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Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
Follow-up of Retinal Vein Occlusion

Purpose: To evaluate changes of vascular flow of patients treated with intravitreal

injections of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor for macular edema secondary to retinal
vein occlusion (RVO) with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).
Methods: Patients with RVO with macular edema and treated with intravitreal injections of
anti-vascular endothelial growth factors were retrospectively evaluated. The following
examinations were performed before and after treatment: best-corrected visual acuity, spectral
domain optical coherence tomography, fluorescein angiography, and OCTA (Optovue, Inc).
Automatic measurement of vascular density of the superficial and deep capillary plexus was
also performed and compared with age- and sex-matched healthy subjects.
Results: Twenty-eight eyes of 28 patients (mean age 66.2 years; males 19%) were
evaluated, including 13 central RVO, 11 branch RVO, and 4 hemicentral RVO. After
treatment, mean central macular thickness significantly decreased from 644 mm to 326 mm
and best-corrected visual acuity increased from 20/125 to 20/63 (P , 0.01 for both results).
On OCTA, perifoveal capillary disruption (P = 0.029) and the number of cysts in the super-
ficial capillary plexus and deep capillary plexus (P , 0.002) significantly decreased after
treatment. The mean vascular density in the superficial capillary plexus slightly decreased
during follow-up from 46.44% to 45.01% (not significantly). These densities were signifi-
cantly less than those observed in healthy controls (P , 0.001).
Conclusion: Optical coherence tomography angiography showed regression of macular
edema, reduced capillary disruption and cysts, and slight decrease in mean macular
vascular density with time and despite treatment. Thus, OCTA enables qualitative and
quantitative evaluation during follow-up of patients treated for RVO.
RETINA 0:1–9, 2016

R etinal vein occlusion (RVO) is the second most

common retinal vascular disease affecting the ret-
ina and is an important cause of visual loss.1,2 Retinal
The features of RVO have been extensively described
using fundus photography, spectral domain optical
coherence tomography (SD-OCT), and fluorescein
vein occlusions are divided into central (CRVO), angiography (FA).6–8 The diagnosis of RVO is based
hemi, and branch retinal vein occlusions (BRVO).3,4 on fundus examination although FA is often per-
Visual acuity loss after RVO commonly occurs as formed to confirm the diagnosis (delayed filling of
a result of macular edema but may also result from the occluded retinal vein) and to identify macular
macular ischemia or neovascular complications such and peripheral nonperfused areas and other compli-
as vitreous hemorrhage and neovascular glaucoma.5 cations such as macular edema, neovascularization,

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Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients With Retinal Venous Occlusion

Total Group, n = 28 CRVO, n = 13 BRVO-HCVO, n = 15
Age, mean ± SD (years) 66.2 ± 12.3 64.1 ± 14.1 68.1 ± 10.5
Male, n (%) 18 (64.3) 10 (77) 8 (53)
HTA, n (%) 11 (39) 4 (31) 7 (47)
Diabetes 8 (29) 2 (15) 6 (40)
Naive patient, n (%) 20 (71) 9 (69) 11 (73)
Duration of RVO at baseline, 12.2 ± 18.3 15.6 ± 19.5 9.3 ± 17.3
mean ± SD (months)
Duration of follow-up, mean ± SD 19.5 ± 12.9 19.5 ± 13.4 19.5 ± 13.1
Number of previous intravitreal 1.54 ± 2.82 5.7 ± 4.1 3.5 ± 1.9
injection in nonnaive patients,
mean ± SD
Previous peripheral laser, n (%) 14 (50) 7 (54) 7 (47)
Previous focal or grid laser, n (%) 2 (7) 0 2 (13)
BCVA, mean ± SD (logMAR) 0.78 ± 0.41 0.84 ± 0.43 0.73 ± 0.38
Mean BCVA (Snellen) 20/125 20/125 20/100
Medication rnb: 18, afb: 10 rnb: 8, afb: 5 rnb: 10, afb: 5
Number of intravitreal injection 3 ± 1.7 3.15 ± 2.1 2.8 ± 1.3
during follow-up, mean ± SD
afb, aflibercept; HCVO, hemicentral retinal vein occlusion; HTA, hypertension; rnb, ranibizumab.

