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Tell me about yourself:

 Characteristics
o Fun loving
o Social
o Like to communicate with other individuals to know the perspectives
 Professional career
o Worked in Infosys for 2 years
o Was involved in an application development for a paint company
o Had the ownership of an entry module
o Was awarded Infosys Insta award for being my performance as a fresher
o Was awarded Infosys WOW award for my contribution as a config manager
o Was also part of the best team
 College
o Electronics and Communication engineer
o Was elected as the students’ council member twice
o Was a core committee member of Eclecia and Dakshh
o Football captain
o Won the inter-departmental tournament twice
o Part of the organising committee in inter-college sports tournament Elastico
 IIM Udaipur
o Currently a part of LakeSiders
o Also have been selected in the dramatics society as a director and playwright
o Currently holding the office of General Secretary of the Council of Students Affairs
o Part of the core committee of the annual management fest, Solaris 2018
 General interests
o Reading novels, mainly of fantasy genre
o World building
o Writing pieces
o Football

* You can either mention this in a chronologically ascending order or a chronologically descending
order; preferably for someone with work ex, mention this in chronologically descending order

Out of your resume:

 Upbringing:
o From a joint family
o Was encouraged to read books from childhood
 Interests:
o Read a book
o Analyze the characters
o Write them from my perspective
o World building
o Football fanatic
 Characteristic traits
o Extrovert, can mingle in the crowd
o Responsible
o Empathetic
o Concerned about what others think


 Communication skills => I have functioned as the liaison between the client and the team in
my project when my manager was on leave for a week
 Responsible => Part of the college students’ council. Elected twice. Have managed to
organise two successful fests with footfall of 7k+
 Empathetic => A long practice of writing from a character’s perspective has helped me to
think things from the other party’s shoes; can act as a devil’s advocate or a mediator


 Caring what others think – Election fiasco

 Work-life imbalance – Problems to maintain contacts when not in sight
 Lack of delegation
 Lack of concentration on something continuously

Why MBA?

 First taste of ‘managing’ in college fest; communicated with lot of people

 Aligns with my skillset
 Pursuing a better career
 Mention one experience where you have seen/felt that MBA degree would be beneficial for
your career

Why marketing?

 Was not sure about what to pursue before coming to the college
 Was fascinated with how proper marketing can transform a product completely
 It’s all about consumers, get to communicate with many individuals
 Had marketed my college fest and inter-departmental events

Role model

 Albert Einstein => was a revolutionary

 Grandfather => Contributed hugely to what I am. Introduced me to literature. People
revered him.

Favourite brand

 Manchester United
o Founded in 1898
o Gets most of its revenue from merchandise sales
o “Think local, Act global”
o Signing of Park Ji Sun gave Asian support
o Pre-season fixtures in US and China (investors)
o Brand logo => Red devil with a ship (from the Manchester city council)
o IPO in 2012, was supposed to be in singapore stock exchange, but entered NSE with
value $2.3 bn
 Google
o Founded by Larry Page, 1988
o Have to collect data

Life-changing event:

 Not necessarily an event which was good for you; can be a lesson learnt; try to keep two at

3 year from now on:

 Want to be involved in product management and conceptualizing a product from the scratch
depending on the market
 Analysis of markets now that so much data is available
 Tailor this answer with the role that is offered to you by the company

15 years from now on:

 Would like to see myself as at least a country head of marketing in some global company
 Would like to author at least a couple of books on my experiences
 Social initiative taken, would like to see it as a successful venture
 This should be something which will give you a view of your life as a whole; your ideals and

Why you?

 Maintain individuality even when totally a part of the group

 Can lead people well
 Have the passion for learning
 The points of difference you have

Why not you?

 Don’t have that much to show for in CV

 Not concise in giving answers


 Highlights of your life


 Loss of election in undergraduate college

Managerial skill
 Liaison between clients and team in Infosys
 Was the captain of the football team => Lost in first year in the first game; won the next two
 LIVE Puppets last minute show
 Currently the General Secretary of the Council of Students Affairs

Convinced people to do something

 LIVE Puppets last minute show=> People backed off. Had to convince three individuals to
work; prioritization
 Clash within the football team; Had to make people settle differences; Had to give them
superseding goal

Assuming you are selected, what will be your strategy for the next 60 days?

 Have ideas about what the company does and the role entails for you
 You first steps will always be understanding the process flow within the organisation;
analysing the gaps that can be improved upon

Mention one thing about our company which you think you can improve upon.

Had any problem with a peer?

Tell us something about your previous boss.

What did you not like about your job?

 Something that must be handled tactfully; don’t badmouth your previous employers – you
can frame it by saying that though a particular thing about the organisation was a good
thing to have, but there were potential sources of improvements which was not sought after.

How long can you commit to work for us?

 Give them first your basic roadmap of your career you have thought; then connect it with the
things offered by the firm; accordingly give them a time period.

Any question for us?

Basic things to prepare:

PREPARE YOU CV. Each and every line in the CV should have at least one paragraph in your mind.

Don’t be diplomatic in answering questions involving failures, weaknesses etc.

Prepare a career roadmap with potential milestones that you want to achieve – 3 yrs, 5 yrs, 10 yrs
and 15 yrs
Prepare about the company – recent news, their corporate agenda, products and offerings

Prepare about the role – what are the requirements of that particular role, connect it with your

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