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8tpoafk dft€ Pflil*s

]ldistd tard nedm
5OlOOlS Drut$of, OFfiCE QUCZ|II (IIY

TO: Ard.trrt acLodr Dteid@ srl.crr-t-n.rc-r-
a(xrD cttuf
CID Cttrtr
EdEcrtta Proftto &E 166.
Plrttr aclod. Dltrlct sTcrr.-at
Udt EG.dt

hLEc ac.t of E .].

/lll Coo.fnoi

ITROM: JEN z, cl:so vr

2f scmot uvisinn
JOVItr, & r(,ttraY
Accounta lll

SUBJECI GIAIT Ot Ct 2019 *lALltD l(llra uD (xFr

Datq O.i.Dcr 29, 2019
Attached is t}le DBM Circular No. 2O16-4 dated April , 2016 entiued'Updated
Rules and Regulatiors on tle Grant of the Year-End Bonus and Caslr Gift for H
2O16 and Years Thereafter-

In vies, of this, all implementing and non-implementing units rcquircd to

prepare General Payroll to facilitate the releas of the said benefit to the entiued
goyernment personrEl rd atll.t tlar l€ctD.t 15 of tta tflrtEt ,/a.t.

Quatificd p$sonnel under the Schools Divisidr Office Proper, Elementary Sch@ls
and Serrior High Schmls shall be pait out of the agency Personal Services (PS]
Fund, while qualified personnel under the Jurabr High Schools shall be sourced out
of tbe sctrpolb Ps Fund subi:ct tg uFual bu- dtgtirrc, qc@unting and audlting rul€s
and regulations- Elementa4r Schools are rcquircd to submit the following
documearts not earlier than November 6, 2Ol9 to the Fersonnel Unit of Sch@18
Division Office Proper:
a- Signed end Apgortd Dbbuscment (Dvl-
b- Signed and ApFoYcd Gencral Payroll
c. Obli8atirn Request a-od Stetrrs (ORS)
d- Master tist of Quali6ed Fersoonel duly ctrtitred by tftc School Hcads 6
Otrc€rs{n-Charxe First Day of Scrvicc Eust bc indirted).
c. Electoni: Form 7 as ofoctober 3l' Zll9-

Ptease be guided accordingly.

il^lrc^iAxc,r xll

BIJDGET qNCUIIT llo. 2016 - 4

lpril28, 2016

TO Atl tlG.d6 d DcA.rttrr|ts, 51* Ur{vcfinha

nd Cdlrg€r (SlJcsl aid ot Er Offic.. . lh. .ti(ro.l
Govqnrcrt locfrdhe Colrt rtasloG/Olfics6 unda. dro
CorEtit tql.l FitcC Aubrpmy G.oup (CFAG,,
GoyqrGrtomad q CootDucd Co.po.iq6 (GOCC.I;
Hclds o, Local Govrrnmont Unhs (LGUI): ard All Olhora

SI,',BJECT tpd-d Rri.. rd tlsgulltsql' o.r lhc GIrlt of lhc Ys-

End Booo3 ad Cah Gin b. FY 2OtC rd Y{!
1.0 B..tgosnd
1.1 ExeonilB d6. (EO) t\b. 201, s, 2016, sntiLd 'rrodlilg lhe Sdsry
s.,sddo ld Mbn @wn Petsg,,C dn ,!.rir,iznt, h
tu d MirE 8dtE,ftb b. Nt CtYaar dt, My a,n
Udbnd W p.ovirod lq tE adoiin ol a cqnpo.Edbo
adhdnsrt sfegy fd !n ensrn€ ftd the gowmfitqn
snFEal-o stlEturq b cqnpa.aue ri[l fho FswrLE rabs h ,p
prirrs[e socbr, ffiy altditg ard rgtahnrg cooDebnt and
@w$itad civl s€aYaEts-

1.2 nE co.npooEation adp60nd st'ategy indud€6 tho to{orying:

1.2.1 lncrEse in ttE bedc salary d civilhn persdrod:

'l-2.2 G.ant o{ new rd hE"as€d rab6 of cartain dloranGlq t}p
mitEy a.rd u.ibmsd p€rso lgt
1.2-3 G.ant ol a UifYar Bo.xa squivah.f b qE-ourth E.
s&y not e.I€. tsr $iy 15 ca aqr Fr, 6 an dbld
b 6fit and
1.2./f Enhancernent ol the gxislirE Perfgmance-Based Bonus.

