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The Closed Form Solution of the Inverse

Kinematics of a 6-DOF Robot

Mustafa Jabbar Hayawi

Computer Science Department
Education College
Thi - Qar University

The kinematics of manipulator is a central problem in the

automatic control of robot manipulators. Theoretical background of
the analysis of the MA-2000 educational robot arm kinematics is
presented in this paper. The revolute robot consists of six rotary
joints (6-DOF) with base, shoulder, elbow, wrist pitch, wrist yaw
and wrist roll. The kinematics problem is defined as transformation
from the cartesian space to the joint space. The Denavit-
Harbenterg (D-H) model of representation is used to model robot
links and joints in this study. Both forward and inverse kinematics
solutions for this robot are presented. Four sets of exact solution
for the vector of the joint angles {  i } pertaining to the inverse
kinematics problem of a MA-2000 robot with two different kinds of
gripper configurations. An effective method is suggested to
decrease multiple solutions in inverse kinematics.

Keyword: Forward kinematics robot, inverse kinematics robot,

closed form solution

A serial link manipulator consists of a sequence of
mechanical links connected together by actuated joints. Such a
structure forms a kinematics chain and may be analyzed by
methods developed by Denavite and Hartenberg (D-H)[1]. The
results of this analysis are the matrix equations expressing
manipulator end-effector Cartesian position and orientation in
terms of the joint coordinates. These equations may be obtained
for any manipulator independent of the number of links or degree
of freedom.
The problem of the inverse kinematics for robot manipulators
has always been a challenging problem in their design. Essentially,
the problem is to find the vector of the joint angles, say for an n-
axis revolute manipulator, given the position and orientation of the
end- effector or the gripper [2].
Piper and Roth[3], were the first to derive a set of solutions
for a number of special robot manipulators. They also devoted a
portion of their work to the iterative type algorithms to numerically
solved the inverse kinematics problem. Lumelsky [4] presented
iterative solutions for the inverse kinematics problem for one type
of a robot manipulator. Paul and Mayer [5] presented the basis for
all advanced manipulator control which is relationship between the
Cartesian coordinates of the end-effector and manipulator joint
coordinate. Dieh, Z. [6] proposed a closed form solution algorithm
for solving the inverse position and orientation problem for the
NASHI-750 robot by imposing a castrating condition to the problem
and projection the tool frame on subspace of the robot. Duffy [7]
further found some special geometric manipulators, which can
solve the same problem analytically. Since then, many methods
have been presented to solve the IK problem.

2.Coordinate frame:
A serial link manipulator consists of a sequence of links
connected together by actuated joints. For n-degrees of freedom
manipulator, there will be n-links and n-joints. The base of the
manipulator is link “0” and is not considered one of the six links.
Link “1” is connected to the base link by joint ”1”. There is not joint
at the end of the final link. The only significance of links is that they
maintain a fixed relationship between the manipulator joints at
each end of the link. Any link can be characterized by two
dimensions. The common normal distance “ai“ and” αi “the angle
between the axes in a plane perpendicular to ai .It is customary to
call ai ”the length” and αi “the twist” of the link (see Fig.-1).
Generally, two links are connected at each joint axis.
The axis will have two normal connected to it, one for each
link. The relative position of two such connected links is given by di
“the distance between the normal along the joint n-axis and θi the
angle between the normal measured in a plane normal to the
Fig. -1: Link parameter d, a, α and θ

The coordinates for the generalized link coordinate system are

chosen as follows:
1. Numbering:
Number the joints from 1 to n starting with the base and
ending with tool Yaw, Pitch and Roll in that order.
2- Base frame:
Assign a right-handed orthonormal coordinate frame O0 to

the robot base, making sure that Z 0 aligns with the axis of joint 1.
Set i=1

3- Z i Axis

Align Z i with the axis of joint i+1
4- Oi Origin:
 

If Z i  Z i 1 then
Locate Oi at the point of intersection.

Locate Oi at the intersection of Z i with a common normal

between Z i

and Z i 1 .
End if

5- X i Axis:
 

If Z i // Z i 1 then
 
Point X i away from Z i 1
  
Establish X i perpendicular on both Z i and Z i 1 .
End if

6- Y i Axis:

Establish Y i to from a right handed orthonormal coordinate frame.
7- Decision:
Set i=i+1
If i < n then
Go to step 3
Go to step 8
End if
8- Tool frame:
- Locate On at the tool tip.

with the approach vector a .

- Align Z n


- Align Y n with the sliding vector

with the normal vector n .

