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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on the Impact of Broken Families in the Philippines

In the realm of academic pursuits, crafting a thesis is a formidable task that demands extensive
research, critical analysis, and eloquent expression. Among the myriad of topics explored, delving
into the complexities of broken families and their repercussions in the Philippine context adds an
extra layer of challenge. As aspiring researchers embark on this journey, they encounter a plethora of
hurdles that necessitate not only time and effort but also a deep understanding of the cultural
nuances surrounding family dynamics in the Philippines.

One of the primary challenges lies in the sensitive nature of the topic. The impact of broken families
on individuals and society is multifaceted, encompassing emotional, psychological, and
socioeconomic dimensions. Navigating through these intricacies requires a delicate balance between
academic rigor and empathy, as researchers strive to shed light on the various aspects of this complex

Moreover, the scarcity of comprehensive and localized literature on the subject poses a significant
obstacle. Researchers often find themselves grappling with limited resources and outdated
information, making it imperative to conduct extensive fieldwork and interviews to gather relevant
data. This adds a layer of difficulty, as the process becomes time-consuming and necessitates a
meticulous approach to ensure the validity and reliability of the research findings.

In response to these challenges, individuals seeking assistance in crafting a thesis on the impact of
broken families in the Philippines are urged to consider reliable resources. One such avenue is ⇒ ⇔, a platform that specializes in providing expert guidance and support for
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As researchers grapple with the intricate layers of broken families in the Philippine context, seeking
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for individuals dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the impact of broken families in the
Philippines through their research papers.
The purpose of this research is to trace the effects of broken homes on the psycho, social and
academic performances of a child. For family, if you are interested in public health, you might seek a
career in a medical field. By the age of 15, almost half of all children in the UK are no longer living
with both their parents. Literature in this study was sourced mainly from secondary data like
journals, books, and the views of other scholars in this field. There are young kids out there who
really do not care. One can deduce the growing trend of Broken Homes in Africa to the incursion of
modernization and industrialization into the African family setup. This is because a lot of people now
see it as a norm while others see it as being a soothing option for a relationship that can no longer
hold ends. Help to carry one another’s burdens, and ion this way you will obey the law of
Christ”(Galatians 6:1-2). With it in some shape or form, I then decided to select art along with other
creative subjects such as graphics in year. For the last few years, it seems that kids are not getting
enough attention from their parents. Eleven per cent of those children whose families broke up had
emotional disorders, against 3 per cent among those whose families were still together. Technically,
the escaped convict, known as Magwitch, his wife and daughter could be considered as
dysfunctional too. It may cause an internal conflict which may result to depression, anxiety,
disobedience, aggression and low self-esteem. Rathouz for the Journal of Abnormal Child
Psychology indicates that children in homes with absent fathers are more likely to suffer from
Antisocial Personality Disorder, Child Conduct Disorder, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder. When one partner always regret marrying the other partner these are all signs of wrong
choice. There are many aspects in the child’s life that may change when he is a member of a broken
family. Children from broken homes are five times more likely to? In addition to the impact on
academic achievement, children from broken families also face an increased risk of mental health
problems. Studies have found that children from broken families are more likely to experience
anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues compared to children from intact families.
Attendees will learn about the importance of having a will, what happens in the absence of a will
and the importance of powers of attorney. The effects of a broken family can also extend into
adulthood, with research showing that individuals who were raised in broken families may have
more difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. The household was hesitating to take part in
household therapy. Apart from the primary data collected via questionnaire, secondary data was also
used in this research. This is any group of individuals closely related by blood. Some might use
friends and other stuff to forget things and focus on studies. 25 respondents were randomly selected
from six schools. Girls from divorced single-mother homes were at greatest risk for teenage
pregnancy. Having healthy and happy family is what everyone’s dream. MA (Clinical Social Work)
dissertation, University of Johannesburg. It limits itself on the academic performance of the STMA
students in school and how can it be an understanding matter to the student’s performance on their
study. This is not necessarily the case, as one would see if he or she spoke with the child for a while.
Additionally, a hostile opponent will further delay the case.
However just and pleasant society will last on the strength and capacity of mutual care to each other.
