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Why I got my bird a Boyfriend bird

(Comedy Fiction)
By James T Factor Jr.

Before I Tell you my epic story about how I got my bird named “Mango” a bird boyfriend called
“Blueberry” I will tell you about my household.Back Then I was a little piece of S#@h to
everyone also my parents, both of them was a big pile of S@*h to everyone even the neighbor’s
dog,fish, and even the kids online and worst their vibe was was on par with a smell of a barn
yard in a hot summer. Now let us start, I wanted a bird Boyfriend for my bird “Mango” she/he
was a pain in the a$$ to take care of but the nicest in my household, beside my sister “Jordan”.
So my Quote on Quote 'ingenious’ idea was to get a Boyfriend Bird for my other bird so I ask my
parents to get and Boyfriend bird for our very lonely bird(Mango) and explaining my reason to
get the lonely bird(Mango) a boyfriend so the lonely bird(Mango) to have a taste of her own
medicine. They Both said, “Ok But give us a website that prove your claim.”, so I spend minutes
online finding a somewhat of a good website to help me prove my point. About five minutes later
I saw the website “​​” It showed me why a bird Boyfriend is important.
Days later I made a presentation on Google slide telling my parents how and why it’s important
to get a boyfriend bird for Mango, after some time and a little black-mailing they got me a bird
for Christmas and to this day they're still together forever.

Does adding Bird friend for your lonely bird is beneficial or Not.
A team of reachers from The StudyDome, Alabama,USA. Ask 10,001 Bird owners if adding a
Bird friend help the lonely bird is a good idea. Around 94% of people said yes it was beneficial
to have a partner especially when you out from work. One person named Tom said, “When I’m
out my bird was very lonely. So lonely my pet bird named “Peanut” plucked out his own feathers
to get attention but when I added a friend called “Jelly” it stopped and they’re happy together.
Then months laters Peanut got pregnant and Blame Jelly for not using protection but it worked
out in the end.”. How ever the 6% said now it was not beneficial, some would say, “A large
amount of time, money, and work to maintain.” Another person named Jerry said to us, “No it’s
not helpful at all. It was like having a big bamboo stick up your legs, it was not enjoyable to feel
every minute, I already have three children to take care of adding another problem only made it
worse. Sometimes I heard the Birds doing BirdFix and Chill, they're so nosey while in their
home. Overall not a good time.

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