and associated artery occlusions.9 Monitoring of pa- illary plexus (DCP) level using this imaging modality.
tients with RVO treated for macular edema is based De Carlo et al15 also described an area of diffuse
on visual acuity evaluation and SD-OCT with mea- capillary nonperfusion, continuous with the foveal
surement of the central macular thickness (CMT). avascular zone and telangiectatic vessels, in a patient
Fluorescein angiography enables detection of the with CRVO. More recently, our team described the
presence or extension of nonperfused areas. main RVO features on OCTA and correlated the peri-
Recently, the introduction of optical coherence foveal capillary arcade disruption observed using OC-
tomography angiography (OCTA) has provided TA with the peripheral ischemia found on FA.12
a novel method for imaging the capillary network Suzuki et al16 found that OCTA could visualize, as
in a noninvasive manner.10 Optical coherence well as FA, the microvascular abnormalities in mac-
tomography angiography uses the split-spectrum ular edema associated with BRVO.
amplitude–decorrelation angiography algorithm to A recent version of the software released by the
detect erythrocyte movement. Optical coherence AngioVue system enables quantification of vascular
tomography angiography has previously been used density around the macula. This tool might be useful
to describe the retinal vasculature in normal eyes in evaluating retinal vascular disorders such as RVO
and diseases such as macular telangiectasia type 2, or diabetes.17 We are not aware of any studies that
RVO, and diabetes.11–13 described the follow-up of patients with RVO using
Kuehlewein et al14 reported a patient with branch OCTA. Therefore, the aim of our study was to follow
RVO who was evaluated with FA and swept-source up, using OCTA, patients with RVO treated with anti-
OCT microangiography. Areas of nonperfusion after vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) and to
BRVO could be precisely delineated at the deep cap- compare these results with those of SD-OCT and FA.
Our follow-up was both qualitative and quantitative
using vascular density measurement.
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Centre Hospitalier Inter-
communal de Creteil, University Paris Est Creteil, Creteil, France.
None of the authors have any financial/conflicting interests to
disclose. Materials and Methods
Study concept and design: F. Coscas, A. Glacet-Bernard, and
A. Sellam; Acquisition of data: F. Coscas and A. Sellam; Analysis This retrospective, observational, and consecutive
and interpretation of data: A. Sellam, A. Glacet-Bernard, and F. Coscas;
Drafting the manuscript: A. Sellam, F. Coscas, and A. Glacet-Bernard; case series was conducted at the University Eye Clinic
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: of Creteil from November 1, 2014, through October
E. H. Souied, A. Glacet-Bernard, and G. Coscas. 31, 2015. The study design was approved by the
Reprint requests: Eric H. Souied, MD, PhD, Centre Hospitalier
Intercommunal de Créteil, Université Paris Est-Créteil, 40 Avenue Institutional Review Board of Creteil University. All
Verdun, 94010 Créteil, France; e-mail: patients provided written informed consent for

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OCTA Follow up of RVO  SELLAM ET AL 3

Table 2. Optical Coherence Tomography and Angiographic Data of Patients With RVO at Baseline and Final Follow-up
Initial Visit, n = 28 Final Visit, n = 28 P
OCT features
CMT, mean ± SD (mm) 634 ± 203 326 ± 135 ,0.001*
Hyperreflective dots, n (%) 27 (96) 3 (11) ,0.001*
Ellipsoid zone, n (%)
Interrupted 15 (54) 9 (32)
Fragmented 9 (32) 2 (7)
Normal 2 (7) 15 (54) 0.009*
Serous retinal detachment, n (%) 11 (39) 11 (39) 0.196
Epimacular membrane or 4 (14) 7 (25) 0.125
vitreomacular traction, n (%)
Initial Visit, n = 20 Final Visit, n = 20 P
FA, n (%)
Disruption the perifoveolar 14 (78) 14 (78) 0.375
capillary arcade
Late macular leakage 16 (88) 5 (28) ,0.001*
Macular ischemia 12 (63) 12 (63) 0.5
Peripheral ischemia 13 (65) 14 (70) 0.5
*Significant value.
OCT, optical coherence tomography.

