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A broken family is typically considered to be a family where one of the parents is missing
due to divorce or perhaps the second parent was never part of the family. There are ways to
minimize the emotional impact that individual usually feel during this kind of situation.
Having a broken family may destroy the life of the teenagers they tend to be pressured for
sudden or unplanned parents decisions because not all the families are perfect. Sometimes
families broke up when either of the mother and the father have a big perhaps the mother
and father had a big argument and they decided to divorce which means they’re not happy
with their marriage .Broken family occurs when family member of the Benue’s or separates
certain reason fun its original setting .This leads to children being raised by single parents.
According to a study, the relationship between the family structures and children's
academic performance compared education outcomes from children growing up, with their
own married parents to children in a broken family. Family structures was consistently found
to be deciding factor in a wide range of child behavior’s that directly influence academic
performance, including emotional and psychological distress attention(shakira,2014).
The research wants to know is being in a broken family will affect one’s behavior, and how
he/she act accordingly wither in school or in the society. Despite off all studies made in
various places, here in Katipunan NHS, this concern was not yet given attention to that is
why there is a need to conduct this study

Statement of the problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the effects of broken family toward’s one’s behaviors
among the grade 11 student of katipunan National High School.
Specially, it sought to answer the following questions:
1.) What is the respondent’s demographic profile?
In terms of (Name, Age, Track Strand, Gender, Status)
2.) What are the effects of broken family to behaviour of the child -respondent?
3.) Is there significant effect of being in broken family towards one’s behaviour?

HA •There is a significant between broken family towards one’s behaviour
HO •There is no significant between broken family towards one’s behaviour
Scope and Delimitation
Focus on student’s experience and perception. It covers only grade 11 students with a
population of 613. Data gathering, I conducted only within the campus. It does not include
reasons or factors resulting to broken family neither the perception of other students in other
grade levels or those from other schools. It does not also include the perception of parents
and teacher.
Significance of the study
This significance of the study is to make people realize the importance of life and having
a complete, happy and safe family. Also, the researchers want to know the effect of broken
family toward s one’s behaviour. How to manage when already in that particular situation
and to adder behaviour that are unusual.
Many people will benefit from this research, especially to the students wo has a broken
family, to the couple who are planning to have a family and parents that are separated for
them to guide their child. It will also benefit teachers ,they may be able to establish programs
and activities will help these victims to overcome such negative offed of being In a broken
Definition of terms
Broken family is an unhealthy or severed relationships within the family units associated
with divorce but certainly can occur in an intact family where various members are in conflict
with or stranged from each other”.is a term used to describe a household, usually in reference
to parenting, in which the family unit does not properly function according to accepted
societal norms.
Distress -Emotional, social, spiritual, or physical pain or suffering that may cause a person to
feel sad, afraid, depressed, anxious, or lonely. People in distress may also feel that they are
not able to manage or cope with changes caused by normal life activities or by having a
disease, such as cancer.
Single Parent – A singe parent is a person who has a child or children but does not have a
spouse or live-in partner to assist in the upbringing or support of the child.
Behaviour- It is what a person does to make something happen. To make something change
or to keep things the same. Behaviour is a response to things are happening internally
thoughts and feelings.
Marriage- Is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and
permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in
practice is often cut short by separation or divorce.

Theoretical Framework
This concept in broken family is anchored by the broken family home theory of
(Churchill,2012). “A single parent family is believed by early sociologists as well as the
government to be not as effective as a two-parent family. The theory is based on the family
structure on the society and the fact that two parents are better in molding children than one.

