my work so far. I've got some awesome burglary skills.
Should I be worried? Pausing, I take a second to look around me. Alec's
room is painted navy and white with dark mahogany furniture. His bed is
plain white, and his desk is cluttered with photos and homework
assignments. Much alike to his sisters, he also has a professional photo
collage- although his are mostly with (I'm assuming) his old friends.
None of the people in the pictures are ones I recognise.

Time to find my bra.

I check all the obvious places first. Under the bed, in his bureau and in
his wardrobe. Unfortunately, I can't see anything despite dust balls and
deodorant. His whole room reeks of the stuff. It's then I turn to the
more unlikely places like under his desk or on his bookshelves, but I
can't seem to find it anywhere. And as time stretches on, I feel myself
getting more and more jealous of the boy asleep in bed. Ugh, stupid Alec.
If he didn't steal my bra in the first place, then I wouldn't be tired
all the time. The amount of sleep I've lost as a cause of him is simply
astonishing, and completely and utterly unjust.

I search around the room for what feels like hours, but is actually mere
minutes. Maybe he's hidden it somewhere else? Is it in a different room?
Or maybe it's under the floorboards or something...I growl under my
breath, frustrated. This is quite possibly a mission failed on the bra
front, but at least I can get my payback whilst he's asleep. Hmm...the
possibilities. What to do though? I could throw a water balloon at him
and buck it out of there; I could dye his hair blue or paint his
fingernails. However, there's one thing in my peripheral vision that
catches my eye. A permanent pen. Perfect.

Gingerly, I grab the pen from the desk beside me and tiptoe back over to
Alec's bed. He looks so peaceful when he's like that bad boy
aura disintegrates, and he turns back into the adorable boy I saw in the
pictures on Millie's collage. But I guess everybody changes, and it's
time to get my revenge on the changed Alec. Cautiously, I press the felt
to the skin of his upper lip and draw a long, swirly moustache. Although
this idea is really overused, it's the only one I can come up with at
this time of night. Pondering for a second, I add the words 'I LOVE RILEY
GREENE' to his forward in big capital letters, nice and bold. What? I'm
tired- it's not going to be the most creative sentence I ever write.

I admire my work for a second. I think that's quite a reasonable revenge

actually, considering all he's done to me. I mean, he's stolen my bra and
hidden it, posted a picture of me asleep on Facebook and hung all my
underwear in my front yard. I think it's about time I got a little
payback. I quickly swipe my phone from my pocket and take a picture of my
artwork. I wonder how many likes I'll get for this baby on Facebook...

Suddenly, Alec grunts below me and rolls over in bed. His giant arm
swipes through the air, and the next thing I know, my petite figure is
sprawled on top of the bed unattractively, scarily close to Alec's
sleeping face. Do not move. Do not breathe. Chanting the words to myself
internally, I watch through squinted eyes as Alec shifts again. His
strong arm is wrapped protectively around my waist, and he lets out a
small snore- completely and utterly lost in his slumber. can
someone be that deep of a sleeper?

Once I'm sure it's safe to move again, I grab for the bedside table and
shift my leg back over the bed.

Alec's eyes open.

He blinks at me. Once. Twice. Thrice. And then it hits him. He jumps a
mile back in bed, cursing loudly, and flinging me to the wall in his
shock. "Holy crap, what are you doing in my room?"
You see, if he hadn't got marker all over his face at this current
moment, it would be a hell of a lot easier to take him seriously. But
unfortunately he has. And the truth is that he looks adorable. His hair
is tousled and ruffled into the sexiest bed head I've ever seen, his eyes
are wide and confused and he has a big curly moustache drawn on his
cupid's bow which he hasn't even noticed yet. It doesn't get cuter than
that, right? Plus, to top it all off he's blabbering uncontrollably. "Why
are you in my bed? Oh please lord, don't tell me we slept together...We
slept together didn't we? Crap. I must have been pretty pissed if I don't
remember. Er Riley, I'm really sorry but I don't remember what happened
last night...did we use protection? Please say we did. I really don't
want to be a dad at this age-"

"Alec," I gasp out, wheezing with laughter and clutching my stomach. "We
didn't sleep together. I'm not pregnant, I promise. Do you think I'd
actually lower myself to your standards? Ew no."

Alec's eyebrows furrow in further confusion and he looks away in

embarrassment. "But...but then why are you in my room?"

I freeze. "Oh nothing, no reason at all," I chuckle nervously, edging

towards the window.

His eyes narrow onto me, "Riley, what are you doing in my room in the
middle of the night?"

"Actually it's more kind of morning, because it's almost 2am so you know,
that's not really night anymore is it?" Taking one look at Alec's face, I
stop blabbering and sigh, "I was trying to get my bra back."

"Dressed like a bank robber?" Alec raises his eyebrows doubtfully,

although that annoyingly irresistible smirk is already tugging the corner
of his lips skyward. Great, he's amused by me. I'm not going to get out
of this sticky situation very easily. "It's all part of the plan," I
grumble lowly.

"You had a plan?" It's Alec's turn to laugh now, "That's just classic.
What did you do, plan out stages?"
No comment.

"Oh my gosh you did!" He's howling with laughter now, oblivious to the
noise he's making. I can feel my cheeks burning brightly. I'm fed up of
blushing already. Before Alec and his friends turned up, I've never
blushed this much in my entire life. Plus, If he doesn't shut up anytime
soon, Marie's going to come in wondering what the hell is wrong, and if
I'm there: that's a whole lot of awkward my poor stained cheeks can't
stand. "Alec shut up; your mom's going to wake up!" I hiss at him,
putting my finger to my lips.

"Oh this is totally Facebook worthy."

"Don't you dare, Ryder."

Alec gives me a boyish smile, reaching for his phone and hurriedly
tapping his passcode into it. "No!" I hiss, leaping for the cell. If he
posts that, my life will be over for good...I try every route possible,
but Alec always seems to find a way to block me, as though it's natural
to be able to tap in a status one handed and block a girl with a black
belt in karate whilst doing so. If this stays on much longer, Marie will
come in and see me...I need to go.

And this ladies and gentlemen is where I make my exit. I dart towards the
window and swing my legs over, not thinking of the danger before I jump
swiftly onto the opposite sill, leaving Alec typing hurriedly in his
room. He doesn't even seem to notice I've disappeared. Despite the
embarrassment of having yet another status written about me, something
makes me think that being caught in Alec's bedroom in the middle of the
night by Marie will be somewhat worse. Let's just hope I made the right
decision, ey? Panting a little, I slide into my own room and draw the
curtains, collapsing against the radiator. Now that was an adrenaline

In Alec's room I can hear Marie telling him off. I escaped in the nick
of time.

As if on cue, my phone buzzes.

"Alec Ryder has mentioned you in a status.

This chick, Riley Greene just broke into my room in the middle of the
night. She wants me so bad ;)"

Alec freaking Ryder, I am going to kill you.

> :)

Chapter 6// Sweatshirts, Axe and party dresses

I wake up feeling exhausted to say the least. My head hurts, my eyes

hurt, pretty much everything is throbbing painfully, yet it does nothing
to conceal the wide grin on my face. I got payback on Alec Ryder. After
every single prank he's pulled on me, I finally made us even. Yes, he
posted a dodgy status about me, but I think my various embellishments on
that smug smirk of his make up for it big time. I cannot wait for school
today, and that's really saying something considering I'm...well, me.

Smiling to myself, I launch out of bed and land neatly on my feet (-

actually meaning I roll out of bed and face-plant the floor painfully,
before getting up and pretending nothing happened) .I could really use a
shower and mocha right now. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm still
absolutely shattered as a result of Alec Ryder and I think that the
excitement from my 'revenge' is the only thing keeping me from collapsing
currently. I stumble into the bathroom and shut the door, not even
bothering to glance in the mirror before running the shower and stepping

The liquid cascades down my body, and instantly makes me feel a little
bit less cavewoman- which is a nice if foreign experience. I quickly
begin to wash myself. As good a mood as I am in, it's still technically a
school day and I am going to make both me and Violet late if I don't
hurry the hell up. Yippee for early mornings, eh? I squeeze a dollop of
shampoo into my palms and swiftly begin to massage my scalp. I wonder how
Alec's going to react today...surely he won't be too mad will he? He's
not that bad...

Oh who am I kidding? Guess I'll be wearing black and blending in with the
crowd today.

Hopefully if I hide myself in an oversized sweatshirt, I'll get less

attention from the audience of Alec's awe-inspiring status as well. It's
a win-win plan. Undoubtedly I'll get a few confrontations about it, and
probably a hell of a lot more weird glances, but it will be manageable.
I'll just make up some excuse like...I saw a wasp in my bedroom. That's
reasonable right? I can just use that as my excuse, and say that I jumped
into Alec's room in absolute and utter fear. Besides, even if they don't
believe me I have my beautiful artwork on Alec's face, and that's enough
to get me through the day.

I exit the shower quickly and wrap myself in a giant fluffy towel. The
clock on the wall is saying its 7:15, which means I have about twenty
minutes if I want to pick up Violet and actually get there before 8:00am.
I dry my hair quickly, leaving it damp and wavy down my back as I rush
back into my bedroom. I'm not really one to plan out my outfit, usually I
just throw on some faded jeans and a checked shirt, but I guess today's
going to be different. I need to blend in. After two minutes of growling
in frustration at the spot on my nose, I throw on a pair of dark skinny
jeans and a pale blue oversized hoodie that my cousin left the last time
he was at my house. He's the sweetest guy ever, but he lives quite far
away which means I've had this hoodie for quite a while now and I'm
growing quite attached to it.

Its 7:45am by the time I'm finally ready. Apple in hand, teeth brushed
and damp hair hidden under a huge hood, I call goodbye to my mom and
leave the house. The warmth of the air is already making me regret my
decision to wear a sweatshirt, but I haven't got time to change it.
Lindale isn't the warmest place on earth, but in spring and summer it
gets fairly hot and today just happens to be a springtime day. Lucky me.
I walk over to my car and smile. Unlike some people, I haven't got a
brand new mustang or Ferrari or whatever, my car is a simple, if slightly
rusted, pale blue Volkswagen beetle. My mum bought it for me for my last
birthday. I'm still learning to drive it at the moment- the only distance
I'm allowed to take is to school, but that's good enough for me.
The car drive to Violet's house is small but sweet, as always. Living in
a small town in Oregon has its perks I suppose. Heat is just one example,
and the short distances is another. I park up neatly on the curb of
Violet's block and look up to see her walking towards me, eyebrows
raised. "You're rocking the homeless look sweetie." She coos
sarcastically, leaning over in her seat to give me a hug and put a
lollipop in my palm. "You look like you need it." I give her a grateful
look and unwrap the lollipop expertly, popping it into my mouth and
letting the sweetness explode on my tongue. Have I mentioned my slight
obsession with lollipops before? Yeah well, Violet is well aware of it.
In fact she carries around an emergency supply for me, just in case the
candy store runs out, you know.

"So come on then, are you going to tell me why you're dressed like an
artic hobo?" She asks me as I pull away from the sidewalk. The question
was inevitable: Violet knows me too well. Although my fashion sense is
probably dismal to most girls- band t-shirts and skinny jeans, it's not
that bad that I'd stoop to wear a men's sweatshirt...unless it was an

"Alec Ryder." I reply simply, glancing over to see her reaction.

And just like that she understood. The excitement was clear on her face.
"What did you do? How did you get your payback?"

"You'll see."


There are a lot of mistakes in the world. Cheating on your boyfriend, for
example. Having a baby at the age of thirteen. Making a spelling mistake
or buying the wrong size dress because you hoped you'd dropped a size.
Yep, the word 'mistake' can cover an awful lot of scenarios. Perhaps the
worse though, are mistakes which inevitably lead you to death.

Like the mistake I'm facing now.

"Who the hell wears a sweatshirt and jeans when it's eighty one degrees
"Is she crazy?"

"No, I think she just saw the wrong weather report...perhaps she saw
Antarctica instead of Oregon?"

Yes, me myself and I made a colossal mistake today. For a start, it's
probably the hottest day of the year so far, and I am wearing a hoodie
with jeans. For a second, every single person around me is wearing
shorts, skirts and tank tops, which means that by trying to 'blend in'
and be unseen I have easily just made myself the centre of attention.
Thirdly, I'm on the brink of death. My head is killing me from the heat,
my hair is dank and sweaty and I'm pretty certain that I'm bright red in
the face. I am the walking definition of heat exhaustion.

I, Riley Maria Greene, have made myself a prime spot in the limelight and
don't think I don't know it.

"That's the girl who snuck into Alec Ryder's room!"

"Is she the one that drew all over his face? What a bitch!"

"I know, what did Alec ever do to her?"

Never mind on the brink of death myself; I think I'm on the brink of
killing someone. Due to my newfound stardom, I've had people coming up to
me all day asking why I'm dressed like I am, why I snuck into Alec's
room, did I have anything to do with the writing on Alec's face? People
who don't even know me!

And do you know the worst thing? It's not even lunch period yet.

Alec's still on the hunt for me. My artwork on his face actually went
better than planned, and apparently no matter how hard he's scrubbing,
it's not coming off...I suppose that kind of went to plan, though, as
evil and masochistic as it sounds. The only downside is that it doesn't
seem to be having the desired effect on the population of Lindale High.
Quite a few jocks have come up to me for high fives and I've been
receiving cheers from guys ever since Alec entered the high school
grounds (looking like thunder I might add) but the point's all
guys. The girls have officially declared hate campaigns against me,
saying that Alec didn't deserve this 'bullying' and that he did nothing
wrong. Heck, I think one girl even gave him a box of chocolates to help
him deal with the 'trauma'. How she got a box of chocolates halfway
through the school day, I'll never know.

Needless to say, my day is going crap.

"Oi Riley!" I turn around to see Chase heading towards me with a playful
smirk on his face, flanked by Joe. "Is there any reason you're dressed
like that?" He comes to stop outside my locker and I smile just a little
bit. Apart from Violet, he's probably the first person that has come up
to speak to me all day. And I mean actually speak to me, not fire
questions at my face or tell me I'm a bitch.

"Nope, just for the hell of it," I smile, "How are you guys?"

"We're good thanks," Joe replies, "Nice job on Alec's face by the way. I
couldn't have done it better myself." I grin at that, nodding. If Joe
gives you a compliment on your prank, you should sure as hell be happy
about it: he's the pranking king of our school. Although he makes it
obvious to the teachers that it was him, they can never find the
sufficient proof to suspend him. I guess that's one of the reasons why
he's so popular: he's admired by every student here.

"Thanks, I'm quite proud of it. What was his reaction like?"

"Sick." Chase interrupts as Joe goes to answer. "He came into school
looking like thunder and headed straight to the restrooms. All we could
hear was him cussing. Now you're both wondering around the school hiding
your faces in massive sweatshirts and getting some weird glances because
of it. He is going to pulverise you, Riley."

"But," Joe butts in with a cheeky wink, "We're prepared to help you.
You're our friend and you entertain us too much to let go that easily
so...we're going to hide you."
"Okay," I say suspiciously, "But I have math now."

"Skip it," Chase nods, "Alec knows what class you've got. He's outside
the door right now with Dylan, who's trying to hold him back a little.
Either way, if you go to class or you don't, you're going to end up
skipping some way. We've got a great place to hide you if you want
to....survive." He says the last word in a terrifyingly exaggerated

"Dun dun dunnnn," Joe sings loudly, a complete icebreaker. Laughing along
with the boys, I shove all my books back into my locker, along with my
backpack and slam the door shut.

"Okay. Let's do this."


"You have got to be kidding me."

I stare horrified at the door in front of me. I can already smell the
stench of axe spray and male sweat from here. My nostrils are burning, my
jaw is clenched and my eyes are wide. I turn to the boys with a pleading
expression. "Please don't make me go in there! There's got to be some
other place....come on Chase, please?" Chase stares down at me hopelessly
and shakes his head.

"It's the one place he won't think to look," Joe grunts, running a hand
through his hair.

"Ugh, this sucks balls." I moan quietly, eyeing up the door. It won't be
too bad. I can just...not breathe for a while. I'll get used to the
smell, and hopefully I won't have a lung spasm and die. It's either this
or getting beaten up by Alec Ryder. Although I could probably swing a few
punches at Ryder in a fight...enough to survive anyway.
"Riley?" Chase snaps me away from my daydream.

"Fine," I say grudgingly through gritted teeth. "Let's get this over
with." I unwillingly pinch my nose and open the door, letting the odorous
air flood over me. Jeez, how much cologne and deodorant do these guys
need?! It's a walking hazard! Oh god, I don't think I can breathe. I'm
going to die in here of asphyxiation. Whoopee. "Where do I hide?" I
wheeze towards them. Chase simply rolls his eyes at my exaggerations and
points over at the sports cupboard in the corner of the room. I stare
dubiously over at it. He can't be serious, right?

"You don't need to hide in there yet though. He might not even come.
We'll keep an eye out and let you know if he's coming." Joe compromised,
instantly flooding me with relief. Words cannot describe how much I was
dreading sitting in that cupboard. Joe is practically a lifesaver. I sigh
and sit down on a grubby bench, later followed by Joe. "So what's going
on between you and Ryder then?"

"Nothing. Why do people keep asking that?" I say confusedly, crossing my

arms. It doesn't make sense. It's not like we act like anything more than
friends is it? In fact we bicker all the time and he tickles me. That's
not the kind of behaviour you'd normally pick out thinking 'something's
going on there'. I mean, I'm no expert, but that isn't really symptoms of
love at first sight is it?

"Well you both flirt like crazy. I guess we're just scared to leave you
alone," Joe laughs in reply.

"I know right man, did you see that position they were in last time we
walked in on them?" Chase calls out from the opposite side of the room.
He's guarding the door, keeping a look out for Alec I suppose. It's nice
to think they're doing this for me....although they're probably just
doing it as an excuse to skive off lessons.

"He was tickling me!" I protest with a huff, "Besides he hates me.
Especially after last night's stunt. He wants my bones for bread!"

"Did you just quote Jack and the Beanstalk?" Joe asks, eyebrows raised
Cue nervous laughter. "Ha-ha, no..."

Really Riley? That was the smoothest of the smooth. Totally convincing.
Why don't you just paint your face blue and start singing smurf songs
while you're at it? I mean, if we're going all fairy-tale shit, why not
introduce a little bit of Rapunzel? Or Pinocchio?

"Shut up," I mutter under my breath. I'm not sure if 'm talking to Joe or

"Er Guys?" Chase calls from the doorway. My head snaps up at the slight
tone of panic in his voice. "There are some dudes coming. Not Alec and
Dylan, some guys coming in after their gym lesson. If they see Riley in
here they're going to flip."

Great. Just great.

"Ooh time for me and my cupboard to get acquainted!" I grumble under my

breath, shifting off my comfortable bench and over to the sports
cupboard. Dubiously, I remove the door and clamber into the bottom
amongst the dirty footballs and team jumpers. It stinks of sweat in here,
but at least the axe smell is less strong. I pull the door shut in front
of me, curl up into a ball and sit in the darkness, listening. I hope
these boys don't take too long changing.

The first sound I hear is the cheers and hoots of a team coming in to the
changing rooms. Obviously. Boys are so loud. Do they really need to make
that much noise? No. I can barely hear anything other than their stupid
hoots. I want to know where Chase and Joe have disappeared to, but I
can't hear a damn thing. Where are they? "That was one kick ass game!"
Someone yells right next to me, deafeningly loud. Jeez, do they not
realise how loud they're being? The shout is echoed by hoots of
agreement, and I roll my eyes as I hear the clatter of soccer boots
against the floor. I'm going to need a hearing-aid by the time I come out
of this cupboard, I swear.

"Guys, round up any borrowed shin pads. I need to put them back in the

...Please be talking about a different cupboard.

I can hear the sounds of footsteps getting closer, and somehow it deafens
out all of the other loud noises. Cringing back into the shadows, I find
myself holding my breath: as if that will make any difference. I knew
this was a stupid idea. Why didn't I just hide in the girl's bathrooms?
That idea is so much smarter. Alec wouldn't be prepared to lose any more
dignity by going in there, I'd be safe. Ugh, I hate Chase and Joe for
doing this. The footsteps stop outside of the cupboard and I can see the
shin pad box being placed down through the gaps in the lining.

The underlying sense of panic is rushing in now. Crap, crap, crap. Why
me? What did I ever do to deserve this? It's going to spread around the
room like wildfire, and I will be a laughing stock. Crap!

And just like that, all my panicking is replaced by downright fear. The
door swings open, revealing a load of half-naked, muddy and sweaty guys
in a changing room. Light floods the cupboard, meaning even the darkest
crevices are outright and in the open. They haven't spotted me yet, but
it won't be long. I peer up, wincing as I see the aghast face of a bulky
soccer player staring down at me. His hair is curly and pushed back with
sweat, his jaw is slack and his eyes are bulging impossibly wide. Way to
make an impression, Riley.

"Girl!" He roars, and it's as if everybody in a fifteen metre radius

jumps a mile in the air. In less than a second, I've gone from being
completely unseen to all but one, to the centre of attention. Havoc
ensues as boys turn rapidly to stare at me openly, shrieks of a pitch
that I didn't even think was possible for boys are released and guys are
jumping around, pointing at me and covering up their junk. I remain
curled up, frozen as I stare at the chaos in front of me. I caused this,
and I'm probably never going to hear the end of it. I cuss under my
breath, standing up from my position in the cramped cupboard and holding
my poor back. Just that simple motion seems to send the havoc into fast
forward. Boys are shouting and cussing at me everywhere and quite frankly
I'm so overwhelmed that tears begin to prick my eyes. Do not cry. That
will just make this situation ten times more embarrassing. DO NOT SHOW
WEAKNESS RILEY. "Calm down!" I yelp in the chaos. Where the hell are Joe
and Chase?

I spot them out of the corner of my eye by the doorway, wide eyed and
waving at me frantically. What are they trying to say? I already know
that I'm in trouble! They don't need to panic too!
"What's this about a girl in the changing rooms? Riley? Is that you?"

My blood runs cold. Holy crap- and I thought this situation couldn't get
any worse. Alec freaking Ryder has to pick now to walk in and decide to
kill me. The moment where I'm on the brink of tears from shock, I feel
completely and utterly exposed and boys are shouting at me with words
that are sharper than steel. Now. He officially has to have the worst
picked timing ever.

Alec steps into the changing rooms, and luckily the panic has dimmed a
little now. I think every single boy in here is shouting at me to get out
(in much nastier wording), but all I can do is remain frozen and stare
wide-eyed at him. Do not cry. You do not want him to see you cry. Slowly
I walk over towards the exit, with Alec staring me down the entire way.
What's the point of hiding anymore? I just want to get out of here.
Funny, he actually doesn't look that angry. He looks more curious, and
concerned. But why would he be concerned? I'm fine. He doesn't need to
worry about me. I won't cry: I've promised myself. I'm stronger than

"Gotcha," He whispers, grabbing a hold of my forearm. By this point, his

friends have all disappeared; it's only us two that remain. I'm still a
little too shocked to fully comprehend what's going on: I follow him
without question. He leads me away from the cramped, hot, sweaty changing
rooms and back out into the corridor, and it's quite literally a breath
of fresh air. No more shouting and cursing, and there's air conditioning
out here! Taping a few gulps of fresh, clean oxygen I watch him as he
comes to a stop against some sports lockers. "Care to explain why you
were in the boys changing rooms Riley?"

"Chase and Joe," I reply quietly. My tone is civilised and polite. Maybe
if I act polite now and run later, I can get away before he does any real
damage. A surprise attack.

"Did I even need to ask?" He chuckles dryly to himself, "Anyway, are you

His question surprises me, and I don't fail to show it. My head snaps up
painfully to stare at him. He's not killing me. He actually cares. Why?
"I'm fine." I say breathlessly, blushing and glancing back down to the
floor again. I can't believe it. I'm utterly in shock. This, THIS is the
guy I saw playing with his little sister. This is Alec. Not Alec Ryder,
just Alec. I'm snapped out of my daze when he shifts beside me, and
slowly but surely I'm pressed into the lockers. What is he doing? I
glance up curiously and freeze. Alec isn't saying anything, he's just
looking. Just looking at me. "W-wh-what are you doing?" I stammer, my
cheeks flaming red. Trust me to ruin the moment.

He begins to lean in.

My heart stirs into overdrive, plummeting against my ribs at a speed I

never knew was humanely possible. My breathing hitches in my throat. My
lungs are on fire, my pulse is going crazy and my blood feels boiling in
my veins. What is he doing?! I don't want to, no, stop this-

He leans right past my lips to my ears.

A breath I never realised I was holding is released as my muscles relax

from their tensed statuesque. Thank God. I wouldn't have known what to
say if he had have kissed me....but I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have
kissed him back. Quite. Oh crap, what's wrong with me? However, my
muscles don't stay relaxed for long. Alec's breath tickles my earlobe,
reminding me that I am still smack bang in the centre of an incredibly
compromising, awkward situation. I await his words nervously. Surely he's
going to say something, right? He's not just going to stand there and
breathe awkwardly into my ear?

"I'm still going to kill you." Alec murmurs, and I freeze still. Aah,
that probably makes a whole lot more sense. He's doing this for suspense,
no because know. What a relief. Well, a relief apart from the
minute fact that I am probably going to be buried six feet under in half
an hour if he's got anything to do with it. I never really did complete
that YOLO stage did I? How stupid of me. "I swear to god Riley, I will
kill you. I'll get you back for this."

It's only when he leans back that I really take notice of the marker pen
on his face. It's faded a little, but it's still quite prominent, even on
his olive skin. I can see how it's a bit of a blow to his dignity
actually....was I a bit harsh? I consider it for a moment. No chance. How
many times has he done pranks on me? This was rightful: I deserved to pay
him back. It's actually quite amusing...I sense a laugh tugging on the
corners of my mouth, but hurriedly try to restrain it. Now is not the
correct time for laughing, Riley! But somehow, the more I try to restrain
it, the more it escapes. It's not long before little giggles are being
released. Alec's face is stone now as he glares at me, and I just can't
help it. I burst into laughter, holding my mouth to help conceal some of
the snorts and giggles. Oh good gracious Riley, you're really in for it

"Riley!" Alec's voice is shocked and angry, and it somehow makes me laugh
more. "Stop laughing!"

"I'm sorry," I wheeze with laughter, unable to look at him for fear of
laughing even more. Why am I laughing so much? God, I must look crazy!
Why can't I stop? Maybe I really am going mad....considering the
possibility of kissing Alec Ryder, and now laughing my head off at some
stupid marker pen. Maybe it's a shock symptom? Holy crap, I don't know.
I'm just embarrassing myself right now. Am I going insane?

"What the....?" Dylan's voice butts in from beside us, and I look up to
see him staring down at both me and Alec with a slightly baffled
expression. Jeez, I'm freaking everybody out today. Alec just shrugs from
in front of me, his eyes wide as he watches me, the half-crazed girl
still laughing like a donkey in the middle of the boys changing room
corridor. I can't even imagine what kind of an impression I'm making.
Slowly I begin to sober up, and the laughter dies down. It's only then
that I spot my escape. I could run right now, when they're least
expecting it.

And so, I begin howling with (fake) laughter again, hearing Alec give an
irritated sigh beside me. That's my signal. With one big gulp of air, I
make a break for it. I run so fast I'm afraid my legs won't carry me, and
that I'll fall over. I can just about hear Alec's cry of surprise behind
me, but it's too late now because the air is whipping past my ears and
I'm focused and concentrated on my running, just on my running. Dodging
gym teachers and tennis balls, I sprint through the gym as fast as my
legs will go, fully aware of Alec snapping at my heels with his war
growls. Damn he's a fast runner.

I rush straight towards the girl's restrooms, seeing my escape. Alec is

mere metres behind me now. I'm doomed, I'm so freaking doomed. In one
last burst of adrenaline, I slam straight into the girls' restroom doors
and into the beige interior of the toilets. A few girls look up at me in
surprise, but all I can concentrate on is catching my breath. I did it!
I'm saved! Utterly screwed for skipping class, but saved! I am alive!
It's taking all the restraint I have in me not to do a victory dance now,
as I hear Alec cussing from behind the doors. Thank freaking god.
"So Alice, are you going to that party tonight? I heard Alec's going to
be there." The girl to my left says to her friend, adjusting her glasses
and pulling up her skirt a little. Of course! The party. Oh budgies,
maybe I'm not as saved after all. I forgot about that godforsaken
event... do I still have to go? Probably, to my dismay. It won't be that
bad will it? Plus I can just call Violet if I need a lift home. It'll be
okay- I can deal with a critical social situation on my own. Alone.

Oh who am I kidding? Let's just hope that luck's on my side tonight.


"This one?" Violet asks me for the millionth time, holding up a green
dress by its hanger. The detailing is quite cute, but it's tight on the
chest area and frilly from there downwards. I'd literally look like a
pile of moss if I wore that- it's one of those frumpy designs that I
hate. "No," I sigh, flicking over the page in my book. The scene of my
bedroom is a warzone currently. With it being Friday night and all,
Violet was determined to come over tonight and help me pick out an outfit
for the party. I don't really see what all the fuss is about to be
honest. What's wrong with just wearing some jeans and my Beatles t-shirt?
I could wear some ankle boots with it and I'd look fine and be
comfortable. According to Violet though, that is a big no-no. A dress is
a must.

"This one is cute." Violet interrupts again, hanging the dress against
herself and eyeing it jealously. I admit that dress is one of the better
ones that I own. I wore it at one of my mom's work-lunches a little while
back. It's a simple one shoulder dress in navy. The skirt isn't too short
and the ruffles aren't too prominent. I could probably wear that dress,
but the stubborn bone I have inside of me is determined not to wear a
dress at all, so of course I shake my head.

"Well that's the last dress that you own so...have you got any cute
tops?" Violet heads over to my bureau, scanning through a few of the tees
I threw on top of it in disgust earlier today. "What about this one?" The
top is simple, if slightly girly. It's a strapless number in pale blue
with a sweetheart neckline and a couple of wide ruffles below the bust.
It's alright actually, but I'd have to wear it with jeans. I'm stubborn
as hell, and I like jeans, so it's just inevitable. "Okay," I hum and
Violet looks up at me in surprise. "Really? You like it?" That's when the
excitement kicks in. Instantly she's searching through my dresser,
pulling out my best dark skinny jeans. This girl knows me well.
"Put these on," She throws the clothes at me hurriedly, a ton of demand
evident in her voice. Sighing, I stand up and begin to change. These
jeans are tighter than my usual pale ones, very slimming and dark. They
make my legs look fact, I don't really get why I don't wear
these more often. The top is a little harder to get on without losing my
dignity completely, but after a little bit of help on Violet's part we
had me zipped up into the bodice. "Wow, that's a major improvement,"
Violet raises her eyebrows proudly, "Now all we need is some killer
heels, some make-up and a curling iron."

"Maybe some mascara and eyeliner, but no smoky-eye or whatever okay? And
as for the heels, okay. I guess since you compromised the dress, I can
manage the shoes, but two inches heel tops. Promise me, Violet." I hold
out my pinky expectantly, and she reluctantly wraps hers around it.

"I promise. Don't worry though, we'll get you looking stunning without a
dress and heels and Alec still won't be able to get enough of you."

"That's the reason you're doing this? Dork!" I hit her playfully. She
hits me back a little harder, and soon we're in a full blown play-
fighting match. Of which I'm winning, by the way. Violet hits me one last
time before heaving herself up and heading straight for my vanity. "Let's
get you spruced up and ready for your big night."

A lot of shoes, curling iron burns and scratchy makeup brushes later,
I'm finished.

It's time to go to this party.


Chapter 7// Just who I wanted to see


I await the boys' arrival nervously. My ears are strained for the sound
of the doorbell; my palms clammy and nails bitten down to the painful
limit. The truth is that I'm not quite sure why I'm this nervous. It's
just a party, right? People go to them all the time and I bet they don't
have to deal with this emotional anxious crap every time they leave. The
thing is that I'm not sure if I'm nervous exactly; I just have that
annoying little feeling that something is going to go wrong. You know
that awkward little buzz you feel in your gut? Yeah, well I'm trying very
hard not to listen to it at the moment.

To be fair though, I am going to a house full of drugs, alcohol and horny

teenagers. I think I would be even more worried if I wasn't nervous.

Violet left about half an hour ago: she wanted to get back in time for
the next episode of vampire diaries, no doubt. She still hasn't told me
the name of her little crush, but she was texting him a bit earlier: I
could tell from the smile on her face and her eagerness to reply. I'm not
going to lie, I'm a little offended that she hasn't told me who he is
yet, but I figure she'll introduce us when she feels comfortable doing
so. I guess I just have to wait- she's never kept secrets from me before,
and knowing Violet it's only a matter of time until she blurts something
out. It's kind of one of the things I love about her.

Speaking of waiting, Alec and the boys are late. Only by ten minutes, but
I'm afraid that if I sit here much longer I'll have no more nails left to
chew, and it will begin to get painful. I know they haven't stood me up
or forgotten me- Chase just sent me a text saying they'll be here soon.
In fact, I should probably start getting ready to leave. Unlike some
people, I don't like to keep others waiting. I stand up quickly and pull
my jacket over my shoulders- relishing in the familiar warm scent. It's
one of my mum's old jackets, a pretty cargo thing with a furry hood, and
I love it to pieces: it smells just like her. I patter into the hall in
barefoot, heels swinging from my hands. I can hear activity coming from
upstairs- Jack is probably playing video games in the Den. I told him and
Mom that I'm going to Violet's house tonight. It was a pretty lame excuse
but I think she bought it. Typical clueless moms, eh?

The doorbell rings just as I'm slipping on my shoes. My head whips up at

the sound of the two note melody, and my stomach twists uncomfortably as
if in anticipation. But of what? I'm not dressed like a hooker unlike
some girls, I'm a firm supporter of Pugs before Drugs and I haven't had a
sip of alcohol in my life. I'm not stupid enough to do anything
potentially dangerous, so why am I so nervous?

You're nervous that the boys will ditch you, and you'll be all alone.

I grit my teeth as the thought enters my head. No, they wouldn't leave
me. They may act like jerks sometimes, but they're decent guys, right? I
release a breath I didn't know I was holding, opening the door and
teetering in my high heels. I miss my converse.

Flurries of hornets attack the lining of my stomach as I spot Joe. He

stands on the porch, his back facing me. He's clawing at the scruff of
his neck awkwardly, facing the car that's now parked at the bottom of my
driveway. "So you're the one they sent to collect me then." I roll my
eyes from behind him, and he spins around to face me. His hair is styled
into effortless perfection, and he wears a crisp blue shirt over some
jeans. His eyes widen as he takes in my appearance, and for a second his
goofy grin drops. "Yup. I am said unfortunate soul," He smirks at me,
before gesturing to my attire. "I must say though, you scrub up pretty
well; it almost makes it worth it. Are you ready to leave?"

"Yup," I smile. Something within me relaxes at the sight of a familiar

face. "I'm ready. Am I getting a ride back home as well?"

"Of course," Joe snorts, "Anything for her ladyship. Now hurry that sweet
little ass of yours into the car- we've got a party to go to." I try not
to blush at the fact that he called my ass sweet as I shut the door
behind me, but it's impossible. Smiling embarrassedly, I follow his lead
down the driveway, over to the giant Range Rover parked on the sidewalk.
I hear a few hoots as Joe clambers in, and the music is cranked up really
loud. To be fair though, what did I expect for a car ride full of boys?
I'm going to be deaf by the time we reach the party. Rolling my eyes, I
clamber up into the giant car, struggling with my petite frame to
actually reach the step up. I hear a sigh, before warm, firm hands grab
me by the waist, pulling me into the car. "Come on shortcake. We need to
leave sometime before Christmas."

I flush pink as I slide along the seat, slamming the car door behind me.
"Shut up Alec," I mutter. My hands reach for the seatbelt, but it's too
late. Alec is already clicking it in for me, reaching across my body for
the buckle. His hot breath fans my neck, and his hair is so close that I
can smell his irresistible man scent- woodsy, masculine cologne that has
the hornets in my stomach stirring again. What is he doing to me?! After
a second, he leans back with a small smirk on his face. He doesn't meet
my eye, but even in the dark interior of the car I can make out a small
smirk on his lips. Does he know that he gave me butterflies? I'd die if
he did.

"Drive," He says to Chase. The music had been cranked down a little as I
got in the car, but Joe turns it back up again now. The catchy melody of
Thrift Shop pounds through the vehicle as Chase presses his foot to the
accelerator, and I can't help but hum along a little bit. Even if the
song is about drugs, it sure as hell is catchy. As the rap kicks in, Joe
cracks open a beer and begins to glug it down. He then passes it to each
boy in turn; each of them drawing from the can like their life depends on
it. Eventually the can reaches me and I stare at it. Are they serious?
"Why are you drinking before you've even arrived?" I ask them

"Lighten up a little bit princess," Alec says from beside me, "We're just
getting in the mood." He shoves the can into my lap and I wrinkle my nose
in disgust. I've never really liked alcohol full stop, but beer is just
foul. I open my mouth to politely decline the offer, but Alec interrupts
me just as I go to speak. "You're so safe Riley," He murmurs, "Come on,
just for one night, loosen up with us. You might find yourself actually
having some fun."

Violet's words ring through my mind from earlier.

"Oh and Riley?" She calls back to me as she opens the front door. "Have a
bit of fun. You really need a break from all the studying." And with a
brilliant smile, she bids me adios. The door slams behind her.

Alec called me safe, whatever that means... I'm not sheltered am I?

Stiffening a little in my seat, I realise I am. It probably wouldn't hurt
me to loosen up every once in a while.

With a loud groan I bring the can to my lips. I take a long, dry gulp of
the disgusting liquid, closing my eyes and letting my senses just absorb
the experience. Once I've drained the remnants of the can (not that there
was much left), I crush it in my fist. Alec whoops beside me, and the
boys join in. Already I'm feeling slightly more buzzed, although I
suspect it's more to do with the thrill of breaking the rules rather than
the alcohol itself. Who says I can't loosen up? I'm not uptight, and I'm
certainly not a good girl (not that I ever was one to be honest) - this
is just part of the authentic teenage experience. The alcohol burns my
tongue with its putrid taste, but after swallowing the rest of it, I grin
like I've just won the jackpot.

So this is what loosening up feels like.

"I'm gonna pop some tags, only got twenty dollars in my pocket. I'm, I-
I'm hunting- looking for a come up. This is fudging awesome," I sing
along with the music. I can hear Joe and Chase laughing in the front
seats, and Dylan is texting on his phone- the bright screen glowing upon
his chiselled features. I'm feeling kind of happy now, and the nerves
have sort of dissolved in my stomach. I'm not going to drink any more-
I'm not stupid: I know what I could get like if I drink too much- but at
the same time I'm just enjoying the feeling of being a little buzzed. Who
can blame me?

"Do you not swear or something?" Alec asks me curiously, "I've never
heard you swear before, now that I think about it." I shake my head in
reply to his question, and he leans back a little, eyes narrowed in
challenge. "Say 'fuck'."

"No." I shake my head, turning back to the window.

"Say it."

"No. I'm not going to say it just because you told me too!" I scowl at
him defiantly.

"Riley, say it! Come on, loosen up a little."


"It's just a swear word, no-one's going to arrest you or anything."


"Aw, why not?" Alec whines.


Alec smirks at me.



Ten minutes later and my buzzed feeling has almost completely diminished,
replaced with the horrible sickly feeling of nerves once more. I was
wondering when they'd make a re-appearance. I stare through the window in
horror as we pull up in a long gravel driveway. There are people
everywhere: passed out on the lawn, dancing and making out. Shoot- it's
exactly like they have in the movies, which means I'm probably going to
be raped, punched in the face or dancing in my underwear by the end of
the night. My hand twitches unconsciously towards my phone. Should I call
No. I need to face this at some point in my life; I might as well start

"Are you going to exit the car anytime soon kitty?" Alec drawls beside
me. With a jolt of shock, I realise we've parked. The others are all
climbing out of the dark car into the lit driveway, allowing me to get a
better hold on their appearance. Chase is wearing chinos and a shirt, his
eyes a warm chocolate brown in the streetlights. Dylan, who has basically
been texting the entire car ride, is wearing similar attire, his angel
blonde curls are shielding his face from me though. With a big gulp, I
jump down from the car, standing dubiously around at my setting. Every
instinct is warning me to leave. So many people in such a little place
has got to be a recipe for disaster. My ankle wobbles a little as I land
on my heels, but I steady myself before I can embarrass myself too badly.
Chase nods at my attire appreciatively, blowing me a flirty kiss. I roll
my eyes, but I'm smiling.

"Why, don't you look adorable, kitty." Alec whispers in my ear. His voice
sends a shiver down my spine, surprising me, and I turn around to slap
him lightly around the face. He grins playfully at me, knowing that I
jumped a mile at the simple sentence.

"Don't scare me like that you dork," I scold him. He winks playfully back
at me.

The boys lead me up towards the house, and my eyes widen at the sheer
scale of it. Seriously? Are this guy's parent's millionaires or
something? I don't even know whose party this is, now that I think about
it. Was I invited? What if they didn't want me here? Oh gosh, am I

"Relax kitten," Alec says, sensing my sudden shift of panic. The front
door is already open, revealing the bone shatteringly terrifying
interior. Music ricochets throughout the house, the beats bouncing in my
feet as I stare into the pitch black, struggling to make much out much of
anything. I can see the silhouettes of what seems like hundreds of bodies
dancing to the latest club hits in one of the rooms though. In some ways,
the hallway that I'm entering now seems even worse. There must be over a
dozen couples making out and nearing you-know-what in here. A girl is
projectile puking in the corner; her top is completely gone, revealing
her underwear glory. Oh my lord.
I tag behind Dylan as the boys walk past the hallway scene with barely a
glance, acting like it's the norm. I, on the other hand, am staring wide
eyed in horror at everything. I feel like this party should have an
eighteen and over sign above the door. Then again, it's not like I get
out much. For all I know, this could be the norm for parties like this
one. Shaking my head to clear my head, I follow the boys into the packed
living room. Vodka bottles litter the floor along with hundreds of
crushed strong-smelling paper cups that obviously didn't just contain
soda. This really isn't my scene. I'm so grateful that I didn't wear a
dress tonight- I think I'd have really regretted it if I did, seeing the
girls being perved on in their skimpy outfits right now. Yup, so not my

Joe is the first to split off from the group. Instantly he heads over to
a bunch of smoking guys in the corner. I recognise a few of the jocks and
jerks from my school. Rolling my eyes, I turn around just in time to see
Chase and Dylan blending off into the crowd in different directions. A
shot of panic bursts through me, and I spin around quickly to see if Alec
is still there, but he's gone. Gone. They've just left me alone! I knew
this would happen: I knew I shouldn't have come. "Shoot," I curse,
whipping my head back and forth in search for someone, anyone that I
recognise. My cheeks flame with anger at the thought that the boys have
all abandoned me- they were supposed to be looking out for me. That's
what friends do right? Some friends they are. Behind the anger though,
something twinges deep in my chest. Hurt.

"Why the long face?" Alec's voice shouts over the music. Instantly, I
whip around to see him standing there casually, and relief floods through
my body, quickly followed by happiness. He came back! I'm seriously
restraining the urge to bear hug him right now, but that might be a tad
awkward, so I settle for a wide grin instead. However, even my grin
quickly drops as I notice what he's holding. A cigarette which he brings
to his lips, puffing out a sweet and seductive smoke that burns my
nostrils. "Is that marijuana Alec?!"

He stares blankly back at me. "So what if it is?" There's no playful ring
in his voice anymore: it's completely neutral and calm. Judging by the
defensive edge to his eyes though, I'm treading on dangerous grounds.
Obviously I disapprove of him smoking, but the truth is that I haven't
known him long: who am I to tell him what to do? I analyse him for a few
seconds, before shaking my head and sighing. "Nothing."

A flicker of surprise sparks in his eyes as he absorbs my reaction. I

think he was expecting me to blow through the roof in anger, and in all
honesty I want to, but I haven't got a say. It's up to him if he wants to
take drugs: it's not like I'm his mother or anything. I watch him
dubiously as he leans back, a puzzled emotion evident on his face. He
stares at me openly for a few seconds, and I look back unblinkingly. I
can't help but wonder what he's thinking about. After a while, he cracks
an empty smile. "Good." That's the only thing he says to me, and I've
barely had a chance to register it before he's disappearing back into the
dance floor.

He drops the cigarette before he disappears.

Something about small fact makes me smile stupidly.

"Chug, chug, chug, chug!" The crowd cheers around me. I watch aghast as
the person standing on the table gulps heavily from the bottle,
undoubtedly spurred on by the crowd's support. It's a boy from my school:
Jacob Bachelor to be exact. He's already a bit of an airhead when he's
sober but it's like all of his sense goes out of the window when he's
drunk. I've already seen him tonight grinding against a table leg, and
now he's chugging vodka like there's no tomorrow. That hangover is going
to suck balls.

"Hey." Someone taps me on the back. I whirl around to see Dylan there, a
coy smile on his face. "How are you finding the party?"

"It's alright thanks, how about you?" I grin back at him. My eyes zone in
on the lipstick prints on his neck, and I wrinkle my nose a little. Yup,
I'm guessing he's been having fun. I wonder what the other guys have been
up to. I've seen Joe and Chase around, but I haven't seen Alec since our
conversation and that had to be at least an hour ago. Since then, I've
been chatting with a few of the girls from my school, sitting on the sofa
and texting every contact on my phone apart from Violet- I don't want her
to know that I've cracked under social awkwardness yet again.

"I've been good. Have you drunk anything at all?" Dylan asks me
curiously. I can't smell alcohol on his breath either now you think about
it, so I'm assuming he's the designated driver for tonight. I shake my
head in reply to his question, and he smiles knowingly. "You don't seem
like the type to drink a lot." Seeing my face, he hastily continues.
"That's a good thing you know. It's downright unattractive when girls are
off their head on alcohol."
Nice save. I nod in agreement. "Definitely. It's even worse when they
pretend to be drunk. I don't get why girls do that at all."

"I guess it's to try and fit in?"

"Maybe." I wrinkle my nose, "But I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, and I've
not once felt the urge to drink alcohol."

"You finished the beer in the car here," Dylan points out.

I push him playfully. "We shall never speak of that again."

He grins back, saluting me. "So do you want to dance?"

"Sure," I smile, following him back into the living room. The back rooms
in this ginormous house are quite a bit quieter, and that's where I've
been hanging out, so the loud music is once again a significant shock to
my system. I wince as a new track comes up, echoed by the whoops of the
dancers. Could they get any louder? Dylan grabs my wrist, leading me onto
the crammed dance floor, and I wobble slightly in my heels. Looking at
him now, he's really attractive. Heck, all of the boys are. It's kind of
twisted that we all met through some underwear theft, rather than through
school or through normal social endeavours like other people. But that
reminds me, I still need to get that damned bra back. Stupid Alec Ryder.

"Alec's been in a really bad mood all night," Dylan comments as if

reading my mind. He finally comes to a stop in the centre of the dance
floor, ignoring the jostling bodies surrounding us. "Do you know if
anything has happened? Last I saw him; he had two girls kissing his neck
and the other giving him a lap dance. He's such a manwhore."

I chuckle, although the thought of the scene physically repulses me.

"Nope," I attempt to shrug it off, "I haven't seen him in ages." I put my
hands on Dylan's shoulders and we begin to dance. Let me tell you now,
this boy has moves. Then again, it's no real surprise to me- I swear he's
good at everything. "You know, you're actually a really good dancer. Is
there anything you're bad at?"

"I absolutely suck at anything creative," He admits openly. His gaze

flickers to our feet, as though he's ashamed of the flaw. "I can't draw
to save my life, and although I like writing- I can't write poetry, or
stories or anything. Mum and Dad put a lot of pressure on me to be
perfect, but I guess I just haven't got the knack for it. It doesn't
really matter anyway; I'm the heir to a business, not a storybook."

"But that's so sad," I frown, "Do you really want to run your parent's

"I don't really mind, to be honest. I mean, there are things I'd rather
do but I guess I can't really see any of those happening. Besides, I'm
good at math and business-y stuff." He shrugs. His eyes are clear with
honesty. It's nice to think that he feels he can open up to me. I'm
pretty sure most people don't know the reason why Dylan is so perfect, so
it makes me feel special to think that he trusts me with this secret.

"I could teach you to do something creative, if you'd like? I mean, I can
draw fairly well."

"That would be cool," He smiles back at me. The song changes again, a
more fast paced and edgy one blasting through the speakers. Soon enough,
I'm jumping and laughing with Dylan. He's a pretty nice guy actually. I
always thought that he'd be a little snobbish, but he's actually modest
and sweet. Guess it just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its
cover. Just as I'm singing along to Avicii, however, Alec comes into the
room. His hair is dishevelled, a crude smirk curling his lips upward. Two
girls are clinging to him. One of them is whispering in his ear, wearing
nothing but a mini skirt that's more like a wide belt and a lacy bandeau.
He turns his head to meet hers, and kisses her passionately, hands
clutching desperately into her blonde curls. The other girl is running
her hands down his chest, sucking at his neck. He staggers under their
embrace. I can't watch anymore, and I turn back to Dylan.

For some reason, I'm incredibly irritated with Alec. God, he's such a
manwhore. Can't he see what he does to girls? He's playing with them,
toying with them like toys on a string. He uses them to get what he
wants, and then throws them away like a dirty Kleenex before moving onto
the next. What about the blonde girl he was making out with in the
corridor the other day? She's forgotten, according to the rumours. Violet
said she saw him fondling a red head yesterday. I almost punched a wall
when I heard about it. He's such an insensitive jerk. I really shouldn't
be friends with him when he treats other girls of my gender this way.

"Hey Riley, you ok?" Dylan asks me, his eyes flickering over my face with
concern. I nod back, stretching on an elasticated smile. "Cool. Well, I'm
going to go and get a drink. I'll see you when I get back, yeah?"
"Sure," I smile, watching him as he turns away and blends back into the
crowd. Here I am now, completely alone in the centre of the dance floor,
fudging pissed off at a certain Mr Ryder who's freaking oblivious over
there with his fudging sluts-

"You look a little lonely over there." A voice shouts over the music,
breaking my trail of thought. I look up to see Brad Holdings, one of the
nicer jocks at my school. I've spoken to him a few times in English
before and he's a genuinely decent guy, unlike some of his cockier mates.
He doesn't look like he's been drinking either, surprisingly. I smile up
at him. "Hey Brad."

"Hi," He replies, smiling. His dimples show up strongly on his cheeks. I

love a guy with dimples. "Do you want a drink?" He holds out a paper cup
to me and my throat burns at the thought. All of that dancing with Dylan
has tired me out; I'd kill for a drink right now. I stare dubiously at
the cup. Brad's not the kind of boy to spike a soda is he? Of course not,
I'm probably just being paranoid. As if seeing my unsure expression, Brad
hastily continues. "It was mine. It hasn't been spiked, don't worry."

"Oh okay then," I smile, taking the cup and sipping from it. It doesn't
taste suspicious, just like normal lemonade- although a little warm from
the body heat in here. I smile up at him. "Thanks- I'm so parched from
all this dancing...Oh, I like what you're wearing." I gesture to his
chinos and converse jealously. What I would give to be in my converse
right now. He smiles back, once again revealing those adorable little
dimples. Brad isn't a particularly 'wow'-looking guy, but he's quite
cute. He has mussed up light brown hair and hazel eyes, flecked with
green. Attractive but nowhere near as hot as someone like Alec. Then
again, nobody is.

Good gracious, did I really just think that?! Maybe this drink really is

I take a few more gulps of the soda. This room is so freaking hot and I'm
beginning to feel light headed. "I think I need some air," I say to Brad
apologetically, "Please excuse me." Taking steady sips from the soda and
trying not to bump into too many people, I make my way to the edge of the
dance floor. I've never liked crowds, but that crowd is just too much I
I quickly find my escape to the edge of the dance floor, looking back on
the crowd with nervous eyes. My head is beginning to throb- I think it
took a real toll on me, that crowd. It's nice to be able to breathe again
though, so maybe I'll calm down here. I take in a deep breath, and in the
process lock eyes with Alec who is sat nearby, surrounded by girls. I
attempt to smile, if only a little, but there's no time because he's
already looked past me: completely and utterly ignoring my existence. Oh
no he didn't. What an effing douche.

Gosh my head is killing me. I wince as I massage my temple, gulping down

the soda like there's no tomorrow. Why is nothing working? I need to go
outside, probably. It's just too hot in here, and I haven't drunk enough-
I'm most likely just dehydrated.

Staggering to the door, I clutch my head painfully. It's getting worse

and worse by the second, how is it possible for a headache to form that
fast? Out of the corner of my eyes, I spot Joe. He's sitting with his
friends in the corner still, holding a can of beer which I'd say is
probably empty looking at his delirious state. "Joe!" I call for him. The
music is too loud. "Joe!" I scream louder, and his eyes snap to mine. By
now my mind is whirring, and I have to lean against the wall for support,
so that I don't fall over. People are blocking the door. I can't get
through. Shit Joe, please come. As though sensing my panic, Joe jumps
through the crowd rushing over to me. My head is spinning and my head
feels like it's going to explode. I don't understand, I was fine before
that freaking soda-

Shit. The drink has been spiked. And with something powerful by the feel
of it.

"Hey, hey, what's up Riley? Lean against me. What's happening?" Joe asks
me manically, wrapping an arm around my waist to support me. Stupid
fucking Brad. I'll never forgive him for this. Why would he want to spike
my drink? Asshole. Oh god, my head. I moan loudly, and Joe snaps out of
his panicked reverie. "Get her outside!" He yells over the music, "We
need to get her outside." The people at the door hastily move, probably
thinking I'm going to throw up. To be honest, I'm not sure if I will
either. My head.

I stagger through the hallway, supported by Joe towards the back door.
The dizziness is slowly subsiding now, but if anything my head ache is
getting worse.
And that's when I see him. Standing by the door with an easy smile on
his face, as though this isn't the one thing, as though he isn't the one
person that could blow my mind into oblivion, and shock me to the core.

The last person I expected to see.

"Toby," I gasp. Black dots swarm over my vision, and I know I haven't got
long before I pass out. The whole world is spinning, and my head feels
like it's been ran over by a bus and drenched in acid.

"It's been a while, princess."

And then it all goes black.

Shoutout to Nemo2202 for the amazing trailer she made to the side- I'm so
happy with it! Make sure to check her out guys- her story 'Carvings' is
one of my particular favourites!

I just wanted to let you peepleeee know that I will be trying to update
every week now- but please don't pressure me if I can't make it. I've got
a lot on my plate at the moment... Ciao for now (OOH THAT RHYMED) xx

hapter 8// Unexpectedly Sweet

Everybody who knows me will know that I am far from a morning person.
Awakening from a serene slumber into a blurred sense of reality is
definitely not my ideal, much less what I look forward to. I always kind
of envy those people who can wake up and think of nothing but the
beautiful possibilities of the day ahead, of what they're going to do and
who they're going to see. The word I'm looking for is positivity. These
people have positivity in the mornings, and it's a shame to say that
I...well, I am the poker opposite. Me on a normal morning is a sad sight
for the eye, but on this awakening? Well this one is different.

Let's just say that I don't usually wake up feeling like I've been hit by
a truck. Twice.
I release a loud groan as I open my eyes. I don't think I've ever
experienced a headache of such ferocity before. It's hurting every single
part of my head, from my eyelids to my temples. What the hell have I done
to myself, to cause this kind of pain? Well at least one thing's for
sure: this isn't the kind of thing that can be taken away with Calpol and
hot soup. I groan a little as I straighten up in bed, letting my eyes
adjust to my surroundings. And that's when it hits me. The room I am
isn't lit with the morning sun. It's completely dark.

And it isn't mine.

"What the hell?" I jump up in the bed, suddenly conscious of my dark and
unfamiliar surroundings. It smells like vomit and smoke in here, tingling
my nostrils in a sensitive and unpleasant way. The room is pitch black,
indicating that it's the middle of the night, but I can just make out a
simple beech wood décor, with plain walls and carpets. I am sat in a
double bed in the centre of said room, swarmed in a white cotton duvet
with a bucket beside me, which I'm assuming is for vomit. Luckily, it's
empty. Where the hell am I?

I claw the interior of my mind for anything, any information as to my

whereabouts but I'm coming up empty. I feel a shift of panic in my
stomach. How long have I been out? Shoot, mom's going to be so worried!
My eyes widen in horror at my thoughts, the panic bubbling tauntingly in
my gut. I haven't been kidnapped, have I?! I freeze at a sudden sound, my
previous panicking completely forgotten in place for sheer terror. "What
was that?" I whisper. My voice is raspy and my throat is sore, but I
don't focus on any of that as my ears strain for any other sounds. I can
just about make out the faint beats of some dance music coming from below
me, but that wasn't what I heard. It was more like a person moving around
outside the door.

Oh crap. Kidnapper, murderer, rapist...

There's a loud knock at the door. My scream pierces through the hazy air
like a knife through flesh. Painful, shrill and lasting only half a
second before freezing up in terror.

"Jeez Riles, keep it down. They're going to think I'm murdering you or
something," Alec grumbles, entering the room hastily and shutting the
door behind him. In the short time that it was open, the music ricocheted
around the room at what felt like a million decibels, but that might have
just been my headache talking. All I can say is thank god it's Alec and
At least he might have a clue what's happened to me. Alec rolls his eyes
at my relieved face before heading over to me, handing me a glass of
water and some aspirin. So he's not a murderer or kidnapper, and he's
brought me painkillers: added bonus!

"Thank you," I say gratefully, grabbing the pills in a heartbeat, "My

head is killing me. The funny thing is, I don't even remember what
happened!" I chuckle dryly, "Do you know what happened? Where am I?"

"You don't remember who gave you that headache?" Alec questions
carefully. His jaw tightens into a knot and his eyes turn steely at the
statement. I observe his reaction closely. What is he so mad about? And
what's this about someone giving me the headache? I assumed I'd just
tripped over the floor or something...but if someone gave me the headache
then what could have possibly happened that I don't remember? After a
second of staring right back into my analytical eyes, he sighs and drops
his gaze. His fists remain clenched however.

"Where am I Alec?" I ask him quietly. My voice is small, and as much as

I hate to admit it, scared.

"You're at Jason Cooper's party. You haven't been knocked out for long-
I'd say half an hour minimum though. I carried you up here when you
fainted. Sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up; I had to take care of
someone." I notice him unconsciously clench his fists again, highlighting
the bruises scarred against his knuckles.

"Did he deserve it?" I ask curiously.

"Did who deserve what?"

"Well you've obviously just beaten the living daylights out of a guy. Did
he deserve it?"

"Like you wouldn't believe," Alec grits his teeth. His gaze strays
adamantly away from mine.
The silence is slightly awkward for a few seconds, and I take the
opportunity to gulp down the tablets. At least this killer headache won't
last for much longer. "So," I sigh, "Are you going to tell me what the
hell happened?"

"Yeah, I guess. You fell down the steps on your way back from the
bathroom and fainted. That's all." He shrugs it off like it's a simple
event, but he's still not meeting my eyes. Something about his nonchalant
tone of voice causes me to think that perhaps Alec isn't telling me the
whole truth. The thing I'm confused about however is...why would he lie?
I frown, sipping once again at my water and collapsing back into the
pillow. "So, a party huh? Did I ruin your night? I'm sorry if I did."

"No, of course not." Alec finally turns to look at me, and his voice
softens a little. "I'll be honest- it was fun playing Prince Charming-
y'know, saving the damsel in distress and all."

"Ugh, please don't call me that." I groan into the pillow and Alec
laughs beside me, running a hand through his hair. Even in the dark room
I can make out the white sparkle in his eyes as he chuckles. Once he
sobers up, I sigh. "What time is it then? Will I need to be getting back

"It's around 1:30," He says, checking his watch. "The others have already
left but I can walk you home. Our street isn't too far from here." I
smile gratefully at him, swinging my legs from out of the duvet. They
appear ghostly white in the dim lighting. It only takes a second for it
to dawn on me.

"Alec where are my jeans?!"

"Ah, I forgot about those. I, y'know, took them off because they were
tight and you were complaining about tummy ache in your sleep so..." He
shifts awkwardly, once again not meeting my eye. His hand automatically
leans to scratch the back of his neck, the universal sign for boys when
they are uncomfortable. I just hope to god that he can't see my crimson
cheeks in the dark, because I'm seriously humiliated right now. How many
of my undergarments is Alec going to see for chrissakes?! I nod silently
as he passes the jeans to me, pulling them on quickly over my bare legs.

"Right. let's go." I stand up, only to have a voluptuous hit of nausea
attack my stomach like a thousand wriggling worms. My knees wobble, and I
stagger a little under the sudden light-headedness. "Whooaaa," I breathe.
Alec catches me easily, steadying me as I take a few deep breaths. My
headache seems to have multiplied by ten at that simple standing up
gesture; I can only hope that the painkillers kick in sometime soon,
because no human should have to endure this for long.

"Easy there tiger," Alec wraps his arm around my waist, steadying me. The
dizziness and nausea has faded now, so I give him a quick nod and a smile
to signify that I'm ready to leave. Slowly we walk over to the door and
open it. Instantly, the music lightly floods over me and I can hear the
activity coming from the heart of the house, although it's quite quiet at
the moment. I can't even imagine how large this house has to be for me to
be able to sleep through the racket coming from downstairs.

I follow Alec through the corridor and down the stairs, edging past
couples in mid-make out and drunken people staggering along the corridor
towards the restrooms. Alec's arm tightens around my waist, his skin warm
through the thin material of my top. "Are you sure I fell down the
stairs?" I ask Alec quizzically, "Surely I'd have a bump on my head or

"You were lucky I guess," Alec shrugs, "Do you remember anything from
before the fall?"

I frown, straining my mind to the furthest I can remember to. "Well, I

remember the drive here...And I remember speaking to you a little bit,
before you disappeared with your sluts." I wrinkle my nose at the memory.
I guess it's hard to remember just how much of a player Alec is when he
acts so boyish and teasing with me. I build up an image of him in my
mind, and because I don't see him with his ladies much (I try to avoid
it) then I guess it just isn't in my picture. Besides, he's a different
person with his friends and me. Although maybe I clarify as a friend? I
don't know, my head hurts too much to think about stuff like that.

"Alec, are we friends?" I ask him curiously. I don't really know what we
are to be honest. We're kind of in one of those love-hate
relationships...only replacing the love with 'can just about stand each
other'. Hm, friends?

Alec seems surprised by my question, but he plays it off anyway. He stops

to squint at me. "Hmm, I guess you could qualify for one of my friends."
He teases me, jabbing me in the side. I roll my eyes back at him,
smiling. I guess that's a yes then. I'm not sure if I should be as happy
as I am about that statement.
Suddenly a devious smile lights up my face as I have an idea. "Oh my gosh
Alec, do you know what we can do when we're friends?!" I stop him as we
walk, squealing a little with fake excitement, "Sleepovers! Face masks!
Movie nights! It will be so much fun!" Alec groans at my enthusiasm,
playing along with my joke, and we both crack up laughing. "Can you
imagine you in a f-face mask-k?" I ask, exploding into giggles. Oh good
lord, I can't even.

"I'll have you know I probably suit them. Anything looks good on me
babe." Alec winks playfully at me.

"Don't 'babe' me Ryder," I scoff, tugging him along faster as I spot the
front door to the house. I really want to get home and snuggle up in bed.
The painkillers are beginning to take the edge off my headache now, but
I'm far from feeling okay again. I wince a little at another big throb,
rising my hands up to massage my temples. My pain, however, is forgotten
as I spot someone else's.

"Brad!" I gasp. Brad is walking along the hall, looking like he's just
returned from a world war. His eye is black, his nose broken and he's
walking with a slight limp. "What happened to you?" At the sound of my
voice, Brad's head snaps up and his eyes widen in horror. Why does he
look so shocked? It's just me- I talk to him in English. Surely, I'm not
that terrifying! He stares at me for a few seconds, before his head turns
back down again quickly and he determinedly ignores me. "Brad!" I call
confusedly. Why is he ignoring me? "Brad!" By now we've reached the hall,
and he's walking as quickly as he can in the opposite direction. I'm so
confused- what have I done? I turn around to follow him, but I'm stopped
before I can even try.

"Come on, Riles, we need to get you home." Alec says gently, but with a
tone of urgency evident in his smooth voice. I nod and obey, feeling like
a small child under his dominant stance. Ignoring the music pounding
against my ears and the couples I'm stepping over, I walk down the
hazardous stairs and over to the front door. The girl I saw earlier is
gone luckily, but in replacement is a boy looking barely the age of
fifteen that is vomiting into a plant pot. Jason Cooper is going to have
a nasty surprise when he goes to check his petunias. I roll my eyes and
step outside into the chilly night air. The cold hits me like a bucket of
ice water.
"Aw shoot," I murmur, hugging my bare arms and waiting for Alec as he
shuts the door behind him. Why didn't I wear something more substantial
for this party? I'm certainly paying the consequences for it now. I
shiver violently and begin my trek towards the front gate, sensing Alec
shortly to the side of me. Even Alec isn't wearing anything particularly
substantial- a tight grey v neck and some skinny jeans with his leather
jacket. Hot, but impractical. My gaze strays over the wrecked backyard.
Streamers and paper cups are strewed across the grass in every direction,
with people acting like wild they're off the discovery
channel or something. It's all very untamed, free and careless. I guess
that's why the rebels, the misfits and the bad boys like showing up at
parties. It's a place where there are no rules, where kids can relax and
have fun without thinking of any other stresses that might be waiting for
them as soon as they can get back. It's an escape.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?" Alec asks me huskily. He's
huddled in his jacket with his teeth chattering, and I find myself
craving warmth more than ever. I wouldn't even mind if Alec gave me a
hug- as long as I was warmer than this. It's got to be in the minus
centigrade here.

"Nothing much, I just think I understand why so many kids like parties
like this one," I shrug. My hands are tucked under my armpits, goose
bumps flaring over the naked skin.

"Oh yeah?" Alec turns to me. His eyes burn denim blue in the darkness,

"It's an escape right? An escape from problems, responsibilities. They

can just relax, be with their friends and forget everything for a little
while," My teeth chatter loudly as I speak the last word, and I hug
myself a little harder. I think it finally registers with Alec that I'm
going to freeze any minute, and so he reluctantly unpeels his leather
jacket from his torso and chucks it over to me. I nod gratefully back at
him. Unlike some girls in movies, there is no way I am denying a chance
to warm up. I pull my arms through the sleeves, and relish in the body
heat that's still in the jacket. It smells of axe and vanilla, like Alec.

"I guess to some respects, yes, what you're saying is true," Alec admits,
hurrying to catch up with me. We're walking along the dark streets
together now, and I can see him better in the light of the streetlamps.
He looks tired. "But then I suppose people go for different reasons," He
glances over at me with a small smile. "Take you for example; you wanted
to go because you just wanted the experience. Others go for an escape.
For some it's just routine."
"So why do you go?" I ask him curiously.

"Because it's where I pick up girls," He answers simply, smirking a

little at my disgusted expression. "I could have lied and said that it's
for some heartfelt shit reason, but I'm just going to put it bluntly. I'm
being honest, after all."

"No shit," I murmur, my nose still wrinkled from the image of Alec
picking up girls. "That's disgusting."

"Ooh naughty Riley! Don't use bad words," He teases me; "I'll have to
tell mommy!"

"Shut up dork," I punch him in the shoulder. Well, try to. The leather
jacket sleeves are too long, and so when I try to punch him it ends up
being more like a feeble stroke through the thick leather blocking my
fist from its target. Alec barks a laugh at my pathetic attempt, grabbing
my arm and pulling the sleeve back from my hand. My fist is still coiled,
but he takes it gently and moves the thumb to untuck it from my fingers.
His hands are warm and rough. "You know you can break your knuckles from
hitting like that, don't you?" He chuckles softly. By now we've stopped
on the sidewalk but he hasn't let go of my thumb. "Put it like this,
across the fingers." He steps a little closer, directing my thumb to the
correct position. "There you go."

"Thanks," I grin, before punching him properly in the shoulder. He

doesn't even wince, but he does nod his head slightly in approval,
chuckling as if my violence amuses him. "C'mon let's just get home

Once again we continue to walk. Only a few streets left now, but it feels
like we're walking in the middle of the bloody artic and seems to prolong
our journey even further. "So," I start, "Where did you live before you
came to Lindale?"

"North Carolina," He replies, "We moved here to be closer to my mum's

sister, and my cousin. Natasha, if you're wondering," He sends me a
sideways pout, clearly remembering when I embarrassed him the morning
after I'd met him. That was funny though, even he has to admit. I snort a
little at the memory. "You'd like her if you met her," He muses aloud, "I
could probably bring you with me to see her sometime. You two would get
along well."

"That would be nice," I smile at my feet. "I've only got one cousin, but
I don't see him very often. He's from my mom's side."

"What about your dad?" Alec asks me. His voice is carefully composed, as
though he senses he's treading on possibly harmful grounds. I shrug.
Maybe he picked up on the fact that my dad wasn't around? "My dad left us
before Jack was born," I admit, "I don't really know him or his family to
be honest. Not that I care."

"So it's just you, your mum and Jack then?"

"Yup," My throat tightens a little as I say the word.



I stare at the locked door in horror. Of course- mom thinks I'm at a

sleepover with Violet! How could I be so stupid as to forget the keys?
I'm locked out for the night! God, I'm so stupid. What am I going to do
now? Mum and Jack's bedrooms are at the back of the house. Even if I call
for them, they won't be able to hear me. I have my cell phone but it's
literally just died on the walk home because I've been texting so much
tonight. Oh my gosh, this fucking sucks. Never mind how cliché it is.

"Having trouble there sweetheart?" Alec calls for me from the opposite
porch. He's stood, leaning against the fence and smirking as though he's
won the jackpot. I want nothing more than to swipe that smug bastard
smirk from his face, honestly. Well, on second thoughts, getting into my
house would be nice. I scowl at him, turning back to the door and
continuing to fiddle with my hairgrip in the lock. How come they can do
all this in the movies, and I'm so dismally failing right now? Surely if
you just twiddle with it a little bit...

"You know, I hate to be the one to point this out Riley, but you're
locked out." Alec's voice shouts from the other porch. I can practically
feel the waves of smugness radiating from him. I shoot him the middle
finger. "Now, now. That's not a very nice way to treat your neighbour is
it?" His tone is thoroughly amused, "Especially when he's about to offer
you a couch to sleep on."

"I can't do that!" I shake my head disappointedly. It was nice of him to

offer, at least. "What would your mum say?"

"She's not in," He replies. The keys to his house swing tauntingly from
his fingers. "She's gone to a conference and darling Millie is staying
with dear old grandma for a few days. No-one has to know."

I sigh and deliberate over it for a few seconds. Yes, I'd be a horrible
person. Yes, I have school in the morning and I'd have to sneak back
home, and Yes- I would be in the house alone with a boy. But it's not
like I'd be in his room or anything, I'd just be on the couch downstairs.
That's not wrong is it? Too bad my window's locked, or I could sneak back
in right now through Alec's room, but unfortunately mom's very big on
locks in our house. She constantly lives in fear of a burglary. It would
be like trying to break into a bank.

"Fine," I mutter and storm back down our front yard and over to his. I
march up the path smartly, with Alec's smug stare boring holes into my
cheek. Ugh, screw him for being so stupidly nice. He opens the door and
lets me in first, before following and shutting the door behind us. The
sound is loud in the silence, much louder to my ears than it probably is
in reality. I'm in a house alone with a boy. A hot one at that. I make my
way over to the living room and stand awkwardly, not quite sure what to
do with myself. "The couch pulls out into recline," Alec says from beside
me, "You can sleep there. I'll go grab one of my mum's t shirts or
something for you to sleep in." I hear him walk away, up the staircase
and into the room above. After staring dubiously at the couch for a few
seconds, I begin to set up my bed for the night.

Well, I never thought I'd say that I'm spending a night at Alec's house.
Should I be happy?

"Pick a colour!" Alec's voice shouts from upstairs, interrupting my trail

of thought.

I frown at the question. "What? Why?"

"Just do it kitty."
"Er..." I scratch the back of my neck, "Black?"

A second later, Alec comes jogging down the stairs holding a black T-
shirt in his hand. He chucks it over to me, before turning around to go
into the kitchen. "It's one of mine," He calls back. I can hear the
rattling of pans in the kitchen behind him. "Mum didn't have any pyjamas-
she's taken them all with her on this trip. I know the t-shirt will
probably drown you but I figured it's better than nothing, right? Do you
want some tea or anything?"

"No thanks," I call back, heading over to the small restroom leading off
the hallway. "I'm just going to get changed. Thanks for the t-shirt." I
shut the door behind me with a bang, relishing in the privacy. I'm so
worn out from that party, you wouldn't believe. Being around people all
night? It's a stretch for me. It's nice of Alec to take me in though. I
kind of expected him to help me break into my own house or something, so
it was a pleasant surprise to say the least when he invited me to stay
the night. Unexpectedly sweet. I smile and head over to the mirror first,
cringing as I see my reflection. It's not that I look particularly
horrifying as such- my hair is still curled messily and my makeup is
intact (smudged but still there), it's just how unhealthy I look. My skin
is pasty white; I have bags under my eyes and a bruise on my head,
presumably from when I fainted. I need a long hot bath, some pyjamas and
a few tom cruise movies to get me through this. Oh, and a lot of aspirin.

I change quickly out of my top and jeans into Alec's t shirt. As

expected, it swamps me, coming down to my knees. The shirt itself is a
faded black colour, worn and well loved. It feels soft against my skin,
and smells strongly of Alec. I sound like one of his latest conquests, I
know. I should probably shut up with all the sappy sensing crap. I use
water to wash off the makeup on my face and unpin my hair to let the
curls spill over my back. Is it bad that I actually quite like this t-
shirt? It's plain but comfortable. My kind of clothes.

Feeling very conscious of my bare legs, I run back over to the couch and
dive onto it in lightning speed, covering my bare skin with a cushion. I
haven't shaved my legs in a few days now, and I'd prefer Alec not to know
that I have pins like a freaking cactus at the moment. The bed has been
set up already, a reclining couch with a few blankets and pillows thrown
halfhazardly on top. I have to admit, even the floor looks comfortable
for sleep now, and so this is perfect.
"So is that it? You don't need anything else, right?" Alec asks me from
the doorway. I shake my head, beaming at him in gratitude. He offers me a
small smile back, before turning to leave.

"Alec?" I call out after him. My voice is faint and unsure.

"Thanks for everything today. I really do appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Night, kitty."

"Night dork."


I wake up in the morning feeling a little less zombie-like than usual,

which is a bloody miracle for me. My head is no longer pounding (thank
goodness) and surprisingly, I think I slept better on the recliner last
night than I do in my own bed at home. I yawn, stretching my arms above
my head and sitting up. I can hear Alec crashing about in the kitchen
somewhere to my left. I wonder why he didn't wake me...? Well, I suppose
it's not his duty too is it? I mean, he was nice enough to let me stay
the night. I should probably cut him some slack for not waking me up for
school. I run a hand through my curls and wipe the sleep from my eyes,
clambering out from my warm mess of blankets to go and see what all the
fuss is about.

"Have you only just woken up?" Alec asks me, glancing sideways as I come
to stand in the kitchen doorway. He's already dressed and ready, go
figure. "You should probably hurry. We need to be at school in ten
minutes." He says it so calmly, as if it's the usual for him. Me, on the
other hand, well I wasn't expecting that. Ten minutes?!

"What?" I yelp, glancing hurriedly up at the kitchen clock to see that

he's right. I need to pick up Violet in less than fifteen minutes and I'm
not showered, dressed- heck, I'm not even in my own house! "Shit!" I
curse, bolting back over to the lounge to grab my stuff. "Thanks for
yesterday Alec; I'll see you at school!" I barely even leave time to hear
his reply before I'm sprinting out of his door and over the front yard to
my house. I'm aware that I'm currently only wearing a T-shirt, holding my
clothes and Alec's leather jacket (from last night, it appears) in a
strange bundle in my arms, but it's not as if I have a choice. I need to
hurry if I'm going to pick Violet up on time.