participation in the study. The described research All patients underwent complete eye examination
methods and analysis adhered to the tenets of the including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) mea-
Declaration of Helsinki. surement with the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
We retrospectively evaluated the case records of 28 Study (ETDRS) charts, anterior segment examination,
consecutive patients with macular edema secondary to intraocular pressure measurement, color fundus photog-
RVO. Inclusion criteria were the presence of macular raphy, FA, SD-OCT (Spectralis Heidelberg Engineer-
edema secondary to RVO and central (CRVO), hemi- ing, Heidelberg, Germany), and OCTA using the
central, or branch RVO (BRVO). Macular edema was split-spectrum amplitude–decorrelation angiography
treated by intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF (either algorithm on the AngioVue OCTA system version
ranibizumab or aflibercept). Exclusion criteria were 2015.100.0.35 (Optovue RTVue XR 100 AVANTI,
patients with poor-quality images on OCTA (signal Inc, Fremont, CA) intended for retinal imaging
strength index lower than 50) due to eye movements or (AngioRetina mode, software AngioAnalytics) as
media opacities, previous retinal surgery, pathologic previously described.14,15 The calculated amplitude–
myopia, ocular trauma, and uncontrolled diabetes. decorrelation signal from consecutive B-scans

Table 3. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Data of Patients With RVO at Baseline and Final Follow-up
Initial Visit, n = 24 Final Visit, n = 24 P
Disruption the perifoveolar capillary 4 (18) 10 (45) 0.029*
arcade of less than the half, n (%)
Capillary loss at the SCP in 3 6 (27) 5 (23) 0.287
quadrants or more, n (%)
Capillary loss at the DCP in 3 10 (44) 5 (22) —
quadrants or more, n (%)
Venous dilation at the SCP, n (%) 21 (87) 12 (50) 0.002*
Venous dilation at the DCP, n (%) 19 (79) 13 (54) 0.031*
Vascular ectasia at the SCP, n (%) 10 (42) 12 (50) 0.219
Vascular ectasia at the DCP, n (%) 16 (64) 17 (72) 0.167
Numerous cysts located outside the 12 (50) 1 (4) ,0.001*
central area at the SCP (grading $
2), n (%)
Numerous cysts located outside the 21 (88) 5 (21) 0.002*
central area at the DCP (grading
$ 2), n (%)
*Significant value.

