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The Story of Sultan Nobody 

Story by Heidi Marie Browning (Liadan) and Jes (Sweaslebitch) 

Original found at: ​ 
This story is fanfiction based off Mechanist Games mobile game Game of Sultans 
001 The Beginning of the Reign of Sultan Nobody 2 

002 Nobody Meets Canfeza 3 

003 Lufti’s bad day 6 

004 Canfeza 10 

005 Cecilia 12 

006 Canfeza 14 

007 Cecilia 14 

008 Canfeza 15 

009 Cecilia 15 

010 Piyale/Canfeza 16 

011 Nobody/Piyale 16 

012 Cecilia 17 

013 Canfeza 18 

014 Cecilia and Nobody 18 

015 Piyale 20 

016 Davut and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 21 

017 Cecilia’s Wedding 22 

018 Clara 23 

019 Piyale 24 

020 Clara 24 

021 Davut 25 

022 Canfeza & Clara *New* 26 

001 The Beginning of the Reign of Sultan Nobody 
The weather had deteriorated quickly. The young prince, Nobody, was huddled in his 
tent. The waterproofing on the tent was not very good, and drops of water dripped 
from the canvas ceiling. Nobody had been adamant that he be treated like every other 
soldier on the campaign. Secretly he regretted his decision, whilst he refused the 
offers of additional blankets from the other soldiers huddled in the tent. 
"Who goes there?" The camp sentry sounded. 
"It is urgent I speak to Prince Nobody," came the reply. 
Recognizing the voice as one of his father's viziers, Nobody stood, and discarding the 
blanket, walked from the tent. "I am Nobody. What brings you here?" He was amazed 
at how his voice had sounded calmly resolute. 
"Your Highness," the vizier said bowing, "It's your father. His health is failing. You 
must return to the palace with me." 
The Vizier and Nobody traveled for several days, switching mounts often, they 
reached the palace while the dying Sultan still lived. Nobody's father's health was 
failing quickly.  
"Father, you must fight. It is not your time." Nobody pleaded 
"Nobody, my son, you have grown to be everything I could have wished you to be." the 
dying Sultan replied weakly. "It is your turn to rule this land now. Be good to the 
people, and merciless to our enemies. In time you will become a great ruler." 
His eyes closed, and with one final rattling breath, he was gone. 
Nobody prepared for the funeral. The people had loved his father, and his wise rule 
had held the small empire together. Nobody vowed to become just as wise and beloved 
as his father. He would also crush the enemies that surrounded the kingdom and bring 
peace to all.  
The time for the funeral came, and the people mourned their ruler. His many wives 
cried, and their children both young, and the not so young were solemn as they 
watched their father's funeral pyre burned. 
At the end of the funeral, the royal stone masons unveiled a statue of the dead Sultan. 
It was moved into the royal courtyard to join the statues of those who had gone to the 
worlds beyond. 
The crowds left and went home, and life returned to normal at the palace.  
Nobody prepared for his ascension to the throne. He called what troops he could 
home, and gave them leave to visit their families. The royal widows were moved from 
the royal harem to new accommodations in the palace walls for the consorts of the old 
Finally, the day of the coronation came, and Nobody was cheered by the people. The 
soldiers he had spent time campaigning with bowed low and proclaimed him their 
leader. They would follow him to the death if needed. The crowds cheered and feasts 
were thrown in Nobody's name. The viziers that remained pledged their service to 
Nobody and once again life in the palace quieted and returned to normal.  
002 Nobody Meets Canfeza 
Nobody took to walking through the markets and bazaars in disguise for he wished to 
hear what his people thought of him, truly without intimidation that his title brought. 
He learned that people trusted him, but that the women found his most attractive 
quality to be his title, and not his looks, or who he was. He heard rumors of unrest in 
neighboring kingdoms and one day he met the lovely Canfeza on his walks.  
Unknowing that the young man she spoke with was her Sultan, she decided that she 
would try and charm him the way she wished to charm her secret love, Piyale. She 
found him to be a proper gentleman, and they shared an interest in dancing and music 
and could talk for hours without awkward pauses in conversation. She had spent the 
whole time imagining Piyale in place of the young man in front of her. 
Nobody returned to the palace enchanted with the young lady, vowing to win her as 
his wife.  
"Piyale, you must help me." he was heard one day. "I have met her.... the one..... well 
ok not 'THE ONE' as I know I must have many wives, but I have met my Sultana, my 
Empress. You must find a way for us to meet again." 
Piyale bowed low and said, 'As you wish my Sultan.' 
"Nooooooo," cried Nobody, "She does not know I am the Sultan, and she can not find 
out from any except for me. You must make arrangements for her to meet the young 
man of your acquaintance who talks of no other than her." 
Piyale bowed again, "As you wish, my acquaintance shall meet with the young lady. I 
do advise you not to keep your identity secret for long, for she shall be upset with you 
if you do, majesty." 
Nobody nodded and shooed Piyale off to find the young lady. 
Piyale headed out into the city, seeking the young lady the Sultan had charged him 
with finding. Through his contacts, he was directed to the Caravanserai where he 
finally was able to get Beham one of the silk traders who he dealt with often to point 
out the lady.  
Piyale was struck with the beauty of Canfeza when he saw her, and he recognized her 
as the daughter of his swordmaster. He had seen and admired the lady from afar but 
never asked her name, and now his Sultan would steal the lady love from him.  
He approached her, and her smile brightened at his approach.  
"Piyale," her musical voice sang out. "What brings you to the Caravansarai today?" 
"My lady," Piyale said as he bowed low. "I bring news of a suitor of my acquaintance 
who wishes to meet you again" The words stung as he said them as he wished to be 
her suitor. 
A frown crossed her face as he spoke the words. "Piyale, I have met others who would 
make suitable suitors, but my heart has been yours since I was 13, and saw you 
practicing swords with my father. I have always held out hope that one day you would 
ask my father for my hand." she cried.  
Piyale was stunned by her confession and bound by his Sultan to secure this lady as a 
wife for him. "My lady, I have long admired your beauty, and I wish I could claim you 
as mine; however, my acquaintance has a higher claim on you than I could ever make. 
You were not to be told, but the young man you met and spoke with previously is the 
Sultan, and he has fallen in love with you and wishes to marry you." 
The lady Canfeza walked to the nearest bench to sit. "Piyale, I see that with this news I 
can never marry you. It would lead to both our deaths, but I will never love Nobody as I 
love you. I will marry him, but only under the condition that you make me the wife you 
shall never have, and that we meet in secret from this day forth to share our 