Luckily for me, the front door is left open. Mom must be out doing the
bins, like she usually does before she goes to work on Friday's. I'm not
entirely sure what I would have done if the door was locked, but it seems
that luck is on my side for once and I can enter the house without a
fuss. I need to be quiet though- Mom and Jack think I'm at Violet's right
now, and I'll probably be grounded if they see me.
I rush up the stairs two at a time, trying to make as little noise as
possible whilst doing so. I can hear Jack in the kitchen below me, having
breakfast. He'll be leaving soon for school, but elementary starts a
little later than high school, so he's on time whereas I am late. Late,
late, late. Closing my bedroom door quietly behind me, I sigh in relief
before dumping the unruly pile onto my bed without a second glance at
them. I should probably hand Alec's jacket and t-shirt back tonight, but
I can worry about that later. The first thing I do is fish out some
skinnies and a Starbucks tee from my drawers. As much as Alec's top is
comfortable, I can't even imagine what people would say if I turned up at
school in a boy's shirt. Words that no girl ever deserves to hear, that's

I glance quickly at my watch. 5 minutes left! My hair still looks decent

enough from last night, so I don't need to worry about that. Just
brushing my teeth and grabbing my school bag. I must say, I work pretty
well under pressure.

Five minutes later, I'm ready. Just. I slip a pair of aviators onto my
head, grab my school bag and open my door quietly, peering around the
landing to make sure that nobody is there before I make my escape. I can
hear the phone ringing downstairs, and my mom heading to answer it.
Spotting my chance, I make a dash for it and bolt down the stairs and out
of the front door. Once I'm in outside, I finally collapse, panting. That
had to be one of the most hectic mornings I've ever faced. I don't think
I've ever really slept in much before, come to think of it. I'm still
horrifically late, but if I leave now, I might not get a detention.

I pull my phone from my pocket, glad to see that it at least has a little
charge. I plugged it in whilst I was getting ready, and although it's
only two percent charged, I have long enough to text Violet and tell her
I can't pick her up today. I unlock the phone quickly, but stop as I
realise a stupid fact. My car is it at the garage. I didn't need to pick
Violet up anyway- that was the point of our sleepover last night: so that
she could drive me to school! But of course, I forgot all about that when
this stupid party came along. Shit! School is destined to start now. I,
Riley Greene, am completely and utterly screwed. I have no car, I look
like I've just been dragged through a hedge backwards and my mom has no
idea I'm even here.

If you can think of a solution to this problem any time soon, it would be
incredibly useful.
No? No, me neither.

"You want a ride?" Alec calls from behind me. Oh my gosh. I spin around
on my heel, grinning widely at the boy stood next to his motorcycle next
door. Without a thought, I run over to him and attack him with a hug.
This guy has saved my ass way too many times in the last two days, it's
unreal. Alec chuckles at my grateful reaction, hugging me back a little
bit before letting me go. "C'mon. I mean, I'd love to stand here hugging
all day, but we'll have nothing to hug about if we don't get to school in
two seconds. Hurry your ass up." He swings his leg over the motorcycle
seat and gestures for me to follow.

I bite my lip.

Motorcycles. Never really been a fan of the death machines that you could
possibly fall off whilst zooming down the motorway at 200 miles an hour,
personally. I guess I'll just have to suck it up though. What was that
you were saying about me being sheltered yesterday Alec? I smirk to
myself as I swing my leg over the bike, taking the helmet he hands to me.
I feel proud, although a little nervous. I don't look at Alec's
expression, but I can tell that he's surprised I climbed on so easily. I
suppose most girls wouldn't come near this thing with a bargepole. The
thing is, I'm not most girls. Yes, my stomach feels like it's eating
itself with nerves and my arms are wrapped around Alec like vices, but
I'm willing to do this just for the hell of it. To live on the edge of

I'd also kind of like to cross something from my bucket list, but that's
beside the point. The point is-

The roar of the motorcycle engine interrupts my thoughts, and I let out a
little squeak as it suddenly begins to move beneath us. This is it- I'm
actually riding a motorcycle! A mother trucking bad boy motorcycle! The
vehicle roars beneath me, and the next thing I know we're reversing back
onto the road. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I clutch Alec for dear life as we
turn, and his muscles tense at the touch. With one final roar, the bike
kicks into gear and we're off. My hair streams behind me like a banner,
the breeze silencing my cries of joy and victory. The fierce wind makes
my eyes water, even though I can tell we're not actually going anything
more than forty miles an hour. I actually kind of like it to be honest.
It's nerve wracking and dangerous, sure, but it's also an adrenaline rush
which makes me feel excited. On top of the world.
"This is amazing!" I squeal through the winds, and I can feel Alec
shaking his head amusedly.

I watch, fascinated, as the good old Lindale scenery flashes by me. A

hint of the beach, trees, houses, more trees. I think I could probably
get used to this.

Unfortunately, the journey to school is only a short one. As we near the

school streets, I begin to feel nervous. What will people say if we walk
in together? What would they say if Alec gave me a ride to school? I'm
already getting a tonne of hate from Alec's fan girls just for that
stupid prank, I don't want any more. Plus, I don't want to damage Alec's
reputation. Surely he won't want to walk in with me, considering my
social rank. I mean...he's popular bad boy material, and I'm invisible. I
don't want Alec to have to deal with stick just for giving me a ride
here. "Pull over," I decide, tapping Alec's back to get his attention. He
glances back at me, but obediently pulls over to the side of the road. My
stomach twists. Once we've stopped, he turns around in his seat, frowning
at me confusedly.

I swing my legs back over from the seat and hitch my schoolbag up on my
shoulder, handing him back the helmet. "What are you doing? Don't you
want to get to school?" Alec asks me confusedly. I shake my head, looking
down at my feet.

"It's not that. I just don't want to walk in with you...people will
think we're together. I don't want you to get stick for walking in with
me." I try to explain, but Alec's face sets in ice as soon as I begin

"Would that be such a horrible thing? If people thought we were

together? What if I don't give a shit what people think?" Alec's voice is
cold and unfriendly now, tinged with hurt.

"No that's not what I meant-"

"Whatever Riley." He glares at me for a second, before starting the bike

and riding away. I look after him helplessly. Oh I really fell into that
one. I honestly didn't mean to hurt him...I was trying to protect
whatever godforsaken reputation he has. He doesn't want to walk in with a
girl like me- I could ruin it all for him.
I sigh, and begin walking up the street to the school. I can see it in
plain sight. I don't even want to think about the day I'm going to have
to face when I get there.

Way to go, Riley. Way to go.

If you liked this chapter, please give it a cheeky vote and comment! I've
attached the trailer I made to the side, so be sure to check that out :)

Dedication to an awesome commenter!

Chapter 9// Playing Princess Charming *UNEDITED*

It's been kind of hard without Alec today.

I've spotted him around a little bit, but I think he's avoiding me. He's
pretty good at that actually: once today is all I've seen him, and that's
a little bit foreign considering how often we normally talk. I saw him
making out with another unlucky victim earlier; a cheerleader. I managed
to hold my mouth luckily. As much as I want to tease him about it or to
scream at her to run while she can, I need to salvage what little I have
left of Alec and I's relationship. I can't afford to piss him off
further, although every instinct is telling me otherwise.

Sitting here in Biology, I can't help but let my mind stray back over to
the incident this morning, as it has been doing since the accident. I
feel absolutely terrible, and I can't stop thinking about it. In all
honesty, I really didn't mean to hurt Alec's feelings. I stupidly thought
that he wouldn't want to walk in with me, that I would damage his
reputation. I thought wrong. I bite my lip, playing with the end of a
very bitten pencil. I really should say sorry, but how do I do it?

In a warped way, I was trying to protect him. Like the classic princess
charming I am. I thought that if I didn't walk in with him, his image
would be saved. But I know now that Alec doesn't give a damn about his
image, which makes me smile even though I feel horrible. I was so stupid
for risking our friendship over a fear of stick and insults, but that's
exactly what I did. He's one of the most popular guys in school, and I'm
the girl that gets hated on by his fan girls. What a pair.
As much as I hate to admit it, I don't want to lose Alec Ryder.
Especially after all he's done for me (excluding the pranks and underwear
stealing of course).

I shake my head to clear my thoughts- I really can't be dealing with this

right now. I've got a philosophy test coming up next period, and I can't
afford to be distracted. For chrissakes, I've been revising for a week
and I am not risking this grade over a stupid little fall out. I'm not a
straight A student naturally, I have to work hard to get my decent
grades, and Alec is not going to be the cause of a slip up whether he
knows it or not. I stare intensely at the whiteboard, trying hard to
absorb what the teacher is saying, but I can't help but be distracted by
a certain pair behind me.

"Mr Ryder! Miss Wilson!" Miss Sharpe shrieks from the front of the
classroom, "I ask you to get your hands off each other and pay
attention!" Alec breaks off from his make out with Minnie to shoot the
teacher a smirk, ignoring the eyes of every person in the class. He's sat
at the back of the room with Minnie Wilson, but something tells me that
it's not to avoid attention: they seem to be basking in if anything. It's
for some other reason, and I honestly don't want to think about that
right now. His eyes glint dangerously as he sizes up our teacher, and I
swear I can hear the drool collecting in every girl's mouth in this room.
Excluding mine of course. He catches my eye for a second, as though he
can hear my thoughts, but it only lasts half a second before he's looking
straight through me again. His lips return to Minnie's eagerly, and she
makes no protest. My god, get a room. My grip tightens on my pencil.

In the meantime, Miss Sharpe has turned purple.

"Stop it! Alec, you unhand her this very moment!" She marches towards
them, a snarl curling her lips. The loved up pair pay no ear to her. A
metallic taste fills my mouth, indicating that I've been gnawing at my
lip too much. Why won't he just let her go? I growl a little under my
breath, frustrated by the situation. He's such a freaking manwhore!

"Get out both of you!" Miss Sharpe's shriek is ear-splitting "Detention!"

"Yes miss!" Alec whoops, finally breaking off from his booty call. He
lifts the smug Minnie up into a straddling position around his waist,
continuing to kiss her as they both leave the class. A sigh of jealousy
ricochets around the room. He sure does know how to put on a good show.
By the looks of it, they won't be turning up at detention, and I think
Miss Sharpe knows it too, judging by her furious expression. I sigh, and
turn back to my studying- eyeing up the words wearily. No use fretting
over Alec right now. I can apologise later, once I've got my assessment
out of the way.

God, I'm such a nerd sometimes it's not even funny.


"So how'd it go then?" Violet asks me through a mouthful of pesto pasta,

"How did your test go?" We're sat in the corner of the library again,
eating amongst the shelves of paperbacks. Unlike the movies, our library
is definitely not a hook up point. Nope. In fact, I don't think most of
the populars have even set foot in this room. It houses nerds only, and
there aren't even that many of those.

"Okay, I guess?" I say shrugging. "I mean it's philosophy- an easy A. But
some of the questions were quite hard, yeah." My fingers stroke the
spines of the books nearest to me, but I don't take any notice of the
titles. My mind is far too distracted for that. I still don't really know
what happened at that party last night, but I told Violet the best part
of what I knew earlier today in Chemistry. She was eager to hear the
details, as always, so I think my vague story disappointed her. She was
just as confused as me about the whole stairs story though. I mean, how
could I fall down the stairs, be knocked unconscious and not remember
anything, without the faintest mark or bump on my head? Alec called me
lucky, but I still think he lied to me. Something's just plain off about
that story: it's a physical impossibility for me to lose my memory
without any indication of a fall.

"That's cool. You'll do well, no doubt," Violet smiles, taking another

forkful of her pasta. Did I mention that Violet is a vegetarian? Yeah,
she wants to be a vet when she's older: she adores animals. Such a softie
under that hard core exterior. A moment of silence passes as we both
continue to eat, before suddenly Violet gasps. "Oh!" She exclaims, "I
meant to ask you something! I've only just remembered. God I'm so
forgetful... Anyway, what are you up to on Friday night?"

"Nothing much, why?"

"Well I have an idea of something you could do." She smiles to herself
mysteriously, and my eyes narrow. What's she up to now? I know she's my
best friend but that does not mean that I trust her for one second.
Anything but. "You see," She explains, "A friend of a friend is looking
for a date this Friday night-"

Here we go.

"Violet, you know I'm not the dating type," I cut in with a moan, "I
just want to be single for a while, okay? I'm happy." I shrug, sitting
back down against the shelves and leaning my head against the thicker
novels. What I tell her is completely true: I'm socially awkward, I don't
wear dresses and I'm definitely not the prettiest pansy in the bunch- I'm
not really ideal date material am I? Plus, I have all this studying to do
and the new seasons of Teen Wolf is starting on Friday: I definitely do
not want to miss me some Colton Haynes and Daniel Sharman. Drool.

"Please Riley? Just one date? He's looking for a girl to take out. I
could organise a blind date for you two...?" She suggests, "Meghan says
he's cute as fuck, and he's moved here recently. He wants to get to know
some people, and you could really do with a night out every once in a
while." She looks up at me with pleading wide eyes, jutting her bottom
lip out in a begging notion. I sigh. Maybe it would be good for me to get
out again. I mean, I'm a teenager right? I'll only be this age once.
Besides, it would be a bit of fun to date cute guys again. I mean, what's
not fun about getting free food and a drool session?

But what if it's awkward? What if you don't know how to act around him?
What if he's actually really ugly? Or if he rejects you on the spot? What

I deliberate over the options for a minute longer, but my answer is set
in stone whether I like it or not. The excitement is already stirring in
my chest. I need to get out more.

"God, why are you so persuasive?" I groan, surrendering with a scowl of


Violet grins wickedly.

"Friday night it is."


"Mom, I'm home!" I yell, dumping my bag down at the foot of the stairs.
It smells suspiciously of baking in the house, so I'm betting that mum
has made yet another set of treats to fatten us all up. Cake maybe?
Cookies? I smile, heading up the stairs to greet her.

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" Mum emerges from her bedroom, ruffled and
dusty and wearing a pair of sweatpants. I stare uncertainly at her. What
on earth is she doing? "I was just looking through some old photo
albums," She explains, reading my face, "It got a little messy though. I
haven't seen those things in years." I nod, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

"My day was good thanks, how was yours?"

"It went really well," She smiles, "Marie and I met up again. She wants
to know if you're able to babysit again tonight."

Babysit? After last time? Oh I don't know... "Will Alec be there?" I

blurt out unthinkingly. I regret it as soon as I see a suggestive smile
quirking her lips up, her eyebrows rising skyward. Uh oh, mom's already
butting in where she's not needed. I'm just scared that it's going to be
awkward, is all. Not anything else at all.

"No, he's going to a friend's house tonight so you're on your own. Don't
miss him too much," Mom teases, ruffling my hair. I shove her playfully
on the shoulder, shaking my head.

"Don't ruffle my hair mom," I grumble, and she just grins happily back
at me.

"Go and do your homework sweetie. We're having spaghetti bolognaise for
dinner. I made brownies for dessert: you can take some around to Marie
when you go over there, okay?"

"Okay mom." I watch her as she walks away, before sighing.

I need to apologise to Alec.

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

"Yes man! Freaking pay up," Chase smirks, holding out his hand to a
sulking Joe. Joe glares up at him for a second. Sore loser, man. Serves
him right for betting against me. I smile smugly as he pulls out a slim
leather wallet, pulling a few crisp, beautiful notes from the pocket and
placing them in my hand reluctantly, and then another few into Chase's. I
snatch them up immediately, shaking my head and tutting. "You had it
coming there bro. You just wasted fifty bucks on a game that it was so
obvious that I was going to win." I smirk. Dylan and I decided to play a
round of foosball. Somewhere along the way, it became a match. Joe bet
fifty dollars for Dylan to win, and now it's coming back to bite his
sorry, sorry ass. I don't lose to anybody.

"Oh shut the hell up Ryder. Dylan's on the football team, the soccer team
and is amazingly talented at practically everything known to man. The
odds weren't exactly in your favour." Joe defends.

"I know, guess that's why the girls want me. I defeat all the odds," I
wink, "Girls like surprises."

"My man," Chase whoops beside me, slapping my hand in a fist bump. Dylan
just rolls his eyes and sticks his middle finger up at me, to which I
grin wickedly back at him. At the moment, all four of us are hanging out
in Dylan's basement- like we do most nights after school. I haven't been
living here long, but I've picked up on enough to know that Dylan is
filthy rich from his father, even though he never sees the man himself.
His basement is like the ultimate bachelor pad: filled with video games,
a huge plasma TV alongside shelves of DVD's. Not only is there that stuff
though, but there's also a few training machines. I guess Dylan uses
those a lot, he must do to get to the level he's at today.

"So, want to crack open a few beers then?" Dylan offers, reaching into
the cooler for the cans. He passes them along one by one, and I relax as
I hold the cold metal in my hand. Gulping down the refreshing liquid
quickly, I don't stop until I've drained all the remnants. I've been
waiting for this moment for hours: my day has been positively shitty.
After Riley basically admitted that she's embarrassed of me, I got into a
major state of PMSing and it sucked balls. Tiffany or whatever her name
was helped a little bit- a pretty blonde who kissed like a freaking pro,
but by the time I was in Chemistry and I saw Riley again I really needed
a distraction. Minnie was perfect, but I got kicked out of class. When
Mom finds out she's going to kill me, and probably spit on my ashes. I

"What's up bro?" Joe asks me curiously, taking a sip from his own can,
"You've been moody since this morning, and you've just chugged that can
like it's a life line." The others turn to me then to see what the fuss
is about. I shake my head and mutter 'nothing' before turning to Dylan
for another beer. He passes me one without question, his eyes watching me
curiously as I chug from yet another can. By now I'm beginning to feel
the slightly buzzed feeling.

"Did something happen with Riley? She just sent me a text asking where
you are. She said she needs to talk to you," Joe says to me. My jaw
tightens as the words register. She texted him about me? I don't want to
talk to her. Screw being the bigger man. I groan as I realise my thought
stream. I sound like a fucking pansy. I should probably go to the
restroom to check if I still have a penis.

"Ryder, what's happened between you two?" Chase demands, "Don't keep
stuff from us, man. We can help."

"I gave her a lift to school this morning," I scowl in remembrance, "She
stopped me early and said some shit about not wanting to walk in with me
or something." My grip tightens on the can, collapsing it in on itself a
little bit. I know I'm a bad influence scarring her image or whatever,
but did she have to make it so fucking painful to tell me?

"Are you sure she wasn't thinking of you instead of herself?" Dylan says
carefully, "Riley's pretty self-conscious, despite what she wants people
to think. She probably didn't want to embarrass you."

"But why would she think that?" I growl in frustration. It was my

decision to make, not hers. She shouldn't think that: I was fine with
walking in with her. Why wasn't the feeling mutual? I feel bad enough for
tainting the seemingly perfect Riley. After all, if it wasn't for me, she
wouldn't have gone to the party and had her drink spiked. I felt so bad
that I let her sleep the night at my place: it was probably the least I
could do, but she makes me act like a frigging girl. I shake my head to
clear my thoughts, taking another few gulps from my can. Ugh, I don't
want to think about this.

"I agree with Dylan. It sounds like Riley to do, despite how silly it
is." Joe adds thoughtfully. I clench my jaw and run a hand through my
hair. She's so infuriating. Why would she be that stupid? I thought she
was clever. I groan, "Can we please just drop it?"

"Do you like her?" Chase asks me, propping his feet up on the coffee
table, "Is that why you're so angry?" My jaw drops at the question and I
give Chase a blank stare. Is he frigging serious? I'm angry and hurt, and
he takes that as me liking her? She's cute and sweet and all, but not my
type. Plus, she basically threw any compliment I've ever given her back
into my face when she said she was embarrassed of me.

"Are you serious?" I bark a laugh, but it seems a little forced. "My
type is leggy blondes remember?"

"It's okay to have a crush, Alec." Chase replies dryly, draining the
remnants of a can. "She's pretty, right? I don't blame you for liking
her, if you do that is. Sometimes playing around just gets a little
tedious. Maybe you need to settle down." He shrugs. Joe turns to me
curiously, absorbing my reaction. I scoff at Chase's statement, shaking
my head furiously. "I don't like her, I've told you! Look, can we please
drop it?" I turn to Dylan, "Pass me another beer bro."

"I don't think you should have any more Alec. You need to get home,

I glare at Dylan, my eyes narrowing into slits. A low growl escapes my

lips. These guys get me into such a pissy mood, and now they won't even
let me relax? That's it. "Fine," I snarl, "I'll get my own ride home." I
hook my phone from my pocket, scrolling down the contacts until I find a
suitable option. Tiana Cooper. Queen Bee, school slag, however you want
to put it. She's hot, definitely, and she slipped me her number in Math
on my second day here. Might as well get some use out of it: I could do
with a stress reliever. I smirk and dial the number. "Hello?" Her voice
comes from the other side of the line.

"Tiana? This is Alec. Want to come back to mine for a while?"


Chapter 10// Blind Date Disaster *UNEDITED*


"No, no, no Edward! You can't do that to Bella!" I groan, "The clingy
bitch will mope for the entire movie if you do." Ugh, Bella Swan. You
have the personality of a sock. I grumble under my breath, taking a few
more skittles from the packet. Believe me, this is not how I want to
spend my Tuesday nights: cooped up on Alec's couch, eating skittles and
watching New Moon like a love struck pre-teen girl. I'm missing a
Sherlock episode for this. Millie was in bed before I even arrived,
luckily for me, so the only work I need to do there is check up on her
every once in a while. Doesn't change the fact that I'd prefer to be at
home though.

Alec wasn't here when I arrived. Marie told me he had gone to Dylan's
house straight from school, along with the rest of the boys. I sent Joe a
few texts, but the message I got from his replies was clear: Alec doesn't
want to talk to me. I guess I royally screwed up this time. I don't know,
maybe he just needs a break away from me. I did say something pretty
hurtful to him, even if I didn't mean it. I just wish he would've given
me the time to explain. I didn't want to hurt him, honestly.

I curl up further into the couch, shoving another handful of skittles

into my mouth. My obsession with these things is unhealthy. I should be
obese by the amount I eat. Suddenly I hear a noise, like a rattle of
keys, disturbing me from my thoughts. Is Marie home? I freeze, listening
again. There's a thud, another jangle and a load groan. By this point I'm
beginning to get scared. It isn't a burglar is it? I wince as another
loud bang ricochets throughout the room, pausing the movie and scanning
around quickly for a weapon. Something practical I mean, not a toothbrush
or something stupid like the girls grab in the films. You know, before
they get their insides stewed.

It's not long before the house is completely silent, apart from the
noises coming from the front door clear as day. I hold a can of air
freshener in my hand, stepping cautiously towards the noise. My heart is
in my mouth, my stomach constricting in apprehension. If the burglar does
anything, I can spray him in the eyes. I try to comfort myself. Then I
knock him out with a frying pan and call the cops. I take a deep breath
as the door rattles again, my hands shaking with nerves. I'm like a
freaking James Bond. I shake my head, and wince as the door finally
opens. It creaks slowly, torturing me with suspense. I raise the can of
air freshener in front of me.


I scream, spraying the can and closing my eyes. Oh my god. A voice curses
in front of me, and I let out another yelp of fear as they stumble back.
I've just sprayed a burglar in the eyes! What if he kills me? I need to
dial 911. My heart races at what feels like a million miles an hour, but
my feet stay rooted firmly to the floor in fear. "Jesus Christ! What are
you trying to do, blind me?" A familiar voice shouts. My heart stops as I
realise who it is, my jaw slacking.

Oh shit.

I open my eyes and sure enough, Alec is coughing and fanning the air
around him blindly, his eyes squinted shut. He hasn't seen me yet. With a
warlike yell, I catapult up the stairs and into the first room I see,
which happens to be Alec's, seeing as its right across the hallway. What
do I do? If he sees me then he'll know it was me for sure! Crap. I curse
silently, diving underneath his bed. His floor his hard and the impact is
incredibly painful, not to mention how dusty it is under here, but it's
either this or being murdered by Alec. I know which one I'd prefer. I
hold my breath to keep from coughing. I feel like I'm in a horror movie,
and my god is it terrifying. I hear his footsteps heading up the stairs.
"Whoever you are, you better show your face right now, or I'm calling the
cops," Alec's voice threatens as he steps onto the landing, "I'll get
your ass landed in jail quicker than you can say 'Guilty'." I gasp a
little at this, cringing into the hardwood of the floor. He's going to
spot me, it's inevitable, and this is going to be one awkward

Well any hopes of making up with him are out of the window now.

Slowly, I crawl out from under the bed. This could not get any worse. My
cheeks are painted a furious red. Why do I get myself into these
godforsaken situations?! Cringing, I accidentally knock the bureau on my
completely ungraceful exit. The noise makes a loud bang and I wince,
knowing there's no hope left for me now. No more than a second later,
Alec sprints into the room with a frying pan held in the ready. I stumble
backwards, but luckily his eyes land on me before any serious damage is
done. "Riley?" Alec's angry eyes become wide and confused, before
hardening over again. "What the hell are you doing in my house?!"

"Ooh okay, skipping the pleasantries then I see," I wince at his tone of
voice, standing up from my crouch. Alec just glares at me in reply, the
frying pan still held threateningly in his hand. "I was erm, kind of
babysitting. I heard these um, noises outside and I figured it was a
burglar so I grabbed the y'know air conditioner and-"

"Almost blinded me?" Alec finishes angrily, "Jesus Riley! At least double
check it IS a burglar before you spring into attack mode!" His eyes are
stormy, and he turns away from me in anger. The muscles are tense in his
back, like wires pulled taut underneath his skin. Oh I've really done it
this time.

"Can I just ask something?" I say in a small voice, "Why did it take you
so long to open the door? I honestly did think it was a burglar, the
amount of noise you were making." Alec sighs at my question, turning
around to face me with physically drained features. He opens his mouth to
speak, but before he has a chance to my mouth decides to explode. "Alec
I'm really sorry about this morning- I honestly didn't mean it like that.
It's just I knew that I would damage your reputation if you walked in
with me, and I'm quite aware of how big of a status difference there is.
I didn't want to embarrass you...I've done it to people before, and it's
just painful for them and me both okay? I was trying to help, do you a
favour, whatever. The point is-"



"I get it. You're sorry." Alec sighs, "Let's just forget this ever
happened okay? It was stupid anyway." My eyes bug out as I realise what
he's saying, and butterflies explode in my stomach. I shouldn't be so
happy about this sudden change but I am. Looks like I haven't lost Alec
Ryder after all. I open my mouth to talk, but quickly close it again and
envelope Alec into a hug instead. Actions speak louder than words after
all. He chuckles against me, but hugs me back all the same. It's one of
those awkwardly sweet moments that everyone cringes at in the movies, but
its suits me just fine. Well, until someone decides to interrupt it.

"Alec!" A voice shrieks from downstairs, "Where are you baby?"

I let go of Alec as the realisation hits me. That voice is female. Alec
has brought someone home with him. I stumble backwards, heat flooding my
cheeks. He's brought a girl back with him, and I was just hugging him.
I'm acting like a foolish girl, just another fly caught into the bad
boy's spider's web. God, how could I ever be so stupid? He's a manwhore,
I need to be careful. As if rubbing it in my face, the girl from
downstairs shouts up again. "I got the condoms from the store down the
road! Are you ready yet?"

Alec blushes and stares at his feet, obviously feeling awkward about the
exchange too. And so he should, Manwhore. "I um, should go," I mutter.
Alec's eyes snap up at that, looking pained at my reaction. Why pained?
I bite my lip and glance at the floor again. "Don't worry, I'll leave
through the window."
And without another word, I unlock his window and clamber out cautiously,
shivering in the cold night air. He and his stupid condom bitch can
babysit Millie themselves. I'm done. Ignoring the drop, I stretch over to
my own windowsill and jump.

"I'm sorry Riley." His voice comes after me, soft and quiet in the
evening breeze.

"It's okay." I reply without looking back. "Goodnight Alec."

The window slams shut behind me.


The next few days pass in a blur, and before I know it Friday has rolled
around....Yep, that means that my blind date is tonight. I've spoken to
Alec a little since the incident, but not as much as I usually would. I'm
not sure if it's because we feel awkward or whether it's just the way
things turned out but either way, I can't focus on that right now. I'm
already five minutes late for class because I forgot to set my alarm last
night, I can't afford to lose more time or I'll be in detention. Holding
my folder above my head to shield myself from the rain, I sprint across
the empty courtyard. It doesn't rain in Lindale very often, but when it
does it doesn't just rain, it floods. My hair and clothes are soaked, I'm
pretty sure my folder pages are wet and I'm late for class. Things
couldn't get any better.

"I'm here, I'm here!" I cry as I burst into the classroom, five minutes
late. Big mistake. The entire class is working in silence, and my
dramatic entrance literally just won me every eye possible in a fifty
mile radius. I flush red under the sniggering from the class, taking one
wary glance at the teacher before I quietly head to my seat with my head
down. No use attracting even more attention. Laughter from the class
follows me, and Mr Carrington's glare burns into the back of my head like
a laser. "You're late Miss Greene. Five minutes. I expect to be seeing
you in detention later on to make up the time: fifteen minutes after

"For five minutes tardy?" My mouth drops open, "Sir, you can't do that! I
have plans!"

"It'll be twenty minutes if you don't quieten down Riley," He grits his
teeth, giving me a warning look. Chase and Dylan snigger at me from the
back row, and I shoot them a glare before turning to the text book. Well,
I don't understand any of this. I frown, staring at the figures until
they all become a huge mush in my brain. What does any of this mean?
Tentatively, I raise my hand. I hear an exasperated sigh come from Mr
Carrington. "What is it Greene?"

"I don't understand sir," I say politely, gesturing to the book. Dylan
winks at me from across the side of the classroom. Mr Carrington growls
under his breath, running a podgy hand through his thinning brown hair.
He saw the wink, no doubt.

"Merrick. Here, now."

Dylan rises, grabbing his pen and book from the desk to come and stand
behind me. I can feel his presence, but I refuse to turn him the
satisfaction of a glare. "You can help her with this," Mr Carrington
orders, "Go and work with her outside if you must." Dylan taps me on the
shoulder, and I sigh. Ugh, maths. Gathering up my things, I follow Dylan
to the door, shooting Violet a desperate look. She smiles and winks back
at me. What is it with people and winking at me today? My gaze drifts to
Alec at the back of the room. He winks at me an awful lot. I'm surprised
to see that he's already looking at me, but not winking thankfully. Our
eyes lock, and Alec's lips twitch into a smile. Mine follow shortly

"Are you coming, Riley?" Dylan asks me, holding open the door. I nod,
turning away from Alec and his irresistible smile and walking into the
corridor. "We might as well go to the library, seeing as it's just
downstairs." Dylan explains, and I nod, clutching my books to my chest.

"So what plans have you got?" Dylan asks me, digging me in the ribs
playfully. One minute he's laughing at me, the next he's being all sweet
and flirty. I think Dylan is taking after Alec.

"I'm going on a blind date," I reply, jogging down the stairs. I glance
back up to see that Dylan's eyebrows are raised and he looks impressed,
if a little surprised. Wow, is it that shocking that I actually have a
social life? I guess so, seeing as most of the time I don't. Yup, I'm one
of those awful people that lie about what their mum has said when someone
asks them out, just so they don't have to go outdoors and face people.
Don't judge meh.

"Who with?" Dylan asks me, and I give him a blank look. "Dumb question,"
He grins, "Forget I asked." We reach the library and I quickly find a
seat at one of the studying tables, Dylan following suit. The maths book
lies in front of me and I stare dubiously at it. I hate maths with a
burning passion. "So what is it you don't understand?" Dylan asks me.

I chuckle nervously in reply, "Well you know. All of it?"

Dylan laughs, shaking his head. "Okay, let's start with the basics then."
His finger points me to the beginning of the first page and his mouth
opens to speak. I interrupt him by gasping in shock horror.

"Are you calling me stupid Dylan Merrick?" He rolls his eyes at me,
muttering' drama queen' under his breath, but he's smiling. I guess Angel
boy has a sense of humour. Good to know. Maybe this won't be so boring
after all.

"Okay, so have you ever heart about the rule of Indices? X to the power
of've covered that I assume?"

On second thoughts, maybe not.


"Riley, sit still!" Violet hisses at me, swinging the straighteners to

the side so as to narrowly miss my ear. I frown; glaring at the red hot
thing like it's an iron waiting to scold me.

Oh wait, look at that. It is an iron that could potentially melt my

flesh. What a surprise.

Violet shoots me a disapproving look, shifting my head so that I face the

front again, staring into my moody reflection. "Stay still." She orders
me as she moves onto the next layer of hair. I'm already dressed, thank
gosh, because we'd be running majorly late if I wasn't. We're late enough
as it is, thank you very much. I don't even care about my hair- did it
not look nice enough before?

"I'm almost done," Violet says, as if reading my thoughts. Her dark

lipstick lips curve into a small smile at the thought. She's clipped the
top few layers of my hair back, creating what she likes to call 'a
waterfall'. You'd think I was going to a wedding rather than a date, with
the amount she's putting into this. Heck, she's a million more times
excited about this than I am...It was a struggle to even get me to go. As
it is, I have my doubts.
"Okay, just let me pin the side fringe back and we're good to go," She
murmurs to herself, and I roll my eyes whilst smiling. Believe it or not,
I'm trying not to complain too much about the hair aspect of things.
Especially seeing as she compromised with me on making the outfit and
makeup minimalist. All I have on my face is some mascara and coffee
eyeliner (The eyeliner was payback for making her wait whilst I was in
detention), and I managed to get away with wearing jeans. Skinny jeans,
but jeans nonetheless. I could be happier about the metallic top and
blazer with heels, but I have the feeling that my ACDC t-shirt and
converse wouldn't be appropriate. Might as well let my best friend have
some fun if I've got to dress up.

"I think I'm finished," She squeaks. I glance back at myself in the
mirror and smile. The hair does look good, even I have to admit. She's
somehow managed to make my auburn curls become sleek and shiny, which is
a rare sight seeing as I don't even own straighteners. I think I look
pretty awesome, by my standards. "Riley you look amazing!" She comes to
stand beside me in the mirror and the contrast is stark. She's pale, tall
and wide eyed with a choppy jet black pixie cut. I'm slightly smaller,
with blue eyes and still pale but slightly tanner skin. Two peas in a
pod, but complete opposites.

"Thanks," I smile, getting up from the chair. We set up in my bathroom to

do the prep for the date. I've never really done this before, so it's
kind of exciting getting ready with my best mate, releasing my girlier
side for a change. "Where am I meeting him again?"

"The Elephant Bar," She tells me, firmly shoving me a clutch. I peer
inside. Phone, purse, lipbalm and house-keys. I think that's all I need,
right? Violet surprises me, suddenly gripping me by the shoulders. My
head snaps up, and she looks me in the eye sternly. "Okay Riley, listen
up. This date is meant for you to have fun, okay? So enjoy yourself.
Relax a little bit, and get to know him. Not all guys are assholes,
believe it or not. You might get lucky." I snort a little when she says
this, and she sighs in reply, shaking me lightly. "I'm being serious
Riley. Have fun, okay?" She leans in to hug me, and I clasp her back

"I will," I smile into her shoulder, "Thanks so much for helping me."

She leans back with a wide grin. "You're welcome. Now get your ass over
to that date and flirt. Flirt like you've never flirted before. If he's
as cute as Meg says he is, you're in for a good night."

I grin and blow her a kiss as I exit the bathroom, holding my clutch.
"You know you're the only one for me," I tease her, and she blows a kiss
in reply, packing up her stuff ready to leave. I think Mom's dropping her
home, but my mind is too distracted to think about that right now. I'm
going on a dateeee!

The drive to the elephant bar is a short but thought provoking one. I
can't believe I'm going on a date for the first time in ages! What if I'm
awkward? What if he's not as cute as Meg says? I bite my lip. These
thoughts alone are enough to make my palms clammy and I haven't even
arrived yet. The last time I went on a date was with Toby, and that
didn't work out well to say the least. He was my first official
boyfriend, and he left my heart in the gutter. Sickeningly cliché isn't
it? I frown as the image of Toby pops into my head, an annoying little
niggle in the back of my head telling me that I should remember something
about him, but what could it be? I haven't seen him in months.

I shake my head. I need to quit thinking about him: I'm going on a date
for Pete's sake. I smile a little, rubbing my palms on my jeans. I'm
going on a date!

As I park up outside the Elephant Bar, my stomach twists a little with

nerves. But honestly, how bad could it be? I'm sure it will be fine, and
worst case scenario I have to forge a stomach bug and escape ASAP. I
might as well give it a shot. I suck in my breath, exiting the car and
walking to the entrance of the restaurant. Violet told me earlier that
he's meeting me inside the entrance, just before the check in point. I
exhale slowly, straightening out my blazer and walking with my head held
high into the restaurant. The music surrounds me instantly, followed by
the chatter of customers. I've always loved the Elephant Bar.

I glance around, but by the looks of things he hasn't arrived yet. I'm
not sure if I'm glad about that fact or not. I don't think I'm early, he
just might be a little late. Or maybe he won't show at all. No, no, no,
I'm not going to get stood up. That's a stupid thought. He's just a
little late, is all.

Or maybe not so late.

I watch, fighting the urge to drool, as an attractive guy walks through

the entrance. His tousled chocolate locks and big brown eyes definitely
make him cute. Maybe this is him? If it is then I'm incredibly out of my
league, but I'm not complaining. Meg's description suits him very well.
This guy is hotter than the surface of the sun, although I know of
someone who's even better looking. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why are you
thinking of Alec right now? The boy looks over at me, offering me a small
smile, but carries on walking. A girl with red hair waits for him at the
bar, her hand resting on the swell of her stomach. Oh, she's pregnant!
Well that's awkward.

Okay, so it's not him. I turn back to the entrance awkwardly. Maybe it's
that guy-

"A beautiful girl like you should never frown. You never know if
someone's falling for your smile." A voice comes from behind me.


I spin around quickly. I wish I could say that the guy in front of me is
a dark haired, tall and handsome stranger. I wish that I could say that
I've never met him before, and that he was a sweet dark mystery for me to
unravel. After all, that's what the concept of a blind date is after all.
Meeting a stranger and getting to know each other, no strings attached.
The only thing is I don't think I can call this a blind date anymore. The
person stood in front of me is most certainly not a stranger.


And it all comes flooding back. The party. Brad. The thing I couldn't
remember. Brad spiked my drink; Alec's bruised knuckles....Brad got
beaten up. I stare at the boy in front of me in horror, my jaw resting
comfortably on the floor. Alec beat up Brad for me...Toby moved back to
town. My eyes widen as the thoughts sink in. This is way too much to
process in one go. I clutch my head, trying to cram the memories and
thoughts back into my brain but it's no use. They're bursting out: a
flood of all of the things I don't want to remember anymore.

He hasn't changed that much since I last saw him, six months ago. Same
steely grey eyes, tousled blonde hair and strong jaw. But the
circumstances have changed so much that I can't even describe.

"Hey Riley," He smiles.

"I-I think I have to go."

And I run.
My Wifi died on Saturday *sobs* which is why I haven't been able to
update until today...I was ready to post early this time, but our stupid
broadband connection went all wierd and I HAVE BEEN LIVING WITHOUT THE
INTERNET SINCE SATURDAY. No tumblr, no wattpad, no youtube, no kik or
imessage. NO ANYTHING. You feel my pain?

It's been a tough week, but I got through it. Here is the (rather crappy)
update but I hope you like it anywaaysss :P Tata my lovelies.


Chapter 11- Tears and Trailing Laces

"Riley wait!" Toby calls after me, but I've taken off sprinting hard and
fast. I need to escape. I shove the door open and rush out into the
chilly night, dodging diners making their way into the restaurant. I can
feel my eyes stinging, but I refuse to cry. Not now, not in front of him.
His feet patter behind me, and I know that he's closing in. Stupid damned
quarterback. I need to get away, to escape the thoughts worming their
way inside my mind. To escape the memories. Does he not understand that?
I don't want to see him. It hurts too much, and definitely not for the
reason you'd first think.

"Riley, stop!" A hand clamps around my shoulder, bringing me to a

skidding halt, before I'm forcefully turned around. Toby stands way too
close for my liking, staring into my eyes in disbelief, as though he
can't believe that I'd want to run away from him. Pah. I flinch away, and
hurt flickers in his eyes. Does he not see that he's hurting me just by
standing here? "What is it Riley? We used to be so close." His voice
cracks on the last word, and that's how I know that he feels it too. Her
presence. But she's not really here. It wasn't me you were close to! I
want to scream at him. Please just leave me alone! "I moved back!" Toby
defends, seeing my face, "I need another chance. Please let me in."

"It's too late Toby," My voice comes out a little stronger than I
expected, but feeble all the same. I feel fragile. Like a piece of glass
waiting to shatter. It hurts so much. Too much. "You're too late. You
stamped on the tiny remains of my heart, and then you left. You left.
There's no going back now." I turn on my heel to walk away, but he grips
onto my forearm to prevent me from leaving. How dare he?! I spin around
and shoot him an icy glare, until he finally releases me, looking
reluctant. "Don't even try and stop me from leaving Toby! You left,
remember? Didn't give a shit about the rest of us. How can you come back
now, asking for another chance, after all you've done?"

The guy has the nerve to look ashamed, after all of this time. "I had to!
I would have broken...I couldn't do it. It was my escape." He won't meet
my eye, but his face is scrunched in pain.

"That's right," I whisper, placing my finger in the centre of his chest.

"You would have broken, just like the rest of us did. Just like I did.
And what did you do before you left? You burnt the remains of my already
broken heart, and I haven't heard from you since. Don't speak to me ever
again Toby." I release him and take a step back, staring at him in
disgust and hurt. I can hear the sob gathering in the back of my throat,
but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of crying. Be stone Riley.
Cold, hard, untouchable stone.

"I'm joining your school," He frowns at the floor before looking up at me

hopefully, "I want to make things as they were. I made a mistake."

I laugh bitterly in reply to that, "Too right you did! It's a shame for
you that I'm not one to give second chances. You demolished my trust for
you nine months ago, Toby Charlton. Just go back to where you came from
and stay there. I don't need you here." And this time, I turn on my heel
and walk away, leaving Toby stood behind me with the wounds of my words.
I walk as quickly as I can, despite the fact that I know he's not
following this time.

"I'll win your heart again Riley Greene," He shouts after me, "Just you
wait and see. I may have screwed up, but I'll make it up to you. Then you
and I will be together again. The way it's supposed to be." I don't look
back, but my teeth are gnawing so hard into my lip that they're drawing
blood. "See you at school!" He has the nerve to shout.

I shoot him the middle finger, before sliding into my car.

It doesn't take long for the tears to escape.

I return home quietly, slipping inside and hoping no-one will notice.
It's only about half seven. I got myself back together pretty quickly
after my breakdown, but it's clear to see that any evidence of makeup has
been completely erased from my face. My hair miraculously stayed intact,
but it's not like I'm going out anywhere anyway, so that's just gone to
waste. I tiptoe up the stairs to my room, and shut the door with a sigh,
slumping against it. The curtains are closed, so I quickly change into a
pair of leggings and a baggy jumper. I'm not in the mood for anything at
all. Even a little trip from Ben and Jerry doesn't seem appealing right

Toby. My sister. The girl. Everything is crushing down on me, and I can't
breathe. I can't breathe.

I choke back the rise in my throat as the thoughts enter my head again,
heading over to the window. I need some air, I need to breathe.We've had
enough crying for one night, I think, and it's physically paining me to
do anymore. My throat is red raw. I just want to forget all about it. I
wish I'd never gone on that godforsaken date. I open the window and
breathe in deeply, attempting to calm my senses, distract my thoughts.
Isn't that what they do in yoga or whatever? I curse quietly at the
situation, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window frame.
A few tears escape down my face. I can't seem to hold them in. Toby.
Kaitlin. Tiana. Toby. Kaitlin. Tiana. Toby. Toby is joining my school.

"Riley?" A soft voice comes from in front of me, and I jump wildly,
almost hitting my head off the window. Alec is stood behind his window,
watching me with a concerned and wary expression. He doesn't like tears,
remember? I offer him a weak half smile, as though he didn't just scare
the life out of me, wiping the tears from my cheeks in an attempt at
nonchalance. I completely forgot that by going to the window, I'd be
giving him a first row seat to my breakdown. I blush and straighten up a
little bit. "Hi Alec. What's up?"

"Seriously?" Alec chuckles a little bitterly, "Don't even start with

that bullshit. What's wrong? Who made you cry?" His fists clench on his
windowsill. He beat up Brad for spiking my drink. He beat up Brad for me.
His dark eyes search mine endlessly, but I straighten up and try to keep
my face blank and void of emotion. The last thing I need right now is to
go all hormonal teenage girl on Alec. Besides, my eyes are dry now. I
don't think I could cry anymore, even if I wanted to. "No-one Alec," I
sigh, leaning back, "I've just had a hard night, okay?"

Alec analyses my face for a second longer. "Put your shoes on. Meet me
out front when you're done okay? I want to show you something." And with
that, he pulls his window down and disappears from my view, probably
leaving his bedroom. I stare after him, confused. Shoes on? Where is he
going to take me? Some part of me is pining to stay in and cry all night,
eating ice cream (because who doesn't love that stuff?) but I think I'm
past that stage right now. I need to be strong, because by the looks of
it my life is going to get a hell of a lot harder very soon and I refuse
to just lie down and take it. I'm not that kind of girl. Besides, I'm
curious as to what he wants to show me. I grab my converse from beside my
bed and slip them on, not bothering about the trailing laces. I'm going
to need to sneak past mom.

I pull on a thin jacket and tuck my hair behind my ears, creeping out
into the landing again. I think Mum's watching The Bachelor in the living
room, and Jack's asleep, so it should be pretty easy. Keeping an eye on
where I place my feet is basically the only problem, because we have a
couple of creaky stairs, but even that is hard to conquer when you've
been living here for years now. I tiptoe down the stairs and into the
hallway. For just one second is all I pause for, deliberating over
whether I'll get in massive trouble for sneaking out, but the curiosity
takes over again and I dash towards the door. Slipping out into the
night, I shiver a little before closing the door behind me. Alec leans
against the tree at the bottom of my garden- the one he hung all of my
underwear from. "C'mon," He gestures and slopes over to the motorbike.

I blush a little and follow him, sliding onto the seat behind him and
wrapping my arms around him without question. I must say, this motorbike
is pretty dang awesome, but scary as hell. I constrict my arms tighter
around Alec's torso. To hell that I'm risking falling off. The engine
starts with a low rumble, and the next thing I know Alec is reversing out
of the driveway and we're speeding off into the dark night with nothing
more than a screech of tyres and a roar of the engine.

I watch the scenery quietly on the journey. Streetlights line the road,
glowing dimly in the dusk yet still managing to chase away the shadows
creeping in on the speeding bike. Everything just looks so much more
mysterious at night. Far to my left, I can see a glint of the dark raging
sea, crashing against the rocks in fury. I wonder if anyone's on the
beach right now. Probably not. There are very few cars on the road,
meaning all I can hear is the roar of the bike in the numbing silence.
It's actually kind of beautiful, as corny as it may sound. I smile a
little and press my cheek against Alec's back to look at the opposite
side, feeling his small intake of breath as he registers my action.

It doesn't take long until we've arrived. Around five minutes. "Alec?" I
frown when he comes to a stop, "What are we doing here? Are we lost?" I
look around confusedly at the scenery. Alec has just parked us at the
side of a small country lane, running through a forest. There are no cars
here, and the streetlights seem oddly far apart, creating an eerie effect
on the landscape. It's beginning to get darker now, with dusk settling at
around the height of my knees rather than surrounding me completely, like
it was before. I can see a few stars, but apart from that it's all trees.
Trees everywhere I look. I laugh nervously, sliding off the bike to
follow Alec's actions. "You know, if you want to murder me I just want to
let you know that I always carry pepper spray with me."

Alec raises an eyebrow and begins to walk into the forest. I quickly rush
after him, scared of being left alone. We all know how that horror movie
ends. "If I was going to murder you, it's probably not a good idea to
tell me that you have pepper spray." Alec comments, walking further into
the trees. I glance desperately back at the motorcycle, but Alec doesn't
seem fazed by his surroundings. He sends me a short sideways glance and a
small smirk, "Scared princess?"

I roll my eyes, refusing to grace his teasing with a retort. I'm focused
entirely on where I'm headed, because knowing me, I'll trip over a tree
root or something and lose all of the shreds of dignity I still have to
my name. I'd hate to see how hard Alec would laugh if something like that
happened. I shudder just thinking about it.

"It's not that far, don't worry," Alec reassures me, and I nod. Somehow
I get the feeling that this isn't the place or time for loud voices and
teasing remarks, unlike our usual conversations. It's dark under the
canopy of trees, not to mention creepy and silent. I follow Alec without
question, watching my feet carefully so as to avoid tripping up on the
hazardous terrain. What could be so interesting, out here, in the middle
of a forest that Alec found the need to bring me here? We walk in silence
for a few more minutes, getting deeper and deeper into the heart of the
forest. "You know, I'm sorry to ask and all..."I trail off, "But what the
hell are we doing in the middle of a forest? I'm seriously considering
you murdering me as an option, you know."

Alec laughs, "What is it? You don't like surprises or something?"

I stare at him blankly. "Does anyone like surprises? I'm an impatient

person, so no; I'm definitely not a fan."

"You take the fun out of it," He grins, holding a branch back to let me
pass. I stick my tongue out in reply. Because I'm so mature like that.
Yeah, be jealous.
After what seems like forever, the trees begin to dwindle and a small
clearing comes into view. I don't really know what I was expecting, but
it wasn't here. I frown a little at the dewy grass, preparing to sit down
on my hoodie, but to my surprise Alec keeps walking. He crosses through
the clearing and back into the forestry of the other side. Are you
kidding me? I sigh a little, frustrated that my discovery was incorrect,
before stumbling after him into the forest again.

Unlike the other side of the clearing however, this side is a hill. Alec
easily treads down the steep terrain as though he's been here a million
times, but it takes a few stumbles for my feet to grow used to the steep
decline. We walk to the bottom of the hill, and every now and then Alec
will have to hold back some branches or stop me from stumbling. He
smiles, but he doesn't talk much. Somehow it doesn't feel like the right
time too. Once we reach the end of the hill however, another clearing
emerges, but this one is so different from the first. It's amazing.

The clearing is much larger than the first, quite far back on top of a
cliff. I can just about see the coastline in the distance, and hear the
rumble of the sea, but that's not the focus of my awe. No, the focus is
just so much better. Just in front of us lies an abandoned railway: a
gorgeous stone bridge smothered in ivy to the far left (at the edge of
the clearing) with a rusted track leading straight through the middle.
It's beautiful, and old, and the kind of thing you see on the front of
stunning scenery magazines. Untouched and just amazing. My mouth pops
open in reaction to the view, and Alec turns to look at me with a just as
breath taking goofy grin. "You like it?" He grabs my hand and pulls me
down the hill towards the tracks, and we stop just a few metres in front
of it. Oh my god, he's holding my hand.

"I love it," I whisper as we sit down, staring at the gorgeous stone
bridge. "Who introduced you to this place?" Sadly, he lets go of my hand
at this point, but the skin still feels warm and tingly.

"We lived here for a couple of years when I was little. That's how I know
Chase, Joe and Dylan by the way," He shoots me a sideways glance, "We
used to come here a lot- it was our hang out spot, but when shit happened
I had to move away. I've been coming here recently- it's kind of where I
like to think, y'know? You're the first person other than the guys who I
have brought up here though."

"I feel honoured," I tease, elbowing him a little in the ribs. He grins
back at me.
"So are you going to tell me what was wrong now? I brought you here, to
my thinking space," Alec gestures at the scenery, "So it's time to tell
me why you were crying. It's only obligatory."

I bite my lip. I should tell him, but it's difficult. It's not like I
broadcast this often. Seeing my conflicted expression, Alec brushes his
shoulder against mine and smiles. "I'm waiting." His voice is teasing,
but at the same time there's an undertone of curiosity. He really does
care. You should tell him. It's not like it's a secret or anything

"It's not that big of a deal," I warn him. "Seriously, you'll probably
think I'm being melodramatic or something."

"Just spit it out Riley." He leans back to rest on his elbows, staring
out at the railway line. My god, he's good looking. Why is he so
gorgeous? It shouldn't be allowed. I look like a fugly hobbit in

"When I was thirteen, a boy moved to town." I begin. My voice is slightly

shaky with nerves, but other than that I feel fine. I trust him. Just
about. "His name was Toby, and he was my first real crush." I glance down
at the grass, blushing a little. "He was in most of my classes, and he
was really sweet to me. It was only natural that we became friends. Our
mum's became close, and one thing led to another and finally one day,
Toby asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes." The last word comes
out as a sigh.

"I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts in a sense. We

were closer than close. I loved it: he was my best friend, and I thought
we were going to marry when we were older: we were the perfect match. Our
parents adored our relationship too," The tender smile drops from my face
as I struggle to curve my lips around the next words. "Around a year ago
however, something big happened. It was hard for me, harder than I could
ever describe, but I wasn't the only one affected by it- Toby was too. A
few months passed and we were both in bad places. Toby decided to use
this bad place against me and he had sex with another girl. The girl got
pregnant, had an abortion, and he moved away to Chicago about 6 months
ago. She was sixteen."

"Wait...what big thing happened to cause all of that?"

I shoot him a warning look, and he successfully shuts up, although I can
feel his curiosity bubbling beneath his sealed lips. I'm not ready to
tell him that part.

I take a deep breath and continue, hoping to distract him. "I went on a
blind date tonight...Violet planned for me to meet at the Elephant Bar
with a friend of a friend. He was new to town, wanted some company, and I
figured what the hell. I turned up, however, and it was him. Toby
Charlton. He's moved back here, and he wants another chance..." I trail
off, picking at a piece of grass. "And he means it, that's the scary
part. He's joined our school again and everything." I chuckle bitterly,
"I'm scared. I don't want to forgive him, but I have the feeling that I'm
going to fall weak at the knees."

Alec looks at me for a little while, and the silence envelopes us. It's
like he's trying to absorb the information, get a better grip on what
I've just told him.

"I won't let you," Alec says finally, "He's a bastard, and he doesn't
deserve another shot, Riley. Don't stoop down to his level." Alec's face
grows hard with determination, and suddenly he's speaking a little more
quickly and surely. "We'll have to make sure you avoid him at all costs.
Keep you out of his sight, and maybe he'll drop it. I don't really know
much about these things, but I won't let him hurt you. None of the guys
will. We'll keep an eye on him."

"Thanks," I smile without meeting Alec's eyes, turning away from him to
stare at the scenery. I don't want him to see the guilt and hurt in my
eyes. He thinks I've told him everything. If only he knew half of the

"You're welcome," Alec replies, he sighs a little, his eyes trailing over
the scenery. "I much prefer this place to Arizona y'know. Memories and
stuff I guess. This place is just so much nicer than my last house."

"Whereabouts did you live before you moved back here then?"

"In the middle of nowhere," Alec smiles, as if that's all the answer I
need. "What time is it?"
I check my watch, "It's about eight thirty."
"We best get you home. Wouldn't want your mom to sniff us out, huh?"
Alec stands up, brushing the dust from his jeans, and offering me a hand
up. Wow, Alec Ryder is acting like a gentleman. I gratefully take the
hand, only for it to be pulled away quickly, meaning I fall back on my
butt painfully. I probably should have expected that. Alec keels over,
laughing at me, to which I scowl.

But he just keeps on laughing. Stupid jerkface.

"You know, I don't get why girls like this film so much," Alec comments,
staring at the credits of The Notebook with a disapproving expression. "
SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERTI mean, they both die! How is that fun to
watch in the slightest? Why would girls want to cry?SPOLER ALERT
FINISHED" He reaches into the bag of popcorn, pouting when he realises
that it's empty. At the moment, we're in my room watching the notebook on
my little TV. I started watching it as soon as I got home, but Alec got
interested too, seeing me through the window, and so clambered into my
room over the gap. Needless to say, I called him a stalker and threw
popcorn at his face.

"I guess it's for the same reason that a lot of people like horror
movies," I shrug. "You don't necessarily want to be scared senseless; you
just watch it because you want to. Girls like The Notebook because it's
romantic." I sit up straighter, brushing popcorn debris from my lap.
"Plus Ryan Gosling is quite literally one of the hottest men alive. That

"Hotter than me?" Alec wriggles his eyebrows, making kissy faces at me.


"Are you kidding me?" I laugh, "No competition. He's the clear winner."

"Do you expect me to believe that for a second princess?" Alec gestures
down at himself, "Don't deny that you want yourself a slice of this pie."

"I prefer Apple, thanks."

"Again with the denial. Tut tut. Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's
naughty to lie, Riley?"
"Hasn't anyone told you that modesty is an admirable trait, Alec?" I mock
him in a funny voice.

"How can you be modest, and look like this? Physical impossibility

"I'll show you a physical impossibility." I mutter under my breath,


Alec stares at me for a long time before finally saying, "I think you
want to bang me."

I do.

Wait, what?!

Yeah I know, I know. This chapter is pretty crap...sorry if I

disappointed anyone :/

I'm in the ten thousands :D I'm so happy- who knew that one extra digit
on the end of a number could make a person so much happier? Not me,
that's for sure.

Vote and comment if you liked it! Dedication to my favourite commenter

next chappy :D

Chapter 12// Wanna make purple?

"27...28...29...30! Ready or not, here I come!" Alec's voice ricochets

faintly around the house, causing Millie to squirm in anticipation from
on my lap. Yep, we're playing hide and seek. Call us kids, but it's a fun
game: not to mention Millie's favourite. Alec is upstairs in Millie's
room right now; at least that was where he was counting. As for me and
Millie, well we're hidden in the crammed storage cupboard under the
stairs. I swear the amount of shoes and sharp things I'm sat on now
should be enough to take me into hospital. Uncomfortable is an
understatement for this freaking cupboard.
Above us, Alec's footsteps are enough to make Millie fidget nervously
again as he treks down the stairs. What is he, an elephant? "Jeez man,
lose some weight if your footsteps sound like that," I mutter under my
breath. Millie giggles quietly, curling further up into my lap. Its pitch
black in this darned cupboard, but even so I can tell that Millie's eyes
are sparkling with excitement. She adores her big brother, and recently I
think she's been truly warming up to me as well. When I arrived a couple
of hours ago, Millie crashed straight into my legs, hugging them. Plus,
she's getting less of her withdrawal symptoms now, and Marie has left us
with her for the entire day because she's meeting up with her boyfriend
who's been away. I don't mind, if I'm honest. The kid is growing on me,
plus Alec's not too bad- minus the cocky remarks and teasing of course.

Alec's footsteps pass by the cupboard towards the lounge, and I hold my
breath in anticipation. Part of me is wishing that Alec would hurry up
and find us so that I can finally get out of this horrible torture
chamber (I think I'm sat on a Lego brick- the worst kind of pain) , but
then the other part is giggling in excitement, similar to what Millie's
doing now. "Shhh," I smile, putting my finger to her lips. She giggles
again, more quietly this time, but it's possible that Alec heard it.

Sure enough, we don't have to wait long until the footsteps head back
towards us, and Millie tenses in my arms, releasing a high pitched quiet
squeal and shielding her eyes. "I wonder where they could be..." Alec
ponders loudly outside, obviously for Millie's sake. I roll my eyes in
amusement but Millie gasps, squirming to get as far away from the
cupboard door as possible. "Is that a giggle?" Alec's footsteps get
closer and closer, until I can hear him stood right outside of the door.
Even I'm squirming at this point. "Is it coming from in there?" He muses,
"No, can't be. They're much too big to fit in that tiny cupboard."

"Well excuse me," I say sarcastically as I hear him walking away, and
Millie screams as his footsteps stop walking away, knowing that he'll
find us. He obviously heard be honest; I think the whole street
did. I said it purposefully loud. A smirk curves my lips as Alec swings
open the door dramatically, his eyes searching for Millie.

"Gotcha," He whispers and grabs Millie by the waist. She screams loudly
as he brings her up effortlessly to his chest, before blowing a raspberry
on her bare stomach where her top has risen. She's giggling and squirming
as he tickles her, laughing. I watch on, feeling like a creep for
watching such an intimate sibling moment, but it's just too cute not to
look on. Heck, you don't see this part of Alec everyday- I need to make
the most of it.
I think I need to move now. That Lego brick is imprinting itself into my

I shift and stand up in the cupboard, straightening out my beanie and

brushing off my jeans. Now anyone who knows me well knows that I'm most
certainly not a fashionista, but I'm pretty proud of the outfit I co-
ordinated today. A pair of camouflage skinny jeans, a nautical navy and
white striped top and a navy beanie with my converse: the kind of outfits
that Violet wished I wore all of the time, but one I actually don't mind
wearing. Ooh speaking of Violet, I told her about what happened on the
blind date, and she apologised profusely. She, like Alec, knows the
basics of mine and Toby's past relationship, but there are some things I
can't tell even my best friend. I haven't told anyone, for my own
reasons. It gets lonely sometimes.

Seeing me straightening up, Alec sets Millie back on her feet, a small
smirk on his face. "So squirt, what do you want to do now? What about the

Millie's eyes light up at the word and she nods excitedly. "I want to go
to the park! Please can we go to the park and get ice creams Alec?" Alec
looks up at me for confirmation first, checking to see if I'm okay with
it. Why wouldn't I be? I grin and put my hands up in surrender.

"It's okay with me."

"Then let's go," Alec bends down and smiles at Millie, "Go get your coat
and converse on and wait by the door, kay squirt? Maybe I'll buy ice
cream if you're quick." Millie beams excitedly, before darting off
upstairs to grab a jacket. Alec straightens, glancing over at me with a
small half smile. "Beanies suit you." And with that, he jogs to go and
grab something from the kitchen, leaving me paralysed in the hallway. Did
Alec just compliment me? Aw damn, where's a voice recorder when you need

After a second, Alec returns, sliding some loose change into his pocket.
He's holding a packet of skittles in his hand, and when he catches me
staring at them he wriggles his eyebrows. "Wanna taste the rainbow,
Riley?" Well, if you insist...

Joking, guys. Seriously, joking. I just want the skittles. "I'd rather
not thanks," I wink at Alec.
"Lying to yourself again, huh Riley? You ready to leave?" He asks me, and
I nod, deciding not to comment on the compliment he gave to me. Millie
clomps down the stairs wearing an adorable denim jacket with some tiny
pink converse. A wide eyed (and rather creepy) baby doll is cradled in
her arms. "Is Alicia coming too?" Alec asks Millie. He says it in a
reluctant way, so I'm assuming that the creepy doll's name is Alicia.

Millie nods, "Of course Alec. What kind of a mummy would I be if I left
her here?" She says it so seriously that I crack up laughing, which earns
me a small scowl from Alec. Ah bless, Millie is too damn cute for her own
good. She watches me laughing for a little while, before she begins to
giggle along with me. It's obvious she has no idea what we're laughing
about: she's following my example, but it annoys Alec all the same. He
glares over at me, pulling a dark varsity jacket over his shirt and
chinos. A pair of black converse shield his feet, similar to my navy
polka dot pair. Even Millie is wearing some.

"Look, "I walk over to him, pointing at our feet and Millie's, "We

"You're so weird," He chuckles, "But yes, we do match. Shall we go now?"

I nod my head in affirmation and he opens the front door for us to leave.
Millie is first out; obviously, with her baby Alicia staring freakily
ahead with glassy blue eyes. The park isn't too far from our houses,
literally a few streets away so we decide to walk. We could take my car,
but the struggle for Millie's booster seat would just be an unnecessary
pain in the ass. I linger a little bit in the front yard and grab
Millie's free hand, waiting for Alec to lock the front door. Once he's
done, we all turn right on the sidewalk and head down the street towards
the park. Alec opens the packet, offering me some of the skittles.

I take the blue one and pop it in my mouth, grinning.

"The blue one? What are you, a smurf? Everyone knows red is the best."
Alec says to me, shoving a handful into his mouth. I scowl at him
distastefully. Everyone loves the red ones, but the blue ones dye your
tongue and how much more fun is THAT? I mean, c'mon, who doesn't want a
smurf tongue? "I beg to differ," I chime, shoving a few more blue
skittles into my mouth. "Blue is just so much cooler."

"I've got red, you've got blue...Wanna make purple?" Alec winks, leaning
in to make kissy noises in my ear. I squeal a little bit and shift away,
throwing a skittle at him in defence. I have incredibly sensitive ears.
It's my weak spot. I watch sadly, as the poor defenceless green skittle
hits him on the nose, before falling to the floor with a clatter.

"You're a waste of skittles," I huff, "Stop hitting on me, dude."

"Hitting on you?" Alec raises an eyebrow, "I don't need to hit on girls
to make them fall at my feet."

"Cocky bastard," I mutter.

"I'm sorry, what was that Riley?" Alec teases, "Something about my cock?
Don't worry girl. I can assure you that it's nice and b-"

"I don't want to know!" I yelp, shoving the packet of skittles in front
of his mouth to block what he was going to say. I'm an innocent child.
Still very innocent, sue me. Alec laughs from behind the skittles packet,
and I scowl at him, covering Millie's ears. "There are two pairs of very
innocent ears walking besides you," I warn him, "Be aware of that, okay?"
He winks in reply.

"So do you come to the park often?" I ask him awkwardly, attempting to
change the subject.

Alec snorts a little at my obvious gesture, "Well I've only been living
here a few weeks Riley."

"Oh shut up, you know what I meant." I stick my tongue out at him,
showing off my blue smurfiness. Suck on that, red boy. Bet your tongue
doesn't look that cool.

"I used to take Millie to the park every week to get ice cream, back in
our old house. Guess the tradition continued." Alec shrugs, shoving
another skittle into his mouth. Millie still skips ahead, talking quietly
to her dolly as she does. I think she's singing to it.

"Isn't that the sweetest?" I tease. "Every weekend? What an adorable big
bro you are."

"Ugh, don't call me that," Alec groans beside me, "Makes me sound like a

I grin mischievously. "You look like one too."

Alec stares at me. "I think you'd better start running."

I grin and jog to catch up with Millie. "Quick!" I tell her, "Alec is the
mean monster and he's trying to catch us! We need to run away!" Millie
gasps at the news, abandoning her singing and grabbing my hand. Together
we run (well, jogging for me, running for Millie) down the sidewalk as
fast as we can. Alec is making monster noises behind us, playing along,
and Millie squeals as she hears him getting closer. After a second of
running however, Millie is yanked away from me and 'eaten' by Alec. I can
hear her giggling loudly as Alec tickles her.

"Run Riley!" She screams, and this time I really do run. It doesn't take
long for Alec to catch me though. He grabs me by the waist, hitting my
ticklish spot and pretends to take a bite out of my shoulder.

"Delicious," He grins, and I swat him on the chest.

"Hey Millie, you want a piggyback?" Alec asks Millie, who's attached
herself back to me again.

Millie's head snaps up at Alec's voice and she nods eagerly, letting go
of my hand as he crouches down into position. I can't help but be a
little bit disappointed at our loss of contact, but the adorable sight
makes up for it. She clambers onto his back, wrapping her legs and arms
around him like a little monkey, her dolly hanging from her hands. Now
that's cuteness. Alec straightens up, not even showing the tiniest hint
of effort, and I roll my eyes. Macho show-off. "Want to race?" Alec
wriggles his eyebrows at me, "I bet I can still beat you, even with
Millie on my back."

"You're on," I grin, feeling incredibly confident. Fat chance that he'll
be able to beat me with her on his back, especially if she drops her
dolly. No doubt if she does, she'll want Alec to stop and pick it up. He
hasn't got a chance in hell. Plus I used to be on the track team. Enough
said, methinks. I have a right to be confident. "First one to the park
gates wins."

Alec smirks back at me. "!"

We bolt down the road, sprinting hard down the flat tarmac. No doubt
there are people watching us, thinking we're crazy, but I don't give a
sugar really. Through the wind on my face, I can feel my eyes stinging
and watering, but it's kind of a nice feeling. I've always liked running,
although I'm more of a sprint girl than I am long distance. Millie's
cheers and screams from Alec's back are both funny and exciting, egging
me on further. I'm no more than twenty metres from the gates now, and
already Alec is falling back. And here he thought he was going to win. I
used to be on the track team, and I'm incredibly competitive. Put them
together: we both know you haven't got a chance.

Just saying.

I reach the gates with a whoop of victory, turning just in time to see
Alec arrive too. Millie slides off his back as he kneels down, and he's
panting just a little, glaring at my feet so as to refuse looking me in
the eye. "What was that bet again Ryder?" I tease, hopping around
happily. Millie joins in, giggling with exhilaration. Her little cheeks
are flushed red with excitement, her hair fluffy and ruffled by the wind.
I offer her a high five, and she slaps it enthusiastically.

"Shut up Greene," Alec grumbles, grabbing Millie's hand to lead her into
the park. In all honesty, he did do really well, considering he had a 4
year old on his back. Unfortunately his strength was just not enough for
my ninja speed. Besides, a small kick in his ego wouldn't hurt him. It
might mean that his balloon sized head shrinks a little and that can't be
a bad thing. As Millie spots the swings and slides, she lets out an
excited gasp, bolting towards them as fast as she can. Grumpy pants still
won't look me in the eye. What is it with men and their pride, eh? He's
pouting like a little kid.

"Oh don't be such a sore loser," I tease Alec as we slide onto a bench at
the edge of the playground. From here we have a perfect view of Millie,
and by the looks of it she's already making friends, chatting happily to
another girl her age on the climbing frame. I wish it was that easy for
teenagers, sometimes. "She's really not shy is she?" Alec chuckles under
his breath. I shake my head in reply, smiling. Gosh, we're acting like
her parents.

My gaze is soon caught by the skateboarders though, the ramps to my left.

There are a few boys around our age rolling expertly down the ramps, and
I can't help but long to be over there too. Not to mention how some of
them are pretty good looking. I'm actually semi-decent at skateboarding,
but I haven't done it in a while. I sigh, turning back to glance over at
Millie and check that she's okay.
"What's up?" Alec asks me curiously, glancing over at the skateboarders
to see what I was looking at. One of the boys glances over at us, showing
a spark of interest. He nods mutely to Alec, a sign of respect, and Alec
returns it. Typical awkward guys. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. After
a second of staring however, the boy motions to his couple of mates and
they begin to head over. My stomach shifts nervously, but I can't help
but be a little bit excited that I'm going to be surrounded by hot guys.
Not like it's every day is it?

"Alright mate?" The boy grins at Alec. He's quite good looking- with dark
curly hair and a lip piercing. Not really my type (more Violet's), but
I'd imagine that anybody would find him attractive- he's definitely cute.
The others are also good looking from the looks of it, but they're busy
rolling around on their skateboards for me to pay much attention to
facial features, so I just pay attention to him instead. His eyes twinkle
green as he notices me, and he swiftly throws me a wink that makes me
blush and look down at my lap. Well this is awkward.

"Yeah I'm good cheers," Alec replies coolly, but he stiffens beside me as
he sees the wink. Then, ever so casually, he throws his arm around the
back of the bench. What....? I stare at him surprised. What is he trying
to do? The boy in front of us watches the action cheekily, and I start to
feel a little unsettled. What is this, like a possessive thing? Territory
marking? I glance over at Millie. I'm glad she's okay playing with the
other girl. They seem to be getting on well, at least. Maybe I'll escape
over there.

"I'm Nick," The boy grins. "You any good at boarding? Want a go?"

"Alec. And no thanks, it's not really my thing." Alec's voice sounds
slightly defensive and cold, and I look over at him surprised. Why is he
being so rude? Nick's eyebrows rise a little at his reaction, before he
turns to me with the twinkle returned to his eyes. What a flirt.

"What about you, babe? Want a go?"

I glance over to Alec, before shrugging. "Yeah, I think I will."

Nick grins, offering me a hand to pull me up. "That's cool," He smirks,

"Yo mate, I think you're little girlfriend here has bigger balls than
you." He kicks up his skateboard and offers it to me, smiling smugly over
at Alec when he thinks I'm not looking. As for Alec, I don't think he's
even noticed me leaving; he's too busy glaring at Nick. Boys and their
stupid pride. I grab the skateboard and begin to walk towards the ramps.
I climb up a medium sized one in the most dignified way I can, setting
the board on the edge and placing my foot on it to steady it. I can sense
them all watching me, and I blush. No pressure then.

I place my weight on the board, and slide down the ramp towards the
jumps. I'm no expert here, but I can do the odd trick or two. Toby showed
me some back when we were together: we came here a lot to practice. The
wind rushes in my face, and I feel the familiar drop of adrenaline as I
jump down the ramp. Boom! The skateboard spins beneath my feet in an Olly
trick that I've practiced many times (usually in my back yard because I'm
sad like that), and then I continue to slide up the nearest jump. My
skateboard flicks high in the air at the end, and I catch it, landing
firmly on my feet on the ground. Bam. I've still got it, baby.

I'm feeling smug.

I turn towards the boys and offer them a small courtesy. Nick is full on
grinning, but Alec just looks shocked. Is it really that surprising that
I know how to skateboard? Sexist pigs these days.

I chuck Nick his skateboard back, and he catches it neatly. "Thanks," I

smile, "I needed that."

"You're welcome," Nick steps closer. A little too close for my liking,
despite how hot he is. The player vibe is practically flooding off him.
"Maybe I could get your number in return?" I go to reply but Alec beats
me to it, interrupting.

"I think we should go now Riley. Nice meeting you Nick," Alec grabs my
arm, sneering Nick's name as though it's a disease. I cock an eyebrow at
him as he drags me away from the guys. I can hear them laughing behind
us. Is there something I'm missing? I glance over at Alec, but he's just
glaring forward. Someone's PMSing. I stare confused at Alec as he pulls
me onto a bench, as far away as I can possibly get from the
skateboarders. From here we can still see Millie, but not as well. I
don't understand- why can't we just go and sit where we were sat? He
slides in next to me, still frowning from the incident. Anger washes off
him in thick rich waves, and his eyes are stormy as he avoids my gaze.
"Okay, what's up? Because you're acting like a pre-teen on her first


"Alec...." I say in a singsong voice, "PMSing princess, it's time to stop

ignoring Riley."

"You should be thanking me," He grunts, "I saved you from that pig." His
arms are crossed. The resemblance between him and a spoilt pouty kid
right now is astonishing. He is acting like a fat kid whose been banned
from chocolate. (And trust me, I know that face very well, having pulled
it a few times before).

"Saved me?" I cock an eyebrow. "Oh, noble Alec, however can I repay you
for stealing me away from the cute skateboarding guy who wanted my
number." I made sure to put extra emphasis on the last four words. It's
not every day that cute guys want your number!

"Drama queen. He wasn't good looking, and he was a pig. You don't need

Well I beg to differ, personally.

"Besides, when you were going down the ramps, all he was talking about
was your ass."

"And who can blame him?" I joke, winking at Alec. He just shoots me a
blank stare in reply, and I roll my eyes. "Okay seriously Alec? I was
kidding. Kid. ding. You are such a grumpy guts right now, I can't even
describe. Whatever, I'm going to go and see Millie." I straighten up from
my crouch and head over to the swings and slides, where Millie is playing
with her newfound friend. Both of the girls looks up at me when I come
up, and Millie offers me a big grin.
"This is Rileeee," She tells her friend, dragging out my name happily;
"She's my babysitter. Alec, my big bro, is her prince charming. Aren't
you Alec?"

I spin around. I hadn't realised that Alec was behind me. He ignores my
blushing face, cocking an eyebrow at Millie instead. "Prince charming? Oh
I don't know about that. Riley isn't the princess type. She's more like a
toad or a-"

"A female knight," I finish for him, shooting him a glare. "I think
you'll find that Alec is the swamp monster, definitely not prince
charming. Gosh no."

"Swamp monster?" Alec turns to me, an amused smirk curving his lips, "I
should be horrified that you think of me like that kitty." Whoa, Bipolar
much? What happened to the grumpy dwarf I left behind?

Oh my gosh. Imagine Alec as a dwarf.


"So I have something to ask you."

My heart thuds in my chest. "What?"

No, no, no. He's not going to ask you out. Shut up Riley. Seriously, shut

"Would you like to accompany Dylan, Chase, Joe and I to the beach on

Not like I was expecting anything else, was it?