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allowed visualization of blood flow and, therefore, also matched to a healthy subject for age and sex using the
of the capillary network. Image analysis was per- normative database previously published.18
formed using automated retinal segmentation derived
from the machine’s software. Motion correction was
performed using registration of 2 orthogonally cap- Statistical Analysis
tured imaging volumes.
On SD-OCT scans, we evaluated CMT, the presence The BCVA was converted to the logarithm of the
of subretinal fluid, hyperreflective dots (presence when minimum angle resolution (logMAR) for statistical
they were at least 5, or otherwise absence), epimacular evaluation. Fischer’s exact test was used for qualitative
membrane, or vitreomacular traction, and the appearance variables and the Student’s t test for quantitative data
of the ellipsoid zone (intact, fragmented, or nonobserv- analysis (IBM SPSS Statistics 19, Chicago, IL).
able). On FA, we evaluated perifoveal capillary arcade
disruption, the delay between arterial and venous filling,
macular and peripheral nonperfused areas, and the late-
stage leakage of fluorescein occasionally resulting in
petaloid macular edema. When the nonperfused area was
more than 10 disk areas (CRVO) or 5 disk areas
(BRVO), RVO was considered as ischemic.
Two retinal specialists (A.S. and F.C.) indepen-
dently read OCT-angiographic images to determine
the disruption of the perifoveal capillary arcade at the
superficial capillary plexus (SCP), in quadrants,
grading 0 to 4 (0, none; 1–4, only one to all 4
ETDRS quadrants, respectively) capillary dropout
in different quadrants of the macula, dilation of ves-
sels, vascular ectasia, and macular edema cysts (SCP
and DCP).12 “En face” OCT enabled macular edema
cysts to be graded from 0 to 3 (none, central, central,
and paracentral, diffuse to all the macular field). All
these parameters were evaluated before and after
Quantitative follow-up was reported using the
measurement of vascular density. Vascular density
was defined as the percentage of the sample area
occupied by vessel lumens after binary reconstruc-
tion of images. The percentage of vessels was
defined in sectors based on a simplified ETDRS
chart (superior, temporal, inferior, and nasal) in
which the foveal center was automatically deter-
mined from the structure SD-OCT data. The inner
and outer rings, with a diameter of 1 mm and
2.5 mm, respectively, around the fovea, were
analyzed. The foveal vascular density corresponds
to the 1-mm ring around the fovea. The parafoveal
vascular density corresponds to the mean vascular
density of all 4 quadrants of the ETDRS chart
(superior, temporal, inferior, and nasal).
The flow density map software AngioAnalytics is the
first OCTA automatic quantification tool that enables
measurement of flow, nonflow, and flow area density.
AngioAnalytics assesses and compares the relative
density of flow as a percentage of the total area. These Fig. 1. Fluorescein angiography of a 45-year-old male with CRVO
(BCVA: 20/80). Early-phase (left) and late-phase (right) FA shows the
measurements were performed before and after treat- absence of nonperfused areas in the posterior pole and periphery, and
ment and then statistically analyzed. Each patient was dye staining in the macular cysts in the late phase.

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OCTA Follow up of RVO  SELLAM ET AL 5

McNemar’s test was used to compare qualitative paired whereas mean CMT had significantly decreased from
data. P , 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 644 mm to 326 mm (P , 0.001). On SD-OCT, 11 eyes
(39%) had serous detachment of the fovea, 27 (96%)
had hyperreflective dots, and 4 (14%) had an epiretinal
Results membrane. The ellipsoid zone was intact in only 2
eyes (7%), fragmented in 9 (32%), and nonobservable
The case records of 28 eyes of 28 patients with in 17 eyes (61%). After treatment, the ellipsoid zone
RVO treated with anti-VEGF injections were ana- appeared to significantly recover with an intact appear-
lyzed; there were 13 CRVO, 11 BRVO, and 4 patients ance in 15 (54%) eyes (P = 0.009). Similarly, SD-OCT
with hemicentral RVO. The mean age was 66.2 years showed a significant decrease in the number of hyper-
and 18 (64%) were males. The baseline characteristics reflective dots after treatment (P , 0.001).
of the study patients are shown in Table 1. The median On FA (n = 20 patients), perifoveal capillary arcade
period between the onset of RVO and inclusion in our disruption was observed in 14 (78%) eyes, macular
study was 3 months (range, 0–61 months). Twenty ischemia in 12 (63%), peripheral ischemia in 13
eyes (71%) were treatment naive. Among treated pa- (65%), and late-stage leakage in 16 (88%) eyes. The
tients, the mean number of previous injections was 5 mean arteriovenous transit time was 9 seconds. All
(range, 1–10). Eighteen patients received ranibizumab initial and final data obtained from SD-OCT and FA
injections and the other 10 received aflibercept. The are shown in Table 2.
mean number of anti-VEGF injections was 3 (range, On OCTA, perifoveal capillary arcade was intact in
1–7) during the mean follow-up period of 19 weeks only 1 eye (4%), involved 1 to 2 quadrants in 8 (35%)
(range, 4–51). At baseline, 14 patients had undergone eyes, and involved 3 to 4 quadrants in 14 (61%) eyes.
peripheral photocoagulation of the nonperfused retina After treatment, there was a statistically significant
and 2 patients with BRVO had undergone partial grid decrease in perifoveal capillary arcade disruption (P =
macular photocoagulation. 0.029). Table 3 shows the OCTA of the 24 eyes with
At the final evaluation, BCVA had increased analyzable results in both initial and final examinations
statistically significantly from a mean of 20/125 to (before and after treatment). After treatment, there was
20/63 (in logMAR from 0.78 to 0.5, P , 0.01), a significant decrease in the number of macular cysts

