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ekhlas Alkhalas

BTEC registration No (GH95649)

Assignment 1: Answer:
Question 1: Student needs to create a plan for the collection of primary and
secondary for Transportation Company company operating in the town of Al-

 Answer:
For research or statistical research data for the transportation company.

For taking any decision in business problem there are two types of data according to the sources
of data collection.

 Primary data
 Secondary data

Primary data: If the data collected, are original and collected for the first time by a researcher or
investigator then those are the primary data.

secondary data: If the data are collected by using already available sources, then those are the

Let's start with the primary data: Since it is one of the most important data and is the first data
that must be collected ..

We have collected through the Internet, and since our company found in Libya, looking for sites
includes topics such companies are interested media and can also through magazines and
newspapers .. There are several sites and magazines concerned with Transportation Company.
also communicate with officials of other companies in the neighboring area via email in order to
help us to increase investment to fund our company with special equipment, or even could
convince someone to be a partner in this company and thus increase profits

We can manufacture our own posters for Transportation Company and thus be more prevalent
And we put the numbers (phone numbers) of the company in these posters or via the Internet

o And so we come to the secondary data: As we know that these data give us extra
information is not going to tell us much, but probably should be used

For example, we can collect data through Web sites or personal information or government ..

Observation: Observation is very needy aspect for the richness of research data.

Participant Observation: It is qualitative and derives from the work of social anthropology in
the early twentieth century. It emphases on discovering the meanings that people attach to their

Structured observation: It is quantitative and more concerned with the frequency with the

Systematic observation: Recording, description, analysis and interpretation of people’s

(consumer) behavior.

Questionnaire: It is a general term to include all techniques of data collection persons are asked
to respond included both structured interviews (in depth interview; Jancowicz 2005) and
telephone or online questionnaires.

In this process through questionnaire three types of data variables are collected from the
customer related to this business organization.

Opinion- how respondent or customer feel about the services.

Behavior- what customer think and do in the past, do now and will do in the future in about
the organization’s services.

Attribute- It contains the data about what customer possesses what their characteristics.

Question 2 : student needs to show the survey methodology and sampling frame
used for Transportation Company operating in Libya.
Survey strategy is usually associated the deductive approach and it is popular in business and
management research and most frequently used to answer who, what, where, how much and
how many question.

Survey methodology topics

The most important methodological challenges of a survey methodologist include making

decisions on how to

 Identify and select potential sample members.

 Contact sampled individuals and collect data from those who are hard to reach (or reluctant to
 Evaluate and test questions.
 Select the mode for posing questions and collecting responses.
 Train and supervise interviewers (if they are involved).
 Check data files for accuracy and internal consistency.
 Adjust survey estimates to correct for identified error

Survey methodology studies the sampling of individual units from a population and the associated
survey data collection techniques s, such as questionnaire construction and methods for improving the
number and accuracy of responses to surveys (Wikipedia). There are different types survey
methodology that can be used for the given business problems such as a suggestion for this company
are personal interview, telephone interview, electronic interviews, open-ended question, structured
interview, unstructured interview ( Healey and Rawlinson 1993, 1994)

 Telephone
 Mail (post)
 Online surveys
 Personal in-home surveys
 Personal mall or street intercept survey
 Hybrids of the above.

Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys

Cross-sectional survey which involves a single questionnaire or interview administered to each

sample member, and surveys which repeatedly collect information from the same people over
time. Longitudinal surveys have considerable analytical advantage.
Selecting samples

Survey sampling

Survey samples can be broadly divided into two types:

Probability samples:

It is the only method by which correct statistical inferences can be made from a sample

 Simple random sample

 Systematic sample
 Stratified sample
 Cluster sample

Stratified sampling is a method of probability sampling such that sub-populations within an

overall population are identified and included in the sample selected in a balanced way

Non-probability samples:

Non-probability sample have chosen their participants without knowing their probabilities of

 Judgment sample
 Quota sample
 Chunk sample

Stratified sampling is a method of probability sampling such that sub-populations within an

overall population are identified and included in the sample selected in a balanced way.

Why should we use sample for this research?( Business stat David M,2004)

 A sample is less time consuming than a census

 A sample is less costly to administer than a census
 A sample is less cumbersome and more practical to administer than a census

For this business problem both survey methodology and sampling method both are important in
decision making. We have selected target customer from Greater Lon Open-ended questions are
asked to get the comprehensive information on any particular topic, attitude, opinions and facts
don. For this case we have collected information which are systematic sampling, stratified
sampling, quota sampling, simple random sampling, cluster sampling for accurate result in this
research. For this company personal interview, telephone interview, electronic interviews, open-
ended question, structured interview, unstructured interview (Healey and Rawlinson 1993,
1994). Open-ended question are asked mostly for better result although researcher have faced
some problem.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc is very famous company in United Kingdom for its better
service, reasonable price, goodwill. Their profit margin is also high but recently they are facing
downward profit margin for lack of up to date customer services and knowledge about the
pattern of behavior. Day by day the market is becoming more competitive so this company
should develop their marketing strategy for correct decision with expected target for maintaining
profit margin and desired customer satisfaction on company’s products and services. This
company appointed some researcher for finding out these problems so that problem can be

The number of costumers questioned should be around 20 or more, & we need to gather
information about their requirements, their liking and dis-likings, value additions, knowledge
about the company, ideas to improve, etc.

 selecting the type of survey we are going to use is one of the most critical decisions in
many social research contexts . we'll see that there are very few simple rules that will
make the decision for us … we have to use our judgment to balance the advantages and
disadvantages of different survey types.