Stupid swamp monster.

Chapter 13// Cootie Brownies

"Ac-hoo!" I sneeze explosively, rocking back and forth in my bed. My

duvet is coiled around me like a cocoon and my body feels sticky with
sweat from my fever. Gross, I know. I squint at the alarm clock with sore
eyes, the light only intensifying my head ache that much more. 7:15 Am.
This time should be illegal. I groan quietly and collapse back to the
pillow, exhausted. Yeah, there's no doubt that I'm sick. Unfortunately,
knowing my darling mother, unless I'm practically dying- I'll still be
going in to school. The disadvantages of having a doctor as a mother I
guess: they know when you can cope with going to school, whether you feel
able to or not.

I sit up slowly and slide my feet out of bed, resting my back against the
headboard. I probably need to go and have a shower ready for school, but
I'm going to try and persuade mom into letting me stay home first. "Mom!"
I call weakly, "Mom, please can you come here?" I can hear her shuffling
about in the room opposite, and after an exasperated sigh she appears in
the doorway.

"What is it Riley? You know I need to get ready for work," She leans her
head against the doorway, the bags prominent beneath her eyes despite how
much sleep she gets. I know my mum has a stressful job, so I try not to
cause her anymore stress, but today I really don't think I can go to
school, and I'm being honest. I'm having one of those horrible head-
pounding days that everybody dreads

"Mom, I feel terrible," I tell her, my voice raspy from my sore throat,
"I've got a killer headache and a fever. I honestly don't think I can go
in." The brute honesty in my voice must have registered with her, and she
quickly surveys my condition; her eyes running over my rumpled sheets and
pasty skin. Sighing, she heads over to the bed to put her hand on my
forehead. It's like ice against my clammy skin, and from the concerned
but frustrated look she gives me, she knows it too. "You have a fever,"
She murmurs, "I suppose you can stay off school today, but you've got to
promise to look after yourself Riley," She gives me a warning look, "I
have non-stop appointments today and I can't afford for you to keep
ringing me whilst I'm at work. Take some aspirin, okay?"

"Okay mum. Love you," I smile weakly. She returns the smile, pecking me
on the forehead sweetly.
"Oh, and have a shower," She calls back to me as she leaves the room,
"You stink."

Gee, thanks mom.

Obeying mom's orders, I haul myself out of bed and weakly plod into the
bathroom, not even bothering to check in the mirror first. I know I'll
look disgusting, what's the point in confirming it? I'm ill, I deserve to
look like a hobo for at least one day. Turning on the water with a small
sigh, I strip down from my sweat ridden clothes and step into the shower.
My lord, I needed this. The hot jets of water wash away the grime and
sweat that has gathered overnight, leaving me feeling a lot less grungy,
and a hell of a lot more refreshed.

Grungy is such a disgusting word.

After towel drying my hair, I pull it up in a messy bun and shove on an

old band t-shirt with my superman leggings. Yes, you heard that right by
the way. Superman leggings. Be jealous. I'm not going to dress up for a
day full of sneezing, am I? Not bothering to do make-up, I head back into
my bedroom and draw back the curtains to speak to Alec. This is becoming
a kind of regular occurrence now- we speak through our windows a lot.
It's like a big, juicy cliché, I know. Don't remind me. Alec glances over
as I open the window, offering me a small smile. He's stood there,
smiling at me, absolutely jaw droppingly shirtless.

Oh sweet baby Jesus. I don't think my ovaries can take much more of this.

"You look like crap," Alec comments bluntly, pulling a shirt over his
head as he heads towards the window. Shame, really. I wouldn't have
minded staring at him for just a little bit longer. Whoa, when did I turn
into such a creeper?

"Oh cheers Alec!" I drawl in a raspy voice, "You sure do know how to
lighten up a girl's day. I'm ill, dumbass."

Alec stares at me dubiously, his eyes running up and down in a

disapproving manner as he wrinkles his nose. I want to punch him. I
honestly want to punch him.

"You're ill," Alec frowns, "Does that mean you're staying off school?"

"Congrats Einstein."
Alec ignores my sarcasm; instead a slow grin crosses his features. "I'm
going to stay off with you." I choke on my saliva. What?! "You could do
with someone to take care of you. I can't be arsed to go to school. It's
perfect," he continues, smirking at my horrified expression. Did he
seriously just say what I thought he said? No, he can't stay off with me!
I don't want him to!

"Not happening," I shake my head, "I'm going to lie in bed all day eating
soup, and taking aspirin. You are going to school. I can't let you bunk
off- my mom would kill me. Your mom would kill me."

"Oh c'mon Riley, as if I'm going to listen to you anyway. Look, whether
I'm hanging out with you or not, I'm skiving today. You might as well
have a person to look after you." Alec smirks, damn bastard. He already
knows he's won. I can feel my resolve crumbling beneath me as I glare at
him. It would be better to have some company. He's going to skive anyway,
whatever I tell him- might as well make the most of it. Maybe he could
make me soup? Do you think he's got anymore skittles?

"Whatever," I grumble, retreating from the window. "Come at any time

after 9:00. I don't want mom to be here and see you skiving." I can
practically feel Alec's smug grin burning holes into my back, but I shrug
it off as I head downstairs to get some aspirin and mocha. The aspirin
will hopefully get rid of my throbbing headache and the mocha...well
that's for my sanity. I'm going to need it if I'm hanging out with Alec
all day. "Hey Jack," I murmur as I see my brother eating his cereal at
the breakfast bar. "What's up, bro?" My voice is still raspy from my poor
throat. We might have some throat lozenges in the kitchen somewhere. I'll
have to dig those up.

"Playing Mine craft," Jack replies as he concentrates heavily on the iPad

in front of him, tapping the screen furiously. "I need to kill these
zombies mega-quick." He gives a small grunt of effort as he focuses on
the game, the abandoned bowl of cereal left to become soggy on the table
next to him.

"C'mon zombie slayer," I ruffle his hair, "Eat your breakfast. Mom's got
a big day today- you need to be ready for school in five minutes."

"Why haven't you left yet Riley?" He asks me, not moving his eyes from
the game.
"I'm feeling really ill so I'm not going in to school today," I explain,
heading over to the cupboard to grab some aspirin. Jack's head finally
snaps up at that, and he ignores the zombies on his screen to concentrate
on me. I shake my head with a smile, knowing what's coming next. I take a
glass of water and gulp down a couple of aspirin as Jack groans behind

"Aww that's not fair," He whines, "I want to stay at home! Why is mum
making me go?"

"Because you aren't ill," I roll my eyes, ignoring the pain in my head as
I do so. "Eat your breakfast."

"This is so unfair," He grumbles, stirring his cereal. He's acting like a

typical eight year old boy. Does he think I want to feel like crap? I
roll my eyes and begin searching around the cupboards for some throat
lozenges. I rarely get ill, luckily for me, so I don't even know for sure
that we have some. I'm just living off the hope that we do, because my
throat is on fire.

"Got ya," I murmur as I finally uncover some in the midst of the cereal
boxes. Why they're there, I'll never know. The packet looks about five
years out of date, and the sweets are all stuck to their wrappers, but it
can't do that much harm can it? I might as well give it a shot. "I'm
going upstairs to bed," I decide, shoving a menthol lozenge in my mouth,
"Have a good day at school." He doesn't grace me with a reply, too busy
slaying zombies no doubt. Kids.

I collapse back into my bedcovers with a sigh, wrapping the roasting

fabric around me despite my skyrocketing temperature. I am craving mocha,
but it's only because I'm really tired. Might as well get some sleep
until Alec arrives and then have one when I wake up...I have the feeling
I'm going to need all the energy I can get today. Another head throb hits
me hard and I cringe into the pillow.

I bloody hope that aspirin kicks in soon.


"Riley," Someone's voice stirs me from my sleep and I shift

uncomfortably. "Riley, c'mon, wake-up." Why won't they just leave me to
sleep? I grumble under my breath, keeping my eyelids firmly closed as I
snuggle deeper into my cocoon of blankets. "Riley!" The voice persists mercilessly.
My eyes snap open and I growl in frustration, knowing that there's no
chance that I'll get back to sleep. Who is this person, and why are they
waking me up?

"What?" I snap, "What do you want?" I sit up in my bed, scowling as the

cloudy headedness hits me again and searching for the culprit, only to
find that my bedroom is empty. My irritated expression morphs into a
frown as I realise the sound isn't coming from inside the room, it's
coming from outside. More specifically, the window.

Alec freaking Ryder, I am going to castrate you. Preferably with a really

rusted, blunt knife.

"What is it Alec?" I grumble, climbing out of bed to head to the window.

I quickly run my fingers through the messy loose curls that have escaped
from my bun, tucking them behind my ear. So I'm self-conscious about my
bedhead, don't judge me. I can't help it that I happen to live next door
to a Spanish hottie who falls out of bed looking like a supermodel. I'm
pretty sure you'd do the same in my position. "Why in the hell did you
wake me up?" I step in front of the window, leaning down ever so slightly
to glare at the boy in the opposite sill.

"It's 11:00am princess. Who lit the fuse to your tampon?"

My eyes narrow. Damn it, my comeback abilities don't work at this time of
morning. "Leave me alone Ryder, I want to go back to sleep."

"But what about our fun day together, kitty? Aren't you looking forward
to that? I assure you it will be much more fun than sleeping," Alec winks
at me. Why do I have the feeling he's making some kind of sexual
innuendo? Probably because he is.

"I don't know what your problem is but I bet it's hard to pronounce," I
mutter under my breath, before turning to Alec with a huff. It's not like
I'm going to get anymore sleep anyway. "Fine," I announce, "You can come
over, but I'm warning you I feel like crap- so this day is going to be
anything but productive." I didn't mean for it to come out like that...oh
gosh, I just fed Alec's perverted mind even more.
"You just crushed my hopes and dreams kitty. I thought we'd get a lot
done today," Alec wriggles his eyebrows. Yup, definitely making sexual
innuendos. Creep. I say nothing in reply, just stick out my tongue and
slam the window. The epitome of maturity right here. Without looking
back, I know that he's smirking victoriously: I can practically feel the
pride radiating off him. Smug grasshole. I roll my eyes and head over to
the bathroom to brush my teeth again. I don't want Alec to know that I
practically have a moss mouth.

Why do I care what Alec thinks? Good question, inner self.

After brushing my teeth, I head downstairs to the kitchen, rubbing my

temples and sucking on another throat lozenge. I hate being ill. Heck,
I'd rather be in school than sat at home all day feeling like this, and
that's saying something considering today's lessons were meant to be
Maths, Geography and Chemistry, amongst a few others. I stick the kettle
on for my mocha, rubbing the skin under my eyes as though I can make the
huge bags there disappear. I hardly got any sleep last night because of
that stupid headache that's been killing me all morning. The aspirin has
taken the edge off of it, but it's still prominently there.

Just as I'm pouring the water into my favourite mug, the doorbell rings.
He's here. What he thinks we're going to be doing all day is a mystery to
me, because I don't really feel up to anything apart from sleeping at the
moment. But whatever: let him think that we're going to be having fun.
He'll soon realise that he's sadly mistaken. I pad over to the front door
and open it to find Alec standing there in all of his healthy glory. His
smirk is mouth-watering, and he wears a simple black top and jeans that
look like they're just off the runway when modelled by him. I scowl at
him jealously, sniffing a little. I look like some fifth grade hippie in

"Wow," Alec muses, "You look even worse close up."

I silently glare at him, stepping aside as he barges his way into my

house. Why am I letting him in again? I must be mad. He looks around for
a second, his expression folded into a slight frown as he scans around my
house. Suddenly I feel quite self-conscious of Jack's toys scattered
around in the lounge, and the used cereal bowls waiting in the sink. His
house is kind of spotless in comparison.

"This is weird," He finally comments, "You're house is like the backwards

layout of mine."
I shrug, leading him into the lounge. "I've been living here longer
though, so I win."

Alec just rolls his eyes as though I'm the immature one, leaning over to
survey the movie cabinet. "So how are you feeling?"

"Better since I woke up," I reply, a little surprised that he asked, "My
throat still hurts and stuff, but the headache is mostly gone now. Thanks
for asking."

"You're welcome," Alec shrugs, "Do you wanna watch a movie? I'll make you
a soup or something if you want."

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Pause the tape and press rewind please. Did Alec just
say he'd cook for me?!

I stare at him in shock, and he smirks at my expression. "My speciality

is extra spicy jalapeno soup. What do you say?"

I knew it was too good to be true.

My surprised face morphs into a slight scowl. "No thanks, I'm good. You
can pick a movie if you want; I'm just going to grab my mocha." Alec
nods, turning back to the movie cabinet to survey the options. For just a
second there, I thought he was actually serious about the soup. Gosh, I
can be so gullible sometimes. I slide off the couch to grab my drink,
returning just in time to see Alec putting a disc into the Blu-ray
player. "What h ave you chosen?" I ask, taking a sip of my drink and
collapsing into the cushions. He looks up at me as I enter, offering me a
small smile.

"I chose Gone in 60 seconds," He replies, sitting on the couch beside me

and pressing play on the remote. "Best ever. Plus Angelina Jolie is so
bad ass in this movie."

"Good choice," I murmur, "I love this."

"Really?" Alec raises his eyebrows. He casually slings his legs over my
lap so that he's stretched along the couch. Make yourself at home, why
don't you? "I guess first impressions really do suck then. No way did I
picture you as an action and horror movie fan when I first met you."
"What was your first impression of me?" I ask him curiously, sipping from
my drink as the opening credits begin to roll in on the screen. Alec
shrugs in reply, glancing over at the TV.

"I can't really remember...I think it was pretty, but also kind of stuck
up nerd. You know the kind that obsesses over computers and science shit.
I guess I was wrong, eh? What about you? What was your first impression
of me?" He wriggles his eyebrows playfully.

"I thought...that I should stay away from you," I say carefully, shoving
his feet off my lap to put my legs on top. "I didn't think you'd even
realise I existed to be honest. Typical bad boy player, y'know, not
acknowledging the lower status people. I was wrong too." We share a short
smile, before we turn to watch the opening scene play out on the screen.
It's a silence, but a comfortable one. Well that is, until Alec
interrupts it by swinging his legs on top of mine again.

Some people never change.


"Alec, I don't think it's supposed to look like that." I frown down at
the pale lumpy gloop currently occupying the bowl, slightly triggering my
gag reflex. I guess this is karma for making brownies without using a
recipe. I don't know about you, but I have the feeling that chocolate
brownies are supposed to be made with cocoa powder, and they're not
supposed to have clumps of butter swimming around in them. We didn't have
any cocoa powder, so Alec improvised by using Horlicks- a sweet tasting
drink powder which tastes kind of like a hundred year old diluted
chocolate bar. The result doesn't look good.

"Me neither," He frowns, "But I'm sure it will taste good. Should we add
more sugar just in case?"

"Alec. You added enough sugar to make all your teeth fall out with one
bite." I deadpan, coughing a little bit at the end of the sentence. In
reaction, Alec swiftly takes the bowl from me, frowning and covering the
mixture to protect it. I told him that I shouldn't be cooking because of
my cold, honestly I did, but he was adamant on making lunch for me. We
couldn't find any soup sachets, so we thought that brownies would be easy
to make and would taste better for both of us. By the looks of this
mixture, I think we were better off just eating some sandwiches. I'd just
like to clarify: it's not my fault if our brownies come out as bricks;
Alec did all of the cooking.
"Don't cough near the brownie mix, Riley!" He whines in a playful voice,
shielding the bowl from me as though it's a baby or something. "No-one
likes cootie brownies."

"Cootie brownies?" I cough out a laugh, "Whatever, Ryder. Let's just

stick the mix in the oven and maybe it will turn out better than it looks
now." I wrinkle my nose dubiously at the mixture as he pours it into the
tin. I don't think Alec believes me. Heck, I don't even believe me. That
mixture looks like something a very old cat would puke up.

Ew, I don't want to think about that right now.

"Done," Alec slams the oven shut with a flourish. "Twenty minutes should
do, right? I guess we should probably start cleaning up." I turn to
survey the kitchen, my eyebrows raised. It's not that bad. There's a
little bit of flour on the floor, and Alec accidentally dropped an egg
but apart from that the damage is fairly minimal. Mainly it's just
packets to put back away. I glance over at the flour, suddenly having an
idea. Yeah, it's fairly obvious what I'm planning to do.

"Sure," I murmur, leaning over to grab a handful of flour behind my back.

Alec leans down to put the baking powder back (Which we used five
teaspoons of- do you think that's alright?) and as he raises his head
again I catapult the hand forward straight into his face, releasing the
flour. Unfortunately for me, I tend to be a little bit too enthusiastic
in things like can probably guess how.

"Shit!" Alec yells, "Why did you punch me?" He inhales sharply at the
pain, breathing in the flour that I've thrown all over his mouth before
he digresses into an insane coughing fit, clouds of white billowing
everywhere. I watch the situation, my jaw comfortably resting on the
floor. Oh crap. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. You've done it now Riley. I
take a risky step back. Alec's gaze snaps up to mine as he coughs away
the last cloud of flour, and his eyes narrow dangerously. Oh shit. I just
punched him in the jaw and almost suffocated him. If looks could kill, I
would be buried six feet under right now.

On the bright side, he looks like a snowman. You'd have thought it would
be hard to take him seriously at this point, but the look Alec is giving
me is deadly. I am so screwed, I'm practically a screwdriver.
"Oh that's it," Alec's voice is hard and stone now, his eyes never
leaving mine. I watch in horror as he plucks an egg from the carton. We
all know what's coming next. My head is screaming at me to run, but my
feet don't obey, and in less than a second Alec's hand comes down on top
of my head with a loud splat. The egg gloop runs down my face and I close
my eyes in disgust as I feel it running down my hair, cold and slimy. So
much for having a shower this morning.

And just like that, Alec begins to laugh at my disgusted face, and I
stick out my tongue at him and everything is back to normal. You know, as
though I didn't just punch him in the face. "Do you want an icepack for
that?" I ask him awkwardly, pointing at the red mark on his jaw. He
shakes his head in reply, smirking as I sneeze at the flour dispersed in
the air. Idiot.

"You look so stupid," I laugh, despite the pain in my throat, "You've

got flour all over your face."

"What are you talking about? I can pull anything off."

"You know, I'd like to see your point of view sometimes, but I can't fit
my head that far up my ass."

"Well," Alec pretends to pick his nails, smirking cockily, "You know what
they say to people like you. Too many freaks, not enough circuses Riley."

I sneeze loudly in reply.

What can I say? I'm allergic to bullshit.


Just as we expected, the brownies turned out horribly. They were pale,
rock hard things that tasted like something that resembled a brownie in a
previous life. Needless to say, they're having a party in the trash at
the moment. After a few bites, our gag reflexes kicked in and so all of
that time we spent making them was wasted. We cleaned up the mess after a
while; let's just hope that mom doesn't wonder where all of her eggs have
disappeared to anytime soon.
"You suck at this game," Alec comments, his mouth open wide as he lounges
across the couch. I scrunch my eyebrows in concentration, chucking an M&M
at him only for it to bounce off his nose again. The little coloured
chocolates litter the couch, and I frown at the sight. What a waste of
M&Ms. Alec and I have stooped to this level of boredom, I know: chucking
sweets at each other and seeing who can catch them in their mouth. What
influential lives we lead.

"Your turn," Alec grabs a sweet and I open my mouth as far as it can go,
my eyes focused solely on the sweet. As he throws it, it bounces off my
cheek and rolls to the floor again. "Wow. You suck at catching and
throwing the sweets," Alec drawls, passing me the packet, "Congrats."

"Oh shut up," I roll my eyes, bringing up my next sweet and aiming for
Alec's mouth. I took some more aspirin, and the headache is gone
completely now, leaving me with nothing more than a cold and a sore
throat. No doubt I'll be going to school again tomorrow. It's a shame
really; I quite enjoyed hanging out with Alec today. It was actually a
lot more fun than I expected. Once again, Alec Ryder proved me wrong.
Don't tell him that though: if his head inflates much more, he won't be
able to fit through any doorways. Sucks to be him.

I take aim and throw the brown M&M, watching as it hurtles towards Alec,
landing perfectly in his mouth. "Boom!" I grin, "What were you saying
about me sucking, Alec?"

"You've got to be kidding me princesa," Alec rolls his eyes; "I take
credit for that throw. It was all in my amazing lip action."

"Princesa?" I question curiously. "Since when do you speak spanish,


"Since always. I have a spanish heritage- my father was from Spain."

"Huh, guess you learn something new every day." I muse, popping a sweet
into my mouth.
I had fun today, just hanging out with Alec. I guess he can be
surprising, and the scary thing is that we seem to be becoming quite good
friends. Do I want anything more out of it? I really don't know at the
moment: that's dangerous territory. But back to the matter of hand, I
guess what I'm trying to say is that Alec actually made me feel a lot
less crappy today, despite my really bad headache. I should probably
thank him for that, but I can't do it without inflating his head to
dangerous levels. He's cocky enough as it is.

One thing is for sure though (if ever I need a way to knock Alec's ego a
little bit):

Alec can't cook cootie brownies for shit.

Absolutely amazing cover is made by @Labellebete! She's a STUNNING

graphics artist guys- so if ever you need a cover, then turn to her! Just
take a look at that cover, and you'll know what I mean. PICTURE OF CHASE
TO THE SIDE ----->

Please vote/comment if you like it!

Chapter 14// Shebang I am


I grit my teeth and ignore the voice, collecting my books from my


"Riley, c'mon. Answer me."

Why can't some people just get the message? Maybe if I slam the locker
and run now, he won't chase after me. Or is that just wishful thinking? I
tell you what I wish; I wish he'd freaking leave me alone. I let out a
short sigh, grabbing my maths book and slamming the locker door closed. I
don't want to face him, but maybe if I yell at him some more he'll get
the message and leave me be. It's a fat chance, but I'll try anything.
"What do you want Toby?"

"Nothing much," He shrugs nonchalantly, but I can see the delight in his
handsome features that I actually turned around and answered him. I know
him that well, unfortunately for me. "I just wanted to know how you've
been recently." I grit my teeth and shove the last of my books in my
backpack, turning to walk down the corridor towards my first lesson.
Annoyingly, Toby follows.

"I've been just great," I mutter, "No thanks to you."

You'd think he'd have given up by now, but no. Toby has been insistently
friendly since the moment I stepped into school this morning. Toby
hesitates before speaking, and I can almost see a guilty sheen in his
eyes. "Yeah, I deserve that one," He admits reluctantly, "But I'll make
it up to you Riley, just you wait and see. Everything will be perfect
again." Who the hell is he trying to kid?

"Go and preach it to someone who gives a shit, Toby," I say through
gritted teeth, "Leave me alone."

Toby's act drops, and he gives me a stony scowl, "You aren't going to
make this easy for me, are you Riley? All I want is to be friends." You
should have thought about that before you got another girl pregnant when
we were dating and moved without telling me. Sucks to be you, my ass.

"No, I'm going to make it impossible. Just give up Toby; it's not going
to happen. Now if you'll excuse me." I shoot him a final icy glare,
stepping into my Biology room. No sooner have I stepped in, however, am I
yanked out again with a sharp and painful tug. I curse under my breath
and spin around to start yelling at him, but the person stood in front of
me is the furthest from 'him' that you can get. Toby stands by my other
side, but it's not his hand that's currently clawing my arm. Not unless
he's suddenly got silver acrylic nails and a diamond bracelet, that is.
Toby stares shell shocked at the girl, but her eyes are trained solely on

Tiana Cooper. What the hell does she want?

With a small sigh, I stretch on an elasticated smile. Here we go again.
"Tiana," I greet, my cheeks aching, "What a pleasant surprise." I grab
her hand and slowly detach it from my forearm, only making her smirk
widen. Why do I have the feeling she's not just coming to ask me how I
am? My fingers trace over the marks on my skin, bruises in the curve of
perfectly manicured fingernails. As usual, she looks perfect. Not a hair
out of place, unlike me.

"Riley, sweetie, you look gorgeous today," Tiana purrs, her icy grey
eyes running over my body, scrutinizing every flaw. Her face is telling
me a different story to her compliment. I look like a hobo in comparison
to her designer ensemble, I'm well aware of that fact and I truly don't
give a shit. What does she want with me? It's not like we make a habit to
associate with each other: we hate each other's guts and that's no
secret, so why does she want to talk to me now?

"Thanks," I reply in a syrupy sweet voice, so unlike to my usual drawl,

"I'd say the same for you but..."

Behind her smile, Tiana's eyes turn stormy. Good. "Please could I talk to
you, sweetie? It'll only take a second, promise." Her gaze drifts from me
over to Toby, and her eyes widen as if she's only just noticed his
presence. "Toby. Nice to see you again."

"I'm going to leave," Toby mutters, flushing bright red. He doesn't even
have the courage to look me in the eye. Cowardly man whore.

Tiana turns to me and I nod, glancing reluctantly into the Biology

classroom before following her away from the door, further into the
corridor again. The walk is eerily silent apart from the clipping of
Tiana's heels against the polished flooring, and my eyes narrow in
concentration. As far as I know, I've done nothing that could possibly
annoy her, so what does she want? It's pretty obvious that she doesn't
want to compare lip-gloss brands and talk crushes. Have I done something
to rub her up the wrong way? I scan my brain quickly, but I can't think
of anything. It is truly a mystery.

After she's checked that we're far enough from all of the classrooms- she
turns to face me and I stop walking. "So, what is it you wanted to talk
to me about honey?" I drawl, mocking her with no shame. Her steely eyes
show no hint of fake friendliness now, and her full lips are curled into
an unattractive sneer. Alas, the true Tiana Cooper comes out.
"Drop the act Riley; you know we only do that in front of other people."
She snaps, "I think you know what I want to talk to you about." She steps
a little closer, but I refuse to give into the temptation to step
backwards. That would only make her think that she intimidates me, and
although that may be slightly true, there's no way I'd ever let her see
it. I stand tall, staring directly into her eyes. Don't give her the
satisfaction Riley.

"That's funny because I really don't."

"Don't you dare play dumb with me, Greene," She hisses, stepping right
into my face this time and shoving me back into the lockers. "I want you
to stay away from Alec Ryder, or so help me god, I will make sure you
regret it." My eyes narrow. What a frigging cliché. The Queen Bee wants
the bad boy. What; does she think I'm stepping in her way or something?

"You can have Alec," I grit my teeth, "Get the hell out of my face

"Really? I can have him? Then back off. He doesn't want you." She leans
down further, her icy glare burning holes into my skin. I've never seen a
look filled with so much hatred before. Someone has a case of the green
eyed monster. I don't know what she has to hate me about, if anything I
should hate her more. She's the one that Toby cheated on me with, after
all. And then she aborted that sweet, innocent baby. I think that's what
makes me the angriest- she didn't even pay up the consequences of her
mistake. She disposed of her child, just like the hundreds of used
condoms she's been through ever since. And she wonders why Alec doesn't
want her.

She shoots me one last smirk, before turning and strutting away. My hands
clench to fists by my sides. What? Does she think she's winning? She's
got another freaking think coming if she does. She may own the rest of
the school, but I'd prefer to be a rebel that gets beaten up than another
one of her brainless cronies. To hell am I obeying her orders. I'm not a
slave. I raise my chin defiantly as she walks away. She wants me to stay
away from one of my friends? She's got another think coming. She's taken
enough from me, and Alec is not going to be another thing to add to her
list. I'm not going to stand for it.
And with that thought in mind, I jog back to Biology, a plan formulating
slowly in my brain.


"Pshh Riley," Alec whispers, poking me in the arm softly.

I raise my eyebrows, ignoring him like the bad ass I am and staring at
the teacher's demonstration at the front. Ignoring Alec is surprisingly
fun. "Riley," He whines, poking me again, harder this time. "Riley,
what's the answer?" This time I scoff, unable to restrain myself. No
chance am I giving him all the answers. Math isn't an easy subject: it
took me long enough to work them all out myself! He can work them out on
his own. Alec seems to sense my defiance and he groans quietly, poking me
hard enough to leave a bruise, desperation showing through. He obviously
knows that if he hasn't completed the homework, he'll get a detention. My
lips curve up in amusement. Oh I can play this game all day.

Alec's hand makes a dart for my exercise book, but I pull it neatly away
from him, my smile morphing into a full blown grin. He's no match for my
ninja skills. Alec growls lowly under his breath. He's figured out that
I'm playing with him, I chuckle quietly. He knows that I'm trying to get
him annoyed. Jeez, he must be really desperate for those answers.
"Riley," He whispers, a tone of desperation evident in his voice. Aw
bless, the bad boy needs me. "Please can I have the answers?"

"Alec," Mr Johnson's voice says sharply from the front, "I ask you to pay
attention when I'm doing a demonstration. Stop flirting with Riley and
listen to what I'm trying to teach you."

A rumble of laughing spreads around the class and I blush a little bit.
Stupid darned cheeks.

"I'm sorry sir," Alec replies smoothly, "I don't understand one of the
questions we had for homework. I was trying to get Riley to help me with
it, but she refuses." My jaw drops open at this. Way to make me seem like
the bad guy. At least I've actually done the homework.
"Well next time, please ask when I'm not in the middle of a
demonstration," The teacher frowns, brow furrowing, "Riley please could
you help Alec with his homework? He doesn't understand, and I trust you
to be able to help him." Oh no he didn't. I grit my teeth and nod stiffly
in reply to his request, feeling the smugness radiate off of Alec like a
tidal wave. I don't dare look over at him: if he's smirking like I know
he is, the urge to punch him in the face will be unbearable so I stare at
Mr Johnson instead. The teacher nods gratefully, before turning back to
the demonstration to teach the rest of the class. This is beyond unfair.

"So," Alec says cheerfully, "Are you going to help me Riley?"

"Dude, give her a break." Joe laughs from the other side of Alec, "She
looks like she wants to kill you at the moment. I don't blame her to be
honest." He grins slyly at me, fumbling with a piece of paper in his
hands. Is he making a paper aeroplane? Alec grins cheekily in reply,
poking me again in a teasing gesture. How did he manage to flip the
situation around like that? Ugh.

"Copy my answer and I will castrate you," I tell him bluntly, "But you
can look at the method."

Alec nods mutely, biting back his smirk as he takes my homework sheet.
Around his figure, I can see Joe throwing the paper aeroplane, aiming
directly at Mr Johnson's head. Oh this should be interesting. It sails
through the air swiftly, hitting a boy a few rows ahead of us in the
centre of his back. The boy turns around, glaring around to find the
culprit, but he doesn't spot Joe's mischievous smirk. I choke back my
laugh as the boy turns back around to the front again, and Joe winks
playfully at me, knowing what I'm chuckling at, no doubt. I roll my eyes,
smiling in reply. These boys are just so fun to be around. Don't get me
wrong, I love Violet, and the small amount of girl friends that I have,
but with the guys drama just doesn't exist and they don't bitch about
each other. It's like having a break from all the things I hate about
being a girl. "Thank you Riley," Alec smirks, handing me back my sheet. I
shoot him a blank look.

"Ignore him," Joe whispers amusedly, "He's just in a particularly

annoying mood because he got laid last night." I cringe awkwardly.
Definitely did not want to know that.

"Let's just hope you learnt from your father's mistake and used
protection," I joke, and Alec shoves me lightly, making me giggle. I
really need to stop doing that.
"You know, I actually am pretty good at math," Alec comments cheerfully,
a smirk growing on his lips. "Especially math in bed. You know, I'll add
the bed, you subtract the clothes. You divide the legs and I'll
multiply." Alec wriggles his eyebrows playfully, "Fancy a tutor Riley?
Extra credit homework?"

"Ew," I laugh, hitting him, "That's so disgusting! How do you manage to

bring innuendos into math? That's practically art." Joe grins at my
comment, chucking a piece of eraser at me. Alec just smirks.

"Well you know, I'm pretty handy with my art too, Riley. I'm a whiz with

"I don't want to know," I interrupt, slapping my hand over Alec's mouth.
He stares at me for a second, before sticking out his tongue and pressing
a long lick to my palm. GROSS. "Ew! I don't want your mouth herpes!" I
shriek, pulling my hand back and wiping it on the side of his face. He
squirms away, chuckling but I'm too busy wrinkling my nose to laugh along
with him.

"Mouth herpes? Are you implying that I have a lot of o-"

"Shut up! This conversation is one big, fat walking innuendo!"

"Miss Greene, please quiet down! This is the last warning for the back

I'll get you back one day Alec, I swear it.

A single piece of eraser flies through the air, hitting me on the cheek.
Joe's up to his pranks again. I try my hardest not to flinch as I stare
calmly into Mr Johnson's narrowed eyes, ignoring the boys chortles to my
left. "I'm sorry sir; Alec was making inappropriate comments to me." I
have to choke back my laugh at Mr Johnson's bulging eyes and flushed
face, but apparently the rest of the class can't because a rumble of
chuckles ricochets around the room. Alec blushes a little besides me, and
Mr Johnson shoots him a look. Well there's part one of my revenge, I

Another piece of eraser flies through the air, hitting me in the forehead
this time. I shoot a glare at the laughing boys beside me. And people say
that I'm immature.

"So as I was saying class: x to the power of f, all divided by the square
root of t equals x to the power of minus y plus 5t. Can anyone explain
how I can rearrange this equation to give me my answer on what x equals?"
Mr Johnson shoots a glance at us in the back row, but luckily he chooses
another unsuspecting victim instead. And that children, is why we never
sit in the front row for Math. I mean, Math with Miss Hunt is okay- I sit
next to Violet in that class. This one however, I am harassed in by the
boys. Plus the teacher has a spoon rammed up his asshole somewhere, I'm
certain of it.

Another piece of eraser hits me on the cheek again. I seriously wonder

why I'm friends with these boys sometimes. I shoot them a glare which
only makes them laugh more. Mr Johnson looks up at the sudden noise, "Mr
Joe Travis, would you care to explain how you would take on this next
equation?" Joe straightens in his seat and smirks.

"Why of course Mr Johnson. For the next question, multiply by C, find

the square root of T and then divide that number by the first. Then minus
the A." He says smugly, finishing off with a sly smile in Mr Johnson's
direction. My eyebrows shoot up. Who knew that Joe was such a math whiz?
Even Mr Johnson looks disgruntled- obviously taken by surprise. I bet he
was getting all excited then at the thought of a new detention victim.
It's quite funny to see him held up short.

Below me, my chair jerks. I gasp at the sudden movement, clinging on

desperately by method of reaction time, but it's no use. One more fast
jerk and I lose my balance: the chair topples over taking me with it. I
land heavily on my arm, sprawled on the floor in the most unflattering of
positions. Ouch. Oh my god that's humiliating. I glance up to see Alec
and Joe practically falling off their own chairs in laughter, and that's
when I realise who jerked the chair out from underneath me. Oh my lord, I
am going to decapitate them both. I flush crimson as a few people laugh,
standing awkwardly back up again to see everyone staring at me with
amused faces. Everyone except Mr Johnson that is.

He's turned purple. Should I be worried?

"Alec Ryder! Joe Travis!" He barks, his eyebrows furrowed and face slowly
flushing blue in colour. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry

Maybe I should be filming this for a wildlife documentary- he looks like

a frigging toucan.

"Detention! Get out of the room right now!"

"Not like I wasn't expecting it anyway," Alec chuckles and Joe grins in
agreement, before they both high-five each other. Boys. What are they

"See you later princess. Maths tutoring remember?" Alec smirks, and I
stick my middle finger up in reply. He laughs and blows Mr Johnson a
kiss, before he leaves the classroom with Joe in quick succession.

I have to admit, I'm growing to love that bad boy attitude of his. It
keeps things interesting.

Don't ever tell my mom I said that.


"Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine," I sing under my
breath, dancing around my room to the music as I put my newly washed
clothes away. I've currently got the Killers blasting at 150 decibels
around my room because Mom and Jack have gone out leaving me with the
house to myself. What's wrong with a little rave sesh every once and a
while anyway? I wriggle my hips and bob my head to the music, walking
over to the wardrobe to hang up my leather jacket on a coat hanger. What
an interesting life I lead, I know.

"It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a
kiss, it was only a kiss," I sing loudly. The curtains are closed at the
moment, but the window is open because I'm still getting my revenge on
Alec for the Metallica marathon at 2:00am every morning for a week. This
is in some way my revenge, because I know he's currently trying to study,
and who wouldn't get distracted from Brandon Flowers' perfect voice?

My point exactly.

"Jeez, if you're going to sing and dance, at least get some lessons
Riley," I hear Alec whining from the window and I pull back the curtain
just enough to stick my tongue out at him. He's sat on his windowsill,
scowling at me for interrupting his revision, no doubt. It feels kind of
nice to actually get revenge on him for all he's done to me, even if it
is only little bit at a time. This is only the beginning, don't worry-
I'll pull out the big guns soon and then he'll be sorry he ever messed
with me.

"Why would I need lessons?" I joke back to him, "I'm practically a pro
already." I whisk into a full on round of air guitar as the chorus kicks
in, nodding my head and slinging a few of my tops into the top drawer of
my bureau. Dancing whilst doing chores makes them so much more fun. I
honestly do believe that Brandon Flowers is some kind of angel. I mean,
he's beautiful and he has a killer voice: he's just too perfect to be

"You do realise I can see you dancing through your curtain right?" Alec
drawls, and I freeze, my head snapping to the side. The curtains are
still closed...what? "I can see the silhouette," Alec explains, as though
reading my thoughts.

My cheeks tinge slightly pink, but I just joke it off. "Why aren't you a
lucky lad, eh?"

"I would have to disagree with you there. Your moves are worse than my

"And you would know your grandmas moves, how?" I pull back the curtain
again to wink at Alec. He's not the only one who can pull a good

He just stares blankly at me, "You're messed up."

"I know. Not as messed up as you though." I retort in a singsong voice,
folding up one of my vest tops. My underwear is stuffed under my pillow
at the moment in precaution- I don't want Alec to see it. He still has my
bra. I completely forgot about that.

"But you love me anyway," Alec rolls his eyes, "I mean c'mon. I'm
irresistible. You can take a picture if you want- it'll last longer."

"Modest too," I roll my eyes, "Seriously, you're the whole shebang


"Shebang I am."

Oh great, he's turned into freaking Yoda now.

This boy is so unpredictable, it's not even funny.


This chapter might be a little boring...sorry bout dat <3

Chapter 15// A day at the beach

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

"The Wheels on the bus go round and round!" Joe's voice bounces around
the car as he belts out the well-known children's rhyme, holding his
chest dramatically, "Round and Round, round and round." Riley, sat beside
me, chuckles quietly at his eagerness before turning to glance out of the
window again at the scenery blurring past us. She does that a lot. Today
is the day of the beach, and it should be interesting to say the least. I
won't deny that I'm looking forward to it; I haven't been to the beach in
ages and with these guys and Riley- there's no telling what could happen.
Plus, Joe is on a huge sugar high right now, which is an added bonus.
"Dude, we're in a car," I deadpan, rolling my eyes at my hyper best
friend. Seriously, what is he on?

"I know! Jeez, I'm just trying to get us all in the mood," Joe pouts.
Someone should record this- he's acting like a five year old. "Besides,"
he continues cheerfully, "I'm a freaking awesome singer." Riley snorts
quietly beside me, and I crack a small smirk at the sound. I think we all
wish that Joe's statement was true, because then we wouldn't have
bleeding ears right now.

"Whatever bro, don't let them kill your buzz," Dylan chuckles from the
passenger seat, turning around to offer Riley a small smile which she
returns. Something tightens in my chest at the sight, but I turn around
and gaze out of Riley's window, ignoring it. Hey, she's rubbing off on me
with this window thing. I notice Riley digging out her phone and a pair
of ear buds from her pocket, and I nudge her slightly with my shoulder.
"Hey, can I listen too? Joe's opera is making my eardrums explode."

"I heard that!"

Riley chuckles, her wide blue eyes twinkling with humour as she hands me
an ear bud. "Should I put on Britney Spears?" She ponders aloud, teasing
me, "Taylor Swift? Hilary Duff?"

I give her a blank look in reply. "Frankly I'm worried that you actually
have those artists on your phone. If they can even be called artists that

"Don't worry, I don't," She chuckles, scrolling through her music app,
"Apart from Taylor Swift that is- she's good. But I'll put on AC/DC just
for your sake." I like a girl with a good music taste. I shake my head,
clearing my thoughts. What the hell did I just think? My brain needs to
shut up, that's for sure.

"Guys, can you just date already?" Chase groans from the driving seat,
"The sexual tension in this car is practically unbearable. My boy senses
are picking up on it." Awkward much, Chase? Jeez, he sure knows how to
make things uncomfortable. I'll get him back for it later.

"Are you saying you have a boner?" Riley raises her eyebrows.

"Just think of your grandma in the shower. Naked." Ew. Yep, that should
definitely cut it.

"Ahh!" Joe yelps loudly, "I'm imagining it too!" Dylan bursts into
laughter at this.

"You're going to make Chase crash the car," I laugh, "He looks horrified
enough as it is." I glance over at Chase, letting out another dark
chuckle. I'm not exaggerating: at the moment Chase is blinking
repeatedly, as though he hopes to get rid of the image that way, not to
mention the bright red flush his face has taken. Serves him freaking
right, manwhore. Screw 'sexual tension'.

I pop the ear bud in, nodding my head slightly as 'Highway to Hell'
pounds in my ears. She doesn't have her music as loud as I do, but it's
still pretty loud. The scenery of Lindale whisks past us as Chase drives
and my gaze seems to fix on every tree and rock and speck of sand-
remembering it. Although I haven't been living here for much over a
month, I did live here when I was little and I've come back every single
summer for quite some time now to stay with my aunt and Natasha. I glance
over at Riley. Yep, she and Natasha would definitely get on well. Chase,
Dylan and Joe have been friends with me since I was about three years
old, plus Joe lives on the same street as my aunt which meant that I saw
them all pretty much every day for all those summers- that's how I know
them all so well.

I don't really know what we're planning to do at the beach today- hang
out, I guess? The surfboards are attached to the roof of Chase's car, a
dark Chevy truck with the license plate peeling off at the back. I guess
we'll be doing some of that. "Can you surf?" I ask Riley curiously, and
she bites her lip and shakes her head. "Guess we'll have to teach you," I
continue, "It's difficult though."

"I'm sure she'll get the hang of it," Joe intercedes, winking at Riley.
"If she doesn't, then it'll be funny to watch her failing, so it's a win-
win situation for all of us." I smirk and high five him, feeling Riley
groan beside me. She hates being teased, but it's funny watching her
spout fiery comebacks so I don't ever stop doing it. It's way too much
fun to see her reactions. "Fail like your dad's condom you mean," She
mutters under her breath. I don't think Joe heard it, but I can't
restrain the smirk from tugging at my lips. The car ride is only a short
one to the beach, but already she's amusing me. She never hesitates to
make me laugh.

Eugh, I sound like a freaking sap. Let me check to see if my penis is

still there, one sec.

Still there, and bigger than ever. I smirk.

As we pull into the small beach car park, I feel a small twinge of
excitement in my stomach, seeing the waves. Not too choppy, but big
enough for a decent day of surfing. The beach in Lindale is small and
sandy, a beach for locals rather than tourists. There are a few small
shops in the road behind it, but nothing major. An ice cream shop, a surf
shack and a café where they sell the world's most delicious milkshakes. I
don't even think we have a hotel in a fifty mile radius, that's how
lonely this place is. Where I lived in North Carolina was the opposite
end of the spectrum, but I prefer this place more and more by the day for
a number of reasons. I glance over at Riley.

"I call dibs on the red surfboard!" I shout as I exit the car, and Chase
curses under his breath.

"Dude, you know I love that surfboard."

I smile smugly in reply, leaning up to untie the ropes holding them to

the roof. The red one is practically made for me: slim, sexy and gives
one hell of a ride.

Damn, I wish I could sell innuendos for a living.

Dylan fist pumps me and I grin as we slide four of the surfboards down
together, leaving the last one for Joe to carry. That one is a slightly
smaller, slimmer one that used to be Chase's. We figured that Riley could
use it, due to her petite figure. I glance over at her, to see her
laughing with Chase, her ear buds firmly in place. Her slender figure is
hugged with a red and white tie dye belly top matched with some dark
denim shorts that elongate her legs in a flattering manner. I gulp and
look away. I shouldn't be getting so distracted by her.

"Right guys, let's roll," Chase slings an arm around Riley, locking his
car over his shoulder. I grab a couple of the surfboards and slide them
under each arm, Dylan following suit. My eyes trail over the beach
scenery. It's not crowded, luckily, but there are a few people dotted
along the sands because it's a hot day. Usually it would be empty. The
sun beats down on my olive skinned arms and I smirk, clutching the
surfboards tighter. The ladies love a tanned guy.

After laying down the towels and piling up the surf boards, Riley
collapses down onto the edge of her towel, flinging her beach bag
carelessly beside her. "So," She grins, "Are we going surfing? I can't
wait." Her long pale legs curl up beneath her. Jeez, I need to stop
looking at her legs.

I glance at the rest of guys, smirking and collapsing down next to her.
"You sure you can handle it?"

"I can keep up," She winks, and I raise my eyebrows, a grin spreading
onto my lips. Since when was she cracking innuendos? Huh, I like this
Riley. I look over at Chase, and he shrugs.

"Come on then. Don't see why we can't start now," Dylan grins, pulling
his shirt over his head. We're all wearing our swim shorts already, thank
god. It would be more than a little awkward if we weren't. Chase whoops
and pulls off his shirt, kicking his converse off as best as he can. Then
he and Dylan grab a board each, jogging down to the sea. Riley watches
them go, her jaw agape, no doubt at their chests. Well, what does she
expect? Dylan is quarterback and Chase works out regularly to please the
ladies. Joe is a little smaller than the rest of us, and he has a less
defined six pack. Mine is going strong, though. "You coming bro?" I smirk
at Joe, and we both pull off our shirts, grabbing a surfboard each. I
sense Riley's eyes on me. "I think you've got a bit of drool there," I
smirk, pointing at her chin.

"Sorry, your mom must have left it there last night," She retorts
smugly, "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up." I glance over at Joe and he
nods. Right then. I swing my red surfboard under my arm and jog down
towards the sea to meet up with Chase and Dylan. The water laps at my
feet, cool and refreshing, and I wade further until I'm at knee height. I
love the sea.

"Where's Riley, dude?" Dylan asks me, and I frown. Wouldn't he like to

"She's coming after us," I reply shortly, running my wet hand through my

"Is that her coming now?" Chase wolf whistles, and I spin around. Riley
is jogging down the beach, her hair in dark loose curls that frame her
porcelain face and wide blue eyes. She wears a black bikini with Aztec
print bottoms, emphasising her toned, ever so slightly tanned skin. Her
surfboard is clutched under her arm and her cheeks are flushed with
excitement. Shit. I gulp and turn around quickly so that I don't
embarrass myself by ogling her. I can already feel my cheeks heating up.
Jeez Riley, what are you doing to me? Not just me though, I think,
glancing at the other boys. Chase is eyeing her up, but I know that he'd
never advance on Riley in any way, shape or form- they're just friends,
and he cares about her feelings much more than he lets on. Joe's smile is
purely plutonic and I know he only thinks of her as a close friend.
Dylan's however, is a completely different story.

"Hey guys," She grins, "Are we going or what?"

Chase nods, wading deeper into the water with his surfboard flat beside
him. Joe grins at her, "You look great Riley!" She smiles back at him,
before he delves deeper into the water, jogging to keep up with Chase who
is about waist-deep now, waiting for the first wave. Someone's eager.
"C'mon," I smirk, grabbing her hand and dragging her further into the
water. I ignore the tingles that shoot up my arm. Alec, you're turning
into a pussy. "We need to hurry up." She nods obediently, following me
further into the water. Dylan trails beside us.

"So what exactly do I do then?" Riley asks awkwardly, glancing down at

her surfboard bobbing on the water beside her. She's nervous: she's
biting her lip.

"You should probably just start off with paddling," Dylan suggests, "So
just get on the surfboard and float for a while. You can swim right?
There's no real current or anything here, so you don't need to worry
about that. Just paddle towards the waves, and when you hit them, lift up
the top half of your body." He helps her onto the surfboard, shamelessly
glancing down at her ass, before blushing crimson and looking away. She
clutches onto the surfboard, breathing heavily, completely unaware.

"Okay," She mutters to herself, "Like this?" She starts to paddle slowly
towards the gentle waves, bobbing up and down. I shake my head, grabbing
her surfboard to stop her.

"You need to go faster, or else you'll be dunked on. Here, curve your
hands like this," I grab her hand, curving it into the right position.
She smiles gratefully back at me, before she sets off paddling much
faster this time. "Like that!" I yell after her, grinning. I slide onto
my own surfboard, paddling hard to keep in line with her. The water isn't
deep and the waves are gentle here, so even if she does fall off, she'll
be fine. Dylan bobs up beside us, grinning. "Okay, aim for a few waves,
lifting your body when you hit them so you don't get dunked on." I push
her forward and she begins furiously paddling. She hits the first wave, a
gentle one, without a hitch- doing exactly as we've told her. The second
one however, she wobbles a little bit, sliding off into the water.

As she reappears, she's grinning and clutching onto her surfboard. "That
was so good! Let me try again." It takes her a few attempts to actually
get back on the surfboard, meanwhile I'm laughing at every single fail,
but soon enough she's back on the board and staring longingly at Joe and
Chase, who are riding the bigger waves in the distance. Dylan has paddled
off to join them by now. "I want to try that at least once today," She
mutters to me, "Can you teach me how to stand up on the surfboard?"

"Okay, but beware you'll probably fall off," I point out, sliding off my
own board to steady hers so that she can stand up. She shakes her head,
brushing my remark off, and I chuckle. "Right, so first lie down in the
paddling position." She does as she's told, "Now keep your knees
together, that's important for balance, and slide your legs underneath
you so that you're kneeling." She clutches the surfboard so hard that her
knuckles turn white and I can see the determination on her face as she
slides her legs up, wobbling precariously. As if by a miracle though, she
doesn't fall off.

"Now get your balance, and let go of the board," I order, holding the
board steady so that it doesn't bob away. Her eyes widen as she hears
this instruction, but nevertheless she takes a deep breath and steadies
herself- her hands flying out either side for balance. "Now, slide one
leg up. Slowly...slowly Riley, slowly-"
She slides off the board with a splash and I roll my eyes. Did she not
listen to a word I said? How difficult is it to understand the word
slowly? She emerges again with a sheepish expression on her face, her
dark hair slick against her back. Her cheeks are puffed red with effort.
Well, at least she's trying, I guess. "Slowly," She repeats, clambering
back onto the surfboard. I watch as she steadies herself into a paddling
position, sliding her legs up into a kneel. She wobbles a little bit
here, but manages to steady herself, luckily for me. I hate being
splashed with salt water. Now the hard bit. Ever so slowly, she brings up
a foot and steadies herself on the board, and I raise my eyebrows. She
must have a pretty good balance to be able to do that- usually it takes
at least a week of practice before you can stand up on the board...will
she make it? She takes a deep breath and hesitantly moves the other foot,
rolling onto her tiptoe before standing up. For one glorious second, I
see the delight on her face, before she tumbles down into the water
again. When she emerges, she's smiling like a lunatic. "I did it!"

"You did," I grin, "Well done. It usually takes days for someone to stand
up like you did then."

"A few weeks and I'll be as good as Chase," She winks, "He'd better
watch his back."

And I should probably watch mine.


"I can't believe you guys forgot to bring sun cream," Riley rolls her
eyes, scanning through the shelves of the shop. "What kind of idiots
don't bring sun screen to the beach? Now Dylan is burnt to a crisp, and
whose fault is it hmm?" She raises her eyebrows, sending me a pointed
look. I shrug helplessly. It's not like I was told to bring the sun
cream. I don't burn: Dylan should have brought his own freaking sun
cream. She rolls her eyes at my expression, her lips quirking into the
smallest of smiles. "Hey Ryder. Should I get these?" She slides on a pair
of kids Hello Kitty sunglasses, stretching their frame to the breaking
point. She's going to break those if she's not careful, and I'm sure as
hell not paying for them.

"Definitely," I remark sarcastically, "You look like such a big girl,

"Aw aren't you a cutie?" She teases, "You should try these ones on." She
throws me a pair of pink rimmed heart shaped sunglasses, framed with
diamantes. "They're totes your colour," She winks.

"I'm not so sure about those ones. These are definitely very me though,"
I wink back at her, playing along by holding up a small pair of Mickey
Mouse sunglasses. Are these for babies or something? They're tiny. "Oh
wait; you're the one with the Mickey Mouse bra!"

"Don't ya know it," She pouts, her eyes hiding behind a giant pair of
aviators. How on earth she makes those look good, I'll never know. I
chuckle, glancing around the interior of the small shop. It's a typical
surf shack- sand scarring the floor and surfboards stacked up against the
back walls. We're looking for sun cream, because Dylan got his pale-ass
self sunburnt, and somehow it's my fault. Don't really see the logic

"Here you go, this one's the cheapest," Riley shoves a bottle in my hand,
"Go get it!"

"Why am I buying it?" I protest, stepping backwards from the direction

of the counter.

"Because you're a good friend and I don't have any money with me blah
blah blah," Riley laughs, shoving me, "Go!"

The things I do for friendship. I roll my eyes and place the bottle on
the counter, pressing the little bell to get the attention of a worker.
My eyes run around the shop interior as I wait. It's dimly lit and quite
big, but cramped all the same. Swimsuits line one wall, and surfboards
line another, with small aisles of wetsuits and sun cream and jewellery
in-between. A jewellery rack stands on the corner of the counter, and my
eyes run over it, lingering on one small bracelet in particular. It's a
hand painted wooden bead bracelet, with a small shark tooth, an anchor
and a surfboard charm hanging from it. Riley. I glance to the side to
check she's not there, before grabbing one and sliding it onto the
counter beside the sun cream bottle. Don't ask me why I'm buying it,
because frankly I don't even know. The worker turns up, a shaggy haired
blonde guy with a nose piercing. "Sorry to keep you waiting," He smiles
lazily, glancing down at the items on the counter, "That'll be $8.35
please." I hand him a ten dollar bill, watching as he packs away the
bracelet into a small paper bag. A tiny bead of sweat runs down the nape
of my neck from the heat. What am I doing?
"Thanks. Keep the change," I mutter, grabbing the bag and the sun cream
bottle. I must be crazy: why am I buying her a gift? It's not like we're
dating, and it's not her birthday or Christmas coming up soon. Alec
Ryder, you are officially turning into a sensitive pussy. What's she
going to think of me if I give her that? I step out of the shop with a
sigh, turning to see Riley leaning against the wall, waiting for me.
"Finally," She grins, "Let's go back to the guys. Dylan needs his sun

And just like that, I longed to give her the bracelet again.

What the hell is happening to me?


"Guys, we're going back into the water," Chase and Joe grin, clutching
their surfboards. I sit up a little bit, squinting at them through the
harsh light. They've literally spent most of the day in the water, their
skin is practically sun-baked and they're going back in? Idiots. I roll
my eyes and continue to apply sun cream to my legs and arms. Riley lies
next to me with closed eyes behind her Ray Bans, and her ear buds in,
Dylan lying similarly on the other side. I've hardly known what to say to
her since I bought that bloody bracelet. The paper bag is still lying on
the towel next to me, burning into my skin to remind me of its presence.
I don't know what I'm going to with it: whether I'll give it to her or
not, so I'm just keeping it hidden for now.

"I'll do your back if you like," Riley offers, smiling a little at me.
Her top is back on now, much to our disappointment, but her legs glow
slightly bronzed in the sun. She slides her Ray Bans up onto her
forehead, squinting in the light. I nod in reply to her offer, smirking.

"Don't act like you're not desperate to, Riley."

She bats me lightly with one hand, sliding to come and sit behind me. I
breathe deeply and sigh, watching Chase and Joe head back down the beach
towards the waves. I'd join them if I didn't feel so conflicted inside.
Normally I would ask Dylan what to do, seeing as he's kind of the go-to-
guy for advice and shit, but I can't help but feel slightly irritated by
him today and I don't really know why. I hiss out my breath as I feel
Riley's cold finger on my back, interrupting me from my thoughts. She
laughs lightly at my reaction.

Slowly, I feel her finger trail up and down my back, drawing out a
pattern or something with the ice cold sunscreen. "What are you doing?" I
ask her curiously. I try to turn around to look, but obviously I can't
see my back so that's pretty pointless. She doesn't answer my question,
instead continuing to trail the pattern into my back with a single ice
cold finger, making me shiver as she comes to an end, where she rubs all
of the sun cream in.

"I wrote 'Smile' on your back," She says to me, her lips tugging upwards.
"You look grumpy."

"I'm not grumpy," I chuckle, "Just conflicted."

"Well then you can carry on conflicting," She pokes her tongue out at
me, "I'm going swimming, so you can join us when you're ready. Coming
Dylan?" Dylan nods beside me, rising to follow her down the beach, but my
eyes don't stray from her. Smile. She wrote smile on my back. I watch her
strolling down the beach, and my eyes drift over to the paper bag at my
side. I should give this to her.

But why? A voice asks me from inside. Why do you want to give her the

I groan, frustrated. What is happening to me? I never feel like this

towards girls. Heck, I never even think of buying them gifts. They buy me
gifts and throw themselves at me; it's never the other way around. So why
do I feel this need, this longing to give this bracelet to Riley? She's
done nothing for me. It's not her birthday, I'm not her boyfriend and
it's not like I owe it to her or anything. Why?

I don't know, but I'm going to try and find out.

I grab the paper bag and rip it open, sliding the slightly warm bracelet
into my hand. She'll like it, I know she will. I just hope she doesn't
ask too many questions, because they're questions I don't know the
answers to. I stand up and brush the sand off my chest. Something twinges
nervously in my stomach. Alec Ryder does not get nervous. The sand
scorches my bare feet as I head towards the water, already regretting my
decision, but it's not long before they falter altogether anyway. The
eagerness to answer my question disappears in an instant and I stand
paralysed at the scene playing out just ten metres in front of me. There,
in the shallow waves not even reaching knee height, Dylan's arm wraps
around Riley's waist and he pulls her to him, his lips bearing down on
hers. Dylan is kissing Riley.

A pang hits my gut, and my vision tinges ever so slightly red, but
everything is clear as crystal now.

The answer to my questions. The reason I feel irritated with Dylan. The
need to buy her that bracelet.

Why did I not think of this solution before?

Alec mother effing Ryder.

You like Riley.


I updated early, I know. Love me, feed me, never leave me;) RIley's
outfit is the external link! Hope you guys like it! :D

Chapter 16// Two Tiny Fish

I know the kiss feels wrong from the start.

I don't really know why. It's damp and sweet and everything a kiss should
be. It just doesn't feel natural. It felt like how I'd imagine kissing a
brother would feel, rather than a love interest. Too familiar. Too
plutonic. No spark. I pull away after a mere second, pressing my
fingertips on Dylan's chest to push him gently backwards. Already I see
him tensing up, realising what his mistake was, and my heart aches for
him in that second. "Hey," I say softly, catching his attention. "I'm so
sorry, Dylan." I pull him into a small hug, feeling a pang of guilt for
the rejection that shines in his eyes.
"It's okay," He mutters. "Let's forget it even happened." He musters up
the courage to crack a small smile, despite the awkward situation,
although he doesn't meet my eyes.

I nod stiffly, before turning and heading back towards the beach, feeling
numb and shocked. I don't look back. I can't. My hands are shaking, my
breathing is funny and it feels like I don't even know how to walk
anymore. Completely alien. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, focusing
on the towels in the distance. I shouldn't be feeling guilty about this;
at least I rejected him softly. The worst thing I could have done in that
situation was accept the kiss, because that would mean I was stringing
him along even though I don't feel the same way. I didn't do anything
wrong. I glance up at the towels hopefully, but Alec is nowhere to be
seen. I could have used someone to distract me right now. I sigh softly,
popping my ear buds in and sitting down to wait. If Alec isn't here to
distract me, then music is my second choice. It's getting to about four
'o' clock now, we should probably be leaving soon anyway.

Let's just hope things between Dylan and I aren't too awkward.


As expected, the car journey home is anything but comfortable.

Dylan and I have barely glanced in each other's direction, nor have me
and Alec made any conversation. I have no idea what's up with Ryder, but
I don't like it one little bit. I'm not used to seeing the usually cocky,
annoying Alec Ryder being so...distant and silent. Even Joe and Chase
seem to have picked up on it, and they're joking back and forth trying to
fill the awkward silence in the car. What's wrong with us? I bite my lip
and turn to glance out of the window. I have no idea how to act with
Dylan anymore...I feel so bad. He's cute and sweet and smart, and I'm
just the world's biggest idiot for not liking him back. What's wrong with

As the car pulls up outside of mine and Alec's houses, I murmur an

awkward goodbye to the boys and clamber out, Coldplay blasting through my
earphones to try and fill the silence that can't be covered. "Bye," I
murmur to Alec, but he nods in acknowledgement, not meeting my eye. He
looks distracted, lost in thought. What has happened to all of the boys
today? I groan as Alec heads his separate way, before turning on my heel
to open my front door. I hope things go back to normal soon, because I
don't know how much more I can take of this awkwardness. What on earth is
wrong with Alec?

"Hey mom," I call as I enter the house, kicking off my flip-flops and
dumping my beach bag to the floor. Sea salt is crusted into my curls and
my skin feels sticky with that crappy cheap sunscreen. I could really use
a shower. "I need some advice." I enter the kitchen, knowing she'll be in
there, and sure enough she's elbow deep in cake mix. Hmm cake.

"What's up sweetie?" She asks me, looking at me with a concerned

expression. She tucks a loose wispy curl that has escaped her ponytail
behind her ear, getting flour on her cheek in the process. How can one
person make that much mess? Usually she's a pro in the kitchen. Neat and
efficient, that's my mom. "You can tell me anything. What's happened?"

I hesitate. Do I really want my mom to get involved in all of this? But I

need her help. "Okay...Well you know today I went to the beach, right? I
went with Dylan, Chase, Joe and Alec." She nods in reply, gesturing for
me to continue and I sigh, sliding into a bar stool. "Well it was so much
fun at first, but then in the last half an hour, Dylan kissed me."

"And did you kiss him back?"

I shake my head.

"I see."

"Yep," I sigh, glaring down at the breakfast bar. I should have kissed
him back. It would have saved all this trouble. But surely I shouldn't
have to kiss him back? Why did he freaking kiss me in the first place? I
hate him for making everything so bloody complicated- it's not like I
wanted to be involved in this! Ugh, I'm so confused. "It was really
awkward on the way home," I pick slowly at my fingernails, not meeting my
mom's eye, "Even Alec's not talking to me, and that's Alec for Pete's
sake. I don't know what's up with him."

Mom considers this for a second, her hands faltering from mixing the
delicious looking mixture in the bowl. "Maybe he's jealous," She shrugs,
"Could be something going on at home. Could be something at school, or
could be something personal. Why don't you ask him?"

"I don't know," I bite my lip, "He seemed a little off with me."

"Well make him 'on' with you then," She shrugs. The left sleeve of her
checked top slides down her arm tauntingly, and she glares at it before
shifting it back up, ignoring the flour that is now dusted all over her
shirt sleeve. Why is she dressed so casually anyway? I swear she
mentioned something about a meeting tonight. I remember because she asked
me to babysit Jack. Just as I think of his name, I hear feet thunder down
the stairs, and mom and I both wince at the noise. Speak of the devil and
he shall appear. "Mom," He bursts in, his eyes narrowed and glare
directed at me, "Riley stole my Lego!"

"What? Why would I steal your Lego?" I reciprocate, wrinkling my nose at

the suggestion. "What use do I have for Lego? Other than shoving it up
your ass-. "

"Riley," Mom cuts me off with a sharp look, before turning to Jack.
"Jack, honey, are you sure you've searched everywhere for them? I don't
think Riley really wants your Lego." The look she gives him is also
patronising. Ha, she probably took the Lego. I think she's stepped on
those little things one too many times. My eyes narrow, taking note of
the smile that she's biting her lip to restrain. Oh yeah, she's guilty

"Yes mom, I searched everywhere," Jack groans, "Riley must have taken
them! Who else would?"

"Oh I can think of someone," I raise my eyebrows at Mom, and she blushes.
"Jack, have you ever thought that maybe Mom might have taken them? She
does have a tendency to step on the lethal little things." I step a
little closer to her like a predator stalking prey, the grin wide on my
face, and her smirk springs free. Jack's eyes narrow on her too. Damn,
I'm practically the next Sherlock. Take a step back and watch me go

"Alright, I did it! I did it!" Mom raises her hands in surrender,
laughing. "Please don't kill me!"
Jack launches at her and I do too, trapping her hands behind her back
while Jack scrambles to tickle her neck, her most sensitive spot. "Stop!"
She laughs, squirming "I'm sorry! You can have them back!" That's right,
even my mom is ticklish, and don't think I'm not aware of it.

My family can be annoying, but every now and then I'm reminded of just
how much I love them.

And how lucky I am to have them still here with me.


"So what's up between you and Alec? You haven't fed me any gossip for
ages," Violet asks curiously, shovelling for a handful of popcorn from
the bowl. My eyes, that were previously fixed on Colton Haynes (now that
is one fine piece of man) drop to the floor before meeting hers, and I
sigh. It's been a week since that day at the beach and I've hardly spoken
to any of the boys. Joe and I had a text conversation, and I've talked to
Chase a little bit in lessons but the Alec front is coming up strangely
silent, despite the fact that we live less than three metres away from
each other. His curtains remain closed, and when I see him around school,
he looks through me like I'm invisible. I'm not going to lie; it hurts
like a female dog. Unfortunately, I haven't yet mustered up the courage
to go and demand why he's ignoring me.

He's such a jerk.

As expected though, I haven't really spoken to Dylan either. But at least

he actually acknowledges my presence, even if it is with a slightly
awkward smile and blush. He's not the one treating me like I'm a speck of
dust. I grab the remote to pause teen wolf, sitting up from my slouch on
Violet's couch. Violet utters a mumble of protest at the sudden
seriousness. "He hasn't spoken to me in a week," I mumble, grabbing a few
gummy bears and avoiding eye contact. "I don't know what's up with him."

"So why haven't you asked him?" Violet asks me incredulously, nose
wrinkled in confusion. We're at her house currently, having a sleepover.
The scent of nail varnish and microwave popcorn is pungent in the air-
the smells of a night filled with chick flicks, hot guys on TV and girly
gossip. I'm far from a girly girl, but nights like this are what keep me
sane. Sometimes a girl just needs to feel a little bit of beautiful,
drool at some cute guys and unload her feelings with her best friend.
It's one of the reasons I love Violet so much.
"I don't know how to approach him," I protest, "He's acting like I don't
even exist!" My voice comes out incredibly whiny and sad, and I have to
fight the urge to shudder at how I'm acting. Why am I so freaking
distressed at this situation? Alec's an annoying jerk, I should be happy
that he's gone. I reach for another gummy bear sulkily, but Violet slaps
my hand away, sitting up herself. An annoying jerk that I'm growing more
and more fond of.

"I'll tell you how to approach him!" Violet huffs, "You go up to him in
school, put your finger on his chest and ask him why he's been treating
you like shit!" Oh she's getting angry now. Whether it is at me or Alec,
I don't know, but she's angry. Seeing my glum expression, Violet's face
softens and she shifts closer to me, shoving the pillows from our Teen
Wolf marathon out of the way. "You really like him don't you?" She
murmurs, and my head snaps up. "You do, I can tell just from the way you
are now Riley." She mutters, "I know you just that well."

My head spins. Do I like Alec Ryder? I wouldn't know- it's been years
since I've last liked a boy, and that didn't exactly turn out well. What
are the symptoms of having a crush? Does my heart beat faster when he's
talking to me? Kind of- it's more like a buzz of happiness though. Does
he give me tingles when I touch him? I think back to when we were holding
hands. Yes. Do I think about him a lot? Well...yes. Do I like Alec Ryder?
"Yes," I breathe out, my face creased into a frown. My head snaps up and
I look Violet in the eye. "I do, don't I? I like Alec Ryder."

"Indeed you do," Violet cracks a smile, settling back into the cushions
and reaching for the popcorn. I groan, slapping a hand to my head and
cursing a little under my breath. This was not a part of the plan. I was
supposed to be friends with him, not have a crush on him! I knew the
dangers of falling for a playboy, and I've always felt sympathetic for
the girls that fall to their feet. Now I've become one of them. I'm no
longer unique, no longer different. I'm just another one of his fan
girls. I cringe at that thought. Nope, definitely not a fan girl. At
least I have that to rely on: I will never be one of his fan girls. But
is that why Alec's been treating me differently? Am I just another play
thing for him?

Have I come to my expiry date?

"Oh shoot," I mumble, cringing into the couch, "I'm so stupid. I like
"It's okay," Violet soothes me, "People get crushes: it's natural. You're
just distressing because you don't know how any of this works anymore.
The last time you had a crush; it was on your childhood sweetheart."
That's true. I nod and reach for more popcorn, sinking further into the
cushions. He can't like me back. I'm definitely not his type. His type is
tanned, leggy blondes- he's told me enough times for me to remember.
Guess I'll just have to suck it up and get over it.

"What about Dylan?" Violet asks me, changing the subject to try and
distract me. I don't think that's going to work- it'll be all I ever
think about now.

"Well he at least acknowledges me, so that's a start. I just hope the

awkwardness doesn't last for much longer. I don't know how to act around
him anymore," I explain, shoving popcorn in my mouth. "What about you?
How's library boy?"

"Martin?" Violet blushes, "He's really good thank you." I give her a
look, gesturing for her to spill, and a lovesick grin spreads across her
face. I've never seen Violet have a crush before- this is so strange.
"He's really sweet Riley," She groans, "But you know me. I don't really
do long relationships. This is like throwing a tiny, tiny fish into a
huge pond. I don't know what I'm doing; I'm just kind of going with the
flow, hoping something good comes out of it."

"Wait, what? You two are dating?!"

"Yeah, he asked me out today," She smiles shyly, "I was planning on
calling you earlier, but I figured I could just tell you here instead." A
grin spreads over my face, and I leap over the cushions and blankets to
tackle her into a hug. "That's amazing Violet! I'm so happy for you!" The
popcorn bowl rolls to the side of the couch, before landing loudly on the
floor. Popcorn scatters everywhere, but luckily the bowl doesn't break.
Violet beams back at me. I don't think I've ever seen her this buzzed
before; she must really like this guy.

"Get your fat ass off me and clear up that mess," Violet groans,
playfully swatting me with her hand.

I clamber off her, sticking my tongue out. "What a pair we are," I joke,
"Two tiny fish in two big ponds."
"Got that right."


I stare through the window, scowling at the curtains of the opposite

sill. He hasn't opened those curtains for a freaking week! I don't know
what I've done wrong. I turn my glare to my laptop again. I should be
doing my homework, but I can't seem to concentrate on anything else but
Alec freaking Ryder. Why does he have to be such a jerk? And why do I
have to like him? He's bad for me, I know that. Is he expecting me just
to go along with him treating me like shit? To act like I'm lucky to have
hung out with him for a limited period of time? He's got to frigging
think again if he does.

"Riley, can I ask you something?" My mom asks, walking into my room.
There's something called knocking these days. I swear no-one seems to
know the meaning of that word anymore.

"What's up mom?" I sigh, spinning around in my desk chair. She perches

on the end of the bed, offering me a small smile. Uh oh, what's she done?
She's trying to warm up to me, I know that smile.

"I have a dinner coming up with some founders of the surgery. It's a
scheme to relationships down at the surgery, and try and persuade our
founders them into paying into the expansion of the building. It allows
the founders to ask any questions about the expansion in a relaxed and
comfortable setting, before we move onto the presentation." She says, "I
would appreciate it if you would be there with me. The organisers thought
it would be a good idea if it was a family thing, so Jack will be coming
too, alongside some other children. They'll be hanging out in the kids
area, but obviously you'll be staying with the adults."

"Right," I say, "So you want me to come to another work dinner with you?
That's fine mom."

"But it's not just a work dinner," She explains, "This is an upper class
dinner held at a country club. We need to get this money, or there will
be no expansion. We'll have to get you a decent dress, and you'll need to
be polite. Also, you'll need a date because there will be dancing." Her
eyes are wide and pleading with me, "Please Riley. I really need you to

"A date?" I echo, "Can't I just bring Violet? I haven't got anyone else
to go with."

"Well, I've been speaking with Marie and-"

"Please say you didn't."

"Nothing's finalised," She reassures me, smiling slightly. "But Marie is

going to be there too, and Alec will be required to attend. Millie might
be a bit too young though. We just thought it was easier if you two went
together, rather than having two different dates, per say. Plus, you two
are close and we know that we can rely on you both to be sensible and act
polite to our guests." Alec? Sensible? I'd pay to see that. "We haven't
asked Alec yet; we wanted to get some confirmation off you first. Would
you be okay with that?"

"It's not that I wouldn't be okay with it," I groan, "It's just that I
haven't spoken to Alec in a week and one day mom. He's ignoring me like
I'm some kind of disease. I'm pretty sure it won't go down to well if
he's asked to be my date to a country club."

"He's still being off with you?" Mom frowns, "Why?"

"Beats me. You can ask him if you want, but I'm steering well clear of
that tool."

"Tool? What's happened?" Mom frowns, "Is there something you aren't
telling me?"



"Riley..." She trails off, giving me a warning look, "Tell me what's


"Nothing mom," I sigh, "It just hurts that the guy I like is ignoring
That wasn't so subtle, was it?

"I knew it!" She whoops, "I knew you liked him!" She stands up
excitedly, cheeks flushed.

"Shut up! Are you forgetting that he lives less than three metres away
from us, mom?! Be quiet!"

"Oh." Realisation crosses her face. "Sorry about that." She plays with
her bracelet awkwardly for a second, but it's not long before the
excitement returns. "But I'm so glad you like him, Riley! He's a lovely

Lovely? About as lovely as a dead hippo's interglutal cleft, maybe.

"Whatever mom, he needs to sort things out with me and apologise."

"He will. Things will work themselves out sweetie, don't you worry." She
kisses me on the forehead, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some
paperwork to fill out. I'll have a word with Marie about the country club
issue...see if she can find out what Alec thinks about taking you as a
date." She pauses at the door for a second, glancing back at me with a
cheeky grin, "I totally ship Rilec." And then she exits the room, leaving
me sat here with my jaw slackened on the floor. My mom ships us? I didn't
even realise she knew what a ship was!

As if knowing what I'm thinking, mom shouts teasingly back to me. "I'm
down with the kids, mofo!"

Face palm.

Preferably with a red hot,


iron bar.

Yeah I know, I know. Not the best chapter in the world, but hey ho- I
hope you like it anyway.


Chapter 17// A change in the air

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

"So Riley was texting me the other night," Joe states, shooting me a
sharp look. "She said you haven't even acknowledged her presence all
week. What's up with that brah? I thought you guys were friends." I shift
uncomfortably at Joe's statement, my hands gripping the handles of the
foosball players so tightly that the knuckles turn white. I don't meet
his eye, of course. You need to stop ignoring her. You're going to lose
her altogether if you do. I stare furiously down at the foosball game as
I try to concentrate, watching as Dylan makes his shot, but my mind is
focused elsewhere. Dylan kissed her. Dylan kissed Riley.

My brain needs to learn when to shut up.

I need to relax, to get her out of my mind for a bit because truthfully,
she hasn't strayed far from it at any time this week. I can't get that
damned kiss out of my head. It's freaking haunting me. Do you think she
likes Dylan? I glance up at him, assessing the angel blonde haired boy.
At least I haven't heard that they're dating or anything. Maybe she
doesn't like him back? Nothing's come from the kiss. Well...not that I
know of. I still don't feel comfortable talking to her though. Surely
it's best if I stay away from her. It would help me get over her, right?
It's not like I have a chance anyway: she thinks I'm annoying douche.
Don't blame her to be perfectly honest.

Although I am an incredibly sexy annoying douche. That should boost me up

some points.

