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Triple Sun Horoscope: Formula, Construction. Superimposition.

Keynote: "I would call you attention to the fact that in any one incarnation the Monad works
through the Opposing Sign, the Soul through the Rising Sign and the personality through the
Sun Sign, and these necessarily vary from life to life." (DK: 1943 Unpublished Zodiacal
From the individual Sun, Rising and Opposite signs, Triple Sun Horoscope formula deals with
your entire subjective pattern of manifestation and is intimately inter-related with the Trinity of
the entire structure of your living, moving and transmitted life. The underlying structure of ideas
and basic synthesis which the web of Life, Light and energy itself contains, is seen in the basic
triangle of the "three suns" in your Triple Sun horoscope. Revealing the time-space relation of
your life to form of your spirit to body and of your soul to your personality, veracity and validity of
the inner spiritual structure of your inner consciousness is intuitively confirmed through Initiation
wherein the triangular Science of Etheric Strucure and Substance is ultimately mastered in the
three worlds of divine Purpose. Bear in mind, conditioning ray energies, controlling incentives,
impulses and causes are the basis of the threefold process playing out through the Triple Suns
in your Horoscope which finally produce identification with the divine essence underlying your
triple appearance in form.
The revelation of the Opposite sign as the source of the Will of the Monad, the Rising sign as
the source of Love of the soul and the Sun sign as the source of activity of the personality, their
true significance and importance in the individual horoscope is needed in the field of astrology
now as ever before. Endorsed by the Heavens and corroborated by the activity of the stars, the
time for the knowledge of the three underlying constellations in the individual horoscope that
prepare the individual to "stand in spiritual Being" and take initiation is now. It is necessary to
remember that the three influences which impinge upon and prepare the individual for initiation
are transmitted by the three constellations. The mystery of the three potencies is that they bring
about the major changes in the individual life focus, the seven centres and corresponding
changes in the Monad, soul and personality. Brightening the "web of light," the major contribution
of Triple Sun Horoscope and Zodiacal Meditation, is that they dynamically accelerate, provided
in the process astrologers rest not content with theory and study but parallel understanding by a
strenuous effort with world service and meditation, both process and progress upon the Path of
Initiation. With the goal of fusing and blending more adequately the triple energies and potencies
of the inner and outer Man, in this book I am bringing to birth the new multi-dimensional chart
form and White Lodge procedure of horoscope construction and interpretation.
The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul stated in 1943 in his Unpublished Zodiacal formulas that there
are three constellations in the horoscope that condition the individual whether he recognizes it
or not.
1. Opposing Sign
2. Rising Sign
3. Sun Sign
Determining in all your individual affairs and event producing, underlying the entire fabric of your
life, through your Triple Sun Triangle, (the first or fundamental basic geometric form of your triple
manifestation), cosmic, zodiacal, systemic and planetary forces are focussed and their
reflections in your etheric body with its seven centres of force. In Triple Sun Horoscope
diagnostic analysis the investigating astrologer is most concerned with the impact of your three
primary ray energies (all qualified and producing appearance) and with your response to the
triple stream of forces reaching your from your Monad, Soul and Personality rays via your Sun,
Rising and Opposite signs. It is the development of conscious response to these three points of
contact of cosmic location (points in time and space) and their emanating energy that the needed
directed, attracted and magnetic sensitivity to that found within yourself is produced.
In every case, it must be remembered, that the triple group of ray energies of your Triple Sun
produces a differing individual affect according to the type of mechanism or apparatus of
response employed (itself dependent upon your point of evolution, karma and the stage of
development) upon which they impinge. It is your etheric body and quality of your subjective
psychological consciousness which determines reception and response. The effect of the Triple
Sun triangle in your horoscope composed of your Sun, Rising and Opposite sign, will depend
upon whether the response is evoked from your monad, soul or Personality. Until you have
arrived at the point of development where the world of meaning is open and where the scope of
your consciousness is widely inclusive it is not possible to be accurate in assessment of the
registering and response of the ray energies in your horoscope. I am bringing this point up
because the whole esoteric astrological science of the Triple Sun Horoscope relates entirely to
your three primary ray energies as they condition your subjective consciousness and not to the
conditioning brought about by them upon your outer form nature on the physical plane. In its
process and progress, the response of the individual disciple to the three inner ray energies and
to their effect on his subjective consciousness is not immediate. It takes much time for the
registering of the effects of the three ray energies upon the thought life and the response of the
physical plane personality even once they are mentally or theoretically grasped and
comprehended. Bear in mind that the effect of your Triple Sun will be in the realm of the intuition
and ideas, in the world of meaning and consciousness, and its expansion and will embrace
therefore the whole of your sentient thought life. The manifesting aspect of the Triple Sun is the
result of and conditioned by the interplay of your three ray forces so, as we manifest in time and
space, our task is to become consciously aware of the triple energies and their expressing ray
qualities as they function within our selves.
Through direct experience, the mentally polarized initiate working with and through his mind,
knows, the electric fire of his Monad can only be appropriated through his mind. Approaching
the evocation of the dynamic energy of pure electric fire via his Opposite Sun the initiate knows
to evoke the Will of his Monad he is literally playing with the highest form of fire. Seeking to help
you maturely understand and safely and sanely prepare for the expression of the energy of your
Monad, much is being offered to aid the development of your sensitivity, contemplation and
consideration upon the subject of the Opposite sign in the Horoscope, its role, nature and
purpose. I realize that the erection of the "three charts in one" in the Triple Sun Horoscope, based
upon the role of the triangle of the Birth, Rising and Opposite signs, is a new idea to not only
neophyte esoteric astrologers and students of the Wisdom but to all of you; to some its revelatory
significance to both the fields of the Science of Esoteric Astrology and the Science of Initiation
will be grasped immediately; through right understanding you will cast your Triple Sun
Horoscope, set-up your Triple Sun meditation formula and prepare your self for its expression;
others again may have faint glimmerings of this new threefold approach but find it overwhelming
and bewildering; to others it will mean little or nothing. It is for all of you that I write.
As the result of the growth of the initiate understanding, White Lodge esoteric astrologers utilize
the construction, casting and superimposition techniques of the Triple Sun Horoscope.
Blueprinted in the individual disciple’s White Lodge astrological formula, (based on the Science
of Triangles) of his Triple Sun Horoscope and supplementary Zodiacal Meditation formula, the
triangle of the Sun, Rising and Opposite sign is related to the total expression of his divine
triplicity: Monad, soul, personality, will, love and intelligence or life, consciousness and form.