- Align X n

constitute a minimally d i ,  i ,  i , a i The four parameters ( )

sufficient set to determine the kinematics configuration of each link
d i , i , a i
of the robotic arm.
Note that for a plane revolute joint, generally ( ) are
all constant while θi varies as link i rotate about the axis of joint i.
on the other hand, for a prismatic joint (  i , i , ai ) are constant while
Thus, d varies as link i slides along the axis of joint i.
 i and ai i
depend for both cases are generally constant and
on the design of the robot. Once the Denavit-Harbenterg (D-H)
coordinate system for each link is established a homogenous
transformation matrix can be easily developed relating the i-th
coordinate frame to the (i-1)th coordinate frame. The following
homogenous transformation matrices:
1- joint variable qi:
set i=1
qi   i  i  (1   i ) d i

1 joint i revolute
i 
0 joint i prismatic

2- HTM’s of two adjacent frames:

From the HTM’s between two adjacent link frames by
substituting the link parameters from the link parameter table into:

Ci  Si Ci Si S i ai Ci 

S Ci Ci  Ci Ci ai Si 
i 1
Ti (q )   i
0 S i Ci di 
 
0 0 0 1 
3- Decision:
Set i=i+1
If i  n then
Go to step 1
Got to step 4
End if

4- Manipulator matrices:
The wrist matrix: TWrist (q ) 0 T3 (q3 ) 0 T1 (q1 )1T2 (q 2 ) 2 T3 (q3 )

The hand matrix: TTool (q ) 3Tn (q ) 3T4 (q 4 ) 4 T5 (q5 ).........n 1 Tn (q n )
TTool (q) Base TWrist (q) Wrist TTool (q ) 0 Tn (q n )
The arm matrix:

Kinematics equations:
The task of a robot usually specified in Cartesian space
coordinate, X T (Cartesian position and orientation of the tool
frame T relative to a fixed frame 0), the controllers require joint
space coordinate  , to control the motion of the robot. Therefore,
coordinate transformation from one space to another is important.
Such transformations are often referred to as forward (direct) and
inverse kinematics. The forward kinematic problem transforms on
one side, joint space coordinate  , into task space coordinate, X T
, via nonlinear transforms, f , determine by the homogenous
transformation matrices TT ,such that [9].
X T  f ( )

0  0 RT 0
PT 
TT   T 
 03 1 

Where 0 T0 is zero vector, 0TT is homogenous transformation

0 0
matrix, RT and PT are the rotation matrix and position vector of
frame T relative to frame 0, respectively.
The description of the end-effector, link coordinate frame 6, with
respect to link coordinate frame n-1 is given by Un:
U n  An An 1 ........A6
The position and orientation of the end-effector respect to
base, known as T6 is given by U1:
T6  U 1  A1 * A2 * A3 * A4 * A5 * A6
 0 R6 0
P6 
 T 
 03 1 
For the first version of MA-2000 educational robot, we
consider the gripper axis of motion to be co directional with the
axis of wrist roll (Fig.-2). For the second version of this same robot
we consider the gripper axis of motion to be perpendicular to the
axis of wrist roll (Fig.-3).

A. First case:
Consider (Fig.-2) we can construct the following table for the
joint parameter (Table- 1).

Z2 Y2
Y3 a3
X5 Y5 Y4
Y6 X6 X3
Y1 a2



Fig-2: Link frame assignment for MA-2000 Robot with first version
of gripper.

Joint i i ai di
1 1 90 0 d1
2 2 0 a2 0
3 3 0 a3 0
4 4 90 a4 0
5 5 90 0 0
6 6 0 0 d6

Table-1 : joint parameter for 6-DOF robot with first version

C1 0 S1 0
S 0  C1 0 
T1   1
0 1 0 d1 
 
0 0 0 1
C 2  S2 0 a2C2 
S C2 0 a 2 S 2 
T2   2
0 0 1 0 
 
0 0 0 1 

C 3  S3 0 a3C 3 
S C3 0 a3 S 3 
T3   3
0 0 1 0 
 
0 0 0 1 

C 4 0 S4 a4C4 
S 0  C4 a 4 S 4 
T4   4
0 1 0 0 
 
0 0 0 1 

C 5 0 S5 0
S 0  C5 0
T5   5
0 1 0 0
 
0 0 0 1

C 6  S6 0 0
S C6 0 0 
T6   6
0 0 1 d6 
 
0 0 0 1
Multiplying the matrices T1 through T6 and setting the result equal
to T6 yields the following twelve equations for the determination of
the vector of the joint angle.
n x  C1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
nY  S1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
n Z   S 234 C 5 C 6  C 234 S 6
o x  C1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
o x   S1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
o Z  S 234 C 5 C 6  C 234 S 6
a x  C1C 234 S 5  S1C 5
aY  S1C 234 S 5  C1C 5
a Z  S 234 S 5
p x  C1 (d 6 S 5 C 234  a 4 C 234  a 2 C 2  a3 C 23 )  S1C 5 d 6
p y  S1 (d 6 S 5 C 234  a 4 C 234  a 2 C 2  a3 C 23 )  S1C 5 d 6
p Z  d1  d 6 S 234 S 5  a3 S 23  a 2 S 2  a 4 S 234

