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 A group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a
In the context of human society a family is a group of people related either by
birth or by marriage or other relationships. The purpose of family is to
maintain the wellbeing of its members and of society.

Types of Family:
1. Nuclear Family: is a family group consisting of two parents and their
children, who are regarded as a basic social unit.
2. Extended Family: is the most common type of family in the world. It includes
three generations: grandparents, married offspring and grandchildren.
3. Joint Family: are composed of sets of siblings, their spouses, and their
dependent children.
4. Blended Family: blended families are becoming more common, especially in
the US, where divorced and widowed parents who have children marry.
5. Family by Choice: can include adopted children, live-in partners, and close
friends. Family by choice is being practiced by unmarried people and people
who have moved away from their blood related families.

Types of Family Crisis:
Foster (1957) classifies family crisis into two types:
1- Loss of economic support, death, severe and prolonged illness and
2. Crisis which involve social stigmas like major social calamities e.g: war,
economic inflation and depression.

Usual and Expected Crisis:

These problems arise daily in all families varying in time and degree from
family to family. As they are usual, they are also expected. Among these some
are beyond the control of the family members for example war, deaths,
accidents, illness, unemployment or under employment. Each crisis involves
corresponding changes in the family. Poverty and sickness form a vicious
partnership, each helping the other to add to the miseries of mankind.
Man is unable to work due to sickness. A major portion of his income is spent
on the care and treatment of disease that results in a decrease of income
leading to poverty condition of family. Similarly poverty condition results in
sickness. One has to work hard with insufficient nutritious diet due to less
income and suffers from physiological and psychological disorders and
becomes incapable of doing any work. Financial loss also occurs in case of
various types of accidents like poisoning, scalds and burns, drowning,
road accident etc. If the bread winner meets with an accident and may
die or become handicapped, it creates more problems in the family.

Crisis Arising from Family Conflict Situations:

This type of crisis involves emancipation from over protection or dependence
upon families, feeling of being unwanted and rejected by the parents and
conflicts with the relatives and between brothers and sisters, unwanted child
in the family, illegal abortion or rejection after birth, extra marital affairs,
divorce and husband or wife nagging irritating and complaining crisis.

Crisis Involves Social Stigma:

It includes alcoholics, jobless, crime, physical and mental deterioration,
premarital relationship, and presence of mentally deficient or physically
handicapped children in the family.

Causes of Family Crisis/Conflicts:

Family Conflicts refer to disagreements between the members of a family due

to differing opinions and viewpoints.
Four causes of family conflict according to K' Lee are as follows:
1. Finances and Jobs: the lack of money to pay utility bills, grocery bills, and
rent can cause family conflicts. Moreover, staying away from home for long
intervals for job-related work can also result in such conflicts.
2. Sibling Rivalry: siblings rivalry refers to the competition between children
for the attention and love of their parents. It is also a major cause for family
3. Child Discipline: ways to discipline children also cause family conflicts at
times. Both parents may have different views on disciplining their children.
4. In-Laws and Extended Family: In-Laws and Extended Family may result in
family conflict by indirect interference in the family matters.

Inadequate interpersonal relationship, class membership pressures, economic

and other stresses, social disgrace are the causes of family crisis and involves a
threat to the family organisation to its form and structure.

Solution to Family Crisis:

 Thoughtful planning
 Sacrificing nature of family members
 Adaptability into a new family
 Affectionate relation among family members
 Good martial adjustment between husband and wife
 Companionable parent-child relationship
 Family counsel
 Type of control in decision making
A majority of family problems are not under the control of the family. They
must be endured with patience. Thoughtful planning, emotional maturity and
ability to adjust to new circumstances will help to face the situation boldly. It is
not a task to be accomplished by a single individual. The whole family needs to
be reset, as a co-operative endeavour with the motto “United we stand and
divided we all fall”.


Family as an Agent of Socialization:

Family influences on socialization have become highly influential. The family

regardless of its nature and size is the fundamental factor in socialization. The
young learn how to associate with others by observing their parents. They
learn how to behave in disagreements. They also learn how to achieve what
they want from others.
Children are socialized via their families control to view the globe in different
ways. This may include viewing the nation as an insecure place, a place to train
and discover, a place where one needs to take care of himself and where one
is sustained and totally loved.
As an agent of socialization, the family provides a person with skills and
practices necessary for partaking in societal activities. Communal and cultural
stability are achieved through the family. It entails an understanding of how
things occur in the society and the development of emotional associations with
the community members. Through the family, socialization endows a society
member with the responsibility of performing certain tasks in the society. This
means that the closest relatives are the most imperative agents of socialization
A family provides to its members love and care. This helps the child to grow
socially, emotionally and physically. The parent is the most crucial in the
development of the child. By interacting with other family members, the child
learns social, acquaintance, loyalty, and patriotic skills. When a child lacks a
family to train him in his early stages, then socialization for this child becomes
exceedingly hard.

The protective nature of the family has currently declined as the ethics of
family accomplishment have taken new structures. In the present day, the
family is more rewarding than protective. It provides what is crucially needed
but absent in other communal arrangements. Family organizations of the
ancient times were advanced. Families were steady and happy since they did
not have to compete with difficulties such as undisciplined children and
High rates of family separation and births out of wedlock designate a decline in
the family institution. Marriages are no longer organized but are for financial
gain and children do not add to the family proceeds. The increased position of
love signifies a societal change towards supporting emotional implementation
and associations within the family. This change essentially deteriorates the
family institution.

Family Crisis due to Defective Socialization:

Social deviance characteristic of minors and adolescents in particular expresses
types of social behaviors that lead to a deep concern on the part of society.
These behaviors can be the result of failure in primary socialization, the
absence of an affective climate in disorganized families, and are often
determined by the impossibility of school, as a socializing entity, to
compensate for the educational errors of the family of origin as well as the
negative influence of peer groups. The failure of socialization can even lead to
juvenile delinquency, behaviors that stray from the legal norm and fall under
criminal law sanctions so that a part of these minors end up under the
supervision of probation services or worse, in the prison system. Based on
these considerations the study conducted aims to highlight some anomic
behaviors of Arad County minors, their specific family environment, school
environment, entourage as well as the formulation of measures regarding the
decrease of deviant phenomena of minors.


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