Fig. 2. Optical coherence tomography angiography of the superficial and DCPs at baseline (same patient as in Figure 1). At the SCP level, ETDRS grid on
10° central macula with foveal ring (1 mm), 4 quadrants (superior, inferior, temporal, and nasal) and parafoveal ring 2.5 mm: focal foveal capillary arcade
disruption in the inferonasal part (top left); en face optical coherence tomography shows dark central cysts (top middle left); macular vessel density map
shows predominant lack of vessels in the inferonasal quadrant with whole en face density of 50.63%. SD-OCT shows the place of segmentation at the SCP
level (top right); at the DCP, there is dilation of superior macular capillaries with hypersignal (white dashed arrow) (bottom left); en face OCT shows
numerous central and paracentral dark cysts (bottom middle left); on the macular vessel density map, the low perfusion area appears to be larger and the
whole en face density is low (51.64%) (bottom middle right); SD-OCT shows the place of segmentation at the DCP (bottom right).

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in the SCP and DCP (P , 0.001 and P = 0.002, both study patients and healthy subjects). The mean
respectively). Vascular dilation was also significantly whole en face vascular density in the SCP slightly
decreased after treatment in both plexuses (P = 0.002 decreased during follow-up from 46.44% to 45.01%
for the SCP and P = 0.031 for the DCP) (Figures 1–5). and the density in the parafoveal zone decreased from
Five patients had OCTA that was not interpretable 48.02% to 46.34%; both differences were not statisti-
because of high artifacts. cally significant. Decreased vascular density was also
During the study follow-up period, mean vascular observed in the DCP, but it was tiny compared with
density slightly decreased in all quadrants except the the SCP; and this difference was also not statistically
foveal zone, particularly in the SCP (Table 4 shows the significant. There was no statistically significant dif-
values of vascular densities in the SCP and DCP in ference between the SCP and the DCP in the change in
vascular density.
Nine patients (36%) had increased whole en face
vascular density in the SCP, 5 (20%) had the same
vascular density, and 11 (44%) had decreased vascular
density; the mean change in vascular density in these
subgroups was +3.53, 0, and 26.10, respectively.
Compared with patients with decreased vascular den-
sity, patients who experienced an increase had lower
vascular density at baseline (43.31% vs. 47.95%, P =
0.048), were more frequently men (P = 0.058), and
had hypertension (P = 0.002). There was no difference
between both subgroups in age, initial and final
BCVA, CMT, the number of injections, or the time
period before treatment. Improvement in vascular den-
sity did not correlate with improvement in visual acu-
ity, but initial whole en face density in the SCP and
DCP correlated with initial BCVA (P = 0.013 and P ,
0.001, respectively) and final BCVA (P = 0.030 and
P , 0.001, respectively).
No difference was observed between BRVO and
CRVO eyes in terms of vascular density. The
comparison between patients with RVO (before and
after treatment) and healthy subjects for vascular
density on OCTA demonstrated a significant differ-
ence in all measurements—all quadrants in the SCP
and the DCP, except the foveal zone (Table 4).