"Dude," Chase claps me on the back, frowning, "You just missed the prime
opportunity to score. What's on your mind?" I sigh, relaxing the tense
muscles in my back that are taut with stress. Why can't I get her out of
my head? Because you like her dumbass, is that an obvious question? I
grumble under my breath, stepping away from the foosball table to
collapse on the couch. Joe looks up at me from his phone, frowning as he
sees my disgruntled face.

Oh aren't the boys just full of concern today? The day I just want
everyone to p***off with their questions: I'm torturing myself enough as
it is. I need a distraction.

"Come on dude, since when do we keep secrets?" Chase crosses his arms on
his chest, glaring at me. "You're acting like you've committed a freaking
crime. Jeez, just tell us already. We're your best mates, and you've been
a PMSing preteen all week." Joe nods from the opposite couch, supporting
him. I'm not going to win this, am I? I swear a guy can never have his
secrets anymore.

"I like her, alright?" I growl, shooting Dylan a piercing glare, "I like
Riley Greene." I'm not going to keep anything from my bros: we're like
one big f*cked up family. Unexpectedly though, after a second for the
information to sink in, Chase cheers loudly and beats his chest. "Joe-
you owe me fifty big ones. Hand it over man." What? I look on
confusedlyas Joe curses, shooting me a glance before he fishes in his
back pocket for his wallet. Meanwhile, Dylan does the same. What the
frick. I watch the scene, outraged as it all sinks in.

"You guys gambled on me?!"

"I prefer to think of it as a potential investment," Joe winks, "Which I

just happened to lose. The other week we were betting on how long you
would take to realise you had a crush on her. Chase said two weeks. I
said a month. Dylan said longer." I want to frigging castrate these guys.
They knew I liked Riley and they never told me? What happened to the bro-
code? I'd like to ask Dylan that very same question, actually. "Wait," I
mutter, looking up at Dylan, "So you kissed Riley, even though you knew I
liked her? What the hell, man?"

"You kissed Riley?" Chase turns to Dylan, and Joe's jaw drops at the
news. Wow, this is like a freaking soap opera. Dylan shifts uncomfortably
under all of the accusing gazes, staring at his converse clad feet to
avoid staring any of us in the eyes. "Yeah, I kissed her," He admits
reluctantly, "Not like she kissed me back anyway. She doesn't like me
like that. I'm sorry dude," He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly
as he looks up at me; "It was an experiment. I have a small crush on
her...I just wanted to see, I guess."

"Low move bro," I mutter, shaking my head. "But...whatever. It's in the

past. Gotta move on." Chase raises his eyebrows at me and wipes a fake
tear from his eye, as though he's impressed, and I scowl. What? I can be
a good person you know. If Riley was here, she'd scoff at that statement
in the most unlady-like way possible but I need to get Riley out of my
head.Jeez, one week after I realise I had a crush on her I've turned into
an effing clingy douche.This girl is messing with my head, and she isn't
even trying to.
"So," Chase wriggles his eyebrows at me, sliding onto the couch "Riley
Greene, eh? Good catch there mate." I roll my eyes at him. Now that I've
told him, I'll never hear the end of this, I can just tell. Chase is just
that kind of guy. I'm not going to moan about how she doesn't like me:
guys just don't talk about stuff like that, despite Chase's probing. I'm
just going to nod my head until the whole subject blows over, because I
really don't feel comfortable professing my crush on Riley and going into
all the gory details. Definitely not. That would just be weird.

"Yup, and I would appreciate it if you guys would stop talking about
her," I mutter lowly, glaring at my hands. "Can't you see I'm trying to
get over her here? It's not like I want to have a crush on her: she
thinks I'm a douche anyway."

"That's why you're ignoring her?!" Joe asks me incredulously, "Dude.

There's no chance she'll like you back if you act like she doesn't exist!
You're being a jerk- go and speak to her!" Oh like he's such a love

"Joe's right for the first time ever," Chase nods his head, "Do you not
want to date her or something? I mean, I'm no sap, but you guys are
effing made for each other. You're giving up all of your hope by ignoring
her: she'll never like you if you carry on like this." Chase shakes his
head thoughtfully, "Plus isn't that Toby guy her ex? What if he wants
some more of her?" My fists tighten at the thought. I know what that
pr*ck did to her. She can do way better than him.

Why does Riley make everything so frigging confusing? I groan and cover
my eyes as I sink back into the couch. Even my friends think I'm doing
the wrong thing. She thinks I'm a jerk, but we have moments where it's
kind of like we're friends. We've got kind of a love-hate relationship
going on, only replace the 'love' part with 'can just about stand each
other'. The thing is, if I carry on ignoring her, I'm going to lose that
part completely and we'll just carry on like we never met. Like I never
stole her bra, and she never broke into my bedroom, and all that other
shit that's happened since then. It will be sad to lose that. But you can
get over her if you continue, Alec. You can carry on living your bad boy
bachelor days.

But eventually, even bad boys need to settle down a little bit.

"I hate you guys," I chuckle darkly, removing my hands from my eyes and
standing up. "Quit messing with my head, would you? I've got enough shiz
stirring up here to last a lifetime, I don't need any more." I sigh, "I'm
going to go and talk to Riley. See if I can at least make up for some of
my asshole qualities." I grab my hoodie, slide my phone into my pocket
and head towards the stairs leading up from Dylan's basement, ignoring
the knowing expressions burning holes into my back.

"And they call it puppy loveeee," I hear Chase sing to himself behind me,
backed up with Joe's chuckling. It takes every muscle I have to ignore
the instinct of turning around to thump them. I'll just wait until they
get a crush. We'll see whose laughing then. I smirk to myself knowingly
and swing open the front door. Riley might not forgive me, but it's at
least worth a shot.


I watch her as she studies at her desk, and I'm unsure of quite how to
approach the situation. Normally I'd just head over to my window seat and
call her name casually before proceeding to annoy her, but I have the
feeling that won't suffice this time. I probably need to soften her up a
little bit first. After all, we haven't spoken in a week, and I've been a
bit of an asshole to her. I shuffle awkwardly and run my hands through my
hair, letting out a small sigh of apprehension. This is so awkward. She's
going to think I'm desperate. A desperate jerk. "Hey Riley," I finally
say, shoving my hands sheepishly in my back pockets as I walk to the

I watch her head snap up to look at me, and an accusing glare is directed
straight at me. "Oh so you're talking to me now then?" I wince at her
sharp tone. My god, I'm such a coward. I can't even look Riley in the
eye, for Christ's sake. I dare to take a look, but she's studiously
ignoring me luckily, and my eyes run over her as she works. She's sat
cosily in a pair of black and white striped cotton short pyjamas with
some white fluffy slipper boots. No makeup and her hair is tied into a
high ponytail, yet she still manages to look you know, good. I guess
that's why so many girls are jealous of her.

"Can we talk? I need to tell you something."

She lets out an irritated sigh as I climb onto my windowsill. I don't

wait for a reply, obviously. Slowly I begin to clamber over into her
room, stretching over the gap precariously. This is something I've been
doing more and more often recently. Well, before the day at the beach
anyway. "What do you want Alec?" She sighs as I enter her room, and I
head straight to her desk, leaning over her shoulder to see what she's
studying. My hands rest on the top of her chair comfortably, and she
freezes at the gesture. Math. I scrunch my nose up at the sight of the
equations, stepping back to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry for ignoring you,"
I say awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh really?" Riley asks monotonously, carrying on studying as though I

just told her the weather was nice, rather than putting my dignity on the
line to apologise. I scowl at the back of her head. Does she not realise
that guys don't apologise often? I mean I know I was an asshole to her,
but she could at least acknowledge my apology. Or is that exactly the
point? Is she playing me at my own game? Ugh, smartass Greene. "Riley,"
I mumble uncomfortably, "I really am sorry. Talk to me, Greene."

She hesitates, before spinning around in her chair and giving me a

dubious look. "You're a son of a biscuit," She states simply, "And a
grasshole. And every other name I can't think of right now. But I'll
forgive you out of the loveliness of my heart." She catches my smile
beginning to grow, cutting it off with a mischievous smirk. "On one
"What?" Suspicion is beginning to set in now. What is she planning?

"I need you to come with me for something," She bites her lip, her sudden
mischievous aura morphing into a doubtful and insecure anxiety. "You've
heard about that evening at the country club, right? Well, do you know
that our mom's want us to go together? Apparently we need a date...
Anyway, do you think you could come with me? I haven't really got anyone
else to go with, plus you're going anyway..." As she spots my growing
smirk, she hurriedly covers up. "This is not me asking you out on a date
by the way. This is just to make my mom happy."

"Oh sure," I wink, "Just for your mom. Well I must say, it's not a common
occurrence that I get asked out on a date by a girl. Usually they're
desperate enough to skip that part just for the sex. But if you're
willing to go that extra mile just for me, I'm not going to refuse..."
"Shut up," She defends, leaning over to swat me on the chest, "You owe
me, Alec Ryder. All we have to do is try not to rip each other's throats
out for one night, okay? Just for my mom."

I roll my eyes dramatically, "Your mom loves me: no wonder she asked you
to take me out. She probably just wanted to drool over me all night. I
guess I'll have to go."

"That's my mom you're talking about," Riley wrinkles her nose, disgusted,

"It is. Try not to get too jealous though. I can assure you that cougars
aren't my type," I wink at her, "The younger models are more my kind of
thing." My god, I'm flirting with her. Jeez, what the hell am I doing?
She already thinks I'm a pervert, now she's going to think I'm a creep
too. Way to make an impression, Alec. Before she can comment on me
hitting on her, I hastily reach into my pocket for the paper bag,
chucking it at her. Oh look at that, guess I'm giving her the bracelet
now.Well here goes nothing.

"This was something I bought at the beach," I grimace, "It's kind of an

apology gift now though."

Riley's mouth pops open softly, and she looks down at the small paper bag
in her hands. "Is it a stink bomb? Poison? Are you trying to kill me?"
She looks up at me, squinting suspiciously. Trust her to think that I'm
trying to kill her.

"None of the above. Just open it Riley."

Cautiously, she opens up the bag and the bracelet slides onto her palm.
My chest constricts as I watch her reaction. I shouldn't have given it to
her. She's going to think I'm a creep. Her jaw lapses as she registers
what the gift is, and she looks up at me with wide and happy eyes. "Thank
you- it's beautiful!" A breath I didn't even realise I was holding is
released. She likes it. She doesn't think I'm a creep. She unclasps the
bracelet and slides it onto her wrist, attempting to do it up one handed.

"Let me do it," I roll my eyes, "Little miss impatient." I take her wrist
in my hands and with fumbly fingers, do up the clasp over her porcelain
skin. I'm acting like it's a bloody ring. It's no big deal: it's a six
dollar bracelet that I brought from a surf shack. I need to stop acting
like I'm living in a romance story. Grow a pair and man up, Ryder.

"Oh shush little Mr Sensitive," Riley jokes, "Aren't I a lucky girl? I

expect another week of you ignoring me, but instead I get an apology and
a cute bracelet. What's happening to you Ryder? Since when did you become
such a sappy thing?" Her voice is light and teasing, and I know that
she's forgiven me, which is kind of a relief. Plus at the moment, she's
not growling at me like she wants to rip my head off. I should buy her
stuff more often.

She has a point though. The old Alec Ryder would never do something like
this. She's changing me. Whether it's for the better or the worse, I
don't know. "Shut up Greene," I roll my eyes, "I've still got your bra, I
hope you realise."

Yep. Still got her bra, and already planning my next prank. Oh this
should be fun.



"Are you freaking kidding me?" I stare blankly at the couple making out
on Violet and I's table as I head towards it, my lunch clutched firmly in
my hand so that I don't drop my precious food. We decided not to go to
the library today, for a change, and this is what I find waiting for me?!
Violet breaks off with geek guy as she registers my voice.

"Oh hey Riley. Meet Martin. Martin this is Riley." She looks up at the
swollen-lipped nerdy parasite with gooey eyes and I have to fight the
urge to gag. Oh this is disgusting. I never thought Violet would be one
for public displays of affection, but hey, she's already leaning in to
kiss him again. Way to make me feel like a third wheel. I clear my throat
loudly as I sit down, but the couple ignore me as they continue to feed
off each other's faces. Violet's hands run through his hair, and their
faces are pressed so tightly together that his glasses have twisted
awkwardly across his cheekbones. Fun lunchtime for me then. I mutter
profanities under my breath, taking my orange juice bottle and gulping
down some of the liquid as I glance around the cafeteria awkwardly. I
don't know where to look. If I look at them for two long, I'll just be
that awkward creep that won't stop staring. Not to mention that it'll put
me off my food.

"You look lonely," Joe's voice laughs from nearby, and I spin around-
grateful for the distraction. Chase and Dylan trail behind Joe and Alec,
and I watch as they all focus on my situation, laughs escaping their
perfectly sculptured lips. I'm surprised these guys don't model for
Calvin Klein or something. It almost hurts my eyes to have that much
perfect all in one place.

"Poor Riley," Alec snorts, "She's not getting any action."

I shoot him an icy glare which just makes him laugh more. Joe slides into
the seat beside me, and I turn to him surprised. Well at least I won't
look like a loner anymore. Chase sits opposite me, next to Geek guy, and
Alec slides in on my other side, whilst Dylan drags up a chair. Almost
immediately, I can feel the whole of the student body zone onto us. Ah.
The downsides of sitting with the most popular guys in school. I can see
girls whispering, and guys pointing inconspicuously and I feel more and
more uncomfortable by the second. Meanwhile, the boys laugh with each
other completely obliviously. How do they not notice? Maybe they've
gotten used to it? I wrinkle my nose thoughtfully. I don't think I could
ever get used to it, personally.

"Er, hi," Chase says awkwardly to the happy couple, his nose wrinkled and
hand waving to try and get their attention. Violet pulls back instantly,
her face flushing red as her and Martin shuffle away from each other
awkwardly. She shoots me a look, but I just shrug. What? I wasn't going
to stop them from sitting here. It's not my fault if she was too busy
playing tonsil tennis with her nerdy boyfriend.

"Hi, I'm Violet," She introduces herself to the boys, not shy at all like
I would be. "Riley's punky and all round amazing best friend. Nice to
meet you." How she does that astounds me...I would be terrified. I watch
the boys' reactions closely, and they seem a little awkward and
intimidated by her appearance. To be honest, she terrified me too when I
first met her. That thick kohl eyeliner and newly dyed red spiky hair is
enough to cause anyone to take a second look. I think that's what she's
aiming for though: she's bold and she has enough confidence to be like
that, whereas I really don't. Without the makeup, she's practically an
alien to me now.

"Hi," Joe smiles a little awkwardly, "Dylan and I have seen you before,
yeah? The angry chick by Riley's locker." I chuckle at the way he
explains it, remembering the memory fondly. I hadn't told Violet about
the bra incident, and she was angry at me, pestering me to tell her. Joe
and Dylan had been stood watching us so awkwardly. It's funny to me now,
although at the time I was just plain scared that she was going to boil
my insides. She would've done that, if I hadn't have gone into such
detail of the story in math. Good times, good times.

"That's me," She laughs, "The crazy chick." Dylan cracks a smile at this,
although Chase and Alec are exchanging strange glances. I forgot that
they weren't there.

"So Martin," I say, winking at Violet. "How long have you liked my best
"Um, I think I'm going to go," Martin flushes red, standing up from the
table and escaping as quickly as possible, barely pausing to even say
goodbye to Violet, despite the face-feasting session they had previously
shared. Violet groans as he darts away, turning to me with an accusing
glare. "You scared him off Riley!"
"Really? I was pretty sure it was Alec's face that scared him off," I
roll my eyes at the grinning boy beside me, turning back to Violet. "But
then again, it could have been yours."
"Is he not adorable though?"

I'm about to reply with another snarky comment, but Dylan cuts me off
with a chuckle. "I have the feeling we're interrupting girl talk, guys. I
kind of want to hear the gossip though."

"Yeah, tell us the gossip babes," Joe leans in eagerly, teasing us, and I
swat him playfully.

Feeling my eyes on my back, I freeze before turning around to survey the

scene. Toby walks past us a few metres behind, and his eyes are locked
onto mine. Not this again. Why will he not leave me alone? Have I not
made it absolutely crystal clear that I want nothing to do with him?!
Alec stiffens beside me, so I'm guessing he's seen too, and then he
slowly slings an arm around my shoulder which makes Toby's eyes narrow.
Uh oh, not another dominance fight. I turn back to face the table, glad
to see that Violet and the boys are too busy disputing Werewolves vs
Vampires to notice the focus of Alec and I's attention. How did they
change subject so quickly? After a second, Alec turns back to face the
front as well, although his demeanour has definitely changed. His arms
slides slowly from my shoulders, and I miss the warm buzz of comfort that
it brought.

"Are you kidding me? Werewolves are so much better!" Violet argues, "I
mean take Edward Cullen as an example. He sparkles. That's hardly big-bad
vampire material is it? That dude has ruined the reputation of vampires.
Werewolves are so much hotter, plus the whole full moon thing just makes
them so much cooler too." I agree. I mean, have these guys not seen the
Teen Wolf actors? Drool.
"What about Dracula?" Dylan retorts, shaking his head. "Dracula is a
legend, one of the classics. You don't see any classic werewolf stories
do you? Vampires have been around so much longer."
"Exactly!" Chase argues, "Vampires are old man. Werewolves are fresh."
He slaps the table to emphasise his point, as though he's just ended the
debate, which makes me laugh.

"Excuse me," A voice interrupts our debate, and I look to the side to see
a pretty brunette girl stood there, hand on her hip and flanked by a
petite blonde. The brunette wears a pair of incredibly skinny jeans and a
short top, revealing her belly. Not one of Tiana's minions, I don't
think, but almost at that level. "Hi," She smiles at Alec, fluttering her
thickly mascaraed eyelashes, "I just wanted to give you my number,
because you seem like a really nice guy."
What? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.No way does she want to
give Alec her number because he looks like a nice guy. She pauses to
flick her hair behind her shoulder, leaning in towards him seductively.
"I'm free tonight if you want to come around...?" She murmurs quietly. I
snort quietly to restrain my sarcastic remark. I'm sorry, but just how
obvious can you get? We all know what she said, judging by Joe's eye roll
and Chase's irritated sigh. He must get this a lot. Why do I feel a
twinge of jealousy when I think that?
"Er no thanks," Alec coughs, blushing a little, and I think we all turn
to stop and stare. Alec Ryder is denying a hook up?What the hell is up
with him?!

"Your loss," The girl leans back, her flirty aura turning cold and angry
as she flounces away with the blonde girl in tow. Meanwhile, I'm still
choking on my saliva from what Alec said. Is he serious? He's probably
already got a hook up booked- that's got to be it, right?
"I'm sorry but did I just hear that right?" Joe questions him, mouth
agape, "You're denying a hook up?" Well at least I know I wasn't
imagining things now, and that Alec actually did just deny a hot girl.

"Dude," Chase coughs out a laugh, leaning over the table to slap Alec on
the forearm, "When was the last time you got laid?" Do I really want to
know this? I share a look with Violet, wrinkling my nose.

"Alec's not getting any," Joe sings, laughing and I chuckle quietly along
with him.

"Shut up," Alec mutters, blushing the tiniest bit. "I got laid last night
for your information."
Lie. Last night, after Alec gave me the bracelet, we talked for a bit
longer before he went back home. He was studying: I know it myself,
because he kept making teasing remarks at me through the phone. He's
lying to them, jerk face.

"Well I don't know about you guys," Dylan smirks, "But I don't believe
What the hell is up with Alec?!


"Hey Riley."

"What?" I look across the window at Alec, frowning. He's lying on his
side on his window seat, wriggling his eyebrows at me mischievously. He
does that a lot, and usually that means he's up to something. What's he

"You must be tired after everything we did in my dream last night," He


Oh no. "Not this again."

"You and I are like buttcheeks. Although there's crap between us, we
always stick together."
"Oh my god," I face palm, laughing loudly. These keep getting better and

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."

"Shut up Alec," I laugh, "Please. You're going to give me a stitch."

"Let's play Winnie the Pooh. Let me get my nose stuck in your honey jar."
I can't even muster up words for this one, I'm laughing so hard.

"Do you work in Subway? Because you just gave me a foot long."

On second thoughts, maybe Alec hasn't changed that much after all.


I watch Alec move around in the opposite room, my stomach wringing itself
with nerves as he continues obliviously. I need to tell someone. I can't
keep this in for much longer. I glance down at the lock screen for my
phone. The message is still printed in bold letters, a notification I'd
rather not receive. Toby Charlton wants to be friends with you on
Facebook. Why won't it disappear? Is it just me or is it lasting longer
than any of my other notifications? My palms are sweating, and I slowly
wipe them on my jeans.

I'm going to tell Alec. It's the right thing to do: I need to tell
someone after all these years of bottling it up inside of me. Violet
knows most of the story, but not quite all of it. She knows the basic
outline of everything that happened. I'm planning on calling her around
after school to tell her in more detail, but for now I just want to see
how this works out first.

I don't know why I'm telling Alec to be honest. I'm being the worst best
friend in the whole world by not telling Violet first, but she knows most
of it anyway. Plus...I don't know, there's an instinct inside of me that
wants to tell Alec.

I want to tell him about what happened. Every gory detail. I need to get
this out in the open with him, because I don't want him to find out in
any way other than from my lips. I really, really like him.

"Alec," I call roughly, catching his attention. "I need to tell you
something." My voice cracks on the last word.

I need to tell you the whole story.

Chapter 18// The Whole Story

"I need to tell you the whole story."

Alec knows what I mean instantly, and his eyes widen at my nervously
intertwined fingers. Cautiously, he comes up to his window and clambers
out into the night, whilst I lean back to sit on the bed. I can't believe
I'm doing this. Imagine what he'll think. I take a dry gulp as Alec
finally manages to clamber through my window, and he approaches me slowly
as though he's afraid I'll snap at him or start crying or something. I am
so unpredictable to him. "It's okay," I reassure him, "You can sit down
if you want." Alec says nothing as he takes a seat, and I can't deny that
I'm surprised that he knew that I didn't want him to say anything. At
least he's being sensitive about this. He probably knows it's a big deal
to me.

"A short year after I was born," I clear my throat, "My mum got pregnant
with a baby girl."

Shut up. Tell him to get out. Do you really want to tell him this?

"She was gorgeous and healthy, with ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes,
and my parents completely adored her. They named her Kaitlin." I let out
a breath. There's no going back now. It's out in the open. I knit my
fingers together before continuing into the story, sitting on my hands to
stop them from shaking. "Kaitlin and I grew up as two quite different
healthy children. Both quite small and slight, only I had auburn ringlets
inherited from mom and she had my father's mousy brown locks. We both had
bright blue eyes, which is why people said that we looked alike, despite
our hair colours."

"The third child was Jack. He was born when I was eight, and Kaitlin was
seven. I'd like to say that we were the three closest siblings that the
world had ever seen, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. All siblings
fight, and our case was no different. Kaitlin and I both had asthma, and
Jack had a nut allergy, but other than that we were all completely
healthy. Seemingly perfect kids." I close my eyes in preparation for the
next part. I don't think I can do this. "Four years after Jack was born,
my sister got lung cancer. She was eleven at the time."

I hear Alec's sharp intake of breath, and it's enough to bring tears to
my eyes with the memories that flood over me, but I suck it back in. I
don't want to break down. Be strong, Riley. Be strong for her. "We didn't
know when it first began- because most cases don't really experience many
symptoms at the beginning. Besides, she had asthma anyway which made it
hard to tell a difference. We were alerted to it when Kaitlin got a lasted for weeks on end. She was constantly breathless and we
took her to the Doctor, who said that she simply had a mild chest
infection. He gave us some tablets for her, and shrugged her off. He was
"In the third week, my mom took Kaitlin to the hospital. They examined
her and I think when they heard that the prescribed tablets hadn't been
working, they realised that something worse was wrong with Kaitlin. They
ran some scans, and the doctor came back in with a grave expression on
his face. I remember it like it was yesterday. He told me that there was
a nurse outside handing out sweeties to the kids in the ward, and for me
to bring Jack to go and get some. When I came back in, my parents were
sobbing." I swallow roughly, ignoring Alec's eyes on my face. Be strong.
"They said that the tumour was had only been there a month,
which made it easier for us to combat it because it was young. Kaitlin
simply smiled sadly when she heard the was like she already
expecting it. And for a twelve year old girl who thought she was going to
lose her sister; that only made me cry harder."

I let loose a breath I didn't even realise I was holding, clenching my

fingers together for support.

"Kaitlin responded to the treatment for remarkably well. The medication

she took meant that she was weak, but able to do a lot of things. She
still had all her hair, and she was happy. The only thing that ever
reminded me that she did in fact have cancer was when she'd cough up
blood...Mom would say the same thing every time. 'Riley, be a good girl
and go and play with Jack. Mommy's having a talk with Kaitlin'. Of
course, I knew that it wasn't just a talk and I think Jack did too. We
heard the sounds, and the soothing words but we carried on playing
together anyway. We were terrified of the truth...that sometimes despite
how well she looked, she was deceptively ill."

I swallow my dry saliva, assessing my dry cheeks. I can do this. C'mon

Riley, just a little bit further.

"Every few weeks, sometimes more, Kaitlin would miss a day of school to
go for a check-up at the hospital so they could monitor the tumour and
its size. For a year, it stayed the roughly the same. We thought she was
going to be okay, "I choke out the last word. "Do you remember when I
said Toby was my childhood sweetheart? My best friend?"

Alec nods.

"Well he wasn't just mine. Toby, Kaitlin and I...well we were

inseparable, to say the least. The three musketeers. Cliché, I know, but
true. Kaitlin and I, we both had crushes on Toby. He was seemingly
perfect. Even when Kaitlin was in hospital, we'd bring our games and
stuff and play them on her hospital bed to cheer her up. In the end
though...he chose me. Kaitlin didn't mind that much, although she might
have been playing it off to hide her true feelings. So it was Toby and I,
and her. But it never separated us. He was stupid. He should've chosen
her, I know."

One look at Alec's fisted hands, and I know he's thinking of Toby and
what he did to me. I grab one of his hands in my shaking one, squeezing
on his wrist for comfort. I need to tell someone. I need to let this out.
Most of all, I need Alec to be there for me for this next part.

"A few months before her fourteenth birthday, she had to drop out of
school. Her condition had become severe, with the tumour spreading to her
blood system and heart. We knew she only had limited time left, and we
tried to spend it wisely with her. She could've had chemotherapy, but we
couldn't afford some of the extreme treatment that she needed. Besides,
she didn't want it- she insisted that she was ready, and she was happy.
This was last year," I wring my hands, my eyes crinkling in agony. "She
died a week after her fourteenth birthday, on the tenth of March. I was
fifteen, and Jack was seven."

Alec's small intake of breath alerts me back out of my daze, and I'm
suddenly aware of the water that's spilled from my eyes despite me trying
to be strong. It's a raw wound. She died last year. "Hey," He murmurs,
wrapping his arms around me to enclose me into a firm hug. Telling him
has opened up some old wounds, and I let out a strangled sob as I bury
myself in his arms. He smells like vanilla, and cologne and it's mouth-
watering, but I can' concentrate on that right now. What happened to
being strong? I guess that went out of the window, but who can blame me

"You know the rest," I pull back, wiping my eyes to rid myself of the
tears stinging my cheeks. I daren't look Alec in the eye, I'm so
humiliated. "Dad had already left just after Jack was born, but he was
notified. He came to the funeral, and said his goodbyes. His monthly
visits weren't enough, and he knew that, I could see it from the guilt in
his eyes. The look of shame...I'll never forget it." I grit my teeth as
the image enters my head. "I'm not going to say something stupid like I
didn't cry, because that would definitely not be true. I took the hit
hard, as did mom and Jack...and Toby. So he cheated on me and got a girl
pregnant by the age of sixteen. Then he moved away to Chicago nine months
ago, leaving me and my shattered heart behind."

I chuckle bitterly. "Now he's back, and after nine months of me, mum and
Jack trying to avoid the topic because it hurts so much less, he's
brought all those memories back. He wants another chance," I mutter, "But
he should've chosen her."
He should've chosen her.

"I...I don't know what to say," Alec says quietly, "Thank you for telling
me...And Riley? I'm so sorry about your sister, and Toby. Those are
things that a sixteen year old girl should never have to go through.
You've probably heard this a million times...But I'm glad you opened up
to me. Shit, I suck at long speeches," He chuckles dryly, "Just...hang
on. We'll keep you away from Toby. Kaitlin died happily, and she loved
you. Don't ever feel guilty about Toby. That's his problem, not yours."

"Thankyou for listening," I reply quietly, chuckling slightly. "Sorry for

getting tears on your shirt. It was a good job I'm not wearing mascara,
isn't it?" My dull attempt of humour sucks, but Alec feigns a laugh
anyway. It was good that I got that off my chest. I feel...relieved? No,
that's not the word. I don't know how to describe it, but it's just
lighter. I'd had that holed up in my chest for a very long time and
trusting somebody like that makes me feel loved. I knew Alec wouldn't be
a jerk about it, I never even thought for a second that he would, but
seeing his reactions to my heartfelt confessions just proves it even
more. There's something inside Alec Ryder...a warmth, below the shell of
cocky bad boy, that's slowly coming out. Alec's changing as I get to know
him better, and slowly I'm getting to see more and more of the sweetheart
coming out, not the bad boy.

And so far? I like what I see.


"What have you got first?" I ask Alec conversationally as we walk into
school together, clutching my folder to my chest. My hair is thrown up
into a braided bun, and a few loose strands tickle my ear playfully. I
know what you're thinking. Since when do I make an effort? Well the
simple answer to that would be that my mom did it, and I thought it
looked nice. Well that was until she made a silly remark about me trying
to impress Alec, that is. No girly gossip time for her this evening,
patronising son of a barnacle.

"I have media," Alec replies smoothly, adjusting his back pack. A beanie
rests on his curls, and honestly? This boy is like the freaking surface
of the sun hot wearing that thing. It's making it very hard to
concentrate. I love guys in beanies. I nod my head, humming a little
under my breath as the we join the crowd entering the front doors. I got
a ride in with Alec today, but I had the common sense not to question him
this time. If he doesn't mind embarrassing his reputation for me, then
I'm going to take full advantage of that fact. I breathe a sigh of relief
as we escape the crowd, and automatically we begin heading to my locker.
I think I spend too much time with this guy- he seems to know my daily
schedule better than I do. I didn't even realise he knew where my locker

As we enter the corridor where my locker is, Alec suddenly stiffens

beside me and grabs my forearm in a deathly tight grip. It takes me a few
seconds to realise why. Standing by my locker is Toby Carlton, his
radiant blond hair shining above all others in the corridor. Right next
to him, talking carelessly with him is Joe. Does that mean Joe doesn't
know what Toby did to me? Surely he wouldn't be talking so casually with
Toby if he did. I frown. "C'mon Riley. Let's end this once and for all,"
Alec growls under his breath, tugging me forwards towards my locker. Oh
crap, oh crap- I don't want a confrontation. Please. Judging by the anger
radiating off Alec in thick waves though, it's pretty obvious I'm going
to get one.

"Excuse me," I say politely, dodging between the two boys to reach my
locker. I'm acting calmly as I get my books for the day, but in all
honesty my hands are shaking. Please don't confront him Alec. I wish
Violet were here, she'd have all three guys calmed down and out of my way
within the minute. She's just really good with people.

"Alec Ryder," Toby greets, "Nice to meet the subject of all the
rumours." What is he doing? Does he have a death wish? Anybody who knows
anything about Alec knows that they shouldn't taunt him when he's angry,
which he so obviously is.

"Toby Charlton," Alec replies, voice laced with venom. "I'd say it was
nice to meet you too but that would be a lie. So, just moved here from
Chicago, huh? Was it the escape you needed?" Toby's eyes flicker to mine,
and I stare defiantly back at him. Toby must have realised that I told
Alec, because of flicker of anger crosses his features. He has no right
to be angry, though. It was my choice to tell Alec what happened. Toby
doesn't deserve a say in what I get to tell my friends about the

"Riley," Toby mutters lowly, "Please can I talk to you for a second?
Alone?" He sounds angry, but I'm not going to react to it. I don't care
what he thinks.
"Sorry but I'm not interested Toby," I say through gritted teeth, "Get
away from me."

"Riley please. I try and I try to win you back, and nothing's good
enough. I can't believe you told him!" He grabs my arm harshly and yanks
me towards him, making me stumble. What the hell does he think he's
doing?! Before I've even had time to blink, Alec rips his hand back from
my skin, and the two boys step forward face to face to glare each other
in the eye. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. This is not working out well.

"She said to get away from her," Alec hisses. His eyes are stormy and
deep now, the angriest I've ever seen, and the muscles prominent in his
arms are as taut as live wires. Toby is holding a similar position. One
wrong move, and the whole mining field blows up.

"Guys, take a chill pill okay?" Joe grimaces, attempting to separate the
pair. Even with his muscles though, it makes no difference to the two
conflicting jerk wads facing each other off right now. Until now, Joe has
just been watching the scene confusedly, but the testosterone and
violence thick in the air must have alerted him to his senses. I step up
behind Joe, leaning over to pat Alec's arm. His gaze flickers to mine
quickly but he ignores my pleading expression, focusing back on Toby
again. Jerk.

"I'm going to get her back again," Toby spits at Alec, "Just you wait and

"You don't deserve her!"

And with that, Toby throws the first punch. Almost immediately, a crowd
begin to form, chanting 'fight' at the top of their lungs. Meanwhile, I
watch in horror as the fight digresses. Alec dodges Toby's punch easily,
stepping out of the way like he's practiced it a million times. "Is that
all you can do?" He teases cockily, raising his fists up in a defensive
position. Toby's jaw sets determinedly at the taunt, and he dives for
another punch but Alec dodges once again. I can hear the audible dreamy
sigh of the girls in the crowd right now, and to be honest, I think I was
one of them. Alec's protecting me.

"Tut tut, I'd have thought you knew how to throw a better punch than that
pretty boy," Alec grins, winking at me out of the corner of his eye. At
this point, despite my previous worries about whether he'll be okay or
not, I come to realise that Alec can handle himself incredibly well on
the battlefield and I should quit acting like the worried mother, and
start acting more like the damsel in distress that Alec wants me to be.
My smile spreads from ear to ear, appreciating Alec's warped form of
kindness, and the only thing that's worrying me is that I hope Alec
doesn't mess Toby's face up too badly. Yeah, he may be a jerk, but we
were best friends and I don't want him to die or anything.

After a minute more of taunting and dodging, Toby finally manages to land
a weak punch to Alec's jaw. It's hard enough to leave a bruise, but I
think everybody knows that Alec has got away lightly with this. Alec
beams at Toby before he finally goes for the punch that everyone has been
waiting for. He lands a perfectly square, lightning fast hit to Toby's
jaw and an audible wince spreads through the crowd at the impact. Toby
drops to the floor, and Alec smirks victoriously. "You made the hit first
dude, which means that the school can't suspend me. My punch was self-

I seriously want to kiss him right now.

I rush up to him and attack him into a hug, feeling his arms wrap around
my back as I cheer loudly. "Dude," I grin, "I'm not usually one for
playing damsel in distress, but that was awesome!"

Alec winks, "What can I say? I'm just pure awesome. You can thank me
later for kicking his ass."

"Clear the way!" Mr Boston, the principal, bellows loudly, footstep

echoes ricocheting down the hall. His four chins are flushed crimson, his
face scrunched in anger. He looks like a bull frog. I snort a laugh as
people dash away left right and centre to escape his wrath. Cowards. "Get
to lessons, all of you!" He barks, grabbing Alec and Toby by the arms.
His eyes narrow on me. "You three, come with me. I need to have a talk
with all of you." Once the hallway has cleared and everybody has gone to
lesson, Alec, Toby and I follow Mr Boston to the principal's office- each
with very different expressions. Whereas Alec's is smug with victory,
mine is hedged with the tiniest amount of anticipation. Do you think
they'll call my mom? It's not even like I was involved in the fight!

Toby just looks humiliated, a deep red colour staining his cheeks as he
clutches his jaw. He won't meet my eye, but that's a good thing. Maybe
he'll finally back off now.
"Take a seat in my office," Mr Boston orders, "Hurry up!"

Hurriedly, I sit down on one of the cracked leather seats, not wanting to
get into even more trouble. Alec and Toby sit either side of me, and Mr
Boston strolls behind his desk, looking each of us in the eye in turn.
"One of you," He says quietly, "Explain what happened." He sits down.

Alec's and Toby's voices instantly begin to clamber over each other in
the fight for Mr Boston's attention, but I just sigh, slapping both of
them on the arm to shut them up. Honestly? Do they think we're going to
be out of here quickly with both of them doing that?

"This is what happened, with no biased opinions," I shoot a glare at

both of the boys, before focusing on Mr Boston, crossing my legs in the
seat calmly. Let the girl take control. Mr Boston stares curiously back
at me, obviously eager to hear the backing story and find his victim for
detention. "As you probably know, Toby recently moved here, and he
happens to be an ex of mine," I begin. Toby stiffens beside me. "He
threatened me this morning, and grabbed my arm, hurting me. Alec stepped
in, and before I knew it both boys were in a face down. Toby made the
first punch, and if you consulted the security cameras then you'd see
that I am in fact telling the truth."

"Thankyou, Miss Greene," Mr Boston nods, "I have no doubt that your story
was an accurate representation. Mr Charlton, may I please ask for the
reason why you even thought about laying a hand on Miss Greene? I'm quite
sure you had no intentions to hurt her."

"In the politest way possible, Mr Boston, I'd prefer to withhold that

"Right then," Mr Boston leans forward in his chair, "Then I will be

forced to bring you in for two weeks' worth of after school detention for
assault against two pupils, Mr Charlton. Miss Greene, you obviously had
no real part in this worth punishing so you may leave. Mr Ryder, you will
receive five lunchtime detentions for punching another student, although
I can't bring you in for any more, seeing as it seems that it was in fact
self-defence." He grumbles a little under his breath, sitting back and
dismissing us with one hand.
"Thankyou sir," I nod respectfully, standing up from my seat, with Alec
following suit. Besides me, Toby is shaking with rage, still sat down
with his fists gripping the arms of the chair. Uh oh.

"You don't understand though!" He protests, "Alec Ryder is interfering in

places where he's not allowed to interfere! He punched me back!" I roll
my eyes at his outburst. Seriously? What does he think he's going to
achieve by arguing, other than another detention?

"Cool story bro," Alec snarls, "Wanna hear mine? Once upon a time, nobody
gave a fu-"

"Alec Ryder, please exit the office! I will deal with Toby," Mr Boston
reassures him, "Now get to your lessons." I nod and grab Alec's arm
firmly, tugging him out of the office before he can get himself in even
more trouble. I march out of there quickly, hearing Alec chuckle behind

"Whoa sweetheart, easy there. I mean I know you're eager to get me alone
but calm down."

"You wish Alec," I roll my eyes, letting go of his arm.

"I really do."

"You're such a jerk."

"A sexy, charming, debonair jerk," He grins cockily, a shallow dimple

showing in his cheek. The beanie, the's just too much. Too
much. I glance to the side, feeling a gaze on my face.

Tiana stands outside of the principal's office, a cold and icy glare
focused on me.

Well you know what? She can kiss my arse.

COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS BELOW! Ooh and maybe a cheeky vote while you're

I've had quite a few banners and things sent in now, so I just wanted to
say thankyou to all you budding graphic designers out there: you're work
is amazing! If anyone feels like making a banner or cover, please don't
hesistate: I will reward, promise! :)


Chapter 19// One more second

"Remember the sunscreen this time," I watch Alec from his kitchen
doorway, grinning at my own smartass statement. I'm practically a comedy
genius, I know. My beach bag is parked on the breakfast bar, and Alec
shoots me a sarcastic thumbs up as he slides a couple of bottles into it.
At the moment, it's stuffed full of coke cans and two towels, alongside
my beach stuff. Alec and I decided to share the bag seeing as I had some
extra room and he didn't have anything to put his stuff in. "Hurry up
slow coach, we're supposed to be there by now," I roll my eyes, stepping
away from the kitchen doorframe to help him zip the overstuffed bag up.
"Do you need some help from Riley, diddums?"

"Who are you calling diddums?" Alec drawls, "I'm a big manly man. I don't
need no help." He flexes one of his arms and the muscles pulse
tantalisingly. He's irresistible and he knows it, judging by the cocky
smirk tugging at his chiselled lips. Manly man? This is coming from a guy
who freaked out when Millie started crying, and couldn't even fetch me a
god damn lollipop. Egotistical noob.

"Double negative!" I wink, "So you do need help."

"Grammar freak," Alec mutters, rolling his eyes. He gives the zip a swift
tug and shuts the swollen bag, lifting it over his shoulder and flexing
again. Let's be honest, there's a couple of towels in there so it's not
going to be heavy. A legless ant could probably carry that bag- does he
think I'm stupid? "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go."

I nod, adjusting my bikini top under my summer dress as I follow him to

the front door.
Mum stuffed me into a yellow dress today, and I'm wearing a blue
strapless bikini underneath with my brown sandals. Personally, I'm not
that impressed, but mom insisted that Alec would like it so I have to
wear it. I swear, ever since I told her that I liked him, she's been
dressing me up like a bloody Barbie in the hope that her daughter will
finally get another boyfriend. Well that's not going to be happening
anytime soon. It's pretty obvious that Alec doesn't get crushes; he's the
world's biggest playboy for Pete's sake! Besides, even if he wasn't a
playboy, the chances that he'd like me are slim to none. I tell mom this
but she doesn't believe me. Of course not- why would she ever believe her
daughter? Her own flesh and blood? The idea is preposterous.

"You coming or what?" Alec raises an eyebrow at me from where he holds

the front door open, and I snap out of my thought stream to jump out of
the front door into the humid Oregon air. It's really warm today, and if
you hadn't guessed by the bag and bikini, we're going to the beach with
all the others. I even managed to persuade Violet and geek guy to come
along with us, so we're all meeting at the beach today. Alec and I are
taking his motorbike. He locks the front door and swings his leg over the
seat, passing the helmet back to me. I look at it doubtfully for a
second. I always feel guilty for taking this, because it puts Alec at
risk. He needs to get another helmet. As if sensing my dilemma, Alec
sighs. "Just put the freaking helmet on, kitty. I'm not giving you a

I pout at him and pull the helmet over my head, sliding onto the seat
behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. Ever since I started
liking him, this position has suddenly got a lot more...intimate. Judging
by Alec's slight stiffening as I tighten my grip, I'm not the only one
feeling it too. Uh oh. He passes the beach bag to me and I sling it over
my shoulder as the engine rumbles beneath us. "I don't think I'll ever
get used to this," I laugh, "I want a motorbike!"

"Well that's your Christmas present sorted," Alec replies, and I can
practically feel the smirk behind his voice. He smirks all the freaking
time. The motorbike pulls out of his driveway and we speed towards the
beach for the second time. We're not bringing the surfboards today
because we haven't got enough for so many people, but I made Alec promise
that we can go again next time. Surfing was really fun, whether I'm a
beginner or not. Wind whips the ends of my hair, tugging it into a banner
that streams out behind me as we speed along the road, alerting me to the
present time again. I really need to get a trim- it's getting pretty long
now. I feel that easy smile spread over my face as I spot the sea in the
distance, and my arms tighten around Alec's waist. In reply, his muscles
tense in his back, and I can see them through his shirt. I know he does
some working out in his room, but seriously? How can he be that fit? He
spends most of his time annoying me! I bet the sex works off quite a lot
of calories actually... And he does a lot of that. Ew. Why am I thinking

The ride to the beach is a lot shorter on motorbike than car, and we
arrive there in under five minutes, well before anyone else has arrived.
"What were you saying earlier about me being a slowcoach? More like speed
demon." Alec smirks cockily at me, observing our empty surroundings. The
car park is pretty empty, and there's less people on the beach today for
god knows what reason. They've probably all travelled further up the
coast, to the wider and cleaner beaches with bigger waves. I think this
one does just fine for me, though. I prefer a smaller beach to a jam
packed big one.

"Oh shush your mush."

"I'd like to see you shush my mush, Riley," Alec winks, blowing me a
flirty kiss. I laugh off what he's suggesting and duck beneath my hair,
because despite the light hearted teasing my cheeks are flushing pink and
I definitely do not want Alec to see that. He's cocky enough as it is: I
don't want him to see his effect on me! After they've cooled down a
little, I glance up to see Alec staring at the café with a mischievous
grin on his face. "Come on, I've got to show you something," He smiles,
"You're going to love this." He grabs my hand and tugs me along as he
jogs towards the wooden café hut on the sands, ignoring the fact that I
still have a huge bag lugged over my shoulder. Ouch. Typical insensitive
Alec Ryder it is then.

"This is the place you said have good milkshakes," I remember, shifting
the bag strap on my shoulder as we round towards the counter. "That's
cool." The wooden hut looks like the sort of place that normally is
buzzing with activity, judging by the expanded decking at the back and
the rows of picnic tables. I assume it's only quiet because we're here
early, but I'm not complaining, honest.

"Good is such an understatement Riley," Alec grins, pulling me up to the

counter where a lady waits, smiling at us. "We'll have one large Nutella
cookies and cream milkshake please." My eyes widen at the sound of it.
This boy knows me way too well. There must be over 300 flavour choices on
the blackboards- there's no way that Alec can have had them all, right?
The woman nods politely, before heading over to a machine that I can just
about see over the counter. I turn to Alec with an awed expression.
"Nutella cookie dough? Best thing ever."
"It's orgasmic," Alec agrees, "I can't wait to see your expression when
you try it. Mind if I take a picture? It will be totally Facebook worthy,
I promise you." I shake my head, laughing.

"No thank you. I think Facebook has seen a bit too much of my face," I
frown, remembering when he posted that cavewoman shot of me asleep onto
his profile. It's not like I'd even done anything to him first: he just
wanted to humiliate me using my many flaws. I really need to ask him to
remove that picture. I honestly think that people will die of laughter
every time they see it...either that or scorch their eyes. Well, at least
if they scorched their eyes, they wouldn't be able to see it anymore.

"Oh yes," Alec smirks, "Now that was a nice picture. I had the modelling
agencies all over me asking who you were when I posted that." I flip him
off, glaring ahead to avoid looking at his smug face. He flipping well
knows that picture is quite possibly the ugliest thing the world has ever
seen, infuriating mother trucker. I watch curiously as the woman presses
various settings on the machine, and it begins to hum. She grabs a tall
plastic cup and straw and places it under the machine. I'm really looking
forward to this. She presses one button and the creamy chocolate liquid
begins to fill the cup, infuriatingly slow. Meanwhile, I'm practically
frothing at the sight. Yep, my mouth is even frothier than imagining Alec
in his swim shorts, after that day at the beach...

Not that I do that, obviously.

"That'll be $6.50 please," The woman smiles, interrupting my thoughts by

handing me the cup. I clutch it firmly in my grasp, breathing in the
tantalising scents. Holy macaroni, this smells good. Alec hands over the
change to Rose (I read her name tag), glancing over at me where I'm
drooling all over the milkshake cup. Metaphorically, of course.
"Thankyou," She smiles, "You have a nice day now."

I offer her a bright smile back, "Thankyou! You too." I tighten my hold
on the milkshake as we walk away from the café, watching my feet descend
on the sand. Did Alec buy that for me or him? Or is it to share? My
cheeks tinge slightly pink at the thought, and Alec doesn't fail to

"Why are you blushing?" Alec immediately stops, an amused grin curving
his lips as he pokes my rosy cheek. "Are you having naughty thoughts
Riley? Tell me!" I shake my head, laughing at the mere suggestion. Do I
really look like that type? "I bet you're having bad thoughts!"
"Get off, jerk wad," I laugh, batting his grabbing hands away as he tries
to look me in the eye, "Nope. Not everyone has naughty thoughts Alec," I
wink, "That desperate that you have to think about things rather than do
them, are we? Have fun in your mind."

"I can do them if you want me to sweetheart," He wriggles his eyebrows,

"I know you want me, don't even try and deny it." Shut up Alec, before I
start blushing again and confirm it.

"Your ass must get jealous of all the s**t that comes out of your mouth,"
I retort, putting the straw into my mouth as I take a sip of the drink. A
small moan escapes my lips as I do, and I hear Alec snicker beside me.
Damn, that is one amazing milkshake though. Gosh, why did Alec only buy
one of these? I could drink this constantly. I take another gulp of pure
heaven, flipping off Alec and his suggestive expression as I smile into
the straw. "You're such an ice hole Ryder."

"You come up with the funniest expressions," Alec grins, "Grass hole and
son of a biscuit are my favourites, personally." Wow, I can't believe he
remembers those. Well, my words are pretty unforgettable if I do say so
myself."How long do you think before the rest of the guys come?"

I shrug in reply to his question, slipping my flip flops off and holding
them in one hand as we walk down the beach together towards the waves.
The cold water laps onto my toes like icy velvet, and my feet sink into
the damp sand. I love the beach, it's by far my favourite place to go. I
go here a lot in the summer with Violet, but also with my family. It's
also a great place to think things through as well, and I've done my fair
share of that in my time. I don't really know what it is about this
place, it just calms me and I'm happier here. Plus, there's a load of
cute shirtless guys. That too.

I take a long slurp from the milkshake, and Alec glances over at me with
a pout, reaching out to grab the cup. I step backward, dodging his
clutching fingers. No way. "Can I have some now? I bought it."

"Not a chance," I grin wickedly at him, backing away, "You bought this
for me and I'm not sharing. Plus, my mouth has been all over it. I am not
swapping saliva with you, pretty boy." That sounded a lot worse than I

"Aw is Riley scared of catching cooties from pretty boy?" Alec teases,
darting forward and instantly backing me up into the damp sand and away
from the sea. No way is he getting a hold of this. I dance lightly away
from him, but he continues to stride towards me with a mischievous spark
in his eye. Like a predator stalking his prey. I gulp down some more of
the milkshake as I jog away from him, and he darts then. In less than a
second, he catapults into me as he grabs the cup, pulling the straw from
my mouth to put it in between his own lips. My jaw slacks, and my fists
begin to pummel his chest. Oh no he didn't.

"Thief! That's my milkshake- give it back!" My eyes narrow onto Alec's

playful smirk, and I step closer menacingly. "Don't you dare get your
herpes infested mouth on my straw Ryder!"

"Herpes?" Alec's mouth opens to protest, releasing the straw, and I take
my opportunity wisely. With a small squeak, I launch myself into him and
grab the milkshake in my hold, feeling victorious that I managed to catch
him by surprise. Unfortunately, being my clumsy self, my foot wraps
around his leg which causes him to lose his balance. He slips out from in
front of me, and because my leg is attached to his, it's inevitable that
I go down with him. "Ah!" I squeak again as we both come crashing down,
with me landing quite uncomfortably on top of him. Of course. Typical
cliché. As soon as my mind registers the position, my cheeks flame red.
Our legs are still wrapped together from my clumsy pounce, and my face is
in line with his chin, making my eyes widen. Don't look him in the eye.
Don't Riley, don't.

Unfortunately, I can't help it. My eyes meet his, and this suddenly gets
a lot more awkward.

I'm lying on top of Alec Ryder. I hope the ground swallows me whole.
Right. Now.

Well, at least I won the milkshake back.

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜
She lies on top of me, and I can barely breathe. Her face, flushed with
embarrassment, is mere inches from mine. Don't do it Alec. A stray curl
tickles her forehead, and her eyes are watching mine, wide with
anticipation. Is she purposefully teasing me? The milkshake is still
clutched firmly in her hand, a trophy for her. It's silly that something
can small can spark a moment like this, where my heart is racing so fast
that I worry she can hear it. My own cheeks tinge pink as my throat dries
out into the texture of sandpaper. Don't do it Alec. She won't kiss you

My brain can shut the fvck up.

I lean closer to Riley, my heart in my throat. This is the closest I've

ever been to her. Our breaths intermingle, and her wide blue eyes stare
into mine, her eyelashes fluttering irresistibly. I'm not sure what I'm
waiting for, but we're both pausing in anticipation- as though we don't
quite know how to act. I've kissed plenty of girls before, but not one of
them has ever been like this. I'm actually scared that she'll reject me,
which has never happened to me.

Well, at least she's not pulling away.

Take the jump, Alec. I lean forward and brush my lips ever so lightly
against her, testing the waters to see what she does. She remains
completely still. I am mere millimetres away from kissing her and sealing
the deal- confessing my feelings. Why am I not moving? What am I waiting

"Well look at what the tide brought in," A voice jeers, and my muscles

That, apparently. That is what I'm waiting for.

Riley and I jerk away from each other, scrambling back in the damp sand
with our faces painted red with humiliation. I was just about to kiss
her. I was going to kiss Riley Greene. I don't even know what I was
thinking: I guess I'm just lucky that I didn't kiss her (as disappointed
as I feel right now), because I would have been rejected and a friendship
would have been torn apart. I sigh, brushing sand off me as I stand up.
Chase and Joe are stood, grinning like maniacs as they watch the
awkwardness between Riley and I play out and I'm feeling the severe urge
to punch them both, hard. I almost freaking kissed her! They know I like
her: why would they interrupt?

Damn. One more freaking second and it would have happened.

I can't decide if that's a good thing or not.



I stare at the double doors with wide, anticipating eyes, watching each
pupil filter in, placing their devices in the box held by Mr Browne. It's
eerily silent, and yet the room is filled with imagined screams of the
nervous, sweat rolling down palms inconspicuously. Today is the day of
the math exam- one that covers 50% of my finals, and I'm going to do my
god damn freaking best. No distractions. I've been studying for months
for this stupid exam, and I am not going to let Alec Ryder, or Toby or
any of that other shiz get in my way and ruin this for me. I hate math
with a passion, but I will get a good grade. I need it: I've worked too
hard not to.

Alec almost kissed you yesterday.

Shut up, brain. I fight to restrain the memories and the happiness that
floods into me at the thought, taking a deep breath and placing my own
mobile in the box as I walk into the hall. This is it. I can't let Alec
Ryder ruin this for me now. One hour and I have thirty questions to
answer. That's two minutes for each question, give or take some time. I
can think about him afterwards: I need to focus on this now. I share a
nervous look with Violet as I reach my seat and slide behind the single
desk. My mouth is dry with anticipation, my pen gripped firmly in my
hand. I can do this.

The doors slam shut.

Let the test begin.

Dedication to one of my beautiful commenters <3

Chapter 20// Dogs, Dancing and Mancake

"Why do I have to wear a tux?"

I glance up at Alec from the bundle of satin material that I have bunched
in my hands, smirking a little at his disgruntled face. "Why? Don't you
like it?" He shakes his head and pulls a face in reply, making me laugh
even though I completely disagree with his judgement. Alec in a tux is
just too much for me. He looks annoyingly perfect: the suit hugs him in
all the right places, emphasising his defined figure and his hair is
styled into that effortless tousle he always seems to achieve. Albeit, he
might be uncomfortable, but he looks like a frigging angel. That has to
be some consolation, right?

Not that I'd ever tell him that, I think he knows it well enough himself
anyway. What happened to the girl looking the most beautiful on a night
out? Whatever I wear next to Alec tonight, I'll look like some kind of
scarecrow. Is it even worth trying?

Luckily, after our almost kiss, things between Alec and I went back to
normal pretty quickly. He approached me after the math exam and we just
started talking like normal. I think I did okay, but there were some
parts where I just could not concentrate because of that stupid almost-
kiss. Why did he have to choose that day to mess up my thoughts?
Honestly. So insensitive.

Although we've both been kind of avoiding the topic of the beach, at
least we're still talking and not acting awkwardly. No matter how
disappointed I am that he didn't kiss me, I'd prefer to keep our
friendship rather than throw it all away in the hope of love. Besides,
Alec doesn't do love. He probably thinks that almost kiss was a mistake,
thus why he hasn't tried to do it again. It stings a little bit sure, but
I've known that he doesn't like me since the beginning so it's no
surprise to be honest. I'll just have to suck it up and deal.

"Right, I need to get changed," I stand up from my seat on the bed,

clutching my dress and heels in my hand. Mom bought them for me, for this
big night, and I've been ordered to wear them with no objections. They're
both really pretty, but I'm not sure I can pull them off. Mom seems to
think I'm a lot prettier than I actually am: her vision is rose-tinted,
no doubt.

"And?" Alec shrugs nonchalantly, but there's a wicked glint prominent in

his eye. He knows perfectly well that I want him out. I'm not changing in
front of him.

"Get out of my room Alec."

"You're no fun," He whines, heading towards the door of my bedroom to the

landing, no doubt to play with Jack. He and Jack seem to have hit it off:
they both have a mutual interest of annoying the crap out of me, so now
they're playing double trouble. Yay. Jack idolises Alec already- you can
see the admiration shining in his eyes, clear as day. He's picked a bad
role model. I just hope to god that we don't see Jack riding motorbikes
and picking up girls in a few years' time. I shudder violently at the
thought. I vow as his beloved sister never to let him get that far.
Scouts honour.

The door slams shut behind Alec, and I immediately begin to slide off my
clothes in the wake for new ones. The dress is a rose gold colour,
strapless, with a bow around the centre and comes to around mid-thigh-
elegant, slimming and everything I'm not basically. The shoes are no
better: I don't know how I'm going to dance wearing these things- the
heel is bound to snap off in less than an hour. This outfit limits my fun
dramatically. I slide on the dress, shifting the heavy satin around me to
a comfortable position and crossing my arms as I look into the mirror in
front of me. So I do look good in it, even I have to admit. It makes my
legs look longer, and my waist look positively tiny, so that's good.
Still have the issue of pulling it up every ten seconds though, but I
guess that's the price you have to pay with a strapless dress.

Luckily I shaved and moisturised this afternoon so I look all decent in

the skin area. Now for the hair and makeup. "Hurry up Riley," Alec
grumbles from outside the door, and I cock an eyebrow. I've taken two
minutes to put this dress on. He needs to learn some patience, or we will
really not get along tonight. I slide into a seat in front of my mirror-
painting my eyelids a subtle rose gold with a brown contour to match the
outfit. I fill in my eyebrows ever so slightly and hide some of my
freckles with concealer. Other than some lip gloss and mascara though, I
don't think I'll do much more. Make-up was originally created to accent
the features, not cake them, so I think I've done a good enough job. Less
is more, after all.
After styling my hair into an elegant loose braided bun and pulling out a
few curls, I'm all set. "Alec!" I shout, "You can come in now." I slide
on the heels and look into the mirror. I think I've done pretty well
actually, without Violet's help. She would be proud of me. I take a quick
picture and send it to her on snap chat, grinning like a lunatic at her

Pssh, yeah, as if that would ever happen.

Alec walks in and wolf whistles at me, not making any attempt to hide his
awed expression. I feel a small twinge of satisfaction and my cheeks
tinge pink as he smirks. "Hot damn."

I know. Our children would be beautiful.

Okay, did I seriously just think that?!

"Shut up," I roll my eyes, picking up my clutch and swatting him on the
shoulder with it. "Are you ready to go? I'm not sure what time mom wants
us to leave." Alec nods and shoves his hands in his pockets as we walk
down the stairs. Mom waits at the stairs, talking to Marie. Both women
look gorgeous- wearing cocktail dresses with their hair styled to
perfection. Even Jack is wearing a kid's tux, but he's playing on his
iPod which kind of ruins the image. Alec told me earlier that Millie is
being babysat next door by her aunty, Natasha's mom. He really wants me
to meet her, but tonight is obviously not the night.

"Riley, you look beautiful!" Mum gushes, coming forwards to meet me at

the bottom of the stairs. "My baby girl- you look so grown up! That dress
is gorgeous on you." I blush a little at the compliments, and the fact
that she called me baby girl in front of Alec. No doubt I'll get an
earful about that later. "Thanks mom," I twist my hands together
awkwardly, "So do you and Marie."

"And Alec, you look so handsome!" Mom smiles kindly and even Alec
blushes. Wow, I should take a picture- it's a momentous occasion to see
Alec acting remotely modest. "Don't they look such a gorgeous pair, Mar?"
She turns to look over her shoulder at Marie, but not before I catch her
playful wink at me. What. Is. She. Doing.

Marie grins mischievously, "Oh definitely."

Meanwhile, Alec and I are taking an awkward step away from each other.
I'm pretty sure my face has flamed red, but I don't dare to look at him
and see how he's reacting to this awkwardness. This is even worse after
being multiplied by that stupid almost-kiss the other day. "Ha," I laugh
awkwardly, "So when are we leaving then mom?" Smooth Riley. Smooth change
of subject.

I am such a smooth criminal.

"Well if you guys are ready then I guess we can leave now," Mom nods,
picking up her clutch from the side table. On last thoughts, I grab my
phone and ear buds too. Might need them, if it's really boring. "We're
taking my car. No food in the backseats, kids." We all file out into
mom's car, a swish car that I don't know how to pronounce, with cream
leather seats and headlights that look like cat eyes. Alec and I sit in
the back with Jack in between us, and Marie takes shotgun.

As soon as we begin to drive, One Direction begin to blast through the

speakers and Alec and I groan in synchronisation. "Really mom? I mean, I
have nothing against One Direction, but do you really think it's
appropriate right now?" As you probably suspected, my mom is a
directioner. Personally, I think One Direction are alright, it's just
that I prefer other genres of music. It's a good job I remembered to
bring my phone, or I would have been dying silently at the sounds of
mom's karaoke.

In a silent agreement, I hand an earphone to Alec and he nods gratefully

at me. He's just lucky that we have the same taste in music, I guess,
because otherwise he'd be crying for mercy by now. I select Fall Out Boy
from my playlist, and the rocky beat begins to thump through my ear
immediately, effectively drowning out One Direction. Alec nods along to
the music, and even I'm toe tapping. What a pair we are.

When we finally arrive at the Country club, I'm more than a little
impressed. The meeting is held at a vintage looking building, with huge
decorated side columns and arches, surrounded by fields. Frankly, I
didn't even realise we had a mansion like this in a hundred mile radius
of Lindale. "Whoa," I breathe out, "This is amazing." We're stood at the
entrance- a pair of glass double doors that lead straight onto a balcony.
The balcony wraps around the interior of the building, framed with a gold
vine fence. A sweeping staircase leads down to the dance floor and a
fancy café with a bar, which is currently brimming with people. The whole
room is polished marble, lush carpet and gold detailing- absolutely
stunning. It makes me feel like a mere peasant in the middle of a castle-
way out of my depth.

"Right, so this is how it's going to work," Mum drags Alec and me to the
side, "We're going to go down, grab a few drinks and settle at a table.
When we see the founders, you'll greet them with a kiss on the cheek, and
smile and be polite. Do whatever you have to do in order to please them,
which includes dancing and fetching them drinks blah blah blah. Then,
after about an hour of that, we adults will head to a separate room for
the presentation, and you kids can just do whatever you want. Well,
within limits of course." Okay, okay. This doesn't sound too different to
the normal routine for mom's work dinners. I can do this.

"Okay, what did you say is happening to Jack?" I ask, curiously, sliding
my phone into my bag. It feels awkward to have my ear buds out in such a
swish setting.

"He can choose to stay with you, but I strongly suspect he'll head to
the kids room with some of the other boys and girls," Mom brushes some
imaginary dust from my arms, "Now, I don't want you two leaving each
other's sights all night, unless you're asked to by a founder okay?
Remember, you're bringing each other as a 'date'-"

"Whoa, what?"

"Don't panic, I'm not saying you have to kiss or anything. Just be
friendly. No arguments, a bit of dancing and nod along politely to
anything the founders say. You guys will be fine," She smiles, "Are you
ready? Remember to be polite!" She and Marie link arms and begin to head
down the stairway, with Jack trailing behind them. Wow, this is like a
freaking ball. At least he's had the common sense to put his iPod away.
Slowly, Alec's arm slides itself into mine, and I turn to raise an
eyebrows at him. What is he doing? "It's part of the act, princessa." He
rolls his eyes, "C'mon. Let's go."

We make our way down the stairway as elegantly as possible, and I try my
very hardest not to slip in my shoes on the polished marble. "Princessa
huh?" I tease Alec, "Look at you, Chico, speaking sexy."
"Are you calling me sexy, Riley?" Alec raises an eyebrows, his lips
quirking into a cocky grin.

"Nope," I shake my head determinedly, "I'm saying Spanish is a very sexy


"Ah, but I am part Spanish. Therefore you are calling me sexy as a

consequence of that."

"You're about as sexy as a dogs butt."

"Very sexy," Alec winks playfully, tightening his hold on my arm.

"Should I be calling the cops and getting you a restraining order from

"Yeah probably," Alec laughs. We reach the bottom of the stairs, without
me tripping (ACHIEVMENT UNLOCKED), and head straight over to the bar
area. Already I can see mom and Marie talking to a small group of about
six men and women, amongst some of the co-workers I recognise. Jack is
sat at a café table, sipping a coke and looking bored out of his mind. To
be quite honest, I don't really see the point of him being here. He's not
going to talk to any of the Founders, unless they're cooing over him, and
he's just going to get bored and mess around with the other boys. He's
more of a hindrance than a help. Mom meets my eye and breaks into a smile
when she spots me, beckoning me over to meet the group. I take a deep
breath as I step into the circle of adults, squeezing Alec's arm. "This
is my oldest child, Riley, and her date Alec."

"Nice to meet you," A man says gruffly, leaning in to shake our hands,
which is followed by a murmur of agreement from the other Founders. He
looks important, with a short grey beard and undoubtedly wearing some
kind of expensive suit from Italy or wherever. I have to let go of Alec's
arm to shake all the hands offered to me, but he finds my hand again once
we've finished. "It's very nice to meet you too," I say politely with a
rehearsed smile, "What a delightful venue this is, don't you agree?"
Yeah, you can probably tell I've done this quite a few times before. The
founders spin into their own conversations about the venue, and mom
shoots me a thumbs up.
"So, Riley and Alec," A man takes a sip from his glass, "Are you going to
be following in your mothers' footsteps, both of you, hmm? Maybe you'll
take on the surgery once they've retired. You look like a reliable pair.
Have you thought about what you want to do when you graduate?" Well
that's kind of typical of him to assume that we want to be doctors like
our mothers, isn't it.

"Riley and Alec are both very clever, aren't you dears?" Mom interrupts
me as I go to open my mouth, "Riley is thinking about taking the design
route though- she has very creative juices flowing through her as well as
her logical ones. She's a bit of a cross between myself and my ex-
husband, lucky dear. And Alec? You like the movie business, don't you?"

Alec nods stiffly, "I do take an interest, yes M'aam."

"Well that's a shame," The man butts in, "We could have used with two
bright eyed medical students in the surgery in a few years' time. But I
wish you all the luck in the world with your aspirations, children." The
last word has a slight twang to it, and I'm almost tempted to punch him
at his sarcasm on the word aspirations. But for the sake of my mother, I
grit my teeth and stretch on a very fake smile. Some of these Founders
obviously have poles rammed up their backside.

"Riley," A woman greets from behind me, distracting me from the awkward
conversation that Marie is trying to make. "Long time no see,

"Hi Jen," I give her a small smile, turning around. I want to attack her
into a hug (She's one of my mom's favourite colleagues, who I grew up
with) but unfortunately I can't for three reasons. Reason one is that I
can sense the founders' gaze on the situation acutely, and I need to act
mature and ladylike. Attacking Jen wouldn't be 'appropriate' to the
situation. The second reason is that I'm still holding hands with Alec,
and the third reason would be her swollen stomach, stretching her navy
dress to the absolute limit. Jen is pregnant with her second husband's
baby, and so I don't want to hurt her. She must be around eight months
into the course now, so not long to go until the big day. "When's the due

"April 13th," She beams, "Finally my little kicker will be out of my

stomach for good." She pats her stomach comfortingly, and my eyes are
instantly drawn to it. I love kids, and babies and everything cute- I'm
so happy for her. "But who is this?" Jen asks me, gesturing to Alec.

"This is Alec Ryder, Jen. Alec, this is Jennifer Mitchells."

"Hi," Jen shakes Alec's free hand, "It's lovely to meet you. I'm one of
Riley's mom's friends."

"It's nice to meet you too." Alec smiles politely, "Do you know if baby
is a girl or a boy?"

"She's a gorgeous baby girl," Jen smiles, "Fingers crossed for me, yeah?
Anyway, I should go and speak with your mom, Riley. But before I leave, I
must say that I approve of this boy, he's a keeper." She winks at me,
before heading over to the group of adults. She looks like she might fall
over with the weight of her stomach, even if it is only kitten heels
she's wearing. Silly lady. I roll my eyes fondly at her strange antics.

"Nice to see you Jen," I call after her, and she gives me a nifty little
wave back to me.

"So do you want to dance?" Alec asks me, "That's what everyone else seems
to be doing. I'm sure your mom will want us to dance too." I spin around
to look and sure enough, the adults are pairing up and making their way
to the dance floor together. I don't recognise the song playing, but I
nod to Alec anyway, a small smile making its way onto my lips. No, no, no
Riley. Don't go thinking this will be all romantic, because it probably
won't. I bet he'll step on your feet or something. I shake my head to
clear my thoughts, letting Alec lead me to the dance floor. "Can you
dance?" He whispers to me as we stop, and he puts a hand on my waist. The
skin under my dress tingles like it's alive with electricity at his mere
touch. Maybe it's a static shock? Please let it be a static shock.

"Not a clue," I whisper back, breathing in his musky vanilla scent,


"Not really."

"Great guns," I roll my eyes, "We're supposed to be acting sophisticated

and neither of us can even dance." Alec smirks down at me a little bit,
amused by the situation, which is mildly irritating. Ugh, can he not take
anything seriously? Slowly he begins to bring us into a basic box waltz,
about the limit for me in the dancing area. I raise my eyebrows at him in
question as we bob from side to side, before he raises my arm above my
head, pushing me lightly into a spin under his bicep. "I can dance a
little bit." He grins, and I shove him lightly on the shoulder in reply,
rolling my eyes.

"That dance move is old, Ryder. I did that with boys at elementary."

"But it wins you over anyway, doesn't it?"


Pain swells in my foot and I wince, breathing in sharply. "Alec Ryder did
you just stand on my foot? Because that certainly doesn't win me over."

"Er- well, yeah," Alec glances away awkwardly, his cheeks tinging ever
so slightly pink as my pain contorted face morphs into a delighted
expression. Oh, wow, Mr smooth just stood on my foot. And he says he can
dance. No way am I ever forgetting this.It's worth the pain of a six foot
boy standing on my toe.

"Seriously?" I chuckle, "Look at you, Mr Bad Boy player. Stepping on a

girl's foot when they dance."

Alec opens his mouth to protest, but is swiftly interrupted by a woman

beside us.

"What a cute couple you two are," One of the female founders smiles, arm
in arm with the bearded man from earlier. Her hair is a pearly blonde,
and her slightly aged face indicates that she can't be much over 40, yet
she's still smiling joyously at a pair of flirting teenagers. I blush in
Alec's arms, ducking my head into his chest so that he can't see my
reaction. Alec just chuckles at my bashfulness, and thanks the woman as
we continue to bob awkwardly to music we don't even know. "I knew I had
an effect on you kitty." I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Oh shut up. I blush easily, you know that." I dare to look up and meet
his eyes, shooting him an icy calm look. He grins back at me, the pace of
our dance changing to meet the ever so slightly faster music that's just
come on. He spins me again, but only halfway this time, wrapping his arms
around my waist so that my back is to his chest and his head rests on my
shoulder intimately, as we bob awkwardly to the music. "What are you
doing, Alec?" I ask him suspiciously, and he blows lightly in my ear in
reply. Being annoyingly ticklish, I let out a small squeak and squirm
away from him, spinning the rest of the way so that I face him and his
smug little face again. What a douche he is.

I match his smirk with a smile of my own, before firmly stepping on his
foot and watching him wince, smirk dropping. "I need to go to the
restroom," I smile sweetly, "Don't miss me too much."

After asking for directions twice, I finally make it to the restrooms and
I'm not surprised to see that it's of a similar posh décor to the rest of
the country club. There's a large window to the side showing a view onto
the activity fields, and the sky is dark now. The whole counter for the
sinks is made of polished marble, and instead of having taps like a
normal country club- they have mini waterfall things that look really
cool. Maybe I should ask mom if we can have those at home. I stare at my
flushed face in the mirror, before fishing my phone from my pocket.

She picks up after three rings. "Jim's whore house. You got the dough, we
got the hoe. What can I do for you?" I can't help but chuckle at Violet's
pick up. She must have seen the caller ID, or she'd never have said that.
Imagine if it was her mom, and not me. Even Violet doesn't take those
kind of risks.

"Hi Violet," I grin, "Nice line. I approve."

"Good. I'm pretty proud of that one if I do say so myself," She replies
cockily, "If you don't mind me asking, what are you calling for? Aren't
you supposed to be at that club event?"

"Yeah. I'm in the restroom at the moment."

"So why are you not flirting your ass off with that lovely slice of

"Alec Ryder of course."

"I just wanted some do you dance? And make it, y'know, look
good?" I frown at myself in the mirror, "Alec and I are having some
trouble, you see." I know Violet will have at least one tip on how we can
dance effectively- she was forced to go to ballroom dancing classes for
six months when she was little, with her mother. Okay, she was five, but
she's got to remember something right? I hear a light laugh come from the
other side of the line, and I scowl. "I'm serious, Vi."

"Okay, well stick to the basic box waltz, because it's going to be a pain
to teach you a routine. Then every now and then, you step to the left,
and he steps to the right, so your arms are stretched against each
other's body, okay? That move looks good, but it's really easy too. You
can add in a spin every now and then, and maybe even a dip? All Alec has
to do for that is support the back of your waist whilst you lean
backwards. You don't need to do anything too difficult for it to look
decent. Try that sort of stuff."

"Okay," I bite my lip, "Are you sure that we won't make a fool out of
ourselves? Some of the people here are dancing pretty professionally. We
need to look mature."

"Yes, chica, don't worry. Now get your fine ass back on that date, toute
de suite."

"Okay, I'm trusting you on this. Bye Violet." I grin and hang up the
phone, barely pausing to hear her own goodbye. I have to admit, I'm kind
of eager to go back to Alec so that I can show him these new moves, and
hopefully our attempt at ballroom will no longer look like some kind of
elephant rain dance. I shove my phone back into my clutch and head back
out of the restroom, feeling a little more confident, only to see two
little boys race past me. "Jack, where are you going?" I call after them.
Jack is currently running down the corridor with another boy in tow, who
looks more than a little out of puff frankly.

"We're going to the kids room, Riley," Jack reluctantly stops to shout
back to me. He's obviously very desperate to get there, and I don't blame
the kid. Sitting in a chair with a load of adults can't be fun, can it? I
mean, I'm kind of lucky I have Alec in that sense. "Okay. Be careful," I
smile after him, watching him return the grin before bolting back down
the corridor again in excitement.
I walk back to Alec and see him talking to a flirty older woman near the
edge of the dance floor. He looks more than a little uncomfortable,
leaning awkwardly away and scratching the back of his neck. I roll my
eyes. Alec just can't go anywhere without being hit on, can he? Suffice
to say, that dress does not make her look any younger... "Hi honey," I
greet him, coming to step by his side. He obviously catches my drift,
because his arm wraps tentatively around my waist in reply. "And who is
this?" I turn to the woman with an elasticated smile, which she
grudgingly returns. She's not ugly, but she's not particularly pretty
either, excuse my bitchiness. Plus, she's like forty years old. I'm
sorry, but does she really think she stands a chance with Alec?

I mean, I originally thought that Alec would hump anything with a pulse,
but I think even he'd draw the line with cougars, thank god.

"I'm Mary," She says. "Excuse me, I'm going to go and grab a drink.
Lovely to meet you." And with that, she scurries off before I can even
slap her for wanting a toy boy. I turn to Alec and wriggle my eyebrows
suggestively at his antics. "You like the older women then Alec?"

"Shut up," He grumbles, "She was terrifying. I'll have nightmares."