Review Related Literature

There are four factors that can make these statistics more likely. These include the child's
relationship with their residential parent, the extent of conflict between parents, the families'
economic standing, and the frequency of contact with the non-residential parent.’ Divorce is
not an intended event in a family's life. It is something that can affect each individual of the
family differently and at different times. Today a couple's chance of getting a divorce is very
high. Since this is an event that is not intended to happen, many factors need to be considered
when children are involved. Literature shows that ‘children from divorced families
experience difficult adjustments such as social, academic, and behavioral compared to
children of intact families (Emery,2004).
Who leaves and stays in the conjugal household and who takes care of the children are two
important decisions that estranged couples have to contend with”, so, with a healthy
relationship between the child and divorced parents, or single parent, the child will be able to
understand the role that both parents should own up to when raising their own children
A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your child’s development. The effects
of a broken family on a child’s development depend on numerous factors, including the age
of the child at the time of parents’ separation, and on the personality and family relationships.
Although infants and young children may experience few negative developmental effects,
older children and teenagers may experience some problems in their social, emotional and
education functioning (Anna Green, 2015)
The family has the potential of exercising as a strong influence over the life of the child in
school and long after he left school. He wants on to say that the child’s mental and emotional
developments which are factors for school education could be greatly influenced by nature of
the family into which the child is born. A child who is brought up in stable home is well fed
and provided all he needed will definitely perform well in his academics in school. The status
of the family determines the type of influences and the level of educational attainment of
children that are brought up in various homes (Eszewu ,1990).
Romeo Enriquez, the president of PPA (Philippine Psychiatric Association), said that having
a dysfunctional family is the usual problem that Filipinos face today. There are many
problems that we face, work, stress, relationships but the family is the worst thing that a
Filipino will have a problem with. Every year, more and more Filipinos seek a doctor’s help
and more mental illness are being recorded among Filipinos. Treatment for these kinds of
situation is very expensive and therefore not everyone receives proper medication
(Crisostomo, 2012).
Psychological home conditions arise mainly from illegitimacy of children, the label of
adopted child, broken homes, divorce and parental deprivation. Such abnormal conditions of
the home are likely to have a detrimental effect on school performance of the child he asserts.
Notes that the environment in which the students come from can greatly influence his
performance in school. The effects of broken homes may impact greatly on the internal
organization of the family and by extension; effect a child’s emotion, personality and
academic achievement. Bearing in mind the role of the family in a child’s education, the
failure of the family to perform its duties could hinder the child’s academic achievement.
Any nation that is desirous of advancing technologically will no doubt ensure that the future
of her future leaders (the adolescents) is well guided, protected and guaranteed
He believes that “When it comes to educational achievement,” the study says, “children
living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children with their
own married parents do significantly better than other children.” (Grudun,Schultz,20016)
Pointed out that the family lays the psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation in the
over all development of the child. Structurally, family homes is either broken or intact .A
broken home in this context is one that is not structurally intact ,as a result of divorce,
separation, death of one parent and illegitimacy ( Agulana,2000).

Stated that the absence of father is often viewed as partially harmful to self-esteem looking at
the above critically one will be correct to say that a child that has no self-esteem will not be
able to perform well in his academic workhand as such he will not be able to perform well in
school (Wallerain and Kelly,2004).

Broken families have negative effects on both individuals within the family and society as a
whole. The individuals within a broken family are often unable to form strong relationships
that are supportive and caring. This can lead to problem such as depressions, anxiety and
substance abuse.
Research Methodology

The purpose of this study aims to determine, the effects of Broken Family Towards Ones
Behaviour among the grade 11 students and its effects child’s attitude and behaviour in
community. This chapter reveals the methods of research to be employed by the researchers
in conducting the study which include the research design, hypothesis and research questions,
and population of the study, data collection method, data analysis method and the research
instrument. Explanations are also providing on how instrument we’re validated and how data
was collected and analyzed.
Research Design
This study uses Quantitative approach particularly Descriptive Research. Descriptive Non-
Experimental Quantitative Research is a study that describes the characteristics of the
population being studied. This design is the most appropriate to describe the effects of broken
family towards one’s behavior. Its purpose is to describe a population, situation or
phenomenon accurately and systematically. It can be answer what, where, when, and how
question, but not why question. A Descriptive Research Design can use a wide variety of
research methods to investigate one or more variable.

Research Question and Hypotheses

This grade 11 student of KNHS contains that describe the problem that the study attempts to
solve its generally focused on the disadvantages of the situation.
Q1. What is demographic profile?
•It is important for the researchers to know the basic information such as:age,gender,name,
and track an strand also the status.
Q2. What is the effect of broken family to the behaviour of the child respondent?
Q3.IS there significant effect of being in towards one’s behaviour?
•There is a significant between broken family towards one’s behaviour
•There is no significant between broken family towards one’s behaviour

Population and Sample

The target participants for this study are grade 11-student, KNHS the respondents are selected
using purposive and voluntary sampling technique, student unit or the classroom will be ask
if they have experienced being in a broken family, they are the target of our study since it is
all about the effect of broken family towards ones behaviour, previously or currently. If there
are so many of their manifest said asiterem, the researcher will ask, who among then will
volunteer to join the online survey. They will be added out of the total population of grade 11
student only respondents is in the snap chat the sample size courish of per section to the
survey link answering and discuss.