Until, therefore, the investigating astrologer can express in himself the integrated resemblance
to these three aspects, he will not be able correctly interpret his own horoscope let alone the
charts of others more advanced than himself.
In its triple expression, we find the nature of fire esoterically understood in the following
correspondences to the fire of the "three suns" found in the Triple Sun Horoscope.
Opposite Sun..........Will......................Monad.............Electric fire.
Rising Sun...............Love-wisdom......Soul.................Solar fire.
Birth Sun.................Activity.................Personality.......Fire by friction.
With the coordinated and organized movement of the universal triangle pattern of the Triple Sun
and its power to condition to etheric centres, in the Triple Sun horoscope triplicity of
Opposite,Rising and Sun sign, we find the individual correspondences to the monad, the soul
and the personality. True and a law of nature, as the disciple manifests in time-space he
discovers that he has within his horoscope a triangle of "three suns" three major ray energies
and zodiacal constellation forces seeking qualitative expression and influence. His task is to
become consciously aware of these energies and forces and their expressing qualities as they
function within himself. If astrologers of the Ancient Wisdom will bring this idea to the study and
understanding of the astrological triangle found within their Triple Sun horoscope and refuse to
lose sight of the related triple energies, they will greatly simplify their study of this new science
of Esoteric Astrology. Successively activating and actuating the possibilities and potentialities of
total comprehension of his individual Triple Sun, the initiate consciously demonstrates the quality
of his life aspect and its conditioning results in his life history and events. He has moved into new
fields of possibility and sensed probability and grasped the relative synthesis which underlies not
only his but all manifestation.
Standing in back of your soul consciousness itself, the Will of your Monad is the prime factor
bringing about the inevitability of your initiation standing before the Hierophant; the cause of the
blossoming and fruition of your three bodies and seven centres of force on all planes of your life
intention.The synthesis of your divine experienced experiment in triple manifestation; the source
of your persistent effort, adherence to vision, and complete sacrifice; sounding the note of
triumph, realized and complete, persisting behind all that we know as death; the dream and goal
of every disciple of Hierarchy registering contact with the ray of the Monad. This is the case
because you Monadic Will transmitted to you via your Opposite sign, beyond even the ecstatic
joy of soul fulfillment realized through the intermediate agency of your Rising sign, embodies the
exhilarating life principle of victory of the ultimate goal when fruition is achieved; triumph upon
the path of Initiation; the final united success.
The White Lodge Triple Sun Horoscope formula is given to the disciple when he is ready in order
to bring about certain fusions, needed psychological crisis, and the esoteric event of initiation.
With a constantly cultivated attitude of mind, of continuous thinking and a steady comprehension,
for the initiate, at his highest point of subjective alignment and orientation, while employing his
Triple Sun Horoscope “formula of evocation,” evokes his Monadic will-to-be. When this takes
place his Opposite Sign and Rising Sign vibrate and resonate within the same magnetic field.
The magnetic quality of his Rising Sign (supplemented by the dynamic potency of his Opposite
Sign) is then focused by his evoked will and oriented toward his Sun Sign. Standing in spiritual
being, upon the physical plane functioning through his dedicated personality, he proceeds to
appropriate, consciously and with full deliberation, the descending energy of his Monad and thus
blends within himself the triple stream of energies of his Opposing, Rising and Sun Sign. He
succeeds in the ability to detach from limitation and perforates the ring-pass-not of his blended
Soul and Personality thus releasing his Monad into the universal life. With an unswerving focused
intention based on will and the synthesis of his attitudes (the union of the results of his
understanding, organized purpose, potent intent and poised consciousness), he then
precipitates his highest Monadic energy invoked and guides it to one or other of the seven
designated receptive centers in his etheric body determined by his Ray, need and capacity.
It is the will of the Monad alone which has the power to remake, rebuild and rehabilitate the
world. In the Triple Sun Horoscope the evocative Will of the Monad, divinely expressed, working
downward into form, blending form consciously to divine purpose, is the theme of the 3rd Sun,
the Opposite Sun. In its true expression the Will of the Monad is a propelling, expulsive force
and also a clarifying agent. In the realm of fulfillment, of completion of planned initiatory activity
and achievement of full expression of Will, the Sun of the Monad carries out the intention and
the purpose of the highest Life aspect of the initiate. It is the Opposite sign of the Monad which:
1. Conditions the life aspect.
2. Brings fulfillment of right human relation.
3. Conquers through negation the power of death.
These three aspects of the Will are all related through livingness through consciousness and
form to the the three aspects of the initiate, his Monad, Ego and Personality. The dynamic energy
of the Sun of the Monad is immanent, propulsive, driving, stabilizing, clarifying, finally utterly
destroying of all that prevents or hinders the free flow of human life, and used for the arresting
of the forces of evil.
The initiate has developed within the seven etheric centres of his receiving apparatus the
creative ability to build a better mechanism of reception which has enabled him finally to be
responsive to the impelling forces of divine attraction via monadic impact coming from his Triple
Sun. This innate capacity of the initiate is indestructible and is itself a divine focus of energy
which both incites and carries forward the good work of the disciple undertaken under the
inspiration of his Monad. The Monad fashions its three periodical vehicles to a divinely foreseen
end and leads the disciple through the three successive stages of individuation, initiation and
identification. Hence, victory is inevitable for the potency of the Triple Sun will unfailingly and in
time open the eye of vision in response to cosmic light.
The triangle of the three suns found in the Triple sun horoscope affects powerful the initiate and
is a triple inter-relation which has a special and peculiar function. It may facilitate your
understanding and comprehension of the underlying meaning and truths if you regard your triple
sun triangle in rapid movement, revolving eternally in space and ceaselessly moving onward and
as of fourth and fifth dimensional extension. Only the inner eye of the initiate can imagine or
visualize its progression, position and appearance. Bare in mind the entire cosmic web of light
is an intricate, constantly moving interwoven series of triangles wherein each point of the triangle
likewise triple in nature emanates three lines or streams of energy. The triangle of "triple suns"
in the horoscope of an initiate is responsive to and receptive of the energies of the Great Triangle
of cosmic Suns of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades likewise triple in nature which lie within
its periphery or sphere of influence and vibratory activity. The initiate has succeeded in proving
the effect of his Triple Suns and has arrived at some understanding of the interwoven network
of light which he himself possess and to which we give the name "etheric body". From the point
of view of living energy, the circumference of the wheels of the initiates triple suns have become
so awakened, alive and enlarged that they overlap and touch having been swept into the radius
of each others field of action thus appearing as One Sun.