And the Surveys can be divided into two broad categories:

the questionnaire and the interview.

 Questionnaires are usually paper-and-pencil instruments that the respondent completes.

 Interviews are completed by the interviewer based on the respondent says.
Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference between a questionnaire and an interview.
For example, some people think that questionnaires always ask short closed-ended
questions while interviews always ask broad open-ended ones. But you will see
questionnaires with open-ended questions (although they do tend to be shorter than in
interviews) and there will often be a series of closed-ended questions asked in an

And I’m going to use the interview

Because Interviews are a far more personal form of research than questionnaires. In the personal
interview, the interviewer works directly with the respondent. Unlike with mail surveys, the
interviewer has the opportunity to probe or ask follow-up questions. And, interviews are
generally easier for the respondent, especially if what is sought is opinions or impressions.
Interviews can be very time consuming and they are resource intensive. The interviewer is
considered a part of the measurement instrument and interviewers have to be well trained in how
to respond to any contingency.
Almost everyone is familiar with the telephone interview. Telephone interviews enable a
researcher to gather information rapidly. Most of the major public opinion polls that are reported
were based on telephone interviews. Like personal interviews, they allow for some personal
contact between the interviewer and the respondent. And, they allow the interviewer to ask
follow-up questions. But they also have some major disadvantages. Many people don't have
publicly-listed telephone numbers. Some don't have telephones. People often don't like the
intrusion of a call to their homes. And, telephone interviews have to be relatively short or people
will feel imposed upon.

Sampling frame

The sampling methodology for Transportation Company is stratified random sampling. In a

simple random sample, all members of the population have the same probability of being
selected and no weighting of the observations is necessary. In a stratified random sample, all
population units are grouped within homogeneous groups and simple random samples are
selected within each group. This method allows computing estimates for each of the strata with a
specified level of precision while population estimates can also be estimated by properly
weighting individual observations. The sampling take care of the varying probabilities of
selection across different strata. Under certain conditions, estimates' precision under stratified
random sampling will be higher than under simple random sampling (lower standard errors may
result from the estimation procedure).

Question 3 :Student needs to make questionnaire for Transportation Company

operating in Libyaa.

 For the questioner > first we have the normal information that
we should know it in every questioners :


 less than 20

 More than 20
Sex ………..

Address ………..

Social status ………..

Economic situation ………..

The nature of work ………..

Then I designed to ask about :

 The size of Transportation Company and the number of seats in each bus……………

 Type in the required bus company …………..

 The number of trips per day…………..

 The amount of gasoline consumed in each hour…………..

 The number of buses ………..

 Occupation:…………..

 Educational attainment:…………….

 Functional class:………..

 Then I started with specialized Questions it relate with Transportation Company

 How many trips weekly which enables you to use Transportation Company.

number of travel per week Tick the number


4 


 What is the weekly distance you travel by using bus ( in km ).

Distance travel by bus a week Tick on appropriate category

Less than 100



300-400 





More than 800

 What is the appropriate charge proposed 10 per kilometer.

Libyan Dinars / 10 km Tick on appropriate category

0.100 – 0.150
0.150- 0.200

0.200- 0.250

0.250-0.300 



0.400- 0.450

0.450 -0.500

Question 4: How student can use the information for decision making by
summarizing data using representative values for Transportation Company
operating in Libya.

After scheduling data for the scenario above has been obtained in the following
number Persons Distance Persons Libyan Persons
of Frequency travel by Frequency Dinars / 10 Frequency
travel bus a km
per week
1 12 Less than 21 0.100 – 0.150 20
2 25 100-200 17 0.150- 0.200 15
3 19 200-300 19 0.200- 0.250 25
4 20 300-400 24 0.250-0.300 16
5 6 400-500 10 0.300-0.350 14
6 7 500-600 5 0.350-0.400 6
7 5 600-700 3 0.400- 0.450 3
8 6 700-800 1 0.450 -0.500 1

First I want to say that there's two types of Decision Making ..

Which are Rational and Intuitive.