Data Collection Method

To gather quantitative data, a survey will be conducted to elicit the necessary information
which determined the effects of broken family towards ones behaviour .
Describe online survey
The Researcher’s asked permission to the teacher to enter and request to conduct a survey
when the permission is granted we proceed and start to conduct our survey and first we
introduce our research title as “ The Effects of broken Family towards one’s behaviour “, and
also we are using our sampling technique is Purposive sampling technique and we start
asking that who are among the broken family and after that we get our respondent and asked
her name and to make our respondents.
•The online survey questionnaire consists of two parts; part A contains the demographic
profile of the respondents. Part B contain questions that are related to the effects of broken
family towards one’s behaviour and its strategies among grade 11-Senior High School
The survey questionnaire also includes instructions and questions that need to be understood
by the respondents for them to able to answer the questionnaire easily by putting a check
mark a choice.

Data Analysis Method

Descriptive Statistics is used to analyze the quantitative data collected from the survey.
Analysis was performed on the sample groups to obtain a clear understanding of the
population. Measure of central tendency (Means, median, mode and other percentiles) and
dispersion (Standard deviation, ranges) were computed. Data are verified, compiled, coded
and summarize prior to analysis using excel as analytical tool to summarize data.
Research Instrument
Structured closed -ended online survey questionnaire is used as RI using google document,
the information /fields in the instrument will be encoded online, then links will be protected
in the GC for the respondents to open and answer.
This chapter contains detailed presentation and discussion of data. Data Analysis is further
presented in part of this chapter.
A. Summary of Data Collected
Table 1. Grade 11 Respondents’ Demographic Profile

No. Age Gender Track/Strand Civil Status

1. 19-21.9 Female CSS Single
2. 19-21.9 Female PLUMBIN Single
3. 25 Male PLUMBIN Single
4. 16-18.9 Female GAS Single
5. 16-18.9 LGBTQIA+ PLUMBIN Single
6. 16-18.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
7. 16-18.9 Female CSS Single
8. 19-21.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
9. 16-18.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
10. 16-18.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
11. 16-18.9 Male PLUMBIN Single
12. 16-18.9 Female GAS Single
13. 16-18.9 Male PLUMBIN Single
14. 16- Male PLUMBIN Single
18.9 G
15. 16- LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
16. 16-18.9 Female GAS Single
17. 16-18.9 Male E.I.M Single
18. 16-18.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single
19. 16-18.9 Female FNB Single
20. 16-18.9 Female GAS Single
21. 16-18.9 Female FNB Single
22. 19-21.9 Male CSS Single
23. 16-18.9 Female CSS Single
24. 16-18.9 Female FNB Single
25. 16-18.9 Female GAS Single
26. 19-21.9 LGBTQIA+ GAS In a relationship
27. 16-18.9 Female GAS In a relationship
28. 16-18.9 Male GAS Single
29. 19-21.9 Male E.I.M Single
30 16-18.9 Male E.I.M Single
31. 19-21.9 Male GAS Single
32. 16-18-9 Female GAS Single
33. 16-18-9 LGBTQIA+ GAS Single