The growth of the light of the individual Triple Sun as portrayed in the astrological chart through
the triangulation of the Sun, Rising and Opposite signs is seen in its unfolding increasing
radiance until it produces in its ultimate demonstration “the Glory of the One.” The mode of the
development of the threefold light of the Triple Sun and of its externalization via the Triple Sun
Horoscope has been one of the esoteric astrological secrets of initiation for a very long time. The
whole of the theme underlying the construction of the “three charts in one” of the Triple Sun
Horoscope is the threefold integration, fusion and synthesis of Monad, Soul, Personality. Triple
Sun Horoscope formula give us the astrological techniques and diagnostic interpretative process
that enable us as disciples to bring about more rapidly the fusion of our higher and the lower
selves and ultimately bring in expression of our Monad – true astrosynthesis. The light of the
Triple Sun affects not only our meachanism of response as we proceed but produces
sequentially the revelation of the nature of the threefold rays of our Monad, Soul and Personality
in space-time and as well the goal of our next initiation.
In my White Lodge Triple Sun Horoscope I am most concerned and chiefly instruct:
1. The mode of the fostering, production and development of the triple light of the three primary
ray energies via our individual threefold Sun composed of our Sun, Rising and Opposite signs.
2. The vibratory awakening of the seven centres of our etheric bodies to the triple light within.
3. The astrological techniques of superimposition and irradiation of our personality form nature
with the light of our Soul and Monad.
4. The plan of production of the inner light of our Soul and Monad and of their externalization
through our Personality.
5. How the light of the Soul and Monad affects the evolution of our Personalities.
6. The sequential revelation of the purpose of our life, plan and process.
7. How to produce a greater expression of our Soul plan and Monadic intent and purpose intent
in our lives lives as world servers and disciples.

In any one lifetime the Monad works through the Opposite sign, the soul through the rising sign
and the personality through the sun sign. The Old Commentary says when the three suns are
one “only the triple sun is seen”. The Triple Sun horoscope formula, method and techniques
are based upon the planned fusion of three basic energies: those of the Sun Sign, the Rising
Sign and those of the sign opposite to the Sun Sign (not opposite the Rising Sign). When the
three signs are one only the triple sun is seen.
1. The 1st Sun: the Sun Sign
2. The 2nd Sun: the Rising Sign
3. The 3rd Sun: the Opposite Sign
The "three are One". In the highly significant structure of your threefold appearance, within the
sum total of active qualified ray energies, expression of zodiacal qualities and material evidences
of the light energy of your "Triple Sun" we find the illuminating symbols, demonstration and outer
visible signs of the inner spiritual realities of your Monad, Soul and Personality. In terms of sight
and the entrance of the light through revelation there is no darkness for the initiate who having
seen the 1st Sun, having seen the 2nd Son, lives in the constant irradiating light of the 3rd Sun.
The "three Suns are One Sun.
In the recognition of the ray and zodiacal energies with which he is occupied, the disciple realizes
that they are:
1.The potencies of the equipment with which the Sun sign has endowed him.
2.The potencies of the Rising Sign with which it is the intention of his Soul to endow him.
3.The potencies of the opposing sign that esoterically indicates the point of attainment possible
through the fusion of the other two energies.
The magical Triple Sun formulas have three clear significances:
1. They evoke the energies of the Rising Sign;
2. They penetrate dynamically – like a shaft of pure white light – to the sign that is in opposition
to the Sun Sign.
3. They focus the energies of the Sun Sign. This last point constitutes the preliminary step.
Upon the depth and the penetrative quality of the disciple’s concentration will depend the
nature and the persistence of the “invocative rite,” as it is sometimes called.
The energies of the three constellations will produce upon the disciple in the three worlds the
following effects:
1. Dynamic Opposite Sign will produce the evocation of his will upon the mental plane.
2. Magnetic Rising sign will produce effective changes in his group life and work, which work is
an expression of a correct appreciation of love and will demonstrate primarily upon the astral
3. Active Sun Sign will condition his service on the physical plane.
Have these three carefully in mind as you study the method of erecting and casting the “three
charts in one” of Triple Sun Horoscope. The disciple seeks to accomplish and demonstrate the
fusion within himself of the three forces, potencies or energies of his Sun, Rising and Opposite
Suns. His task is to bring about the alignment of the two zodiacal energies – that of the Sun Sign
and that of the Rising Sign and to produce, by this alignment and consequent inflow, a fusion
with the energies of the opposite of the Sun Sign in order that the three energies may prepare
him for initiation. The two ray energies of the personality and the soul have to be blended in order
to set up an adequate magnetic pull so that response may be forthcoming from the Monad
working through the opposite sign. In the language of the Old Commentary the rising sun
obliterates the birth Sun and when these two suns blend and merge the third sun is seen. The
disciple “taking his stand upon the firm foundation” of his sun sign “sees another sun rise over
the horizon”. The Path then runs clear from the highest to the lowest and the three suns produce
one sun.
Triple Sun Horoscope approach to astrological diagnosis (as far as the individual is concerned)
makes possible the casting of the horoscope of advanced human being such as disciples and
initiates. In three stages from the development of personality upon the three planes to the
unfoldment of the soul through the personality in the five worlds of superhuman evolution to the
fusion of the spirit, soul and personality and Life in the seven worlds of our seven planes, Triple
Sign horoscope construction and process demonstrate the true nature of the Triad in the Science
of Triangles which we refer to as Life, Quality and Appearance. For the sake of clarity, once
again let me state, we consider the great experience of Life, for the individual human being
simultaneously taking place (through the three periodical vehicles and respective Rays) via the
three wheels of the Opposite, Rising and Sun Signs wheels found within your horoscope within
the great wheel of Life.
Opposite Sun: Transmitting Sun. Monad.
Rising Sun: Transforming Sun. Soul.
Birth Sun: Transfiguring Sun. Personality.
Triple Sun Light correspondences for Pledged Disciples:
Birth Sun: The light of the personal self focused in the mind.