everlasting love. I will bear your children and call them the Sultans, for this is the only 
way I can continue to live." 
Piyale sat next to her and took her hand in his. "My lady, you speak treason, but each 
word you speak makes my heart soar. I will love none but you, this I can promise. Once 
you marry our Sultan, I will ensure that the meeting of our hearts is also a joining of 
our bodies. He can not know that I possess your body, so you must remain pure until 
after your first night with him." 
Piyale and Canfeza spent the rest of the day planning how they could be together, and 
how she would trick the Sultan into thinking he had been with her, yet allowing her to 
only lay with her true love Piyale. When Piyale returned to the palace, his heart was 
"My Sultan, I have located the young lady you wished me to find. I have planned a 
meeting for you at the Caravanserai. She remembered my young acquaintance and has 
amiable a courtship from the young man. I have spoken to her father, who is my 
swordmaster and he has agreed to the match with you. Now it is up to you to woo her 
and allow her to know who you truly are. The stars are in your favor." 
The next evening, dressed in finery that implied wealth, but not his true status as the 
Sultan, Nobody approached the arranged upon meeting place, an eatery in the Bazaar 
that served some of the best food in the Ottoman Empire. Canfeza was seated in the 
private booth that Piyale had arranged for them, and to Nobody, she appeared 
nervous. He approached and bowed. 
"My lady, I hope you fare well this evening," he said as he sat at the table across from 
her. "Please, he said, taking her hands in his, allow me to apologize for my deception, 
I fear I can no longer keep my true identity a secret from you. I am Nobody, the Sultan. 
I have fallen in love with you and wish to marry you. Please, do me the favor of being 
the first of my wives."  
Canfeza blushed prettily in Nobody's opinion. "Of course, my Sultan. I shall wed you. 
It is an honor and privilege that I accept knowing that I shall love none other." 
Nobody was pleased that she had taken the news of his identity and accepted his 
proposal. "A toast to my new bride. We shall be wed as soon as preparations can be 
Canfeza smiled. "I wish to be wed as soon as possible, for I am eager to be with the 
man I love. The day of our wedding cannot come soon enough."  
She sipped at the wine and filled his goblet as often as he drank. Soon he was so drunk 
he had to be carried back to the palace by his porters. 
The next day, the Sultan visited her father's house, and arrangements for their 
marriage were made. They were to be wed in three days. The Sultan remembered little 
of what happened after he started drinking and apologized to Canfeza in private for 
his behavior, promising to never put her through the humiliation of having to see him 
carried home to bed again. Canfeza, assured him, that as Sultan he was free to do as he 
wished, and that there was no shame in being seen in his company, even passed out 
Canfeza seeing that the Sultan could be plied with drink, and wouldn't remember what 
happened, knew that the plan she and Piyale had created would work. They would be 
lovers right under the Sultan's nose, and he would be none the wiser. She would bear 
children for the man she loved, and nobody would know. 
003 Lufti’s bad day 
As he was riding his steed near the waterfront, and through the trees, he heard what 
sounded like a struggle, over the sounds of the rapids. He pulled the reins back, to 
bring his trusty Keleman to a halt and listened closely. Even Keleman's ears perked up. 
His horse seemed to register the sound at the same time. Right before Keleman 
snorted, and started panicking, the regal man heard the sounds of splashing, 
coughing, and a small woman's scream. He squeezed his muscular thighs against his 
companion's sides, and they raced off towards the water. He leaned close, his head 
near Keleman's and whispered commands urgently to go faster. Keleman heeded his 
master's command, and they bound out of the trees, towards the screams. He looked 
in the distance on the water and noticed ship fragments were flowing in from the 
waterfall that was fed by the gulf. He could see many bodies strewn across the beaches 
on either side, but the movement in the water is what they were focused on. A wet face 
covered by sopping dark hair was struggling to stay above the water. Small hands were 
grasping at the passing debris and a branch nearby which was struggling to stay 
attached to the driftwood buried in the beach nearby. 
He leaped from Keleman's back and dove into the water to retrieve the woman. As he 
reached for her, she instantly let go of the branch and clasped tightly to his neck, and 
her small body sunk trustingly into his secure arm. He spent his whole childhood in 
the water, so swimming back out while holding this small, frail, creature proved to 
require very little effort. However, his adrenaline was high, and he was eager to check 
to make sure she was okay. 
Her body spilled out of his arms onto the beach as he dropped to his knees to look her 
over for broken bones and cuts. She squealed loudly in pain when he touched her 
"Is it broken?" She barely managed to sputter. 
"No, you were lucky. The bone is in tact. Likely a mere sprain. What happened?" 
"I am not sure. Our small ship crashed into the rocks at the top of the falls. My 
Mother!" She tried scrambling up, and fell over the moment she put weight on her 
"Enough. Rest. I will see if I can find anyone else who managed to survive." 
He climbed back atop Keleman after securing her promise she would not move and 
leaving her with his lucky dagger for security. They raced down the beach, stopping at 
every body, checking for life. He found a few men with enough strength to travel, and 
they helped collect the remaining survivors. Among them were four women and 
several small children. Unfortunately, not all had survived. 
He returned to the frail woman he had rescued after sending the healthiest man back 
to the kingdom to retrieve palace guards. 
She lay on the sand, clutching the dagger to her small bosom, and it was as if he was 
seeing her for the first time. The adrenaline had worn down, and now he was looking 
at this tattered Goddess in front of him. Petite, dainty, and long dark wet hair 
haphazardly pushed away from her face. 
Suddenly he felt quite lucky that he had not properly seen her before he checked her 
for wounds. As his motives would have felt tainted. 
"Your name" he inquired, after catching his breath, as he knelt at her side. 
"Sir, my name is Cecilia." 
"Cecilia, it has been my honor to rescue you from these savage waters. I am royal 
Vizier Krishnat. You may call me Lufti." 
With her permission, he lifted her off the sand and placed her atop Keleman. From the 
expert way she sat atop Keleman's back, it was clear that she was no peasant. She was 
a lady of status. And with a face like that, it only made sense that she was. 
After returning to the palace, and obtaining medical treatment for her, as well as the 
other survivors, Lufti returned to Cecilia's side. He discovered that Cecilia's mother 
and two young brothers had survived the disaster. However, her father had not been 
