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Cool tips for saving Energy:

1. Turn off unnecessary lights. Change to energy efficient LED bulbs.

2. Use natural light. A single south facing window can illuminate 20 times its area.

3. Use task lighting whenever necessary.

4. Turn water off after lab work or washing hands.

5. Unplug unused electronics.

6. Shut curtains and close doors.

7. Do not frequently close and open doors in air conditioning space.

8. Set your thermostat at 25degree centigrade for air-condition space.

9. Energy efficient window treatments or coverings such as blinds, shades and films can slash heat
gain when temperatures rise.

10. Set your refrigerator temperature to the manufacturer's recommendation to avoid excessive
cooling and wasting energy.

11. Turn off the oven a few minutes before cooking time runs out. Your food will continue to cook
without using the extra electricity.

12. Don't leave your computer on all day long. Only turn on your computer, monitor, printer and fax
machine when you need them.

13. Don't peek in the oven while baking! Every time you peek, the temperature drops 25° F, making
your oven use more energy to bring the temperature back up.

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