Upon visiting grade 11 classrooms only 33 students admit that they are in a broken family
status for 1 year above.
Table 2. Summary data for the responses in questions 2.1 – 2.5
NO. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
1. Guardian Bad tempor Spent the Go to party Mental
money of problem
2. Mother Rebelling Unemployed Being alone Mental
3. Guardian Easily sad Always Being alone Mental
and angry gambling problem
4. Guardian Bad tempor Unemployed Being alone Mental
5. Mother Rebelling Unemployed Being alone Mental
6. Father Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
7. Guardian Disrespecting Spent the Being alone Mental
others money of breakdown
8. Mother Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
9. Mother Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
10. Grandmother Disrespecting Always Being alone Mental
and others gambling breakdown
11. Mother Bad tempor Spent the Being alone Mental
money of problem
12. Guardian Bad tempor Wife hurts Go to party Mental
13. Father Rebelling Always Being alone Mental
gambling problem
14. Guardian Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
15. Guardian Disrespecting Spent the Being alone Mental
others money of breakdown
16. Mother Bad tempor Spent the Being alone Mental
money of problem
17. Grandmother Easily sad Unemployed Being alone Mental
and and angry breakdown
18. Mother Disrespecting Wife hurts Being alone Mental
others breakdown
19. Guardian Disrespecting Spent the Go to party Mental
others money of problem
20. Guardian Rebelling Always Being alone Mental
gambling breakdown
21. Mother Bad tempor Unemployed Being alone Mental
22. father Bad tempo Wife hurts Being alone Mental
23. Guardian Disrespecting Wife hurts Being alone Mental
others breakdown
24. Mother Bad tempor Spent the Go to party Mental
money of problem
25. Guardian Disrespecting Unemployed Being alone Mental
others breakdown
26. Father Easily sad Spent the Being alone Mental
and angry money of problem
27. Mother Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
28. Guardian Bad tempor Unemployed Being alone Mental
29. Guardian Disrespecting Wife hurts Being alone Mental
others breakdown
30. father Bad tempor Wife hurts Being alone Mental
31. Guardian Bad tempor Unemployed Being alone Mental
32. Mother Disrespecting Wife hurts Being alone Mental
others breakdown
33. Father Easily sad Unemployed Being alone Mental
and angry problem
B: Data Analysis Method
Descriptive Statistics is used to analyze the data. The graph of the respondents according to
the demographic profile in terms of age, gender, civil status, track/Strand, and their
experience on effect of broken family.
Age respondent’s preferences
Image 1.

Image 1 shows the data on age of the respondents with a broken family. It revealed that
majority ages there 16-18.9 years old 75.8%, 22-24.9 years old w/ 21.2%, and lastly ,25 years
old above/ only 3%. This means that the most affected w / the consequences of having a
broken family and the individuals aging 16-19 years old.

Image 2.
Gender Respondent’s Preferences.

Image 2 shows the data on gender preferences of the respondents in this study. It revealed
that 42.4% are females, 30.3% males and the least is 27.3% LGBTQIA+. The number of
respondents are closely distributed among 3 gender preferences . Likewise ; the females
students in a broken family situation tend to admit more than males and LGBTQIA+.
Image 3

Image 3 shows the data of civil status among the 33 respondents who admitted that they
belong to a broken family. It revealed that 84.8 are currently single and 15.2% are in a
relationship. It denotes that student admitting that they came from a broken family are mostly
singe and few are in relationship.
Image 4.

Image 4 shows the data in track/ strand of the grade 11-respondents. It revealed that majority
are academic trade: 51.5%are General Academic Strand students and 12.1% are
accountancy, business, and management students. Almost half of the respondents came from
the technical vocational livelihood track w/18.2% are plumbing students; 9.1%are both food
and beverages servicing and Electrical illustration of maintenance students; there are no
Humanities and Social Science students. It denotes that there are of the Academic trade
students tend to admit that belong in a broken family than the TVL trade students.
Image 5.

Image 5 shows that respondents when the respondents are ask what were the advantages if
they belong to a broken family. Out of 33 respondents ,51.5% says that the tend to become
more independent; 45.5% tend to be more responsible and 3% says they have other
advantages that being independent of responsible. This means that students caring in a broken
family become independent and responsible.
Image 6.

Image 6 shows the data of the responses when they were asked if they can handle such
problems being a student. It revealed that 69.7% says they can handle such problem and 24.2
says they can’t handle. This means that majority students in a broken family can handle such
Image 7

The data above revealed that majority of the students in a broken family have experienced
being depressed w/ 48.5% or 33 no. Of respondents out of 33, followed by getting hurt w/
30.3% other feelings like anxiety of mental breakdown.
Image 8.

The data revealed that their first reaction after knowing that their parents decides to bs
selarated is majority they are disappointed w/ 54.5 or 9.1 out of 33 respondents, followed by
depressed w/ 33.3% and minimal others such as stressed or a mux of
Image 9.

Students in a broken family usually lives with their guardian , they could be a relative or a
family friend, some lives w/ their mother alone or their father, grand parents or w/ siblings.
Image 10.
The data show that the negative effects of being in a broken family usually results to a
negative behaviour being bad- tempered w/ 42.4% ,followed by disrespectful, rebel and the

Image 11.