Anti-VEGF injections are commonly used to effec-

tively treat cystoid macular edema secondary to
RVO.19 In our study, as expected, anti-VEGF injec-
tions significantly improved BCVA and decreased
CMT on SD-OCT. The follow-up of patients with
RVO using OCTA before and after treatment of mac-
ular edema with anti-VEGF injections showed quali-
tative improvement in the capillary plexus with
a significant decrease in vascular dilation (P = 0.002
for the SCP and P = 0.031 for the DCP) and perifoveal
Fig. 3. Fluorescein angiography of the patient in Figures 1 and 2 after capillary arcade recovery (P = 0.029).
treatment with aflibercept. Three months after aflibercept intravitreal However, this qualitative improvement is somewhat
injection, FA in the early-phase (left) and late-phase (right) shows
significant reduction in macular edema with recovery of the CRVO contradicted by a slight quantitative decrease in
appearance (BCVA: 20/20). vascular density during the follow-up period,

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OCTA Follow up of RVO  SELLAM ET AL 7

Fig. 4. Optical coherence tomography angiography after aflibercept injection (same patient as in Figures 1–3) at the superficial (top) and DCP (bottom)
levels. At the SCP, ETDRS grid on 10° central macula, shows the complete absence of dark cysts and an intact perifoveal capillary arcade (top left); en
face optical coherence tomography shows the complete disappearance of central cysts (top middle left); on macular vessel density map, all perfusion
areas appear normal and whole en face density (51.47%) was increased (top middle right); optical coherence tomography shows the place of seg-
mentation at the SCP (top right); at the DCP, there is an absence of dark cysts and persistence of focal capillary dropout in the inferior part of the fovea;
en face optical coherence tomography shows the absence of central cystoid edema (bottom middle left); macular vessel density map shows the dis-
appearance of almost the whole area of capillary dropout observed before treatment (except in the inferior part) with increased whole en face density of
55.63% (bottom middle right); optical coherence tomography shows the place of segmentation at the DCP (bottom right).

particularly in the SCP (the mean whole en face ware (ImageJ) has also been used to evaluate vascular
vascular density slightly decreased from 46.44% to density, but when images are skeletonized, the diam-
45.01%). This probably reflects the extension of retinal eter of each vessel is the same and so it could not
nonperfusion over time in some patients with CRVO consider vessel dilations.17 The vascular density data
and BRVO, a situation that has been recognized for obtained with AngioAnalytics could facilitate differen-
many years as characterizing the conversion from tiating healthy subjects and patients with progressive
nonischemic to ischemic RVO.3 Campochiaro et al,20 stages of various retinal vascular diseases. However,
in 2014, demonstrated that an aggressive blockade of AngioAnalytics software considered the foveal vascu-
VEGF by monthly anti-VEGF injections may reduce lar density in an area of 1-mm ring around the center,
the progression of retinal nonperfusion at the posterior including the foveal avascular zone. This could
pole but cannot totally prevent it. However, retinal non- explain the absence of a significant difference in foveal
perfusion could be present at the initial stage of the vascular density between patients with RVO and
RVO but was revealed only after treatment with the healthy subjects.
regression of the cysts. The detection of capillary non- After treatment with anti-VEGF injections, on
perfusion areas on OCTA could also be due to very OCTA, retinal cysts disappeared in both plexuses,
slow blood flow in these areas, below the detection limit but vascular density as measured by AngioAnalytics
of 0.3 mm/second on OCTA.10 In addition, before and was improved in only 36% of patients. In the case of
after treatment, the comparison of vascular density on diabetic macular edema, Couturier et al proposed two
OCTA between patients treated for RVO and healthy hypotheses to explain the fact that no capillaries were
subjects matched for age and sex showed a significant detected in the areas of the cysts in both the superficial
difference in both plexuses and in all quadrants. This and DCPs: the capillaries could be displaced at the
confirms the ischemic potential of RVO. periphery of the cysts or the cysts had preferential
In this study, we used the prototype software development in nonperfused areas.13 The possibility of
(AngioAnalytics) that achieved excellent interexamin- increased vascular density in both plexuses after treat-
er and intraexaminer repeatability and interexaminer ment in some patients of the current study and the fact
reproducibility in our previous study.18 Another soft- that in naive patients the capillary bed is normal just

