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For Ahmed life was never a bed of roses. Born to a poor couple, life was difficult from the
very beginning for him and his brother Ayaz. He was only four and Ahmed two when they
lost their father in an accident in the factory where he worked. A machine had broken down
and fell right on top of their father crushing both their future and their mother’s happiness

If they had been living from hand to mouth previously, after their father’s death the
situation worsened to foodless days and nights. No matter how hard he tried to fall asleep,
the hunger pack and jolting stomach didn’t subside and wouldn’t let Ahmed sleep. It was in
those very nights Ahmed swore to himself that one day he would become so rich that the
world would see and be amazed.

After the death of their father, their mother sold milk of the goat they had to make money.
Since it couldn’t feed two growing boys, Ayaz started working as soon as he could move
about on his own. He would help in house chores, clean places and do such small chores on
hourly basis. People often swore at him or pay less in exchange of more work. Ahmed, on
the other hand, could not bring himself to do such little stuff. He considered it as a breach to
his self-respect. He would rather sleep hungry than staying awake with shame and a feeling
of inferiority.

Ahmed would always look for better and wittier ways to earn money like selling stuff,
setting up juice corners in summers and selling boiled eggs and tea in winter. He would
always somehow manage to bring home the money and his self-respect too. His mother was
his basic source of support. She always praised Ayaz for his hardwork more. However, when
alone, she would confide to Ahmed that he was her source of hope. Hope, that the
hardships would go away and there would be enough on the table for three to eat.

Fortune struck and starting from selling metal crap, Ahmed became one of the leading steel
manufacturers of the country. He always took it as an outcome of his mother’s prayers. His
life became a story of success, a story where people and aspiring entrepreneurs would seek
inspiration from. He now sat in big offices, lived in all the luxury one could think of.
However, whenever he sat at the dining table lined with savories of all kind, those hunger
filled days came to his mind. Those thoughts and the memories of the sleepless nights were
what kept him going in the business. He never settled for less. For only those who have
tasted pain can truly savor the taste of bliss.1

Muhammad Sarwar 11-c Silver

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