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Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Fox in the Snow Designs

Copyright Notice: You are certainly welcome to sell your finished items from this pattern
in any way you choose; however, do not copy or redistribute the pattern itself. If you sell
your finished items online, please provide a link to my Etsy website in your description.
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Fox in the Snow Designs
About Andrea •••

A college student by day, Andrea Knight spends her nights hunting  Worsted weight yarn
and slaying rogue vampires. With special abilities, including super- in a variety of colors
strength and agility, even the fiercest and most powerful vampires (Caron Simply Soft,
don’t stand a chance. Dark powers beware! Andrea always has her Big Twist Value)
bag of stakes with her, ready to dispatch any evil creatures who
might be lurking about.
 2.25 mm and 2.75
mm crochet hooks
mr/mc magic ring/magic circle
 Scissors
ch chain stitch
sc single crochet stitch
esc extended single crochet stitch  Stitch markers
rsc reverse single crochet stitch
hdc half double crochet stitch
 Yarn needle
dc double crochet stitch
tr treble crochet stitch
dtr double treble crochet stitch  Stuffing/polyester
inc single crochet increase (2 sc into stitch indicated) fiberfill
hdc-inc half double crochet increase (2 hdc into stitch indicated
dc-inc double crochet increase (2 dc into stitch indicated)
tr-inc treble crochet increase (2 tr into stitch indicated)
 Plastic circle
dec single crochet decrease (single crochet 2 stitches together)

extended single crochet decrease (single crochet 2 stitches  6 mm safety eyes in
half double crochet decrease (half double crochet 2 stitches
dc-dec double crochet decrease (double crochet 2 stitches together)
 Light pink fabric
rnd(s) round(s)
marker or rouge
sk skip
 Embellishments
slst slip stitch
st(s) stich(es)
…-tbl through back loops only
…-tfl through front loops only
[…] …x repeat instructions in brackets … times
(…) total number of sts in current rnd

About Andrea  1
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Special Stitches

Sedge stitch is similar to the Wattle stitch as it is constructed by off-

Sedge Stitch Pattern
setting groups of stitches on a row by row basis.
Front Post Double Crochet is a raised or relief stitch, often called
Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc) post stitches. The stitches are worked around the post of the
stitches in the row or round below, rather than through a chain.
Back Post Double Crochet, a raised or relief stitch, is worked by
Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc) inserting the hook from the back of the work and then around the
post of the stitch in the row or round below.

Amigurumi Techniques
Before beginning, familiarize yourself with the amigurumi techniques listed below. I have gathered an
excellent array of tutorials that are well worth a looksee! Each one was especially helpful when I was
learning how to crochet amigurumi, and I hope you find them useful as well!
Invisible Decrease
Changing Colors

Perfect Stripes for Amigurumi (2)

Invisible Fasten Off (Finishing Open

Ultimate Finish (Finishing Closed
Amigurumi Seamless Join (Sewing)
Finishing a Flat Piece (Arms)
Join New Yarn with a Single
Crochet Stitch
Join New Yarn with a Slip Stitch with-slip-stitch.html

Amigurumi Hair Tutorial

Special Stitches  2
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

The doll is worked from the legs up, so we are going to begin with making our pair of legs. We are going
to work in continuous rounds. Use a 2.25 mm crochet hook for the legs, as well for the body, head, and
arms. Stuff the legs, body, and head, but do not stuff the arms. Do not overstuff the legs or the body.

As you may have noticed, the stockings are striped. Use the perfect stripes for amigurumi technique to
ensure the color changes are smooth in appearance.

In short, you are going to change colors as you normally would, but then slip stitch into the first stitch of
the new round instead of single crocheting. When coming back around, single crochet into the slip

Also, when changing colors, do not crochet over, or cut, the other yarn. Instead, simply leave the yarn
behind until you need to change colors again.

(Note: Add a max of 5 rounds/45 sts to the pattern below to make your doll leggier.)

The rounds below are color coded:

(1) Big Twist Value in Soft Grey
(2) Caron Simply Soft in White

Rnd 1. With Caron Simply Soft in White, sc 4 into a magic circle (4)

Rnd 2. [inc] 4x (8)

Rnd 3. inc, sc 7 (9)

sc in each st around (28 rounds) 4. 5. 6. (White) 7. 8. (Big Twist

Rnds 4.-31. Value in Soft Grey) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. (9)
22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Be sure to stuff the leg as you go; do not wait until the end. Roll the leg between your hands to smooth
out the stuffing.