"C'mon," I grab his arm and lead him back into the dance floor, "Let's go
and dance. I called Violet in the restroom and she's told me a few things
we can do to improve our dancing." Alec offers me a dubious look, but
takes my hand anyway as we return to the simple box step. "Okay, you step
to the right and I'll step to the left," I instruct, "One, two, three,
go." I step to the left and Alec steps in the opposite direction, pulling
my arm taut against his chest so that it's uncomfortable, but not quite
painful. He grins, and then pulls me into another one of his favourite
spins, ending with a flourish. "Well done," I say breathlessly, "Now for
the dip. Put your hand on the small of my back, and I'll lean backwards,
kay?" He does as I instruct, and I begin to dip. I've always had issues
with trust, but call it a gut feeling- I just know that Alec isn't going
to drop me.

"Well done!" A voice calls nearby, applauding.

"Ow Alec, what was that for?" I groan, dusting off my dress as he
apologetically offers me a hand up. My butt is aching from this stupid
hardwood dance floor. Whose idea was it to have Marble and wooden floors?
Bloody safety hazard, if you ask me.

"Sorry. Your mom scared me." His voice is sincere, but with an underlying
sense of amusement. Basically, he didn't do it on purpose but he found it
funny anyway. I would call him a jerk or something, but to be fair, if it
was the other way around I would be laughing my ass off at him. I turn to
look at my mom, readjusting my hair pin so that it's no longer burrowing
into my scalp. "What's up mom?"

"I just thought you were doing very well until I...well, ruined it," Mom
smiles sympathetically, pecking me on the forehead, "The adults are all
headed to the conference room now. The meeting shouldn't take long, I
promise you: like an hour max. So you guys can just do whatever until
then. Keep an eye on Jack for me, though, will you?" She cradles my cheek
with her hand, before smiling at us and walking off with the rest of the
adults here tonight. "Have fun!"

It's basically me and Alec all alone now in the middle of a fancy country
club. The adults have gone, and Jack's disappeared with some other kids.
What are we supposed to do now? I turn to Alec apprehensively. "I think
we should give the dancing a miss from now on. We don't seem to be doing
very well." I glance around at our surroundings, wincing a little bit as
I realise that we are in fact probably the only people below 30 in this
room. Alec nods in agreement, and I turn around to survey him. "What do
you want to do now?"

"Well I was talking to one of the Founders and they said that there's an
arcade room down that corridor. Do you wanna check it out?" He talked to
the founders again? "Yep," He grimaces, reading my thoughts that were
plainly written across my face, "I had to make pleasant conversation with
them whilst you were in the restroom, so you owe me. You got away
lightly, Greene. They were asking about our relationship."


"Yep," He nods, "And Riley?"


"If the founders ever ask how we met...You were a stripper that I saw at
the local club."

"I'm joking, jeez!" He cracks up.

"Don't joke about something like that!"

"I think it's about time I stifle your tampon fuse Greene: I don't think
the world could handle the explosion of bitchiness that will come of that
thing. You might just be the end of us all."

"Alec?" I say in the sweetest possible voice.


I stamp down hard on his foot, making sure the heel digs in. "My ass is
too good for your kiss."

And that is how it's done, ladies and gentlemen.

Chapter 21// A punch that won't bruise

"Jack, pass me the popcorn please," I murmur quietly. My left hand

fumbles around on the couch beside me for the bowl, but my eyes are too
lazy to leave the screen. Besides, it's a good film. Currently we're
watching 'We Bought a Zoo' because it's a Saturday night, and I don't
have a social life, so mom suggested we have a family game night in like
the cliché happy family we are. So far we've played Monopoly (I was the
first person bankrupt, go figure) and a Wii game which Jack kept losing.
Needless to say, he went off in a tantrum and that was the end of our
game night, so mom suggested a movie instead.

"Jack. Pass it here, dude." I huff and my eyes finally leave the TV for a
second to see Jack glaring at me and clutching the popcorn bowl
protectively, ignoring my outstretched hand. "Jack, why won't you give it
here?" I frown. I try to reach for it, but he just dodges my hand. Oh so
that's how he wants to play it then.

"Because you're eating it all, I can't catch up," He grumbles through a

mouthful of popcorn. Mom shushes us for interrupting the film with our
voices, but to be honest, she's texting Marie so she's not exactly the
ideal viewer either. I glare at him for a second, before I finally lean
forward to grab a handful. I bring my hand back towards my mouth eagerly,
but Jack bats it away so that my popcorn flies all over the floor. Mom
gasps loudly, and I glance up with raised eyebrows. Wow, is a little bit
of popcorn on the floor that big of a deal?

"Marie's engaged Riley! She just texted me about it!"

Marie has a boyfriend?! Well, fiancé now. That's funny, I don't think
Alec's mentioned it before. "That's great." I frown and reach for my
phone, forgetting the popcorn scattered all over the floor and the film
that only Jack is watching now. I send a quick message to Alec.

Your mom has a fiancé?

He replies almost instantly.

Yeah, he's a soldier. They just got engaged.

My eyebrows shoot up. Marie is dating a soldier? "Did you know that Marie
had a boyfriend?" I ask mom, and she nods quickly, her eyes not leaving
the screen of her phone. Okay, just me then. Why was I not keyed into
this? I didn't realise she had a boyfriend.

Really? You've never mentioned him.

Alec's message comes through a few seconds later.

Because he's never around. She went to a big meet-up today, to see him
for the first time in a month. He has to go back soon though. His name is
Riley: Go back where?

Alec: Afghanistan. His parole ends a week before the date mom wants to
have the wedding. They've been together for years, but that's why they
wanted to leave the wedding until now. So that he's no longer on parole
and he can support us better.

Wow, this is quite a lot to sink in. I wasn't even aware Marie had a
boyfriend, and soon enough Alec is going to have a step-dad? It's amazing
that Matthew's in the army though. He must be a nice guy, or Marie
wouldn't love him, I have faith in that.

That's so nice :) What's he like? I reply to Alec.

Alec: He's great. I get on with him really well, and so does Millie. He's
good with kids, and mom's infatuated with him. She deserves it though :)

Riley: So do you and Millie :) x

Alec: I guess xx

I grin at the two kisses that Alec sends, and a flurry of butterflies
ignite in my stomach. Two frigging x's can make my day, how sad is that?
I turn back to the family film with a small smile on my face, unable to
restrain it from breaking out on my lips. Now I'm not going to be able to
watch the rest of this film without thinking of him. Stupid Alec Ryder.
He has to butt in his nose everywhere, doesn't he?



"Junior assembly today, have you heard?"

Violet greets me at my locker just as I slam the door, surprising me a

little. Of course I've heard- practically everyone is talking about it.
Apparently it has something to do with the end of our maths course, and
the short exam that we've had to take, but I don't know what there is to
talk about that. I took the paper, did the coursework, preferably I'd
just like to forget all about it. But no, apparently that's too much to
ask for. "Yes, it does ring a bell," I say, rolling my eyes at her
enthusiasm. Today she's gone all out in the black clad outfit. Biker
boots, an AC/DC t-shirt and her hair newly dyed black with an electric
blue stripe. "I like your look today," I comment, "Very rocky."
"Thanks, but I have a bone to pick with you. Don't try to sweet talk me,
sugar puff." Her eyes narrow and she crosses her arms intimidatingly,
"Okay so you did call me about the details of Friday night, which is an
achievement for you I must say. Sadly, you didn't exactly go into depth,
so I'm expecting every last juicy detail right now. Are you cool with
that? Good, I'm glad we got that clarified." She raises her eyebrows
expectantly, looking me up and down to indicate for me to spill the

"What is there to know? We danced, we talked. It was nice."

"Riley start talking or I swear I will torture you for information so bad
that your teeth bleed. Now I don't want to do that, because I had a
manicure yesterday, so do us both a favour and tell me everything." Her
voice is only ever so slightly teasing, the rest is all seriousness.
Frankly, I'm terrified, but she'd never do that to me. She loves me too

"You're such a drama queen," I roll my eyes, "Nothing happened."

"And you, my dear, under-dramatize things so much! Can't you see that
practically everyone you know is shipping Rilec? You need to feed the
fandom or we will die!" She puts a hand to her forehead dramatically,
eyes wide with terror. "Feed me, Riley." She says in a baby voice,
"Feeeeeed mee". I roll my eyes fondly at her. The Rilec fandom? Well that
obviously doesn't exist because all of Alec's fangirls hate my guts. Well
it could exist actually, but by the sounds of it there's only two
members: Violet and my mother. That's actually kind of sad. I might go
and cry in a corner now.

"You're particularly perky this morning," I comment, raising my eyebrows.

I clutch my books to my chest and we begin our walk towards the hall for
our big assembly. Already junior students are filing in, herded by
teachers like a load of sheep. This godforsaken affair lasts for the
entire first period, so although I'm kind of glad I'm missing physics, my
butt is going to be aching at the end. These assemblies are usually so
boring that I think I'd prefer to take physics anyway, but none of us get
a say in this. Just as we round near the doors, Violet spots Martin and
he joins us, greeting Violet and offering me an awkward nod. I think
after those two lunchtimes, I terrify him. Don't blame him to be
perfectly honest.
"I wonder what it's going to be about," Violet frowns as we take our
seats, "They don't just hold a junior assembly for nothing. Heck, they
want us to have an education right?"

"All I've heard is that it's about that Math course we had to take,"
Martin adds, "So maybe it's about when we get our marks back or
something? Maybe they're telling us we've all done terribly, which I
think we so obviously have." Violet chuckles at this and leans away from
me to hold her own conversation with Martin, leaving me stuck staring
awkwardly forwards like the incredibly self-conscious third wheel I am. I
glance around the room, seeing that it's full now and they're closing the
doors. The bell rings loudly, ricocheting around the hall and indicating
the start of first period. Chase catches my eye from a few rows behind,
pulling an incredibly ugly face at me. Charming. I grin and pull one
back, before a clap for attention brings my head back to face forwards
again. Here we go.

"Good morning, Junior Class of 2014," Mr Boston's voice booms around the
hall. He's practically famous for that huge set of lungs of his, but how
does he manage to speak that loudly? I don't think he's using a
microphone. There's one on the podium, but he's not stood there. They
wouldn't give him another microphone, would they? Maybe his four chins
act as some kind of amp? I make a small sound in the back of my throat at
this thought.

"As you are well aware, we have come to the end of the math course you've
been taking for quite a few months now. The exam papers were handed in,
and are currently being marked, but you will not receive those back until
the end of senior year, amongst your other results. This coursework and
exam will go into your final math grade, and because it's so difficult
this can have a dramatic impact on your grade and determine whether you
get a D or an A." He pauses to shoot everyone a stern look, and instantly
people begin to sit up straighter from their slouched positions. Mr
Boston can be pretty intimidating if he wants to be.

"I have been discussing with your Math teachers, and we reached the
conclusion that your year as a whole have come up with some incredibly
high quality math coursework," Mr Boston nods and even smiles a little,
"And it is suggested that if they have studied and worked to their full
capability, that everyone will pass the test, give or take a few
individuals. This behaviour, and this hard work is exactly what we aim to
achieve at Lindale High School, and you have represented us well. This
year may offer us some of the best results yet, and we have decided that
this deserves to be rewarded."
I sit up a little straighter at this, and an excited murmur runs through
the crowd. A reward?

"Some of you may remember that last year, the previous junior class went
to a local theme park for their reward for hard work. They all achieved
incredibly high results which they definitely deserved, and we think you
all have done just as well. Let's please take a moment to thank the Math
teachers who are in the room today, for helping you to achieve your
capabilities, shall we?" A rumble of applause crosses the room for the
math teachers and they smile at the recognition; some of them even bow. I
guess they deserve it though, they've been working just as hard as we
have. I clap along with everybody else, and I can hear someone scream
'Yeah Mrs T!' towards the back. It sounds like Joe, funnily enough.

"Okay, settle down settle down," Mr Boston raises his hands, smiling
until the noise dims down, "Instead of taking you to a theme park this
year like the previous juniors, we thought we'd change it up a little
bit, especially seeing as we've seen a vast improvement in grades for you
lot since last year. Instead of buying each student an individual ticket
to a theme park like we did last year, then asking for deposits, we've
chosen a much cheaper but just as enjoyable experience for you all this

By 'just as enjoyable', does he actually mean just as enjoyable or does

he mean something lame that he would enjoy but we wouldn't? Like, I don't
know, a picnic near the duck pond or something. Or even worse, a junior
disco. Ew no.

"Not a theme park," He shakes his head, shushing the crowd, "We have
rented out the nearest waterpark for a day."

A waterpark?!

Oh my gosh! That's the coolest thing ever! They have totally blown my
expectations to smithereens- nothing this cool happens at our school!
Suddenly the whole room is alive with excitable chatter and whooping.
Yeah, needless to say, our school doesn't get treats very often, this is
a huge step up. Renting out a waterpark for a day? This is better than
homecoming for us.

"Settle down!" Mr Boston booms over the craziness, but he's smiling too,
"We are renting out Aqua Falls waterpark on Friday 20th March, ten days
from now. You will be transported to the venue by coach, and we will
require a small deposit of about $15 for the transport and lunch costs,
but the venue is our treat. A letter will be handed out to each of you in
your last lesson, and will be expected to be signed by a parent's consent
for the Wednesday two days before, or we will not be permitted to allow
you to go. Also, we will need details on any pupils who struggle with
swimming even if it's only slightly, just so we can alert the lifeguards
to keep an extra eye on you."

"This is the coolest fricking thing ever!" Violet whispers to me, "Can I
sit next to you on the coach?" I nod excitedly and grin. I'm so excited,
it's almost as if that stupid math course was worth it. Not quite though.
I hate Math with a passion.

But a waterpark? I think this is the best thing that's happened all year.


"I think there's a dead slug in your sandwich," Joe winkles his nose,
frowning at Violet's lunch, "But it's been ran over by a bulldozer or
something. That is definitely not ham."

"It's called quorn," She rolls her eyes, "Artificial meat. I'm a
vegetarian, but I think I've lost my appetite now. Dead slug? That's my
lunch you're talking about." She wrinkles her nose.

"What can I say? I'm bluntly charming." Joe grins innocently. I watch the
affair through my actual ham sandwich (I love my meat), but in silence. I
can't seem to shut my mind up about this bloody waterpark thing. I really
shouldn't be so excited about this, but I am for some reason. Nothing
exciting happens at our school, it's completely surreal to me. I can see
Dylan's eyes boring into the side of my face, but I daren't look to the
side and meet his eye. Things have more or less returned to normal
between us, but I still blush and try not to meet his eye when we're
talking. I think it's best for me to just act like I don't notice him
staring at me. He'll get the hint, won't he?

Alec is sat next to Joe on the opposite side of the table, and Violet and
I are paired together. Chase is apparently hooking up with someone or
something, according to rumour. To be honest I wouldn't put it past him,
but at least he's a lovable player. If they exist, that is.

"Riley," Dylan's voice interrupts my thoughts and my head snaps up to

look at him. I feel uncomfortable, but I'm not the only one judging by
Dylan's rosy cheeks and awkward posture. What's up with him? "Yeah?" I
"I need to talk to you, can we go and speak alone for a second?"

Alec stiffens visibly but doesn't meet my eye, and I jerk backwards as
though someone's touched white hot metal to my skin. I don't want to go
anywhere with him. I shoot a vaguely panicked look at Violet, and her
expression mirrors mine. "Er, um, no!" I blurt out before I can stop
myself, and my hand slaps over my mouth. Oh crap, why did I just say
that? Everyone on the table turns to look at me now. Whereas Dylan looks
a little shell shocked, Violet looks relieved and Joe looks curious. I
can't even describe Alec's expression.

"Oh, okay," Dylan swallows, "So you want me to talk here then?" To say he
looks uncomfortable would be a huge understatement. He's flushed bright
red now, and he's swallowing as though there's no saliva left in his
mouth. I feel really bad for making him feel like that. Why did I have to
make such a big deal out of an innocent private conversation? He probably
only wanted to know how my day was or something.

"Yes, go ahead Dylan," Alec's voice is smooth, but hedged with something
that sounds a little bit defensive and daring. I glance between the two
boys. Is there something going on here that I'm missing? Dylan is staring
at the table, and Alec is tense as though he's waiting.

"Are you free on Saturday night?" Dylan finally blurts. What?! Before
I've even had time to register Dylan's question, Alec's palms slap down
on the table loudly, and a loud smacking noise ricochets around the room.
That had to have hurt, but funnily enough Alec doesn't seem to mind, too
consumed in anger. A lot of people are staring at us now, and my jaw has
dropped to the floor, but I snap it shut as I watch Alec climb out of the
booth angrily. His jaw is set in annoyance, and he looks like he's
gritting his teeth behind his closed lips. He was expecting this, I
realise, He must know that Dylan likes me. He knows about the kiss.

What the hell am I supposed to do? Did I not make it crystal clear to
Dylan that I didn't like him as anything more than a friend? I gaze,
conflicted as Alec jogs away from the scene. Should I go after him? Would
that be a clingy girlfriend kind of thing to do? "I'm sorry, Dylan, but
you already know my answer to that question," I murmur quietly, standing
up from the table, "Excuse me, but I've got to go and clear up the shit
you just stirred."
"Wait!" Dylan calls after me as I head after Alec determinedly, swinging
my backpack over my shoulder, "Do I not deserve a chance?"

"Dylan, I'm sorry. It's just not going to happen. You're sweet, and cute
and kind but I don't see you as anything more than a friend." I nod
sadly, "I really am sorry." Dylan sighs but nods stiffly before staring
straight ahead, ignoring Joe's glare directed at him. I feel terrible.
Maybe I should give him a chance? But I really don't like him, I If he's looking for the 'one' or whatever, then he's got the
wrong girl. Violet points urgently at the corridor leading out of the
canteen, urging me to go after Alec. I shoot her a grateful grin and turn
around to run after him. I don't know why he's so angry, but there's got
to be something I can say to cheer him up, right?

As I turn the corner, I spot Alec up ahead pacing up and down. He still
looks furious, and I'm a little hesitant to approach him when steam is
practically exploding from his ears. I guess I'd just like to think that
he'd do the same for me, so I'm going to approach him and fix this as
best I can. "Alec," My voice is kind of hoarse as I step closer, and his
head snaps up to look at me. The cobalt ocean depths of his eyes are
stormy and grey with anger, but they soften slightly as they see me, but
it's not long until he looks angrier than he did before, if that is even
possible. "What is it Riley?" He sighs exasperatedly, features creased in

"I said no."

A brief look of shock crosses his features, but then we lose eye contact
and he shakes his head as though trying to erase some thoughts from his
mind. "Whatever," He shrugs nonchalantly, "Why should I care?"

Why should he care?

And as those words registered, I got the hardest punch to my gut I think
I've ever had.

The funny thing is, it wasn't the type of punch that would leave a

Chapter 22// Intoxicated

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

Words couldn't describe the feelings that overcame me when Dylan asked
her the question.

It was like a flood, no an avalanche of emotion- pent up anger,

acceptance and rejection that shot ice down my veins and took control of
my body like I was some kind of a puppet. Before I knew it, my hands
slapped down on the table with a satisfying smack, firing my palms into
searing pain, but the pain felt kind of good. Pain is weakness leaving
the body, and I hate, hate that I have a weak spot. You know why? Because
my weak spot happens to be a bubbly, gorgeous girl that my friend wants
and that I'm never going to get. And he's used my weak spot to his full
advantage, go figure.

I'd love to be able to say that I can't believe it, but the truth is that
I've been expecting it for a long time. Dylan gets a lot of things that
he wants.

He has the perfect grades, the perfect house, the riches and the social
status- all of these he has fought for with all of his existence, in
order to achieve what he has today. And in this case, he wants Riley
Greene. He kissed her, and she rejected him, but if anything that only
increased his burning need for her, I see it in his eyes every day. So
today it came out again- a desperate plea for her to be his, so that he
can be even more perfect than he is now. And I egged him on, I was daring
him with my eyes to betray one of his best friends for a girl. Bros
before hoes...well that doesn't work out well for us now, because in that
moment, that split second, I felt everything negative there ever was to
feel towards Dylan.

Will I forgive him? Probably. Don't ask me why, because even I don't
I stalk out of the cafeteria with fire burning every square inch of my
body. I want to curse, to punch a wall, but somehow all I can find it in
me to do is pace, to let out my steam and calm down. Dylan fvcking
Merrick. I want to castrate him, to do everything remotely possible to
hurt him back now. He knew what he was about to do, and he had the nerve
to look ashamed. If he was really that ashamed, then he wouldn't have
done it. "Alec," A familiar voice comes from behind me, and I spin around
to see her standing there. Her backpack is over her shoulders, and she's
wearing pale ripped skinny jeans, and she looks so god damn flushed and
perfect stood there that I can't help but let myself calm down for a
second, before my senses kick back in again.

Alec. She's your weakness. She's your opening to pain. What the fvck are
you doing?!

I snap out of it like I'm in a trance, and my eyes glaze over again. She
is the reason that Dylan can hurt me. She makes me laugh, and she's cute
and quirky and I want her so much, but it's probably best that I don't
have her. I'll taint her, just like I've tainted everyone in my past, and
she has the power to hurt me whenever she pleases. Let Dylan have her,
let Dylan have the perfect life that he fricking deserves. Don't get
attached to her Alec, you'll just get your heart broken. "What is it?" I
grunt exasperatedly. Deep down, I know that it's not her fault. She's
done nothing wrong- she's just being her. And the fact that that is
enough to bring me down to my knees in pain and anger is quite possibly
the most irritating thing I've ever come across.

This is why Alec Ryder doesn't do crushes. Well... didn't.

"I said no."

I wasn't expecting that. My eyes widen, and despite the anger I feel
towards Dylan and the pain that he betrayed me, I feel a split second of
hope in my chest. If she doesn't like him, does she like me?

Alec stop it, you're doing it again. You're falling into the trap. Pull
yourself back out, because you don't want to get too deep. You don't want
to be trapped.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, breaking my eye contact because

she's messing with my thoughts. She has an influence on me, whether I
want to admit it or not, and I need to stop it right now. I need to stop
whatever this is in the middle of its tracks, or I'm just going to be
hurt and I can't let that happen. I miss the cold, insensitive Alec Ryder
that I used to be. I had fun, I caused pain but I never felt it. It was
selfish, it was harsh but it was who I was. Now she's changing me, and
while I thought it was for the good originally, I find out now that it's
actually for the painful. "Whatever," I shrug, finally meeting her eyes
again with a newfound determination, "Why should I care?"

The hurt on her face is immediate.

Suddenly I'm regretting everything. Everything I thought. Because that
was a jerk move, and she doesn't deserve to feel pain at all, and I was
the one who fricking delivered it to her. "You're right," She swallows
roughly, trying as best she can to mask her emotions on her face to no
avail, "Why should you care?" And with that she turns and walks back to
the lunch table. I do care! I want to yell after her, but my throat
sticks with the words and they won't escape my parted lips. I kick a
locker angrily, bashing the door inwards. I screw up everything in my
fricking wake. I'll get in trouble for that, I know, but I don't give a
shit right now. Without even needing to ask the rest of the guys for help
this time, I know what I need to do. I need to apologise, and calm the
fvck down. The latter might be a problem.

I just hope she forgives me.



"Riley, what's the matter?" Mom's worried voice comes from the hallway as
she watches me enter my bedroom and drop my backpack to the floor. I
didn't shout hello to her when I got back home, that's why she paid
attention to me. Mistake on my part. I don't look over at her, but I know
she's staring. I don't know what she's talking about, there's nothing the
matter. I just feel kind of...numb after earlier. I suppose that's better
than feeling pain though, which is what I felt initially. I mean, I knew
that Alec Ryder didn't like me. I guess a part of me was still hoping
though, still thinking 'maybe, maybe he likes me back'. Needless to say,
Alec Ryder demolished that small hope in a second. It was painful at the
beginning, but everything's fine now.

Nothing is wrong. Nothing should be wrong.

"Riley, tell me." Mom appears in the doorway, with soft, comforting eyes
watching me concernedly. "I know something's the matter baby. Tell me
what's wrong." She steps closer but I daren't meet her eye, otherwise the
numbness might break down again and have the hurt flood back in. I like
being numb; I don't want to feel. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice
that the window is open, and in a sudden burst of anger I pull it shut
with a slam.

Of course, he doesn't know that he's even hurt me probably. He was just
telling the truth, being bluntly honest but completely right. Why should
he care? It's not like I mean anything to him in that way. It's a stupid,
silly crush that he doesn't return so I need to get over it. Alec is in
the opposite room, and his head snaps up at the noise, but I pull the
curtain closed before he can see my face. Yeah, I know I'm a coward, but
I can't stomach facing him yet. "Riley Maria Greene," Mom's voice comes
softly from behind me and her arms wrap around me, tugging me back into
her, "Tell your mama what's up."

"Dylan asked me if I was free Saturday night," I sigh. I'm not quite sure
what to feel about that: whether to be flattered that he's so insistently
trying to get me to like him back, or whether to feel irritated that he
annoyed Alec and quite possibly ruined my relationship with both boys.
"Alec got angry and stalked away before I could refuse. Then when I went
after him and told him I said no, he asked why he should care. He's
right, but it's fine mom. I've gotten over it, I can deal."

"Really?" Mom says dubiously, "I don't believe you. I don't think you can
deal." She pulls me into a hug and kisses my hair. "You know that he's
jealous, right? He's jealous that Dylan asked you out, that's why he's
upset." Jealous? Jealous of what? If he knows that Dylan kissed me, then
he'll also know that I rejected him. Now I've just rejected Dylan again,
so how could he be jealous?

"But mom," I pull back and look her in the eye, "In order for him to be
jealous, he needs to like me back. Plus, I told Alec that I refused Dylan
anyway and he still didn't care. It doesn't add up."

Mom stares blankly at me. "You can be one oblivious girl, you know that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe Alec might like
you back? He might have said that not to hurt you but to act nonchalant
about you rejecting Dylan. He probably doesn't mean it," She sighs, "I've
got some paperwork to do. Things will sort themselves out, okay? You'll
figure out what I mean in due time. Just... do me a favour: remember that
people tend to put up walls to protect themselves from getting hurt,
Riley. Alec's a lot more insecure than he likes people to see, and the
problem is that you're breaking down his wall a lot more quickly than he
can build it back up again. Things will work out, you'll see." She pecks
me on the cheek and walks out of the room, leaving me looking
thoughtfully after her. People have walls and I'm breaking Alec's down.

What does that mean? That he's opening up to me? That he's scared of
showing me what's inside? This wall stuff is confusing.

After deliberating over it for a second, I peel back the curtain and
stare into the opposite room. All clear. As quickly as possible, I pull
the curtain back and open up the window as far as it can go.

I'm not quite ready to shut Alec Ryder out yet, despite what he said.


"I'm an angel with a shotgun, fight until the war's won," I murmur under
my breath as I focus my gaze on the laptop, trying my very hardest to
concentrate on the text in front of me. My music is playing on full
volume, so that's not really helping, and I squint at the screen until
the words blur into nonsense, impossible to understand. So much for
writing my history assessment, but if I can't find the will to research
for it then I guess I'm going to have to leave it until tomorrow. It's a
terrible shame, I know, but I'm a guilty procrastinating champion.

Eat your heart out, bishes.

Just as I select the Tumblr app on my phone, preparing for a few hours of
internet scrolling bliss down my newsfeed, something sharp hits me on the
side of my shin. "Ow," I wince and drop my hand to my leg, eyes scanning
the duvet for a sign of the culprit. A small white paper airplane waits
on the covers beside me, and it instantly registers who it's from in my
mind. My heart rate picks up accordingly, and I resist looking up at the
window to unfold the paper airplane. Written in large font in the centre
of the paper is a short sentence.

I'm sorry for being a jerk.

A small smile spreads on my lips and I look up at the window to see, as I

expected, Alec watching me ashamedly. What a cutie pie. I drop the
airplane and saunter up to the window, making sure to take my time so
that I can absorb his reaction to the full. It's priceless. He's
blushing, and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly which is
completely unknown territory for Alec. He's embarrassed. Probably because
that was one of the most cliché, hopeless romantic ways of apologising
ever. But hey, I'll take what I can get. "You're sorry?" I ask him,
leaning over the window. "It's okay you know. There's nothing to be sorry

I'm saying that like some kind of saint, like I'm being the better person
by letting him off. In all honesty though, I forgave him before I even
spoke to him. Awkward.

"But I hurt you, and it wasn't even legitimate: It was a complete lie. If
I had a drink for every frick I gave about you Riley Greene, I'd be
intoxicated. Of course I care," He lets out a breath, gesturing down at
the space in between our two houses, "The number of paper airplanes I
tried to throw in through that god damn window just proves it." I glance
down to see what must be about twenty paper airplanes littering the
grass. I let out a laugh at this. Not so perfect after all, is he? A
happy grin slides onto my face and I climb out of my window carefully. I
know I'm acting like a lovesick puppy right now, but I really can't help
it. I guess I'm just relieved that he cares enough to apologise again
after last time, and anyone who knows Alec Ryder knows that he doesn't
chase after anyone.

But he's chasing after me. Does that mean anything?

I finally manage to climb in through his window, and I hug him tightly as
soon as my feet are on the hard, steady flooring. His warm arms wrap
around me shooting sparks over my skin and causing every hair to stand up
on end. I hate his stupid effect on me. He sighs and rests his chin on my
forehead. Meanwhile, my heart is thudding faster than a hummingbird on
steroids. What is he doing to me? The annoying thing is, he's not even
freaking trying to do this. It's just him. Damn him.
"Do you want to go down to the train line?" He asks me, and I look up
with the answer shining prominently in my eyes. Still, I decide to tease
him. It's just in my nature.

"No," I shake my head defiantly, biting my lip to hold in my chuckles.



"Yes to the No or yes as in yes? The second one, right?" Alec frowns and
his eyes cross as he tries to figure it out. I think it's the ugliest
face that I've ever seen him pull, and he still looks frigging adorable.
Ugh. Him and his cuteness disgust me.


"You're a weird one, Riley."

"But you love me anyway."

He doesn't even bother denying it.


"I think you've practically eaten everything," Alec shoots me an amused

look, gesturing down at the empty fish and chips carton. We got hungry so
we stopped at a burger king on the way to the train line. It was
delicious. "I barely got a look in on the meal that I paid for," Alec
stresses, "I didn't think it was possible for you to cram all that into
your stomach, but hey you proved me wrong so congratulations." He reaches
up for a high five, and I slap it enthusiastically.

"What can I say? I'm just too glam to give a damn." I wink at him. My
hand reaches into the carton, scrounging for any last fry, and Alec
offers me a judging look. We're having kind of like a little picnic
here....well, I am. Alec isn't contributing to the eating much. I pop the
last crunchy fry into my mouth and chew it with a sigh as I stare out at
the setting sky. Azure and rose stripes are splashed along the horizon
like paint on a canvas, the sun a beacon in the burnt orange landscape.

"You know, my birthday's coming up soon," I say conversationally, "I'll

be seventeen."

"Which date is it?" Alec asks me. I can feel his eyes on the side of my
face, but I ignore them as I stare ahead into the beautiful landscape. I
feel so lucky that Alec brought me here, or else I'd have never found it.
Yes you can see prettier sights elsewhere and it's not a perfect view,
but it's rustic and old and it has a certain charm about it that I can't
get over. A little secret escape.

"April 3rd,"I smile, "And then I'll be the same age as you."
"Seventeen and had no sexual experience," Alec shakes his head and tuts,
"A lot of untapped potential there, princessa." Is he saying I could be
good in bed? My cheeks flame red, but I raise my eyebrows nonchalantly,
attempting to cover up my embarrassment. I don't think I'm kidding

"I have sexual experience," I scoff, "Does being shot out of my mother's
vagina not count?"

Alec gives me a blank look. Oh the most delightful conversations we have.

"Wow, okay. Guess not then."

Well I've been living a lie.

Not the best chapter in the world, but I wanted to give you the argument
from the perspective of Alec, so I hope you like it :) x

Chapter 23// Waterpark Part 1

I wake up on the day of the waterpark trip with a huge smile on my face.

Okay, so that might be a slight lie. I actually wake up with a snore and
a grunt, slapping my hand off the alarm clock like most grouchy
teenagers. It's only when I realise what day it is that I actually smile
(which is about ten minutes later, in my sleep induced haze), but let's
overlook that minor detail and pretend I woke up grinning like the girls
in the movies do. It adds to the effect.

It's been a long and tedious wait for this day to arrive, and it's
finally here. I get ready as quickly as I can, putting my hair into a
rare fishtail braid and sliding on a pair of pale denim shorts which I
hardly ever wear. I'm more of a skinny jeans person, if you couldn't
already tell that about me. I'm not one to make an effort for school
usually, but today I guess I'm just feeling it. I've been so buzzed about
this day for ages that I can barely contain myself now: I might as well
look nice for it. I've been counting down the days, hours, heck even
minutes until now, as have all of the other juniors. It's not often
something like this happens in our crappy school.

Mom was a little concerned when I first told her. She was sat at the
breakfast bar, frowning at the letter and I was so scared for a second
that she wouldn't let me go. "What about the cost? It must cost a lot to
hire out a waterpark for a day. Besides, are they going to have adequate
safety regimes? How many teachers are coming with you?" Luckily, I
managed to persuade her that there's a tonne of teachers going, safety is
going to be anything but loose, and I deserve the treat. Yep, emotional
blackmail. She sent in the letter anyway, so I guess it was mission
successful. And now? I'm higher than a bird on crack. I have my deposit,
I have my bikini and sunscreen (Yep, still taking safety precautions
kids) and I am ready. I can't wait.

I think, if my life was a movie, right now would be the moment to have an
annoyingly catchy musical number playing. Colton Haynes would be playing
male lead, obviously.

"What are you on dude, and where can I get it?" Violet greets me, winking
sassily as I pull up on the sidewalk next to her. To be fair, I am
grinning like a madwoman so I can't blame her for being freaked out by my
abnormally good mood. How often is it that I'm actually smiling in the
morning? I roll my eyes at her smartass remark, watching her stand up
from her comfortable seat on the road sign outside of her house, where
she always waits for me in the morning when we carpool. She looks
different today. Instead of her usually spunky getup, she's wearing black
studded shorts and sunglasses, averting my eyes to her bare legs. Don't
worry, I'm not being a pervert. I'm just shocked because Violet never
bares her legs: Iguess she's feeling summery too. She grins at me as she
slides into the passenger seat, buckling her seatbelt. "To the waterpark
we go!"

"Well we have to go to school first, you know, we need to get registered

and stuff."

She shoots me a blank look, "Just drive Riley."

"Yes sir," I retort cheekily, watching as she leans over to turn a dial
on my dashboard. Instantly the music on my crappy car stereo increases
dramatically in volume, making me wince at the hit on my eardrums. Ow,
ow, ow. I'm going to have ringing ears later. It must be on full volume
now, and my car does not have one of those stereos that increase in sound
quality the higher the volume. Oh no, there's a reason that I keep the
music on the down low in my car.

"Your sound quality sucks ass," Violet wrinkles her nose, yelling above
the music. As if we need more noise in this car. I roll my eyes and push
down on the handbrake, pulling off the curb. I don't want to be late on
the one day of school worth going in for. "What's with the volume?" I
yell back, "You're going to make my ears bleed, jeez!"

"Oh grow a pair of lady balls, Greene! It's part of the vibe."

"I'll show you part of the vibe," I mutter under my breath. Luckily she
doesn't notice, what with the music being loud enough to give Martians
earache. How are her ears not hurting?!

"Too much, too young, too fast!" Violet belts out to the song, and I let
out a small laugh at her pitch deaf tone. I think the volume is affecting
her a lot more than she's actually letting on: can she even hear herself
right now? Ah screw it, what have you got to loose? And so, I begin (very
badly) singing along with her, rolling the windows down in the hopes that
it'll decrease the deafening taking place in the car. Let's share our
gorgeous karaoke with the world. If you've got it, flaunt it- that's what
they say. Yeah, I know it's no convertible and amazing stereo like you
see in the movies, but it's close enough. I'm happy with it, and from the
grin on Violet's face she is too.

Lesson in life, kids. Life isn't like the movies, but you can sure as
hell act like it is.

Wow, that sounds like a frigging quote or something.

When we arrive at school, we can spot the commotion in an instant and I

turn down the music so quickly that my ears are still buzzing with the
lyrics. Stood near the entrance is a swarm of excited juniors, waiting
next to a couple of giant coach buses. I can see around ten teachers
struggling to contain the crowd, and Mr Boston is stood at the front with
a list attempting to do registration I guess. "Quick, we better hurry
up," I mutter to Violet, turning off the music completely and sliding my
backpack over my shoulder. Violet nods, and we climb out of the car,
doors slamming one by one behind us as we jog over to the crowd.
"Martin!" Violet yells, "Over here!"

"Hey," Martin greets us. Well, Violet. He leans over to kiss her cheek
romantically. Ugh, couples and their sweetness. I'm so unloved. "We
leave for the waterpark in ten minutes. You guys should go and register
before you get on the coach."

"We'll do it in a bit," Violet dismisses, "First, how have you been?"

She leans closer for a full kiss this time, and I avert my eyes
awkwardly, spotting Joe up ahead of me. Thank the heavens.
"Joe!" I greet, stepping into the space next to him, "Hi. Where are the

"Chase and Alec haven't arrived yet, and Dylan's flirting with Hannah
Coombes," Joe rolls his eyes, "I'm sorry about Dylan the other week, by
the way, I hope you guys aren't too uncomfortable now."
Hmm...uncomfortable would probably be an understatement.

"It's fine," I lie, "Not too awkward. I see he's gotten over it pretty
quickly anyway, so that's good."

"This should probably come as a relief to you, but Dylan didn't like you
much anyway," Joe murmurs quietly, "He's just insanely jealous of Alec,
and he wanted to prove that he could have something that Alec couldn't."
Something that Alec couldn't? Is he talking about me?

"What?" I frown, "You're confusing me. What can't Alec get?"

Joe stares blankly at me for a second. I don't understand, don't hate on

me for it jeez. "It doesn't matter. Dylan's getting over you now anyway,
so you shouldn't have to worry about that anymore. He's got his eyes set
on Hannah now." Hannah is a red haired girl in our year, and I can
definitely see Dylan going for her. She's pretty and very smart, but a
little bit uptight. Honestly, it's like that girl has a red hot poker up
her ass: she never has any fun, but she is kind of sweet.

"She's more his type," I nod, "I'm relieved about that. Maybe it won't be
so awkward anymore. I wanted to give him a chance, I really did, but I
didn't like him that way in the slightest. If I did give him a chance, it
would just spiral into me feeling guilty and agreeing to a second date or
whatever, and that would make me feel even more terrible. Even worse than
that, I'd start using him to get-"I stop myself just in time, before I
say the name. Crap that was close. I almost admitted that I liked Alec to
his best friend.

"To get who, Riley?" Joe wriggles his eyebrows, a knowing expression
dancing amusedly in his eyes.
"You know." I realise with a groan, looking at him through squinted eyes,
like I'm too afraid to see his reaction. It's more of a statement than a
question, but he grins cheerfully and replies anyway.

"That you like Alec? Yep."

"You can't tell anyone," I warn him, "I will personally castrate you, and
hang you from my washing line by your penis if you say even a hint of a
word. I mean it Joe." His eyes widen and he puts his hands up in
surrender, but a cheeky grin curves his lips and ruins the innocent
image. "I would never, promise."

I don't believe you. My eyes narrow and my mouth opens to reply, but
swiftly shuts as another voice joins the conversation.

"Riley?" Violet taps me on the shoulder, a glint sparking in her eye,

"I'm going to sit next to Martin on the bus now. Just thought I should
let you know. We've just registered so we're sitting together."

"What?!" My mouth drops back open again. Are you freaking kidding me?!

"Well Martin hasn't got anyone to sit by," She smiles mischievously, "But
you can sit next to one of the boys right?" So that's what she's trying
to do. She wants me to sit by Alec, I realise. That little bitch- she set
me up! My eyes narrow accusingly, "You are totally doing this on purpose,
you scheming little-"

"Of course she can," Joe interrupts with a smirk, "I mean I'm sitting
next to Chase, and Dylan's sitting next to Hannah. You don't mind sitting
next to Alec do you, Riley?" He and Violet share a not-so discreet high
five, and I groan loudly, stomping my foot. Yeah, I'm going to throw a
little temper tantrum. They have so obviously planned this! This is so
humiliating, I can't believe they'd interfere like that!

"No wa-"
"No way what?" Alec's voice butts in inconveniently and he comes to stand
next to Joe, "What are you guys talking about?" Well this is just fine
and bloody dandy isn't it? Of course he enters the conversation at this
particular moment. Ugh, I feel like I'm being ganged up on.

"Well we were just discussing how Riley has no-one to sit next to on the
bus," Violet says slyly, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye, "We
have a bit of an issue on our hands."

"Oh," Alec nods, "Well she can sit by me, right?" He glances at me for
confirmation, a small smirk curving his lips. Oh if only he knew. I grit
my teeth and stretch on a very fake smile, nodding.

"That's fine, thanks." I chime. My fists are clenched by my sides, so as

to restrain from punching my two very smug friends. Joe is grinning his
ass off, and he claps me on the back as if to push me even further into
my anger. "Well that's sorted now! Shall we go and register?"

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Alec asks me as we walk up to the

front to talk to Mr Boston. People are beginning to get on the coaches
now. I wonder where Chase is: I can't believe he hasn't arrived yet. Alec
shoves me lightly with his shoulder, and my teeth grind against each
other. That pair couldn't make it more bloody obvious could they? Stupid
Violet and Joe, I'll get them back. "Oh nothing," I hum, "I'm just a
little wound up is all." Alec glances over at me with scrutinizing eyes,
as if he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't say anything.

"What are your names?" Mr Boston greets us from behind the desk, a huge
book placed in front of him listed with all the juniors. He's not dressed
in his normal smart attire today, instead he's wearing a pair of tan
cargo pants and a pale blue shirt. There's always something so surreal
seeing a teacher in their normal clothes, like they haven't got a life
out of school or something.

"Riley Greene and Alec Ryder, Sir," I say smoothly. He grunts in approval
and marks our names off the list, nodding for us to get onto the coach. I
feel the sudden urge to courtesy for some random reason, but seeing as
he's not taking his eyes away from the list in front of him, that would
be a bit pointless.

I grab Alec's forearm, drag him away from the desk and begin to climb the
steps to the coach bus. People have already filled most of the seats, and
I can see more than a dozen faces watching me as I walk down the aisle
with Alec in tow. Well I am so obviously being judged. Y'know, I still
get girls whispering behind my back a lot, but most of it has died down
now luckily, so I don't receive quite as many death glares. I guess
people find new gossip pretty quickly, but to be honest I didn't think
Alec and I's friendship was that shocking even to begin with. These girls
are pretty attached to their bad boy, though.

Finally, I spot an empty pair of seats right at the back, which Violet
and Joe must have saved for us. I slide into the window sill carefully,
budging up to give Alec some room. Violet and Martin are sat in front,
with Joe opposite us on the other side of the aisle. Still no sign of
Chase, and I haven't a clue where Dylan is either. I really hope I
haven't caused tension between the boys. I'd hate to break them up. Did I
not make it clear to Dylan that he was firmly in the friend zone when he
first kissed me? I feel so mean for rejecting him again, but let's be
honest, part of it was his stupid fault.

"I saw something on Tumblr yesterday," Alec chuckles, clipping his

seatbelt on, "It was another pick up line. Should I try it on you?" Not
another one of his awkward pick-up lines. I roll my eyes. He never
learns, does he?

"You really need to stop with those," I shake my head amusedly, glancing
out of the window, "But go on, I kind of want to hear it." I'm not going
to lie, it's kind of funny when he attempts to hit on me.
"Are you from Jamaica? Because Jamaican me horny," Alec winks and I
burst into laughter. His lines are absolutely terrible, but they make me

"You must be from Yukon, because Yukon go screw yourself."

"How do you do that?!" Alec growls, frustrated.

"Do what?"

"Y'know, be so smooth all the time. You come up with the funniest

"I know that pick-up line, that's how." Plus I'm just a living, walking
Tumblr human.

"Okay this is my best line, are you ready? You won't be able to fault
this one." He adjusts himself in his seat, facing me with a mouth-
watering smirk. Honestly, it's incredibly hard to concentrate when he
does that. I can't help but roll my eyes at his enthusiasm.
"I've never been more ready in my entire existence," I grin back.

"How do you like your eggs? Poached, scrambled or FERTILISED?" Alec

smirks at his own joke and looks at me for a second, as though he's
expecting me to burst into fits of hysterical laughter. that's
not going to happen. I stare blankly back at him, watching his

"You need to work on some of these," I shake my head, laughing. "No

wonder you don't get any action anymore Ryder." He pouts at me, like a
five year old who hasn't got his way. It's kind of endearing in some
ways, but in other ways it's just plain funny how he thinks he looks cute
when he does that. It's like when a kid pulls the 'puppy dog eyes' on you
when they want something, and they just look a little bit constipated. I
smile sweetly back at him, before my eyes snap upwards to see Chase
heading down the aisle towards us. Well at least everyone's here now.

"Hey," He greets us, sliding in next to Joe, "I slept in, sorry for being
late. I think I'm the last one on the coach though, so we should be
leaving soon." I nod and fish my phone out of my pocket alongside my ear
buds, handing one to Alec. It's become some kind of tradition now that we
share music, and I have to say I kind of enjoy it. I settle back into my
chair and look out of the window, handing Alec my phone so that he can
choose the song. I know we have similar music taste, so I don't really
mind him doing that. Although it is slightly worrying that he knows my
passcode. I should probably change that.

I rest my head against the window. I hope we get there soon: I can't


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Chapter 24// Bets, bruises and bikinis

"Oh my god Riley, I love your bikini. Where did you get it? A charity

Tiana smirks at me, and I scowl back at her. Since when is she so bluntly
and obviously horrible to me? Usually she'll mock me, but it'll be behind
some sickly sweet smile so people think she's being nice and that I'm the
horrible one. I guess she's fed up of that method now, and she's plain
old bullying me. How lovely. I open my mouth to retaliate, but Violet is
already beating me to it.

"Wow, because we've never heard that one before," Violet rolls her eyes,
"I bet your brain feels as good as new seeing as you never use it." Oh
how I love my best friend. I turn to grin at Violet, sliding off my
sandals and kicking them under the changing room bench. I think I'm ready
now. We arrived just under five minutes ago, and I'm so glad that I wore
my bikini under my outfit because everyone else is rushing to get changed
so that they can go out into the park. We saw some of the slides as we
drove in, and I think that ignited some kind of spark in the juniors. Now
everyone is racing each other to be the one's out first.

There's a few small chuckles at Violet's comeback, and Tiana flushes red
in anger, turning away. Her bikini is pink and no doubt has a beautifully
expensive price tag, but I don't really care about that seeing as it's
the skimpiest little thing ever. I mean seriously, what did she pay for
that thing? She sure doesn't get a lot for her money. I adjust my bikini
top and smile at Violet to thank her silently for standing up for me.
"Ready?" I ask her, and she nods. Together we exit the changing rooms
with our chins held high. Dignity intact. Check.

I squint a little bit as we emerge into the daylight. Our local waterpark
isn't huge, but it's definitely pretty awesome. There's the typical rides
here: the curly slides, the fast ones, the steep ones. Lazy rivers and
Jacuzzis. There's nothing particularly special about this waterpark, I
guess we're just incredibly lucky to have it nearby though, that's why I
love it so much. A lot of people from school come here on some weekends,
because we have what I like to call the 'local advantage'. Basically
meaning it's pretty easy to find coupons and discount codes in local
stores, what with living nearby. I haven't come here in quite a while,
personally, but I have a huge wad of coupons stashed at home. I should
come here a bit more often.

I spot the first waterslide pretty quickly. "Let's go on that one first!"
I point it out. It was a pretty typical curly pale blue one: not too
fast, not too slow. The reason I pick it is because it hadn't formed a
queue, and I want to go on as many as possible today whereas everyone
else is heading towards the Super bowl or the black hole ride. Already
the pool is beginning to fill with juniors, and I thought we got out
pretty early. Violet nods in confirmation, and we set off towards it,
walking as fast as we can. I'm not about to run, because on a wet floor
by a swimming pool when you have my balance- disaster is inevitable.
When we reach it, I clamber quickly up the stairs and sit down at the
starting point, clasping onto the bar above my head. The cool water
rushes around my legs and I peer down into the dark waterslide happily.
"You coming with or are we riding separately?" I ask Violet. In answer,
she sits down behind me and puts her legs around mine. There's nothing
better than going down a waterslide in a pair. I swing us off and we
shoot down into the blackness. I can't see a thing, but I'm whooping and
Violet's screaming and it just reminds me of how much I love waterslides,
and how rarely I get to go on them. I used to come here a lot as a kid
with Kaitlin and Jack, actually. I feel a small pang, but I ignore it and
cover it up with a giant smile. I can see the end now, a small hole of
sunlight with the water glinting white. With one last scream, we splash
straight into it, and I emerge from the pool gasping and giggling, hair
stuck to my face.

Damn, I'm attractive (Hint the sarcasm).

Apparently someone else thinks exactly the same. "You look like a
monster!" Alec's voice shouts from the side of the pool, and I swoop my
hair back away from my face so that I can see again and shoot him a
glare. He's stood at the edge grinning at me, flanked by Joe and Chase.
They aren't wet at all, so they obviously haven't been down a waterslide.
Does that mean that they spent longer changing than me and Violet? Ha!
Well we defeated the 'girls taking ages to get ready' cliché.

I stick my tongue back out at him, climbing out of the pool. "Well at
least I don't look like a monster permanently, unlike some people." Chase
grins at this, and Joe claps Alec on the back smugly. I glance back
around at Violet, ignoring the stupid guys, "Do you want to go on that
one again or...?"

"Sure," She grins, "I'd love to."

"We're coming too," Joe smirks, and I roll my eyes as Alec flings an arm
over my shoulder. Instantly Joe begins leading us to the largest
waterslide of the park, a tall red one with a pile of inflatable dinghies
stacked next to it. It has a short queue, but nothing major so I follow
on without question. We stroll towards it slowly, joking between
ourselves, but my eyes just can't seem to stay still. They're taking in
the scenery, observing the juniors laughing and splashing, the girls
lying on the loungers beside the pool, the teachers gathered up in
sunhats watching them from the café. We deserve this. This is our treat.
Our break from all the hard work. A grin curves my lips.

"Hey," A girl's voice interrupts my thoughts, and I'm suddenly brought to

a stop by Alec, his arm tightening around my shoulders. I glance sideways
to see a red haired freckled girl looking up at Alec with an almost awed
expression. "Hi, my friend wanted to know if you wanted her number... She
said she's free Saturday night, if you wanted to organise somethi-"

"No thanks," Alec cuts her off, "Tell her I'm sorry, but I have plans."
The girls mouth drops open a little: she obviously wasn't expecting to be
so hastily interrupted. She nods mutely, before scurrying off back
towards her friend, a puzzled expression on her face much alike to mine.
Alec turns to face me, ignoring my surprise at what he said to the girl,
"Do you want a piggyback?"

Well, seeing as I'm a lazy ass and I can't be bothered to walk, hell

"Sure," I grin. He bends down slightly in front of me and I jump onto his
back, clutching around his shoulders. His arms loop under my thighs and
he shifts me up his back, huffing ever so slightly with effort. Well
then. "You don't have to carry me you know," I say dubiously, "I get that
I'm a heffalump. Seriously dude, if you can't do it-"



"Shut up."


"So what was with the blunt rejection?" I ask him casually. We're nearing
the stairs to the waterslide now, the others are ever so slightly in
front of us. He sighs lightly, tightening his grip on my legs to stop me
from sliding down his back again. I can't help but be a little distracted
by the fact that I am in a bikini on a shirtless guys back, I mean, c'mon
is that not every girl's fantasy? His skin is tan and his muscles are
prominent, and I look like a tiny pale matchstick in comparison. Do you
think he uses fake tan? Maybe I can ask him for tips on how to get skin
like that, because dayum.

"I didn't want to go on a date with her, is that such a bad thing?"

"Well, no." Because I would have castrated you if you'd have said yes.
Although obviously I don't say that part, because that would be beyond
humiliating. I'm such a weirdo. "To the waterslide we go!" I yell,
changing the topic. He slides me off his back when we reach the foot of
the stairs and my skin tingles enticingly, bringing a light blush to my
cheeks. I avoid looking him in the eye, and race up the steps after the
others. "You know, you've changed a lot since when I first met you," I
say to Alec.

Alec grimaces ever so slightly, "Yeah." He looks disappointed by that

confirmation, and I frown at the sight, laying a comforting hand on his
arm. It doesn't quite go to plan though, because Alec's eyes shoot to
mine instantly, wide and surprised. We're caught in a stare off and we're
making skin contact.


"It's not a bad thing you know," I say in a slightly strangled tone,
caught like a rabbit in headlights at the situation. After a second he
smiles, and something in me relaxes: allowing a breathless smile to
escape onto my own lips. Okay, okay, so maybe it wasn't awkward. Maybe
I'M just awkward. I look away and continue racing towards the top,
hearing Alec's huffs for breath from behind me. I didn't quite realise
how fast I was going, I just wanted to be away from that intimate scene
as quickly as possible to be honest.

"Riley, go underneath us!" A voice yells at me as I reach the top. I

look to the side to see Violet watching me with anticipation, but the
voice wasn't hers. It came from the waterslide, and sure enough, as I
peer in I see Joe right near the entrance. His back is arched against the
top of the waterslide, legs and arms stuck to the sides to stop him from
sliding down himself. Chase is in similar position, just behind him. He
wants us to go underneath them. My eyes widen in realisation. Are they
joking me? No way am I small enough to fit under that lot without getting
bruised black and blue. "Seriously?" I ask him, mouth agape. He wouldn't
be that stupid, right?

Behind me, Alec whoops before climbing into the waterslide himself. He
edges ever so slowly underneath the boys, hands stuck to the wall to stop
him from sliding down. Then, a little behind Chase, he turns around to
face us again and copies their position. I'm supposed to go underneath
three boys without getting in some way injured? Yeah like that's going to
happen. I can't see Chase and Alec's faces, but I can tell their
straining to hold on just by the tension in their limbs and the muscles
bulging ever so slightly in effort. What a sight.

"No, no," I shake my head at Joe, "That isn't going to happen."

"C'mon Riley, Violet's agreed to do it," Joe whines, "Hurry up before we


"You what?" I turn, shocked to face Violet, who gives me a helpless look
in return. Where's a best friend when you need her to back you up, hm?!
Well I wouldn't know. This is going to hurt. I let out a defeated sigh,
and sit down at the beginning of the waterslide, peering ahead at Joe in
the darkness. "This is going to go badly." Violet sits down behind me and
pushes us off, and I cringe in anticipation.

The cool water speeds us into Joe, and I duck quickly under his legs so
as to avoid getting decapitated. Okay, one down. Unfortunately, with
Chase I'm not so lucky. Having just ducked under Joe, I bring my face
back up and smack it straight into Chase's thigh, who in turn loses
balance and falls hard onto Violet's legs. That's got to hurt, judging by
her squeal, but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on that at the moment
when my own face is throbbing. Owch.

A pain in my nose is practically all I can think about, but somewhere in

the back of my mind I hear Joe's whoop as he swings himself down the
waterslide after us. I duck swiftly under Alec's legs, cradling my nose
and shrieking with exhilaration, but my hip collides with his foot as I
pass him. He comes flying down on top of me and Violet, and we both
scream loudly. I currently have a mouthful of rock-hard abs (not a bad
place to be, but it is when you're being suffocated in the middle of a
waterslide) and I don't think I've ever been on a more traumatising and
lengthy waterslide. It swerves this way and that, bumping the back of my
head against Violet's leg as I slip down further. I can't see in the
darkness, and I'm screaming and laughing despite the pain because it's so
damn funny. Painful, but funny.

At long last, we reach the end, and I'm catapulted into the water. The
weight off my body is gone, and my face numbs ever so slightly in the
chilly water. Thank god. I emerge with a gasp, pushing my hair back from
my face. "Just so you all know, I knew this was a bad idea. I totally
called it."
"My leg Riley!" Chase groans, "You face planted it and made me fall, so
I'm blaming you. What the hell is your face made of?!" He clutches his
shins and brings it up to show me the red marks already forming. He must
have fallen pretty damn hard. Alec is clutching his head, and Violet is
groaning loudly. What a sight we all are. And then, well then there's
Joe, who is looking at us expectantly with wide and excited eyes.
"Again?" He asks.

Needless to say, there's less than a seconds' hesitation before he's

engulfed by four giant splashes.


"Riley, can I speak to you?"

I grit my teeth in annoyance, spinning around on my heel with my tray

held firmly in my hand. It's currently time for lunch at the waterpark,
and I don't think I've ever been hungrier. Who has to step in the way of
me and my food at this precise moment in time? Toby, of course. "No you
may not, I've told you enough times," I glare at him, "Don't ruin a
perfectly good day for me, Toby, because I was having fun until now."

"Jeez, that's a bit harsh isn't it? I just want to talk to you."

My grip tightens dangerously on the tray, so hard that I'm slightly

scared it will snap. Is he fricking serious?! "No Toby," I snap, "What's
harsh is cheating on your girlfriend whose sister had just died, and
getting another girl pregnant. Now please, get the hell away from me and
stay. It's not going to happen, I can assure you that." He frowns, and
his face is still a little messed up from the fist fight a few weeks ago.
I'm surprised that he's even been allowed on this trip again- he was
suspended, after all. I wish he wasn't allowed. Honestly, I really do.

"Riley, are you telling me that you don't miss what we had? Are you
honestly saying that if you follow your heart, you'll choose Alec fvcking
Ryder?! The player, the heartbreaker? I thought you were smarter than
that." His eyes are narrowed as thinly as mine now, and he steps closer
to me, whether it's for the proximity or for intimidating me I'm not
quite sure. Either way, I don't like it. His hand grabs onto my forearm
pressingly, but I rip out of his grip.
"But Toby," I step closer and glare up into his eyes, "Which piece of my
heart should I follow? I don't trust my heart, and do you know why?
Because it lead me to you." I shoot him a last piercing glare, before
spinning on my heel and strutting back to my table. Fire is running down
my veins, and my hands are shaking. It's so surreal to think that this
guy was once my best friend, and now he's the furthest he can get away
it. I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts. I was having an awesome
day until he showed up, and I'm not going to let him ruin the rest of it.

"What was that about?" Violet asks me as I sit down on the table. Alec
hasn't arrived yet, luckily, or he might have blown a fuse if he saw me
talking to Toby. The others, including Martin, are giving me curious
looks. I shrug lightly, taking a huge bite of my burger to try and
distract the others. Sure enough, they soon begin to talk and eat again,
but Violet's gaze is still fixed on mine, unmoving. "Are you okay?" She
mouths to me. I nod and smile reassuringly, ignoring the churn in my
stomach. I stare down at my tray- consisting of a small burger with a
piece of greasy lettuce, and some rather amazing looking fries. Going
down waterslides is more tiring than it looks.

"Hey," Alec greets us, sliding onto a seat opposite me. We were told by
the teachers that we should change back into our normal clothes, but I
don't think anyone actually has. The girls have mainly put on just the
shorts over their bikinis, and the odd guy has slipped on a shirt, but
we're all at the ready to dive back into the pool as soon as our lunch is
over. I rip a small piece of lettuce from the greasy leaf and flick it at
Alec, enjoying the satisfaction of it smacking him on the shoulder. He
looks up at me, then back at the lettuce, and then his eyes narrow
dangerously. He grabs the leaf and flicks it back, hitting me square in
the forehead. Him and his annoyingly good aim.

"Who wants to come on the super bowl with me after lunch? Can any of you
take it?" Joe wriggles his eyebrows intimidatingly, "Got to let your food
settle, kids."

"I can take it," Chase scoffs, taking a gulp from his can, "I could eat
an entire buffet and go on a rollercoaster straight afterwards without
throwing up. It won't be me spewing up chunks, promise."

"Is that a bet brother?" Joe raises his eyebrows, "You're on."

"As many rides as possible. Whoever pukes first," Chase grins and offers
a hand to Joe, who in turn shakes it. Honestly, boys and their freaking
competitions. Would they really risk throwing up for some stupid bet? I
know for sure that I wouldn't. I shudder at the thought, finishing the
last bite of my small yet surprisingly delicious burger and fries. I
admit, I kind of scarfed it down- but I'm hungry, so don't judge me. It's
about one o clock now, and I think we have to be back at school by five.
I really don't want this day to end: it's been so good so far. Kaitlin
would have loved my friends. She always did have a thing about preferring
my friends to hers.

"Have you finished your food?" Alec asks me casually.

"Yeah, why?"
"Oh no reason." His words are tinged with feigned innocence, and my eyes
automatically narrow suspiciously as gets up from his chair to stack his
tray on the nearby stand. I follow his every movement, but even I can't
detect the moment that he yanks my chair back, and scoops me up. I let
out a surprised yelp as I'm pulled up into the air, and I clutch his
shoulders so that I don't fall. "Alec, what the fudge do you think you
are doing?!" I lean back to get a view of his face, and he's smiling
smugly down at me. I can hear Violet laughing, and the boys cheering from
back on our table, causing even more eyes to be drawn to us. We're the
height of attention, go figure. Alec steps down the steps, out of the
café and directly to the poolside. It's only then that I grasp what he's
going to do.

Letting out a small gasp, my limbs jerk spastically to try and get as
strong a hold of him as possible, and he chuckles smugly in return. "Oh
no, no no!" I squeal, "Alec, don't you even think-"

He doesn't even let me finish my sentence before he swings me backwards

and I go flying into the pool. The water swells around me, pushing me to
the pool floor. My arms flail for a second, before my feet kick off on
the ground and I emerge with an icy glare focused directly on Alec
frigging Ryder. He's stood by the pool laughing his head off at me, much
alike the rest of the juniors watching from the café. Heck, even the
teachers are laughing. Aren't they supposed to be telling him off or
something? I glare at him furiously, and the one thought running through
my head is: I'm going to kill him.

Well, as well as thanking the lord that I'm in my bikini and shorts, not
fully clothed.

I climb out of the pool and head towards him, watching him mischievously.
I need to plan my next move. He knows that I want to get him in the pool,
I can tell by his smug yet determined face. What he doesn't know,
however, is that it's pretty darn obvious that I can't shove him in with
brute force: even I know I'd lose that fight any day. I've got to be
tactical about this. What is Alec's weak spot?


I dance towards him, standing close and laying a single palm on his
chest. Already I can feel him stiffening awkwardly, and I use that to my
advantage, stepping closer again until we can't even breathe without skin
touching. "Alec?" I purr, putting on my most seductive voice. Albeit, I
sound like a dying walrus, but it seems to be working. His muscles are
taut and he's hardly breathing.
"Er y-yeah?"

I spin around quickly and shove him hard in the chest, sending him flying
backwards into the pool. "Karma is a bitch."

I even get an applaud from the crowd.


"We can squeeze in one last waterslide before we get changed," I pant,
running full speed up the stairs. Violet and Martin are thundering up the
stairs behind me, with Joe and Alec just in front. Technically, we should
be getting changed now, but we wanted to fit in one last waterslide
before we leave. Consequently meaning we're sprinting up about five
flights of stairs for the last one, and from experience I can tell you
that it does no good for someone as horrifically unfit as me. I used to
be on the track team, yeah, yeah, but track wasn't running upwards.

When we finally emerge on the platform, we make a beeline for the

waterslide. I think we're going down as a group again, but with none of
the 'go underneath me' stuff this time. Hopefully this ride should be a
lot more painless, but also pretty fun. Joe shuffles in first, followed
by Alec and I slide in next. Behind me, Violet and Martin join on.
"Ready?" Joe calls backwards, and Violet whoops in reply. Then we're
pushed off into the darkness for the last time, whooping and laughing as
we swerve with the curves of the ride. The cool water causes goose bumps
to erupt on my legs, and I let out a final whoop before the ending comes
into view and we're thrown into the water.

After we've climbed out, we see Miss King staring down at us, an amused
half smile on her lips. She's the nice, young teacher of the school who a
lot of students like. I've never had her teach me personally, but I wish
I had. "You rebels were supposed to be getting changed," She rolls her
eyes at our antics, "Go on, hurry up. You have ten minutes to be out and
ready by the coaches, okay?"
"Thanks miss," I grin, and we speed-walk our way back to the changing
rooms. Just because Miss King found our urge for one last slide amusing,
doesn't mean other teachers will. I pull a face at Alec quickly, before
I'm pulled into the girls changing rooms by a laughing Violet. We have to
hurry to get changed or we're going to be late and keep everyone waiting.
However, that's a lot harder than it seems when we walk in and see that a
lot of girls are already ready and dressed.

"Shit," I murmur under my breath. I dart back to my spot on the bench,

quickly pulling up my towel to dry myself. I change under the towel, like
my modest self would usually do. It doesn't hesitate to surprise me how
some of these girls are not ashamed in the slightest, and change freely
in front of the other girls. I mean, I'm way too self-conscious to even
think of doing that: I'd never have the courage. I can see bodies
everywhere I look. Holy crap, it's like a freaking nude society in here.

By the time I'm dried and dressed, half of the girls have already left
the changing room. I braid my hair quickly, tucking any loose curls
behind my ears as I pull my backpack on. I'm quite proud of myself
actually: that was remarkably quick changing. Violet isn't long behind
me, and she's lacing her vans up. "C'mon, let's go." I say, grabbing her
hand the split second that she finishes her bow.

"Jeez, someone's in a hurry. Calm your tits, woman."

"I just want to be ready and waiting, rather than late," I shrug. We
walk through the corridors and back out of the main entrance of the
waterpark, and I peer longingly back at the rides for one last time.
Today was really awesome, and I think the fact that it was a reward for
all our hard work made it so much better. Hopefully we can come here
again soon. I grip Violet's hand and we stroll out into the crowd waiting
in between the coaches. I spot Alec pretty quickly, and what is he doing?

Taking selfies with Chase and Joe.

"Are you actually for real?" I begin laughing, my eyebrows tilted

skyward. Alec spins around at the sound of my laughter, and his eyes
widen as he spots me. Of course that doesn't last for long though, before
the signature smirk is back.

"Yep, I'm taking selfies," He grins, "Would you care to be in one?" He

comes to stand in front of me and tilts the camera to face us, but I'm
too busy laughing at the fact that the bad boy is taking selfies to
actually concentrate on the camera. I hear the distant click of the
camera a few times, and that sobers me up. "Wait, show me the pictures,
selfie boy," I tease, "I want to see."

"Bite me, Riley."

"Just tell me where sunshine," I wink, imitating him from that time we
babysat Millie together. His eyebrows shoot up, as though he's surprised
I remember that, but before he can comment on it I snatch his phone. I
immediately open his camera roll and find the pictures. They're actually
kind of sweet (minus my demented donkey face). I'm laughing in all three
of them, and Alec is turning to face me, grinning. It's kind of like
those cute couple photos that you see all over Instagram. I blush lightly
at the photographs, but luckily I'm cut off quickly by Alec's moaning in
the background. "Now you've seen them, can I have my phone back?"

I reluctantly hand it back to him, and he slides it into his pocket. His
damp hair is ruffled effortlessly, with a slight curl to it, and he just
looks incredible. It's so annoying how he's just so far out of my league.
Why must the world be so cruel? "Do I honestly look as terrible as those
pictures show? Maybe I should get a face transplant," I put my finger on
my chin jokingly. Obviously I'm not actually considering it, but Alec
seems to take it a lot more seriously than I first thought.

"I think you look cute."

Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls.

I'm having palpitations.

Save me, please.

Chapter 25// Meeting Natasha

"Alec, I'm not so sure about this." I bite my lip for what must be the
millionth time today, and the familiar metallic taste of blood floods my
mouth. "What if they don't like me?" The stupid ass decided today was the
day: he's finally going to take me to meet his cousin Natasha, and her
mother (Marie's sister) Rosa. I'm currently sat in the backseat of
Marie's car with Alec, and I think I've ran out of nails to chew with
nerves. I'll be chewing off my fingers next.
"You'll be fine Riley," Alec rolls his eyes, "Honestly, you have nothing
to worry about. Mom already rang Rosa up, and she's really looking
forward to meet you. Joe and possibly Chase will be meeting us there too,
so there'll be other people who you know." That should be some
consolation to me, but I'm still nervous, although I can't really
pinpoint why. Meeting Alec's family? Screwing up and embarrassing myself?
It's a mystery to me. Alec seems to be under the impression that me and
Natasha will get along well, but what if we don't? I'm not exactly the
most skilled of socialisers.

"Joe is going to be there?" I echo, and Alec nods.

"Yeah, we went to my aunt's house a lot when we were kids. He wanted to

see her again," Alec informs me. He's sat on the opposite side of the
backseat with me, and Marie is driving. I'm not sure how long it takes to
get to his aunt's house, but we're at the edge of Lindale now so it can't
be much further. All the larger houses are located here, and I can't help
but feel a little intimidated. Are they going to be really snobby and
wealthy? No, surely not. Alec would let me know, right? "Chase wants to
see her too but he might be held up with some family event." Alec says
after a pause, and I glance over at him. Family event? I never pictured
Chase as the type to be perfectly honest. Stereotypical of me, I know.

"What about Dylan?" I try to act nonchalant about the question, but the
truth is that my throat is dry. I want to know if the boys have still
fallen out, plus I also kind of want him to say no- I'm still not acting
comfortably around Dylan, and who can blame me?

"He was never that close with Nat and Aunt Rosa anyway." Alec replies

Well there's the answer to my question.

"Riley you're going to love it," Marie reassures me, "My sister is so
lovely, and I can already tell that you and Natasha will get along like a
house on fire. There's no need to worry, sweetheart." When I first saw
Marie this morning, she was so excited about reuniting me with my friend.
When I asked what she meant, she explained that Alec had said that we had
met through Natasha. Anyway, after reassuring her that saying Alec had
come out of the closet was a complete lie, she realised that I didn't in
fact know Natasha and know we're where we are right now. Me going to a
complete strangers house and attempting to not look like a total noob.
Good luck with that Riley.

I sigh quietly and begin to stare out of the window again, ignoring the
nerves wracking my body. We're turning into a thin road with giant houses
and swooping gravel driveways on either side. Intimidating would be an
understatement for this. I suddenly feel incredibly under-dressed in my
leggings and converse. Should I have dressed up a bit more? Alec isn't
dressed up...but then again, this is his family we're talking about. He
probably does dress casually in front of them, he has no need to impress

I should have worn a frigging prom dress or something, oh my god.

"Here we are!" Marie chirps as we finally turn into a stone driveway. I

stare wide-eyed at the house in front of me. It's a big house, just a
step smaller than a mansion, and it's painted a pale yellow colour that
has faded with years and years of the Oregon sun, I expect. Ivy climbs
the wall in an unkempt, but kind of homely fashion. It's probably the
least intimidating house on the street of mansions, but I'm still not
exactly in my comfort zone. "You'll love it here Riley," Marie gushes as
we clamber out of the car, "We're going to have a picnic and you kids can
play in the yard, it will be amazing I promise you. If you're not
enjoying it though or you want to leave at any point, just let me know.
I'll take you home, okay?" She offers me a reassuring smile, and I give
her a grateful one back.

"Why isn't Millie here again?" I murmur to Alec. At least if she was
here, I could have held her hand for comfort or something. It would be a
little out of the blue if I just started holding Alec's hand.

"She's staying at her friend's house for a play date today," Alec
replies. Aww, a play date? That has to be the cutest thing ever. "We
can't bring her here very often with the dog," Alec continues, "The thing
is just way too excited, not to mention bigger than her. She gets hurt."

Whoa, big dog?

"Marie!" A voice calls excitedly from the doorway, and I turn to see a
beaming woman stood in the entrance to the house. She has the same curly
hair as Marie, only slightly lighter, and her figure is slightly curvier.
She's dressed in a white shirt with a brown belt and some jean capris,
her hair pulled back into a bandana. She looks very country and from what
I can see of the girl coming up behind her, mother and daughter are very
alike. "Come in, come in," Rosa chirps, "How was your drive over?" Marie
places a reassuring hand on my back and guides me to the door, smiling at
her sister.

"It was okay thanks. Where are Natasha and Percy?"

"Right here," A girl steps out from behind Rosa, and I get my first
glimpse of the cousin that Alec raves about to me. Natasha's hair is
raven black and short, curled around her face, and she's freckled
intensely in an adorable way. She's not what I pictured for some reason,
but she's incredibly pretty. Good genes must run in Alec's family. "We
haven't released Percy yet. Don't want to scare off our visitor halfway
through the door, do we?" She leans forward and shakes my hand, offering
me an infectious smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Natasha."

"It's nice to meet you too," I reply with a grin, "My name is Riley."

"Oh I know who you are," She grins mischievously, green eyes flickering
over to Alec for half a second. "You're the girl that drew on Alec's

Well that makes me seem like a right bitch.

I open my mouth to protest but she beats me too it, chuckling. "No need
to explain, I've heard all the details. You're practically a legend." She
lifts her hand up for a high five, and I stare at it for half a second
before slapping it enthusiastically, slightly dazed that I really do seem
to like this girl as much as Alec says. Damn him, why does he have to be
so right all the time?

"It's lovely to meet you Riley," Rosa nods with a wide smile, "Let's head
to the lounge, shall we? Drinks anyone?" There's a murmur of approval
amongst our group, and Rosa puts a delicate hand on my back to guide me
into the house. Despite the scale of it, the interior shockingly makes me
feel really at ease, and I gaze around in wonder.

The hallway is wide, painted beige with a driftwood flooring that is

partly covered by a patchwork rug. Photographs line the wall and the
quite open layout means that I can see directly into both the kitchen and
lounge; both rooms are equally as cosy. Warm coloured, with mismatched
furniture that just seem to go together perfectly despite clashing
patterns, woods and textures. It's a gorgeous sight. A large stone
fireplace is my favourite part though- you never see those anymore, and
it looks so beautiful with the candles on the Mantelpiece. Honestly? I'm
already jealous of Natasha, I'd love to live in a house like this. The
others are following close behind us, but no-one else is quite as in
shock as I am of my surroundings. Well duh, they've been here before,

I gaze around in awe for a while, but snap out of it when I sense Alec
coming up next to me. He leans in and I stiffen, his breath tickling my
earlobe. "Wait until you see the garden. It's the best part," He
whispers. I think I've melted. My knees shudder a little, but I
straighten and walk away hastily, not wanting him to know the effect he
has on me. Judging by the smirk on his face as we walk into the living
room, however, I'd say he's pretty damn aware.

"Let me go and fetch a jug of lemonade, and then we can go outside."

Rosa announces, "Is it okay with everyone if I let Percy out?" I'm
assuming that Percy is the dog that Alec was talking about
earlier...otherwise I should probably be calling the police right now. I
nod, and Rosa smiles happily before disappearing out of the room. Marie,
after realising she's been left in a room with three teenagers, escapes
just after her. I perch on the edge of a russet leather armchair and
smile at Natasha, "So what are we going to be doing today?"

She shrugs, "Well we'll have a picnic for lunch, and maybe a barbeque
later...Until then, it's up to you. We can watch movies, play on the Wii
or whatever. We'll have to squeeze in a water balloon fight when Chase
and Joe arrive though; that is mandatory." I laugh at her enthusiasm.

At that moment, I hear a distinct bark and the thudding of feet coming
down stairs. Percy. He bursts in through the door, a giant woollen
sheepdog with a pink tongue drooping from his mouth. Fur bouncing, he
leaps straight for Alec and stretches until his paws are on Alec's
shoulders. I can't help but to let a small laugh escape my lips as I
watch the pair wrestle. That is a beautiful dog. I let out a low whistle
and open my arms.

That's all it takes for the dog, and in less than a second he's bounding
towards me, fur flying upwards at his speed. He barrels into me, pushing
me backwards and causing me to stumble a little to keep my balance. His
tongue is all over my face, paws on my shoulders. Heck, this dog is
taller than me, I should be worried! "Ew,"I laugh, running my fingers
through his fur and craning my neck so that he'll stop licking my face. I
can sense Alec and Natasha watching me and laughing, but I'm too wrapped
up in the dog (quite literally) to retort or say a smartass comment like
I usually would.
"So Chase is definitely coming then? How do you know?" Alec questions
Natasha, as I finally manage to put Percy back down. I scratch tenderly
behind his ears and bend down to look him in the eye as I stroke and coo
at him. He's lapping it up.