1.3 EO ltlo. 201 li(

bs p.ovires that lhe existing Y€ar€nd Bo(ltls and
Cdt Olt $Ef be dvqr in t{ovqnb€( d etrqy }€ar.

2t PulDocG

ftas Ciqrlal is b€ issJ€d b co.!6oliirale a.d updaE OE pdiry ard

p.ocsdral gdrelin6 on tho gr{lt d lho Yer-E rd Bon6 ard Cash Gitt lo
gorqrrrEd psrsqr.rel fo( FY 2016 and f|e years 0E ed!e. Brsuant b
Rep(6lb Acl (RA lfo. 6ffi!, a r|dided by RA tao. 8441'?, Congrsss Jdn
Bssdni,| No. ,t, s. 2@, ar|d EO t5. a)1, s. 2016-
3.0 Covcr.gc

Ihb CirlIlbr sl|a l apdy to tlte idbrrilo ard p€.E{rEl:

3-1 AI podliru ls civiiar porryrEl wft€OE r€g|J8r, cdttraclud, o.
casrd h ednlilB q sbdive, fuFiime o. parl-ting, rE*
exislirg o. iErgdE c.E l8d in tE Exeilire, bgbEnive and Judiid
Brandres, tlre ConstituliqEl Coomissixs and o0ler Coostit tiqrd
Oltc€s, SuCs, and GOCCS cortl€d by the C,iqnFosatbn and
Posilirr &ssili€lirr S}EEII (CPCS) under HA 675& as
arnorxlod by S€.lalo aaxl tlou85 ol Rep.e86.naliv€6 Joht
ifo. 1, s€.ies ol 191arld tlo. 4, s€rbs o( 2@ ard ifl LGt s; and

3.2 Military perso.ln€l ol tE

tum€d Fo.E€s o{ t}E PhiEpd,cs ur|der fE
Deparfneft oa llatixral DsG.lsa and tlrilqrn€d per6o.n6l oa ltE
Pt{IpfaE Nalb.tal tuaa, PliirpiE Puuic SatBty Colege, Ar,oa! d
Fre Pntrdin arld &rr€a, c Jaf lfamgposd aid Penobgy oa the
Degertnenl c, tE lnte.t and Local Goremnteot PtiltrC*B C@sf
Gu ddthel:MdTr cpo.talion ard Cqnrfixaalims; arn
faatirE| frapsing R@urce lnlo.rtlalbo Alrthorily o, the
Oepart |ont oa E wirqma and tldlrd Rcsouaces.

{O Erdu..irr3
The tdodrE ar9 exctrd€d lrqn [E covsrEoe d fb ciruJtrl:

4.1 Go,6nrnont p6r6o.rEl lrqn ry.xi6, irdufng GO@q lhat ar€

exorrlDaad ftur RA tlo. 6758, es arnqdsd, as elpr€Gsly proyir€d i!
tl€i. rE6pediy€ snauing la! q dlarbr, {d at€ drdy imphm€fliB
trr. rrspediw CPCS aF.olrd by the Prsei(leot d lrE PtritptiEo:
1.2 Golrenmo'ltF.6(IE| lrslt GOCC8 c.,lred by tE CPCS
€sbrcpd by the Got qnarce Cqnmi8dql b. GOCCS and
ryrolrd by tp PrEidqi oa fE Phil$ilgo p|rerant to RA tao-
101/rq d
4.3 Th@ tted wifion err|pbF.-€rrrpbFe refafixtstttp6 and tund€d
trqn.tqlPersqtrd S€wi:€s a0p.op,ltons6udg€rs. Sai, ind'r|dEfs
may irdude, bit rEl linilrd !o, tho tolowing:

