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Name : Nika Safitri

Class : AB-3C

My Home Town

My home town is Kendal Regency, which is located west of Semarang City. Kendal Regency
has a motto Kendal Beribadat which means clean, beautiful, blessing, peace, security and order.
In 2016, President Jokowi inaugurated Kendal Industrial Park which made Kendal an industrial
city, where many factories stand here. In addition many Kendal people who have a home
industry such as earthenware industry, kerupuk rambak industry and many more. Kendal
Regency especially Kaliwungu is known as Kota Santri because many Islamic Boarding School
In the tourism sector, Kendal Regency is not too prominent like Jogyakarta and Bali, but Kendal
Regency has several interesting tourism objects that can be visited by tourists. Kendal Regency
has a exactly well-known natural tourism object namely Curug Sewu, where tourists can enjoy
the beauty of nature and waterfalls. Kendal Regency often held events, such as last month there
was a Kendal Expo event, which the purpose to provide free entertainment to Kendal people and
displays product result in every sub district in Kendal Regency. This event can be also used as a
promotional event for whom own a business. Kendal Regency certainly has a culinary that can
be used as a souvenir for tourists when visiting such as kerupuk rambak , kerupuk goreng wedi,
and kerupuk petis.
Kendal Regency is area which still respects cultural values both are traditional and religious. For
the example in my village which is located near of the sea, every year there is always a
traditional event Sedekah Laut or commonly known as Nyadran. The event was held by
fishermen whose purpose was to reflect gratitude for abundant product of the sea.
That's the story of my hometown. I hope more tourists will visit. Thank you.

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