He spoke to Cecilia's mother, Parisha, and discovered that they were moving to the 
kingdom from a neighboring land when the tragedy occurred. Lufti asked if they had 
any family. Parisha informed him that, no, they do not. 
Lufti had a home in the Grand Bazar quarters, from the time before he was a Vizier, 
that he kept just in case. He offered the home to Parisha and her children to use at no 
expense to the family. Parisha tried to refuse, but Lufti insisted. He told Parisha that it 
was a gift from the young Sultan Nobody himself. And as expected, with the Sultan's 
name thrown into the mix, Parisha bowed her head, and graciously accepted and 
thanked Lufti. 
After everyone had recovered sufficiently, Lufti transported Cecilia, Parisha, and the 
two young boys to their new home. He visited twice a week, and provided for all of 
their needs, as Parisha's husband was never found. He also doted heavily on Cecilia 
and her brothers, giving them gifts of small weaponry for the boys, and extravagant 
jewelry and clothing for Cecilia. Parisha always tried to turn the gifts away, and Lufti 
would always tell her that this was all the wish of the Sultan that they be cared for this 
Lufti noticed that often when he would visit, Cecilia would be returning with her new 
friend Dilara, the jeweler's daughter. It filled his soul to see her adapting to life in the 
As she grew to an appropriate courting age, he would ask her to stroll with him around 
the Bazar, and they would talk and laugh for hours. It broke his heart every time he 
left her at home. 
Parisha touched his arm gingerly one day after they returned from a stroll, and asked 
to speak to Lufti privately. 
"You are a royal Vizier, and I am so happy that you have become such close friends 
with dear Cecilia. Therefore, I must entrust you with an important task." 
"Anything, Parisha, what can I do?" Parisha seemed so excited, even through her 
calm, collected exterior, so his heart began to soar with possibilities. Was Parisha 
going to ask him to take care of her daughter as a wife? Oh, he hoped so, he spent 
years falling in love with dear, sweet, passionate Cecilia. 
Parisha's voice lowered as she issued her request, "Cecilia deserves the best. I wish for 
you to deliver Cecilia to Sultan Nobody and offer her hand in marriage as a gesture of 
gratitude for him taking care of us, and ensuring that you checked on us regularly 
through all of these years. " 
Lufti's heart clenched in his chest. All these years, the Sultan did not even know of 
their existence, and he thought his fib would be harmless. As he stood here, with 
Parisha staring intently into his eyes, he felt his world crumbling under the 
"harmless" lies he had told to keep Cecilia under his care. 
"Of course, Lady Parisha. When shall we depart?" And as all men did, when he felt 
tears, he showed zero signs of it and pushed forth as if he felt no pain at all. 
The next morning, as Cecilia gently climbed into Lufti's carriage, she refused to make 
eye contact. He attempted several times to make small conversation, and she refused 
to answer at all. 
"How is it on this day, when you are sure to become royalty, that you seem distressed 
rather than happy? I assure you the Sultan will not turn away a woman as flawless as 
Her face whipped around, long wavy brown hair flying, and to Lufti's shock, fiery 
anger in her eyes. "What was all of this these past years?! Why have you led me to fall 
for you only to give me away to some strange Sultan! Was all of your kindness really at 
his request?!" 
He was taken aback, fallen for me? 
He reached for her hand, and she snapped it back "How DARE you do this to me!" 
"I had n-no idea you felt this for me too, Cece" He called her the pet name that he had 
secretly called her for a few months now, "I had no idea your mother would offer you 
to the Sultan. What was I to say? I must always lay down my needs and my life for the 
good of my Sultan." 
And like a man, he held back his tears again. 
She threw herself across the carriage at him, and pressed her lips furiously against 
his, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Feeling her warm body against him 
for the first time since the day he rescued her lit his soul on fire. He grabbed her hips 
and pulled her tightly against him and laced his fingers through her hair, kissing her 
back, tongue gently tasting her beautiful, goddess lips. 
The carriage came to a halt. The footman helped a pristine Cecilia down from the 
carriage. A ruffled Lufti jumped down afterwards. 
He held out his arm, she gently placed her fingertips on his forearm, and he led her to 
the Sultan. 
As they approached, Cecilia dropped to the lowest curtsey she could muster. Lufti 
bowed ceremoniously and approached the Sultan and announced, "Holy Sultan 
Nobody, I present to you Cecilia of the kingdom of the Syndac. Her mother, Parisha, 
has offered Cecilia's hand as recompense for the generosity your Grace has shown 
their family over the years." 
Sultan Nobody looked up and gave Cecilia the most genuine, warm smile. "Cecilia, I 
appreciate your family's gratitude, and I will happily accept you as my second wife in 
exchange for the hospitality my royal viziers have offered over the years." 
Lufti swung around in time to see Cecilia being led out by a quiet, busty woman, in 
much too revealing attire. 
He turned again, bowed to the Sultan, and left the room. He went to his quarters as 
swiftly as his noble stature would allow, and he rushed in, slammed the door, and 
leaned against it. 
Like a man, he held back his tears. 
But his tears would not be held, and he howled into the silence of his empty quarters, 
and the river of sorrow flowed fresh from his soul. 
004 Canfeza 
The day of Canfeza's wedding to Nobody arrived. The day before a young woman by 
the name of Cecelia had arrived in the harem and cried herself to sleep. Canfeza knew 
the sorrow of the soon to be the wife of Nobody, as it was the same that she held in her 
heart. Canfeza has spent time comforting Cecelia and had told her that she would find 
contentment in this place if only she sought the way. Canfeza was certain Cecelia 
would find her way just as she had found her way with Piyale. She also knew the only 
reason she would smile this day was that the Sultan has named Piyale his best man 
and he would stand with Nobody and Canfeza as they were married. 
Canfeza's maids came and dressed her in her wedding finery. Finally, Piyale arrived to 
escort her to the wedding. She had asked Nobody in one of their meetings in the last 
three days that in addition to being his best man that Piyale be allowed to escort her to 
the temple where they were to be married. 
Piyale held out his arm to Canfeza, smiling at his lover. They had tried to hold back 
their feelings for one another and wait the three days to the wedding to consummate 
their love, but last night Canfeza had slipped into his room via the secret door the 
palace staff used to access rooms to clean them. She had told him of the new consort 
in waiting, Cecelia, and asked him to hold her. He had taken her in his arms, then 
kissed her. Their kisses had become more heated, and between one kiss and the next, 
