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Good morning everyone. Let me introduce myself in a short time.

I am Muhammad
Andika and you can call me Dika. I was born in Jakarta, June 21st 1995. It means
that I’m seventeen years old right now. I moved from Jakarta to this great city
because my father has some jobs that must be done. Here, I live at Jl. Untung
Suropati, Jasaraya. My house actually is not far from this school and you are only to
ride for about 100 m to the east.

I have a nice hobby and that is writing and blogging. I get money from internet
especially through blogging. I have a nice blog that provide information of
Technology, newest gadget, and many more. You can visit the Techjourney.Com to
see my articles.

In my house, I live with my parents named Mr. and Mrs. Wibawa. Both of them work
as entrepreneur. My father manages his futsal shoes business while my mother is
managing her Batik dress business. I love them very much and I’m actually five
brothers. I have two elder sisters and two younger brothers. My first sister is 22
years old named Andina Rizki and now she has been a student of Indonesian
University especially for English Literature. Next to my second sister who has been
20 years old named Andien Aulia and she is studying at Gajah Mada University
especially for Psychology. I think, I will not tell more about my brothers because it
consumes time too much.

That’s all and I would say thank to your attention. Good morning everyone, nice to
see you.

Teks Kedua
Good morning my dear friends. Allow me to introduce myself for a couple of minutes.
My complete name is Indra Herwawan and my nickname is Hendra. So you can call
me by Hendra not Hermawan. I was born in Bandung, June 21st 1994. It was a long
time and about eighteen years ago right?

I’m a very new person here because I just moved from Bandung to this capital city
two days ago. When the first time live in Jakarta, I feel very hot but it has been a
normal condition for me right now. In Bandung, I had a unique hobby that was
speedcubing. It was a brain to play the Rubik’s cube faster and faster. Below is the
picture of Rubik’s cube.

I also spend my time to play football and listening to the music when I get bored at
home. But, when I live in Jakarta, I even have no idea to play football with my
friends. Because, here I am a stranger and haven’t got friend yet. I live in Jl
Kepulauan raya, West Jakarta. It’s approximately five kilometers from this school
and I come here by bus.

In my house, I live with my parents and my twin sisters called Andin and Andina. My
parents are Mr. Darmawan Sahreza and Mrs. Maia Sahreza. My father works as an
engineer in one of the big company in Jakarta, while my mother works as an
accountant in insurance company. My younger sisters are 5th grade of elementary
school and both of them are ten years old.

That’s the end of my introduction and nice to meet you my friends..

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Maulid Nabi – Maulid of Prophet
Developing Alterations and Achieving Success
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
First of all, let’s say the praise and gratitude to Allah Swt. Salawat and salam may
always be upon our adoration and esteemed model, namely Prophet Muhammad
Saw, all of his families, companions, and followers.
To all the honorable teachers and all the priding students of SMA Negeri 1
We will definitely be very proud if someday we hear the news that those among the
graduates of this school have become success people. I wish you could be one of
To all of my students of SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya that I proud of,