Rising Sun: The light of the Soul focused in the Angel
Opposite Sun: Universal Light emitted by the Presence.
Birth Sun: Dweller on the Threshold
Rising Sun: The Angel
Opposite Sun: The Presence
I cannot too strongly repeat that Triple Sun horoscope formula, technique and process is entirely
concerned with the forces of energies that affect the form, consciousness and Monadic aspects
of the human being. This is the point that must be considered above all else. In other words, the
Triple Sun charts are concerned with the Monad, Soul and Personality. Therefore, all that I have
to say refers to the three primary rays of the individual and to their conscious expansion and
triple affect effect upon the vehicles, the form, and - in the last with the Science of Initiation. My
idea of three charts in one horoscope is so new and the approach so universal or cosmic, that it
is not easy for those trained in either modern esoteric or exoteric astrology truly to comprehend
the significance of this teaching.
Through its seven centres, there are nine factors that condition the quality of the moving energies
and forces, in a particular incarnation, which find expression through the individual etheric body.
1. The ray of the Monad
2. The ray of the Soul.
3. The ray of the Personality
4. The ray of the mind.
5. The ray of the emotional nature
6. The ray of the physical body.
7. The energy of the Opposite sign
8. The energy of the Rising sign
9. The energy of the Sun sign
With trial and error, entering upon a prolonged period of observation, of experiment and
experience, once these nine factors are ascertained as to their factual truth the entire life problem
becomes clarified. One begins to occultly feel these energies as they express themselves
through themselves. Through a sentient, feeling activity one becomes conscious of the qualities
of the forces employed, their ray relations and their astrological components. One knows then
what one is doing, with what energies one must work.
It is all a question of developed sensitivity. The Triple Sun Ray energies playing upon the initiate
are of a momentous nature because he has developed the seven Ray centers in their etheric
body mechanism of awareness to an adequate capacity to respond. The three primary Ray
energies of the Individual transmitted by the Opposite, Rising and Sun Signs in the horoscope
are ever present with responsiveness and sensitivity to their impact dependent upon the nature
of the evolutionary development of the disciples response apparatus. No matter what shape or
form of life experiences the triple Ray configuration produce, the combination of the Ray energies
transmitted by the three signs will condition and configure the equipment and environment to be
declarative with the three subjective Ray energies, definitely work out as a determining process
in life, expand the consciousness and lead to initiation.
"Triple Sun" Horoscope Correspondences
The Opposite Sign: Transmits the Ray of the Monad.
1. Will.
2. Life.
3. Energy.
4. Identification.
The Rising Sign: Transmits the Ray of the Soul.
1. Love.
2. Consciousness.
3. Light.
4. Initiation.
The Sun Sign: Transmits the Ray of the Personality.
1. Form.
2. Appearance
3. Body
4. Individuality
Based upon the three primary Rays of an individual and their three transmitting signs, I am
formulating the three main approaches to the study of the esoteric horoscope. This is the case
because the Opposite, Rising and Sun signs or “Triple Suns” as they are known, found within
the individual chart, create a triangle of primary conditioning Ray energies and zodiacal forces.
Under the Law of Analogy the Three Suns are to the Triple Sign horoscope what the three
principle Aspects are to the individual human Being. Spirit, Soul and Body are the three Aspects
of divinity within man and when the three-fold triangle of man with its Monad, Soul and
Personality is fully developed, it is the outward reflection of the triple energy that constitutes the
appearance of divinity on earth. This definition is important because a human being can be
regarded as complete when Monad, soul and Personality are at-one.
Triple Sign Horoscope Science of Triangle correspondences:
Ray I. Great Bear. Cardinal Cross. Monad. Opposite Sun. Hierarchical Planetary ruler.
Ray II. Sirius. Fixed Cross. Soul. Rising Sun. Esoteric Planetary ruler.
Ray III. Pleiades. Mutable Cross. Persona. Birth Sun. Exoteric Planetary ruler.
'The Triple Sign Horoscope is cast on the basis of the Personality, Soul and Monadic Rays. The
personality is conditioned by the position of the planets in the 12 solar houses of the sun sign
chart and is conditioned by definite karmic limitations and influences. The zodiacal signs and
circle of esoteric planetary rulers of the 12 constellations of the rising sign chart which is cast
upon the basis of the Soul Ray conveys new planetary potencies that put the initiate in touch
with a whole range of different planetary forces in its 12 houses or mansions. The Opposite sign
horoscope cast on the basis of the Ray of the Monad with its circle of Hierarchical rulers brings
in another whole range of planetary vibrations conveying also the potencies of the 12 Arms of
the three crosses and not simply indications of the exoteric planetary influences in the 12 houses
of the Personality chart or the esoteric planetary influences of the rising sign chart.''
Within the Great Wheel of Life itself, this indicates that the “Triple Suns” are to be viewed as
three objective Aspects, stages or phases of one subjective Whole. In other words, the
combination of their triple forces within each horoscope provides the appropriate energies and
forces that correctly develop the three major Aspects of man such that they become true
reflections of the three divine Aspects or energies in human manifestation.
With the Monad standing behind the appearance of the individual human being on the physical
plane and the soul on its own level we see the Triangle is the basic geometric form which
underlies the triple divine whole we term Man. Seeking to present the relative synthesis in the
new science of Esoteric astrology, that underlies your threefold incarnation, the statements made
by me in my attempt to indicate the three main lines of approach to the study of your Triple Sign
horoscope present new fields of possibility and sensed probability.
Needless to remark, Personality has to be largely transcended before the 2nd and 3rd stages of
understanding your three major Rays and transmitting signs in your horoscope are possible and
this transcendence is something not yet accomplished but inevitably will. Once the successful
disciple is free from his strictly personal reactions to the planets in the 12 houses of his horoscope
then, and, only then, the "window of vision" begins to become clarified and his sight into reality
becomes unimpeded; he can eventually see, hear and feel, the passage and interplay of his
three major Ray energies. Sensitivity to that found within himself opens the door to the entrance
of energies from the soul and later the Monad. In this way a great triple Synthesis which is his
qualified Life in manifestation can be seen in definite activity producing individual effects thus
demonstrating intricate relations which unite him with the Great Life itself. Interplay imposes the
condition of reciprocity so with a full display of magnetic and attractive sensitivity eventually the
two points or termini of the line between the Monad and the Personality vibrate in unison.