he had her on his bed. Her hands had at first tentatively roamed his body, and as their 
lovemaking had intensified her shyness had disappeared. He would cherish the night 
His musings had allowed him to smile as they were paraded through the palace and to 
the carriage that would take them to the temple. As soon as the carriage started 
moving, Canfeza was kissing him as if her very existence depended on it. As much as 
he wished to take her in his arms, he could not risk messing her clothing or hair this 
day. He kissed her back as hard as he dared, not wishing to give proof of their 
treasonous actions. The driver called the turn to the temple, and they parted. Canfeza 
took the handkerchief she had brought and wiped the lip stain from Piyale. 
Straightening his clothing was her final act before the doors of the carriage opened, 
and she was lead by Piyale down the boulevard filled with the Sultan's subjects and to 
the marriage that would be a sham. 
Nobody watched as Piyale lead the woman who would soon be his wife towards him. 
Their smiles were genuine, and he was pleased that she was so happy to wed him. His 
life was getting better and better. His liaisons with the harem maids would soon be 
coupled with his visits to the goddess, making her way towards him. He only needed to 
get through the ceremony and feast thrown by Piyale in their honor, and then he could 
take his new wife to her bedchambers. He hoped that she was fertile and a royal heir 
would soon follow the wedding. 
Canfeza made herself look towards the man who would be her legal husband in a few 
short moments. The priest waited to speak the words of binding, and she would be the 
wife of Sultan Nobody. She would not speak until after they were wed as was the royal 
Once the ceremony finished, Nobody heard Canfeza say the words required by custom. 
"Nobody, I give myself to you. To you, I will forever be faithful". 
The people cheered, and Piyale escorted the Sultan and his new wife to the feast he 
prepared in their honor. Wine flowed freely, and the Sultan drank much. Finally when 
the time came for Nobody and Canfeza to leave. They arrived at the palace, and 
Nobody led Canfeza to her rooms in the harem. He spotted his next wife as they passed 
and smiled, thinking forward to his wedding night with her. 
Canfeza was nervous and shy. She offered Nobody more wine, and he drank, he finally 
leaned in to kiss her, something he had waited to do all day. Her kisses were timid and 
chased. Nobody was pleased that the maid he married would learn love at his hands. 
He moved her towards the bed, and they kissed again. What happened next was a blur, 
but when he awoke in his chambers the next morning, he had a sense of satisfaction 
that told him he had been well pleased by his new wife. 
Canfeza awoke next to Piyale. She slid her hands across his chest, and he stirred. 
Emboldened by their lovemaking the night before she kissed him, moving to straddle 
the man she loved. It had been late when she had managed to convince the Sultan to 
retire to his chamber and had been pleased by the way she had managed to avoid his 
Piyale awoke to his lover's attentions. His body stirred to her, and he knew that if they 
were to continue their lovemaking this morning, he would need to move quickly. The 
maids he had paid to plant the bedding in her chambers would soon be leaving, and 
Canfeza must be in her rooms by that time. 
Canfeza slipped into her suite of rooms just as the maids Piyale had secured were 
leaving. They bowed low, and she moved quickly to the bed and lay down her head just 
as the Harem matron came in. The matron shook her, and Canfeza stretched and 
opened her eyes. 
"Good Morning Highness, it is time for the royal examination," the maid said. 
Canfeza slipped out of bed and allowed the matron to examine her and the bedsheets. 
The matron smiled at the blood that stained the sheets. She rang for maids to burn the 
bedding, and tea was brought for Canfeza. 
"This will speed conception highness. An heir will be a good omen for the empire." 
The matron said. Canfeza smiled at the matron nodding the whole time. She prayed 
for the conception of Piyale's child and hoped that soon the empire would cheer as a 
child conceived in love was born. 
005 Cecilia 
Her dainty fingers wrapped around the door frame as she peeked in and watched 
maids sneaking in used bedsheets, followed by Canfeza, looking as if she was 
attempting to be covert and... something else was different about her. Her eyes were 
different from the eyes she looked into the last two days. A few moments later, the 
maids slunk out, and the Harem Matron strode in, nose high in the air. 
She retreated into her chambers and sat on the large, much too soft bed that she had 
been unable to sleep on the past few nights. Her mind wandered to Lufti again, as it 
often had over the last few years. She thought that he was courting her, and she had 
prepared herself for him and him alone. 
She found herself, in her youth, fantasizing about forbidden things with Lufti. Things 
like kissing him wantonly in a carriage that her mother trusted them to be alone in. 
But, even in her fantasies, she walked through town on his arm as his new wife 
afterward. This reality, sitting in her bed in the Sultan's Harem - its a tragedy she'd 
never could have suspected. 
She laid back against the down pillows and closed her eyes, feeling hot tears 
streaming down her face again 
She sat there like this until the harem maids shuffled in to bathe and dress her. One 
matronly maid gingerly dabbed away her tears in the bath and put tea leaves on the 
bags forming under her eyes. 
"Miss, you'll need to sleep eventually. The Sultan will not stand for his consorts 
looking so harrowed." 
"I know you're right, Tish, but the bed is much too soft, and I am not eager to be 
"Oh, sweet Cecilia. You're not the first new wife to tell me this." 
Her eyes looked up at Tish with hesitation and restrained excitement, "Oh?" 
"Now, get those thoughts out of your pretty head, Miss Cecilia. No consort ever leaves 
the Sultan by means other than death itself. What I meant was many consorts to the 
Sultan's father before he passed felt the same. Some of them had foolish academic 
aspirations, and some of them had love elsewhere. No matter the purpose, Miss 
Cecilia, you are here now. So learn to sleep in the bed that is too soft, and do not ever 
let the Sultan find you looking fatigued. It's indecent." 
After Tish and the others bathed and dressed her, there was a light knocking on the 
door. Tish answered, and another handmaid walked through the door and whispered 
something to Tish. 
Tish nodded and approached Cecilia and bowed her head formally before saying, 
"Miss Canfeza would like to invite you to stroll through the royal gardens in one hours 
"Well, of course, I would enjoy a stroll." 
Canfeza and Cecilia walked arm in arm with their parasols protecting them from the 
sun, through the gorgeous royal gardens while Canfeza hinted at scandalous things 
that occurred in her bed or her dreams. It was not clear. Cecilia looked up after 
analyzing a particularly beautiful plant and locked eyes from across the courtyard 