success or failed is a choice. It’s you the only one who can choose it. You can
observe the choice from the tendency of your heart, the tendency of your mind, and
the tendency of your behaviors. The more you dominate and take over the
tendencies with positive things, the closer you will be to success. Otherwise, the
more you dominate and take over the tendencies with negative things, the more far
away you will be to success. All of you will be the proof of what I am saying today to
you all.
For those reasons, I would like to request all of you to turn round soon in order to do
positive things for your own good. Look at our paragon, Rasulullah who had been an
independent and success person since he was still very young. At age 0 – 4, he had
become a fatherless child who lived in the dessert area with Bani Sa’ad
(descendants of Sa’ad) and during that time he was breast-fed by Halimah As
Sa’diyah. At age 6 – 8, he lived with his grandfather, Abdul Muthalib, who was an
authoritative personage. At age 8, he began to herd the goats when living with his
uncle, Abu Thalib. At age 12, he began an international business trip to Syria
together with his uncle. At age 15, he obtained warfare experience through Fijar War
event between Quraisy people and other people for 4 – 5 years long.
At age 20, he acquired his first diplomatic experience as a pacifying agent between
Quraisy people and other kabilah (nomadic tribes) and strengthened his social
credibility in society. After that, he worked to Siti Khadijah and got back to take a
business trip of exporting and importing to Yamane and Syria.
At age 25, he married with Siti Khadijah and started out his experience as patriarch.
At age 25 – 35, he had had the experiences of being a patriarch, trader, rich man,
people’s leader, and in many social activities. Thus, what can we see from the young
figure of Prophet Muhammad Saw?
I wish all of you could take the wisdom from what I have said. I remind and invite all
of you once more, let’s develop the alterations then the success will come close to
That’s all I could convey. Please, forgive me for all the mistakes I made on my
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Terjemahan Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Maulid Nabi
Membangun Perubahan dan Mencapai Kesuksesan
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Pertama-tama marilah kita ucapkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah swt., Sholawat
dan salam semoga senantiasa tercurah kepada junjunan dan tauladan kita yakni
Muhammad SAW, keluarganya, sahabatnya dan kepada umatnya.
Bapak dan ibu guru yang kami hormati, serta Anak-anak ku Seluruh Siswa SMAN
Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya yang bapak banggakan.
Kita semua akan sangat bangga jika suatu saat nanti mendengar kabar bahwa ada
diantara lulusan dari sekolah kita sudah menjadi orang berhasil. Bapak ingin kalian
adalah salah satu diantaranya.
Anak-anak ku Seluruh Siswa SMAN Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya yang bapak banggakan.
Sukses atau bangkrut adalah pilihan. Hanya kalianlah satu-satunya yang bisa
memilihnya. Pilihan kalian itu bisa kalian amati dari kecenderungan hati kalian,
kecenderungan pikiran kalian dan kecenderungan perilaku kalian. Semakin
kecenderungan itu dikuasai atau didominasi oleh hal-hal positif maka sudah pasti
sukses akan tiba menghampiri kalian. Juga sebaliknya, Semakin kecenderungan itu
dikuasai atau didominasi oleh hal-hal negatif maka sudah pasti sukses tidak pernah
akan kalian rasakan. Kalianlah yang akan menjadi bukti apa yang bapak sampaikan
hari ini kepada kalian.
Karennya bapak mengajak kepada kalian semua untuk segera merubah haluan
untuk melakukan hal-hal yang positif untuk kebaikan kalian sendiri.
Lihatlah teladan kita Rasulullah yang sejak muda sudah menjadi manusia mandiri
dan berhasil.
Usia 0-4 tahun sudah menjadi anak yatim, hidup di padang pasir bersama Bani
Sa’ad dan selama itu mendapat ASI dari Halimah As Sa’diyah.
Usia 6 – 8 tahun ; tinggal bersama kakeknya, Abdul Muthalib, yang merupakan
tokoh masyarakat yang sangat berwibawa.
Usia 8 tahun ; mulai bekerja mengembala kambing ketika tinggal bersama
pamannya, Abu Thalib. Usia 12 tahun; mulai perjalanan bisnis internasional ke syiria
bersama pamannya. Usia 15 tahun; mendapat pengalaman militer dalam peristiwa
Perang Fijar antara kaum Quraisy dengan kaum lainnya selama 4-5 tahun.
Usia 20 tahun memperoleh pengalaman diplomatik pertama sebagai juru damai
antara kaum Quraisy dan kabilah lainnya, sekaligus megokohkan kredibilitas
sosialnya di masyarakat. Setelah itu beliau bekerja pada Siti Khadijah dan kembali
melakukan perjalanan bisnis ekspor/impor ke yaman/syiria.
Usia 25 tahun; menikah dengan Siti Khadijah dan memulai pengalaman sebagai
kepala keluarga.
Usia 25-35 tahun; telah memiliki pengalaman sebagai kepala keluarga, pedagang,
orang kaya, pemuka masyarakat, dan berbagai aktivitas sosial.
Demikian apa yang kita lihat dari sosok muda Nabi kita Rasulullah saw.
Semoga kalian semua bisa mengambil hikmah dari apa yang bapak sampaikan tadi.
Bapak ingatkan dan mengajak kembali kepada kalian semua mari bangunlah
perubahan maka kesuksesan akan menghampiri.
Demikian yang bisa bapak sampaikan. Mohon maaf jika ada kata yang kurang
wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

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