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Leo las siguientes oraciones y las identifico en el tiempo presente que representan escribiéndolo en frente de
la oración

You work very hard.

You are working very hard.

He is playing in the park.

I have worked in that firm for many years.

We have loved each other for twenty years.

They are selling books there.

She likes to sit in the sun.

He watches his son in the park.

They have completed the project.

I have cooked something special for you.

We always try to arrive on time.

They are playing chess.

The boy is crying because his toy is broken.

I have worked for my uncle.

She does the work of two people. (

The dog chases the cat all around the house.

She has finished her homework.

She reads the newspaper every day.

He is speaking German.

The plane is leaving the airport.

We come to school by bus.

They are playing in the park.

She is doing the work of two people.

I have to go, we have talked for more than two hours.

We have visited them once a week for the last year

He has returned my car at last.

It has rained once a week for the last month.

He always walks to school.

She is reading the newspaper in the living room.

We play in the park every day.

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