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Philippine National Anthem/Doxology

1. Anavel Joson- Welcome Message/ Division Mental Health Program Coordinator

2019 World Suicide Prevention Day

Presentation of Participants

2. Ma. Luisa Dela Rosa- Asst. Schools Division Superintendent (Welcome Message)

Recognition of the participants

Cited the importance of guidance counsellor in the prevention of suicide

3. Anavel Joson- Presentation of Objectives

a. to support and offer opportunities to develop emotional resiliency and enhance mental
health among students

b. to increase teachers guidance counsellors/ coordinators, advocates and students awareness

on mental health issues and how to address them

c. to raise awareness that suicide is preventable

d. to decrease stigma on suicide

4. Jupiter Torno- Presentation of Methodology


Open Forum

1st Speaker Mam Karen Tusoc- Baras RDHS SHS Teacher/ Social Worker

Common Mental Health And Psychosocial Difficulties Focus: Behaviour Problems

Objectives understanding of common mental health and psychosocial

PART II Problem Solving /Breath Holding Spells

Eating Problems- range from Age appropriated variability in appetite serious variability in
appetite( Malnutrition, obesity)

-life threatening eating disorder(anorexia Nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating)

Eating disorders involve a persistent disturbance

School avoidance

-the cause is common unclear but psychological factors and social factors may contribute,
results from poor academic performance, family difficulties and difficulties with peers
Sleep Problems- most are intermittent or temporary and often don’t need treatment

-normal sleep, nightmares, night terrors, resistance in going to bed, sleepwalking, awakening
during the night

Temper Tantrum- violent emotional outbursts caused by frustration, tiredness and hunger and to seek
attention, obtain something or avoid doing something

-children may scream, cry, thrash, roll on the floor, throw things and stomp their feet during tantrums

Violence in children and adolescence (but doesn’t result to violent crimes)

- Known risks involves the following

o Intense corporal punishment inflicted on the child
o Gang involvement
o Developmental issues
o Poverty
o Access to firearms
o Violent video games and media

Violence and Gang membership- occasionally engage to physical confrontation, incidence may increase
while child is maturing

Bullying- form of youth violence with repeated verbal, emotional, physical or psychosocial attacks done
to dominate or humiliate

Takes several forms including- repeated teasing, threats or intimidation, harassment, violent
assaults and cyber-bullying

Chapter 3

Conduct Disorder- recurrent or persistent pattern of behaviour that violates the rights of others
or violates major-age appropriate societal norms or rules

Children with con. Disorder may act aggressively violating the rights of others, behaviour may
continue to adulthood resulting to anti-social personality disorder

Part 4 Supporting Young People Social Being

Young people exeprriencing mentahl health difficulties will find some school environment
particularly demanding and mays truggle to actively engage with schoo work, concentrate on tasks
tolerate uncertainty or demands

General Practical Support- schoolstaffs can do much for students by beimg seen as an approachable
person who takes the concerns of yound]g people seriously, who has good empathy and is non-
judgemental when students express that they are experiencing difficulties and is able to help them
access information and or professional support. Hel ps rudent to understand that talking about their
problems when things get bad to someone that they trsut is likely to be the most ipotyant things that
they can do to protect their mental health. Pay attention that lower order need are sonsistently nmet.
Specific Practical Support- help students understand that there are effective strategies for managing
these feelings (tired, angry, anxious etc.)

-help students recognize their own internal cues to know if they are getting stresses to adapt or practise
strategies to manage their reaction

KEY MESSAGES there is no single cause of metal difficulties

MHD can be understood through biopyschosocial lens. Due to the changes in a child, this period
represents a time of risk for mental health issues-

School staff members are well placed to notice changes and are often confronted by and already
dealing with. Behaviours associated with mental health difficulties

2nd Speaker Dr. Gibson Gabitan – Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidality 0949-164-6471

WSPD- to raise awareness around the world the suicide can be prevented

GOLBAL SCALE- close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year

IN THE PHILIPPINES as of last week 2,558 recorded cases in 2012

To raise awareness on mental health specifically on suicide. Its causes and possible consequences,
including its warning signs and symptoms of possible suicide and what help or can be available for
prevention and treatment


EPIDEMIOLOGY about depression WHO data 154 million people suffer from depression. (the leading
cause of death among the 20-24 years old (DOH, 2019)

DSM V Classification- Diag Stat Manual for Mental Disorders grafted by Americans

1. Depression is a mood disorder- “Malungkot lang siya” meaning unipolar

2. Major criteria _ depressed mood most of the time (5 to 6 times) and lack of interest or pleasure

3. Duration of symptoms - present symptoms for 2 weeks

OTHER SYMPTOMS to be observed within 2 weeks

1. Significant weight loss or weight gain

2. Slowing down of thought

3. Reduction of physical movement

4. Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day

5. Increase/ decrease in appetite nearly every day

6. Feelings of worthlessness

7. Excessive or inappropriate guilt

8. Diminished ability to think or concentrate or indecisiveness

9. Recurrent thoughts of death


1. Genes –

2. Psychosocial Adversity in Childhood -

3. Ongoing or Recent Psychosocial Stress –

SEROTONIN SYSTEM- midbrain (control of emotions, excitement, libido and tiredness), decreased level
of serotonin on the brain delays the passage of impulses leading to depression of nerves (however
lowering serotoninlevels doest induce depression in all peole) Individuals wirthtout a personal or family
history of major depressive

Genes influencing serotonin metabolism moderated the impact of stress. Certain variations in genes
called polymorphism

STRESS is a common precipitationg factor for depression


1. Antidepressant/Medication- to provide an immediate relief for the symptoms of the disorder (2

weeks intake for the effect to appear) years on medication unless symptoms free for 2 years

2. Psychosocial Therapy/ Counselling- focuses on the personal and interpersonal issues behind

3. Electroconvulsive Therapy/Reserved mode of treatment- employed after all therapy and

pharmaceutical treatment options have been explored


1. Admission- consider every suicide an emergency,

2. Psychosocial Therapy

3. Antidepressant/ Antipsychotic- long term treatment

2nd Speaker. Dr. Maria Theresa Dela Rosa- Mental Health Promotion

RESELIENCE- ability to be happy after something difficult or bad happens

Mental Health Promotion- promotes and sustain positive mental health for everyone

- Activities and interventions designed to enhance protective factors and mimimize risk factors
(individual, family related, envi. and economic in natures)
a. Making connections, seeking oppurtunities of self-discovery, nurturing a positive view of
self,moving towards goal, taking decisive actions, mainataining hopeful outlook, accepting
- Mental strength
- THREE FACTORS that students could draw resilience from- I HAVE I AM I CAN
I HAVE Factor- trusting relationship, structures and rules at home, role models, enco (WITH

RA 11036- Mental Health Act

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