Once you have finished your first leg, slip stitch into the first stitch of the last round and fasten off
invisible. Here is an excellent tutorial on how to fasten off invisible:

Next, make your second leg, but do not break the yarn or fasten off. Instead, chain 2 and slip stitch
into your closing/invisible stitch on the first leg. You will lose a stitch on this leg. Do not crochet into the
slip stitch when coming back around.

(Use photos on next page for guidance.)

Legs  3
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

After you have chained 2 and slip stitched into the first leg, follow the instructions for rnd 32 below.

Continuing with White, sc 8, sc 2 across the ch 2 (back bumps),

Rnd 32. (21)
sc 9, sc 2 across the ch 2 (both loops)
Rnds 33.-34. sc into each st around (2 rounds) 33. 34. (21)

Rnd 35. inc, sc 3, inc, [sc 4, inc] 2x, sc 3, inc, sc 2 (26)

Rnd 36. sc into each st around (26)

Rnd 37. sc 3, inc, sc 4, inc, [sc 5, inc] 2x, sc 5 (30)

With Big Twist Value in Medium Rose, sc into each st around (2
Rnds 38.-39. (30)
rounds) 38. 39.
Rnd 40. dec, sc 3, dec, [sc 4, dec] 2x, sc 3, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 2 (24)

Rnd 41. sc-tbl into each st around (24)

Rnd 42. sc 2, dec, sc 3, dec, [sc 4, dec] 2x, sc 3 (20)

Rnds 43.-49. sc into each st around (7 rounds) 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. (20)

Rnd 50. sc 3, dec, sc 8, dec, sc 5 (18)

Body  4
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Rnd 51. dec, sc 6, dec, sc 8 (begin stuffing the body) (16)

Rnd 52. sc 4, dec, sc 5, dec, sc 3 (14)

Rnd 53. sc 2, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 2 (12)

Rnd 54. sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 2 (10)

Rnd 55. With Caron Simply Soft in Off White, sc-tbl into each st around (10)

Rnd 56. sc into each st around (10)

(Tip: You are going to make 140 stitches between rnds 43.-49. of the body, in case you would like to
count instead of using a stitch marker.)

When you are finished with rnd 56, do not break the yarn. Finish stuffing the body and neck, and then
follow the instructions for the head on the next page. Do not stuff the body and neck very firmly. Roll
the body between your hands to smooth the stuffing out.

(Use photos for guidance.)

We are going to begin the head straight away. Place the eyes between rounds 10 and 11; the eyes
are 7 stitches apart. Also, remember to stuff the head firmly, breaking during rounds to add bits of

Furthermore, you may want to (really, you should) place a large circular piece of plastic where the
neck ends and the head begins. By doing this, you will ensure the bottom half of the head remains
rounded. This will also prevent you from overstuffing the neck and chest by blocking the neck hole
while you stuff. Any piece of plastic will do; yogurt covers work well.

Rnd 1. Continuing with Off White, sc 10 (10)

Rnd 2. [inc] 10x (20)

Head  5
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Rnd 3. [inc] 20x (40)

sc into each st around (9 rounds) 4. 5.

Rnds 4.-12. (trace and cut out plastic circle) 6. 7. 8. 9. (40)
10. (eyes; 7 sts apart) 11. 12.

Rnd 13. sc 5, dec, [sc 11, dec] 2x, sc 7 (37)

With Loops & Threads Colorwheel in

Rnd 14. Taupe, sc into each st around (add (37)
widow’s peak this rnd; see photo)
sc 3, dec, [sc 5, dec] 4x, sc 4 (place plastic
Rnd 15. (32)
circle inside of head)

Rnd 16. sc 2, dec, [sc 3, dec] 5x, sc 3 (26)

Rnd 17. sc 1, dec, [sc 2, dec] 5x, sc 3 (20)

sc 1, dec, [sc 2, dec] 4x, sc 1 (begin

Rnd 18. (15)
stuffing head)

Rnd 19. [sc 1, dec] 5x (10)

Rnd 20. [dec] 5x (5)

(Tip: You are going to be making 360 stitches between rnds 4.-12. of the head, in case you would
rather count.)

Before closing the hole, make sure the head is stuffed very firmly and shaped properly. This part is
extremely important! Again, placing a piece of plastic to give the head a more rounded shape, as
well as to prevent overstuffing the neck and chest, is recommended.