It is of the utmost value to point out that the subject of the Triple Suns is a significant study
because it sheds further light upon the role an individual's three Rays and corresponding zodiacal
signs play in relation to astrophysiognomy, external life, physical environment, material
circumstance and—even more importantly—subjective psychological development. It stands to
reason that the Triple Suns found within the horoscope should be first separately diagnosed and
then braided together with their triple threads because only in this manner can the characteristic
Purpose, Plan and Process of the individual come to full light. This is the case because it is the
Triple Suns found in the horoscope that modify the individual’s expression in a triple manner;
moreover, although these three major Aspects are separately represented they are joined
together and cannot be divided from each other or from the overall process of the horoscope.
What is symbolized here is a threefold Ray formulation and proposition; by way of analogy, a
sacred stool on three feet, each of them carrying their weight and each necessary to sit safely
Triple sign horoscope Formula, process and technique shed light on a disciple's major life
problems, of his immediate soul objectives, of his assets as a disciple and of his limitations. Upon
your Personality, bear in mind, it is your soul ray focused via your Rising sign that conditions
your soul activity and it is its effective type of influence that controls the karma, time and seasons.
In Esoteric astrology the nature and attributes of a disciple’s soul Ray and Rising Sign reveal the
nature, objectives and goals of his soul and links the quality of his Soul ray to his life work, to his
esoteric group and, therefore to some one of the Masters under Whose instruction he serves.
Standing in the full light of our Sun sign, our spiritual problem is essentially that of learning to
correctly orient our personality towards "liberation in service" along with ascertaining the specific
soul ray procedures and initiation processes whereby the momentous activity of soul and
personality fusion is achieved. This orientation towards Reality away from the Great Illusion is
made effective when the energies of the Rising and Sun sign are brought into a close rapport.
The disciple does this through studying himself with the qualities, nature and objectives of his
Sun Sign. Striving to grasp both the good and bad aspects of his Personality with which he must
deal. He learns to appreciate the nature of his threefold personality apparatus (mental, astral
and physical) with which he has been provided by his Soul. After gaining knowledge of the nature
of his present Personality Ray in relation to his Sun sign his task is to then make sure that the
potency of his soul ray dominates his daily life and is conditioned by his Rising sign.
Casting the Triple sign horoscope serves to put the esoteric astrologer en rapport with the soul
of his subject. When the Rising Sign horoscope and the Sun sign horoscope are superimposed,
the one over the other, the individual pattern emerges, possibilities are indicated, personality
problems appear, and the immediate next step, clearly revealed, shows forth. From a diagnostic
point of view, this entails the study of the two different horoscopes, the horoscope of the soul
and the horoscope of the Personality. Upon these two horoscopes are noted the pattern when
the soul and the personality are brought together. What emerges to the trained eye are the
present conditions, possible developments and relationships. Most importantly, the immediate
future objective of soul purpose appears with clarity. In the Rising Sign horoscope (with its
esoteric circle of planetary rulers) the new direction and orientation and "the embryonic
reorganized inner life will be noted and studied. (EA60) Depicting the outer life, (the sun sign
horoscope and circle of exoteric planetary rulers) in the personality horoscope, the subject of
attention to the esoteric astrologer is the conformity or lack of conformity to the inner conditions
of the soul as indicated by the Rising Sign horoscope.
Underlying the Trinity of the unified intent of your three primary Ray energies, the purpose, vision
and plan of the Triple Sign horoscope formula emerges with clarity as integration, fusion and
synthesis; the ability to see the Whole purpose-motive-expression that brought you into
incarnation; the synthetic expression of your supernal Will, motivated by soul Love and
personality Activity. The phase I Ray integration under the Sun Sign of the personality into one
functioning whole; the phase II conscious fusion of the soul Ray under the Rising Sign with the
personality; the phase III fusion of the Monad Ray under the Opposite sign with the fused
energies of the blended Sun and Rising signs so there is the synthesis of the threefold expression
of Monad, soul and personality and appearance of the three blended energies; a perfect triple
responsiveness and perfect demonstration of results and manifestation.
Enabling us ultimately to be en rapport with the supernal will of the highest Spirit-Ray of our
Monad, the template or pathway, so to speak, in our individual Triple Sign horoscope, is
blueprinted. It is our Monad alone which can ultimately assuage our thirst to be the "water of
Life" for the general welfare of humanity; it alone embodies the synthetic vision and
comprehension of the greater Whole. The latent Ray-Will available for transmission in our
Opposite Sign can only be effectively awakened to its active potential by disciples with "mighty
appeal;" who think in terms of the Will-to-Good, the good of the greater whole and world service;
those accomplished servers and saviours oriented towards the light of knowledge, the light of
wisdom, the light of of understanding and the light of Life itself. Our spiritual destiny has been
long in coming. With clarity, now, the "time is at hand" for us to strive to "see the vision" and
grasp the unified intent of the underlying Trinity of our Monad, Ego and Personality. The
underlying blueprint, based on the Science of Triangles, in our Triple sign horoscope, through
the medium of our integrated souls and personalities, with wisdom, strength and beauty, reveals
the Pathway of the manifestation of our Monad in all its glory and beauty.
In the blueprint or template of the Triple Sign Horoscope the following correspondences, in terms
of consciousness and of the responses and reactions of the individual to the three great centres
of force (Monad, Soul and Personality) which produce and control incarnation, manifestation and
evolutionary progress we have:
I. Personality.
Sun Sign Horoscope: "The Will-to Know"
In relation to the physical circumstances and external environment of the individual, the effective
relations of the twelve planets (seven sacred and five-non-sacred) in the twelve houses is
interpreted in terms of the development and growth of the 3rd aspect personality and its
sebsequent process of triple integration. The influence of the planets plus inherited karmic
conditions produce outer circumstances giving opportunity for the development and eventual
control of the Personality and the form side of life. As the Sun Sign dominates the individual, the
latent possibilities of any one lifetime are unfolded and he is gradually fitted to respond to the life
of the soul.
II. Soul
Rising Sign Horoscope: "The Will-to-Love"
In relation to the 2nd aspect of consciousness the effective influences of the twelve constellations
in the 12 Houses with their esoteric planetary rulers are dynamic in terms of the subjective
development of the life of the soul. the 12 constellations are primarily concerned with the
stimulation of the soul within the form or Personality of the individual. This stimulation produces
subjective activity which causes changes in outer expression in the Personality through the
fusion of the energies of the constellations with the energy of the planets. The esoteric circle of
planets in the Rising sign chart evoke the unexpected and produce the hastening of the
evolutionary process and unfoldment of the inner life.
