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My Reflection

First I was assigned to prepare a jars of water with an egg inside on it. The other one has a ten
tablespoon of salt while the other is just water. I labelled the jars so that I will know the jar that has salt
and distinguish the non salted jar. I put the eggs inside the jars and I saw that the egg in the salt solution
floats while the egg in the water sinks. After a few days, I bring the jars in school so that I can perform
my experiment but there are some disturbances happened that delayed the experiment. I was confined
in CVMC because I suffered from dengue. Aftery confinement I went to school and continue my
experiment. As I open the jars, it stinks mabe because it is soak in the water for a long time. I covered my
nose with my towel because it really stinks. I remove the water ofy jars because I cant remove the egg
inside by using only the spoon. And as I weigh the eggs, the egg in the salt solution weighs less than the
egg in the water. I found out that the water enters the egg reason to make it bigger and heavier while
the egg in the salt solutiin shrinks. I interchanges the eggs in their jars after I got their weighs. And after a
day, I saw again the difference of the eggs that the egg from the water that is transferred to the salt
solution shrinks while the egg from the salt solution that is transferred to the water shrivels and burst.

In that experiment, I found out the different types of Osmosis of cells in different solutions.

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