A faint blush appears on Natasha's cheeks, and she drops eye contact with
Alec. "Joe texted me earlier saying they were on their way."

I'm sensing something here. Is it just me?

"Cool," Alec replies nonchalantly, but his eyes catch mine and glint with
humour. We're both thinking the same thing, I can see it from his face.
She likes Joe. There's no doubt about it. That blush gave her away

Hmm, seems Alec and I have some matchmaking to do.


"Let's play truth or dare."

I glance up from my sandwich. Chase is lounged proudly across the picnic

blanket, taking up most of the room, and a smug smile is curving his
lips. "Come on, let's play. It's something to do, right?" Well he has a
point there. Our morning has mainly consisted of lounging around in the
back yard, or watching Alec and Joe battle it out in foosball. Mainly
because Natasha has gone gooey eyed over Joe, plus Marie and Rosa keep
checking on us so we can't do anything too exciting. I glance over at the
others to see what they think of Chase's proposal. They all seem to be
deliberating it, like me, until Natasha finally breaks the silence with
an agreement.

"Really?" Chase echoes, "Cool! Okay, I'll go first. Have you guys got a

I hand Chase my ice tea bottle, and he sets it in the middle ready to
spin. I have to admit, I'm a little apprehensive of this. Who knows what
the dares flung my way are going to be like? Chase grins at us all as we
continue to eat our lunch, his teeth glinting wickedly as he sets his
hand on the bottle, flicking his wrist to begin the game. It spins
quickly, so much so that it's making me dizzy just watching it. It slides
past me a few times as it finally slows, before eventually landing on

"Truth or dare?"
"Truth," Natasha replies through a mouthful of sandwich, dusting off her


"Just give me the damn truth."

"Okay, what's your bra size?" Chase smirks.

Joe catcalls and I begin to laugh at Alec's disgusted face. We all know
that he's only disgusted because it's his cousin. Natasha however, looks
eerily calm at the boys' excitement. I don't know how she's not blushing
right now, if I were her I would have turned into a tomato. Heck, I'm
blushing even when I'm not the one being asked. "C," She replies
smoothly, "My turn."
I watch as the bottle spins again, and this time it slides onto Joe.
Ooh, sexual tension.

"Truth or dare?" She asks him.

"Dare," Joe grins cockily.

"I dare you to make out with Alec's leg."

What?! Joe's jaw drops and I burst out laughing at his and Alec's faces,
fishing my phone out quickly so that I can record the event. Best dare
ever. Natasha looks so smug, and I really don't blame her. Alec tries to
grab the phone from my grasp, but I lean away from his reach, grinning as
I press record. There's no way I'm not recording this: it's an event to
remember. Joe finally lets out a groan and Alec begins rolling up his
jeans. With one last glare at us, Joe presses his lips to Alec's shin and
begins to kiss it passionately. "Make sure to use some tongue," I call
playfully, and Joe raises a hand to give me the middle finger, not moving
his lips from Alec's leg. After ten seconds of Alec pulling faces, Joe
finally lets go and wipes his mouth, shooting a glare at Natasha who is
watching smugly.

He sets his hand on the bottle and spins it, but it lands on himself.
Nothing is going his way today, I chuckle. He spins it again and this
time, go figure, it lands on me. "Truth or dare?" Joe smirks.

"Truth- wait, no. Dare."

"I dare you to give Natasha a hickey."

Oh my gosh. My jaw lapses and I turn to stare at Natasha. What the hell
are we going to do? I could bluntly refuse to do the dare, but then I'd
be the awkward coward that nobody likes. Unfortunately, before I've even
deliberated over the other options, Natasha says something I really
wasn't expecting. "Okay," She grimaces, "But let us do it in private at
least. You'll have your evidence."

Chase glances at Joe before nodding, and Natasha stands up whilst

grabbing my hand.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my mother freaking gosh. This can't be


"Natasha," I hiss as we begin the quick walk back inside, hearing the
wolf whistles ricochet around us, "Natasha, we aren't actually going to
do this are we?"

"Of course not," She scoffs, "We're going to get revenge." She leads me
into the kitchen and hurriedly begins to rifle around in the cupboard
underneath the sink. She turns on the faucet furiously, and the cold
water splashes me slightly. What is she doing? "Aha!" She exclaims,
bringing her hand out to show me the packet of balloons. WATER BALLOONS.
Oh my gosh. I think I'm in love with this girl; she's a genius.

We set to work instantly, knowing that we only have limited time until
the boys come to look for us. Do they actually think I'm giving her a
hickey? I really hope they do: we could use the element of surprise to
our advantage when we're running away after launching our attack. No
doubt the boys will want revenge if we soak them, they're incredibly
competitive. After we've filled as many balloons as we can hold, we head
back outside with them cradled in our arms. I feel a buzz of excitement
in my gut, alongside the anticipation of the aftermath. I can't wait.

We dash to the wall separating the garden, and I rest against it as

Natasha peers over inconspicuously. I feel like a fire trucking ninja,
this is awesome. "They're talking," Natasha whispers, "Now is the time."
She mouths a countdown, and that is it. We jump out from the shelter of
the wall with a strangled yell, and the boys look up, startled at our
not-so-subtle approach. I throw the first water balloon as hard as I can,
grinning at the satisfaction of hitting Alec solidly in the chest. The
boys curse and get up quickly from the picnic blanket as a few more hit
them, and then their glares are fixed on us, hungry for revenge. Joe
begins to run towards us, and I clutch the dwindling water balloons close
to my chest as I run backwards, laughing.
Throw. Smash. Joe's stomach.

Throw. Smash. Chase's shoulder.

Throw. Smash. Joe's stomach.

Throw. Smash. Alec's face.

I release a manic giggle as my last water balloon is thrown, hitting Alec

squarely in the face, before turning and running towards the house as
fast as my legs can take me. This is so fun! Just behind me, I can hear
Natasha's pants for breath, and I know that they're gaining on us. My
legs are beginning to burn with adrenaline, and my eyes are watering at
the wind on my face. Just a little further.

A startled scream rings beside me, and I glance back to see that Natasha
has been caught, her laughter filling the air. Oh crap. I can hear
footsteps gaining on me, and I push to run faster, but it's just not
enough. As my feet just touch the patio, I am jerked backwards in
someone's arms, so fast that I fall on the floor with the person landing
next to me.

"Gotcha," Alec whispers.

Oh Alec.

If only you know how true that statement actually is.

"Who wants a burger?"
Who doesn't want a burger?!

"Me please!" I chirp, alongside Natasha and the boy's hums of agreement.
Rosa is stood at the old stone barbecue holding a spatula, grinning at
us. She nods and begins to place the burgers into bread, and I shiver
with anticipation. I'm so hungry. Water balloon fights really take it out
of you.

After we were caught at the water balloon fight, the boys tortured us by
grabbing the yard hose and spraying us with the freezing cold water. I
managed to escape Alec's arm pretty easily (Being small helps sometimes)
but I was still splashed so much that I had to change into one of
Natasha's shirts. Natasha got it worst though, she was drenched from head
to toe and her hair is still dripping even now, in the evening. Remind us
again never to start a water balloon fight with these boys.
Rosa hands me a paper plate with my burger on it, and I thank her
quickly before beginning to gorge on the sacred food. Dear lord, this is
so good. I have to restrain my moan, quickly swallowing. "This is
amazing, Rosa." I feel quite at ease here now, and it's surprising how
quickly I've adapted to this house and its residents. Rosa is so nice,
and Natasha and I have exchanged numbers in the hope to stay in
contact...honestly? I love it here. I'd come every week if I could. I
take another mouthful of the burger, giggling as I watch Percy sneak a
sausage from Rosa's plate. She scolds him, but she's smiling and the love
is evident in her eyes. I want a dog for Christmas, it's decided.

"Riley, come over here sweetheart," Rosa beckons me, "Would you like
another sausage?"

"How can I resist?" I grin and stand up to head towards the barbeque and
Rosa. She smiles at me and serves a sausage on my plate, but grabs my arm
as I turn to leave.

"I just wanted to say that I think you and Alec are very cute together.
He's a good boy, despite his image, and I'm so glad that he has someone
like you. He used to come here every summer, you know. Him and the boys.
They're all great kids," Rosa's eyes mist over with nostalgia, before she
looks up at me with a determined nod. "Anyway, you two lovebirds deserve
each other."

"Oh," I murmur awkwardly, "We're not actually dating..."

"But you will be soon," A cheeky smile springs onto her lips, "Enjoy your
sausage sweetheart."

I walk away, frowning. Did she mean that to be such an innuendo? Surely

Well that was strange.

UNEDITED! (Please don't judge meh) <3


Chapter 26// Damsel in Distress

I sit, curled up in a cubicle in the girls restrooms.

It's the cliché place in movies to cry, I know, but I don't know where
else I can go to: I have nowhere. The school has turned against me, and
it feels like nobody is on my side. I'm a murderer. A killer. My stomach
twists with the most sickening pain I've ever felt, but somehow I know
that it's not the type of pain that can be cured with an aspirin tablet.
I let out another body-wracking sob and squeeze my legs tighter to my
chest. I can never forgive him, or her. But most of all, I can't ever
forgive myself.

I wish I could tell you that I came into school this morning and knew
that something was wrong instantly. The horribly over-used shift in the
air, the sense of impending doom etc. Honestly? That wasn't the case. I
came in and everything was normal, as you'd expect. I greeted Violet at
my locker with my usual morning grunt, and then I went into lessons like
the little good girl I am. I continued, blissfully unaware, as my day
went on. That all changed when I got to the canteen.

Wow, this is really dramatic- like a horror story or something.

I promise no monsters are going to jump out anytime soon.

I entered the canteen as per usual and greeted the guys. Alec was talking
to Joe, and Chase was mainly concentrating on his phone; texting a girl,
I expect. I saw Toby walk past but I thought nothing of it. I chatted to
Violet and I ate my sandwich, and that was when I noticed it. Toby had
gone to sit at Tiana's table. I couldn't help but to let my jaw drop
open, and a pang hit me squarely in the chest. I know, I know- I was
being selfish. I'd rejected him, so I haven't got the power to be jealous
anymore: I'm not allowed. Still, I couldn't help that betrayed feeling
that overcame me in that second. If he was flirting with any other girl,
I would have been fine with it; congratulated him, even. But the fact
that it was Tiana hurt the most; the girl that he cheated on me with.
It's like he was trying to find some way to get back on me, to rub salt
in the wound that is still healing.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. I needed to forget about him, he wasn't
worth my time. "What's up chuck?" Violet whispered to me, and I responded
with a simple shake of my head. I wanted to clear my mind completely of
Toby and our fricked up past, and moaning about things to Violet wouldn't
exactly fit that criteria. I dismissed her question and continued to eat.
Suddenly, Violet's eyes flickered to the table behind us- Tiana's table,
and her mouth dropped open. What? I spun around to see what she was
looking at, and saw Tiana stood firmly on the centre of the table. Her
hand rested lightly on her hip, and her icy stare was fixed I
should've guessed something bad was about to happen right there. The air
seemed to grow colder around me, and as more and more people noticed the
Queen Bee stood on a table, whispers began to circulate around the
canteen. She towered above everyone, in height as well as status. I
should have got up and ran away, before I could get hurt, but I had no
sense. Stupid Riley. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Riley," Alec whispered, "Why is she glaring at you like that?"

I shrugged helplessly and continued to stare as my ex-boyfriend, the one

and only Toby Charlton stood on a chair beside the table. He was like a
sidekick flanking her. Unlike her smug smirk though, he looked
apprehensive- his lip had disappeared between his teeth. "Students of
Lindale High," Tiana announced loudly, calling for attention, and
everyone went silent, obeying their master. Something big was about to
happen, and I could feel it in my bones, but I was rooted in my seat. I
had no choice but to sit and watch as she prepared to hurt me in quite
possibly the worst way possible. In front of my friends. My teachers. My
school. "Ladies and gentlemen," She smiled once she had everyone's
attention, "We have a killer amongst us."

A nervous murmur ran through the crowd, but everyone's eyes were trained
on her, eager for more. Just the way she liked it.

"That killer goes by the name of Riley Greene."

Something twisted in my stomach as I turned to see everybody looking at

me, and my face was masked with confusion and panic. What was she talking
about? What was she trying to do? Gazes flickered between Tiana and I as
if people didn't know who to look at more. Tiana's eyes were wide with
delight, and a cruel smirk twisted her lips into a sight of pure hatred.
I felt Violet gripping my arm behind me, whether it was for support or
pain I don't know. My friends were all staring at me, but I couldn't draw
my eyes away from Tiana herself. I was at her mercy, and she knew it.

"Riley Greene thought she was invisible," Tiana begins, "What she didn't
know, was that I've been paying a lot more attention to her than she
originally thought. Or rather, Toby has."
Toby straightened his head a little bit and stared out at the crowd, but
he didn't dare meet my eye. What a coward. I tried to swallow but my
mouth was dry, like sandpaper.
"Who here knew that Riley Greene once had a sister?"


No, this can't be happening.

People staring. Whispers.

"And who here knew that Riley was the one who helped with her sisters
demise?!" Tiana was shrieking with joy by that point, trying to bring the
crowd into an uproar. I sat staring at her with horror contorting my
face, but that couldn't even display half of the turmoil inside of me.
No. Please no.

"Riley's sister, Kaitlin," She twisted her tongue, tasting the name,
"Died from lung cancer. Am I right, Toby?"

Toby nodded.

"And why wasn't she saved?" Tiana paced around the table, heels clicking
against the polished wood. She had the crowd wrapped around her little
manicured finger. "Well because Riley's family couldn't afford to give
her the treatment that she needed. That beautiful happy girl died because
she said that she didn't want the treatment, to save her family's back.
She lied, and Riley here knew that. But Riley went along with it at the
cost of her sibling's demise. How selfish is that?!"

My heart thundered inside my ribs and I could feel the sob rising in my
throat. No words can describe what I felt right then...other than the
upmost agony.

Toby stared at his feet, but Tiana was in her element right there on that
table- humiliating me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Riley Greene is a killer. She doesn't deserve your
respect, and she doesn't deserve your love. Dylan, you've moved on, and
good for you because you can do so much better than the trash you wanted
before. Toby, you want her back, god knows why. I'd say that chance is
pretty much ruined now though, after you helped me with this," She
scoffed, "Some of you people might be thinking 'Why is Tiana doing this?'
or 'What spurred this on?' The answer is simple."

Her pacing stopped. "Alec. Alec Ryder- the most popular guy in school is
crushing on her!" Tiana flapped an arm to emphasise her point, "I thought
it was time to alert him of just how evil Riley Greene is. Maybe we can
get one of her followers to fall out of love with her, eh?This is wrong,
and I am standing up for what I believe in. She is a selfish coward, and
she doesn't deserve Alec Ryder or any of the attention she gets. She is a

The last word hit me straight in the heart, and I couldn't hold it in
anymore. I'd been humiliated and torn apart. Every single one of my
senses screamed at me to hold it in for a bit longer, to prove to her
that she couldn't get to me. The truth is though, that she can and she
did, and she is perfectly aware. She hit me straight in my soft spot,
where it hurt the most, and boy did she know it.

Tears streamed down my face, and I wanted nothing more than to run away
right then. To escape the stares and judgement of people who don't know
me, who didn't know Kaitlin but pretendto care. It was like someone had
punched me repeatedly in the chest. I could do nothing more than wipe
away my oncoming tears and clutch my body to prevent myself from falling
apart. I stood up from my seat, swallowed the oncoming sob and ran. I
sprinted away from the crowd as fast as I could, down the corridor. I
passed a few people who looked up as I ran past, but I didn't stop.

Where was I supposed to go? I had broken completely. I couldn't keep in

my sobs- they were so loud, and with each one I got another metaphorical
hit to my gut. I staggered towards the girls' restroom and slammed the
door with all of my weak might, and then I broke down completely. I was
blinded by tears, guilt and humiliation. I couldn't breathe, and it felt
like I was drowning. I gasped desperately for air in between the sobs,
and it seemed like my body was finding every way it could to rip me
apart. I crawled into one of the cubicles, leant against the corner and

And here I am now.

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

My jaw dropped as I heard Tiana finish her disgusting speech. The

teachers were leading her away from the scene, and I knew that she would
get into serious trouble for this, but somehow it didn't seem enough. The
smug smirk on her face could show you that. I'd never seen her in this
light before: deceiving, horrible and the most unattractive human I could
possibly imagine; I was so used to her being just a booty call to all of
the guys. Now I know better.
Riley stood up and ran from the table, and I could see her clutching
herself as she let out a huge sob. I was sat, paralysed in my seat from
what I'd just heard, and my brain was refusing to function. What should I
do? I looked at Chase and Joe for any guidance, but they were no help
whatsoever. They were glaring heavily at Toby, the cheating little suck
up. I wanted to beat him black and blue, honestly, to show him some of
the pain that he'd given to Riley. Yet somehow, I knew that wasn't what
she would want. She would want someone to be there for her, to hold her
as she cried.

And I was going to be the man to do it.

"Take care of him," I growled to Chase and Joe, and they nodded. Then, I
slid out of the booth quickly and began jogging towards the corridor
where Riley left. It felt like fire was burning my blood, and my vein
throbbed and pulsed in my neck with anger. I spotted Tiana stood outside
the principal's office as I reached the entrance, an evil scorn was
twisting her lips. "Hey Alec," She wriggled her eyebrows, "What are we
thinking of innocent little Riley Greene right now?"

My fists ached to punch her, but instead I returned her scorn with one
of my own. "I think a lot of things actually. I think that she's more
beautiful, honest and sweet than you could ever be Tiana. I think that
you've not only ruined any smither of a chance that you had with me, but
also with every other guy in this high school. I also think that it's all
well and good to have two faces, bitch, but you could at least make one
of them pretty." Fists trembling, I stalked away. I didn't want to be
this angry in front of Riley- I wanted to be the sweet, concerned boy
that she knows she can rely on. It sounds soppy, but every one of my
limbs was screaming it: it's my natural instinct to protect her.

I searched the corridor for what felt like hours, but was actually mere
minutes, and I strained myself to think of where she could have gone. Her
locker? No, that's way too public. The library? I'd already checked
there. Those were the two main places that I knew she may have ran to.
There was only one idea that I had left in this school, and that was the
girls' restrooms. That was where girls went to cry in movies and stuff,
right? I jogged towards it and stopped at the door, hesitating. Do I
really want to embarrass myself, especially if she's not in there? I
deliberated for a second, but my mind was clear. She needed me. I pushed
hard on the door of the girl's restroom and walked in.

She was in there.



I've now been sat here, on the other side of the cubicle door, for five
minutes. I've received quite a few horrified glances by the girls that
came in, but once I explained that I was in here for a girl, they
softened instantly. They think it's cute and heartfelt that I am actually
doing this for a girl. Clearly, Riley does not though. "Riley," I groan
for the millionth time, resting my head on the cubicle door, "Please come
out. We need to talk." I hear another sniffle from behind the door, and I
sigh. She's been ignoring me completely since I walked in, possibly in
the hope that I'll go away. Well that's not going to happen, and she
should know me well enough to know that Alec freaking Ryder does not give
up that easily.

"I'm fine Alec. Just let me be alone for a bit okay?" Her voice is dry
and low from crying.

Does she think I'm dumb? All guys know the trick behind those words. If a
girl says 'It's okay', 'I'm fine' or 'Don't worry about it', then it's
not okay, she's not fine and you definitely should worry about it. Boys
do have that knowledge; who does she take me for?

"Riley, come out. I'm here for you aren't I?"

I hear a sigh, before the door unlocks from behind me. Riley is stood up
in the corner, turned away from me and wiping tears away from her eyes. I
feel my fists curl again as another shot of anger bursts through my body.
Toby and Tiana. How could they do this to her? "Hey," I murmur softly,
offering my arms out to her. For an awkward second, I think she's going
to ignore them, but luckily she peers over her shoulder and steps into my
embrace. Her cheek is pressed up against my chest, and I can already feel
the damp patch beginning to form on my t-shirt. Funnily enough, I don't
really mind though. I clutch her tighter and rest my chin on the top of
her head.

I'm such a soppy douche.

"I'm getting your t-shirt wet," Riley grumbles, stepping back. I don't

She wipes her salt-stained cheeks, glancing up at me. I have no doubt

she'll the look in my eyes- I'm not making any attempt to cover up my
emotions. "I'll deal with it Alec, stop looking at me like that," She
sighs again, "Tiana hit me where it hurt, that's all."

"And I'm going to hit her back where it freaking hurts," I mutter to
myself, "Riley, don't believe a word that bitch said. And as for Toby,
well you already know you can do so much better than him."

"You know, it was nothing like how Tiana described," Riley bites her lip
painfully, "She got it all wrong."

"I don't doubt that."

"Kaitlin was gorgeous. She was so happy," Riley sits down hard on the
closed toilet seat, and her shoulders hunch with defeat. It's a horrible
sight. "If she was here now, she'd tell me not to worry and to smile
because that's what I'm best at. She was a little sunshine, that kid."

"You got along with her well didn't you?" I ask softly.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean we fought, but that's what all sisters do." Riley
smiles softly, face softened with nostalgia, "We'd always share Oreos. I
always loved the chocolate biscuit part, and she loved the cream, so we'd
divide them. It was a weird sister thing that we had...We used to play
doctor a lot too. She loved the idea of healing people: she wanted to be
a doctor when she grew up."

Any trace of the smile disappears from her lips. "When the treatment was
offered to her, the chance of a cure, she resisted it because it was too
expensive. Mom was still training at that point- we weren't exactly the
richest family on the block. I remember, she told me that she wasn't
scared of death. She was so brave." Riley looks up at me, and a stray
tear trickles down her cheek, eyes brimming with liquid pain. I have no
idea what to say or do in the doorway of this tiny cubicle, so I just
watch her in silence, waiting for her to continue.

"She'd paint her nails every couple of days, and the colour always
depended on her mood. You could read her emotions so easily from her
nails, or just from her face in fact. She was an open book," The words
were tumbling from Riley's lips now, as if she couldn't get them out fast
enough. "She loved science and dancing. Everybody said that she had a
dancer's body. She asked for the sugar plum fairy to be played at her
funeral, because that was the first song she'd danced to in one of her
ballet shows. We cried so hard when she asked us. God Alec, I miss her so
much." Riley's voice cracks on the last word, and I lean down to hug her
tightly again.
"You probably think I'm some kind of an emotional wreck right now," Riley
chuckles bitterly, wiping away yet more of the oncoming tears. "I'm sorry
you have to see this."

"I don't think you're an emotional wreck," I shake my head, "I think
you're the strongest person I've ever known." Wow, getting deep and
sentimental here aren't we Alec?
She looks up at me and smiles, and she looks so innocent that I can't
restrain my fists from curling again. Why would someone want to hurt her
like that? She leans forward and kisses me lightly on the cheek, her wet
skin brushing my lips so that the salt lingers there teasingly. My cheek
tingles, and it's just the shot of adrenaline that I need. Riley Greene
needs me.

It's time to go and sort out Toby and Tiana.

Comment your thoughts down below! I'd love a cheeky vote or two...

I update every Friday :)

Chapter 27// Sweet, heartfelt revenge

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

Don't worry, I had the sense to leave Riley with Violet before beginning
my quest for vengeance.

When I left, Riley was in one of those states where she physically could
not hold it together without another person there to comfort her. If I'd
have left her alone...there's no telling what she would have done. So,
being the responsible prick I am, I left her in her best friend's arms.
Girls are better at that sort of stuff than boys anyway, right? I mean,
I'm terrible with tears. We could tell that alone from when Millie
started bawling on that night Riley was babysitting. That was freaking
terrifying. No, my job today isn't to gather tissues luckily, but to let
Tiana know just what humiliation feels like.

I shake my head a little to clear my thoughts as I pace down the

corridor, back towards the main hall. I can't get distracted at the
moment, I have some ass-kicking to do, and nothing is going to stop me
from fulfilling it. I pick up the pace, jogging past the principal's
office and breathing a sigh of relief as I see that Tiana is no longer
there. Hopefully she's either been suspended, or she's in the hall with
everyone else. Preferably the second one. I want her to see what I'm
about to do in person.

I enter the cafeteria, and it's pretty much as it was before the whole
announcement. However, there's a darkness behind the conversations people
having. I bet about 99% of these are about what has just happened and
about Riley, and I intend to cure that. I glance to the side and see
Chase and Joe, stood either side of a very intimidated Toby. His jaw is
lined with a giant bruise, and he's staring down at the floor in
contempt. Serves him right. I have half a mind to spit at him, to show
him the non-existent respect I have for him, but somehow I know that
despite what he's just done to her, Riley wouldn't approve. I sigh and
walk straight up to the table: the exact same one that Tiana stood on top
of. Sure enough, she's stood at the back of the cafeteria, and she's
talking with Mr Boston, flanked by one of her cronies.

I clench my fists and stand up on the table.

Eerily, I get attention instantly. People's eyes are eager and wide for
the next piece of juicy gossip, and it's incredibly un-nerving to see so
many faces focus on you. The principal glances up, as does Tiana, and my
eyes narrow. This is why I'm doing this. Adrenaline races through my
veins, and I manage a shaky smile. "Ladies and gentlemen," I mock Tiana
from earlier, "I think you'll find the killer has been falsely reported."
Do it for Riley.

Confused faces. Murmurs.

"You see, although you people think you know the whole story, you really
don't. Riley Greene is not a murderer in the slightest. She respected her
sister's wishes, and she couldn't afford the treatment- there is nothing
wrong with that. In fact, it's kind of ironic that Tiana is the one who
is calling her a murderer and a monster," My eyes flicker to Tiana's,
"When she is the one that had an abortion."
Almost at once, jaws drop and whispers ricochet around the audience, but
my focus is solely on Tiana. Her eyes are flaming with anger, glaring
right back at me.

"You see," I begin to pace around the table, imitating Tiana's

performance from earlier. My hands shake, so I clasp them behind my back.
"Toby and Riley dated for quite a while. But when her sister died, Toby
was the one who cracked. He cheated on her with Tiana because he couldn't
handle the pressure, then he got that girl pregnant and aborted the baby.
Who is the selfish one now? You haven't even heard the best part yet." I
shoot an icy smile at Toby.

"Then, go figure, he ran away to a different state for a while and comes
back and what does he do? He tells Tiana the whole story about Riley's
sister, and humiliates her in front of the whole school, wanting to get
her back. I'm sorry, but there's a failed move, and then there's that.
How you thought that would bring her back to you, I have no idea," I
shake my head disappointedly, "Now. Students of Lindale High, I want you
to listen back on that story, and I dare you to tell me whether Riley is
the real monster in this whole scheme." I gulp back the last of my nerves
as I look amongst the faces staring up at me, and I feel a small surge of
pride. Disgust and sympathy seems to be the most common expression I'm
getting, which means that it's worked, right? I've stood up for Riley.

"An abortion?"
"I feel really mean now, for judging Riley before I heard the whole back

"My grandma chose to die, because she had a liver problem. It was hard,
but we had to respect her wishes: it was the right thing to do."

By this point I'm grinning. Riley thought she was so hated and judged,
and I've just fixed it for her. I've shown the audience the whole story.
I glance to the side and see Chase and Joe grinning with me. Chase shakes
his head amusedly and shouts, "Dude, you're so freaking whipped."

I stick my finger up at him.

If b*tches could fly, this school would be a fricking airport.

"Alec Ryder," Mr Boston hisses lowly from besides the table, "Come down
from there at once. I think we need to talk. You, me and Tiana in my
office now."

I nod, and climb down from the table, flanking the principal on the way
back to her office. Riley isn't in the room, but Tiana has never looked
so humiliated in her life. Her cheeks are flamed red and her glare is
focused on the floor. I know it's kind of evil, but I can't help to grin.
"You two are going to be in serious trouble," He tells us.

But it's so fricking worth it.



I exit the girl's restrooms with my head held high. My mascara trails are
gone, even though it is kind of obvious that I've been crying, and I have
my best friend on my arm: I am untouchable. Surprisingly, as I walk
through the corridors, I don't quite get the reaction I was expecting. No
judging looks, no expressions of disgust. In fact, if anything I get some
sympathetic smiles. I frown confusedly- what exactly did Alec do when he
disappeared? He must have done something, right? Or are the students of
Lindale High just a lot more understanding than I first thought? All he
told me was that he was going to speak to Chase and Joe, but that's quite
evidently not the case.

"I'm so sorry about your sister, really I am. No-one deserves to go

through that."
"Alec's speech was so romantic."

"He opened the audience's eyes, not to mention got revenge on Tiana
"Tiana Cooper- I've never liked that b*tch. I'm so sorry about your
sister and Toby, Riley."

I gaze around with an upmost conflicted expression. On the one hand, it

appears that the whole school now knows about my past. On the other hand,
however, nobody is embarrassing me or judging me because of's
like they understand. Alec. He must have done this, it's so freaking
obvious. Now I'm not sure whether I want to slap him, or kiss the
freaking daylights out of him. I need to find him first, before I make my
decision. I tap a random girl on the shoulder. "Excuse me," I ask
politely, "Do you know where Alec is?"

"Mr Boston pulled him off with Tiana," She frowns, "I'm really sorry
about your sister." She grabs the last of her books from her locker,
slams the door and begins to walk off in the opposite direction. I frown-
Alec's been taken to the principal's office?! This is all my fault: I
should never have let him go. Across the corridor, I spot a familiar mop
of blonde hair.

"Dylan!" I yell, catching his attention, "What did Alec do to get in the
principal's office?!" I ignore the surprise on his face that I'm actually
talking to him, and he frowns.

"He humiliated Tiana. He told everyone about the abortion."

I stiffen in shock. Everyone? Despite what she did to me, I still feel a
pang of sympathy for Tiana. Yeah, it's her own stupid fault, but it's
definitely not nice to have a dark secret broadcasted across an audience,
I would know. Alec told everyone to protect me, to turn the crowd away
from me and onto her...but was that the right thing to do? Now is a great
example of a situation where you have to decide whether to give the b*tch
a taste of her own medicine, or whether you should be the better

Ah screw it. I've never been a particularly good person anyway. Why start

Glancing at Violet, I begin jogging to the principal's office, not

surprised to see that the door is shut- indicating that there's some kind
of meeting. I knock anyway, and a booming voice comes from the other side
of the door. "Come in."

I push open the door to see that Mr Boston is sat behind his desk with
Tiana and Alec. All three of them are looking at me, and I gulp a little
apprehensively. "I'm sorry to interrupt sir, but I heard what
happened...I just thought that I should be present for this meeting too,
seeing as Alec was standing up for me." I glace over at Alec, and my
determined stance softens a little. God, that boy. He's so infuriating.
Why does he have to be so freaking perfect and annoying all at the same

"That's very nice of you to offer, Miss Greene, but unfortunately our
meeting is coming to a close," Mr Boston says gruffly. "Tiana has been
reprimanded with some community work and a week's worth of after school
detentions. Alec, seeing as he was not the one who started this mess, has
been reprimanded only with three after school detentions. Seeing as you
were the victim in this whole incident Riley, I called your mother and
she is coming to collect you- we thought that you might prefer to take
the rest of the day off. I appreciate your respect for one of the people
in here, but the decision has already been made, I'm sorry."
I stare, a little star-struck for a second. I'm going home? Wow. I meekly
nod in respect and back out of the office. "Thank you sir." Violet is
waiting, slumped against the wall outside of the office when I close the
door, and she looks up at me. "Mom is picking me up." I tell her.

"Really?" She frowns, "Lucky thing. What about Alec, did you get him out
of trouble?"

"Nope," I shake my head, "He's got a few detentions, but Tiana has it so
much worse. I tried to persuade Mr Boston but he said the decision had
already been made." I glance at my watch, "I should probably start
heading towards reception if mom is picking me up. Enjoy maths without

Violet groans, but only jokingly because she pulls me into a tight hug.
"I love you so much, Greene."

"I love you too, Vi."

The car ride home is eerily silent. My head rests against the window,
and I'm waiting, just waiting for the heartfelt speech to escape mom's
lips. She's never been one to keep things holed in; she likes to express
everything. Unfortunately, this kind of everything is going to lead to a
very teary ride home for me. I sigh quietly, glancing over at mom. She's
staring straight forward out of the wind-screen, eyes seemingly focused
on the road, but there's a certain sadness about them which tells me that
she has other things on her mind. "Riley," She begins quietly, "It wasn't
your fault."

I gulp.

"Kaitlin...she asked for us to let her go. We couldn't afford the

treatment, and she was brave. So, so brave. You've got to understand that
she made the decision, not us." Mom bites her lip painfully, "I heard
about what happened today at school, sweetheart. I'm so sorry: you didn't
deserve to hear that." She places her hand on the handbrake and stops the
car as we wait for the traffic lights.


"That girl Tiana has no ear in our business, so don't listen to her at
all. As for Toby, well, I contacted his mother and he's going to be
grounded for quite a damn while. His mom is so sorry about everything he
did, Riley. I guess she's trying to make it up to you now though- she's
going to ban him from seeing you." My mouth pops open a little at this
news, and a surge of something swarms over me. I can't really tell what
it is- whether it's happiness or sadness, it's just...kind of nostalgic.
I think back to how close we were when we were kids and I feel sad. Yet,
after everything he did to me, does he really deserve a second chance?
Mom glances over and takes my hand to squeeze it. "I love you so much
Riley. Don't you dare let anyone hurt you ever again, you hear me?" Tears
are dribbling down her cheeks, and a sob rises in my throat to match.
Words can't describe how much I love my mom.
"I love you too mommy."

She offers me a sad smile and we're off again, driving down the familiar
streets towards home. I feel so bad for dragging her out of work, but to
be honest that guilt is just drowned in the overwhelming need to hold my
mom...and Jack, close. "Can I go and collect Jack from school today?" I
ask mom. She glances sideways at me, surprised, but nods. That makes me
feel even worse: she's surprised that I want to collect my little brother
from school. I'm a terrible sister.

"Sure, I have some work to complete anyway."

I nod mutely, and we don't say much for the remainder of the car ride.
We're both just thinking: completely lost in thought. Fresh salty tear-
tracks have stained my cheeks again, in replacement of my old ones, and
even mom keeps wiping her eyes. As we clamber out of the car, she pulls
me into a tight hug, and the tears threaten me again. My mom. Eventually
I can hold it in no longer, and I begin to sob. We cry softly into one
another, remembering Kaitlin, and it's one of the first times I've cried
properly with my mom since she died. "Cry it all out sweetie," Mom

And I do.


"Jack!" I call loudly, waving my arms. "Jack over here!"

Jack and his friends are just coming out from the gates of Lindale
Elementary, and a few of the other parents glance back at me
disapprovingly for being so loud. If Alec were here, he'd show them
disapproving, let me tell you. "Jack!" I call again, finally getting his
attention. He frowns confusedly as he spots me, before saying a quick
goodbye to his friends and adjusting his back pack strap.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up from school," I roll my eyes, "Is that not

"Wearing your pyjamas?!"

I scowl and look down at myself. "They aren't pyjamas. They're leggings
and soft ugg boots, there's a difference." After the crying episode with
mom, we had quite a nice day. We snuggled up on the couch and watched the
Bachelor reruns for a few hours, whilst probably putting on a million
calories with the amount of ice-cream and ready meals we ate.

According to serving sizes, I'm a family of four.

We worked it off again afterwards with a few squats (not my idea, I

assure you)- apparently they're a good toning exercise. "Squat like
Channing Tatum is watching!" is what mom kept chanting. It was terrifying
how eager she got, let me tell you.

Anyway, the point is that I dressed in comfortable clothes and I didn't

want to take them off when I left to go and collect Jack. I may look like
a hobo, but moral of the story kids: don't care what other people think
of you. That includes whiny little brothers.

"Riley," He hisses, "You're embarrassing me."

"I'm so offended!" I clutch my heart dramatically, "Not. Get in the car."

Jack scowls at me but obeys, clicking his seatbelt into place as I slide
into the driver's seat. Gosh, how I love saying that. Driver. Riley the
driver. Riley the driver in the driver's seat. Riley the driver in the
driver's seat, driving-

"Riley, can we go home now?" Jack grumbles, "Stop daydreaming."

I sigh and pull away from the car parking space, eager to get back to
The Bachelor. I can't believe mom is watching it without me. "You love me

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"Now, now then Jack. What do people say about respecting your elders?"

"Well you're going to die before me, if that's what you mean."

"Jack," I tut, "You're beginning to sound just like Alec. Quit it now,
you're scaring me."

"Alec is my idol." Terrible sentence. Terrible, terrible sentence.

"Please don't go around stealing bras when you're older," I mutter to




Don't want to give him any ideas, do we?


I'm going on holiday for a few days from tomorrow, so I updated early for
you guys. I know it's not very good, and it's unedited- but I'll fix any
mistakes when I return. I hope you all have an amazing day! :) ~Lauren xx

Congratulations to her for getting into film school! She totally deserves
it :)

Chapter 28// A freaked up fairytale

"Where are you taking me?" I ask dubiously, feeling incredibly vulnerable
with my eyes covered. I squint at the cracks of light between Alec's
fingers, but I can't make out anything. Alec climbed through my window
last night and told me that this was his and Violet's scheme to try and
cheer me up, seeing as I've been a lot quieter since Tiana's
announcement. My friends seem to think that there's something wrong with
me because I've been very self-conscious at school, but honestly, who can
blame me? I think everyone would be a little bit quiet if they had their
past broadcasted to the entire junior year. I insisted that it wasn't
necessary, but of course he ignored me, and so they launched a 'Cheer up
Riley' day. Beginning with the terrible and horrifyingly scary experience
of having my eyes covered by Alec.

I really don't trust that he won't walk me into a streetlamp or


"I can't tell you," Alec grunts, "Now be quiet."

Well then, I see how it is. I sigh exasperatedly- how long does it take
to get to this freaking surprise? I can hear Violet, Martin and the boys
laughing and talking to my right. Dylan made an appearance today with his
new girlfriend Hannah: I think he and Alec have made up now. Beyond that,
I can just about hear some boisterous carnival music, but that doesn't
make sense. Lindale doesn't have a carnival. I sniff the air cautiously,
seeing if smells will give away the secret location, but I can't smell
much else than the burger stand which we passed a little while back. The
food scent is lingering in my nostrils because Joe bought a hamburger.
It's like he's rubbing it in my face, honestly.

"Think," Alec mumbles. "It's pretty obvious. What do you hear?"

As the music gets louder, it finally becomes clear to me. "The fair!" I
exclaim suddenly, "We're at the Lindale fair, right?" It's kind of
embarrassing how I didn't guess it before now. The Lindale Fair is a
humble little thing that our town hosts every year on the fields behind
the park. There's a few rides, and some little stores that locals set up,
and a big top which is frankly not very big. I didn't see any signs for
it this year, but maybe that's just me being unobservant. I love the
Lindale Fair, Violet knows that. She must have come up with the idea.

"Congratulations, you finally guessed correctly." Alec drawls, removing

his hands from my eyes. I squint a little at the sudden brightness,
before spotting the familiar lights and activity of the fair. A large
gravel path sweeps towards the entrance, and the path is filled with
people. I'm surprised Alec didn't shove me into someone: I was kind of
expecting it what with me pestering the whole journey here. I smile a
little bit at the idea. My friends are grass holes...but they can be kind
of sweet. Sometimes.

"Do you like the surprise?" Violet asks me, grabbing my arm. "Are you

"I'm very happy," I grin, pulling her into a hug, "Thank you, I
appreciate it."

"I'm happy too," Chase butts in, smirking and slinging an arm around my
shoulders. He smells strongly of axe and something which vaguely reminds
me of cinnamon.

"You're only happy because you got laid last night," Alec grunts.

"It's better than you can say, bro." Chase grins, and Alec lurches at him

"Ew," I wrinkle my nose, "Don't touch me, I don't want an STD. Let's just
hope that you learnt from your parent's mistake and used protection,
yeah?" I grin cheekily up at him, and he hip bumps me with a scowl. I can
hear Alec's laugh and it makes me smile like the love-struck little girl
I am. What a sap. We finally reach the entrance of the fair, and we pay
for our tickets as we pass through the barriers, smiling at the cheery
woman collecting the money. I stare up at the rides and stalls happily. I
used to come here a lot with my mom when I was younger, it's a shame I
haven't been in a few years. "Which ride do you guys want to go on
first?" I spin around and ask the others. Violet bounces up to me and
hooks her arm through mine.

"Well I'm up for anything, so you can decide. We need to cheer you up."
Joe grunts encouragingly through a mouthful of hamburger, his cheeks
crammed full with the last of his lunch. Oh if only Natasha was here:
she'd love this.

I peer around at the array of rides, spotting a candyfloss stall which I

will definitely pay a visit to later on, a giant wheel and a few other
rides. There's not a tonne of choice, but I can live with that. My eyes
land on the strobe lighting of the bumper cars, and my features light up.
I've always loved those things, and what could be more fun than ramming
into each other in brightly-lit little cars? "What about the bumper
cars?" I ask her, and she nods excitedly, turning to the others to see
their opinion. Joe seems a little reluctant that we aren't going on a
huge ride yet, but everyone else is quite content with the idea. I join
the queue quickly, which is mercifully short. "Hey," I whisper to Violet,
leaning against the barrier. "I know you came up with the idea of coming
here today- so thanks."

"You're welcome," She replies, "Have you given any thought to what you
want for your birthday yet?"

My birthday.

Mom was asking me about it the other day: it's coming up next week, and I
completely forgot. Since about the age of twelve, I've never really been
one to celebrate birthdays properly, with like a party or whatever. Mom
would just take us (my siblings and Violet) to dinner, and then we'd come
home to eat the cake- that was the extent of my birthday parties. As for
presents, well I'm really awkward for that too: it takes me forever to
decide on something that I want. So instead of going with what I want,
I'll go with what Violet will want to buy me. "Er, some clothes would be
nice I suppose?" I scratch the back of my neck nonchalantly. "I could do
with some outfits for summer."

Violet's eyes light up. "Sure! I'd love to get you some clothes. What
else have you asked for?"

"Well just some more converse, and some money from mom," I shrug my
shoulders, "I don't really need anything else to be perfectly honest."
Boy do I love my converse though.

"What about Alec and the boys?"

"Are you kidding? They won't buy me anything."

Violet raises her eyebrows at me as though I'm dumb, before turning to
the boys who are in the queue just behind us. Her hand finds its way into
Martin's, who is just stood rather awkwardly behind her. "Guys? What are
you buying Riley for her birthday?"

"When's her birthday?" Joe asks curiously, shooting a glance at me.

Dylan's eyebrows are furrowed, and Chase is glancing down at his phone-
obviously not concentrating. Gee, what great friends I have. Lucky girl
right here.

"Next week. Have you got her anything?"

"Er...yeah?" Alec says feebly. I roll my eyes and turn to Violet.

"See what I mean?"

Violet sighs and slings an arm over my shoulder, just as the next ride is
called. "You don't need them, you've got me, and let's face it: I'm so
much cooler." We walk towards the front of the ride and into the enclosed
area. "Which bumper car do you want?" Violet asks me, and I frown as I
scan the coloured cars. Most of them have already been taken up now, but
I spot a small blue and purple one in the corner. I point it out to
Violet and dash towards it before any of the boys can take it, sliding
into the driver's seat. Violet follows shortly behind, selecting a red
one that is parked just opposite mine. Alec, of course, selects a bright
pink sparkly one. He winks at me as he slides into it. So immature.

A short bearded guy begins to walk around the cars, tugging on the
seatbelts to make sure that they're secure, and at long last the music
kick starts and our cars are in action. I wince at the volume pounding my
ears, pressing down hard on the acceleration and escaping just in the
nick of time from Violet ramming into me. A kind of circular track has
developed in the rink, and I follow the rest of the cars, jerking tight
against my seatbelt as I get rammed by a boy who must be about half of my
age. I spot Dylan up ahead, but I feel kind of awkward bumping him.
Before I've had a chance to make my decision though, Alec hits me full on
from the side, throwing me back hard into my seat. "Ow!" I whine, "Alec
you jerk!" He sits, laughing at me hard in his pink Barbie-mobile. What a
smug grasshole. I narrow my eyes, spinning my wheel and pressing down
hard enough on the accelerator to spin most of the way around, ramming
him straight in the front of his car.

"You're such a bitch," Alec grumbles.

"Bitch?" I cock an eyebrow. "If I remember correctly you once told me
that means Beautiful Individual that causes hard-ons. Thanks for the
compliment Alec, but let's be honest here: the only thing I turn up is
the volume on Netflix." I grin widely at his shocked face, before
accelerating away from the corner and back into the general circular
motion of the cars. I swerve, accidentally hitting a woman's car to my
left, but she just grins at me. I'm still kind of in awe of what I just
said to Alec. In fact, I think I deserve some kind of reward for not
tripping over my words or something. I was remarkably smooth, even though
my heart was thudding inside. Confrontations terrify me: it's a side
effect of being so socially awkward.

I spot Joe up ahead and bump lightly into him, my eyes are searching for
Violet in her red bumper car, though. Where is she? Titanium by David
Guetta is playing so loudly that I can barely see myself think, and the
strobe lighting mean I can barely see either. We're going to run out of
time soon though, and I need to bump my best friend before we leave.


I'm thrown forwards into my seatbelt by the impact, and I turn around to
spot a grinning Violet cruise right past me.

Found her.

"What do you want to go on now?" Dylan asks me, his arm around Hannah.
They've spent the day hanging with us, but the truth is I've barely
spoken to either of them. Hannah looks nice, but won't it be a little
awkward starting a conversation with her?

"Riley and I are going to go on the Ferris wheel," Alec says from behind
me, pulling me to him by the waist. I jerk sideways into his hip, shocked
by his sudden affection, and the movement is so harsh that I'm definitely
going to have a bruise later. "Aren't we Riley?" He asks, teasingly
patting my head.

I scowl, "You wish, Alec freaking Ryder."

"Oh come on, there's like no queue. It's so romantic," He begins to blow
kissy faces at me, and i laugh, shoving my hand into his face to push him
"You? Romantic? Alec, c'mon. You have no more chance of being romantic
than Pinocchio becoming a real boy," I snort unattractively at the
thought, and Alec's face grows determined as he spots the others heading
towards the ride. My heart is thudding loudly in my chest, but I refuse
to let my blush show. He's just kidding about, Riley. He doesn't actually
mean it. Alec points smugly at the others: showing me that everyone else
is going onto the ride.

"C'mon," He tugs my arm, "We can't let you out of the authentic teenage

"I'm sorry, am I missing something?" I drawl, "Is riding a Ferris wheel

suddenly something that's on my bucket list?" We join the end of the tiny
queue, watching as Dylan and Hannah climb into one of the cars. In front
of us are Joe and Chase who are kidding around with their arms hooked
together (I totally ship it). I'm not surprised that Violet isn't here to
be perfectly honest: she hates heights, especially heights where you're
dangling mid-air in a tiny car that wobbles every time you move. I'm not
too keen myself, actually. She must have dragged Martin off somewhere. I
guess I'll call her when we get off the ride.

When we finally climb into a car, I give Alec an apprehensive look. What
exactly is his point by dragging me onto a Ferris Wheel with him? He's
got to be up to something right? "What are you doing?" I ask him
dubiously, and he raises his hands in feigned innocence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Seriously? C'mon Alec, I mean you have a brain capacity similar to a

marshmallow, but even you're not that dumb." I stare blankly at him, but
not for long before the Ferris Wheel is moving again, and we're gradually
making our way to the top. I glance out at the view, and swallow as my
eyes scan the scene.

"I'm doing nothing, princessa," He rolls his eyes, "Stop overthinking


He isn't going to kiss you Riley. He's right, you're overthinking things.
I shake my head, trying to focus on the views shown from the car as we
ride closer to the top. My heart is thudding faintly, but denial is
flooding my veins. Stop it Riley, this isn't a fairy-tale. "Riley?" Alec
asks me from next to me, and I turn to him with a gulp. "Did I say
something wrong?"
"No, no, no!" I flush slightly pink, "I'm just not too fond of Ferris
wheels." I bite my lip and stare out of the view in front of me, ignoring
Alec's curious eyes on my face. Lindale looks so pretty from up here. I
can't see the sea, or my house because we're quite a bit further inland,
so it's just fields and houses for as far as the eye can see. Not the
perfect view, but sort of modestly charming.

"Riley?" Alec murmurs, and I turn to the right to see that we're now at
the top of the Ferris wheel, and Alec is watching me- void of amusement
on his features. He leans a little closer, and my heart goes into
overdrive. Goosebumps prickle my arm, and I find it hard to swallow
because my throat has suddenly dried. He looks intently at me, cobalt
blue eyes scanning my face. "When I see your face, there's not a thing
that I would change."

Oh. My. God.

Heat floods to my cheeks, and Alec leans slightly forward. His lips are
mere inches from mine, and in that moment I'm so grateful that none of
the others can see us right now. Nobody can butt in and ruin this moment.
I'm living my fairy-tale.

"Except the direction I'm walking in."

I stiffen as I register the comment, before my hand comes up

automatically to slap Alec hard on the arm. He bursts into laughter, and
as he does the car begins to move downwards again. The perfect moment at
the top of the Ferris wheel is over, and it's all because of the stupid
jerk hole in front of me. "Your face!" He chuckles, "Your face was
priceless. You blushed so much!"

I glare at him, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

This is one freaked up fairy-tale, if I can even call it that.


"Riley, there's a little roller skating rink!" Violet grabs my arm

excitedly, "We have to go on it!"

"I'm probably going to fall flat on my ass and embarrass myself," I

groan, "You're really going to humiliate me like this Violet? I haven't
been roller skating in years." When Violet and I first met a few years
ago, it was sort of a tradition that we'd go roller skating together.
There's an old rundown rink on the outskirts of Lindale, and we used to
go there for their Roller Disco every month. Needless to say, it's been a
while, and I've never been very good at roller-skating.

"Come on Riley! We never go anymore," She whines, "Let's have a go."

I sigh, but reluctantly nod my head to her question. She claps her hands
excitedly, rushing up to the stand to hire us some skates, where Chase
and Joe are already waiting.

"Roller skating, huh?" Alec snorts, "Have fun with that."

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, that's not really my thing," He chuckles, "My thing is recording

you falling over, and then sending it to one of those funny video shows
where I can make my millions."

Chivalry in its finest form, ladies and gentlemen.

"Gee thanks," I mutter sarcastically, "It's so nice to know that you have
my back, Alec."

He grins back at me, watching as Violet hands me some skates to lace on.
I slide them onto my feet, immediately feeling the clunky weight and tie
them up quickly, holding onto the wall as I stand up. Instantly I begin
to slide forwards, and I panic, grabbing Joe's arm for support to stop me
from falling over. "Still need to get used to that," I breathe, sending a
grateful glance at an amused Joe.

"C'mon Riley, let's head on," Violet stands up no problem and skates
towards the entrance of the mini rink at the fair. Hannah and Dylan are
already there, but I don't think any of my other friends are coming on.
That's kind of awkward, because it means they'll probably be watching us
and what with my terrible skating, it's inevitable that I'll injure
myself. I cling onto Joe's arm for one more precious second, before
releasing and skating shakily towards the centre of the rink. I skate
slowly into Violet, who grabs me to stop me from rolling. I hold on
tightly to her, releasing a shaky breath.

"Are you ready?" Violet asks me, "C'mon Riley, we did this all the time
when we were little. It's not going to take you that long to get back
into the swing of things." She grabs my hands, and re-adjusts them so
that we're linking arms, facing forward and ready to skate.

I gulp.

This is a bad idea. This is such a bad idea.

With a small whoop from Violet, she begins to skate. Meanwhile, I'm kind
of awkwardly clinging to her and rolling along, not daring to take a step
for fear that I'll make a fool out of myself. I'm going to fall over.
Crap, I'm going to die, and everyone's going to laugh. I daren't breathe,
but eventually I can feel Violet's arm sliding from underneath mine and I
look up, panicked. "You can do it yourself Riley! Go on, have a go." She
pulls her arm away, leaving me suspended and rolling slowly around the
rink. A person skates quickly past me, and I dodge in the opposite
direction. This is quite literally a death wish.

After a while of rolling, I begin to work up the nerve to try and skate,
bringing in a few steps. It works well at first, but obviously with my
balance: it's not long until I fall, and don't think I don't realise it.

Alec begins to crack up from the side line, as I land hard on my butt,
cheeks flooding crimson. Well that's embarrassing. Slowly I manage to get
up and try to skate again, but my confidence has been knocked and I feel
like Bambi on skates. Another person whizzes past me on the left, and I
clench my fists- trying to stop my shaking. Why did I agree to this?!

Then, all at once, a boy skates too close and I jump to the opposite side
in shock. My feet come crashing down on the rink, and there's a split
second of intense sharp pain in my right ankle, before I slip backwards
and land hard on my back. I lay there for a second, stunned, before
finally snapping back into action. My heel begins to throb intensely, and
my tailbone is also really sore. "Ow," I gasp pathetically, "Fricking
ow!" Violet skates over, her features a mask of concern.

"Oh my gosh, I saw what happened! Are you okay?! Do you need some help
getting up?"

She offers me a hand to help me up, but I bat it away pathetically,

wincing as another throb racks through my heel and ankle. "I'm not even
kidding Violet, I think I've broken my ankle," I say through gritted
teeth. "Damn it hurts so badly." Violet's eyes widen in horror at my
diagnosis, but I can barely concentrate on her before I can see one of
the paramedics in a yellow coat skate over. It's a man of about thirty
years old, and he expertly stops and kneels down beside me, taking off my

"Where does it hurt?" He demands.

"My right ankle is absolutely killing me, and I also landed on my

tailbone," I explain, "The tailbone is nowhere near as bad though, it's
my ankle...I think I may have broken it." The man nods, pulling off my
sock and examining my foot. It looks pretty normal apart from my ankle,
which has flushed red and is tingling, indicating swelling. He begins to
bend my foot down to touch the ground, and I hiss in pain, jerking my leg
back with a yelp. "I'm sorry," I apologise, gritting my teeth. "That just
really hurt."

"It's okay, I get this a lot. Do you mind if I probe it a little? I need
to know if it's anything serious."

In a silent reply, I place my foot back onto his lap. Violet is knelt
worriedly next to him, and her eyes are wide with concern. In the
background, I can sense Alec, Chase and Joe trying to get onto the rink
without wearing skates- but they're having a bit of an issue with the
security. 'I'm so sorry,' she mouths, and I nod to indicate that it's
fine. The paramedic begins to probe along the sides of my foot, and as
his fingers reach my heel I recoil again. "Does this hurt?" He asks me,
squeezing the top of my foot ever so lightly. I shake my head, but then
he moves up towards the ankle again, and he doesn't even have to ask this
time when I let out a shrill yelp. Oh my god this freaking hurts. "It
looks like a fracture to me, but I can't be sure. Do you have someone to
take you to hospital?"

"Yeah, my friends are over there," I point towards Joe, Alec and Chase.
Dylan and Hannah are watching me from slightly further up the side, and I
keep getting glanced at by all of the other roller skaters. Way to draw
attention, Bambi. The paramedic follows my finger and sees the boys,
before gesturing to the security lady to let them come in. She allows
them through obediently, and the boys rush across the rink towards me.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Alec asks me, sliding to my other side.

"She's not really okay: I think she may have fractured her ankle. Do any
of you boys have a car which you can take her to hospital in?" The
paramedic dude is all business, and I wince as another throb hits my
ankle. I so knew roller skating was a bad idea.
"I do," Chase mutters worriedly, "Should we take her to ER or what?"

"Head to ER, you'll probably get seen quicker that way," The paramedic
orders, "I recommend that not all of you go though, because they won't
let you in. I'd say two people maximum, including the driver. It's a
minor break if it is fractured, but you will need a cast and some rest.
If it isn't a break, then it may possibly be a sprain- in which case
you'll be very, very lucky." The paramedic turns to me, "If you guys have
any issue with getting her to hospital, here's our company card. Just
give us a call and we can transport you there. Will you need any help
getting her to the car?"

"We should be fine," Alec says, "Do you recommend carrying her, hopping
or what?"

"From the way she fell, it seems that both of her ankles have undergone
quite some stress, one worse than the other. I recommend carrying her if
it's possible, because that will prevent any damage on the other ankle."
He offers me a small smile, "I hope you feel better soon, and remember-
call if there's any issue. I have to report this in the medical book,
would you mind giving me your name?"

"Riley Greene," I say, leaning slightly onto Alec for support. His arm
wraps around me comfortingly, and I shoot a reassuring smile at a very
worried Violet. The paramedic nods, before standing up and heading
towards the main desk again. Mom always told me never to trust rides at
small fairground fairs, but I'd never suspect that roller skating could
be a risk. I guess I'm just clumsy though, it's not really their fault.

"Right, let's get you to hospital," Chase nods. He spins around to lift
me up under the arms and pull me into a standing position, with my foot
off the ground. There Alec takes charge, lifting me up almost
effortlessly into a cradle. My feet bang together slightly, and I bite my
lip at the pain. I'm feeling quite conscious about how much I weigh, and
this way of carrying is incredibly uncomfortable but I keep my lips
sealed shut as he lifts me from the ground and begin walking towards the
small entrance, with the help of Chase. We walk briskly back through the
fair, and I stare longingly back at some of the rides. It's a shame I
didn't get the chance to go on some of the rides, and I can't believe I'm
dragging the rest of my friends away from the fair as well.

"Violet," I call, and she dashes to my side obediently. "You and the
others should stay at the fair, I don't want to ruin your day too."
Violet looks up in protest, but I interrupt before she can say anything.
"C'mon, you know you want to. I'll be fine, I've got these two looking
after me," I gesture to Chase and Alec, "I'll give you a call when we've
been in, okay?"
Violet sighs weakly, knowing I won't back down on something like this.
"You promise? I know what you're like Riley, you'll have me worried

"I promise." I blow her a quick kiss, before Alec begins walking again to
the car park. Time to go to hospital.


"It's what we call a stress fracture," The Doctor begins, sitting down in
the green seat beside the hospital bed where I'm currently sat. "From
your description and the results of the x-ray, we can see that as you
fell, you landed hard on that particular heel. This put your bone under a
lot of pressure, and it experienced a large force which caused it to
break, just below your ankle. It isn't a serious break, we could barely
see it on the x-ray. In fact, we could only see the bone trying to heal
around it. To heal, you'll simply need to rest the foot and we'll put you
on some crutches to prevent you from putting weight on it." The Doctor, a
pretty elder woman, quickly writes something down on her clipboard,
before looking up at me with a smile. "Then you should be good to go.
We'll call you back in about six weeks to check up on it, and see if we
can take away the crutches."

Beside me, my mother nods understandingly. I had to call her on the way
here, otherwise she would have freaked out. Chase went home after she
arrived, but Alec insisted he stay. "Thank you, Doctor," She smiles,
"I'll make sure she rests."

"Good, good. In the meantime..." The doctor leans over to grab the pair
of crutches that had been leant up against the wall, "She'll need these.
If you encounter any problems, just call the helpline and we'll be sure
to get things sorted out for you. I hope you feel better soon, Riley."
With that, she leaves the room, and I let out a sigh. After the hour long
wait before we could finally see a doctor, I was brought into this room
where yet another person probed around my foot, almost making me cry. I
was then sent into the x-ray, meanwhile my mother arrived. Then it was
just the awkward diagnosis, taping up my foot, and being advised
painkillers if the injury got worse. Now it's about 5:00pm, and I'm
completely exhausted. Oh, and I still haven't called Violet.

"Right, c'mon then Riley and let's take you home," Mom ushers, standing
up from the bed. Alec yawns and stands up too, offering me the crutches
as I get to my feet (or should I say foot) slowly. I hobble out of the
room after Alec and my mom, yawning. I must look like a real mess right
now...I feel like it at least. Alec offers me a smile which I return
weakly. My lord has it been a long day. I could really do with a bath and
a Sherlock marathon right now. Suddenly the rides I'm missing out on seem
so much more unappealing.
"I should probably text Violet," I murmur to Alec, and he shakes his

"Don't worry about it, I texted Joe earlier. He let her know that you're

"Oh," I say, surprised. "Thanks." Alec is actually being considerate.

Praise the heavens.

"See? I can be a decent human being sometimes," Alec teases, and I just
roll my eyes fondly.

"Good for you. I'll let you have a go on my crutches when we get home as
a reward." I'm just joking around, but Alec takes it incredibly
seriously. So much so that I have to resist the urge to face palm.


I shoot him a blank look.

I think my crush is secretly a seven year old. Oh lord help me.

Gorgeous cover to the side! Don't be a silent reader ;D <3

Chapter 29// What a fool I can be


It's eerily silent when I wake up on the morning of my birthday. There's

no usual rumble of the morning kettle for mom's coffee. Jack isn't
whooping when he discovers more diamond in mine craft. It's silent, and
for the Greene family that is practically unheard of, especially on a
birthday. The tradition is that mom wakes me up loudly to open my
presents, and then I get the responsibility of choosing what we do for
the day. We never stray from that tradition, so can someone please tell
me why it's so creepily quiet? They could still be asleep, I suppose, but
I frown as I glance over at the clock. It's 9:15am and mom is an
extremely early riser. There's no way they can be asleep...

They must be awake, and if I know my family as well as I think I do,

they're up to something.
I slide out of bed suspiciously, trying to make as little sound as
possible so as not to draw attention (which is almost impossible with my
crutches). I awkwardly hop across the landing to Jack's room, and as I
suspected, the room is vacant. What the hell? His bed is even made: and
if that's not a sign for concern, then I don't know what is. I frown and
disappear back into my own room, uncomfortable with the silence
thickening the air. I'm not stupid: there's something strange going on.
Maybe this is a huge prank show and I'm going to be broadcasted all over
television when I go downstairs. Maybe they have cameras on me right now.
I straighten my back and tuck one of my frizzy curls behind my ear at the

I should have a shower.

I limp over to the bathroom and strip quickly, running the water warm and
using my favourite scented body wash. It's so hard to shower with an
injured foot, let me tell you now. I have to sit down on the floor and
swing my bad leg out of the cubicle, which is more than a little
uncomfortable. But hey, it's my seventeenth birthday...I'm finally as old
as all of my friends. I get a small fluttery feeling inside of me at the
thought, and I can't help the smile that curves my lips. I wonder where
mom and Jack are. They must be downstairs, they wouldn't leave me on my
birthday would they? Realisation seeps into my features. Maybe Mom took
Jack out to get me a present or something- Jack tends to leave things
until the very last minute. Yeah, that's got to be it. With this
reassurance in mind, I wrap myself in a giant fluffy towel and step out
of the shower.

As soon as I'm dressed, I glance over at my phone- not surprised to see

that I already have a few Facebook notifications and messages. A segment
of Violets' message stands out clearly on my lock screen, all capitalised
for emphasis. She always has been one to make a huge deal out of my

Violet is hashtag amazeballs: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO


I smile, tapping a quick reply. My best friend is so weird. Joe, Natasha,

Chase and even Dylan have all texted me wishing me a happy birthday.
Should I be so disappointed that Alec hasn't yet? I shrug and put it to
the back of my mind. I'm just being pathetic and over-reacting. He'll
text later, right?
Once I'm dressed and presentable, I begin to head downstairs. The steps
creak dauntingly beneath my crutches, and I wince at the loud sound. I
don't understand...if Jack and Mom are down here, how can they be so
silent? I finally hit the ground of the hallway, peering around
suspiciously. Yeah there's no doubt about it; they must have gone to the
shops. There's no way mom could keep Jack quiet for this long. I run a
hand through my newly straightened hair, glad that I've made at least a
little effort for my seventeenth, even if nobody is around to see it.
They'll be back soon anyway. I swing open the door to the lounge, jumping
a little bit when I see Violet standing in the centre of the room waiting
for me. "Happy birthday Riley!" She cheers loudly.

As if on cue, Mom and Jack jump out from behind the couch with a large
whoop and I take a startled step backwards in surprise. As I realise what
this actually is, a smile graces my features and I begin to laugh. Okay,
so it isn't the most grandeur of surprise parties, but it's the thought
that counts, yeah? And right now, my thoughts are focused on the fact
that my surprise party consists of my mom, my brother and my spunky best
friend. What a social life I lead, ladies and gentlemen. Mom emerges from
behind the couch with a grin on her face, leaning forward to cradle my
chin and peck me on the cheek. "Happy birthday, my baby," She murmurs,
"You're growing up so fast."

"I love you mom," I sigh, burying my face into her hair, and the soft
smell of perfume and powder that never hesitates to comfort me. Every
word is true. What a cheesy sap I am. After a second, I release her and
pull back, ready to face the life-threatening excitement of my best

Release Violet.

"Riley!" Violet darts towards me in less than a second, her slender arms
suffocating me into a tight embrace, or chokehold as I like to refer to
it as. "Were you surprised?" She asks me in a teasing tone, and I roll my
eyes as I pull back from her arms, my need for oxygen making itself

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"Well good, because the party is only beginning," Violet grins, "The
others are coming round in about half an hour, okay?" She glances over at
my mom, "We set it all up."
I turn to my mom, mouth dropping open. "You organised this?" A party. I'm
having a party.

Mom nods, wringing her fingers with excitement, and I turn back to Violet
with my eyes still wide from the news. They've organised a party for me.
"Who's invited?" I ask her, "What are we doing?"

"Well we haven't organised anything big, because obviously we had quite

short notice so everyone's just coming round here to hang out and stuff.
There's the guys, Natasha, Martin and a couple of others," She lists,
counting from her dark manicured fingers, "You'll love it, I promise! Are
you excited?" She grabs my hands and grins, beginning to jump up and down

"Yeah definitely," I nod enthusiastically. "Thank you so much!"

I'm having a birthday party.

Why do I feel like this is going to end badly?


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Riley,

happy birthday to you!"
I blow out the candles to my cake, feeling a blush burn my cheeks as I'm
conscious of everyone watching me. Is it bad that I'm looking forward to
eating the cake more than I am unwrapping my presents? Probably. I glance
up as my friends begin to clap, as though blowing out seventeen candles
is a trick that I've mastered or something. I'm seventeen, and it's my
birthday. Well, here's to remember the day I was expelled from a uterus
and graced the earth with my charming presence. Now that's something I
can raise my glass to.

"Present time!" Violet announces, "I'm totally calling first." She leans
down to the coffee table and selects a big present, wrapped in black
paper decorated with cartoon purple bats. In fact....I think it's
Halloween paper. She stuffs it into my hands eagerly, and I smile at her
in thanks before slowly beginning to unwrap it. Once again, I can feel
eyes on me and I chuckle nervously in front of my audience. Needless to
say, my living room is pretty crowded right now, with people lounging
over almost any available space. Mom managed to escape to Marie's house
with Rosa and Jack, so this house is officially adult-less. You'd expect
it to get pretty chaotic right? Wrong. Violet is organising everything
like I'm turning seven, not seventeen.
"Get on with it Riley," Chase teases, "No need to build suspense."
I whack him lightly on the shoulder, before pulling a black cropped t-
shirt from the wrapping. Written on it are the words 'You can't sit with
us', and there's a black Tumblr snapback to match. Oh my gosh, this is so
awesome. I turn to Violet with a huge smile, shifting my crutches forward
so that I can give her a hug. "You like it?" She squeaks, and I nod into
her shoulder for a reply.

"You know me way too well."

"We're next!" Joe grins, handing me a parcel wrapped in green crepe

paper. "This is from me and Chase. It comes from the heart, honestly." I
look up at him, suspicious of his eager smile. I may be friends with him
now, but no-one can forget just how mischievous that boy is. It's quite
endearing actually, but not when you're the victim. Slowly and curiously,
I unwrap the paper from the present. What the hell? In my hands is a can
of Axe deodorant, and a black box with a lipstick print on the front.
"The axe is for that time when we were hiding in the changing rooms," Joe
supplies, "We remembered how much you loved that scent..." Sarcasm. The
lowest form of wit. That smell was way too strong for my poor old
nostrils to handle, let me tell you now.

"The other thing is a toy," Chase intervenes slyly, "We thought you and
Alec could have a little fun, if you know what I mean. It comes with a
free-"He doesn't manage to finish his sentence before Alec punches him
hard in the stomach, leaving him breathlessly laughing on the couch.
"Condom," He finally gets out through his winded laughter, "A free
condom." I bite my lip awkwardly as I realise that practically everyone
in the room is laughing at Alec and I now, even Violet who is supposed to
be my best friend. I'm so glad my mom isn't present. Natasha wraps an arm
around my shoulders for support, giggling herself.

"I have to tell you something," She whispers, still laughing. I look up
at her questioningly, and she leans down to murmur in my ear. "Joe put
chilli powder in that cake. Your real birthday cake is in the fridge.
Just don't eat any, but don't tell the others. I can't wait to see their
reactions when they try a bite." She begins to giggle again and I roll my
eyes at her fondly.

"You and Joe are just meant to be, you know that?" I hiss playfully at
her, and her eyes turn sombre as she looks at me in shock, as if saying
'you know that I fancy the freaking pants off Joe Travis?' I nod, and she
seems to understand. Damn, I'm good at impersonating expressions. Maybe I
should be a mind reader when I'm older. Alongside a burglar and a space
cadet of course.

"Let's get back to the presents," Violet snorts with laughter, "Alec?
Anything to contribute?"

"Ooh yeah," I turn to the boy himself, "What did you get me?" He's
dressed in a pair of dark skinny jeans and a loose white t-shirt today,
matched with a red beanie. To put it bluntly, he looks hot. God, I
visually enjoy that boy.

Alec smirks at me, "Do you see that Red mustang out the front?" He
points through the window, to a car parked on the other side of the road.

"Yeah?" My heart rate begins to quicken. He wouldn't buy me a car. Alec

isn't that stupid. Right?

"Well I bought you a toothbrush the same colour. Happy birthday!"

I SAW THAT ON TUMBLR. How did I not see that coming?

Oh and what was I just saying about visually enjoying that boy? More like
visually enjoying kicking his ass. "You're a douche," I hit him hard on
the arm and he laughs.

"I'm just kidding. No need to get all riled up, Riles," He teases,
handing me a small package wrapped surprisingly neatly. I raise my
eyebrows in surprise. I don't know, I was just assuming Alec would be a
'shove it in a gift bag and we're done' kind of guy. I delicately unwrap
the present, and wrinkle my nose as I spot what's inside of it. Grasping
the thin material between two fingers and hanging it in front of Alec's
face, I explode with anger. This boy!

"Are you freaking kidding me Alec?! A thong?!"

Alec bursts into fits of laughter, wheezing with effort as he attempts to

talk. "It's got Mickey mouse on it, so it matches!" He manages to get
out, before exploding into another round of cackles. Everyone else is
finding a similar sort of hilarity in the situation, leaving me staring
dumbfounded in the middle of a room full of hysterical teenagers. Someone
up there really hates me.

"Great," I drawl sarcastically, "Just great. Now with the thong and the
sex toy, I'm all set to be a porn star! Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome," Chase gasps out with laughter.

I have the most amazing friends in the world. Hint the freaking sarcasm.

I hobble over to the cake with my crutches, leaning forward and grasping
the knife to cut three wedges from the pranked cake. I shoot Joe a
knowing look, and he grins cheekily at me, as I spin around with two
paper plates in either hand. "Cake boys?" I say in a sickly sweet tone,
"Looks like you could use some food to stop you from pulling a muscle
with all that laughing."

Alec raises his head at the mention of food, tears streaming down his
cheeks from the laughter. "Thanks," He says suspiciously, taking a plate
and inspecting it. Clever boy, I think he's guessed something's wrong
with it. There's no way I'd offer them cake first otherwise. Chase just
nods and takes it unsuspectingly, too far gone into crazy town to say
anything before he shoves the slice into his mouth. A second into
chewing, his eyes fly open and he gags, ejecting the half eaten cake back
onto his plate.


What doesn't kill you comes back and bites you in the ass, boy. Who's
laughing now?


Whoever's idea it was to play hide and seek, I am going to decapitate.

I'm in my own back yard, and I still can't find a place to hide, whereas
everyone else seems to have disappeared completely from sight. Faintly in
the distance, I can hear Dylan counting down from 20. I'm completely
screwed, and completely visible for that matter. "Someone help me," I
hiss, "Or I'll tell him where I saw you all run off to." Blackmail is the
way forward, kids.

"Come here," I hear Alec give a loud sigh, "Behind the bush."

I hobble over carefully, aware that I probably shouldn't be playing this

game with a broken heel. I edge carefully behind the bush without
spotting Alec and try to crouch down without losing my footing. There's
probably spiders down here. I gulp, and take another step forward, only
to trip on a loose rock with my bad foot and tumble very un-elegantly
down into some leaves. "Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch," I hiss to
myself, and Alec chuckles from somewhere nearby as I struggle to make
myself comfortable in the mass of roots, rocks and soil. I push a branch
of leaves back from my face, only to have some others ram straight in my
nose, making me want to sneeze.

"Three, two, one- I'm coming!" I hear Dylan call, and I stiffen amongst
the branches.

"Why would you choose to hide here?" I hiss to Alec, "I've got branches
impaling me, jerk. Where are you?"

Alec chuckles, "Actually I'm hidden behind the tree next to you, not in
the bush. I just told you I was hidden there so that I could see you try
and squeeze in that tiny space, and boy did I get my money's worth." You
what?! I stiffen with annoyance, and I feel the longing sensation in my
fists to punch that pretty little face of his.

"Gravity isn't the only b*tch around here," I grumble.

Happy birthday to me,

Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday to Riley.

What a fool I can be.

Particularly for really liking Alec Ryder, the most irritating human on
the planet.

When will I ever learn?

I don't want to read through this chapter, because then I'll realise how
terrible it is and I'll have to write it over again for the millionth
time. However, I need to post something for you guys so here it is.
Enjoy, or not.

I won't be updating for a few weeks sadly, because I have exams and
things coming up that are my priorities. I'll make sure that my next
update on the 27th June is nice and long. Sorry this chapter is so short
and crappy, I'll edit it at some point!

Thank you for your outstanding support, as always.

~Lauren xx

Chapter 30// Falling in Love for Dummies

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

"Chelsea freaking Granger."

Chase whistles slowly under his breath, his eyes solely and unashamedly
glued to the backside of a lonely girl who's strutting past the parking
lot. Frankly, I've never seen her before, but even I can't help but be a
little bit distracted by her obviously good looks. She's blonde and she
wears a little too much make-up, but she's quite clearly gorgeous and she
knows it. Personally, I prefer more modest girls and I don't like vanity,
but Chase nothing short of adores girls like that. Fair enough to him, I
guess. It's a free country after all. His eyebrows raise skyward as the
girl walks, and he cranes his neck to see her for a delicious second
longer before she disappears around the corner. "C'mon," He breathes,
"She has to be a ten."

"I was thinking more eight," I shrug nonchalantly, "I like brunettes."

"No," Chase scoffs, turning around to squint at me in me in the harsh

sunlight. "You like Riley Greene." He smirks victoriously at my blank
expression, taking another draw from the tightly rolled joint between his
lips. At the moment, I want nothing more than to shove the thing up his
ass so hard that he cries, the idiot. As if he hasn't embarrassed me
about my feelings enough already, what with the birthday present stunt
and interrupting that blessed almost kiss. I'm really starting to wish I
never told this guy about my crush, because then at least I wouldn't hear
the constant teasing I'm faced with every day. I swear to God, one of
these days when Chase gets a crush, I'll hit him back twice as hard. I
really hope that day comes soon.

"Shut up dude," Joe rolls his eyes from his spot next to me, "At least he
can actually settle on a girl, and he won't gain herpes from the trash
you bang." I snort at this, inhaling another drag of the potent smoke.
I've never really been a fan of weed, but I'll have some from time to
time just to perk myself up a little bit. We're currently skipping our
last lesson of the day before we go home, lying across the bonnet of
Chase's car and smoking in the corner of the school parking lot. It's
quite relaxing actually; we're just around the corner of the building-
where no windows or cameras are focused on us. Unless someone comes this
way to reach the dumpsters, we're invisible. The perfect spot for us: it
means we can rate the girls who walk past without them seeing us. We're
jerks, we know.

