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Kodaikanal, nestles in the Palani Hills which are a part of the Western Ghats. At
an altitude of around 7000 feet, it is an ideal location for an educational
institution. All year round, the climate is pleasant. The minimum temperature
in winter at night normally never falls below 6 degrees Celsius and the
maximum temperature in summer during the daytime normally never exceeds
26 degrees Celsius.
In these days when the air in most cities is polluted, the clean, fresh air
children get to breathe in Kodaikanal is refreshingly different.
Kodaikanal has a number of sites of great natural beauty such as the placid,
star-shaped lake in the middle of town, the majestic Pillar Rocks very close to
St. Peter’s, the breath-taking view from Coaker’s Walk and the tumbling waters
of the Silver Cascade. These sites of natural beauty inspire in students a lasting
appreciation of nature and the environment.
Kodaikanal has a number of educational institutions and active social
organisations such as the Rotary who organise frequent stimulating events and
competitions for students including debates and elocution.
The sages of old coined the Latin phrase, ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’ which
means a sound mind in a sound body. Kodaikanal is a wonderful place to
develop both.

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