L Lr A.aEUi lrnl crrEE &u b J tt. t! LEI CflIEr Cre rn Er!5F S.,r9
cY 15
1& rd eEB9 r. crr Gar D 6,. nEr-n b ei,@.@}. b rr Arlo c.rD s@. d
.,Er E-rar irra.:t $ llE-l ltr tt rE qt+.!lt( rn b. O- PUF-
^., ln l|l-d d ar FlSi- b tE, tr Effr f.a.-r
q#n ol OYIrlP*.rrddL
^lrrsElg ll-. P.y Sada ol Sy rn (Honrn M ni.Go-r,-t.t
it.3-1 CqE lams arrd oxD6rts t*qd io. a fnfrd p€.i, to portofln
sp*ilic &tirrilhr q sqvir6 wih oJe€-H orFuts;
,a-3.2 tabo.Brs hiBd t rqleh Fb qt6 (B*yar, ard [Ge E*,
4-3-3 S-tudo.n bbo{ers arn aog.stti;es; ard

il-3.4 lnariruah arld grq.F d paode rh@ s€.va€6 arB €igaoed

Onq{h itb q&rs, contei ol s€rv-os, or dErs sinihaly

5.0 Dctrnilkrn o{ Tcflns

Fo. p.rE6 c, [iE Ciu.k, tE sElr|g blms Lc€d hq€an $an tre
Itr lolo*to mdi!g6:
5.1 ,bfl*, e ,ry sttal I3b. b fl€ auttrrly salary ld civlln
porsofrlol, induding cooFact al polsollrl€t tl|e total daily E0os td
tha tFrlty-trp (22) workiu d8!,s a rno.dh ior casual porsonn€l (eCud
b tE ttto.rf*y salary ol a .€guts psrsonrd); the mql0ily b6a pay l(
the mlbry ard idt'c.m6d p€(sdrd; a{rd lhe moart y ] fq
Burgry df.ia,6 dd etnpbyoss.
5.2 TIE D,.rl q qrqa rnb r€quired Lmt go\,omrneol poaso.Ecl
lor th8 p.rp@ oa ttB grarr d Ys€nd BoflJs and Cash Gift sfial
iircirde a actud se.vb6 r€ d€red whie oco4yirg a rsgular,
cooEact al, ( ca$al pdsilbn h OE nalio.d and/o.local gow.rtnerlt'
induding l€arras d abc€oca *th pay.

6.0 G.&reltrl. oo ItE Gr.trt od Yc..{.td Borlus and Cdr Glft

6.1 TtE Yc€nd Bo(xla eqlivale,ll to one (1, rldth basic pay as ol
Ocbber 31 and Cdr Gli cll Ps,(Ix) stEI be givs.t b e.rlided
govqffisn pe.sqrtd ,roa lh-r Jlouc! ai 15 d tE qrre.n
year, s{tied b nle foahtirE catdilixts:

6.1.1 Psrso.rEl haE rq{6.rd af l65i a H d gl qgaroElg oa iot,

(.a) mqtflo oa Eewbo lrsr Jdllsy t b Odor 31 d lhe
cnrult yoa4 ald
6.1.2 Pe.sonrB{.gn*r3 b bo h ttte go€rrttqtt s€rvico ns.{
Ofiber 31 c,lho latE Fd.
6.2 TIce *lo harr lgll(brBd al lE6t a total 6 an aggr€ge ol lo.n (4)
mo.ttE d s€ryice lrqn JaIr ary 1 d tp qrrBr{ tEa, hJt wtlo hav€
rsfiEd 6 66pared ftom govgrxnent s€rvae berqs OctoE 31 of
ttE sanE year shal bg granbd wilhh tle ,noo0r .l reli.€m€ot q
soo€rdir\ a prorabd stla.e d 0E: d Yer-End Equs based on the
moolhly bash pay imostady H€csding tE date ol retirsm€.t or
separalixr and b) Cash O'ft d t5,0m, as lolox6:

Lcnglh ot Sc.rrlcC Year€id Borxls d
C..h Gilt
4 rtqrth6 br, l€ss tlEn 5 mootls 50%