Multiplying Eq.(24) by C1 and Eq.(23) by S1 and substituting the

resulting equations, as the following is obtained:
C1 0 p y 6  S1 0 p x 6  d 6 C 5
Multiplying Eq.(20) by S1 and Eq.(21) by C1 and substituting the
resulting equations, as the following is obtained:
C 5  C1 a y  S1 a x
From Eqs.(26 and 27) ,we can obtain:
C1 0 p y 6  S1 0 p x 6  d 6 C1 a y  d 6 a x S1
.. (28)
1  a tan 2(( p y  d 6 a y ), ( p x  d 6 a x )
From eq(27), hence,
S 5   1  C 52
 5  a tan 2( S 5 , C 5 )
Now multiplying Eq.(20) by C1 and Eq.(21) by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yields:
S 5 C 234  (a x C1  a y S1 )
From Eq.(22) and Eq.(32) find that:
 234  a tan 2( a z , (a x C1  a y S1 ))
for  5 > 0
 234   234   for  5 < 0
Multiplying Eq.( 23) by C1 and Eq.(24) by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yields:
P1  C1 p x 6  S1 p y 6  d 6 S 5 C 234  a 4 C 234
P1  a 2 C 2  a3 C 23
Rearranging eq.(25) yields:
P2   p z 6  d1  d 6 S 5 S 234  a 4 S 234
P2  a3 S 23  a 2 S 2
Thus, from eqs.(35) and (36) we find:
a3 C 23  P1  a 2 C 2
a3 S 23  P2  a 2 S 2
Hence from Eqs(37) and (38) we have:
a32  ( P1  a 2 C 2 ) 2  ( P2  a 2 S 2 ) 2
Which yield the following:
P12  P22  a 22  a32
P1C 2  P2 S 2  N
2a 2
Then it clearly follows that:
 2  a tan 2( P2 , P1 )  a tan 2( P12  P22  N , N )

Consequently from (37) and (38):

 23  a tan 2( P2  a 2 S 2 , P1  a 2 C 2 )
 3   23   2
and finally,
 4   234   23
Multiplying Eq.( 15) by C1 and Eq.(14) by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yields:
S 5 C 6  n y C1  n x S1
Multiplying Eq.( 17) by S1 and Eq.(18) by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yields:
S 5 S 6  (o x S 1  o yC 1 )
 6  a tan 2((o x S1  o y C1 ), (n y C1  n x S1 )) for  5  0
... (47)
6  6   for  5  0
... (48)
These are the complete solutions for the inverse kinematics 5  0
problem of a robot when (nondegenerate).
one of  5  0, n If S5=0( ) the arm geometry becomes
essentially a degenerate kind because  234 becomes
 234  k arbitrary based on Eq.(22). For the sake of
calculation let us assume that

1  a tan 2(( p y  d 6 a y ), ( p x  d 6 a x )
… (49)
 2  a tan 2( P2 , P1 )  a tan 2( P12  P22  N , N )
… (50)
 23  a tan 2( P2  a 2 S 2 , P1  a 2 C 2 )
 3   23   2
 4  k   23
… (53)
5  0
… (54)
From Eqs.(16) and (19) and further yield:
C 6  n z S 234 C 5  o z C 234
... (55)
S 6  o z S 234 C 5  n z C 234
 6  a tan 2( S 6 , C 6 )
… (57)
These are complete solutions for one of the degenerate case of a
robot with a gripper of the first case.

B. Second case:
Consider (Fig.-3) we can construct the following table for the joint
parameter (Table-2).


Z2 Y2
Y3 a3
X5 Y5 Y4
Z6 X6 X3
Y1 a2



Fig-3: Link frame assignment for MA-2000 Robot with second

version of gripper.

Joint  i i ai di
1 1 90 0 d1
2 2 0 a2 0
3 3 0 a3 0
4 4 90 a4 0
5 5 90 0 0
6 6 90 0 d6
Table-2: joint parameter for 6-DOF robot with second version

Now bases on above table the homogenous transformation

matrices will be the same as before expect for T6 which becomes:
C 6 0 S6 0
S 0  C6 0 
T6   6
0 1 0 d6 
 