with Lufti. He looked frozen. His eyes looked as tired as she felt. She wanted to call out 
to him but knew it was pointless. Whatever they had shared before was forbidden now. 
And to even converse with him would bring her so much more pain than was 
necessary to inflict on herself. 
He was trudging through the gardens to meet the Sultan in the courtyard when he 
smelled a familiar and foreign scent. He looked into the gardens and saw her. She was 
knelt down in front of a flowering bush, and she was as perfect as ever. Her long hair 
draped over her shoulders and face. She radiated sunshine and beauty. How did he let 
those years escape without asking for her hand? She was flawless. She slowly stood 
and looked up into his eyes. His soul burned. He couldn't bring himself to move. To 
She lowered her eyes, locked arms with the consort that led her away the last time he 
had seen her, and they walked away. It felt like a scalding knife was sliding into his 
heart as she walked away. 
006 Canfeza  
Canfeza was silent for the first few turns as they walked in the garden, but she had 
seen the looks thrown by Cecilia and Lufti at each other. There was a story there, and 
she was dying to hear it. 
"Cecilia, do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can hel..." she trailed off unsure if she 
wanted to specifically explain why she would help the soon to be wife of the Sultan 
commit treason. 
007 Cecilia 
Cecilia glanced sideways at Canfeza. There is no way she could reveal to the first wife 
of the new Sultan that her heart belonged to a Royal Vizier. She could never act on it, 
for it would be treason, and no one would mourn her death. 
008 Canfeza 
Canfeza started to speak and stopped again as they turned the corner and walked 
straight into Piyale. Blushing, she curtsied. "My apologies, Vizier Piyale, I didn't see 
you there." 
His name came out somewhat strained. But she rushed past to finish her comment. 
Piyale startled by the beautiful goddess in front of him, took a moment to respond 
when she spoke. 
"Canfeza, Cecilia, I should be watching better where I walk. Please accept my 
apologies as it was me who ran into you..." 
He bowed low and hurried off as to not give away the secret that he and Canfeza 
Canfeza couldn't help but watch as Piyale rushed off. 
009 Cecilia 
Cecilia looked Canfeza hard in the eyes as she was looking after Vizier Piyale. Her eyes 
were aflame, and your body pulled away from Cecilia as if Piyale had the gravitational 
pull of a planet in itself.  
She analyzed Canfeza and realized slowly... 
Canfezas heart does not belong to the Sultan any more than her own does. 
She gingerly pressed her fingertips to her own lips as Canfeza seemed to return from 
the clouds and continue walking forth as if she had too much drink. Cecilia gripped 
Canfeza's arm a little tighter to guide her through the rest of the stroll. Cecilia was 
now dying inside to share her own feelings with Canfeza. But it still didn't feel right.  
The rest of their stroll was in complete silence as each of the women thought about 
the men their hearts truly desired. 
010 Piyale/Canfeza 
Piyale had found Nobody in the conservatory at the far end of the gardens. He was 
thankful it had taken some time for him to find him after the encounter with Canfeza 
and Cecilia as his mind had been on the woman he loved and not his message for 
several minutes afterward.  
"My Sultan," Piyale said as he bowed low. "I don't wish to interrupt your solitude; 
however, a message has arrived from the border troops. The neighboring kingdom has 
sent raids across the border. A lone survivor made it from a border farm to a troop 
encampment just ahead of the raiding party and was able to warn them in time. They 
were able to kill all those in the raiding party. Unfortunately, there were no survivors 
to question." 
Canfeza was thankful for Cecilia's silence as they returned to the palace. Her mind had 
been on Piyale the entire time.  
By the time she and Cecilia reached the palace, she had schooled her thoughts into 
more productive ones. Cecilia deserved the happiness that she and Piyale had found. 
With Cecilia's wedding fast approaching, she would need to work quickly. 
Canfeza resolved to discuss the predicament of Lufti and Cecilia when they next met. 
011 Nobody/Piyale 
The Sultan stood with his back to Piyale. He promised his father that he would crush 
their enemies and thus far, he had spent his time courting women and building the 
Empire from within. 
If he had focused on his promise to his father, then this would not be happening. He 
would not have lost precious citizens to the brutality of the enemies and their godless 
He could feel Piyale's patient stare behind him. He knew he was waiting for a 
response. A course of action. A command from the holy leader. 
And right now he felt like a child again. He wanted his governess to gather him up and 
read him a story so he could pretend nothing else existed. 
Instead, he stood in the Conservatory, a man and a Sultan, and it was his obligation to 
send more men to their death for the sake of the Empire. 
He composed himself and turned around to Piyale's expectant face. 
"Piyale, you are my dearest friend. What would you do?" 
"My friend," ...he thought over this well thought out plan, "This is what we shall do." 
And thus his first act of war since becoming Sultan was in place.  
He wanted nothing more than to seek the comfort of the simple bosom of Canfeza. 
"As you wish, My Sultan. I shall have the messages prepared and sent to the troops at 
the border. An ambush shall be set to capture our enemy." Piyale bowed again and 
turned to leave. 
The Sultan contemplated the dire decisions of his bloodline, and for a moment wished 
he was one of a farmer's sons, free to pursue all the men he wished and resigned to 
only one wife. 
The new one. He had forgotten about her. The ceremony was in 2 days time. He had 
not spoken to her a single time. 
As much as he desired to go lay in the safety of Canfeza's maternal bosom, he wanted 
to make sure that he became acquainted with the new wife-to-be first. 
And with that, he left the conservatory. 
012 Cecilia 
Cecilia was just inviting Tish into to help her into night clothes when another maid 
slipped in and announced the presence of the Sultan. 
Tish's eyes widened .... and she scanned over Cecilia's body quickly and whispered 
" haven't even wed yet." 
She skittered out the servant entrance, and the other maid disappeared behind the 
main door, replaced by the tall figure of the Sultan. 
Cecilia curtseyed low again and kept her eyes lowered to the floor. The Sultan strolled 
past her and asked her kindly to lift herself. 
She stood up, and her eyes met his. 
Tired. Scared. And somehow still kind.  
"I must apologize for not availing myself of your company before this night. Despite 
traditions, I understand that your lives were something entirely different before 
coming here, and I would not ask you to wed a stranger. I know it is late, but will you 
stroll the gardens with me?" 
"Of course, Your Grace" she attempted to curtsey again, but he grabbed her arm.  
"You are not inferior to me, girl. Come. Let's walk. " And he offered his arm.  
She placed her fingertips on his forearm, and they left the Harem together. 
