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Name: Year:

1. State the functions of:

Xylem: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phloem: __________________________________________________________________________

2. Point out the xylem and phloem in these pictures with lines and labels.

Cross-section of a leaf Cross-section of a stem Cross-section of a root

3. What are the name and function of the circled structure below?

4. (Refer to question no. 3) How does that structure support its function?

5. What is transpiration?

6. Which of these statements describe transpiration. (give circle of your choices)

A. Water vapor diffuses in to the leaf.
B. Water evaporates within the leaf and the water vapor will diffuse out to the environment.
C. Transpiration pull is the one pulling up the water from the root to the leaves.
D. Transpiration only happen when the water vapor containment within and outside of the leaf are
the same.

7. Give a tick (√) to the box where the transpiration rate would be higher.
Factors Condition A Condition B
Cell surface  Large cell surface  Small cell surface
Air space  Large air space  Less air space
 A few stomata  Many stomata
 Open stomata  Close stomata
Temperature  Low temperature  High temperature
Humidity  Desert  Tropical forest
Light intensity  Night time  Day time
8. Fill the boxes with the correct occurrence and the reason behind their occurrences.

Use these words (you can use it more

than once, give a tick to the words
whenever you use it):
Root hair cell
Symplastic pathway
Apoplastic pathway
Transpiration pull
Mesophyll cell
Water vapor

9. Describe how wilting occurs.


10. What is translocation?


11. In translocation, what is it that being transported?


12. What is the source and the sink of:

Water: ___________________________________________________________________________
Sucrose: __________________________________________________________________________

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