"I'm calling seven for the one in the centre," I mutter. My eyes evaluate
the next group of girls for a nine or ten possibility, but I'm
disappointed. It's a group of giggling sophomores, and although the one
in the middle is quite cute- the others don't hold much potential for Joe
or Chase's type. I watch as they disappear around the corner, glancing at
Joe for his reaction, only to see that he's not even paying attention.
His arm is slung over his eyes and he's lying back fully on the car
bonnet. "Thinking of Natasha?" I ask him innocently. His eyes fly open
and his arm moves away instantly as he peers at me, squinting in the
Lindale sun.

"Thinking of Riley?" He retorts smugly.

"You guys are quitting the game before you've even played," Chase shakes
his head disappointedly, sitting up on the car, "I can't believe you've
been here for like 2 months Alec and already you have a crush. We have
freaking potential at this school, and you're already settling. Where's
the fun in that?" He sighs and rakes his fingers through his chocolate
locks. "I'm not saying that Riley isn't good in any way, shape or form.
I'm just saying that we're young- I don't see why you're so eager to
settle down so quickly." I stiffen awkwardly, rolling up the sleeves of
my t-shirt for lack of something better to do.

"I'm not settling," I argue with a cold scowl, "It's a crush. You're
acting like we're getting fricking married, when in reality we're not
even together. I'm still the same Alec, quit making such a big deal." I
roll my eyes, but I can't help but let a bit of irritancy seep into my
tone. He's acting like it's my choice to have a crush on her, but it's
not like I can change it. I'll get over her eventually, I know I will,
but whether I do or not is none of his freaking business.
"Shut the hell up both of you," Joe mutters, "I've got a headache."

"I know," Chase mutters to himself, closing his eyes, "Both of you have
caught the love bug."

"Seriously," I scowl, "Shut up." I glance up to see the flow of people

along the sidewalk is increasing steadily now, indicating that it's time
we should get going. I check my watch in affirmation, before sliding
smoothly from the bonnet of Chase's car. "Guys it's time to go: it's the
end of the day." Grumbling their protests, Joe and Chase slide down from
their comfortable spots too, and I stub my joint out on a nearby trash
can as we walk back towards the main parking lot. Already it's beginning
to fill with people heading home, and I can see my bike parked right in
the centre of the commotion. Eyes fixed on it, I bid adios to my best
friends and stride towards it.

"Oi Ryder!" A voice yells from behind me, interrupting me from my walk. I
spin around and slide my hands loosely in my pockets as I locate the
source of the call: a vaguely familiar stocky guy from the football team.
He jogs to catch up with me, and I feel an irritating itch at the fact
that this guy is stopping me from heading home. "Hey Alec," He nods as he
reaches me, panting ever so slightly from his brisk run. His hair is a
dirty blonde colour, cut short to reveal a bruise that's slowly
discolouring on the side of his face. "How are you man?"

"Good thanks," I reply suspiciously, scratching the back of my neck. Who

even is this guy? "Look, no offence dude, but what did you want to talk
about? I kind of need to head home."

"Oh right. Well I'm Jackson," The guy grins toothily, "I wanted to ask
you something. You know that girl, Riley Greene? The one you always hang
out with? Well I just wanted to ask if you knew if she's single or not."
Immediately I tense up, already disliking the guy. He's got a stocky
figure, just shorter than me with a wide jaw and muddy brown eyes. What
does he want with Riley? She can do better than him, does he really think
he's in for a chance?

"Why do you want to know?" I retort smoothly, edging my body so that I'm
fully facing him now, and standing up straighter. I evaluate his reaction
to the slight threat in my tone, but annoyingly, he seems to be oblivious
of my suddenly dark mood.
"Well I just thought she was kinda hot," He admits, shrugging. "I wanted
to make sure you're not having her before I make a move, though. She is
single, right?"

"Yeah," I scowl in annoyance, "But I don't think you're her type, sorry
dude." Don't get angry Alec. Control your fricking emotions: this is no
reason to get worked up. I turn to walk away, but he stops me with yet
another annoying question.

"Is she going to that party on Friday?"

This guy just doesn't see the warning signals does he?

"Maybe," I reply curtly.

He smirks at my reply, as if it pleases him in some sick way. "That's

good: I'm sure she'll warm up to me. Even if she doesn't," His eyes
flicker to mine and glitter with excitement and challenge, "I know I can
find a way to shut her up for a little while."


In that instant every one of my hairs bristle with anger, and once again
the puppet master known as testosterone takes control of my body. An
outraged growl escapes my lips at even the thought of this absolute
douche even laying one of his paws on her. His eyes widen at my
animalistic reaction, and he straightens a little bit to look me in the
eye, but even I can see the intimidated step back he takes. "I thought
you said you didn't want her?" He raises an eyebrow, "Come on dude, she's
just a chick. I mean, no offence, but you're way overreacting."

My fists are clenched at my side, tightening with every word that escapes
his stupid little mouth. What kind of a sick dude is he? Joking about
laying a finger on Riley, and then telling me I'm overreacting?! Deep
down I know that he's right, and I shouldn't be acting like this but I
can't seem to find the restraint to stop. Even his face is annoying me
now: smug and knowing, as if he's discovered one of my dirty little
secrets. Who the hell does he think he is? Before I know it, the pressure
and the mental images have got too much, and my fist raises into the air
only to plummet into his face.

He wants to hurt Riley.

All of my strength goes behind that punch, and the satisfying crack of
his nose is enough to send a rush of adrenaline through me. I tower over
the shocked senseless guy on the floor, a murderous expression warping my
features. He wants to hurt Riley. I can sense the attention already
gathering, but I can pay no more attention to them than I can to my
throbbing fist: my focus is entirely centred on the guy scrambling for
footing in front of me. I reach down and grab him by the collar, lifting
him up with an ease of strength I didn't even realise I had.

"If you even think of touching that girl," I hiss menacingly, "I will
personally ensure that you never see the light of day again. You keep
your filthy fingers off her."

Alec Ryder, what the hell are you doing? You're embarrassing yourself,
calm down.

Jackson nods hurriedly, eyes wide as his fingers scrabble at my grip on

his collar. "Got it dude, I'm sorry. I-I didn't realise you called dibs
on her." He looks so generally horrified that I release my grip, and he
backs away immediately, blood gushing freely from his nose. I feel like
an angry bull- everyone is staring at me with wide eyes, and no-one dares
even breathe for fear of angering me further. I turn to glance at the
crowd that has formed, before focusing my dark glare to the floor. I
clench my fists tightly as I stalk back to my motorbike, trying to stop
the shudders of anger ricocheting through my body. What an absolute jerk.
I need to make sure Riley steers clear from him. I tightly strap my
helmet on and pull hard on the ignition- wanting nothing more than to
escape this hellhole of a school before I'm forced to punch the living
daylights out of another jerk to keep myself sane.

The speed of my bike helps to refresh me, and as soon as I'm out of the
school gate I relax into the familiar exhilaration and agility of my
motorbike. I'm not going to head home straight away, I need to calm down
first and discover what the hell that just was. I find myself turning
right instead of left, and heading towards the curving quiet country
roads by the cliffs instead of the busy town roads I'm used to. I need to
clear my head, and focus because I completely overreacted back there.
What am I doing? My grip on the handlebars tightens considerably, and the
wind whips the open flaps of my leather jacket.

I got jealous, I realise, insanely jealous. I frown. How is it that one

girl can have such an effect on me? I never used to be like this, I never
used to be so easy. I was the strong, independent ladies' man who
controlled other people's feelings. This new sensation of being so out of
control all of the time is completely new to me, and I'm not sure if I
like it. This girl has power over me, and it's building every single day.
I can't get her out of my head, and if she ever realises this: she has
the power to break me completely. She's already changed me so much
without realising it. Imagine the damage she could do if she knew how I
feel about her. I really, really like this girl. I'm in completely over
my head.

This's surprisingly scary. I don't have a clue what I'm going
to do. Is there a manual or something I can read? Falling in love for

I can't do this. I need to stop this right now. With a fresh sense of
determination, I pull over at the side of a quiet lane surrounded by
forest, dragging my bike to the foot of a tall tree and collapsing there.
I fish my phone from my pocket, and revelling in the silence of the
forest, I press the buttons I know will interrupt it. Sure enough, the
familiar buzz of the phone plays, and I press it to my ear as it rings.
My eyes are wide and alive, my heart pumping furiously in my ribcage.
Alec Ryder doesn't do love. I want out. "Alec?" Tiana picks up the phone
confusedly, and I inhale sharply at the shock of her voice down the line.
"Hello? Alec?"

Tiana's greeting snaps something inside of me. What am I doing?! She hurt
Riley. If I do this, I have no choice of ever being with Riley- something
I crave so hard that it scares me. I'm being stupid, I'm overreacting and
I'm throwing away a chance I can't afford to lose. I have a chance at
love with this girl, and although it's scary and foreign to me, I realise
I still want it. I want Riley, and right now I know that I'd do
practically anything for her.

I growl and punch the tree out of sheer frustration. Why is this all so

That actually really hurt.

"Alec? I know it's you." Tiana's voice is smug and amused now, and a
fierce sense of irritation seeps through me. What was I even thinking?
Giving up someone as unique as Riley, for the person who hurt her so
badly? Without pausing, I hang up the phone. I could have made such a
mistake just then.

The thing is...I have no idea what to do about Riley now. I really like
her, and should it be any other girl, I'd have no problem whatsoever in
confronting them and getting them to go on a date with me, but it's
Riley. I don't know what it is that makes her so different- maybe the
fact that it's more serious than my past flings? I just feel way out of
my depth, and it's stupid because I'm Alec Ryder. I can get any girl.

Well, any girl apart from her.

I think I need to tell her how I feel.

My stomach twists at the idea, but I can tell that it's the right thing
to do. I like her, and I need to know if she likes me in the same way. If
she does, then awesome. If she doesn't....well then at least she knows
how I feel, and I can be an option for her. Besides, maybe that will be
the closure I need to stop liking her. I'm going to tell Riley Greene I
like her. I release a shaky breath and swing my leg back over the
motorbike, the metal hot and smooth beneath my hands.

God I sound like a fricking pansy.


"Christian Bale, will you please marry me?" I sigh contentedly as the
ending credits for The Dark Knight come onto screen, placing my laptop at
the foot of my bed and rolling happily back into my pillows, well aware
that I have popcorn stuck into my hair. But hey, what's a batman movie
without popcorn? I think it's bad that I have somewhat of an obsession
with the Joker: it's not healthy to go crushing on a villain is it?
Especially not one with greasy green hair and scarred cheeks. Nope,
there's almost definitely something wrong with me in the fact that I find
him strangely addictive.

Someone please call 911.

I glance down at my foot, glad to know that this is my last two weeks
with the stupid cast on now, and then I can go back to my normal routine
without crutches. Lifting my legs up into the air and admiring my comfy
leggings, I'm suddenly distracted by the buzz of my phone on my
nightstand. Probably another Facebook notification or something. Out of
sheer boredom however, I pick up my phone and unlock the screen, eyebrows
rising upwards in surprise when I see that I have a message.
That's strange. My lack of a social life means that I hardly ever get

I open my inbox to see that it's from an unknown number, but the familiar
smug cruelty behind the words are enough for me to pinpoint exactly who
has sent it. The message itself, short but long enough to have my heart
plummeting to my feet and sudden tears burning the corners of my eyes.

Who knew such a short sentence could have such a huge impact?

Guess who just hooked up with Alec? ;)

Anyone counting? Because this will be the second guy that I've lost to
Tiana Cooper.

And this one? This one hurts so much worse than the first.

Exams are over, and The Bad Boy stole my Bra is back with a twist!


Chapter 31// Issues and Solutions

Left foot. Right foot. Hobble.

It's simple: all you have to do is keep walking. Ignore everyone else,
they don't matter. It's just you, and you need to make it to the end of
the day. Ignore Alec Ryder, ignore Tiana Cooper and shut everyone out.
You don't want a confrontation, you should stay away from him. Ignore his
irresistible smile. If you see him, walk in the opposite direction. It
hurts, but it's what you need to do. He's hurt you, and he doesn't even
realise it. Just stay away.

I take a long breath in as I turn into the corridor.

I can see people all around, bustling around to reach their lockers and
retrieve their books for class: it's an oddly typical scene for my weary
eyes, which can't help but scan the crowd for a certain someone, despite
my instincts which are screaming otherwise. I feel detached, like I don't
quite know what I'm doing here. I just know that I want to get through
today without seeing Tiana, and definitely without seeing Alec. People
may call me strong: my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and my sister died, but
even I don't feel strong enough to face that boy right now. I've been
good- I haven't cried, because I refuse to let myself lose tears over a
stupid boy. However, one glance at his face and that façade is going to
come crumbling down, I can feel it. Yet still, I search the crowds for
him as I hobble, clutching my books tight to my chest like a lifeline.
Where is he?


Slouched against a locker talking to some guys from the football team.
His hair tousled effortlessly, hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his
jeans as he laughs at something his friend says. He looks normal, and
completely oblivious to the fact that he's ripped my heart from my chest
and stamped on it. He hooked up with Tiana Cooper, the girl he knows has
hurt me so much in the past. I trusted him, but I should've seen it
coming right? I mean, it's simply implausible for a guy so cool and
collected as him to like someone so....well, just not. The fact that he
chose Tiana though? That's what hurts me the most, above the fact that he
slept with another girl. It's the ultimate betrayal, and that's the
reason why my heart is throbbing so intensely, not because of a stupid
hook up.

Well, that's what I'm trying to tell myself anyway.

It's not like I'm his girlfriend: I have no right to be angry if he

hooked up with someone. In his eyes, we're just friends. In mine, I want
to be so much more, but he can't know that. Especially not now.

And just like that, he looks up to meet my gaze.

I freeze as I stare at him, and suddenly the mere seconds I've been
looking turn to hours, because the sudden flood of emotion that drowns me
is endless. With one simple look, my knees are feeling weak and the
throbbing intensifies. He hooked up with Tiana. The corner of his mouth
twitches upwards as he spots me and he straightens as though he's going
to head over, but it's too late. I drop the eye contact, hiding my
burning cheeks behind a curtain of curly dark hair and hobble towards my
locker as quickly as I can. My breath comes out in little pants as I
slump there, opening my locker to shove a folder in there hurriedly as I
lean on my crutches. One look from Alec, and I'm reduced to this? I'm
I fight the urge to look back over my shoulder, but it's too much: I
can't help it. I glance behind to see that Alec is frowning at me-
confused as to why I blew him off. In our second moment of eye contact,
I'm more prepared. I drop my gaze immediately, slam my locker door and
step into the crowd rushing towards class. For once in my life, I'm
grateful for my petite size- I've blended into the crowd and he can't
reach me anymore. He can't see that my head is rushing as quickly as my
heart thumps against my ribcage, and he can't see that I'm a wreck. I
made little attempt at looking semi-decent today, meaning I'm in school
with a non-brushed mop of curls, some baggy leggings and my oldest pair
of converse. No wonder he prefers girls like Tiana, right? I can't blame
him to be honest.

Speak of the devil, and she should appear. I glance up with watery blue
eyes to see Tiana, just ahead of me. She's leant against a locker with
two of her cronies on either side, looking unsurprisingly perfect as she
smiles smugly at me. Expecting her to say something, I tighten my grip on
my crutches handles and straighten, but she just turns away to talk to
her friends. "You know, I had the most amazing sex last night," She says
deliberately loudly, and my chest instantly tightens. "Honestly, Alec
Ryder is so good in bed...Well, I say bed, but it was all over the house
really. We didn't stop." With a vicious smirk in my direction, she flips
her hair over her shoulder like the classic bitch she is. I choke back a
sob and hurriedly limp away. The only person I've told about the message
last night is Violet, and I crave to have her with me now but she had to
go to homeroom early, meaning I'm completely alone until the first bell.

What am I going to do?

"Sorry about Tiana," A pretty blonde girl pats me on the arm, and I
recognise her as one of Tiana's more distant cronies. "She has a soft
spot for Alec Ryder, and she wasn't going to just stop fighting for him.
She's stubborn like that, especially when she doesn't get her way. Don't
worry about him though, you can do so much better anyway." She offers me
what I deem as a comforting smile.

Really? Can I do better than the swamp monster, the guy who plays with
his younger sister when he thinks no-one can see? The guy who came into
the girls restrooms for me, just to give me a shoulder to cry on? Who
embarrassed my worst enemy and stood up for me in front of the entire

The thing is, I don't think I can do better than Alec Ryder. And I
certainly don't want to.
"Thanks," I nod to the girl anyway, wiping back a stray tear, "That's
sweet." She gives me an apologetic smile, before rushing off in the
opposite direction towards her queen Tiana. I'm left alone again, and I
tuck a curl behind my ear and head off to class. I know I'll be early,
but to be honest, anything is better than standing here gormlessly
mourning after a boy I never stood a chance with. I walk as quickly as my
tattered converse and crutches will take me, but luckily for me, it's not
long until I see the face I've been craving to see since last night.

"Riley!" I spot Violet at the same time as she spots me, and she charges
at me from within the crowd, pushing people away uncaringly in her fight
to reach me. Her hair is now a dark maroon colour and I think it's the
nicest yet, but I don't get more than a second to see it before my head
is buried in her shoulder and she's clutching me into a hug that I've
needed for too many hours. "Riley, oh my gosh, he's such a jerk," She
mutters into my head, "I love you so much sweetie, and I know it hurts,
but you can't let him get to you. Your tears aren't worth any man, okay?
If he can't see that, then he's a complete tool."

I draw back, suddenly aware that my cheeks are once again damp and
stinging with tears. I wipe them quickly and stare at Violet in the eye
as she evaluates me, her kohl rimmed gaze running over my dishevelled
form. "Tell you what," She smiles half-heartedly, "You can come over
tonight and we'll take your mind off him, okay? We can just watch some
George Clooney movies and get talking with my two favourite men in the
world- Ben and Jerry. Does that sound good?" She looks at me with wide,
hopeful eyes and I nod gratefully. Ice cream therapy and George Clooney
are exactly what I need right now. I let her take me by the arm, as if
I'm a small child and begin steering me to maths.

"Hey Riley!" Tiana's smug voice calls from up the corridor, "I hope you
didn't lose any sleep last night- we weren't too noisy were we? I mean,
Alec grunts like a caveman..." I can feel gazes from people along the
corridor fix on me, and my cheeks flush with colour.

"Hey Tiana," Violet calls back, "How does it feel to play with someone
else's old toy? I mean, I don't know about you, but me and Riley were
always told to give our things to the less fortunate after we'd used
them..." I let out an unattractive snort at Violet's defensive retort,
but I still don't have the strength to turn and face Tiana right now. I
just want to go to first class, and have this whole day over and done
with. I grab Violet's arm and yank her around the corner of the corridor,
before Tiana even has a chance of replying. "I'm going to kick her ass to
the moon and back," Violet mutters violently under her breath.
I just need to survive today. I can do this.

I spot Alec further up the corridor, seeing that he's staring at me with
a combination of confusion and friendliness. Just the glance of him,
standing there and looking at me is enough to send my head reeling again,
and my pulse quickens in my veins as I gulp and drop my gaze. On second
thoughts...maybe this will be harder than I first thought.

♜A L E C R Y D E R♜

She's avoiding me.

Riley Greene is avoiding me like the plague, and I have absolutely no

idea what I've done wrong. I take a hesitant bite from the burger in
front of me, but it's bland and tasteless- like cardboard. I don't
understand: is it something I've done? Or is this me just being paranoid,
and she's absolutely fine? I wish I could get close enough to ask, but
every time I try she disappears into the crowd. I got home last night
with sweaty palms, and I was all set to tell her about my feelings. I
knocked on her window, but she did nothing. The curtains stayed closed.
At the time, I figured she must have gone to bed early, but now I'm
pretty certain that something's up. Please can someone tell me what the
hell I've done wrong?

"Dude, are you going to eat that?" Joe asks me tentatively, eyeing up my
part-eaten hamburger. I shake my head and sigh, handing it over to him
and resting my elbows on the desk to place my head in my hands. How could
it all have gone so badly wrong so quickly? It seems fishy that the
moment I was about to confess that I liked her, was the moment she ran
away. There has to be something up. "Come on," Joe says sympathetically,
"Don't get so wound up about this, you're probably over-worrying. I bet
nothing's wrong, she's just feeling a little pressured today. Give her
some space for a bit." He takes a huge bite from my lunch, and looks at
me with knowing blue eyes.

"Yeah you're probably right," I grimace, "Damn you."

Joe grins unattractively through a mouthful of burger, "You know it


Dylan frowns, "What has actually happened between you and Riley? I
thought things were going great?" I did too, Dylan, believe me. I run a
hand through my hair exasperatedly, teasing the tousled curls into my
usual messy style. I've thought about styling it recently, but I'm not
sure if Riley likes it messy or not... Oh my gosh, I can't get that girl
out of my head. I'm borderline obsessed.

"I don't know," I shrug, "She was fine with me in school yesterday, but
after school I went for a little drive on my motorbike. She's been
avoiding me since I returned."

"Okay, so something must have happened whilst you were on your drive,"
Dylan muses, "You sure you didn't say anything to her that may be
offensive? Did you do something wrong?"

"Not that I know of," I growl, "Dylan, you aren't exactly putting my
mind at ease. I don't know if I've said anything, but I don't think I
have. Besides, Riley's emotions are clear as day on her face. If I did
say something, I'd have known about it." I stretch my legs out on the
chair next to me, my gaze wondering around the school cafeteria. She's
not in here either, but her punky friend is. "Violet," I call, and her
head snaps up to face me. As soon as she recognises the source of the
voice however, her eyes pucker into the coldest glare I've ever seen in
my life, and she turns her head again. Well, yep, I've definitely done
something. I groan and rest my head against the cold table. If I had a
clue as to what I've actually done wrong, then I'd be able to fix it. The
high humidity and temperature today isn't making it any easier to think
though. My shirt is sticking to me unattractively.

"Alec!" A familiar voice calls from the back of the cafeteria, and I turn
to see Chase jogging towards us, his hair stuck to his head with sweat.
"I've found out what's upset Riley," He releases, eyes wide with horror.
Oh no. "It's big," He grimaces, and I gesture for him to hurry up and say
it. "Tiana has been spreading the rumour that you two hooked up last
night. Apparently you called her up, and went back home with
her...anyway, the news is huge. Riley is humiliated, and Tiana is
tormenting her completely. Everyone's talking about it, bro. I don't know
what you did, but you better go fix this now." He exhales loudly as he
finishes, and the words take a second to sink in for me.


Tiana told everyone that we hooked up last night.

This is all my fault. The stupid phone call, that stupid fricking phone
call! "Shoot," I curse, "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" Fire sears down my veins
at the thought of what Tiana, that deceiving b*tch has done. Hasn't she
tortured Riley enough?! My throat is dry with shock, ice freezing me into
my chair with a horrible sense of paralysis. I need to fix this. Get up,
go and fix this. I climb quickly up from my table, adrenaline pumping
through my body. I need to let Riley know that Tiana is lying, before
it's too late. She needs to know that I wouldn't hurt her like that!
Ignoring the eyes on me, I sprint to Violet's table and clasp her by the
shoulders. "I need your help," I gasp, "It's a lie. Tiana is lying."

"What do you mean she's lying?!" Violet snarls, "You hooked up with her!
Don't expect to make amends with Riley now, you've hurt her way too many
times for that. Now get off me!" She struggles under my grip, but I only
tighten it further: she needs to hear what I've got to say.

"You don't understand," I plead. The desperation in my voice makes

Violet falter a little bit in her struggles, and she looks up at me with
doubt. "I'd never hurt her like that," I vow, "God, I couldn't even
imagine it. Tiana is lying- I never hooked up with her! Please, I need
you to help me get Riley to see that." I called Tiana last night, but I'm
quite certain I'd have never done anything with her. I like Riley way too
much to even think of doing that. I was just so confused and scared of
love that I acted out of stupidity. It's what boys, more specifically
Alec Ryder, does. I'm controlled by my emotions way too much to be
healthy. But I know what I want now: and I'm fed up of my bad boy façade.

Violet stiffens a little, but sighs. "I want to know everything that's

And so I tell her, everything from the way I began to call Tiana but hung
up, and even to where I came home to tell Riley I liked her. Violet's
reactions vary completely from anger to excitement, but by the end of the
story I can tell that she's on my side at least. "You're a jerk," She
informs me, "But you and Riley are meant to be, plus you can actually be
quite sweet at times, so I'll help you. It'll be hard to convince Riley
though- she's dead set on ignoring you until the pain goes away. The
first thing I think you need to do if you want to fix this is to deal
with Tiana, because that bitch has been bullying Riley constantly since
the rumour began- Tiana is the major issue here."

Just at the sound of her name, my jaw sets angrily and my hands curl into
fists. "I'll find her," I nod, "Where do you think Riley will be? Is
there any way you could persuade her into speaking to me?" The hope in my
voice is weak, but it's still there. I know this situation could last for
weeks- Riley's pretty stubborn, and if she doesn't want to see me then
she doesn't want to see me- there's not much I can do to change that. If
I can get Violet to persuade Riley into speaking to me though, I have a
shot at sorting things out between us in a much shorter space of time.

"She'll probably be in the girls' restrooms at the moment- I can

probably lure her out, but the explaining is up to you. I don't want to
get involved in this," Violet purses her lips. "Please do me a favour in
return though. I know Tiana's a girl and all, but could you please punch
her in the face? The bitch really deserves worse than that, but if you
get arrested for murder then you won't be able to sort things out with
Riley, so we'll settle with just the punch for now." She finishes her
rant with narrowed angry eyes, directed at Tiana who's at the other end
of the cafeteria. I follow her gaze, and feel my own muscles stiffening
with anger at the sight before me. Tiana is sat in the centre of a table
full of girls, with a smug smile painting her carmine lips as she admires
her nails. Without even realising it, I climb out of my seat and begin to
stalk towards her.

"Alec," She looks up at me with wide eyes as I approach, and something

sparks within those icy blue depths. Fear perhaps? God, I really hope
she's afraid of me. "Sweetheart," She chuckles nervously, glancing around
at her disciples as they all take in my expression of dark fury.

"Don't you dare call me that," I hiss menacingly, my tone leaking with

Her fake smile morphs into a scowl almost instantly.

"After everything you've done, you have a lot of nerve Tiana. You're
heartless, you put your own desires before even thinking of anybody else,
you're cruel, you bully people and I don't understand how anyone could
possibly love you whilst you stay that way, so stop chasing after me.
Pretending that we had sex? That's desperate even for you." I let out a
sneer, and her eyes harden accordingly, hatred shining through. "But
above all," I take a step closer, leaning down to get in her face. My
eyes are burning brightly with fury, "You stay away from Riley Greene.
You've hurt her enough, and can you tell me one honest to God reason

"Nobody sees her for the deceiving bitch she really is," Tiana snarls
back at me, surprisingly loudly. Every eye is resting on us now, but I'm
too wound up and angry to even pay the slightest bit of attention to our
audience. "She has everyone trailing after her like little puppies, and
what has she done to deserve them all, you tell me! Why can no-one else
see what I see?"

"Because your vision is tainted with jealousy," I whisper, "You're

jealous of her because she's honest, and sweet and kind. People want to
love her, to be with her because she's a nice person, and you're not.
Ruining her life gives you some kind of sick pleasure, and do you realise
how screwed up that really is Tiana? She's done nothing to you, yet you
still pick on her above anyone else!"
"Because she steals every guy that could possibly hold an interest in


"Toby," Tiana says through a cracked, venomous tone. "He cheated on her
with me, and he told me I was the one, but he never broke up with her.
Then I got pregnant, and I was overjoyed because I thought he loved me.
But no, he told me to get rid of the baby essentially, because he was
chasing after her again! He left me with no other choice or support, and
I aborted my baby. Then you turn up in town, and suddenly you and all the
rest of the guys who had previously came to me when you felt sad, turned
to her and began to worship the bitch!"

"Don't call her that," I reply flatly, "Toby is a jerk, and I'm aware of
that, but the fact that he chose her, and not you is not Riley's fault.
She didn't want him anyway, and she hated him when he chased after her!
You have no right to blame Riley for all the things that have happened in
your life, and your reasoning is no excuse for the way you humiliated and
hurt her."

Tiana jutts her chin out defiantly, "I hate her. I don't regret a thing.
She's selfish, she's worthless and-"

"And that's enough of that!" Violet's voice hisses from behind me, and I
spin around in shock to watch her as she slaps Tiana hard across the
cheek. The crack is deafening in the silence, hard enough to flush
Tiana's entire cheek red as she stares up at Violet in shock. The
cafeteria is completely still with suspense, as everyone watches Tiana's
reaction to the slap. I glance at Violet, my gaze surprised, and she
rolls her eyes at me. "Someone had to do it," She grumbles.

Tiana, recovering from the shock, blinks for a second before her lips
twist into that horrible sneer of hers. Her eyes flicker over everyone,
but what she sees unexpectedly cracks something in her eyes. Almost
everyone is looking at her with disapproval, and some even disgust.
Eventually she's beginning to realise just how much she's ruined this all
for herself, and how it wasn't Riley nor anybody else ruining it for her.
Her face becomes stone. "I hate you all!" She screams in frustration,
eyes livid. "Every one of you!" She climbs up from her seat, with one of
her cronies in reluctant tow, and struts out of the cafeteria. We all
watch her go, no-one quite knowing what to say or do about the whole
thing. Well, except Violet of course.
"You," Violet hisses, prodding me in the chest hard enough to avert my
attention back to her. "Go after Riley right now. Do I have to do
everything myself?!"


Riley Greene.

I nod, and without pausing to look at my amused friend's eyes, I sprint

towards the exit of the cafeteria. It suddenly occurs to me just how much
drama has been caused since my arrival at this school- the Tiana
situations, punching a guy in the face, Dylan's jealousy. I'm screwing
everything up for Riley, and yet I'm just too selfish to let her go. I
let out a slow breath as I round the corner, dimly aware of Miss Murray
shouting after me, but I ignore her. I'm focused on my one goal, and that
is to find Riley and tell her the truth, to make her understand. "Riley!"
I call, as I burst into the girls restrooms, "Riley are you in here?"

I hear a sharp intake of breath, and I glance to the side to see Riley
stood at the sinks. The cold faucet is turned on, splashing her bare arms
with freezing water, and her eyes lock with mine as we both stare into
the mirror. "Alec," She says in a cracked tone, "What are you doing in

"I had to come and find you," I let out a breath, "I had to tell you that
what Tiana has been saying is a lie. Please Riley, you have to trust me."
Riley winces, and her eyes fall to the floor as she turns off the faucet.
Slowly, she turns around to face me, patting her hands dry on her
leggings and taking hold of her crutches again. It's not long until she
can get rid of them now.

"Alec," She begins, rolling the word around on her tongue, "Alec, I
don't think I can do this. This is Tiana we're talking about- Tiana
Cooper. You know how much she's hurt me, and honestly...I don't think I
can take it any longer. Do you see what I'm trying to say?" She looks up
at me, and her eyes are filled with pain and anger, "Alec, I think you
need to stay away from me. I can't be friends with someone who would so
willingly hurt me like that."

"But I didn't-" I begin to protest, but Riley interrupts me by shaking

her head furiously. Her eyes begin to burn with anger.

"I don't want to hear the excuses- I've heard them all before. I've had
experience with Toby and Tiana, remember?" She mutters in disgust, "Look,
please stay away. I hope you get the picture Alec...because you're no
longer in it." With those harsh ending words, she lets out a sharp exhale
and limps towards the door, leaving me stunned still for a second. Wait,
"Riley!" I stop her in her tracks, "You can't honestly be telling me that
you believe her lie? Do you honestly think I would, or even could, hurt
you like that?!" My voice is raw with desperation, my eyes wide. How can
she believe Tiana over me, even after everything we've been through?
Riley falters at the tone of my voice and her hand stops on the door
handle. "Please," I egg her on, "Listen to my side of the story."

A second passes.

Slowly she turns around to stare at me, doubtful and shy. I take this as
my cue to carry on. "Riley, I didn't sleep with her. I promise you that,
and you have to believe me. I care too much about you and I would never
hurt you in that way." My words ring with truth, my gaze so intense that
Riley looks away as she sheds a few delicate tears. Her face is crumpled
with pain, and it's the worst sight in the world- to know that I've
caused her this pain with one stupid mistake that I thought I had fixed.
"Don't cry," I murmur, stepping forward to cup her cheek. I use my thumb
to wipe the tears from her eyes, and surprisingly she doesn't resist. Her
eyes burn brightly with fierce emotion. "I won't hurt you Riley Greene,"
I say, staring down at her sentimentally. "I'm not worth your tears."

She stares at me for a long second, and I keep my face completely neutral
as her eyes observe my face. Does she believe me? I visibly relax as she
nods, relief swilling through my body like a flood of ice cold water
after a fire. "Okay," She mumbles, resting her head on my chest. "I
believe you."

She believes me. It's all okay again.

"Did I ever tell you forgiveness looks hot on you?" I mumble, pressing my
lips to her hair. My smile curls into a smirk against her sweet smell.

Riley sniffs below me, but I can feel the shake of her laughter against
my body. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Alec Ryder."

Without waiting a second longer, my arms wrap around her like a vice,
sealing her close to me. My chin rests on the top of her head, and I can
feel her tear-stained cheeks dampening my shirt, but I don't care. I
don't care at all because Riley believes me, and it's all okay again. She
grasps me as tightly as I grasp her, and it's like we're both holding
onto each other for dear life- scared stiff to lose grip on the other.
Gradually, I know that I'm falling in love with Riley Greene. I may not
be quite there yet, but I will be soon and something within me fears that
it's too late to go back now. Unlike yesterday though, this thought
doesn't scare me into acting recklessly and stupidly, because I know that
in my current state, I can't afford to lose Riley Greene.

So instead of freaking out by the idea of love, I embrace it.

I'm going to tell her how I feel. Or even better, show her.

After all, actions speak louder than words.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It's unedited, so there may be a few
errors and terrible lines, but yeah. Comment/Vote/Share my lovelies :) xx

Chapter 32// Heart attack

When Tiana first dropped the hint about sleeping with Alec, I was a
wreck. I didn't know how to act, and I was terrified of speaking to
either him or her out of fear that I'd say what I really felt. Although
the description is cliché, one way to describe my emotions that day was
that my heart was slowly, slowly being tugged apart- almost stitch by
stitch. There was an ache in my chest that I knew couldn't be fixed with
painkillers, and yet as soon as Alec ran into the girls restrooms to
speak to me- just by seeing him, that tearing intensified. How could he
have hurt me like that?

Well the answer is simple: he didn't.

I don't know what it was about him in the restrooms that day, whether it
was the desperation or raw emotion in his voice, but I stopped long
enough to hear him out. Any independent female has told me that I should
have ran for the hills by that point, but I lingered, and I believed him.
Alec may be annoying and a jerk sometimes, but he's also sweet and
honest. If he'd have actually slept with Tiana, he wouldn't have claimed
otherwise. Combined with the faith I have in that boy, was the smallest
niggle of hope that the words he was saying were true- that he did care
for me enough to prevent from hurting me like that. And so, like the
romanticised sap I am, I forgave him. A week later, and things are almost
back to normal. Almost.

Tiana has taken a week from school- claiming sick apparently. According
to rumours, she's caught an STD, and somehow I find that quite easy to
believe. Whatever way, it's been nice to have a break from her
tormenting, and I think that Alec and I are gradually returning to the
way we were before she interfered with all of her drama. Take now as an
example, Alec and I are babysitting Millie again.

"It's so hot," Alec groans for the tenth time today, lounging back on the
picnic blanket and tilting his chin upwards to face the sun. His skin is
tanned and he's sat before me looking like some kind of a god- wearing an
old white wife beater and ray bans. Honestly, I feel like a sweaty pig
sprawled next to him. We're currently lounging around in his back yard as
we babysit Millie, because Marie is at another meeting and asked us to do
her a favour. It's safe to say that none of us expected the temperatures
to rocket, and the only other alternative to roasting alive in the house
was to come out here, lathered in sun block and hoping for the best.
Needless to say, the heat has made Alec and I particularly lazy: too hot
to function, is what Alec refers to us as. In stark contrast, Millie is
running around and playing at the bottom of the garden. Don't ask me why:
I'm literally half asleep.

Alec shifts again beside me, propping himself up on one elbow. After the
initial self-consciousness of appearing in front of him in a bikini top
and shorts, I kind of just have to get on with it, because the lack of
layers is the only thing keeping me alive at the moment. We started off
in the (very comfortable) position where my head was on his arm and we
both kind of sun-dozed. Then that got too hot because we were sharing
body heats, and so reluctantly I moved away from him. Now, I'm surviving
merely off a finite supply of ice cubes and popsicles. When they're
demolished...I don't know what I'll do.

"Do you want something to drink?" Alec asks me, stretching in the sun. I
squint at him from behind my sunglasses and nod, tucking a wisp of
humidity-frizzed hair behind my ear. Am I the only one who suffers with
an afro in the humidity? The only way I could possibly brave coming round
to Alec's this morning was to disguise it into a messy bun. Even then,
some of the rebellious tendrils are escaping by the second. I dread to
think what I look like right now.

"Yes please. Want me to come with?"

"Sure," Alec replies. Words can't describe how good he looks in Ray
Bans. Honestly, if I wasn't so dehydrated right now, I'd be drooling all
over the place. "Millie," He calls down to the girl at the bottom of the
garden, "Do you want another ice pop?" She nods eagerly and Alec
reluctantly heaves himself up from our comfortable spot on the picnic
blanket. I follow, gesturing for Millie to come inside too. I might see
if I can stick my head in the fridge for a bit, plus Millie is due
another layer of sunblock. She sprints up the yard to me, and I watch
enviously at her energy. How can she be running in this heat, when Alec
and I can barely stand? This is so not fair. With a cute smile on her
face, she latches my arm with hers and tugs me towards the back door-
minding my crutches carefully. One more week to go and they're off
completely- I can't wait.

The Kitchen is as scorching hot as we left it, and I wince as I step into
the room, the soles of my feet stinging from the heated tiles. Alec is
stood by the counter, pouring what looks like fruity lemonade into two
glasses. However, I'm not going to be deceived that easily. "Alec, is
that Pimms?" I ask him, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Caught red-handed.
He freezes when he hears my accusing voice, and turns to look at me with
a sheepish smile.

"Oh c'mon Riley," He whines, "I'll put ice in it so it's nice and
cold..." Tempting, oh so tempting.

"One glass," I warn him, bringing my sunglasses up to rest on top of my

head, "I'm not going to be a drunk babysitter. Jack's back from his party
soon, so he'll be coming straight here. Prepare yourself," I crouch down
to whisper in Millie's ear, "Jack's a naughty boy."

Millie's mouth slackens in horror and alarm, "Really?"

"Yep- a real scary monster," I tease her, "He'll eat you in one gulp.
Just like this." I grab her under the arms and lift her upwards, blowing
a quick raspberry on her stomach. I smile as I hear her delighted giggle.
Millie is such a cutie. Almost as cute as her big brother actually... I
set her back down on the floor again, and Alec hands her an ice-pop,
before turning to me and offering me a full glass of Pimms. Sliced
cucumber, strawberries and tangerine bob around the surface
tantalisingly, and the liquid itself has a scent that leaves my mouth
watering in temptation. Just one won't hurt. He watches cheekily as I
take the glass from him, and my eyes narrow automatically. "One glass
Alec, I'm not kidding."

"Scouts honour," He raises a hand, before bringing his own glass to his
lips and taking a delicious gulp of the cold liquid. Without pausing, I
follow his lead. The drink is cool and cold on my throat, and instantly
refreshes me of the sticky feeling all over my skin. Honestly, it takes
all of my restraint to stop from moaning, and by the satisfied grin on
Alec's face- he's the same. I place the now half-emptied glass down on
the table, licking my lips, before grabbing my top from the counter and
pulling it on over my bikini.

Alec frowns as he watches me. "Oh I'm sorry," I tease, "Were you enjoying
the view?"
"Hey," He puts his hands up in surrender, "I've got to take what I can

I roll my eyes, but my skin flushes pink at the thought. He was looking
at me in a bikini. Albeit, it's not a skimpy bikini- but still. I
struggle to change the topic. "Have you come up with any new pick-up
lines you want to try out yet?"

"Of course," A delighted smirk lights up his features, and he rubs his
hands together in mock excitement. "Do you run track?"

I shake my head amusedly.

"Because I've heard you relay want this dic-"

"Young children in the room!" I interrupt before he can finish the

sentence, covering Millie's innocent ears. Alec grins cheekily at me. I
refuse to let her get exposed to this kind of stuff so young- it's not
right. Heck, I wish I wasn't exposed to it at this age, never mind four.
I think we should all pray for what Millie is going to have to deal with
throughout her teens.

"When will Jack be here?" Alec asks me. His eyes stray to the jug of
Pimms again, but my sharp slap on his shoulder averts his attention back
to me. I'm not drinking any more: I have to look after Millie and Jack
already, and I'm not eager to look after a drunk Alec too. I glance up at
the clock on the wall. Jack has been at a birthday party and mom's
working extra today, so one of his friend's moms is dropping him here-
where we can keep an eye on him. I'm kind of dreading it actually: Jack
idolises Alec way too much, he's practically turning into a mini version.
I can barely deal with one Alec Ryder, never mind two.

"He should be here in about ten minutes," I tell Alec, "Now put the Pimms
in the fridge and be a good boy- you aren't having another glass."

"Oh I love it when you boss me about, babe."

"Alec!" I hiss, "What did I tell you about young children being in the
Lord save me. Heat, alcohol and horny teenage boy is never a good


"What's our strategy?" I hiss to Millie, daring a glance around the

counter to survey the scene. Alec and Jack are hiding on the opposite
side, and we need to be defensive: they already have way more ammunition
than we do. Whereas our ammo consists of a few tomatoes, a jug of milk
and some sprinkles and whipped cream, the other team have practically
everything else in the cupboards- including some deadly looking ketchup
bottles. To put it plainly, Millie and I are screwed.

Millie stares up at me blankly. "What's a strategy?" Her tongue

struggles over the foreign word, and I sigh, shaking my head.

"Never mind. You take the tomatoes and the milk and I'll get the whipped
cream and sprinkles, okay? On the count of three, I'm going to slide you
onto the counter really quietly," I whisper, "Then you can pour the milk
all over them." My voice is hushed, so that the other team can't
understand what I'm saying. Millie and I are currently locked into what
could quite possibly be the most competitive and terrifying sport of the
twenty first century- the food fight. It all started when Jack arrived,
and we were all playing a game of Mario Kart in the living room. Thank
god, Alec finally rang his mom to find out how to work the air con, so
the house was (and thankfully still is) as cool as a cucumber. Alec and I
were racing each other on the game, and I won. Jack naturally argued
against the fact, saying that I was cheating and that boys can beat girls
at anything if they try hard enough. And well- I think it's pretty
obvious that it escalated very quickly from there.

A five minute food fight. Losers have to clean up the kitchen afterwards.

"One, two, three- launch!" I hiss, picking up Millie quickly and settling
her on the counter. Instantly obeying instructions, she pushes the jug
forward and tips it off the edge, onto the unsuspecting boys below. Alec
and Jack yelp with shock from the opposite side of the counter island,
and a burst of adrenaline shoots through my veins at the sound. I pull
Millie back to safety before they can even react, landing her safely on
her butt next to me again. Best allies ever. Alec and Jack are still
cursing, and they stand up with milk dripping from their soaked clothes-
glaring at us from over the countertop. "No need to cry over spilt milk!"
I call teasingly.
Jack is armed with tomatoes, and in response to our laughter he begins to
run around the island in order to pelt us with them. "Run!" Millie and I
scramble to our feet (and crutches), but not quickly enough. A tomato
hits Millie squarely in the back, staining her t-shirt with a splatter of
red, and she lets out a startled shriek. Another one narrowly misses my
head, and the next hits me in the thigh as we dash behind the table's

"Stay here," I tell Millie, "I'm going out alone."

She nods, eyes wide. Aw bless, she's taking this so seriously.

With a war cry, I stand up and hop towards Jack, armed with my whipped
cream. My finger presses down onto the nozzle, and whipped cream spurts
over his shoulder as he retreats. Damn, I just missed his head! I take a
handful of sprinkles and fire them at the two boys, but Alec is already
advancing with the bag of flour, a malicious grin lighting up his
features. I can't help but begin to back away slowly. He wouldn't take
advantage of a person on crutches would he? Yeah, he totally would. This
could get very messy very quickly.

"Abort mission!" I yelp, and hobble back towards Millie, who is cutely
aiming (and not actually hitting) tomatoes at the boys. A cloud of flour
hits me from behind and I gasp, diving behind the chairs. If I'm correct,
I think that mine and Millie's ammunition is gone apart from the whipped
cream and sprinkles. Oh no, oh no, this is bad- this is very bad. I crawl
backwards as Alec steps closer, before suddenly lurching up into a
standing position on my good leg. My arm loops around his neck and I use
my free hand to spurt cream all over his precious hair and rub it in.
Meanwhile he's clawing at my back, laughing quietly in my ear as the rest
of the flour bag is poured down the back of my top. I shudder at the feel
of it on my sticky skin.

"Riley!" Millie calls excitedly from the other side of the room, "I have
a ketchup bottle!"

I lose my focus for a second to see that Millie has somehow managed to
attack Jack in their camp. She's now smiling angelically whilst sat on
top of him as he sprawls over the floor. In her hand, is a red ketchup
bottle. Victory may actually be ours. "Yes Millie!" I release Alec to hop
back to their side of the counter, throwing a handful of sprinkles behind
me at him but not watching to see if they hit the target. Millie holds
out the ketchup bottle like a gun and points it at our solo enemy.
In response, Alec freezes and lifts his arms slowly in surrender. Jack
yells a protest but his voice muffled by the tiling, so no-one
acknowledges him.

It doesn't last for long though until Alec surprises us and the game is
back on. He drops his arms with a smirk, and takes two eggs from the box
on the counter- firing simultaneously. One hits Millie in the hip, the
other hits me in the neck, a cold goo seeping into the collar of my top.
Without pausing, Millie squeezes the ketchup bottle, and a thin stream of
tomato spurts out to reach Alec. I whoop in victory. Gosh, I never knew
food fights could be this fun!

"Excuse me...What is going on here?!"

Oh shit.

Millie instantly loses grip on the ketchup bottle, and it clatters to the
floor as we all stare at Marie, who is watching horrified from the
doorway. "A food fight," Marie realises aloud, "You're having a food
fight in my kitchen?! Come on Alec, I thought you knew better than that."
Alec ducks his head and scratches his neck ashamedly, and Millie finally
releases Jack from his tiling confines. It's quite clear from their
reactions that Marie doesn't get upset very easily, so when she does:
it's a big deal.

I step forward, my throat unusually thick. "Marie, it wasn't just him. I

should take most of the blame- I'm the visitor, I shouldn't have allowed
this to happen. I'm so sorry, honestly. I'll help tidy up."

Marie, instead of looking angry though, just sighs. Her head rests
against the door frame in defeat: almost as if she hasn't the strength to
hold it upright any longer. "Look, I don't mind you kids having fun when
you're gone- it's only expected. Just, please, next time could you have
some fun which doesn't wreck the house?" Her tone is apologetic but also
with pleading underlays. She's deadly serious- that's clear. "Alec, get a
bucket of soapy water and start cleaning the floor with Riley. Millie,
Jack- you can come and get cleaned up. Then you guys can swap. Does that
sound fair?"

We all nod mutely, too ashamed and awkward to do anything else. Marie
beckons the kids forward, and Millie and Jack follow her out of the room
at once- leaving Alec and I in an awkward silence. "Shoot," I breathe,
interrupting it, "Shoot, shoot, shoot." I feel absolutely terrible, and
no wonder. Look at me! I come around to Marie's house for one day, and
already I'm participating in food fights- ruining it, and not respecting
her in the slightest. If she tells my mom... I cringe at the thought.

"Don't worry," Alec shakes his head reassuringly, slinging a soggy arm
over my shoulder, "We've done worse than this before, especially with
Joe. She's not really angry, unless we don't clean up properly after
ourselves. If we do, then she can cope with it." He leads me to the
cupboard in the corner of the room, opening it to reveal a small mop and
a bucket which look a little tatty from overuse. Huh, maybe Alec wasn't
exaggerating when he said that mess wasn't a rare thing in their
household. He grabs the equipment, releasing my shoulders in the process
and giving me a horribly cliché pang at the loss of contact. Ah, I'm so
cringe-y. I take the mop from him, following as he lugs the bucket over
to the sink to fill it. Water runs from the faucet and splashes angrily
into the bucket, swilling with bubbles when the washing up liquid is

"You say you've done worse things before?" Curiosity is evident in my


He glances sideways and offers me an irresistible half smile. "Yeah," He

chuckles, "It was my Nan's birthday quite a few years ago- she turned
eighty. I was staying at my aunts for the summer and we were holding her
birthday party there, so I invited Joe along as my guest. Joe and I were
hanging around the kitchen before the cake was announced at the party- it
was my mom's idea that I could carry in the cake to her, so long as I was
careful not to burn myself. Millie wasn't born at this point."

"Okay," I gesture for him to carry on, watching the water level rise in
the bucket.

"Anyway," Alec laughs again and rolls his eyes, "Typical eight year old
Joe wasn't happy with the twenty candles we'd managed to squeeze onto the
cake: he wanted the full eighty. We filled the cake with candles, and lit
them all at the last moment- so that they'd still be burning by the time
I reached my Nan and she could blow them out. In the end...our eighty
candle idea meant that an inferno started on the cake. As I brought it
into the dining room with the guests, the smoke alarms went off and panic
ensued. One of my aunts friends had to tip a whole jug of water over the
cake in order to stop the burning before anyone was hurt." By the end of
his story, my sides are aching with laughter- my previous worries
forgotten. Alec watches amusedly as I struggle to sober up from my
giggles. He takes the now filled giant bucket from the sink, and his
muscles tense and flex at the weight. I find myself unconsciously
watching his arms as he lifts it. I'm such a hormone freak.
"Wow, I bet your Nan had a great birthday," I tease, dunking the mop into
the water and cautiously standing on both feet. My foot has vastly
improved and I can stand on it for short periods of time now, so long as
I rest afterwards. Alec is leant against the counter, just watching me
do the work. What an ass. I impatiently slosh it back onto the tiles to
clear up the flour and ketchup scarring the floor, unintentionally (but
so proudly) splashing water up his legs. In response, he sticks his
tongue out at me. The height of maturity right here, ladies and

"Yeah, there was that disaster. Then there was the disaster where the
vacuum cleaner exploded- that was in our old house, quite recently." He
sees my incredulous expression and struggles to defend himself. "It was
an old vacuum cleaner, okay? It's not my fault that it overheated..."

I snort unattractively as I try to rein in my chuckles. Honestly, no

wonder Marie seemed so fed up of coming home to find her house a mess.
Who knows what else Alec has done in his past? "Stop laughing," Alec
mutters, "I'm just trying to say that this isn't exactly the first time
I've ensued chaos and wrecked everything. Mom's used to it by now- that's
why she's not angry."

"Poor Marie. You must have driven her round the bend," I tease. In
response, Alec scoops up some of the bubbles from the bucket and sloshes
them against my cheek, causing my mouth to drop open. I'm about to scoop
up my own revenge and splash his face with it, when we're interrupted by
the sudden ring of his mobile. I recognise his ringtone easily- it's My
Chemical Romance.

Alec frowns, fumbling for his phone in his pocket and pulling out a sleek
and no doubt expensive model. He presses the button and checks the caller
ID, face puckered with confusion as to who might be calling him. As he
registers the words on the screen however, he instantly presses the end
call button and puts his phone on the counter. What is he doing? His eyes
won't meet mine as he takes the mop from me again, and his skin has
paled. What is wrong with him?

"Who was that?"

"My Dad," Alec mutters reluctantly, and only just loud enough for me to
"Your Dad?" My voice is masked with surprise. To be perfectly honest,
I've never really delved into that topic with Alec. If I ever bring it
up, he'll go quiet. I always assumed that his Dad had left when he was
young and the douche had stopped trying to make contact with his ex-
family, but apparently not. I suddenly feel oddly betrayed- I spill my
guts to Alec about everything, yet he never mentions anything about his
Dad. It makes me feel incredibly self-absorbed for only mentioning my
problems, and my chest constricts- gaze softening as I watch him
concentrate remarkably hard on cleaning one particular tile on repeat.
"Alec are you okay? Want to talk about it?" My voice is low and

Alec glances up at me, "There's not much to tell, honestly. He and mom
divorced before Millie was born. No cheating or drama- they just didn't
love each other anymore. He's sent payments through the post every month
for us since then. Every now and again he rings to check up."

"So why didn't you pick up?" I ask him cautiously- I don't want to
pester him for answers he may not be inclined to give.

"Riley, he may not have cheated on my mom or completely ditched us as a

family, but that doesn't mean that I still want to talk to him. I hardly
know him, and he's supposed to be my dad. Why should I speak to him if
I'm not comfortable to?"

I analyse his facial expression for a second- it's determined and bluntly
truthful. "Fair enough," I finally say. "It's your own decision, and as
much as I hate to admit it- I see your point." I take the mop from Alec
and begin to clean the next sector of the floor. We're almost finished
now, and then we've just got the counters to clean before we can change
clothes and clean up a little bit. The egg trail left on my neck is
drying by the second- cracking and crumbling every time I move.

Silence fills the air, but it's not awkward. I glance over to Alec and he
appears very deep in thought, so I just hum his ringtone under my breath
and continue to scrub the tiles. All I can smell is tomato from my
clothes, and it's hard to keep a straight face when Alec's hair is
flecked with whipped cream. How does he manage to look good still, even
when covered in a bloody buffet?!

"Riley," Alec says after a minute, very quietly. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" I look up, surprised to see that he's watching me. "Mop the
"No," His eyes burn into mine- deeper than an ocean, and frankly much
prettier as well. His voice is serious and awed, unlike my teasing tones.
"You know exactly what to say to me. How to manage me. I tell
you about my Dad and how I don't want to speak to him, and you just understand. You don't push me to try and get a better
relationship with him, you don't pry or ask too many questions. You
listen, and you know exactly what I need in the moment. How?"

He leans towards me, alight with wonder.

My throat tightens a little, and a blush taints my cheeks. "I don't

know," I shrug awkwardly, "I just know where to draw the line I guess.
Sometimes you just have to have that sensitivity, to know when a person
needs you to comfort them, or just to shut up."

Alec takes a step closer, and our eyes lock- burning with some deep
emotion that I can't explain. My heart goes into overdrive, so much so
that I'm almost positive that he can hear the accelerated thuds. He
stares at me for a second, and I drop my gaze to the floor- knowing that
with a second more of this intensity, I may just break my composure and
start having a full on heart attack. His lips. Oh sweet cheese puffs.

"Stop that," Alec growls quietly. I look up, shocked to see how close his
face is to mine.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"The stuttering, the blushing," He mutters, and his scent fans my face-
vanilla and cologne, a delicious combination when it comes to him. "It's
driving me insane."

My heart is threatening to explode out of my chest now, my face flooding

even more red and my palms becoming slick with the sweat that's
gathering. I wipe them on my jean shorts quickly, not wanting to break
eye contact with this amazing, beautiful boy. From this closeness, I can
see a faint scattering of freckles across his nose, just fainter than
Millie's and somehow so much more gorgeous. I can see the gold flecks in
his cobalt eyes, which are watching me intently as my own gaze examines
each square centimetre of his face. It's like we're staring straight into
each other's souls, and my heart aches for him to make that tiny step
closer- for our lips to join and dance in synchrony.
"Alec," I say breathlessly, my heart fluttering. "I can't help it when
you're stood this close to me. If you're just doing this to embarrass me,
then you're such a jerk and I'm going to hit you damn hard."

"I'm not doing it to embarrass you."

I may have a heart attack. I'm not even joking, please can someone call

"Can I tell you something?" He asks me. His lips curve into what is
possibly the most irresistible smile I've ever seen on his face, and he
looks up at me coyly. This can't be good for my body right now- I
honestly think that I may need a doctor before I start hyperventilating.

"Shoot," I say softly. Stay cool. Don't ruin this- don't be awkward. My
eyes are wide, absorbing his every expression as my fists clench in

Kiss me. Please, please kiss me.

"I...I'm so glad I stole your bra." A smile transforms his features,

before he finally does what I've been yearning for since that taunting
moment on the beach. He closes the mere inch gap, and his soft lips meet
mine, stealing away my last breath of surprise.

Alec freaking Ryder is kissing me.

Chapter 33// Sunshine

I stiffen in surprise the moment that Alec's soft lips meet mine.

Alec Ryder is kissing me. Alec, the jerk from next door with the crappy
pick-up lines, and the innuendos hidden behind every sentence, is kissing
me. His lips are on mine with a soft but passionate urgency, his hands
dropping from the kitchen counter to rest on my flour-coated hips. I
can't think properly, my head is swirling with confusion. Does this mean
that he likes me back? Or is he just flexing his charm muscle- proving
that he can get any girl in the world at his beck and call? I squeeze my
eyelids shut and unconsciously step towards him, my lips finally bursting
into action and moving in synchronisation with his. I know it's weak of
me, but I don't care whatever way. All I care about right now is the fact
that Alec Ryder is kissing me and it feels amazing- I can deal with the
aftermath later.

My arms automatically loop around his neck to draw us closer, and the
feel of his soft milk-dampened hair is enough to accelerate my heart to
an almost deafening rate. This is actually happening. I'm kissing Alec
freaking Ryder. Our lips are alive with mutual enthusiasm, and every
single one of my hairs is standing on end despite the humidity. I feel
faint and lightheaded, and he's the only thing keeping me upright- my
source of gravity as our lips mould tightly together. Shots of euphoria
pump down my bloodstream and all I can hear is my machine gun pulse and
the whisper of his warm velvet lips as they move with mine.

Butterflies explode in my stomach and attack the lining with their

breathy wings, and my skin is on fire wherever our skin brushes. I guess
this is what everyone is on about when they talk about sparks, or
fireworks igniting in your belly, but that's not the way I'd describe it.
Sparks and fireworks don't seem to cover the disbelief and unbelievable
joy I'm feeling right now. In fact, it's more like Alec has centred the
sun into my chest- my insides are alight with warmth, and I can feel
myself glowing exteriorly with radiant happiness.

Of course, the time comes when we have to break away for oxygen, and my
eyes fly open as our lips lose their delicious contact- leaving us
panting. The kiss wasn't even that long, but it's left me breathless in
the same way that a full on make-out would, because it was somehow the
strongest kiss I've ever had. I curiously glance up to see Alec, and he's
staring down at me with wide eyes- I'm not sure if that's a good sign or
not. I'm praying in my mind that this isn't an evil dream: that life can
actually be this good and my subconscious wouldn't play such tricks on
me. It has to be real though. With my tingling red lips, I crack a smile.
It doesn't take Alec long to return it.

Alec releases a short breath, and his scent fans over my face. Slowly,
eyes evaluating for my reaction, he closes his eyes and rests his
forehead on mine. "Is this real?" He croaks.

I let out a short breathy laugh. "Apparently."

"Then that means that I just kissed you," His eyes furrow with
realisation and his eyes shoot open to stare into my own. "And you kissed
me back?"
Unable to restrain myself, I blush, and who can really blame me? He asked
it so directly. I smack him lightly on the shoulder, ruining the moment
like the typical social freak I am, with a smile playing on my lips.
"Smart one," I tease sarcastically.

"You know you love it when I play dumb," He smirks, "It makes you look


It's so hard to concentrate when a drool-worthy boy has his forehead

pressed to yours and is looking into your eyes, let me tell you. Did that
kiss mean anything to him? My smile drops for a second as I realise that
the moment is over completely now- and it's time to face the aftermath.
From his smile I'd say that it did mean something, but I can't help but
fear that there's a million girls out there who are smarter, prettier and
funnier than me. Why would he choose me to kiss? What makes me special?
Let's be honest, I pale in comparison to him and he has to know that.

So why did he kiss me? I frown a little, my gaze dropping from his. Am I
over-analysing things already? Maybe I need to stop obsessing over this-
this kiss probably meant more to me than to him anyway. With a short
sigh, I pull away, leaning back into the counter. When did Alec manage to
press me up against it? I didn't even notice- I guess I was a little into
the moment. I blush again at this, and my gaze drops to my feet.

A finger hooks under my chin, bringing my face up to look at Alec.

"What's wrong?" Alec demands. His eyes flash with worry and he takes a
quick step backwards. "Was it the kiss? Did I upset you?"

"No," I shake my head to reassure him, "It's not that, don't worry. Let's
just get this mopping done, yeah? Your mom will be back soon." I give him
a smile- a real one- and lean to the side to grasp the mop, which had
fallen to the floor when Alec kissed me. I also grab one of my crutches-
it's pretty much unnecessary now because my foot is almost healed, but
it's something to clutch onto all the same. I'm trying not to worry
about the what-ifs and the future, satisfied with just enjoying the
present facts- that Alec Ryder kissed me. However, as a self-conscious
girl, I'm incredibly aware of the fact that right now I am very delicate
and easily breakable. My heart lies in the hands of a notorious player
and heartbreaker and there's no going back. I grasp the handle of the mop
and begin to clean the very last segment of flooring.

Alec kissed me.

But was it something different to me than it was to him?

I'm probably obsessing over this way too much.

I can feel Alec's presence behind me, and I turn around to look at him
again, surprised at the minute glance I get of him before his lips are
pressed down on mine again. The kiss is short and sweet, but still it
sets my lips on fire with a burning passion and reassures me that maybe
things won't turn out as badly as I originally thought. Surely if he
didn't like me, he wouldn't have kissed me again? Unconsciously, my lips
turn up into a smile (I'm not going to lie- it's probably a dazzled, love
struck one) and Alec smirks at the sight of it.

Marie picks that exact moment to walk in.

"Hey guys," She greets us, smiling and placing her work diary on the
kitchen counter. Her eyes scan the kitchen and she nods in approval.
"Good job with the floor. You two can go and get cleaned up now if you
want- Millie and I will deal with the washing up."

"Are you sure mom?" Alec asks her, awkwardly taking a step away from me
in an attempt for nonchalance. "I feel bad..."

"Well you can help too, thanks for volunteering!" She beams, and Alec
grumbles under his breath. Well in Marie's defence, he fell straight into
that one. Marie grins victoriously, before turning to me. "Riley, Jack is
waiting for you by the front door. You're plenty welcome to shower here,
but we thought you may be more comfortable in your own home."

"Okay," I nod, leaning the mop against the kitchen counter. "Well thank
you for having me, and I'm really sorry about the mess we made..." I
glance around, glad to see that most of the mess had been on the floor,
which is now pretty spotless. There's only some counter cleaning and
washing up to be done for Millie and Alec.
She waves it off, already settling herself into a stool at the island
counter and grabbing a magazine. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart, I'm
used to it with my two troublemakers. I just hope the food doesn't stain
your clothes..." She leans forward to examine my ketchup-splattered
shorts dubiously. "Tell your mom I said hi."

"Shall do," I reply, grabbing my bag from the counter and my other
crutch. I turn to Alec slowly, "I'll see you at school I guess," I spin
to leave the room but Alec grabs me by the arm, pulling me back.

"I'll see you later," He says quietly, his voice hushed so as not to draw
Marie's attention. Luckily she's already lost in her magazine. My heart
speeds up a little at Alec's serious expression. "Come to your window
tonight- we should probably talk."

Uh oh.

"Okay. Bye then." I exit the room as quickly as I can with my crutches
and pause against the wall to think- my head is spinning with facts that
confuse me more and more with each passing moment. Alec kissed me. He
wants to talk. No doubt, that has to be about the kiss. This could either
be a very good talk, or a very bad one. The state of my heart all comes
down to tonight.

"Did I interrupt a moment?" Marie asks Alec in the kitchen. Her voice is
slightly muffled from the closed door between us. "You two seemed pretty

"Nothing," Alec replies, "Absolutely nothing."

I leave the house as quickly as possible, Jack in reluctant tow.


"He kissed you?!" Violet shrieks with joy, and I wince at the tone of
excitement evident there. She launches herself off the couch, my mom and
I watching her with wary eyes as she dances victoriously. "Yes! I totally
called it!"

"I know you did," I chuckle, wringing my hands together bashfully.

"Jackie Grant owes me twenty dollars. You beauty Alec Ryder!"

"What?" My eyes narrow at her, and mom stiffens from beside me. "You bet
on this?!"

"No, not exactly," Violet replies obliviously, "We bet on how long it
would take for the son of a barnacle to grow a pair and make a move. Two
weeks ago, I bet a week and Jackie bet a month. I'm closer, so she owes
me twenty of America's finest bucks. You and Alec just made my day." She
grins toothily, before finally coming to settle back down on the sofa
with me and my mom. I love how close Violet is with me and mom, and the
fact that it's never awkward. Violet is quite distant with her own
parents, so it's amazing to have her come here- her home away from home,
essentially. It scares me sometimes how well my mom and Violet get along,
and even Jack adores her. One of these days, she'll replace me, I'm
pretty dang sure of it. Until then though, she can stay and make my mom
think that I actually have a social life. Hey, I never said I didn't
benefit out of our friendship.

"So," She asks me, reaching her hand into the bag of skittles in my lap.
Magic Mike is paused on the screen of the television- all eyes are on me
now, eager for gossip. It's flattering that they'd rather hear about this
than watch Channing Tatum dance shirtless on the screen. That's pretty
unheard of if you ask me. "What was the kiss like?"

I glance over to my mom awkwardly, but surprisingly she looks as

enthusiastic for details as Violet. "Amazing," I finally admit, "He puts
me to shame, really."

"Were there sparks? What did he say afterwards? What was the lead-up
like?" My mom asks the questions this time, eagerly leaning forward. Wow,
this is strange.

"Whoa, calm down. Let's go one question at a time," I drawl, putting my

hands up for emphasis, "The lead up to it made me melt in itself, and
that was before the kiss even began." My fingers trace my lips at the
memory, and a buzz of excitement shocks them into a smile. "We were
talking about his dad. I asked him a question, and he answered it
snappily- like he was on edge. So naturally, I dropped the topic. A
little while afterwards though, he told me that he didn't understand how
I always understood him- and understood what he needed in the moment. I
told him it was a matter of tact- of knowing when to shut up or when to
comfort people."

"Go on," Violet presses.

"He leaned closer, and he said...he said that he was glad he stole my
bra," I say quietly, "And then he kissed me." Violet and my mom's faces
light up immediately, and mom begins to gush beside me. It's really
bizarre to have your mom fangirling about you and your crush, honestly.
She's acting like a teenager- the mirror image of Violet who is acting in
the same predictable excitement. "There were sparks," I continue, "But
it was somehow more than that. It wasn't just sparks- it was the whole
sun, lighting me up."

"So you're basically saying that you had a ten thousand degree stomach
when he kissed you?" Violet drawls sarcastically.

"No," I chuckle, hitting her. "I'm saying that it's terrifying for me
that I've known Alec for a few months, and already I'm falling deeper for
him than I ever did with Toby- who I've known my whole life." My voice
softens towards the end of my sentence. "After the kiss, Alec and I were
just mucking about for a little while, but then he told me to be at my
window in the evening. He said he wanted to talk to me." Violet sucks in
a sharp breath beside me. "What if- what if he's saying that he'd just
like to stay friends? Or not even that?" My voice breaks a little, and
mom slings a comforting arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think- you and Alec, you connect in
a way that I've never truly seen before. You two aren't soppy or calm, in
fact you're crazy- but you're both mellow enough to know when to act
seriously or when to have fun," Mom tells me, "Even if you two do just
stay friends- would that really be so bad? He'd still be an important
part of your life, and he makes you happy- whether you're friends or
something more."

"I completely agree," Violet hums, "You've never been happier than you
have been in these past months Riley. Things will work out, you'll see."

I nod, slightly reassured by their words. They're right, aren't they? In

these past months, I've been nothing but Alec's friend and he still
somehow managed to make me the happiest girl alive. Even when I had to
endure the other girl's ogling at him- knowing that they're all better
than me in different ways, he still managed to make me smile. Would it be
so bad just to go back to that, and not continue down this unfamiliar and
slightly scary road of love?

I can manage familiarity- it's comforting, at least.

"Okay," I sigh, popping a skittle into my mouth. "You're right. We do
need to talk- we deserve that at least. I guess I'll just have to try and
stay calm and hope for the best, hey?"



Tap tap.


"Okay, okay I'm coming!" I grumble, hobbling hurriedly towards the window
on my crutches. After violet went home, I took a nap. It's strange and
slightly old-lady-ish but true- I was warm, happy and filled with
chocolate- what do you expect? I had my nap for a couple of hours, and
woke up fifteen minutes ago drenched in sweat and looking like a pig. I'm
not bragging, but in fifteen minutes I think I've managed to flip that
quite considerably. I'm dressed in a comfortable outfit that Violet said
flattered my eye colour, my hair is damp but curly and I'm wearing the
most subtle hint of mascara. Okay, so maybe I'm bragging a little. I
wanted to do a little more to my appearance, but Alec is persistently
tapping on my window now. That boy would test the patience of a saint.

I draw back the curtains and scowl at Alec, who's comfortably lounged on
the opposite windowsill. His hair is tousled and seems darker than usual,
his eyes a gorgeous cerulean blue in the twilight. His lips, as always,
are twisted into a smirk. I kissed those lips. "I'm here," I say
breezily, settling onto my own window ledge. "You wanted to talk?"

Alec's smirk drops then, and his eyes flash a little. Slowly, he sits up.
"Yeah, I thought we needed to speak about that kiss, and y'know, where
that puts us. That's what girls like to talk about right?" His face
crinkles cutely with confusion. I swear, after that kiss, he's
miraculously managed to become a million more times attractive. I smile
at the sight.

"I wouldn't say that girls 'like' to talk about it, but it reassures
them as to where they stand."
"And where do you want to stand Riley Greene?" Alec's eyes flicker to
mine and stay there, causing me to release a terse breath. He can't ask
me that! I don't want to tell him the truth if he's only going to say
that he doesn't want to be anything but friends, but I don't want to lie
just in case he does like me back! Seeing the panic written in my
features, Alec smiles a little. Is he amused by this? That doesn't tilt
the odds in my favour.

"Should we go and speak about this somewhere more private?" He suggests,

"We could go back to the train clearing. Do you remember that?"

"Yeah I remember," I reply, and a nostalgic smile lights up my eyes.

"Sure. Let's go there."

"Okay," He slides off his window sill, "I'll meet you by my bike."

"See you there."

"Oh wait!" Alec cries out as he remembers something, and I spin back
around to see him fumbling just below the windowsill. He grins when he
finally grabs whatever object it is, and then looks up at me as he chucks
it carefully onto my window sill. "Here, have this back."

I step closer to examine the object which is now hanging from my window.

Holy macaroni cheese.

On toast.
With extra ketchup.

It's my Mickey Mouse bra.

2 more chapters to go and then it's just the epilogue! I don't want this
story to end :(

Some of you may already know that I am holding a graphics competition.

The winner wins the last available dedication (Chapter 34) and a fan
from me. Runner up gets a fan. Send me the links to your graphics, and
the best ones will be announced on August 1st! They must be sent in
before July 31st, or your entry won't count. I wish you all the luck! <3

This chapter is unedited by the way...sorry if it sucks :p

Chapter 34// Duct Tape and Hershey Kisses

I stare in pure surprise at the bra I haven't seen in four months.

This bra is the reason that Alec and I met, and the cursed thing has been
hidden from me ever since. Alec Ryder stole my bra on a dare, and he
broke into my room in the middle of the night to do so. He woke me up
from my beauty sleep, and so began the everlasting rivalry between us. At
some point along the way, despite my self-warnings, I fell for his cocky
charisma and devilish good, after all that persistence to get
it back in the beginning- he's just chucking it back to me? Is this some
kind of joke? I fought damn hard to get that bra back: I searched for
hours, and even broke into his freaking house in my quest! Albeit, I'd
forgotten all about it recently, but still...there's just something
slightly disappointing about the fact that he gave it back so easily,
because it's like I lost the battle to find it.

A small part of me kind of wishes he'd keep it. After so long without it,
it feels wrong to have it in my hands again. Alec and I...well we boil
down to this key symbol. The Mickey Mouse bra- the reason why we met,
conflicted and eventually why I began to fall for him.

It's frigging sacred!

Slowly, I manage to de-freeze the shocked expression on my face and my

mouth closes. "Where did you hide it?" I ask him bluntly, incredibly
curious as to the place I looked so hard for. It can't be in his room,
because I tore that place apart when I was looking for it. Maybe Millie's
room? Or does he have some kind of little safe reserved especially for
his underwear fetish?

Alec grins. "I can't be telling you that, Riley- its top secret
information. You expect me just to give away the location of the rest of
your bras?"

Hold on a second...the rest of my bras?!

"What?!" I shriek, and Alec cracks up laughing. The rest of my bras?

He's stolen all of them? I hobble over to my underwear draw and pull it
open so fast that it slams against my thigh painfully, but I pay no
attention to the bruise as I groan. True to his word, the draw is void of
anything except for my knickers and an irritated blush scribbles over my
cheeks. This boy had too many bonding sessions with my underwear! "You're
kidding me right," I turn to Alec with a pleading expression, "What do
you expect me to wear until you give them back?"
"Your mickey mouse bra," He winks, his laughter light and filling the
air with contagious melodies. "Nice C cups by the way- I especially like
the blue one- blue looks good on you. See you at my bike in five
minutes!" Without waiting for a reply to his taunting, Alec dashes out of
his room and consequently out of sight, leaving me stood gormlessly as I
stare at my half emptied underwear draw. I should have expected this-
it's almost too easy to get my bra back after four months. Of course he'd
steal the rest of them. Maybe I should invest in a padlock for that draw-
he's had his forbidden fingers in there two times too many. Another part
of me can't help but smile at the trick though- his mischievous and
cheeky attitude is one of the things I like about him, believe it or not.
Although some people like the perfect boys with the perfect grades and
the sweet personality- I can't help but prefer boys who keep me on my

Like Alec Ryder, who's waiting outside for me as he revs his motorbike

I grin at the sound- oh yeah, I'm definitely a bad boy kind of girl.
Without waiting a second longer, I chuck my bra on the bed and hobble
downstairs. I can do without my crutches now- I barely need them anyway.
Mom looks up as I pass the living room doorway, and her eyes narrow at
the excited gleam in my eye and the converse I've pulled on quickly-
their laces trailing. "I'm going to speak with Alec," I smile and her
eyes light up with understanding. "I'll be back soon. Wish me luck."

In reply, mom blows me a kiss, before turning back to her Gossip Girl
episode. It's times like this when I love my mom more than ever. Most
parents would hate to see their daughter sneaking out at 8:00pm in the
evening, but my mom seems to just understand and trust me instantly. It
saves us from a lot of arguments: and is one of the reasons we get along
so well I guess.

I step out into the night and slam the front door behind me as I make my
way over to Alec's bike. His eyes linger on me as I make my way over,
lips pulled into that infuriatingly smug smirk. "I'm beginning to think
you have a bit of a fetish for my underwear," I comment as I slide onto
the back of his bike. My arms tighten around his torso as I remember how
fast this thing actually goes. "Maybe we should send you to rehab- cure
you before you turn into some kind of global bra thief."

"It's only your bras I'm interested in, Greene, don't you worry."

I chuckle as Alec revs the engine, and clamp the helmet into place. It's
hot and stuffy, but I'd prefer to wear it and look like an idiot, rather
than crash and die. I may be feeling happy and a little crazy tonight,
but I'm not stupid. "You're such a cliché," I tease, "The bad boy image?
The motorcycle? You're practically a book character, Ryder."

"An incredibly hot book character," Alec tilts his head to wink at me,
before finally he releases the clutch. With a roar of diesel, the bike
sets off into the dusky streets of Lindale. The wind whips my hair and I
clutch tightly onto him so as to avoid falling off as the vehicle curves
up the familiar tight curves of the roads. We blast past the small
collection of shops and the road leading to the high school as we make
our way out of Lindale and into its' forest surrounding. A slight drizzle
of rain hits our faces as we pass by the small beach, but it's gone by
the time we reach the forest. The roads turn long and winding, until
eventually we park up in the familiar spot next to the forest- the place
where I once thought Alec was bringing me to in order to commit murder.
Little did I know, he was actually planning to get all the juicy details
on Toby.