5 rnonlhs but less than 6 mo.rths GO%

6 .nonths bd less lhan 7 mo.rhs 70%

7 .ru rs bd less ttEr 8 rnodhs 80%

8 mo.{hs b.n bss than 9 modhs $%

I ruths hJt less than t0 moanhs 95%

6-3 ThGo nfio h8w rurbtsd a bad o. ar aggrrgde c, IGB OEn h.r. (it)
months ol s€rvice lrqn Janu{y 1 b Octds. 31 ol rhe crxr6 y€a,
and se slil h gov€rftylqn ssvica as d O&bor 3l d lhe sflr|e F{,
srEI be dld€d sde*y to a p.orabd Ca6h Gtrt pqrsuanr b S6iixl 2
d RA 1{o. &1,41, as lotors:

P.lEdI. I Cortaro.idng

Leryth Setvica
o, t10 i AEEura
3 irlgr hs bri less tEn 4 mdttts ,1o96 u,m
lZ nrcotrs Urt tess lun S.r|ql[ls c)% 1,$0
f mo.rh bull bss f|an 2 ,nqrth6, m% 1.000
Laos than orle moaih 10% 5m TtEYs€r|d Bonus drd Cdt Gn oa Fr8drEt tild ql prt-tirI

sw-a rl- qlo c-tttqg {EEi$ sld bo n di€cl Foporli; b ttE
nirnEr oa ru.rE dalE d Frl{irre svi)oe rqrtdsd.

6.5 Ths Ye.-E n Borus etd CsGb cA ca pqsarrd <i r n

arE0s gpsrrts{ {e.Ey std b b,;0E rprqf-;#;;
EE€. qt s.xh.ri dtd b. p.i, by tE ,EtsI
6.6 Ih9 Yer+nd Bo,rla and Cash @ d pea$.rEa tztCrrEd irqn qE
{srcy to a.|dE sfial bo F*l by [E rE{ {Ercy.
6.7 A cqrF&o.y rslile, rtE ssrvi;se haw beo glbl(lod.
grurd yqr-Etn Bo.xrc a.d c{t
c.r, mav be
p,oyi*xls d tdr OkEUhr.

A8 k' i. 19 ,qqlt d:!Ed d|iilrniE arr/q .,ir*Etcas.6

A&1 TtEo rourd gdlty shal rxt be ertitbd ro Yoar-Erd go.n s ara
CaCr Gall h lrE Fe d oa eB (hisirl. IfE porsfll€l
stEI rElund the Y6ar+nd Borus 8tld Carh (i.ft lEirpd lo.
that )Eqr.

6-8.2 l, tE ps.lalty irnpGod b q y a ,€finatd, tho porsqnol

corE Ed E d bs €tfi!6d b ttE Y€{+rd BorlE da Castr

7.O YG..+nd &rxr. .nd Caah Gin d Br.ttgay Pe.roMcl

7.'l As debmh€d bt tne trspedirg fltg,I,|*n, €l€dirrs d app<i iue
Darar{Ey fficbb o. Emoby€os $|o have rsrxlorBd at last a bld o.
an 4glEgare ol lur (/t) .rs0rB t
ss{vaa tqn Jaruary 1 o{ tE
curoi[ ]€{ 8nd f,to ae sdl h flg swir as ol Ocm€r 31 ot t E
same r€ar, may bs s.diu€d to tE Yer€nd 80.116 qivabot b dE
(1) rruth Horu"ariln rEdwd as ol ocnobq 3l atd Cast! Gilt oa
7.2 Ttlose d|o ha\,e rsr|de.ed a total o. an ag$egab ql loo, (4) mo.ttlrs
ol servia lrqn Januaay 1 ol ltE orr€nt Fqr but llphave ,€{i€d q
soparatSd trqn governme,rt sorvica b6{o.e ociob€a 31 of t|o same
year may bo .r ided b a Foporlurais srErB d the Yoar-Erd Boous
ard Cdr Gifr, coosineri wifl tE n 6.2 ot tr|.s Cirrrrhr.