How Broken Families Rob Children of Their Chances for? Additionally, a hostile opponent will
further delay the case. The following presents the summary of the research: Table 1 presents a
collective view of the both male and female respondents (100%) of the study. Journal of Research in
Counseling Psychology 4 1: 84- 87. Viewed from critical perspective, family plays a key role in
children's development physically and mentally. To have that kind of family, there should be proper
arrangement of doing things together. When one partner always regret marrying the other partner
these are all signs of wrong choice. Cutting one parent completely out of the teen’s life. These might
include arranged marriages, family obligations, and the legal establishment of a nuclear family unit,
the legal protection of children and public declaration of commitment. This is because family
members often seek the viewpoints and advice of their relatives when making important decisions,
relying on their personal experiences and beliefs for guidance. The common disputes between a
husband and a wife are the financial issue, sexual misunderstanding, early marriage, teen pregnancy,
education, health problem, etc. When we say broken family, it is not distinct and strange thing, rather
common and experiencing problem in and around us. When unwanted things are coming up, many
families have been broken, and the members are separated. This is any group of individuals closely
related by blood. People marry for many reasons, including one or more of the following: legal,
social, libidinal, emotional, economic, spiritual, and religious. These differences have been found to
persist even after controlling for other factors such as socio-economic status and parental education.
The being of a whole household is a hoarded wealth. Conclusion and recommendation were made
after the summary of the findings and other analysis. But, the sad part is when one of the family
members gave up and the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Yelling at each other, 1. 3
Having physical contact? 2. This is any group of individuals closely related by blood. The household
was hesitating to take part in household therapy. The results showed that significant differences
existed between the academic performance of students from single-parent family and those from
two-parent family structures. The proportional sampling technique was used to select a sample of 274
students from a population of 902 students of the sampled schools. But, the sad part is when one of
the family members gave up and the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Although, the
home environment or family has been recognized as having a lot of influence on the academic
performance of students (Nzewuawah 1995); Ajila and Olutola 2007). There are many aspects in the
child’s life that may change when he is a member of a broken family. They were nearly three times
more likely to exhibit a conduct disorder. The present study aims at identifying the effects of family
breakup on children.
Depression is a major effect that divorce has on children. The family lays the psychological, moral,
and spiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. I have selected this topic because
it’s a main social issue now days. When we say broken family, it is not distinct and strange thing,
rather common and experiencing problem in and around us. It is true that today the percentage of
divorce is higher than it was in the past. The longer I live the longer I realize how difficult those
words are for many couples. The survey gave us information to find the answer we seek in this study.
Using a survey method, data were collected from seventy children. Majority of the children support
the remarry of their parents. In that situation if there is no proper guidance, they will learn and enjoy
bad things more. However, this may not be completely applicable in all instances of broken homes. A
broken family in this context is one that is not structurally intact for various reasons; death of a
parent, divorce, separation, dissertation and illegitimacy in which case, the family was never
completed (Conkline 1996). We look at the Government’s Troubled Families Programme to assess its
progress and look at what lessons must be learned going forward. Research Instruments In this
particular study, the researchers prepared a set of questionnaires which were asked and answerable
with Yes or No. There is no much controller who could guide them in the right ways. If your campus
has a Gay-Straight Alliance club, that might be a good place to start. The present study aims at
identifying the effects of family breakup on children. The population size of the study consists of 13
Biology Teachers and 409 SSII students. Friendship completes a individual. Without it. a person’s
universe will be in complete darkness. It is less commonly used for parents who have simply split up,
and are still noth in contact, and on good terms with the child. To some extent, there is simple
evidence to show that marital instability brings about stress, tension, lack of motivation and
frustration. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a
few seconds to upgrade your browser. The respondents of this survey were the pupils and a
adolescent who has a plenty experienced about it. However, this reliance on familial advice can be
dangerous as it may not have been proven effective or successful. Most of them belong to a broken
family or single parent family. The Life of Street Children in the Philippines and? But because of
such human incapacity, we cannot succeed it. People marry for many reasons, including one or more
of the following: legal, social, libidinal, emotional, economic, spiritual, and religious. Other aspects
of parental environment such as the structure of the family have been grossly neglected. What are the
effects of a broken family to the child’s: 1. 1 Mentality, 2. 2 Social life 3. 3 Academics 3. What can
be the other factors that inhibit the child’s academic performance.