I slide off the bike and hang the helmet from the handle bars as I stare
warily at Alec. Suddenly, all of my nerves from earlier are present again
as I realise that this is the moment it could all get very awkward. I
admit, it's likely that he likes me back- why else would he kiss me? Yet,
being the self-conscious freak I am, it's physically impossible for me to
believe that 100%. My mind is still tricking me into thinking of the
alternatives, the less nonsensical explanations. It was a dare. He was
doing it to prove that he could get any girl he wanted. It was a spur of
the moment thing. He regrets it.

I gulp, and look up to see Alec watching me warily. He cocks an eyebrow

at my apprehensive features. "Did you want to go to the clearing anytime
soon?" His voice is lightly teasing, and I roll my eyes as I take a deep

"Sure, let's go."

Perhaps if I was a stranger to Alec, I would think that he was as at

ease as any other day- he certainly plays the calm, resolved boy very
well. He chatters and jokes his way all the way to the clearing, non-stop
talking and laughing to fill the silence that the forest provides us
with. However, I'm not a stranger and I know Alec fairly well- enough to
know that the whole thing is a façade. Behind his jokes, his eyebrows are
furrowed and his fists are clenched until the knuckles turn chalky white.
He bites his lip. He fidgets. Alec Ryder is as nervous as I am, and I
have absolutely no idea why. Could it be a good nervous? Or a bad 'I
don't want to hurt her feelings' nervous?
"You know, Matt is coming home soon. Then my mom and him can start
planning the wedding officially," Alec says awkwardly, breaking into the
silence for what must be the fiftieth time this evening. My eyes light up
with recognition at the name- Matt, Marie's fiancé. He's a soldier- the
one I didn't even realise existed. He's coming back?

"That's so sweet," I murmur, "Your mom must be so happy! She can finally
start the wedding organisation with her fiancé. Are you excited for him
to come home?" My gaze turns curious, and I glance to the side to see
Alec with a small smile on his face. It's hard to make out his features
in the dusky gloom: the trees surrounding us have blocked out almost any
light. It's beginning to get horror movie dark. Alec lopes along with his
hands in his pockets, and his eyes are squinted- I'm not sure if that's
because of the dark lighting, or if he's just nervous.

"Yeah," he replies softly, "Mom needs him. Millie needs him. He's an
amazing dad, and he's so good with all of be honest, I think I
need him too. After a few weeks' time, his patrol is done and he comes
home to us for good. He reckons himself as a fireman," Alec chuckles, "He
told me he's always had a thing for danger. I do too."

"Really?" I ask him, frowning, "What's the most dangerous thing you've
ever done then?"

"Cliff-diving," Alec replies, "Motorbike jumps. Answering back to Miss

Thorne in Chemistry," He shoots me a look at this, his lips turned up
into the faintest hint of a smirk.

"Now that's pretty dangerous," I laugh, "You deserve a medal." I turn to

face the front again, relieved to see the clearing coming up ahead of us.
Hey, I may be a fan of watching horror movies, but that doesn't mean I
enjoy being in a dark forest where I can barely see my surroundings.

"What's Matt like?" I ask Alec curiously, my mind still straying over the
soldier I have yet to meet.

"He has green eyes...cropped brown hair, broad shoulders. Bit of a

southern accent."

I nod, releasing a short breath as we step into the clearing ahead- I can
finally see again. Alec steps forward and sits on a flat rock in the
centre of the clearing- facing the abandoned train line. His face is an
emotionless mask, and I'm a little apprehensive on whether to sit next to
him or not. Does he want me to sit close by him? I shake my head to clear
my thoughts, my breathing becoming slightly erratic- I'm being stupid I
know. We've been close before- why am I so scared now just to sit next to
him? I bite my lip and slide onto the rock. For one sizzling moment, our
arms touch and electricity races down my arm and jump-starts my heart. I
close my eyes and lean forward, away from the contact. This isn't healthy
Riley- one frigging touch and you're whole arm is on fire? This can't be

Beside me, I hear Alec exhale slowly into the silence and I'm aware that
this is probably one of the first silences we've ever had in our
relationship. Usually our friendship is just so doesn't take
any effort. Now, though, when we're both faced with the concept that we
kissed- it's turned uncomfortable. Where does he want to go from here?
Where do I want to go from here?

That question brings me up short, and I startle a little- where do I

want this to go?

I want it to be something more, there's no doubt about that, but

alongside that excitement is the nerves of knowing that Alec and I would
be...together. That jump is something I'm not sure if he's ready for. I
know he's changed from his player self when I first met him- but is the
bad boy ready for this kind of step? To settle down and be in an actual
relationship? And that's assuming that he does like me back- what if he
doesn't? "Argh!" I explode suddenly, launching myself forwards from the
rock. I spin around in frustration to see Alec watching me with surprised
eyes. "Just tell me, okay?" I plead, "Just let's get this talk over with,
so I can stop plaguing myself with questions!"

Alec's eyes narrow, before dropping to the floor. "Okay. We need to talk,
you're right." His voice is strained and he stands up from the rock.
Slowly he grabs my arm, and gently pushes me back towards my former seat
and I watch him in confusion. He wants me to sit back down again? I sit
down slowly, my eyes glued to him. Alec doesn't meet my eye, instead he
turns so that his back is facing me, and the muscles are as taut as live
wires. This is it. This is the answer to all of my questions.

"We kissed today," Alec begins.

Well no shit Sherlock.

"Well Riley...there's been something that I've been meaning to tell you
for a long time," Slowly he begins to turn around, and I can see that his
fists are clenched again. Doesn't it hurt to have them permanently tensed
like that? "But things...well things got in the way. Like Tiana, or
Dylan, or even Toby. But hey, maybe that's just my excuse for acting like
a pussy these past months." He finally turns all the way around to face
me, and his eyes are dark and serious. "Toby-"

"Alec, quit babbling and come out with it," I interrupt. I can see that
the babbling is only his way of avoiding from getting to the actual
point, and it's really irritating to sit here and watch him.

Alec scowls, "Go interrupt my gorgeous speech, why don't you Riley?"

I give him a look. "Ever heard of getting straight to the point Ryder?

"Fine, I'll just come out with it then," Alec huffs, "Riley I like you. I
really really like you in fact, and I'm a jerk for not admitting this
until now, I know...but I can't say that I love you, because the truth is
that I'm as inexperienced as they come in that area. I have no idea what
love is, how to show it...and one of the reasons I've left it so long to
tell you this is the fact that I know you can do better: you can find
someone who'll love you back the right way. The only problem is that I'm
selfish. I want to know what love is, and the reason I kissed you today
was because....well it's because I want you to be the one that helps me
find out." He releases a deep breath, and his eyes avoid mine. "I'm so
sorry that this isn't the romantic speech you deserve but-"

"-But you're totally wrong, because I can't imagine anything more perfect
than this," I cut him off with a shy smile. My heart is thundering like a
machine gun as he looks up at me in surprise and raw innocence, and the
surge of emotion I feel in that second is almost impossible to describe.
It's like a truck has just hit me in the chest- a truck full of warmth,
happiness, butterflies and yes, even love. The shock of it is almost
painful: like my heart isn't possibly big enough to store all the
feelings I have for Alec in. As he registers my words, his surprised
expression morphs into the most stunning smile I think I've ever seen a
human wear, and it's too much. Way too much for my feeble little heart to
cope with. I jump off the rock and walk closer to him, each step is like
a bass drum to the melody in my heart. I could sing and dance and fly to
the moon right now, I'm so happy.

Alec Ryder likes me back!

As I finally reach him, his arms wrap around my back like vices and he
pulls me towards him like a magnet- all space between us is gone in a
second and I catch my lips with his to reignite the flame from earlier.
It's stronger this time- maybe because I know for certain that Alec
returns my feelings. Maybe because I'm over cloud nine. Maybe because
this is the first time I've initiated a kiss with him, and the ecstasy
that overwhelms me when he returns it just as eagerly is the best feeling
in the world. I smile against his lips, and his hands shoot up to cup my
cheeks and everything is perfect. So sweetly, deliciously perfect.

"How many times did you practice that speech?" I grin, pulling back for
air. My pulse is throbbing at the strain my heart is going under.
Honestly, if I ever do date Alec Ryder, then I may suffer from some kind
of heart disease- they'll have to keep me in hospital day and night, I

"Just a couple of hundred," He smirks. His hand tugs a strand of my hair

to bring my lips back to his, but I refuse- pulling back further with a
sarcastic gasp of disbelief.

"Only two hundred?! You obviously don't care about me Alec Ryder, we're
over," I tease him.

"I didn't realise we were together," He points out, winking cheekily.

Valid point. Abort mission, abort mission! We need an awesome comeback to


"Oh shut up you egoist."

Well that sucked.

"Make me sunshine," Alec replies huskily. He wants me to kiss him, the

flirty bastard.

A plan forming in my head, I lean forward to kiss him again and his eyes
close accordingly as his nose brushes against mine. His breath is cool
and minty against my lips, and I can almost taste him again- that
delicious green apples and vanilla aroma he carries on his lips. Just
before our lips collide though, I slap a hand over his lips and his eyes
snap open. "I could fetch some duct tape," I suggest innocently, "That
should shut you up."

"Tease," Alec replies. His words are muffled through my fingers.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't quite hear you over the sound of


"Favourite movie?" I ask Alec, rolling the green skittle around on my

tongue as I wait for his reply. After Alec's corny speech, we didn't stay
in the clearing for long- Alec took us home on his bike, before then
proceeding to jump across into my room where we're now playing twenty
questions. I'm lying sprawled across his chest in my rainbow leggings and
my favourite big blue jumper- the one my cousin left behind on his last
visit. My heart is still under intense strain at the fact that this
beautiful, sweet and irritatingly cocky boy is holding me, and I can't
quite help from marvelling at my luck. Alec's arms tighten around my

"Probably something like Fast and Furious or the Dark Knight," He admits,
grabbing a skittle from the bag nestled in my lap. Words can't describe
how cosy I feel right now- I'm in my softest clothes, with my crush's
arms around me and a bag of skittles in my lap. How perfect can you get?!
"What's yours?" Alec asks me.

"The Dark Knight or Gone in sixty seconds," I grin contentedly.

"Favourite food?"

"Steak," Alec replies. His fingers unconsciously trace the skin of my

arms, causing me to shiver. "What's your favourite song?"

"Miss Atomic Bomb by the Killers," I decide after a hesitation. To be

honest, my favourite song changes every day- but so far, that has been my
all-time favourite. "Favourite colour?"

"Probably navy. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I freeze. "What?" I turn around in his arms to look at him, but his eyes
show no sight of deceit or teasing. He's offering me a small smile, and
his eyes are glinting darkly in the dim lighting. The freckles on his
cheeks, which I once didn't realise were there, are now a prominent
feature on his chiselled, gorgeous face. "Really? You want me to be your
girlfriend?" My eyebrows are skyward, and excitement begins to bubble in
my stomach as his smile enlarges.
"Yep. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Not at all," I reply innocently, "But aren't you going to win me over
with a line first? C'mon Alec- you have to bring out the big guns here.
This is your last shot of winning me over."

Alec pouts. "You want me to think of a line?"

I grin cheekily. "Of course."

He sighs exasperatedly, but I can tell he's only teasing. He knows as

well as I do that I'll say yes no matter what line he pulls on me, but
sue me- I'm curious as to which one is his best line. Alec turns me round
in his lap so that I'm facing him, and I eye his excited face curiously.
"Honey, you're so sweet that you'll put Hershey's out of business," Alec
drawls. "And speaking of Hershey's- how about a kiss?"

"That was your best one? Seriously?" I can't help it- I'm not impressed.
After all the other hilarious lines he's given me in the past, this can't
be his best line.

"No," Alec snorts, "But I already know you want to be my girlfrien."

"You mean girlfriend." I correct him.


"You forgot the D..."

"Oh," Alec smirks, "Don't you worry about that. You'll get the D later."

Oh my god. I fell straight into that one. I curse quietly and smack his
chest, watching as Alec bursts into deep peals of laughter. I can't
believe I fell for that. "You're a jerk," I tell him, "But that was quite
a good one, I admit." I bite my lip and look away, giggling.

Alec feigns surprise. "The ice queen fell for my little pick up line?
Does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?"

"Okay, let me rephrase that," Alec clicks his tongue daringly, "Would you
like to be my girlfriend? If yes, then breathe. If no, then lick your
elbow." He pulls me closer, a defiant smirk on his lips.

I take a deep breath in. "Oh whoops, look at that. I'm your girlfriend
now," I shrug. "Time to watch romantic movies and stalk you day and

Alec gives me a look.

"Joking," I tease.

"Sure you were. We all know how obsessed you are with me, Greene."

"Don't flatter yourself now Alec," I raise an eyebrow.

"You're right. I get enough flattering from everybody else."

I stick my tongue out at him. This annoying, cocky, infuriating bra-thief

is now my boyfriend. I think people should pray for me- I might not
survive otherwise.

Or at least, my underwear won't.

A/N: I've just realised that this chapter has quite a kinky title. Awks.

asked if I'm doing a sequel...the answer is no. I will write another
book, though, and it could be a spin- off! The title of that will be
announced in the epilogue of TBBSMB ;)

GRAPHICS COMPETITION REMINDER- You have until the 31st July to send in
your covers/banners/trailers!

Thank you for your amazing support, as always, and I hope you liked the

Lauren xox
Chapter 35// Real-life Mario Kart

"Alec, are you ready to go yet?" I scowl in annoyance, tapping my foot

impatiently on the floor as I wait for my princess of a boyfriend to quit
curling his locks and come downstairs so that we can leave. It's the day
that he's insisted we're to go on our first date, a week after he
originally asked me to be his girlfriend. It's been one hell of a week, I
can tell you, but this is just the pinnacle of it. Having to wait for the
guy to get ready for a date is no way to jump-start a relationship, is
it? I frown at my feet, scuffing my converse against the bottom step as I
stare up the staircase towards Alec's room. I've been waiting for ten
minutes now so god knows what he's doing.

"I'm almost ready!" He shouts down, "I just need to get my shoes on, calm

"That's easy for you to say," I mutter darkly, "You haven't been waiting
for ten minutes without a clue as to where we're even going." Alas, it is
true. Alec has told me nothing about this freaking date, and the only
details I've received are to wear normal clothes and leave my hair down,
so I'm assuming it's not a fancy dinner or anything (I'm kind of glad
about that though). I glance at my watch and raise an eyebrow. He told me
he'd pick me up fifteen minutes ago. Ten minutes ago, I got impatient so
I walked around here myself, and as you can tell- I hate waiting. If
Violet were here, she'd be demanding me to strut out of the house and
allow the grass hole to chase after me and apologise, but I'm too
stubborn to do that. I need to time how long he's kept me waiting and use
it against him. So far, it's been around 15 minutes and 30 seconds.

"I'm here, I'm here," Alec pounds down the steps towards me with a smirk
on his face. He's dressed in a pair of slightly low slung jeans and a
faded band t-shirt, not that dis-similar to my own outfit, actually. As
soon as his feet hit the ground again, his arms encircle my waist and he
leans forward to peck me on the cheek. He smells of freshly applied
cologne and peppermint, and it's frigging mouth-watering. "Sorry I'm
late," he grins apologetically. "I had to ring up and sort some things
out last minute. Are you ready to go?"

"I have been for fifteen and a half minutes," I cock an eyebrow and
smile to show that I'm teasing, "Isn't it women who stereotypically take
longer to get ready? Unless, of course, there's something you're not
telling me..." I wink suggestively.
Alec leans back to smirk at me. "If I was a woman, I'd be freaking hot.
I'd totally bang me."

"Glad to know your ego hasn't deflated at all since I last saw you."

"You love my big head, don't lie," Alec scoffs. He steps away from me,
his eyes running over me in appreciation. "You look good, Greene. If you
were a woman, you'd be hot too." Oh he did not. He laughs smugly as I go
to slap his shoulder, catching my wrists in his grip and pulling me close
enough that our noses touch. His eyes, flecked with gold, burn brightly
into mine- sparkling with amusement.

"Grass hole," I mutter, "Aren't you just full of compliments today?"

"Yup. I'm full of them," Alec mumbles contentedly, closing his eyes and
pressing his lips to mine. My wrists are still firmly in his grip, but
his warm, vanilla lips are enough to distract me from my temporary
capture for now. In fact, he's almost forgiven for being so late.


"Mommy, why is Alec eating Riley?" I hear Millie's voice to our left,
and I break off from Alec instantly to look up at Alec's mom and sister,
who are stood in the doorway watching us. Well that's awkward. Marie has
an amused smile on her face, but Millie's nose is wrinkled disgustedly at
the sight. Don't blame her, poor child. I dread to think what Alec's got
in store for her as she grows up. "Are you hurt Riley?" Millie asks me,
and she sounds genuinely concerned. She detaches off Marie to run up to
me and snatch one of my hands free from Alec, causing him to pout at her.
What cutie pies they are. I glance over at Alec and he catches my eye
with a smile.

"To be continued," He whispers, and I pull away my other hand to hit him
fondly on the chest. We're supposed to be going for our date, but I have
to admit- I'd be quite content to stand there and kiss him all day long.
Who needs candles and soppy romance songs?

"No, I'm not hurt," I tell Millie, laughing softly. "I've got to go now
though. Alec is dragging me away from you. I'll see you when I get back,
okay?" I bend down and she wraps her arms around my neck for a quick hug,
before looking at me with upset eyes.
"Will you be back soon?" She questions hopefully, and I nod.

"Why don't you set up a game for us to play when I get back?" I suggest,
and her face brightens at the idea. She nods excitedly, and I straighten
up to see that Marie is watching me with a smile. I smile back
tentatively. It won't be long until Matt is back home, and Marie can
start planning her wedding with her fiancé. I'm quite eager to meet this
guy actually- I mean, if he can bring a tender smile to Alec's face, then
he has to be really nice.

"Come on Riley," Alec grabs one of my hands, intertwining his fingers

with mine. "We need to leave or we'll miss our slot." Slowly he begins to
tug on my hand, and I hurriedly wave goodbye to Marie and Millie before
I'm pulled out of the door and into the sun outside.

"So," I say conversationally as we climb into Marie's car. Alec is

borrowing it for today, seeing as Marie told him that a motorbike
wouldn't be deemed appropriate for the first date. I wouldn't have minded
personally, but it's sweet that he's trying to make an effort. Plus, he
held open my door for me like a complete gentlemen. All he's missing now
is a top hat and a British accent. "Are you going to tell me where we're
going? What's our slot for?"

"No way," Alec tuts me patronisingly, "I'm not telling you anything until
we get there. Don't you like surprises or something?" He pulls down the
handbrake and begins to pull the car out of the drive so fast that I've
barely had a chance to click my seatbelt in, and I grab the dashboard for
support. I shoot him a look, but his eyes are (quite thankfully) trained
on the road, so he doesn't see me.

"Some surprises. But I'm assuming that if we have a slot, and I've been
told to dress normally, that this is more of an active date than a
romantic one," I muse, "Rock climbing? Please don't tell me it's roller-
skating- I've only just got that damned foot better."

Yup, you heard me, the crutches are gone now and after a quick session of
physiotherapy teaching me to put weight on my foot again, and I'm all set
to walk around. The doctor was a little miffed with me when he found out
that I've been putting weight on it for a couple of weeks against the
guidelines, but I'm better anyway so I don't see why it should matter.
When mom told him (the traitor), he gave me a disapproving look and
started ranting about how the bone may still be weak, etc. etc. Honestly,
the guy needed to lighten up a little bit. In the words of Alec- who lit
the fuse to his tampon?
"Looks like you're not just a pretty face, Greene," Alec remarks at my
smart discoveries, "You're right. I prefer fun dates to romantic ones,
but no- there is no way I'm taking you back to roller skating after what
happened last time. I'd prefer not to be responsible for whatever
injuries you'd undoubtedly get. I know what you're like, bambi."

"I'm not that bad," I pout, "But thank you anyway...for the precaution."

"You're welcome, bambi," Alec teases, "Precaution is necessary around


Okay, now that's just rude.

"Do you want to put some music on?" Alec continues, oblivious to my
scowl. "I think mom might actually have some decent CDs in this car,
buried underneath all the David Bowie and James Blunt of course...Check
the glove box." Uncertainly, I open the glove box in the dashboard and
spy a pile of CDs. Scanning through the titles, I wrinkle my nose until I
finally come across something absolutely perfect.


Now if that doesn't pay Alec back for being so late, I don't know what
will. I chuckle to myself and slide the CD in, ignoring Alec's suspicious
glance. 'Live while we're young' comes on first, and Alec groans as he
hears the opening sequence. "Oh dear lord," he mutters to himself, "What
did I do to deserve this?" He groans even more loudly when I start
singing along to it, purposefully out of tune. He winces at the tail end
of my chorus karaoke, before finally coming to his senses and pressing
the stop button on the CD player. "Please don't do that to me again," he
pleads. "I'm sorry for whatever I've done."

Cue evil laugh.

"I'm offended- don't you like my singing?"

Alec winces at the mere memory of it, and I snort unattractively with
laughter. What a hot babe I am, honestly. Alec is lucky to have got his
hands on such a woman.
"So anyway," Alec clears his throat, "I have something to ask you-
courtesy of my mom, actually."

I frown, "What?"

"My mom...she wanted to know if you'd like to be a bridesmaid for her

wedding. Millie and Natasha are bridesmaids too, but seeing as she knows
you so well and you're dating me...well she wondered if you'd like to
join them when she and Matt get married." Alec scratches the back of his
neck awkwardly. "You don't have to, she was just wondering if you'd like
to. She adores you, and she wants an extra bridesmaid so..."

"A bridesmaid?" I choke out. Marie really wants me to be her bridesmaid?

"Seriously? I'd love to!" I grin widely- I'm going to be a bridesmaid!
I'm so surprised that Marie asked me though, the thought had never
crossed my mind. Walking down the aisle in a long dress and high heels
may be a problem, but I'm sure I can train up. I've never been a
bridesmaid before..."But wait," I frown, "Why didn't she ask me herself?
Why did you ask me?"

A faint blush crosses Alec's cheeks. "I wanted to ask you for her."

I raise an eyebrow at the news. He wanted to ask me? "Alec?"

"Hm?" He hums, not meeting my eyes.

"You're blushing."

"Shut up."


The car journey lasts about twenty minutes longer until we finally pull
up into the car park of the venue. We're right next to a beach, the
parking spot overlooks the sea, but something tells me that we're not
actually spending the day on the sands. I glance around as I clamber out
of the car, and take a deep breath in. It smells of sea salt and
something else...petrol? "Come on," Alec grabs my hand, "Let's go." He
walks us out of the parking lot, and down a small side road covered in
sand. Trees surround the one side, and the other side is open to the
beach. It's like a small, private promenade. What are we doing here?
"Picnic on the beach? Scuba diving? Snorkelling?" I ask him, and he
shakes his head to each of my suggestions. The smell of petrol is getting
stronger now, and I can hear engines snarling in the near distance. Cars?

"Are you taking me to see a car race?" I ask him doubtfully, and he
chuckles but shakes his head. Damn, maybe we aren't going to this petrol
place after all. I wrinkle my nose at the smell of burning rubber. "Crazy
golf? Jet skiing?"

"Jet skiing would have been cool," Alec muses, "But no. You were closer
with the car guess." He tugs on my hand, and steers us away from the
promenade up a row of steep steps. The engines are getting louder now,
and I can hear distinct beeping sounds. We are at a car race, right?
Cars, engines, all adds up. What else could it be?
Unless...unless we're the ones racing the cars.

"Go karting!" I realise aloud, turning to Alec and his amused smile.
"We're going Go Karting, right?" Alec runs a hand through his tousled
hair, a tight smile on his lips as he nods. "Yes!" I cheer, "I guessed it
right! I don't think I've ever been go-karting, not from what I can
remember anyway..." I frown, my eyebrows knitting impatiently together.
"Will there be lots of other people there watching us?"

"Yeah, there'll be an audience. Why? Would you mind that?" Alec frowns,
elbowing me in the ribs playfully. "Where are your people skills Riley?
I'll be there too."

"My people skills are currently in hospital, right alongside your modesty
actually, suffering from a bad case of nonexistence," I frown, "The last
time I did anything in front of an audience, I fell over and broke my
heel." I shudder, remembering when everyone had been staring at me back
in the roller-skating rink. Now that was humiliation at its finest. "How
many people will be there? It's not like a whole stand is it?"

"No, Riley of course not!" Alec scoffs incredulously, "Have you never
seen what go karting is like in the movies? It'll just be a few people,
watching their relatives or friends do the course, that's all." I nod,
reassured by this. I have seen go-karting in the movies, I don't live
completely under a rock as Alec suspects, but how do I know that all
venues are the same as in the movies? The answer is simple: they're not.
I bet there is a go karting place out there somewhere in the world with a
stand. I rest my case, Alec freaking Ryder.

We take a turn in the path, and up ahead of us is a large course, the

air chorusing with the thrum of engines as the tiny cars dart around the
track. I feel a spark of excitement in me- I can do this! I tug eagerly
on Alec's hand, pulling him out of his reverie as he watches the cars,
and towards the entrance. He chuckles at my enthusiasm. "Calm down," He
rolls his eyes, "We still have a bit of time to watch the cars. You sure
you want to go in?"

"What time is our slot?" I ask him curiously, avoiding the question.

"At 2:00pm- in about fifteen minutes. I guess we should probably just go

in first and let them know we've arrived..." Alec stares wistfully at the
cars one last time, before we walk into the entrance together. As soon as
we step through the door, the air con finds us, and I sigh contentedly at
the rush of cold air on my hot skin. I didn't realise it was that hot
outside today, I guess I've been side tracked, but it feels like a fridge
in here and it's so nice. In the reception there is a small cluster of
chairs, and a swooping oak desk. Lining the walls are trophies and
photographs of cars and riders by the dozen. Holy crap, they get a lot of

A guy looks up from behind the desk as we enter, and he smiles

welcomingly. His hair is thin and peppered, and a small earing hangs in
his left ear. "How can I help you guys?" He asks us, and Alec pulls me
towards the desk.

"We're in the 2:00pm slot," Alec tells him, squeezing my hand. "I'm Alec

The man nods, and I lean slightly closer to read his name tag. Kevin.
"Okay, so...two cars, yes? You've booked for an hour and a half," His
eyes squint at his computer screen as he reads the information, and his
fingers tap uncertainly on the keys. "Right, so you guys will want to get
a helmet. If you head through that door there, you'll find Pete, and
he'll hook you up with one," He gestures to the door in the corner of the
room, "Most of the people for that time slot have arrived now, and
they're waiting by the track, watching the previous slot. Toilets are
located around the back of this building, and I'll have to stamp your
hand if that's says here that you've already paid, correct?"

Alec nods.

"Great," Kevin smiles, "Then I hope you kids have a good time. Just pass
me your hands a second so I can stamp you." Alec places his hand on the
desk, and Kevin fumbles around for the stamp, before pressing it onto
Alec's hand. The green ink is smudged, but vaguely recognisable as 'Go-Go
Karting'. What sort of a name is that? I wrinkle my nose with laughter as
I place my own hand on the desk, and Kevin gives me a strange look as he
stamps my skin with the same embellishment as Alec.

"Thank you," I chime happily, before grabbing ahold of Alec's hand again
and dragging him towards the room where we can get our helmets.

"Whoa, eager much?" Alec teases. I don't satisfy him with anything other
than a scowl before I push open the door and reveal a small room with
helmets lining the wall, all shapes and sizes. I catch the eye of a
slightly elder man, who struggles to get up as we walk in.

"Hey," He greets us, hobbling slightly closer. His hair is dark grey and
wiry, a thick bristle moustache hiding his lips. "Grab a tape measure
from the side and measure your head circumference, okay? Then you can
just tell me, and I'll find you a helmet. If you have any valuables, you
can just keep them in that box over there, and we can make sure they
don't get damaged." He gestures towards a small wooden box on the desk.
I'm not sure if I trust putting my valuables in that box, so I just smile
and shake my head politely, before reaching for one of the tape measures.

"Please can you measure my head Alec?" I ask him, and he nods. Swiftly,
he wraps and adjusts the ribbon strip around my head, just above my
eyebrows. I feel a little stupid standing here, but luckily Alec is too
focused on reading my measurement to see how stupid I look with ribbon
shielding my eyebrows from view.

"49cm," He reads aloud. I turn to face Pete, and the old man nods before
heading to the other end of the room. Alec taps me on the shoulder,
diverting my attention back to him. "Will you do mine, babe?" He says the
word teasingly, knowing how much I hate that particular term of
endearment. I take the measure from his hands, smiling sarcastically as I
pull the ribbon taut against his own forehead.

"You're off the scale," I gasp dramatically, "I think that means that
your head is too big for your own ass Alec- whatever shall you do?"

He stares blankly up at me.

"53 cm," I sigh- that joke was funny! He should have laughed. I take the
tape measure and wind it around my finger into a loop, before placing it
back on the side shelf. Pete is waiting, two helmets held in his hands.
"For the girl," He says gruffly and hands the plain white one to me. "And
the boy," He offers the red one to Alec. If you head through here, then
you'll reach the track. Your slot isn't for five minutes yet, so you've
got a bit of time to watch the last of the races before you start."

"Thanks," Alec says gratefully, and together we head out of the door and
back into the heat outside. The track is about five metres in front of
us, and we're under a large shelter- I'm assuming this is the starting
point for the cars. Just along to the right are a small group of people
who are watching the racing- these must be the other people on our slot.
I blush awkwardly as we head to join them, and a girl my age notices me.
Her hair hangs around her face in frizzy blonde curls, and she wears
cowboy boots and jean shorts.

"Hey," She drawls with a thick southern accent, "Nice to meet you two,
I'm Rachel. This is my boyfriend Nick," She gestures to the smiling boy
behind her, with a mop of curly dark hair. "Are y'all here for the two
o'clock slot?"

"Yeah," I smile, "I'm Riley and this is my boyfriend Alec."

It takes almost every instinct I have not to cringe at the way I said
boyfriend- it's like I was trying to show off or something, but she
doesn't seem to notice my reluctance thankfully. Alec's going to think
I'm so obsessive for staking my claim like that...I'll probably scare him
off. Surprisingly, Alec's arm wraps around my waist and he offers a
breath taking smile of his own at Rachel, erasing my previous worries in
place for new ones. At this point, most girls would have stopped and
started drooling at his smile, but Rachel seems really at ease. She grins
platonically back at Alec, her hand caught up in Nicks. I decide at this
moment that I like her. She must be the only girl on Earth who isn't
interested in Alec that way.

"We have a few other people in our group," She tells me, "I think there
are ten of us altogether. They don't say much though," She whispers, "I
tried talking to them but they weren't very friendly." She chuckles a
little, a throaty and surprisingly deep sound escaping from her feminine
pink lips. I laugh quietly too, curiously glancing at the other members
of our slot. A balding man and his wife, a mother and her two young boys
and a sulky preteen boy who looks like he doesn't even want to be here.
He might be a son of the woman as well, but he's standing away from them,
so I can't be sure.
"It looks like so much fun," She grins to me, "Apparently these cars go
really fast. Have you ever been karting before?" Her hazel eyes flicker
to mine, and I shake my head.

"Really? You're going to love it! Nick and I have been quite a few times,
actually. He took me here on our second date, after our first date kind
of failed..." She giggles and looks up at her blushing boyfriend, who is
talking to Alec as they watch the cars, "He tried to take me to a
musical, because I love those things, but the show was cancelled when a
couple of the leads fell sick with the flu. So, to make-up for it, he
brought me here. Now it's kind of a tradition for us. So, how long have
you and Alec been together?"

Wow she's a chatterbox. "Oh," I blush, "A week. Not long, but y'know..."

"Wait, so is this your first date?" She asks me excitedly and I nod.
"Aw, that's so cute! I would never have thought two look
really comfortable together, not like me and Nick- we were awkward messes
when we first started dating. Were you and Alec close before y'all
started going out then?"

"Yeah," I chuckle, "You could say that."

"Sweet," She grins, "How did you two meet?"

Well now, there's a story...



My eyebrows furrow, and my hands tighten my grip on the thin black

steering wheel in front of me. Already this uncomfortable seat is hard
and sore on my butt, but I'm determined not to let that distract me. My
foot hovers tentatively above the pedal, ready to push it as fast as I
can and spur the engine to life.

I glance sideways at Alec, before turning back to face the front again.
I'll beat him, I'll make sure I do.

My foot slams down on the pedal, and a roar of ignition kicks all ten of
the cars into life as we speed forwards along the smooth concrete track.
This is the last race of our slot, and so far Alec and I are drawing as
to who beats the other, so it all comes down to this race. My car, the
purple number five, is niftier than the others, but also takes turns less
sensitively than Alec's. It means that I've careered slightly off the
side a few times due to the car's slower reaction time, but I've managed
to keep up with Alec mainly- it's along the straights where my car really
comes into its own. My eyes squint at the track ahead, and I'm trying not
to lose concentration from the fact that Alec and Rachel are both
slightly in front of me. I spin the steering wheel carefully as we hit
the first turn, happy to see that it's straight for a while here. I press
as hard as I can on the acceleration pedal and my car picks up quickly,
running me between Alec and Rachel as we all battle our way towards the

The thrum of engine noise in the air is intense, and I scarcely dare to
breathe for fear of disrupting my car and losing my chance to beat Alec.
I guess that's pretty good though, seeing as every time I breathe in, I
get a mouthful of diesel fumes, which honestly can't be good for my
lungs. I grit my teeth as I spin the steering wheel, careering onto the
very edges of the track as I hit the harder turns, directly behind Alec.
I refuse to let him beat me at go karting- I want to be the girl that can
kick his ass at racing on her first time. Alec will never live that down.
I lean to the side and lock my arms in place as the car spins, wobbling
precariously as the largest turn comes into view. Luckily, it's a
straight from there until the finish line, so if I can keep up with Alec
here, I have a sure shot at winning.

Rachel slows down for the turn beside me, and I follow suit, managing to
nip quickly ahead of Alec as I do. I can almost hear his growl of
frustration behind the engine's snarls. Alec and I are both incredibly
competitive. I grit my teeth and will for the car not to over exaggerate
the turn. If it does, then Alec's going to win, there's no doubt about
it. This is like real life Mario kart, and I'm going to kick his ass here
just like I do with Yoshi.

The curve runs surprisingly smoothly, and I spin onto the last straight,
my foot pressing the acceleration pedal all the way to the floor.
Adrenaline has my heart pounding like a machine gun, and I ignore the
hair in my face as I dart towards the finish line. I can hear other go
karts close on my tail, but I'm going to win this time. I'm going to do
it! "Yes!" I whoop as I finally cross the finish line, knowing that I've
come first place and consequently have beaten Alec. Smiling victoriously,
I slow the car down and turn it back into the starting point, where it
can be used for the next race. I can see people watching from the
barriers, and Kevin from the front desk is there- offering me a thumbs
up. I park the car in the first space and slowly take my helmet off,
tugging the windswept strings of my hair away from my face. Alec pulls up
beside me, and he groans and bangs his helmet lightly against the
steering wheel. "I can't believe you won," He complains, "It's a physical
"Well quite clearly it's not," I point out, "Besides, I whoop ass at
Mario Kart. Why did you expect this to be any different?" I begin to
clamber out of the go kart and hoist myself back up onto the side,
grinning at Alec.

"Because I'm cooler than you," He sticks his tongue out immaturely, "And
you haven't done this before." He clambers up to sit beside me, and we
watch the others file out of their own cars. Rachel and Nick are kissing
passionately, her hair knotted and tangled from the wind.

"Hold on," I raise a finger to his lips, silencing him and cocking a smug
eyebrow. "So if you're cooler than me, does that make me hotter than

Alec realises his mistake, and begins to protest, "No-"

"Oh don't lie," I interrupt him cheekily, "You know I'm hotter than you."

Alec's frustrated pout quickly morphs into a smirk, "I think I'm rubbing
off on you, Greene. Well at least my cockiness is anyway."

"You're right. I'd much rather date me than you," I retort teasingly.

Alec leans slightly closer, "You sure about that?"


He kisses me softly on the cheek, his breath warm against my skin, and
causing goosebumps to erupt down my neck. I shiver involuntarily.
"Really?" He questions quietly.


His lips move to the corner of my mouth, making me smile. "Absolutely


He smiles and finally goes in for the kiss I've been waiting for: an
explosion of sweetness and passion both. His lips are warm and sweet like
vanilla, and I find myself pulling him closer- craving more. It's not
fair- how can every aspect of Alec be so tasty?

"That's what I thought," Alec freaking Ryder mumbles, but I don't give
him a chance to show off anymore before I pull his mouth back to mine.

And that's it! The last chapter of TBBSMB! I'm going to miss this book so
much, but I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it,
and I can't thank you enough for the support I have received. There won't
be a sequel or a spin off, but I do have another book coming soon:)

Attached is a video showing most of the banners and graphics that have
been given to me throughout this book. I'm so sorry if yours wasn't
included- there just wasn't room, and I still love them all to pieces.
There's also a message from me in the video, and some other exciting
TBBSMB stuff, so make sure to check it out! It made me cry whilst making
it, I'm not going to lie.

I love you all so much- you've made me the happiest girl alive with the
support you've given me, and I really hope you enjoyed my book. You guys
took me to 1million, then 10 million reads and more, and we hit number 2
in romance and number 3 in teen fiction- which is absolutely insane, and
more than I could have ever imagined.

I'll see you in the epilogue, beauties.

Lots of love and Alec, Cherry_Cola_x


Can I just start by saying that I had an absolutely outstanding response

to this little competition, and I'd like to thank everyone who entered
for taking the time to make their submission. It was an incredibly hard
decision, because I loved them all, but without further ado we have the
runner up and winner of the TBBSMB graphic competition...

*dramatic and somewhat overused drumroll*

Second place goes to xChasingCarsx - her graphic was absolutely

phenomenal, and is attached to the side for all to see. I could tell it
took her a lot of time to make, and she's quite clearly gifted for
graphic design. She wins a fan :)

*Even louder drumroll*

First place goes to...Heytherejulie

It came as an absolute surprise to my friend and I that this is one of

her first graphics, because it's such high quality, and obviously a lot
of time went into making this. The graphic is attached to the side of
chapter 35, and I encourage you to take a look at some of the pictures in
the background of the graphic. They link remarkably well to the story,
and it's clear that a tremendous amount of effort has been put in to make
it so perfect. I love it to pieces, and Julie wins a fan and a

I'd also like to shout out to some others of the very best ones, who
were in very close running for the first and second prizes. ebooker_ ,
Kcelin, themortaljay, 17Serenity, DreamBubble1911, CanyounotElmo, pulidom
and finally SelenaRubino also entered absolutely amazing graphics. I wish
I could reward everybody for their time and effort, but unfortunately
that isn't possible.

Thank you for all entries, I love them to pieces, and it flatters me
that you guys went to such lengths to make graphics for my little book.
You all deserve a prize, honestly.


"Do you, Matthew Lee Hughes, take thee Marie Ryder to be your lawfully
wedded wife?"

Matthew smiles. His green eyes are bright and sparkling even from where
I'm standing, his hands clasped romantically in Marie's.

"I do," He replies easily, and I can see the shake of Marie's shoulders
as more joyous tears escape from her eyes. She looks absolutely stunning,
her white dress is modest yet so pretty- long sleeved with lace
detailing. Her wild curls are tamed back into a gorgeous studded bun,
with tendrils escaping and she looks more beautiful than I've ever seen
her. Matt, the broad-shouldered, playful and joking knight stood
opposite her is tearing up just looking at her, and to be honest- I think
everyone else is too.
Gah, this emotion is too much for me to handle.

"And do you Marie Ryder," The elder Vicar turns to Marie with a smile
that crinkles the corner of his eyes, "take thee Matthew Lee Hughes to be
your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Marie whispers. I can't see her face at the moment, I'm stood
angled behind her, along with Natasha and Millie. We make up the bridal
party, alongside Rosa- the maid of honour. All of us are clutching small
bunches of orchids, and our dresses are a gorgeous silken grey, each in a
unique style. I share a small smile with Natasha as Marie says the words,
tears pricking the edges of my eyes no matter how hard I fight to
restrain them. Since Matt came back, Marie has been the happiest I've
seen her in the short months I've known her. Matt is by far the
friendliest and funniest guy I think I've ever known, and it's safe to
say that Alec was under exaggerating when he described him as 'nice'.
It's clear that the whole family worships him, and from what I can see of
his face right now as he gazes into Marie's with complete and utter love-
the feeling is mutual. How can I stop myself from crying when everything
is so perfect?

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife," The vicar announces, his
face breaking out into a smile so large that I'm afraid it will break out
of his delicate, thin-skinned face. "You may now kiss the bride."

And Matt does. He uses their intertwined fingers to pull her closer
until their lips meet. I can see only the back of Marie's head from where
I'm stood in the bridal party, but by the cheering and applause coming
from the crowd- I can tell that everything is pretty spectacular. I catch
eyes with Alec, who is stood beside Matt and grinning as he claps with
everyone else, his eyes trained solely back on me.

I blush. You'd have thought I'd have gotten used to him looking at me by
now wouldn't you? I mean, we have been dating for eight months. Still,
none of the effect that Alec used to have on me has faded, and I have to
say...I'm kind of glad about that. I grin widely at him, ignoring my
bunch of flowers as my own hands collide in congratulations for the
newlyweds. Marie and Matt turn to face the crowd, and for the first time
in half an hour- I see more than the back of Marie's head. Her face is
tear-stained, but her eyes are shining and she looks absolutely gorgeous.
With linked hands, the pair begin to walk back down the aisle and the
audience stand up. The wedding is over. The vows have been said.
"Oh my lord, that was so beautiful," cries Natasha beside me. Her mascara
is halfway down her face, and her thin black hair has been twisted and
pulled back in an intricate design. I never pictured her as a hopeless
romantic, but apparently she is. I guess I should've expected it- Joe's
turned into a right romantic recently under her watch, and the pair have
been dating for little under a month now. She was the one to man up and
tell him first, believe it or not, and he obviously accepted. I really
admire her courage, and sometimes I wish that I could've been the one to
ask Alec out first- it might have saved a lot of my confusion and his
anger if I did. Ah well, I guess everything's worked out well in the end.

"I know," I smile to Natasha, wiping the salt trails away from below my
eyes. "Marie....she looked stunning." Natasha nods, before pulling me
into a hug and resting her chin on my shoulder.

"It's been nice seeing you fellow bridesmaid," She grins through the
tears, "I'll miss you. Alec doesn't bring you to visit often enough. The
wedding preparation's been fun though."

I smile nostalgically at this. The last month in particular has been

hectic with rehearsals, bridesmaid training, dress fittings etc. Rosa,
the maid of honour, has been coping astonishingly well, and she's been
the rock that Marie's needed to get through all this. More often than
not, my mom is invited to help them as well, so life has been pretty busy
in both households. I glance to the side and see my mom, sat happily in
the second row and talking to Jack. She and Marie have been closer than
ever recently, and I think Marie's regretting not asking mom to be part
of her bridal team, but it's a little too late for that now. The whole
wedding has gone according to plan, and it would take a fool not to see
how happy Marie and Matt are with everything.

I glance around the church as people begin to climb out of their seats.
It's time for the after party of the wedding, which is being hosted next
door to the tiny church of Lindale- in the country club where Alec and I
came for Mom's founder meeting. I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward
to going back: that place was so glamorous. With the way I'm dressed up
now, I feel particularly excited. I glance down at my bridesmaid dress.
It's the same silken grey as Millie and Natasha but whereas mine has a
gorgeous studded halter neck, Natasha's is strapless and Millie's has
spaghetti straps. Millie turned five recently and she's the cutest little
five year old in the world. Her hair is longer now, curly and darker like
Marie's- and it's twisted into a fancy updo which closely resembles mine.
"You look very grown up," I tell her, squeezing her hand. She looks up at
me with a grateful toothy smile. "Are you happy that your mommy and Matt
are married now?"

She nods excitedly for a second, but then her expression turns
crestfallen. "They won't let me go on holiday with them though. I want to
go to Paris!" She pouts, her eyebrows furrowing cutely. On her fifth
birthday, I couldn't resist but buy her a new tea set. It's the biggest
set the store had, and it's pink- her favourite colour. I bought it to
commemorate the time when I first met her, when we played with the tea
set which is now chipped and old. I thought she deserved a new one, and I
was right- she absolutely adored it.

"Aww," I frown, "Yeah I want to go to Paris too, but you know what? You
get to spend the next two weeks with your Auntie Rosa, Natasha, me and
Alec. That's a pretty good holiday isn't it?" I kneel down and offer her
a smile, poking her gently in the ribs to make her giggle. She nods
shyly. I dread the day when this little angel grows up, I honestly do.

I stand back up and release Millie's hand, only to have arms wrap
themselves around my waist from behind and lips pressed to my collarbone.
Alec. I spin around in his arms with a smile on my face, staring up at
the gorgeous boy in front of me. His lips are cracked into a cheeky
smirk, his eyes brighter than usual and staring down at my face. His role
at his mother's wedding? Well he gave her away; walked down the aisle
with the bride. Unlike me as I walked, he was resolved and calm and did
all the right things. I looked like a bit of a shamble when I did it- it
was a tremendous struggle not to trip over my dress in the heels, despite
the amount I've practiced in the past month. I didn't fall over though,
which is an achievement for me.

"Alec Hughes," The boy in front of me wrinkles his nose as he says his
new name. "It doesn't have quite the same ring to it as Alec Ryder does
it?" His fingers stroke the small of my back tauntingly, and he pulls me
closer to peck me on the cheek.

"Well," I point out, smiling, "Your mom did say you could keep your old
surname if you want to."

"Ah," He sighs, "But you're missing the point. I refuse to have a wife
one day called 'Riley Ryder'. That's way too monotonous. Riley Hughes
sounds better, even if it isn't my original surname. I'll get used to
it." He shrugs, but by this point my jaw is on the floor. Did he
seriously just joke about getting married to me? My heart thunders in my
ribs, and I can feel a blush spread across my cheeks- thick and crimson.
Is he trying to kill me of heart failure? He can't just say something
like that so casually!

"W-what?" I choke out, eyes wide as I stare at him. Recently he's began
to grow a little stubble on his chin, and I'd be lying if I said that it
wasn't the sexiest thing for miles around. I guess it's his new look for
senior year, and he's turning eighteen soon. Marie and I haven't properly
planned his birthday party yet but we know it's going to be epic. I might
have bras raining down from the ceiling or something. Alec would be in
his element.

Alec cocks an eyebrow at my reaction, smiling smugly. "Riley, don't

pretend you don't want to be my wife one day. It'll probably happen
whether you like it or not." His confidence is amusing, and I let a small
chuckle escape my lips as he holds his chin proudly high.

"You stole my bra, and now you want to steal my last name? Don't you
think you're being a little greedy Alec Ryder?" I frown, "You never did
tell me where you stashed away my bras."

"If I tell you, you've got to promise not to tell anyone," He gazes
steadily into my eyes, and his finger rises up to press down on my bottom
lip. "This is my darkest secret." I watch wide eyed, as he glances either
way to check who's watching us. Is he actually being serious? He's going
to tell me where he hid it? I feel a buzz of excitement deep in my gut
and I lean closer for him to whisper to me. His breath tickles my
earlobe, and he brushes away the wisps of hair tucked behind my ear which
causes me to shiver. I can't be sure whether he's teasing me or not- is
he actually going to tell me after all this time?

"Don't tell a soul," He whispers, "But I hid your my boxers."

I jolt backwards. "What?!" My eyes are wide, and I nervously glance down
at his lower half. Please tell me he's joking. I'm wearing my Mickey
Mouse bra right now.

Alec takes one look at my horrified face and bursts into laughter- making
it very evident that he was stringing me along. His hands move up from
the small of my back to my shoulders, leaning on me for support as he's
lost in hysteria. It reminds me of when I was doing a similar thing the
day after I drew on his face. Speaking of which, I still haven't uploaded
that photo to Facebook...Maybe I could do it on his birthday. That would
be a cool little surprise wouldn't it? At the moment, my profile photo is
one of the selfies that Alec took with me after the waterpark day. Don't
look at me like that- I didn't upload it. Heck, I hate that photo,
because it reminds me of how particularly ordinary I look next to Alec.
However, Alec stole my phone a couple of months back. He uploaded that
photo onto Facebook, making me look like the world's clingiest
girlfriend, and then proceeded to upload a picture of Mickey Mouse as his
profile picture.

Needless to say, it didn't get as many likes as his last shirtless

picture, but he found it pretty hilarious. Grasshole.

"You actually believed me," Alec sobers up from his chuckles, letting out
an almost pained gasp for oxygen, "You actually believed me. What kind of
person do you take me for, Greene? I'm not that disgusting." He wrinkles
his nose, and in synchronisation, his fingers grab my bra straps and ping
them. I don't know if it's just me, but I think all girls find that
incredibly irritating. I scowl up at him.

"Where did you hide my bras Alec? If you don't tell me, I might just have
to upload the boxer story to Facebook..."

Alec's laughter disappears instantly, and his eyebrows shoot skyward. He

edges towards me, a malicious smirk tugging up at those beautiful
chiselled lips of his. "Are you threatening me Riley Maria Greene?"


"What are you going to do? Try and blind me with that air freshener

Ah, now that's a good story. I nod happily, and his gaze narrows.

"I hid the bras-"

"Hey guys!" Joe interrupts, and I look to the left to see his arm is
casually slung around Natasha's shoulders and she's grinning like a cat
who got the cream. Most of the people have exited out of the church now,
leaving us and a few others behind. We should probably start heading next
door for the party, but dammit! I was so close to knowing the location of
the place I searched for so hard. Where did he hide my Mickey Mouse bra?
I'm dying to know.

"We should probably get moving," Natasha smiles, "C'mon. Let's head off.
Chase and Dylan are meeting us at the country club." Dylan Merrick- the
guy who almost ruined Alec and I's relationship quite a few times. Well
since he dumped Hannah, Dylan has returned to his old self. He's
charming, sensitive and logical. Recently taking up on my promise, I've
been teaching him how to draw, seeing as he told me that he sucks at
anything creative. He's not very good at the moment, but it's a working
progress and he seems to be enjoying himself.

The only downside is Alec's possessiveness. He won't leave Dylan and me

alone together at any given time, and although it hurts to think that
maybe he doesn't trust me, I know deep down that it's Dylan he doesn't
trust. It's easy to forgive someone. To forget? Not so much. Dylan
betrayed him with that kiss, which I later found out was when Dylan knew
Alec had feelings for me. The build up to their old friendship needs to
be gradual, and Alec isn't taking any chances of having Dylan and I in
the same room together. Truthfully though, he doesn't have anything to
worry about. I think Dylan has his eye on a new girl.

More specifically, Violet.

Violet and Martin broke up a little while ago, when his parents divorced
and he was dragged to Minnesota to live with his Dad. She took it hard at
first, but it didn't take her long to get over him- knowing that what
they had was short and sweet, and it was bound to come to an end at some
point. Recently, Dylan and Violet have become quite close. She seems to
be leading him on a little bit, and it's probably the world's most
unlikely pair, but he seems happy. The two are going off to different
colleges however, so I don't think that he's going to do anything about
his feelings for her before the summer. In the most honest way possible,
I couldn't see it working out for long anyway.

Everybody is going to different colleges, and it breaks my heart to think

that I'm separating from all of my friends. The only consolation I have
is that they're all within half an hour's drive of each other. Violet is
headed to a small college to the east for her hairdressing course. Dylan
and Joe are going to a northern college. As for me, Alec and Chase? Well
we're all staying local, in a college just south of Lindale. Alec and I
are both going for the creative route- me design, and him movie
producing. This means that we're lucky enough to attend a college which
broadcasts all sorts of creative courses- matching both of our needs
perfectly. It's good to think that I'll have contact with at least two of
my friends there. I'll miss Violet like hell, but the short drive between
our colleges helps me to enforce my more optimistic view.

My senior year is halfway through already, and soon I know that I'll
have yet more finals to face. Somehow though, I'll make it through the
exams and I'll make it through college. I have Alec by my side in both.

Okay, I'm going to stop now before I puke at the cheesiness.

"Riley." My thoughts are interrupted as Alec tugs at my arm, willing me

towards the door where Joe and Natasha are waiting for us. "C'mon
daydreamer, we need to go to the party."

"Right," I nod, "The party. Let's go."

"Riley!" Matt greets me loudly, a grin spreading across his face. His
hand is locked into both of Marie's, and his cheeks are flushed with
happiness. "You didn't trip down the aisle!"

"Tell me about it," I agree with a laugh, "It's a freaking miracle!"

Since Matt arrived back in Lindale, everything has kind of changed for
the better. He got a job as a fireman, as Alec told me, and by the sounds
of it he's the happiest guy in the world. I'm not sure whether he
experienced any emotional trauma from his parole as a soldier, and Alec
doesn't know either, but he seems happy enough from day to day so we both
just leave it be. When Matt and I first met I was surprised about how
much he actually knew about me and he greeted me like we were old
friends. It turns out that Matt had been asking a few questions to Alec
and so proceeded to learn my entire life story. He also knew that I'm by
far one of the most unbalanced and clumsy people on this planet, and so
ever since I've met him we've had a bit of an inside joke that I'm going
to trip down the aisle on his wedding day. Matt is one of the nicest
people I've ever met, and he's so funny. Who knows? Maybe my own mom will
marry a guy like him one day. I really hope so.

"Hey Matt," Alec greets from beside me, squeezing my hand. "Did I ever
tell you about the time that Riley tripped over a-"

"Let's go," I hiss to Alec, interrupting him, before turning to Matt

with a courteous smile. "Congratulations Matt. You and Marie are made for
each other." I don't even give him a chance to do anything other than
grin, before I pull Alec away to our designated seats. The country club
is decorated up slightly differently to when I last saw it. The tables
and chairs in front of the bar have been grouped together to form a
collective horseshoe shape facing the stairs. The dance-floor has been
cleared, and everything is decorated with white ribbons and fairy lights.
In the dim lighting, it looks even more beautiful than when I last came

The tables are shielded with fresh white tablecloths, and orchid flowers-
matching the bunches that the bridal team carried. My place is sandwiched
between Natasha and Alec, who has taken his position next to Matt's best
man. A little further along, I can see my mom and Jack climbing into
their own seats, and even further are Dylan, Chase and Joe. They look
especially awkward in their tuxes, sipping from champagne glasses. On
every plate is a fortune cookie- a party favour as you have it. I think
that's an amazing idea for a wedding favour- it's so different to the
usual ones.

I turn to Alec, gesturing down at the fortune cookie. "Are you breaking
yours now?"

Alec frowns and picks his up to shake it. As if, somehow, that will give
him the answer. What an idiot. "Yeah, why not?" He cracks a smile. He
picks his up and breaks it- revealing a thin strip of white paper.

How can you have a beautiful ending without making beautiful mistakes?

Alec frowns at the words, before turning to look at me. "I did make my
fair share of mistakes when I was chasing after you, didn't I?"

Unable to think of anything to say, I just lean forward and peck him on
the lips.

"Now you open yours," He orders me. I shoot him an unimpressed look,
before I obediently crack mine open. Is it bad that I'm actually quite
nervous? What if I get a bad fortune? I pull out the slip of paper.

Your fortune is as sweet as a cookie.

"Huh," I smile, "That's a cute one."

"Do you want to know where I hid your bra?"

I come to attention immediately, head snapping round to look at Alec. I
nod eagerly.

"I hid it in the bottom of your wardrobe."

"What?" I ask confusedly, "My wardrobe?!"

"It's the one place you didn't think to look- in your own bedroom," Alec

"But what about when you first stole it? You ran out of my bedroom and
into yours," I frown, remembering, "It must have been in your bedroom
then. When did you put it back into mine?"

"After I'd stolen it," Alec tells me, "I hid it under my mattress, but I
knew you'd somehow find it at some point or other, so I waited for you to
leave your bedroom the day after. You, your mom and your brother were
coming over to meet us. Then I slipped in and chucked it at the back of
your wardrobe, where you wouldn't think to look. All I had to do then was
to get back into my own house and act surprised to see you." He shrugs.
"It's actually quite worrying how you didn't find it in four months."

Hey, in my defence, my wardrobe is a mess. The flooring of it is covered

with shoes and boxes of games from my childhood- it's no wonder I haven't
seen my Mickey Mouse bra in there.

"Does that mean that you hid my other bras there as well?" I look up at
him, and he smirks infuriatingly back down at me, taking a sip from his
glass of champagne. His tux is black and white with a grey tie to match
my dress. My fists clench in frustration- that damned bra was in my
wardrobe the entire time and I didn't know about it?! How stupid is he
making me look?

"No, your other bras were actually hidden under my mattress," Alec grins,
"But you were too busy getting distracted by me, laying on top of the
mattress looking like a sex god, to wonder what was underneath it." He
wriggles his eyebrows playfully, gaze darting around to see that the food
is going to be served soon. Marie and Matt are taking their designated
seats at the heads of the table.
"I don't believe it," I slap him, "You, you son of a barnacle!" My cheeks
flush red and I pout. I kind of want to swear at him, but I'm scared that
Matt and Marie will hear. I don't want to be shouting profanities at
their wedding dinner.

"You love me really," Alec smirks, leaning slightly closer.

He's got me there.


"I'd like to propose a toast," Matt stands up, clinking his fork gently
against his champagne glass. The conversation in the room falls quiet,
and we all turn up to look at him. He's stood proudly, his hand still
clasped in Marie's, and beaming at the people in the room. "To my
wonderful wife, and my new family. They've given me the fresh start that
I need, and it's been amazing to come home with them after my years at
war- to know that I've had something which I was fighting for. I saw
Marie every time I was nearby, but it was never enough. Coming home to a
family, and a beautiful fiancé made me realise who I am in this world. I
am Matthew Lee Hughes," He breaks out into a grin, glancing around at
Millie, Marie and Alec. "And I belong right here. Thank you all for
coming today, to witness what I deem as the best moment of my life."

Oh dear god, the tear ducts are going again.

I glance to the side, seeing that I'm not the only one. My hand is
clasped in Natasha's, and Marie...well I think she's having a full on
breakdown. Everybody raises their glass, and some even applause. Matt
sits back down again and instantly his lips meet hers. I avert my eyes
politely. A kiss with that much emotion, that much happiness should be
private. I feel like there shouldn't be an audience to it. I glance
around, and gladly, I see that most other people are averting their eyes
as well. There still are a few oglers (Dylan being one) but most people
are giving them the privacy they deserve, which I think they'll be
grateful for.

The next person to stand up is Rosa, the maid of honour and Marie's
sister. "We're all gathered today, to witness something that some people
don't even see in a lifetime," Rosa begins, "Raw, cherished and
unbelievable love. This pair have fought through thick and thin together
for five years, including the two that Matt was on parole for. Their love
is truly something worth fighting for, and they're both so lucky to have
each other that it makes my heart melt. Matt, I know you'll take good
care of my sister and her children. Marie, I want nothing but the best
for you, and Matt is it. Please can we all toast for the newlywed couple?
May their love be a beacon to us all." Marie raises her glass, and it
doesn't take long for everybody else to follow.

The best man next. Then the mother of the bride, Alec's grandma, who
frankly is too frail to stand up by herself. She leans on Rosa, and her
tiny withered face cracks into a full grin. "To the happy couple," She
begins, "I wish you all the best in life, and it's about damn time that
you two married. I've been waiting five years for this, and you sure know
how to keep an old lady hanging." She shoots Marie a look, and a chuckle
spreads round the audience. Alec's grandma is actually really funny.
"Matt will protect and provide for you and your family forever, I have no
doubt of that my girl. He's one in a million, as are you. This marriage
truly is a blessing over everyone." She raises her glass, before
carefully sitting back down again. I raise my glass, and alike some
others, a small cheer escapes my lips.

"I like your grandma," I grin at Alec. He rolls his eyes in reply, before
it's his own time to stand up. He picks up his glass and holds it high,
his demeanour screaming confidence and pride despite the amount of people
in the room looking at him.

"I promise this is the last speech of the night," He smirks, "I won't
make it too long. Now, if we could all raise a glass to my mom and my new
dad." He outstretches an arm. "Matt, you ticked all my boxes. You respect
my mom, you're great with Millie, and as much as I hate to admit it-
you're great with me too. It's been amazing to watch you make my mom the
happiest woman alive, and as I look into the future of our family with
you as a part of it- I see nothing but blue skies and frigging singing
birds. You, Matthew Lee Hughes, have been a part of our family for a long
time now. But today? Today we really see it. To Matt!" A clink of
glasses, and Alec sits back down again. I'm not going to lie, I'm amazed
by his confidence- the way that he's seemingly perfect in every single
way. Around us, everybody begins to chatter again, waiting for the
wedding cake to be cut.

Alec turns to me, raising his glass. "I'd like to propose another toast,"
He whispers quietly, "To mickey mouse underwear and gorgeous next door
neighbours. Without them, I wouldn't have found a love like this. I love
you Riley Greene, more than Mickey loves Minnie."

My heart flutters, and a deep red seeps into my cheeks. The way this boy
makes me feel day after day, for eight months now, is absolutely un-
"I'll raise my glass to that."

The bad boy stole my bra, and I couldn't be more grateful. Alec freaking
Ryder, you manipulative grasshole.


Stay tuned for bonus chapters, interviews and more information :) I love
you guys to the moon and back. #RILEC FOREVER :D

~Cherry_Cola_x <3<3<3

ᑕᕼᗩᖇᗩᑕTEᖇ IᑎTEᖇᐯIEᗯᔕ

1) Dear Riley, do you prefer Alec or his little sister?

ᖇIᒪEY: That's way too hard! I can't choose between them: I love them both
equally but in very different ways, thank god.

2) Dear Alec, what was your first reaction when you found out your
mom was engaged?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: I guess you're expecting me to say that I punched a wall or

something aren't you? Truthfully, I guess I was just shocked. It took me
a little while to digest the information, but after that I realised that
I probably should've expected it what with them being together for like
four years and all. Besides, it's not like Matt is a bad guy or anything.

3) Dear Author, if Kaitlin was alive in this book, who would you
ship her with?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: If Kaitlin were alive...I'd probably ship her with Chase, not
going to lie. I think she'd be really cute with him, because he'd be all
protective over her.

4) Dear Jack, what do you think about Millie?

ᒍᗩᑕK: Girls are gross...but her hair is pretty I guess.

5) Dear Chase, will you marry me?

ᑕᕼᗩᔕE: I'm not a commitment kind of guy, unfortunately for you, but I'm
definitely up for dates and one night stands if I can ever be of service.

6) Dear Alec, who exactly dared you to steal Riley's bra and what
was your reaction?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: Joe Travis dared me to steal the bra. We knew Riley was in that
room from her music playing earlier, and Joe thought it would be funny if
I went into her room (seeing as the window was open) and stole some of
her underwear. At first I was surprised, but then I realised how funny it
could actually be to see her reaction in the morning when she looked for
it, so I climbed through her window. Her clothes from the day were slung
across her desk chair, and conveniently her bra was on top so I just
grabbed it and started heading back to the window when she woke up. I had
to really rush then, but it was worth it in the end- her reaction was

7) Dear Toby, if you wanted Riley back then why would you help Tiana
humiliate her?

TOᗷY: When my mom came in and told me we'd be moving back to Lindale, my
first thought was that I could have another shot with Riley Greene- my
childhood sweetheart, and the one I stupidly betrayed. Evidently though,
when I arrived and attempted to befriend her again, that was not the
case. I was so livid when I found out that she'd told Alec all about her
past. Not only was I livid though, but I was also jealous. I decided in a
split second of anger that I'd tell Tiana everything- to get back at her.
If I told Tiana something so deep and personal about Riley, then that
would teach her for telling Alec. When I found out about Tiana's plan, I
was incredibly reluctant and she guessed that I would be. She only told
me what she was doing ten minutes before the lunch, because she knew that
I'd pull out if it wasn't a last minute decision. My act was not to get
Riley back, but to pay her back in a sense, although I went completely
out of line and I understand that now.

8) Dear Riley, are there any pranks which you've pulled on Alec
which we don't know about?

ᖇIᒪEY: Well, I finally managed to post that picture onto Facebook! The
one I took when I originally drew on Alec's face and humiliated him. That
picture got more likes than all of my profile pictures combined. Not only
that, but after I found all of my bras again, I decided to pay him back a
little more personally. Turns out that the bad boy wears superman boxers,
is all I can say.

9) Dear Author, how did you come up with this story?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: Well honestly, this is a bit of an anti-climax answer. I wasn't

particularly searching or mind-mapping for a plot and a story idea, it
just kind of came to me one night. I came up with the title first, and
then I decided I quite liked the sound of the plot so I began planning.
I'd wanted to upload something to Wattpad for quite a while, and this was
one of the first ideas that I came up with which I felt comfortable and
confident uploading. It was a random idea, completely out of the blue,
but it's made me the happiest girl alive!

10) Dear Millie, how do you feel about Riley and Alec?

ᗰIᒪᒪIE: I love Riley, and Alec is her prince charming! I wish he'd stop
eating her face all the time though. I tell him to stop otherwise Riley
will break up with him because he's a bully, and Santa will put him on
the naughty list but he won't listen. Riley comes over all the time now
though, which is amazing because she's the only one who plays Barbie with
me anymore. I want Alec to marry her so that she can be my sister and we
can play Barbie all the time.

11) Dear Joe, when did you start liking Natasha?

ᒍOE: I'm not quite sure, but I guess it was on the day when Riley was at
Natasha's for the first time and we were having the water fight. That was
when I first became consciously aware that I had a crush on her. I mean,
we've been friends growing up and I'd never thought of her in anything
but friendly way before then. It's difficult to make that transition
between someone you've known your entire life and a love interest, but on
that day it just suddenly came to me that the feelings I was getting
towards her were anything but plutonic.

12) Dear Alec, what was your first impression of Riley and when did you
realise you loved her?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: My first impression of Riley when I saw her peeking at me through

the curtains was that she was pretty but geeky as well. I thought she'd
be the kind of girl who vowed never to have anything to do with me and
would cross to the other side of the road whenever I came near. I was
used to that type from my old school- the kind who avoided me like I was
some kind of delinquency disease. She surprised me though, that night
when she chased me up to the window and started yelling. I didn't expect
her to have so much fire in her, and I know now that she's nothing like
what I first expected which I'm infinitely glad about.

13) Dear Dylan, why did you kiss Riley even though you knew Alec liked

ᗪYᒪᗩᑎ: In some ways, I don't even know why I did it. It was a heat of
the moment kind of thing- I had a crush on her, and she was standing
right in front of me in the surf with the wind blowing her curls wildly
around her face. We all suspected that Alec liked her, and we knew it
would only be a matter of time before he realised, but in that specific
second I felt unbelievably selfish. I was fed up with Alec having a life
that was so much more perfect in comparison to mine. He had and still has
a family that he sees every day, and he'd only recently started school
and yet he was already the king. I was too selfish to give up the
opportunity to kiss Riley when he was still unsure of whether he even
liked her or not in the first place. I needed to give it a shot- to know
whether I had a chance with this girl, and so I did. As for why I asked
her out again, even after she rejected me, well I guess that was just my
desperation shining through.

14) Dear Author, why aren't you doing a sequel? Are you doing another
book instead?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: It has been announced that I'm not doing a sequel, and so many
of you have been curious as to why. I guess the answer to that is that
I'd quite like TBBSMB to be short and sweet. In its current state, the
book is unique and engaging and I could be risking that if I wrote a
sequel simply by extending the plot. I'd prefer for the story to end on a
one book high, rather than drag it on and risk it getting boring. I'm so
happy with the way I've written this book, and it's the first time I've
truly felt quite confident in my writing. This is the reason that I'm
writing a completely new book altogether. I'm planning it at the moment,
and hopefully the synopsis will released soon. Until then, my lips are
sealed, sorry guys.

15) Dear Tiana- In what way would you like to be murdered- slow and
painful torture, bullet in the head, knife to the heart, poison or buried

TIᗩᑎᗩ: Those aren't very good options.

16) Dear Riley, was it love at first sight?

ᖇIᒪEY: No. I'm sorry for all you hopeless romantics out there, but I
don't believe in love at first sight. There was an attraction there,
definitely, but only an exterior one. Love at first sight indicates that
you're falling in love with someone for their physical appearance and not
their personality, and I don't believe that to be true love. I thought
Alec was attractive, definitely, but I wasn't in love with him from that
very second. It was something that built up over time as I got to know
him more.

17) Dear Jack, can we play Mario kart together? I bet I can beat you.

ᒍᗩᑕK: No way can you beat me! I'm awesome at Mario Kart.

18) Dear Alec, have you spoken to your Dad?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: Unfortunately, yes, I've spoken to him a few times recently. I

don't particularly enjoy having him in my life at the moment, but I know
I'll regret it if I don't. Even though I hate how he's made no attempt
for proper contact all these years, he's still my Dad. I don't have to
like him, but I do love him.

19) Dear Chase- who is your favourite? Joe, Alec or Dylan?

ᑕᕼᗩᔕE: Awe I'm sorry Dylan and Alec mates, but Joe and me are meant to
be. #Jase forever man.
20) Dear Author, how can I get my own Alec Ryder?

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: So many have you guys have asked me this, so I thought that I'd
finally release my recipe to your very own Alec Ryder. Without further
ado, here are the ingredients:

200g of sweetness

500g of cockiness

20 pick-up lines, diced

A dash of abs and cerulean blue eyes

150g of hotness

1 tablespoon of vanilla and cologne

And finally a splash of grasshole

Simply blend them all together, add in some model-like qualities and
there you have it. Enjoy.

21) Dear Violet, when you heard the rumour about Alec and Tiana what
did you want to do to him?

ᐯIOᒪET: I wanted to cut of his fingers and slice them thinly, before deep
frying them in butter and making him eat them. Then I might have just
plucked out every single one of his hairs one by one with a pair of
tweezers. Bet he wouldn't look like a sex god then. Finally I wanted to
hang him from his earlobes on a bridge, with a testicle-eating
infestation of sharks in the river below. Of course, that's only the
beginning of what I want to do to Tiana right now.

22) Dear Alec, do you have a (preferably single) twin?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: I think if I did then I'd definitely be the more attractive twin.
It depends on whether you're willing to settle for second best, really.

23) Dear Tiana, do you regret the abortion?

TIᗩᑎᗩ: don't know. That decision was by far the biggest
I've ever had to make in my life, and probably will continue to be the
biggest for quite some time. I hate myself for what I did, but I can't
quite bring myself to regret it. I'm a smart girl, believe it or not, and
one stupid mistake could have cost me the future that I'd spent so long
mapping out for myself.
Dear Author, are any of the characters in this book based on people you

ᗩᑌTᕼOᖇ: Some, yes. I have a friend called Jack who reminds me exactly of
the boy in the book, although I didn't consciously realise the
resemblance until recently. Millie reminds me of my little cousin,
definitely. My pretty much exactly like Ruby Greene. As for
Alec, Dylan, Chase and Joe I'm going to have to say no. I wish I was that
lucky to have boys like that in reality!

24) Dear Alec, how do you plan on proposing to Riley in the future and
can I be invited to the wedding?

ᗩᒪEᑕ: Proposing? Jeez, we're thinking far ahead: I'm only seventeen! I
guess...well I wouldn't want it too cliché. I'd want it personal and
light hearted, like implanting the ring into one of her bra cups or
something...I don't know, I honestly want to leave it until after college
is over and we can settle down properly. As for inviting you to the
wedding though, I'd have to say yes. How would I cope without seeing your
gorgeous face in the audience?

I really hope you enjoyed the interview! I'm so sorry that I couldn't
answer everybody's questions, but there were so many. These were amongst
the most popular ones :) Vote/Comment/Fan as always!

*~* Bonus Chapter *~*

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?" I sigh dramatically, a smile pulling at my lips. Even

after four years, Alec still continues to throw his pick-up lines at me
constantly. No doubt this one will be cheesy, sweet and somehow sexual
all at the same time: just like Alec. He tends to use them on me when we
have our odd fall outs: he knows I can't resist it, despite how dorky the
action is.


"Marry who?" My heart starts to beat a little faster in my chest. We're

sat by the old train line, facing the Lindale scenery yet again. It's our
last day here before we're moving in together a few towns over. We
recently graduated from university, and we're saying goodbye to our old
houses and town in replacement for somewhere fresh. Today is our last
night before the big move, and we wanted to say goodbye to our little
spot before we went. I'll miss this town so much, I have so many memories
here. The thing is, I know I'm going to be making even more new ones with
the boy sat to my left. Alec Hughes-Ryder.

"Marry me?" Alec smiles, and a rush of butterflies explode in my chest.

His cerulean blue eyes sparkle as he looks down at me, a loose ebony curl
hanging over his forehead. This is it, he's proposing! My eyes begin to
water as I stare at him, my cheeks aching painfully at the size of the
smile on my face. I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to marry
the boy who stole my bra. He grins at me as he produces a small velvet
jewellery box, and leans down onto one knee...

"Ow, shit, that was a thorn!" Alec jumps up suddenly, cursing profanities
under his breath and wincing as he clutches his knee painfully. I begin
to laugh at this. Of course Alec's romantic gesture would be ruined by
something as stupid as a thorn.

"Stay still you big baby," I chuckle, grabbing his leg to steady him. I
pull the thorn out quickly, ignoring his dramatically pained cries and
collapse back to the grass, breathless from the laughter. Alec is asking
me to marry him. I turn to face him, a small smile on my face. "Please

Alec smirks and clambers over my legs to sit on them, straddling me

effectively and pinning me to the floor. Even now, he still has the power
to make me blush like a preteen girl. "Riley Greene," He leans forward to
press a kiss to my nose, "I promise to support you in everything you do
for the rest of our lives. I am who I am because of you, and I love you
so much that I can't describe. You are every reason, every hope and every
dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future,
every day with you is the greatest in my life. Will you do me the honours
of marrying me?"

I look up at him with sparkling eyes. "Yes," I promise, leaning in to

seal the deal with a kiss.

I snap to attention at the sound of the doors opening in front of me.
It's time. The Bride's time to enter. Jack's grip tightens in the crook
of my arm, and I release a shaky breath. The day I've dreamt about my
entire life is here. I'm about to become somebody's wife. I hear the
music beginning to play, and the white doors are fully opened at last. In
front of me, a long aisle carpeted in crimson leads the way to Alec.
Giant white flowers line the aisle and drape down from the high ceiling
of the room, the pungent pure smell of them lingering in the air. People
stand up as they see me, but I ignore them all. This is it. My wedding

I take my first step out into the aisle, a smile springing to my lips.
Every step forward seems to get a little easier, a little less nervous,
until I have to restrain from dancing down the aisle instead. My lace
train flows behind me, disobediently catching on loose threads of the
carpet. My eyes scan the audience, all watching me with wide, awed eyes.
Violet. Joe. Natasha. Dylan. Chase. My mom. I blow her a small kiss and
she sends a flurry back at me, tears bright in her eyes. I've reached the
first row.

I've reached the step.

"I love you so much baby brother," I say, kissing Jack on the top of the
head. He nods and smiles at me, before unlatching my arm from his and
handing my hand to Alec. Alec's hand is warm and reassuring and I look
into Alec's eyes and suddenly any little insecurity or nerve disappears.
I love this boy, and he loves me back: what room for doubt is there? His
eyes sparkle and he leans in to kiss me on the cheek, fluttering my
eyelids shut. With hands clasped, we make those last two steps between us
and the place we're going to be married: the altar.

I'm going to marry the boy who stole my bra.

It's not long, but it's sweet and it's what you guys asked for. This is
the end of TBBSMB now- I'm going to mark it as completed. I'm so happy
that so many of you enjoyed my story, and I'm pleased to inform you that
I'm working on my next one now. Hopefully the synopsis will be released
in a few weeks, and I think you guys will like it :)

Happy writing,

Lauren xox <3

The synopsis to my new story is out now :) It's called...

I almost killed my crush's mom.

If you like the sound of it, please make sure to check it out!

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