III. Monad
Opposite Sign Horoscope: "The Will-to-Power"
In relationship to development of the first divine aspect the infinitely subtle yet potent higher
energies of the three major constellations of the Greater Zodiac of 10, the Great Bear, Sirius and
the Pleiades are studied in relation to the development of the Universal Will of the Monad. Bear
in mind, the effect of the three great constellations (the source of the three major cosmic Rays)
with the impact of the Ray of the Monad can not be consciously registered on the physical plane
until after the third initiation. In the preliminary stages the response is in the subtle bodies and
the physical brain fails to register them. Eventually the energies of the three major constellations,
the energies of the twelve constellations along with the energies of the twelve planets are
consciously received, recognized, and employed; moreover, entirely dependent upon the
response apparatus of the incarnated individual blended and fused. The response to the higher
energies of the 12 zodiacal constellations and the three major Ray constellations is entirely
dependent upon the waning influence of the planets to hold down the consciousness. The door
then stands open through which the life and light of the sources of the three major Rays be
occultly available to the liberated initiate.
The construction of the Triple Sign (Sun) horoscope, based upon the triumvirate of three primary
signs, (Sun, Rising and Opposite) without depriving us of our individuality or identity, serves to
remove us completely from out of the centre of our own phase I stage of personality self-
consciousness, self-preservation and self-enrichment (as pictured in our Sun Sign horoscope)
into the subjective realities and the livingness we are beginning to sense, respond and register
in our phase II Soul Ray Rising Sign horoscope and phase III Monad Ray Opposite Sign
horoscope. Found in our Rising and Opposite sign charts, beyond the conditioning impacts of
the "illusion" of the Sun's apparent position in a birth sign (with the planets in the houses
determining life trends, circumstances and events) is a greater closely related horizon of reality
of cosmic, systemic, and planetary relations non-separate, inclusive and group consciousness.
Triple Sun Technique grows out of a clear understanding of the goal, out of the subjective activity
of the preceding mental process and a theoretical grasp of the formula. Technique applies to the
scientific handling of the equipment, in this case the disciple’s form nature or inherited apparatus
– physical, emotional and mental – with which His Soul has endowed him in any incarnation.
This equipment, governed by the Sun Sign, must be made responsive to the energies emanating
from the Rising Sign and the relatively brief cyclic interplay that has characterized the relation
between the Sun Sign and the Rising Sign. His equipment, through which the energies
emanating from the Rising Sign must be expressed, is fourfold in manifestation: the mental body,
the psychic nature, the etheric or vital body and the dense physical vehicle. For the handling of
these, the disciple has arrived at his own technique, differing for each vehicle. There is an
interesting analogy made clear by the following statements:
1. The vital body is usually the reservoir of the lower form energies, particularly those of the
emotional nature. These direct and condition the dense physical body. They correspond to the
function of the Sun Sign as it conditions the disciple on the physical plane in connection with his
apparatus of expression.
2. The vital body must be brought under mental control, and when it is so controlled it marks a
most important step forward in the life of the aspirant. This is a correspondence to the control of
the Rising Sign over the Sun Sign.
3. Later, the vital body becomes the repository of Soul energy, and the Soul then directs the
physical plane life of the disciple. This is a correspondence to the control of the Monad and
therefore to the fusion of the Opposite Sign with the Sun Sign, via the Rising Sign.
The techniques of control that the disciple uses as he first brings the personality under the control
of the Soul (the Sun Sign under the influence of the Rising Sign) and later brings these two –
after the third initiation – under the control of the Monad (the polar opposite) and determined by
ray, point in evolution, yoga practices and temperament. Ponder on this. These techniques must
be self-initiated and self-developed and are in the nature of subjective determinations, objectively
The details in a broad and general sense of the three stages of the Triple Sun Horoscope
process and correlations:
I. Sun Sign: Path of Evolution and Probation.
a. The Personality functions.
b. Unfoldment of intellect and sensory perception.
c. The Mind takes control.
II. Rising Sun:
a. The Soul functions.
b. Unfoldment of the Love nature.
c. The intuition takes control.
III. Opposite Sun:
a. The Monad functions.
b. Unfoldment of Will.
c. Achievement of Synthesis.
d. Dynamic Purpose in control.
As the interplay goes on in the fusion process between the superimposition of the esoteric rulers
of the 12 houses of the rising sign chart over the exoteric rulers of the 12 houses of the Sun sign
chart there comes a deepening of the qualities of the soul Ray and the intensive self-
consciousness of the Personality Ray recedes in the background as the soul Ray overshadows
and the group awareness of the soul takes charge. As the circle of esoteric planetary rulers of
the soul Ray based Rising sign chart takes prescience, in the life of the disciple, the exoteric
circle of planetary rulers no longer condition, determine or limit the consciousness of the dweller
within the 12 mansion. As the interplay between the integrated and balanced Sun sign and Rising
Sign charts is supplemented by the superimposition of the hierarchical rulers of the Opposite
Sign chart the individual human soul becomes increasingly universal and through the process of
world service becomes humanity itself, so to speak, in his reactions and awareness, Based on
the Ray of the Monad, through the power of the Opposite Sign, having lost person identity in the
good of the whole the disciple attains to a true Spiritual Identity. From self-service to world
service, we say under always the individualized disciple until the third initiation.
Abrogate the thought that when the esoteric planetary rulers of the 12 houses of the Rising sign
chart are superimposed over the orthodox or exoteric planetary rulers of the 12 houses of the
Sun Sign chart that their influence is negated. The effects and conditioning achieved and attained
under the older influences are not altered. Supplementing and dominating, keep in mind, the
esoteric rulers of the soul Ray chart combine and blend with the exoteric rulers of the personality
Ray chart. Remaining persistent and energetic, the exoteric planetary rulers have "fixed" the
qualities and "determine" the nature of the Personality Ray expression in the 12 houses of the
Sun Sign chart. The esoteric circle of planetary rulers combined with the exoteric rulers enrich
the Personality and the incarnated soul's experience is extended. The indwelling consciousness
of the "Dweller within the 12 mansions" is greatly expanded by the new energies. When diffused
with the energies of the soul, the Personality becomes magnetically attractive in a different
manner. The higher and more dynamic soul Ray energies intensify the Personality forces and
the effects of the 12 exoteric planetary rulers is supplemented by the increasingly steady inflow
of the dominant energies of the esoteric circle of planetary rulers in the Rising Sign chart.