7.3 A p.o-r&d Casfi Gilt may abo be ganbd !o persqnel utp tBve
.order€d a total o. an agg.€gab d l€€s thar ,ou. (4 mofitls d
sorvice lrqr January 1 b Oclota. 31 o{ the c{rlqtf y€ar and arB stil
ir gor,ernnEr[ s€rvice a c, O6ber 31 ol ftE ssno F{, Frsuafl fo
tidn 6.3 he.€d-

7.4 Asdrird larargay €oCoyua may be granbd Ys{d &.rrs ard

Cdr Gall stid b Or €ddirls p.ovir€d h *B Cfo.aar-
eO Fttaso|rl!
8.1 Fo. r|dinal gorsrrlrqt {qd* ( GAs), tho Ye{-End Eonus ar!
Ca$ Gin h pe.sqrEl cpyirg rseub pdlirrs srrC bo crrarg€d
agdnsl {oncy apprcp*tiirrs h tr6 arlrUat Gs.sal Appmg.ilixrs
Acl (GAA. FqFY 2016,lurbE is plrF Ee tH blrp
a0Efij6s gr'8uart b i.latiItal Eudgst Cirq.da, 0{8C) ib. 561
Jaflsy a, 2016.

Any d€fciorEy 6 a tEsr* oa t E sab.y diuEt[snt urrb EO ib. 201

srd be dErlod ryftd tE ffascglsrEE Pe.sonrd Bqldts Frrd

&2 The arrnrts rqir€d fq $e 9rI{ ot Yeq.-Ed Bo.rus and Cd} Ga't
b ca$d ald cdrtetd pqsdrd h OE t{cAs shd be crE gsd
rytil$ 43ocy fmp Irm ryBrinixls in the flrud GAA
&3 Fq cDrBrsd GOCCS" sil bet€fits std bo dErld ag.ild ,rat
.Ep€dive app.rcir€d caDore eo.athg hrdg€ts,
8-4 Fq LGUS, sai, Mts shal be ctBrged aqEiEt floi resoetive local
go}rr,IrEflt ft.c|ds. sdid io lrE Pe.sdrd Servi:ss (PS) litrGlbn ir
tlE LGU hdgEts p(r$a,lt !o S4lims 325{a) arld 331(b) ctl RA ib.
7160 or tlE l"-@l Go\,€mmenf Code o, 1S1. d sai, PS Lnedbn shal ba miwd insoaar as lhe

mininun Year-E d Soous ol fi,m W llE pt up tuaway dn
FGm fo. the dler mandatfiy Aara.{Eyolficiab, and t€ir Cad| Gl'fb
ar6 cqtogfrEd-

9-o R.Le d Fuid.

9.1 Fo. FY 2016, tfE Doparffi oa B{rdgst and [a.!ao€.nq{ (DBff)
shal ]gbsse b cqr.rBd the SFdd AIfiEnt
the A€rrcas
R€lea8e frer (SARO) b coy€r tp ,r,t&tg dgfdncy 6 a r€srrl d
t|e atEtnsnts in salary r{dsr EO ib. 20'1, clErg€abb 4sinst lhe

9.2 The SAnO shal bo rebas€d diecdy io tle opordhg units oi Ule
4eircieE conceanod based oo dala to.o the Gov€rnrr|efit Manpoicr
l, qmatim St6l€rn 6 ol Oclob€r 3t o, the girE{r Far.
9.3 The Dtsl, srEI lkowGe issr.E dditiima, !,loli;€6 ca Ca.sfi AllGalion
(tlcAs) lr any dofcbncy as a r€srdt ol U|G sahry adirrsfinonl undsr
EO ib. 201 b cov€r lhe btal reqiements ,q tlE Y@r-End
ard Cash G.'n oa ao$cy persmnd, sutfrct to Ote p.ovi5iq6 d NBC
tlo- 56'l on fhe r€lgase oa ftxlds.

10-0 RAo.rdrI , ot :i-

Ag€.ri5 stra[ be lospollrbb b.lhg p.oF inpl€n|qruixr ol lhe proyisixlE
of tiis Ci.cUhr. Ifle r€sFllsitb olfico.s $la! be held lbbh lo. any paymerr
nd h @da,r rilh E p.oviEins oa tras Ci6ra., riuun p.€ixho b the
.ennd by nE €.nCotEs EEnsd cf ary qc6s q uBulhqizsd
11.0 R.-luiono,C-
Cas6 nd coEod by fio p.ovii.x!6 ca t*r CJnuh, srrd b3 .€'Grrgd b the
OSU tor r€oohnirr.

12.0 Et dn ity
This Circlrlar stEll take eft6{ imrnedably


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