Now, the neck should be stuffed well before the plastic circle is placed inside of the head. Place a ball
of stuffing over the neck hole, then bend the plastic circle up to fit the piece inside of the head. Gently
push the edges of the circle down with your fingertips until the piece is level enough to serve tea on.
Notice in the photo below how the circle gave the head a more rounded appearance. Lovely!

Continue stuffing the head with fiberfill. Be sure the plastic circle remains level. You are finished stuffing
when the head is very hard to the touch.

(Use photos on next page for guidance.)

Head  6
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

There are many ways to add hair to your amigurumi. With Andrea, I chose to use the “Latch Hook”
Wigs method.

If you would like Andrea’s hair to be wavy or curly, you will have to bake wet yarn on wooden
dowels in the oven at 300 degrees for 45-55 minutes. Use smaller wooden dowels to create tighter curls,
or larger wooden dowels to create looser waves.

Begin by wrapping the yarn around the wooden dowels, being sure to secure the ends. Next, soak the
yarn in water, and then squeeze out any excess water before placing them onto a baking sheet and
into the oven. After 45-55 minutes, take the dowels out of the oven. You will need to allow the yarn to
cool to room temperature before removing them from the dowels. (Photo Tutorial:

Next, take the yarn off the wooden dowels, and cut the yarn into several strands. Now, beginning at
the hairline, attach the strands of yarn individually using the latch hook method (see sidebar and
photos on next page). Use a 2.75 mm crochet hook to attach the hair to the head. Once you are
finished adding yarn to the hairline, skip a row and attach more strands of yarn.

Lastly, decide where her part is going to be, because you need to attach yarn on either side of her
part line. The part should begin in the front and end in the back. Are there any visible gaps? If not, you
are finished attaching yarn to her head.

Hair  7
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

“Latch Hook” Wigs


Step 1
Insert your hook into the
gap between 2 stitches
and bring it out at the
gap directly above (or

Step 2
Fold a strand of yarn in
half, and using your
hook, pull the middle
through the head,
leaving a short loop of
“hair” on the hook.

Step 3
Yo with both ends of the
“hair,” and use the hook
to pull them through the

Step 4
Pull the ends downward
to tighten the loop and
secure the hair strand.
Begin by hooking all
around the hairline.

Hair  8
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Off White yarn for the ears. We are going to be working in rows.
Begin by making a magic ring with Off White, and then follow the instructions in the table below.

With Off White, sc 5 into a magic ring,

Row 1. (5)

Row 2. ch 1, sc into each st across (5)

Fasten off, leaving a long yarn tail for sewing the ears onto the head. The ears are in line with, and
three to four stitches away from, the eyes.

Use a 2.25 mm crochet hook and Off White yarn. Be sure to close the arms when you are finished by
single crocheting corresponding stitches together. Do not stuff the arms.

Rnd 1. With Off White, sc 3 into a magic circle (3)

Rnd 2. [inc] 3x (6)

Rnd 3. inc, sc 5 (7)

Ears  9
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

sc into each st around (23 rounds) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Rnds 4.-26. (7)
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
(Tip: You’re going to be making 161 stitches between rnds 4. and 26.; rather than using a stitch
marker, you may simply count as you go around.)

Flatten the arms and close them by single crocheting over both layers of stitches, then fasten off. This
is a very common amigurumi technique. If you need more guidance, use the tutorial here:

The arms are attached directly below the collar. Use the amigurumi seamless join technique found

Surface Crochet
Remember when we single crocheted through the back loops while making Andrea’s body? By doing
so, we left behind front loops that we will use to surface crochet along her body.

(Note: When joining the yarn, be sure to hold the doll upside down. This will ensure the right-side of
the fabric is facing outward.)

Surface Crochet  10
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Medium Rose for the collar. We are going to be working in closed
rounds. Begin by joining Medium Rose with a slip stitch into a front loop on the back of the body (round
55.), and then follow the instructions in the table below.

Join Medium Rose with a slst, ch 2, dc into same fl as join,

Rnd 1. dc-inc into next fl, *[dc into next fl, dc-inc into next fl]; (15)
repeat from the * around, join with slst to 1st st
ch 1, sc into same st as join, *[ch 3, skip 1 st, sc into next st]; repeat from the
Rnd 2.
* around, join

Fasten off, and weave in ends.

