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( HONOURED by JHARKHAND RATNA & Patrakarita Rashtriya Samman )
Ph. D. ( Management ) & Ph. D. ( Astrology ) .
Advocate, Ranchi High Court and Academic Counsellor ( Management ), IGNOU, Ranchi.

How Will Be New Year 2020 For India and Indian

Citizens ?
On the Mid - Night of 31st December, 2019 when the Clock will show that it has
passed 12 O’ Clock Mid – Night, the entire Nation and her Citizens will welcome the
New Year 2020 whole heartedly and the entire atmosphere will be sounding from the
slogans like “ Happy New Year “ , “ A Prosperous New Year “ , “ The New Year May Be
Full of Joys “ etc. through Telephone, Mobile etc. ( This Article was written on 1st October, 2019 )
__ _________________________ ____ The New Year 2020 is rising when the
IX X XI Ascendant is Virgo and lord of the
I X X6 X X I Ascendant and tenth House Mercury is
I X X X 5 X 4 I in the fourth House with lord of fifth
I 8 X 7 X X X I and sixth Houses Saturn and lord of
I Mars X X I Twelfth House Sun and Ketu and lord of
I Jupiter X X X X I eleventh House Moon is in sixth House as
I X 9 X X 3 X I well as lord of fourth and seventh Houses
I X Sun, MercuryX X X I Jupiter is with lord of third and eighth
IX Saturn, Ketu X Rahu X I Houses Mars in the third House While lord
I X X X X I of second and ninth Houses Venus is in
I 10 X X 12 X X 2 I fifth House and Rahu is in tenth house.
I X X X X I According to Vimshottari, Rahu’s Dasa
I Venus X X I is running in the New Year 2020.
I X X X1X I On the other hand, many people
I X 11 X X X I will be desirous to know asto what will
I X Moon X X X I be impact of Stars and Planets on the
IX X X I Nation and her Citizens. First of all,
IX X XI when Clock will pass 12 O’ Clock at
I Horoscope of New Year 2020 I Mid-Night and the 1st January, 2020
I_______________________ __ I will start, the Horoscope of that time
has been given here.
( Some Astrologers attach Vastu with Astrology which is quite making manifest of folly whereas all
incidents to take place can be known accurately from birth to death of any person from Astrological
Science ; on the other hand, Vastu does not predict future, but corrects shortcomings of Building
Constructions which is related to subject like Architecture; yes, if there remains shortcomings in Building
Constructions, it causes inconvenience to people living or working in the Building, therefore, this is to be
understood here that Astrology or Astrological Science alone is a subject which is based on subject like “
Astronomy “ by which if Time, Date and Place of birth are known of any person, his complete Past,
Present and Future can be known accurately; yes, the number of such persons who really know this
subject in India and in whole World is negligible. )
( Once upon a time, India was right at top and once again in this context,
Astrology is such a Science with the help of which we know before hand about any person
or any incident whose relation with coming into existence, that is, whose Time, Date and
Place of Birth or its occurrence is known and sometimes miracles appear to be visible
through the medium of Predictions of this Science. Only we the Indians with the help of
Indian Astrology in the entire World, are making great predictions before the incidence
is taking place. )
On the basis of all the above, the coming days of India and
Indian Citizens during the Year 2020 will be as follows :-
For India and Indian citizens, in New Year 2020 on the one hand, there will be
courageous works and there will be success too while on the other hand, there will be
loss of money and there will be losses-damage and disappointments-despair and at the
same time, there are also indications of dangers too as well as there are also indications
of quarrel-disputes, opposition-enmity, hurt-violence etc., but India and Indian Citizens
will not remain behind so far as courageous works are concerned as well as they will
also show their courage ; on the other hand, New Year 2020 can be divided into two
parts – one, the first half, the time from January 2020 to May 2020 and second, the
second half from June 2020 to December 2020, that is, the time from January 2020 to
May 2020 will not be good when there are indications of quarrel-disputes, opposition-
enmity, hurt-violence etc in the matters related to land-property as well as losses-
disappointments are a certainty too as well as there will remain no peace in the areas of
Educations and in the areas of Law-Order as well as there will be good quarrel-
disputes, but in the second half of the New Year 2020, in other words, during June 2020
and December 2020, the time for India and Indian Citizens will be good to some extent
when there are good indications in professional matters as well as there are also good
indications in the matters of money, hence India and Indian Citizens will not remain
behind in courageous works and in professional matters and they will also get success,
but there will also be quarrel-disputes and there will also be opposition-enmity in the
matters related to money, related to land-property and related to Education and Law-
Order as well as they will also have to face tangles.
That is all for the time being and more will be afterwards.
( One cannot get more than fortune
And nothing happens before time )
( Honoured By Jharkhand Ratna & Patrakarita Rashtriya Samman )

Know Your Past, Present and Future With Precision and Accuracy.
Best Book on Astrology ( Astrology – Easy To Learn ) Available on Amazon and Flipkart
Astrologer, Educationist and Journalist
Mob – 9835367711, E-mail-

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