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Sarah Jett

Philosophy Paper

MEDT 6575

October 10, 2019


As I have lived and worked as an educator for seven years, I believe that the

purpose of education is to create lifelong learners who are capable of managing through

new and challenging situations effectively. Education is meant to prepare students and

teach them strategies to be successful and happy in life- which can look a variety of

ways. Students need to learn how to find happiness and success in their future, whether

that be academics, career, family, or life. I believe that education is a championship

football team. A successful football team has many roles all working towards one

common role. Each role contains their own strengths, but they work and practice

together as a unit, to work towards one goal- to win.

Teacher’s Role

Every team needs a coach. This is a person who makes decisions, leads from

experience, and also sees and works from the big picture. In education, the teacher is

the coach. Teachers make a plan of action each week, a lesson plan, all with the

strengths and weaknesses of the individuals in mind. Coaches and teachers also set

productive goals. Hensen (2010) states that “without any long-range goals, educators

may get a lot done, may make good time through the teaching process and yet be lost”.

Like a coach, a teacher models, constructs, and facilitates the practice each week.
Teachers must know the strengths of their students and use that to their advantage,

much like a coach uses the strengths of their players on the field. These teachers

prepare students for the obstacles they might face on the field and they do their best to

prepare them for these challenges by utilizing the player’s strengths and building their

confidence. This is also exactly what a great teacher does for students.

Student’s Role

Without students, education in its current state would be nonexistent. This would

be the same for a football team if there were no players. Both have these groups are at

the focal point. Education centers around the students. Football centers around the

players. Students must also practice and work on their weaknesses in order to grow

stronger and more confident and competent. This practice is essential to their success.

Students must also learn to navigate the challenges and obstacle that come their way,

much like players do when on the field. Players have ownership of the success of the

team, just as students have ownership of their learning. They are the individuals that

must be held accountable for their own success.

Family’s Role

In education, the families of students are the number one supports, just like the

fan base is for a football team. A championship football team has committed and crazed

fans. They will always support a team, even in the least successful moments. Families

do the same for students. Even when a student fails, families are there to support them

and cheer them on towards their next victory. They cheer for them always, proudly and

openly encourage them to others, and will be by their side not matter what. Both also

exhibit the need for problem solving, which is a skill students need to learn to be
successful in real life. All discipline areas at a variety of levels and stages exemplify

problem-solving activity (Heller, 2007). The family and the fans both provide

unconditional support when things get tough, helping them tackle their challenges with

confidence and support.

Community’s Role Team sponsors

A community provides financial support and real-world connections for a student

much like team sponsors provide this support for a football team. Each provides support

from a distance, while still being invested in the success of the entity. Not one player or

one student is being supported, but rather the success of the group as a whole. These

groups create the environment for the individuals in a real world setting, and have the

best interest of the group in mind.

Technology’s Role

Technology serves the same role for students as the facilities and equipment do

for football players. Students can learn with basic supplies, like players can play with

basic equipment, but the better the resources in both cases, the better the performance

and opportunities will be. A player with the best equipment, facility, and resources are

often faced with better opportunities and success than those without. This is the same

for students. Those who have access to the best technology are presented with better

learning opportunities and are often more college and career ready.


Therefore, as I see it, the purpose of education is to give students the skillset to

tackle challenges and learn to be lifelong learners. To accomplish this purpose, it is

helpful to think of education as a championship football team. As a successful team

relies on coaches, players, fans, sponsors, and equipment, a successful education

relies on teachers, students, family members, community members, and technological

use. In both cases, success is dependent on each doing its part.


Heller, D. A. (2007). Curriculum on the edge of survival: How schools fail to prepare

students for membership in a democracy. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Henson, J. R. (2010). Curriculum planning: Integrating multiculturalism, constructivism,

and education reform. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

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