Surface Crochet  11
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook, and Medium Rose and Big Twist Value in Denim for the skirt. We are
going to be working in continuous rounds, and the edging will be worked in closed rounds. Begin by
joining Medium Rose with a sc into a front loop on the back of the body (round 41.), and then follow
the instructions in the table below.

Join Medium Rose with a sc, sc into same fl as

Rnd 1. (48)
join, inc into each fl around

Rnd 2. [sc 1, inc] 24x (72)

Rnd 3. inc, sc into each st around (73)

sc into each st around (8 rounds) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Rnds 4.-11. (73)
10. 11.

Fasten off invisible, and weave in ends. We are now going to join new yarn with a slip stitch into our
closing/invisible stitch, and we will begin working in closed rounds for the edging portion of the skirt.
Begin by joining Denim with a slip stitch into the closing/invisible stitch, and then follow the instructions
in the table below.

Join Denim with a slst, ch 2, 2 dc into same st as join, *[skip 3 sts, 3 dc into
Rnd 1. next st]; repeat from the * around, ending with skip 3 sts, 2 dc into last st,
join with slst to 1st st
With Medium Rose, ch 2, 2 dc into same st as join, *[skip 1 dc, sc into
Rnd 2.
next space between two 3-dc groups, sk 1 dc, 5 dc into next dc]; repeat

Surface Crochet  12
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

from the * around, ending with sk 1 dc, sc into next sp between two 3-
dc groups, sk 1 dc, 3 dc into last dc, join with slst to 1st st

Fasten off, and weave in all ends.

Skirt Numero Dos

Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Big Twist Value in Soft Blush. We are going to be working in closed
rounds and we will be using the Sedge Stitch Pattern. Begin by chaining 26 with Soft Blush, and then
follow the instructions in the table below.

Skirt Numero Dos  13

Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

With Soft Blush, chain 26, slst into 1st ch to form a ring, ch 1,
Rnd 1. (26)
sc (back bump) into each ch around, join with slst to 1st st
Rnd 2. ch 1, sc into each st around, join (26)
Rnd 3. ch 2, dc-inc into each st around, join (52)
ch 1, [sc, hdc, dc] into same st as join, *[skip 2 sts, [sc, hdc,
Rnd 4. dc] into next st]; repeat from the * around, ending with (52)
skip 2, sc into last st, join with slst to 1st st
ch 1, [sc, hdc, dc] into same st as join, *[skip 2 sts, [sc, hdc,
Rnd 5. dc] into next sc]; repeat from the * around, ending with (52)
skip 2, sc into last sc, join
Rnds 6.-12. repeat rnd 5. (7 rounds) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (52)

Fasten off, and weave in ends. Place the skirt under the skirt we “surface crocheted” onto her body.

Jean Jacket
Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Denim yarn for the jean jacket. We are going to be working in
rows. Begin by chaining 19 with Denim, and then follow the instructions in the table below.

With Denim, ch 19, sc into 2nd ch from the hk and into

Row 1. (18)
each ch across, turn
ch 1, sc 2, 3 sc into next st, sc 3, 3 sc into next st, sc 4, 3
Row 2. (26)
sc into next st, sc 3, 3 sc into next st, sc 2, turn
ch 1, sc 3, 3 sc into next st, sc 5, 3 sc into next st, sc 6, 3
Row 3. (34)
sc into next st, sc 5, 3 sc into next st, sc 3, turn
ch 1, sc 4, 3 sc into next st, sc 7, 3 sc into next st, sc 8, 3
Row 4. (42)
sc into next st, sc 7, 3 sc into next st, sc 4, turn
ch 1, sc 5, skip 11 (armhole), sc 10, skip 11 (armhole), sc
Row 5. (15)
5, turn

Jean Jacket  14
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

ch 1, [sc 1, inc] 2x, dec, [sc 1, inc] 4x, dec, [sc 1, inc] 2x,
Row 6. (26)

Row 7. ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (26)

Row 8. ch 1, sc 5, inc, sc 12, inc, sc 7, turn (28)

Row 9. ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (28)

Row 10. ch 1, sc 6, inc, sc 13, inc, sc 7, turn (30)

Rows 11.-13. ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (3 rows) 11. 12. 13. (30)

Do not break the yarn; instead, single crochet around the entire outer edge of the jacket, placing 3
single crochet stitches into each corner to avoid buckling. Next, slip stitch into the 1st stitch and fasten
off invisible, weaving in all ends. We are now going to move on to the sleeves.