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Fig. 5. Optical coherence tomography angiography of a patient with an important retinal ischemia persistent after treatment by intravitreal injections for
a superotemporal BRVO, at the superficial (top) and DCP (bottom) levels. At the SCP, ETDRS grid on 10° central macula, shows the complete absence
of the capillary on the superior part (top left); en face optical coherence tomography shows the absence of central cysts (top middle left); on macular
vessel density map, the perfusion appears very low at the superior part and whole en face density (39.48%) was decreased (top middle right); optical
coherence tomography shows the place of segmentation at the SCP (top right); at the DCP, there is also a capillary dropout in the superior part. En face
optical coherence tomography shows the absence of central cystoid edema (bottom middle left); on macular vessel density map, the perfusion appears
also very low at the superior part and whole en face density (46.90%) was decreased compared with healthy subject (bottom middle right); optical
coherence tomography shows the place of segmentation at the DCP (bottom right).

before the onset of RVO and macular edema seem to Therefore, a change in capillary density at the level
be more consistent with the first hypothesis as regard of the SCP would have an effect on DCP vessel den-
to RVO. Automatic segmentation provided by the An- sity as assessed by AngioAnalytics. Only thinner
gioVue OCTA system could not validate this hypoth- cross-sections at the level of the cysts would be able
esis. Indeed, plexus autosegmentation showed the to confirm this hypothesis. It is also important to note
image of the SCP variably superimposed on the that cysts were observed only when they were en-
DCP and failed to clearly separate both plexuses.21 circled by vessels.

Table 4. Vascular Density Measurements in Patients With RVO Using Optical Coherence Tomography-Angiography at
Baseline and Final Follow-up, and Comparison With Healthy Controls
RVO–Initial Visit RVO–Final Visit Controls, n = 37
(Mean ± SD) (Mean ± SD) Initial/Final, P (Mean ± SD) Initial/Controls, P
Whole 46.44 ± 4.98 45.01 ± 5.32 0.195 50.91 ± 3.53 ,0.001*
Foveal 33.95 ± 9.03 30.03 ± 9.91 0.064 31.11 ± 4.31 0.244
Parafoveal 48.02 ± 4.89 46.35 ± 5.83 0.17 52.74 ± 3.70 ,0.001*
Temporal 47.01 ± 4.81 45.43 ± 6.61 0.232 51.39 ± 4.60 ,0.001*
Superior 47.09 ± 7.42 47.43 ± 6.85 0.828 53.11 ± 5.65 ,0.001*
Nasal 47.99 ± 5.75 45.73 ± 6.71 0.138 51.83 ± 3.58 0.003*
Inferior 48.91 ± 5.98 46.82 ± 7.23 0.127 54.48 ± 4.02 ,0.001*
Whole 48.14 ± 4.71 48.14 ± 6.01 0.729 56.64 ± 3.08 ,0.001*
Foveal 30.77 ± 12.48 30.05 ± 10.07 0.768 31.06 ± 5.52 0.719
Parafoveal 50.29 ± 4.67 50.28 ± 5.92 0.995 58.85 ± 3.79 ,0.001*
Temporal 48.46 ± 5.28 47.84 ± 6.89 0.658 57.32 ± 4.97 ,0.001*
Superior 50.38 ± 5.86 50.28 ± 9.30 0.957 59.45 ± 5.23 ,0.001*
Nasal 50.06 ± 7.32 49.91 ± 7.20 0.884 57.33 ± 3.80 ,0.001*
Inferior 52.26 ± 8.56 51.81 ± 7.08 0.638 60.94 ± 3.32 ,0.001*
*Significant value.

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OCTA Follow up of RVO  SELLAM ET AL 9

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