Let's talk a little pit about RATIONAL:

These are by far and away the most common and when many people think of
decision making, they typically consider some kind of rational model. The general
idea here is to weigh up the pros and cons, and work out the most sensible, logical

And now we talk about INTUITIVE:

The second main category are the intuitive models. These models do not depend on
reason and logic. The choice is reached usually by an intuitive 'knowing' of what
the best answer is. People talk about 'feeling it in their gut', 'listening to their heart'
and receiving visions or hearing voices.

Number of travel per Persons Fx 𝐱𝟐 𝒅= 𝒇𝒅 𝐝𝟐
week frequency


1 x1= 12 12 1 3 36 9

2 x2 = 25 50 4 2 50 4

3 19 57 9 1 19 1

4 20 80 16 0 0 0
5 6 30 25 -1 -6 1

6 7 42 36 -2 -14 2

7 5 35 49 -3 -15 3

8 6 84 64 -4 -24 4

Total 100 ∑fx=356 Ʃ𝐱 𝟐 = 204 Ʃ𝒇𝒅

= 𝟒𝟔

̅ =A +
𝑿 ×c
4+ ×1 = 4.46
̅ = 4.46
So 𝑿

𝛔= √Ʃ𝐱 = So σ= √
= 2.04 wrong result
𝐍 100
Question 5: Student needs to analyze from data given by using mean , and
finding out the results of each group to draw valid for Transportation
Company operating in Libya.


The mean is Simple or arithmetic average of a range of values or

quantities, computed by dividing the total of all values by the number of
For example, the mean of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 is (15 ÷ 5) = 3.

It is the most common and best general purpose measure of the mid-point
(around which all other values cluster) of a set of values, but is prone to
distortion by the presence of extreme values and may require use of a
measure of distortion (such as mean deviation or standard deviation). Also
called arithmetic mean.

Distance travel by Person Mid X d= Fd 𝐝𝟐
bus a week frequency f 𝐜
Less than 100 21 50 3 63 9
100-200 17 150 2 34 4
200-300 19 250 1 19 1
300-400 24 350 0 0 0
400-500 10 450 -1 -10 1
500-600 5 550 -2 -10 4
600-700 3 650 -3 -9 9
700-800 1 750 -4 -4 16
100 Ʃ𝐝 = −𝟒 Ʃ𝒇𝒅 = 83 Ʃ𝐝𝟐 = 𝟒𝟒

Ʃ𝑓𝑑 𝟖𝟑
𝑋̅ =A + × c = so 𝑋̅= 350 + × 100 =433
𝑁 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Ʃ𝐝𝟐 Ʃ𝐝 𝟐 𝟒𝟒 −𝟒
𝛔 =√ −( ) = √ −( )𝟐 = 0.205
𝐍 𝐍 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Question 6: Student needs to analyze data using standard deviation for

Transportation Company operating in Libya
Libyan Dinars Person Mid d= Fdy 𝐝y 𝟐
/ 10 km frequency y 𝐜

0.100 – 0.150 20 0.125 0.3 6 0.09
0.150- 0.200 15 0.175 0.2 3 0.04
0.200- 0.250 25 0.225 0.1 2.5 0.01
0.250-0.300 16 0.275 0 0 0
0.300-0.350 14 0.325 -0.1 -1.4 0.01
0.350-0.400 6 0.375 -0.2 -1.2 0.04
0.400- 0.450 3 0.425 -0.3 -0.9 0.09
0.450 -0.500 1 0.475 -0.4 -0.4 0.16
Total 100 -0.4 7.6
̅ =A + Ʃ𝒇𝒅𝒚 × c =


̅ =0.275 + 7.6
Ῡ × 0. 50 = 0.313

Ʃ𝐝𝟐 Ʃ𝐝 𝟐
𝛔 =√ −( ) =

0.44 −0.4 2
σ =√ −( ) = 0.066
100 100

Question 7: Student needs to explain how the correlation coefficient are

used to draw useful conclusions for Transportation Company operating in

𝒙𝟐 dy=
𝐀−y (Y − ̅
Y) 𝒚𝟐 𝒙𝒚
𝐜 𝐜
3 1 0.3 -0.188 0.09 0.125
2 4 0.2 -0.138 0.04 0.35
1 9 0.1 -0.088 0.01 0.675
0 16 0 -0.038 0 1.1
-1 25 -0.1 0.012 0.01 1.625
-2 36 -0.2 0.062 0.04 2.25
-3 49 -0.3 0.112 0.09 2.975
-4 64 -0.4 0.162 0.16 3.8
-4 204 -0.4 -0.104 0.44 12.9
Ʃ 𝒙𝒚
r= =
𝑵 𝝈𝒙𝝈𝒚

Here we have two stander deviation which is 𝜎𝑥

so I'll try to solve it with both of them

r=(𝟏𝟎𝟎)(𝟐.𝟎𝟒)(𝟎.𝟎𝟔𝟔)= 0.0173

r= =0.0174

As we see here , the answer is too close . it is almost the same .

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