By fusion of the energy of the Sun sign with the energy of the Rising Sun I am referring to the
reciprocal at-one-ment of the personality with the soul. This is the second phase of divine
fulfillment and it is achieved at the third initiation when group consciousness supersedes self-
consciousness. Anchoring their consciousness in the centre of their energizing and initiating
transcendent power and guaranteed the "will-to-achieve," advanced disciples that want to
achieve the third stage of divine fulfillment, (completed Triple Sun fusion with their Opposite
Sun), shift their focus off of "transfiguration" achieved at the third initiation and pay attention to
the recognition of that within them which "having pervaded their little universe with a fragment of
itself remains." From that high point in consciousness they know themselves (imaginatively at
first) to be agents for the transmission of the Will-to-Good of their transcendent Monad, the One,
the Self. The fulfillment of Monadic purpose is the final expression of synthesis brought about
through the sustaining focused dynamic will of the "Point at Centre" which changeless remains
ever immovably subject to its own inherent purpose.
With the Monad standing behind the appearance of the individual human being on the physical
plane and the soul on its own level we see the Triangle is the basic geometric form which
underlies the triple divine whole we term Man. Seeking to present the relative synthesis in the
new science of Esoteric astrology, that underlies your threefold incarnation, the statements made
by me in my attempt to indicate the three main lines of approach to the study of your Triple Sign
horoscope present new fields of possibility and sensed probability. Needless to remark,
Personality has to be largely transcended before the 2nd and 3rd stages of understanding your
three major Rays and transmitting signs in your horoscope are possible and this transcendence
is something not yet accomplished but inevitably will. Once the successful disciple is free from
his strictly personal reactions to the planets in the 12 houses of his horoscope then, and, only
then, the "window of vision" begins to become clarified and his sight into reality becomes
unimpeded; he can eventually see, hear and feel, the passage and interplay of his three major
Ray energies. Sensitivity to that found within himself opens the door to the entrance of energies
from the soul and later the Monad. In this way a great triple Synthesis which is his qualified Life
in manifestation can be seen in definite activity producing individual effects thus demonstrating
intricate relations which unite him with the Great Life itself. Interplay imposes the condition of
reciprocity so with a full display of magnetic and attractive sensitivity eventually the two points or
termini of the line between the Monad and the Personality vibrate in unison.
On the physical plane the Will aspect of the Ray of the Monad works out its divine incentive and
plan with purpose constructively when focused through a sacred planet, if one or other of them
is the Hierarchical ruler of your Opposite sign and destructively if your ruler is a non-sacred
planet. The placement of your Hierarchical ruler along with its aspects offers you a secret guide
to death and immortality. The activity of the Hierarchical ruler of the Opposite sign in the Triple
Sign Horoscope and its process in conjunction with the energy of the constellation concerns the
impact of your Spirit-Ray and not consciousness; it concerns the formulation and measure of the
Life of your Monad, not the second aspect - your soul. Although the nature of your Monadic will
is still largely indefinable until after the third initiation it can be intuitively approached and its
presence felt as the result of its qualified expression and emphasis. To the serving disciple,
grasping the probability of this divine proposition, through mediation and visualization the
energies of the Ray of Monad via the Opposite Sign with its Hierarchical ruler become, in due
course of time, in service to humanity, abundantly available for universal distribution.
Calling for all the strength, courage and endurance of which he is capable, to become a scientific
worker in the field of hidden forces, the disciple must add a close consideration, investigation
and careful observation of the potencies of the forces and energies reaching him astrologically.
As a spiritual investigator he has a stern task set before himself as he must allow not only for the
Rays of his monad, soul, personality, mental body, emotional nature and physical vehicle but, in
addition, for the energy of the sun sign as it conditions his personality, the ascendant or rising
sign as it seeks to stimulate his personality into soul responsiveness, thus working out soul
purpose through personality cooperation. Armed with this specific knowledge and
understanding, he knows then what he is doing, with what Ray and astrological energies he is
equipped and must work. He learns to sentiently and experientially "feel" these active energies
as they find their way and work out through the seven centres in his etheric vehicle. In the
subsequent and final stage of spiritual direction the initiate, "aflame with spirit," under the
command of the Monad, is in complete control and the 3rd aspect Personality is simply then the
agent of the first Aspect Monad.
Significantly, in the Triple Sign chart, the Opposite sign falls in the 7th Arm of the Personality
Ray based Sun sign chart, while, as well, in the Monad Ray based Opposite sign chart wheel
the Sun Sign falls in the 7th Arm. The 7th sign numerically corresponds to the 7th Ray and the
1st Arm to the 1st Ray. We see here the juxtaposition of the 1st and the 7th Arms of the two
respective charts grounding, anchoring and expressing the relationship of the impact of the
energies of the Monad on the physical plane. We know the prime purpose of the 7th Ray is its
expression of the synthesis of the Spirit-Ray on the physical plane. In Esoteric Astrology, it is
written that the 7th sign (Libra) "opens the door to Shamballa". In correspondence, we see the
paramount position of the 7th Arm ruled by the 7th Ray in the chart wheel of the Personality and
the chart wheel of the Monad. The fusion of the opposites are highlighted here because as we
know not only are the Sun and Opposite sign but the Monad and Personality, and the 1st and
7th Rays are all polar opposites. Naturally, as we know, in the Rising sign Soul Ray based wheel
the natal placement of the Sun can be in any one or other of the 12 houses.
On the physical plane the Will aspect of the Ray of the Monad works out its divine incentive and
plan with purpose constructively when focused through a sacred planet, if one or other of them
is the Hierarchical ruler of your Opposite sign and destructively if your ruler is a non-sacred
planet. The placement of your Hierarchical ruler along with its aspects offers you a secret guide
to death and immortality. The activity of the Hierarchical ruler of the Opposite sign in the Triple
Sign Horoscope and its process in conjunction with the energy of the constellation concerns the
impact of your Spirit-Ray and not consciousness; it concerns the formulation and measure of the
Life of your Monad, not the second aspect - your soul. Although the nature of your Monadic will
is still largely undefinable until after the third initiation it can be intuitively approached and its
presence felt as the result of its qualified expression and emphasis. To the serving disciple,
grasping the probability of this divine proposition, through mediation and visualization the
energies of the Ray of Monad via the Opposite Sign with its Hierarchical ruler become, in due
course of time, in service to humanity, abundantly available for universal distribution.