Jean Jacket  15
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Denim yarn for the sleeves. We are going to be working in
continuous rounds, so be sure to use a stitch marker. Begin by joining Denim with a single crochet into
a stitch on the armhole (see photos), and then follow the instructions in the table below.

Rnd 1. Join Denim with a sc, sc into each st around (12)

sc into each st around (17 rounds) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Rnds 2.-18. (12)
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
slst, ch 2, TURN, working into front loops only, dc
into 1st st, dc-inc into next st, [dc into next st, dc-
Rnd 20. (18)
inc into next st] 5x, ch 2, slst into same st as last dc,
(Tip: You are going to be making 204 sts between rounds 2.-19., in case you would prefer to count
rather than use a stitch marker.)

Jean Jacket  16
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Fasten off, and weave in ends. Fold round 20. back against the sleeve. Repeat the above instructions
for the second sleeve.


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Denim yarn for the collar. We are going to be working in rows.
Begin by joining Denim with a slip stitch into a front loop on the collar of the jacket (see photo), and
then follow the instructions in the table below.

Join Denim with a slst, ch 2, working into front loops

only, dc into same st as join, dc-inc into next st, [dc
Rnd 1. (27)
into next st, dc-inc into next st] 8x, ch 2, slst into same
st as last dc

Fasten off, and weave in ends.

Jean Jacket  17
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Denim yarn for the pockets. We are going to be working in rows.
Begin by chaining 5 with Denim, and then follow the instructions in the table below.

With Denim, ch 5, sc into 2nd ch from the hk and into

Row 1. (4)
each ch across, turn

Rows 2.-3. ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (2 rows) 2. 3. (4)

Fasten off, leaving a long yarn tail for sewing the two pockets onto the sides of the jacket.

Jean Jacket  18
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Slouchy Beanie
Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Soft Blush for the slouchy beanie. We are going to be working in
closed rounds, and we will be using Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc) and Front Post Double Crochet
(fpdc) stitches. Begin by making a magic ring with Soft Blush, and then follow the instructions in the
table below.

Back Post Double Crochet (bpdc): Yarn over (yo) and insert your hook from back to front between the
posts of the first and second double crochet in the row below, and then from front to back again
between the posts of the second and
third stitches. Yarn over and draw the
yarn around the post of the stitch (3
loops on hk). Yarn over and draw the
yarn through the 2 loops on the hook,

With Soft Blush, hdc 8 into a magic ring, join with slst to 1st
Rnd 1. (8)
ch 2, hdc-inc into same st as join, hdc-inc into each st
Rnd 2. (16)
around, join

Slouchy Beanie  19
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Rnd 3. ch 2, [hdc, hdc-inc] 8x, join (24)

ch 2, hdc into 1st st, hdc-inc into next st, [hdc 2, hdc-inc]
Rnd 4. (32)
7x, hdc, join

Rnd 5. ch 2, [hdc 3, hdc-inc] 8x, join (40)

ch 2, hdc into 1st and 2nd st, hdc-inc into next st, [hdc 4,
Rnd 6. (48)
hdc-inc] 7x, hdc 2, join

Rnd 7. ch 2, bpdc into each st around, join with slst to 1st st (48)

Rnd 8. ch 2, [hdc 5, hdc-inc] 8x, join (56)

Rnd 9. ch 2, bpdc into each st around, join (56)

ch 2, hdc into 1st 3 sts, hdc-inc into next st, [hdc 6, hdc-
Rnd 10. (64)
inc] 7x, hdc 3, join

Rnd 11. ch 2, bpdc into each st around, join (64)

Rnd 12. ch 2, hdc into each st around, join (64)

Repeat rounds 11. and 12. twice, or until you reach your desired level of slouchiness. Be sure to end
on a round 11. repeat before moving on to the instructions for the hat band below.