The above data revealed that the main reason why family are broken because of wife hurts w/
24.2%, followed by parents are unemployed w/ 18.2% ,spent the money in alcohol w/
15.2% ,and other reasons such as gambling ,cheating, buttered wife and like.
Image 12.

The data above revealed that the over-coming strategies used by the students is a broken
family is “stay or being alone” w/ 66.7%, followed by “ going to parties” w/ 9.1% and other
strategy such as playing mobile games, going to church, hang out w/ friends and the like. It
revealed further that the students in a broken family are not spiritually inclined or are not
oriented about god.
Image 13.

The data above revealed that the impact of being in a broken family mainly result to mental
breakdown w/ 51.5%, followed by mental problems w/ 30.3% ,and other effect such as
depression ,anxiety , bad behaviour ,loneliness and isolation.
After that the analysis of data it was found out that:
1.Being in a broken in a broken family status is sad and full of frustration, because there is
lack of family support and motivation.
2. most of the respondents ages from 16 to 18 years old.
3.Female are more likely to admit that they are in the state of being broken family than males
and LGBTQIA+ respondents.
4. Most of the broken family victim are depressed. Affecting the way they behave in school
and in the society.


Based on the above research findings, it is therefore conclude that the grade 11 students of
Katipunan National High School are affected emotionally, socially, mentally, and physically,
they being in a broken family status. However, they think positively that despite of the
consequences, life must go on and that they must leave their respective lives differently
aiming for a better future. Thus there is significant effect of being in a broken family situation
towards one’s behaviour. These victims acts differently in school or with the society because
they are depressed, frustrated, and anxious that they tend to isolate themselves from others,
and if not, they seek attention from peers and other people


It is highly recommend that:

1. Students should not be afraid to deal with the problems and challenges in their life.
Being positive will help of their overcome stress and depression.
2. Government should establish provide students agency that from broken family proper
guidance and counseling toward social problems and academic distress.
3. Parents or guardian shall provide proper monitoring, security and guiding student
specially to those with the single parents. They should be more open to their children
for them to be aware and to know their children’s opinions and ambitions in life.
4. Principal and teachers should monitor the students from a broken family establish
counselling session giving them sense of belonging and comfort as they come to
5. Future researchers should conduct similar study but with a larger sample and scope so
that broken family can be more defined and explained.

Research Instrument Validation


The researchers would like to thank the following personalities that helped them in
the fulfillment of this study.

To Mrs. Marivic Marquez, the research teacher, for her patience, supervision, and
enthusiasm; for teaching us all we need to know in order to carry on with the
research work, and for giving us the opportunity to experience the whole research
process, discovering our full potential in becoming, competent researchers.

To the students of Grade 12 – Light being the respondents of this study, for their
cooperation and honesty in their response to the questionnaires of this study, without
their shared information, reliable data wouldn’t be achieved.

To their beloved parents, for the overwhelming moral and financial support. That
has inspired and helped the researchers to finish this study.

And last but not the least, to God Almighty, for the wisdom and courage He
bestowed upon the researchers, everything is possible.

This study aims to determine the effect of broken family towards one’s behaviour. It is
a a Descriptive non-experimental Quantitative method with the aid of Structured
closed -ended online survey questionnaire as a tool in gathering the data needed. The
researcher duration is May to June 2023.The target participants for this study are grade
11-students of KNHS, with a total population of 603. The sample size is 33
respondents selected using purposive and voluntary sampling technique, student unit
or the classroom are asked if they are in a broken family, they are the most appropriate
to complete and undergo the online survey.
The results revealed that the topmost common effect of broken family is behavioral
factor being in a broken family affects students emotionally, socially, mentally, and
physically. However, they think positively that despite of the consequences, life must
go on and that they must live their respective lives differently aiming for a better
future. Thus, there is significant effect of being in a broken family situation towards
one’s behaviour. These victims act differently in school or with the society because
they are depressed, frustrated, and anxious that they tend to isolate themselves from
others and if not, they tend to seek attention from peers and other people.
This study recommends that the students should not be afraid to deal with the
problems and challenges in their life. Being positive will help of stress and
depression. Students should not be afraid to deal with the problems and challenges in
their life. Being positive will help of their overcome stress and depression.
Government should establish provide students agency that from broken family proper
guidance and counseling toward social problems and academic distress.
Parents or guardian shall provide proper monitoring, security and guiding student
specially to those with the single parents. They should be more open to their children
for them to be aware and to know their children’s opinions and ambitions in life.
Principal and teachers should monitor the students from a broken family establish
counselling session giving them sense of belonging and comfort as they come to
school. Future researchers should conduct similar study but with a larger sample and
scope so that broken family can be more defined and explained.