013 Canfeza 
Canfeza watched as the sultan escorted Cecilia from the harem. Assured of some time 
for herself she dismissed the maids stating she wished to wander before retiring. After 
she was sure, she was no longer being followed; she slipped into the secret corridors 
and Piyale’s rooms. They were empty. She walked around seeking clues of his 
whereabouts when she noticed a piece of paper poking out from a meticulous stack of 
documents. Pulling the sheet free, she found a hastily scrawled note 
I dare not send this note my dear, so I hope you find it. I have been sent by our 
sultan to oversee the northern borders. He trusts none other than me to oversee 
this mission. I hope to return victorious and soon to your embrace, my love. 
Until that time, know that you are forever in my heart and always on my mind. 
You are my reason to live and breathe.  
Canfeza folded the note and secreted it in her dress. It would need to be burnt post 
haste as not to incriminate Piyale or herself in treason. Although he never wrote her 
name, if found in her possession it would be her death, and if found in his, torture 
would follow to learn the identity of the lady he dared to take to his quarters 
unmarried. Unfortunately for Cecilia, this meant that help would be some time in 
coming as she dared not approach the subject until she was assured of Lufti’s feelings 
She heard the doorknob rattle and quickly slipped into the secret corridor and out of 
Piyale’s rooms before she was caught in a place she should not be. She was cautious 
reentering the main corridors of the palace and after strolling through the gallery 
returned to her suite in the harem and retired for the night. 
014 Cecilia and Nobody 
"Tell me your name," The Sultan said to her, looking down at her small face in the 
light of the moon. 
"I am Cecilia, Your Grace" 
"Cecilia, I am Nobody. Tell me about your past." 
Cecilia told the Sultan of her childhood in the Syndac Empire. The Sultan there was 
horrid and tyrannical. His armies were disorganized, and under his rule, the empire 
deteriorated from the most feared empire in the land to a running joke. Her father was 
a well-to-do merchant, and their family lived quite comfortably. As the empire was 
failing, her father secured passage on a small ship to escape to another land. Her 
father had known someone who passed through Nobody's Empire. He had glorious 
stories of Nobody's father as Sultan, and how this young empire flourished and their 
people loved their Sultan with all of their hearts.  
Cecilia's father desired a future for his son's and his precious daughter. He wanted to 
age with honor and be respected by an honorable community. 
After sailing for three days, something unknown occurred that caused the ship to 
crash into a severe bank of rocks, and the ship was torn to pieces. Her father was never 
She told the Sultan about Lufti rescuing her from the treacherous waters. About how 
he had offered his home for their benefit and provided for them for years and taught 
her and her brothers to swim. She told him about her close friendship with the 
jeweler's daughter, Dilara. She went to continue on, and the Sultan stopped her. 
"You've been through much in your life until now. I am overjoyed that your life has 
led you here." Even in the clouded light of the moon, he could see the way she blushed 
when she spoke of Lufti. He was no fool, and he knew her feelings. He opened his 
mouth to comment on it, and closed his mouth again, realizing there was no way to 
talk about it without potentially offending her. Her petite face turned and looked up 
towards his, suddenly bathed in the milky moonlight. 
"Your Grace, Nobody is a hefty name to give a child." 
He looked into her eyes and saw she seemed deeply concerned. He imagined in her 
silence she may have been wondering at the atrocities of naming a child "Nobody." He 
smiled gently and knew that if anyone could know the truth, it was her. 
"My father, the last Sultan, was truly a great man. The stories your father heard that 
drew him here were not false. He was everything that rumors said he was, and more. 
He named me." Her jaw dropped. It was unladylike, but it made sense with the 
shocking revelation he dropped on her. He chuckled, put a finger on her chin, and 
helped her close her mouth, "Do not despair before you've heard the rest of the tale, 
Cecilia. As I grew, with every decision I had made, he would remind me of why he 
named me that. He would always tell me, "The measure of a man is not in his name, 
but rather in the actions and the name he makes for himself. Remember, boy, until 
you make a name for yourself, you will be Nobody." And it has helped to shape the 
actions I've taken in my life." 
She bowed her head in contemplation. He walked forward, and she gripped his arm 
hard, and he swung back around in time for her to speak,  
"Your Grace, I do not think you are Nobody any longer." His heart warmed. He put his 
hand on top of hers on his forearm, and he led her back to the Harem.  
He knew in his heart that Cecilia was going to bring him joy for many years to come. 
After releasing her to the care of her handmaidens, he raced off, plotting in his head 
how to ensure her happiness as well. 
015 Piyale 
Piyale laid in the tent half a days ride from the palace thinking only of Canfeza. Even 
here, he could not escape his thoughts of her.  
He regretted every day of the past five years. Her father had noticed Piyale’s glances at 
his daughter and approached him with offers of an arranged marriage. Piyale had 
asked that his daughter be consulted and would only agree if she were amiable to the 
arrangement. The following day his sword master had returned downtrodden.  
His daughter had run from the room as soon as an arranged marriage was brought up 
yelling that she would never allow her father to force her into a marriage, for she 
would rather die than marry a man chosen by her father.  
Piyale now confused more than ever as to why Canfeza had not agreed. She had told 
him she’d loved him for close to 9 years. Had her father never gotten to tell her who 
the marriage had been arranged with.  
He had dreamed of her for years but never had the courage to approach her due to the 
circumstances of that fateful day. Now more than ever, he wished he had had the 
courage to speak with the young daughter of his sword master instead of admiring her 
from afar as he had.  
At least now they were together. He thought to the note he should never have left and 
prayed once again that his goddess found it before anyone else read through his 
papers trying to one-up him in his absence at the palace. 
016 Davut and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very 
Bad Day 
3 Years Ago 
Davut walked through the market kiosk following his nose. Something smelled divine. 
His stomach growled again. He had to find whatever this was he was smelling, and eat. 
He walked past a food stall and turned back. Behind the counter was a lovely young 
lady with long brown hair. As he got closer, the divine smell he had been investigating 
became stronger. Luck was sure with him today if he found both a gorgeous lady and 
the food he had been seeking.  