0 0 0 1
… (59)
The homogenous transformations of the end-effector to the base
can be multiplying the above six matrices and setting the results
equal to 0T6:
n x  C1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
nY  S1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6
n Z   S 234 C 5 C 6  C 234 S 6

o x  C1C 234 S 5  S1C 5

o y  S1C 234 S 5  C1C 5
o Z  S 234 S 5

a x  C1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  S1 S 5 S 6

a x  C1 (C 234 C 5 C 6  S 234 S 6 )  C1 S 5 S 6
a Z  S 234 C 5 S 6  C 234 C 6

p x  C1 (d 6 S 5 C 234  a 4 C 234  a 2 C 2  a3 C 23 )  S1C 5 d 6

p y  S1 (d 6 S 5 C 234  a 4 C 234  a 2 C 2  a3 C 23 )  S1C 5 d 6
p Z  d1  d 6 S 234 S 5  a3 S 23  a 2 S 2  a 4 S 234

Note that the structures of these equations are similar to the

structure of previous (Eqs.(14) through (25)) except that the roles
of o-vector and the roles of a-vector are exactly replaced
respectively by.
1  a tan 2(( p y  d 6 a y ), ( p x  d 6 a x )
… (72)
 2  a tan 2( P2 , P1 )  a tan 2( P12  P22  N , N )
 23  a tan 2( P2  a 2 S 2 , P1  a 2 C 2 )
 3   23   2
Multiplying eq.(63) by S1 and eq.(64) by C1,
C 5  S1o x  C1o y
S 5   1  C 52
 5  a tan 2( S 5 , C 5 )
Now multiplying eq.(63)by C1 and eq.(64)by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yield:
S 5 C 234  o x C1  o y S1
From eq.(65) and eq.(76) find that:
 234  a tan 2(o z , (o x C1  o y S1 ))
for  5  0
 234   234   for  5  0
 4   234   23
Multiplying eq.(60) by C1 and eq.(61) by S1 and adding the
resulting equations yield:
S 5 C 6  n y C1  n x S1
Multiplying eq.(66) by S1 and eq.(67) by C1 and adding the
resulting equations yield:
S 5 S 6  a x S1  a y C1
 6  a tan 2( S 6 , C 6 ) for  5  0
6  6   for  5  0
These are complete solutions for inverse kinematics problem of a
 5  0 . For the
degenerate case  5  0, n robot for
we find that: when ( ) and assume (  234  k ),
1  a tan 2(( p y  d 6 a y ), ( p x  d 6 a x )
 2  a tan 2( P2 , P1 )  a tan 2( P12  P22  N , N )
 23  a tan 2( P2  a 2 S 2 , P1  a 2 C 2 )
 3   23   2
 4  k   23
5  0
From eqs.(62) and (68) and further yield:
C 6   n z S 234 C 5  a z C 234
.. (90)
S 6  a z S 234 C 5  n z C 234
 6  a tan 2( S 6 , C 6 )
These are complete solutions for one of the degenerate case of a
robot with a gripper of the second case.
Results and discussion:
An analysis technique was introduced to reduce the multiple
solutions in inverse kinematics. Forward and inverse kinematics
solution are generated and implemented by program (Fig.4). For
the numerical confirmation of the exact solutions the following
procedure has been adopted. First the values of the structure of a
robot a 2 , a3 , a 4 , d1 , d 6 and  i are specified (Table-3). Then a set of  i ’s
are chosen to calculate position and orientation of the end effector
by forward kinematics. The values of the attitude matrix are then
employed to calculate the joint angles by inverse kinematics. The
inverse kinematics problem is solved by closed form solution
because the kinematic equations in general have multiple
solutions; having closed form solution allows one to develop rules
for choosing a particular solution among several. The results
obtained for the components of the vector of the joint angles are
compared with the chosen values of  i ’s. (Table4 and 5). They are
in fairly excellent agreement with the chosen values for  i ’s.

Joint i ai di
1 90 0 15
2 0 15 0
3 0 15 0
4 90 10 0
5 90 0 0
6 0 0 15

Table-3: D-H parameters of MA-2000 Robot arm

Joint  i Chosen i
1 25 25
2 45 44.99998
3 30 30.001
4 40 39.998
5 20 19.999
6 30 30.0003

Table-4: the results for the non degenerate case1

Joint  i Chosen i
1 25 25
2 45 45.002
3 30 29.997
4 40 40
5 0 0
6 30 29.897
Table-5: the results for the degenerate case1

Joint joint angles
Forward Determine Calculate Joint
Kinematics and position and Angles θi by
generate Inverse Kinematics
orientation A6
transformation Equations

Fig(4): Block diagram for the numerical confirmation

of the exact solution for MA-2000 Robot

Two different gripper configurations were used to find exact
solution of the joint angles. Two sets pertaining to the degenerate
cases were nonunique and the other two sets pertaining to the
nondegenerate cases were unique for each gripper
The numerical calculation by forward kinematics showed that
the calculated exact solutions were in prefect agreement with the
chosen vector of the joint angle for each gripper configuration.

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