Abalos, J.B. (2011). Living arrangements of the divorced and separated in the
Philippines. Asian Journal of Social Science 39(6): 845‒863. doi:10.1163/156

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𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑧, 𝐺, (2006). 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝐵𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝐸𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙

𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦. 𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑆𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑤𝑠.𝑐𝑜𝑚.

𝑊𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑦 (2004): 𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑡

Mias Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes
• Can do any task effectively

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Marden’s Catering services (April 11, 2023)
Roxas, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: Mias Elementary School 2016-2017
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: Female
Date of birth: February 23, 2005
Place of birth: Mias Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 42
Height: 5’2
Name of mother: Jina A. Gumacas
Name of father: Ruel S. Labita
No. of siblings :3

References: Jullier E. Ruiz

Address: Tuburan, Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Contact No: 09317587027

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name
Guinsangaan, diwan,dipolog city Zamboanga del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Camilla Hotel (April 16, 2023)
Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: Guinsangaan elementary 2016- 2017
Junior high school: Basagan national high school 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: male
Date of birth: February 25,2002
Place of birth: Madalag, jose dalman
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 65
Name of mother: Myrna M. Quiñanola
Name of father: Eddie M. Quiñanola
No. Of siblings: 7

References: Myrna M. Quiñanola

Address: Guinsangaan, diwan,dipolog city Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09959419462

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name
Seroan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Camilla Hotel (April 16, 2023)
Dipolog City Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: Seroan Elementary School 2016-2017
Junior high school: Sitog National High School-Seroan Extension 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: Female
Date of birth: August 26, 2004
Place of birth: Cainta Rizal Metro Manila
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 40
Height: 5’0
Name of mother: Lita A. Paranguay
Name of father: Wilson L. Paranguay
No. Of siblings:

References: Lowel A. Paranguay

Address: Seroan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Contact No: 09977661884

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name

Basagan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Cris Anne Vince Eatery (April 11, 2023)
Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background:
Elementary: Basagan Elementary School
Junior high school: Basagan National High School
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School

Basic information:
Gender: Male
Date of birth: May 26, 2005
Place of birth: Basagan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 52
Height: 5’7
Name of mother: Emily E. Espe
Name of father: Julgen T. Espe
No. Of siblings: 6

References: Julgen T. Espe

Address: Basagan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Mobile No: 09462389453

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name

New tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can tiles setting

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Municipality of Katipunan (April 16, 2023)
Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: New tambo elementary school 2016-2017
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: Male
Date of birth: October 25, 2001
Place of birth: Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 60
Height: 5`5
Name of mother: Marlyn P.Andicoy
Name of father: German P.Andicoy
No. Of siblings: 2

References: Marlyn P.Andicoy

Address: New tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09815030582

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name
San Antonio Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Competency and Skills:
•Can cooked
Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: RP cruz taguig Elementary school 2015-2016
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: female
Date of birth: March 17, 2001
Place of birth: marang Bukidnon
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 60
Name of mother: Romelia L. Arcamo
Name of father: Josepilo B. Arcamo
No. Of siblings: 2

References: Mary joy L. Arcamo

Address: San Antonio Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09976814315

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name
Nanginan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Competency and Skills:
•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Lyndel`s bakeshop (April 11, 2023)
Katipunan Zamboanga Del norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: Nanginan Elementary School 2015-2016
Junior high school: Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: female
Date of birth: September 23, 2003
Place of birth: Nanginan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Jehovah`s witnesses
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 45
Name of mother: Mercedita Gumalas
Name of father: Nolito Gumalas
No. Of siblings: 6

References: Mercedita Gumalas

Address: Nanginan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Mobile No: 09075811607