Clara had just finished making a plate of Acem pilavı for a client. Acem pilavı, a rice 
dish made with lamb, cooked in meat broth with pistachios, cinnamon was the day's 
featured dish, and one of her favorites to make. She handed the plate to her customer 
and looked up to see the most handsome man she had ever seen approaching, sniffing 
the air as if he smelled something delicious. She smiled and welcomed the new 
customer to her family's shop, asking what he would like.  
"I'll take whatever the previous client had," his voice was rich and a joy to listen to. 
"I'd also appreciate a name to attach to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He 
smiled, and Clara almost forgot what she was doing.  
"I'm Clara, and your Acem pilavı will be done momentarily sir," she replied. 
"Davut, please, dear lady, call me Davut. I hope to one day become a Vizier," he replied 
with a smile. 
Current Day 
For the past three years, Davut had made sure to have his midday meal at the 
restaurant kiosk of Clara and her family. He had become a Vizier, shortly after 
Nobody's ascension to the throne.  
For the past three years, he had used his connections to get Clara anything she had 
desired. Today he had decided to stop putting it off and ask her father for her hand in 
As he hurried towards the kiosk that was like a second home, Clara's father 
approached. He walked steadily but was wringing his hands in front of his apron. 
"Davut, Sir, I have bad news this day indeed. I have wished to ask you if you would 
take my daughter in marriage for many days now," he said nervously.  
Davut couldn't see how this was bad news, as he had been trying to find a way to 
approach her father to ask about marriage to his daughter. "I don't know how this..." 
Clara's father interrupted him. "Davut sir, today, Sultan Nobody came through the 
markets, and after tasting Clara's food, well Sir, he asked for her hand. We couldn't 
refuse him. Clara has been taken to the palace to be prepared for marriage to the 
sultan in four days. He requested we wait the additional day due to his upcoming 
wedding to the Lady Cecilia tomorrow." 
Clara's father's news was not just bad, but absolutely terrible. Sighing, he sat at the 
nearest table and placed his head in his hands. He was definitely no longer hungry. 
017 Cecilia’s Wedding 
Lufti aided the Sultan in organizing his wedding attire. No one else was admitted in 
the room for the moment. Everyone involved and not involved was aware of how very 
unorthodox and uncomfortable this was, but Nobody needed time alone with Lufti.  
"She is in love with you, Lufti." His hands froze at the Sultans collar for a moment 
before continuing, "to whom do you refer to, Sultan?" 
"You know she is. And she has brought me so much joy in such a small time. I need to 
return her joy. So I have a very important task for you. And I need you to not refuse 
The Sultans eyes pierced into Luftis soul through the mirror, and Lufti's heart fell to 
his shoes. 
The Sultan swung around and grabbed Lufti by the arms. 
"Love her in return. I will only bed her once to consummate the marriage, as is my 
duty. However, she serves me, in my life and my future more suitably as a confidant. A 
friend. Such as you have been since we were children. Please, bring her the joy she 
deserves. Your children will be raised as royalty and given only the best." 
Lufti stumbled backward, "Your Grace." 
"Do not "Your Grace" me, Lufti Krishnat, tell me you'll care for her as a wife! Give her 
the family she deserves!" 
Lufti recovered himself and straightened up. "Nobody, my dearest friend. I will care 
for her as I have the entire time she has been in this kingdom, and I will provide for 
her forevermore." 
A boyish grin spread across the Sultan's face, and he seemed almost giddy now. 
"Well, then! We have a wedding to get to!!" 
Cecilia walked the streets during the wedding march on the Sultan's arm. She was not 
thrilled, but she had a contented, polite smile upon her lips. The Sultan held the grin 
on his face. His dear Cecilia had no idea. And he had no idea how he would tell her 
without offending her, but he was determined to bring her joy. 
018 Clara 
Clara entered the Sultan's palace dejected. She had started her day hoping that Davut 
would finally propose. Instead, her luck had been encountering The Sultan as he 
wandered the market kiosk, and offering him a plate of food to eat. When The Sultan 
had learned she was the cook, he immediately asked her father for her hand. Without 
an engagement to Davut, her father had not been able to decline Nobody's offer. Her 
thoughts dwelt on Davut, the man she loved but would never have, she had not seen 
any of the palace grounds. 
The maid who escorted her stopped suddenly at the appearance of Canfeza. Clara had 
watched the procession of the wedding party and recognized the stunning woman in 
front of her.  
Clara wiped her eyes as she bowed before the first wife. She managed a steady voice 
and said, 'I am Clara, First wife of the sultan.' 
Canfeza's very melodic voice responded kindly, "You need not bow, nor call me First 
Wife. Please call me Canfeza. It is a pleasure to meet you, Clara. You will come to see 
Cecilia and me as friends in short order. Maid, she is safe in my keeping, please, be 
about your other duties now." The latter Canfeza addressed to the maid with a nod of 
the head and a smile.  
Clara followed Canfeza's guidance in silence for a few passages. As they turned 
another corner, Canfeza sighed and relaxed. Then with a glance in each direction, she 
started speaking again, "Clara, do not despair. Nobody is kind beyond measure; there 
is no need to cry." 
Clara nodded but said nothing. When they finally entered the harem, and she was 
shown to her room, she laid down and cried herself to sleep, thankful that the Sultan 
would be distracted by his wedding and the second wife for the rest of the day. 
019 Piyale 
Piyale hadn't slept. His profession was a dangerous one. His current situation 
marching out to reprimand a neighboring ruler for encroaching on Nobody's lands 
proved this. Nobody couldn't allow for infractions so early in his reign. He could not 
appear weak to those who surrounded them. Piyale knew that the surrounding rulers 
were not good men. They would jump on any sign of weakness and invade the 
kingdom. Refugees would flee the invasion. The thoughts he was trying to avoid came 
rushing in. Canfeza's father had left the neighboring kingdom seeking refugee status 
ten years previous. Thoughts of Canfeza in another man's arms, even the ones with a 
right to her, had kept him up. 
As the sun came up, he finally gave up hope of sleep. He woke his servants and ordered 
them to strike his tent. Messages were dispatched with the runners to the companies, 
and soon, the camp was busy as the soldiers prepared for another day's march.  
To further distract himself, he sent his groom away and brushed his stallion and then 
cleaned the tack and checked his saddle for signs of wear. His grooms were generally 
thorough, but he always liked to make sure that he knew the condition of his 
equipment. Still at the back of his mind was the one Vizier of Nobody's father who'd 
been assassinated by men posing as grooms for years, gaining his trust, all to 