The aspect of the Ray Will which is being flowered in your Monad now has the possibility to be
greatly accelerated. Transmitted via your Opposite Sign, the spiritual pressure of your Monadic
Ray is increasingly felt as progress is made in the utilization of your Triple Sign Zodiacal
horoscope. Successively leading to transcendence of your personality life it brings to you that
synthetic something which produces total Ray cohesion resulting in fruition, synthesis and
initiation as the final effect and result of your incarnation.
The Opposite Sign is called the "Sun of Completion." I emphasize this point here, once again,
because it goes without being said that the ultimate goal of each one of the Triple Sun
Horoscopes is unbroken continuity of consciousness with the Monad. As remote or distant this
attainment may seem to you, your path to speak in symbols, to the "fire on the Mountain-top" is
blueprinted in your Triple sun Horoscope. What I am saying is that it is possible through a study
of the Ray of your Monad, and its related constellation (Opposite Sign) in your Triple sign
horoscope (as its transmitting agent) to gain specific idea of the pouring through of Shamballa
energy as your emerging Life purpose on the physical plane. Presenting a clear coherent vision
in time and space the concentrated power and undeviating purpose of the Ray of the Monad
produce in the life of the initiate the achievement of fulfilled synthesis. It empowers the
inevitability of his divine consummation. Working downward into your form, the pure incentive,
living activity and directed energy of your Opposite sign steps down the Ray of your Monad and
embodies what we term, as just highlighted, the "will-to-completion." In this sense, we see the
Ray of your Monad in conjunction with the energy of your Opposite sign as setting the pace for
the evolution of your life. The force and endurance of the Ray of your Monad colours all life
experience and manifests through and creates those external conditions expressive of your Life,
quality and appearance. It gives you the key to your Monadic cohesion in time and space and
offers the final solution of all problems destroying all that is hindering. Because death is a figment
of the imagination, your Opposite sign, when evoked, presents you with a "secret" guide to your
"personal" death and defines your field of incentive, if I might so term it, to achieve immortality
through initiation.
Gathering all light available in one's heart, as progress is made in the utilization of ones individual
Triple Sun Zodiacal Meditation formula (accompanying the Triple Sun horoscope) one will reach
a point in development and discrimination where one will know whether or not one is responding
to the light of ones Rising Sun or Opposite Sun. One comes to the point where one realizes that
intuitive perception, the bestower of revelation, is the reaction of one's illumined personality,
standing in the "full light of the Sun sign," to the Identification tendency of the Opposite Sun to
the Monad via the Triad. This successful developments in higher psychic sensitivity result in:

1. Hierarchical contact
2. Loving service
3. Discipline
4. Transcendence
5. Immanence of the Monad
6. Initiation

Striving to work out the universal geometric blue-print underlying the astrology of the threefold
Human being, I have been outlining the new type of horoscope based on the Science of Triangles
that demonstrates Monad Purpose and Soul Plan on their own planes with subsequent group
relations on the physical plane and so be of aid and shed light on the Process indicated in the
horoscope of the intelligent dedicated Personality.

In the horoscope of an initiate, studying the influences that are playing upon His Monad, lets look
briefly at an enumeration of the effects and meaning of the Opposite Sun. The third stage of what
is referred to as the "Hidden Will," under the Monad, is characterized by the shedding of its Ray
of illumination and revelation via the Opposite Sun in the Triple Sun horoscope. This results in:
a. God consciousness is achieved.
b. The Presence of the Transcendent One is revealed.
c. The Will of the Monad is utilized to condition, fulfill and overcome.
d. The expression of the "conquering" Will that releases the initiate from form life.
e. The final expression of synthesis.
f. The Eternal Now is known.
g. The realm of the "formless worlds" is entered.
h. The final escape from the pairs of opposites.
i. The identification with the true meaning of "Being".
j. The transmutation of spiritual will into Divine Purpose.
Transcending his personality, once the initiate, impersonal and free from the reactions of his
lower self, is responsive to the energy of his Opposite Sun, in his Triple Sun horoscope, his
consciousness is illumined by the clear light of the intuition coming from the spiritual triad. His
"window of vision" is clarified and he sees all Life and Form in their true relation. Through his
"awakened", "vibratory" and "alive" seven etheric centres he can comprehend and even occultly
"see" and sentiently "feel" the passage of the planetary, ray and zodiacal energies. Under the
illuminating ray of Light of the "Sun of Completion" his sight into reality is unimpeded. He has
developed the activity of his perceiving, observing consciousness, with intuitive perception and
conscious response, functioning through his mechanism of response. He is now responsive to
the Life energy of the ray of his Monad that stands behind his appearance upon the physical
plane and that of his soul on its own level. With immediate and unbroken contact, sensitivity to
higher impression is his right and privilege. Having successfully subordinated his personality life
to the will of his indwelling Christ divinity has descended upon him and he is in constant
communication with his Monad. His culminating radiance is the result of his focus of his Life
intention and monadic energy into a "radiant point of power".
Shedding light on the inner world of spiritual reality, illustrating the relation of life to form, of spirit
to body and the soul to personality, based upon the inner spiritual structure of the Science of
Triangles, I have illuminated the three streams of living, moving, focussed light transmitted via
the threefold lens of your individual Triple Sun horoscope triangle. Within the sumtotal of your
three active, qualified energies and impulses from your three major constellations, for disciples,
highly developed aspirants and initiates, I have raised and shifted the old astrological paradigm
and approach to the horoscope away from the personal material world of tangible happenings,
prediction and precipitated events into the realm of conditioning ray and zodiacal energy and
forces, controlling incentives, impulses and causes. In my intuitive approach to the Science of
Esoteric Astrology, I have seen to it, grasping somewhat the relative triple structure of synthesis
that underlies our incarnation as human beings, that my approach to interpretation lies along the
line of the psychological life history of the individual subject in the horoscope not along the line
of physical prediction and occurrences. In the realm of quality and the revelation of the quality of
the immediate divine aspect seeking manifestation in our lives, the planet and solar system, my
goal is to aid in the emergence of the Christ consciousness.

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