Front Post Double Crochet (fpdc): Yarn over (yo) and insert your hook from front to back between the
posts of the first and second double crochet of the row below, and then from back to front again
between the posts of the second and
third stitches. Yarn over and draw the
yarn around the post of the stitch (3
loops on hk). Yarn over and draw the
yarn through the 2 loops on the hook,

ch 2, hdc into 1st 3 sts, hdc-dec, [hdc 6, hdc-dec] 7x, hdc

Rnd 1. (56)
3, join with slst to 1st st
ch 2, fpdc into same st as join, bpdc into next st, [fpdc
Rnd 2. (56)
into next st, bpdc into next st] 27x, join

Rnd 3. ch 1, sc into each st around, join (56)

Slouchy Beanie  20
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Fasten off, and weave in all ends. To fit properly, the beanie should be placed over the bulk of her hair.
If you would like to add a pom-pom to her beanie, follow the tutorial here: Use two fingers to wrap the yarn around to create a smaller pom-pom.

Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Denim for the boots. We are going to be working in continuous
rounds and in rows, so be sure to use a stitch marker. Begin by making a magic ring with Denim, and
then follow the instructions in the table below.

Rnd 1. With Denim, sc 4 into a magic circle (4)

Rnd 2. [inc] 4x (8)
Rnd 3. sc 1, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 2 (10)
Rnd 4. [sc 4, inc] 2x (12)
Rnd 5. sc into each st around (12)
Row 6. sc 6, ch 1, turn (6)
Row 7. sc 6, ch 1, turn (6)
Row 8. dec, sc 2, dec, ch 1, turn (4)
Row 9. dec, dec, ch 1, turn (2)
Row 10. dec, place st marker into st (1)
sc 3 down the side of the boot, sc 6 across the front
Rnd 11. (13)
of the boot, sc 3 up the side of the boot
Rnds. 12.-16. sc into each st around (5 rounds) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (13)
(Tip: You will be making 65 sts between rounds 12. and 16., in case you prefer to count instead of
using a stitch marker.

Fasten off invisible, and weave in all ends. Follow the same instructions for the second boot, and then
place the boots on Andrea’s feet.

Boots  21
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Shoulder Bag
Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Soft Grey and White yarn for the bag. We are going to be working
in rows. The bag and strap are made separately, and then sewn together. Begin by chaining 11 with
Soft Grey, and then follow the instructions in the table below.

With Soft Grey, ch 11, sc into 2nd ch from the hk and

Row 1. (10)
into each ch across, turn
ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (28 rows) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Rows 2.-29. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. (10)
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Fasten off, and weave in ends. Join White yarn with a sc into any corner space, and then single crochet
2 additional stitches into the corner. Continue to single crochet around the outer edge of the bag,
placing 3 single crochet stitches into each corner space to avoid buckling. Join the round by slip
stitching into the 1st stitch, and then fasten off and weave in ends.


Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Soft Grey and White yarn for the strap. We are going to be working
in rows. Begin by chaining 3 with Soft Grey, and then follow the instructions in the table below.

With Soft Grey, ch 3, sc into 2nd ch from the hk and

Row 1. (2)
into each ch across, turn

Row 2. ch 1, sc into each st across, turn (2)

Continue to repeat row 2. until your strap measures roughly 10 inches, or to your desired length, and
then fasten off and weave in ends. Next, join White yarn with a sc into any corner space, and then
single crochet 2 additional stitches into the corner. Continue to single crochet around the outer edge
of the strap, placing 3 single crochet stitches into each corner space. Join the round by slip stitching
into the 1st stitch, and then fasten off, leaving a long yarn tail for sewing.

Shoulder Bag  22
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress


Fold the bag, and then use the remaining yarn tail to sew the strap onto the purse as shown in the
pictures below.

Use your 2.25 mm crochet hook and Soft Blush yarn for the stakes. Yes, the stakes are pink because
Andrea carves them out of Pink Ivory wood from South Africa. ;) We are going to be working in
continuous rounds, so be sure to use a stitch marker. Begin by making a magic ring with Soft Blush, and
then follow the instructions in the table below.

Rnd 1. With Soft Blush, sc 7 into a magic ring (7)

sc into each st around (4 rounds) 2. 3. 4.

Rnds 2.-5. (7)

Rnd 6. dec, sc 5 (6)

Rnd 7. sc into each st around (6)

Rnd 8. dec, sc 4 (5)

Rnd 9. sc into each st around (5)

Rnd 10. [dec] 2x, sc 1 (3)

Stakes  23
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Break the yarn, pulling through the last stitch completely. Use a yarn needle and the tail to weave
through the front loops to close the hole. Make enough stakes to fill Andrea’s bag, or as many as you

Stakes  24
Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress

Your Andrea Knight, Vampire Huntress, is finished!

Congratulations!  25

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