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name

Tuburan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Lyndel’s Bakeshop (April 11, 2023)
Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: Jose Gayapa Elementary School 2015-2016
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: female
Date of birth: July 7, 2004
Place of birth: Tuburan Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 35
Name of mother: Regina C. Carpe
Name of father: Nelson B. Carpe
No. Of siblings: 3

References: Regina C. carpe

Address: Tuburan, Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09105897493

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name


New, tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Mardens Catering Services (April 11, 2023)
Roxas, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: New, Tambo Katipunan Elementary School 2015-2016
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: Male
Date of birth: September 26, 2004
Place of birth: New tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 60
Name of mother: Edna M. Tinonga
No. Of siblings: 5

References: Edna M. Tinonga

Address: New tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09815033500

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name

Matam Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Competency and Skills:
•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Cris Anne Vince Eatery
Katipunan, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School year

Elementary: Matam Elementary School 2015-2016
Junior high school: Matam National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: female
Date of birth: February 22, 2005
Place of birth: Matam Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 40
Height: 5`2
Name of mother: Cristina Amon
Name of father: Agustin Amon
No. Of siblings: 2

References: Cristina Amon

Address: Matam Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte
Contact No: 09815030582

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name

New, Tambo Katipunan Zamboanga Del Norte

Competency and Skills:

•Can cooked different dishes

Working Experience:
•10 days’ work immersion of 80 hours
Mardens Catering Services (April 11, 2023)
Roxas, Zamboanga Del Norte

Educational Background: School Year

Elementary: New, tambo Elementary School 2015-2016
Junior high school: Katipunan National High School 2020-2021
Senior high school: Katipunan National High School 2022-2023

Basic information:
Gender: Male
Date of birth: November 3, 2005
Place of birth: New, tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Civil status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Weight: 55
Height: 5`6
Name of mother: Maila T. Gumalas
Name of father: Robert Gumalas
No. Of siblings: 3

References: Rhea mie Gumalas

Address: New tambo Katipunan Zamboanga del Norte
Contact No: 09815030582

I hereby certify to the correction of the above information.

Signature over printed name
Encoding and Printing All members 700
Reproduction RI Rhea 100
Online Searching Rhea 200
Data Gathering All members 100
Snacks and Food All members 500
total ₱ 1,600.00

Proponent 1- Gumacas, Rhea

Proponent 2 - Paranguay, Lizel
Proponent 3- Gumalas, Mercelita
Proponent 4-Amon, Christine
Proponent 5- Carpe, Jessica
Proponent 6-Arcamo, Mary joy
Proponent 7-Gumalas, Renzbert
Proponent 8-Espe, Gennzel John
Proponent 9-Quiňanola, Melvin
Proponent 10-Tinonga, Riel Raffy
Proponent 11-Andicoy, Joemar


This study aims to determine the effect of broken family towards one’s behaviour. It
is a Descriptive non-experimental Quantitative method with the aid of Structured
closed -ended online survey questionnaire as a tool in gathering the data needed. The
researcher duration is May to June 2023.The target participants for this study are
grade 11-students of KNHS, with a total population of 603. The sample size is 33
respondents selected using purposive and voluntary sampling technique, student unit
or the classroom are asked if they are in a broken family, they are the most
appropriate to complete and undergo the online survey.

The results revealed that the topmost common effect of broken family is behavioral
factor being in a broken family affects students emotionally, socially, mentally, and
physically. However, they think positively that despite of the consequences, life must
go on and that they must live their respective lives differently aiming for a better
future. Thus, there is significant effect of being in a broken family situation towards
one’s behaviour. These victims act differently in school or with the society because
they are depressed, frustrated, and anxious that they tend to isolate themselves from
others and if not, they tend to seek attention from peers and other people.

This study recommends that the students should not be afraid to deal with the
problems and challenges in their life. Being positive will help of stress and
depression. Students should not be afraid to deal with the problems and challenges in
their life. Being positive will help of their overcome stress and depression.
Government should establish provide students agency that from broken family proper
guidance and counseling toward social problems and academic distress.
Parents or guardian shall provide proper monitoring, security and guiding student
specially to those with the single parents. They should be more open to their children
for them to be aware and to know their children’s opinions and ambitions in life.
Principal and teachers should monitor the students from a broken family establish
counselling session giving them sense of belonging and comfort as they come to
school. Future researchers should conduct similar study but with a larger sample and
scope so that broken family can be more defined and explained.

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