sabotaging his saddle and make the death look like an accident.  
As the army assembled behind him, Piyale gave the command to mount up and started 
the long day's march ahead. The haunting thoughts that had troubled him all night 
followed him into the day. 
020 Clara 
Clara awoke to the sound of all the bells of the city chiming. The noise echoed the 
pounding in her head. Nobody's marriage to Cecilia must have concluded, and the 
parade to the palace would be starting.   
Knowing the bells would toll until the procession reached the palace, Clara got out of 
bed and washed her face in the basin by the wall. She opened the door to the rooms she 
had been given, and a maid was waiting in the hall. 
"Mistress, how may I be of service?" the young lady asked. She spoke with a heavy 
accent of foreign lands. "My name is Dinisa, and I've been assigned to be your ladies 
"Hello Dinisa, I am Clara, soon to be the third wife of Sultan Nobody. It's nice to meet 
you. Please call me, Clara." Clara replied, doing her best not to sound petulant at the 
prospect of being Nobody's third wife. "Any chance there is a kitchen I can cook in 
Dinisa bowed low, "Follow me, Mistress," she said as she headed down the hall 
towards the common rooms in the Harem. Clara followed resolved to pay better 
attention to the palace layout as they went. 
Five minutes later and many many turns, Clara was lost as could be, but she stood in 
front of the palace kitchens. The cook, a shortish fat man, had offered to cook her 
anything she desired, but upon hearing, she was a chef from the bazaar he allowed her 
free reign of the kitchen to make whatever food she wished. He left shortly after 
showing her where everything was stored to ensure the final preparations for Lufti's 
feast were in place for the arrival of the wedding party. 
Dinisa settled on a stool in the corner of the kitchen and watched as her mistress 
gathered supplies and started preparing her meal. Davut had always told her what an 
excellent cook Clara was. Seeing what her master had told her was accurate; she knew 
why the man was smitten with the woman she now served. Keeping her mouth shut 
about her master was her priority now. It would never do for Clara to know that Davut 
watched her through Dinisa's eyes now. 
Clara finally felt at home. The Sultan's kitchen stocks were from the best the empire 
had to offer. She even found items she would have to ask the chef about later as she 
didn't know what they were. After peeling and dicing her ingredients, she prepared a 
plate for her and her new maid.  
021 Davut 
Davut listened at the door as Dinisa lead Clara past and to the kitchens. His kindness 
towards the young maid had secured an amicable friendship. That friendship, in turn, 
ensured that she would teach Clara the longer path to the kitchens. The route that 
passed his apartments in the palace so that he would be able to encounter his lady love 
in the halls from time to time. Just hearing her voice as she conversed with Dinisa 
soothed his nerves.  
He waited almost an hour after hearing Dinisa and Clara pass before working up the 
courage to go to the kitchens for food. The last place he wanted to be was the Sultan's 
feast, and he was hungry. Surely an hour was more than enough time for her to be 
gone. Seeing her right now would be too much for him. As he turned the corner into 
the kitchen, there she was laughing and eating İmam Bayıldı with Dinisa.  
"Master Davut," Dinisa said as she curtsied low, "Can I get you anything?" 
"Dinisa, please sit and eat with your mistress. I will find what I need on my own." 
Davut replied. Looking at Clara, he bowed and turned to walk out.  
"Wait!" Clara's voice interrupted him. Turning back, he saw her standing. "I'll leave, 
Vizier Davut. There is no reason you should miss a meal because of me." There was icy 
steel in her voice he hadn't heard from her before. 
She walked past him, and Dinisa followed her mistress out.  
Davut stared at the door for several minutes. Why did seeing her have to hurt so 
much? Why had he been reluctant to ask for her hand? The answer was that he was a 
coward and feared her father would judge him lacking despite their friendship of 
many years. 
When he turned into the kitchen, he realized that Dinisa had taken the plates they had 
been eating from as they left. He looked around and found that in the warming oven of 
the kitchen was an extra serving of İmam Bayıldı. He pulled out the pan and placed the 
food onto a plate. Today, at least, he could still eat her food. 
Miserable, he took his food and returned to his apartments to once again remind 
himself how stupid he had been. He should have asked for Clara's hand in marriage 
months ago. 
022 Canfeza & Clara *New* 
Canfeza hated the bells. They had rung continuously for hours after her marriage to 
Nobody. Since the wedding to Cecilia in the early morning hours, they had been 
ringing now well into the afternoon. The new girl, Clara, entered the room, followed 
by her maid, who carried three plates of food. Clara sat next to Canfeza at the table, 
and the maid laid down two partially eaten dishes in from of Clara and herself, and an 
untouched one in front of Canfeza.  
Clara smiled shyly and said, "You tried to tell me something that I didn't wish to hear 
last night, my lady. I think I am ready. You said that Nobody was kind, what did you 
Canfeza looked at Dinisa frowning and unsure if she could speak. Setting down her 
fork, she laid her hand palm up with fingers cupped she touched her thumb with the 
smallest finger three times. Her maids had taught her to use the sign with other maids 
to find if they served the palace or the viziers. Generally, this was done discreetly at 
the waist with some coverage of the skirts, but she couldn't stand now. She watched as 
Dinisa returned the gesture. She could trust this woman with her secrets. "Which 
vizier is your maid loyal to, Clara?" she asked, unsure if the soon to be wife even knew. 
The look of utter confusion that crossed Clara's face confirmed her suspicions. 
Looking at the maid, she asked, "What is your name and which Vizier are you loyal 
The maid looked down, then said, "I am Dinisa, I am loyal to Vizier Davut Mistress. If I 
may ask, who taught you the sign to know which maids are loyal only to the viziers?" 
Canfeza blushed as she replied, "Piyale. All but one of my maids serve him." 
Clara watched as Dinisa and Canfeza spoke. When she mentioned Vizier Piyale, a 
sudden dawning realization settled on her. Canfeza was in love with Piyale.  
Canfeza turned to Clara and said, "Nobody is exceedingly kind, and will not harm you, 
nor force you. He is also not a very good drinker." She smiled shyly as she said this. 
"As long as he has the impression that he satisfied you, and you are discreet in your 
comings and goings, you may visit your Davut without Nobody being any wiser. I 
suspect that this was Vizier Davut's intent in assigning Dinisa as your maid." 
Clara watched as Dinisa bowed her head to the first wife of the sultan and nodded. Her 
heart jumped just a little, perceiving that her life was, in fact, not over. 

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