They try to go on merrily in their lives projecting an image that they are handling it well. Children
from broken homes are five times more likely to? Segura The number of marriage failure is
alarmingly increasing especially in some developing countries. But with modernization and
civilisation are fast becoming the order of the day in all sectors of daily life, family is not left
behinIn Nigeria for instance, the existence of Broken Homes is unknown, and when they existed,
they are ignored as exceptional cases. Each one focuses on a completely different area of its writer's
life, another striking detail. Such practices can lead to preferential treatment, such as special
privileges for those connected to influential individuals during the processing of clearances while
others must follow standard procedures. To browse and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The study found that adolescents
used several strategies in thi effort, in order to manipulate their parents, including moving from one
home to another. Teachers can use this research for them to have ideas of the possible reasons why
their students suffer from their academics. If adolescents from unstable homes are to be compared
with those from stable homes, it would be seen that the former have more social, academic and
emotional problems. The family and its structure play a great role in children’s academic
performance. Students that suffer from a broken family can make use of this research for them to
understand their condition and its effects on their academics. A dysfunctional family is the opposite
of a functional family. Many individuals who were raised in broken families go on to lead happy and
fulfilling lives, and there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the negative effects. And the parents
are the most of import beginning of youth’s behaviour. This is a tragic happening out of unrestricted
reasons as well as unfortunate reasons. Economics results of the sampled schools terminal
examination as kept by the schools were collected and used. We often also provide corporate counsel
and address common concerns on work contracts, employer-employee concerns and compliance. For
family, if you are interested in public health, you might seek a career in a medical field. Introduction
This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and limitations,
significance of the study, and hypothesis, which serves as a guide for the readers to understand the
study. Children who make problem, rivalry and discontentment in the school or other gathering place
are usually from the broken family. But, the sad part is when one of the family members gave up and
the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Research Paper of Broken Family - Words To
learn more about the toolkit or to download a copy of the Successfully Parenting Apart toolkit, visit
the CBA website here. In fact, some countries have made it a social norm and even passed it into law
for legalization. This proves that the present adolescents did not yet reach the peak of cruelness.
Background of the study The Family is a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children.
These who seem to accept it may even tell their parents that they are happy about being broken
family. The method based on the separation from the vitamin A to inclination a chromatographic
column Lichrosorb RP - 18 to a wavelength of 325 nm, using a mobile phase composed by methanol:
water, of proportion 90:10, and the quantification of the same ones in front of referee samples using
the method of the external standard. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with
the best. Let the parent started to use their strength to cope with the difficulties in the family, the
children will follow. Family essay example, research papers, term papers 2019-01-15.
Clemens and Oelke (1967) and Emeke (1984) have attributed the cause of poor academic
performance to a combination of personal and institutional factors. Respondents of the Study The
respondents of this survey are the Students of STMA high school students. The study aims to
establish whether being from a broken family influences a student’s behavior and performance in
school. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. Introduction This chapter
contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and limitations, significance
of the study, and hypothesis, which serves as a guide for the readers to understand the study. To
some extent, there is simple evidence to show that marital instability brings about stress, tension, lack
of motivation and frustration. Studies on father-child relationship suggest that the presence of a
father in the home influences significantly the development of a child (Agulanna 1999). Scope and
limitations This study is primarily about pupils who are a member of a broken family studying in
Betty’s Vermilion Academy Specifically this research focused on the following: 1. In fact, some
countries have made it a social norm and even passed it into law for legalization. This may be due to
a lack of role models for healthy relationships, or to the emotional baggage that individuals may
carry with them from their family of origin. Manifestations act negatively on a child’s academic
performance. Adult children — a son or daughter who has reached the age of majority. Researchers
can make use of this research as reference and framework to their study. And the parents are the
most of import beginning of youth’s behaviour. The data collection was analyzed using mean and
standard deviation. Over the past few decades, marriage has become less important and that is the
cause of the problem. Each paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. This table shows the
results of the survey and it’s percentage. According to the study by sociologist Chris Menning has
revealed that children of separated or divorce parents do not simply absorb parental resources as
sponges absorb water. The report finds that this problem has continued to worsen, with over 20,000
new lone-parent families forming every year. Using a survey method, data were collected from
seventy children. In question 5 most of the respondents (20%) are eing loner because they are
affected by their family being broken. However, modern society has seen an increase in the number
of broken families, with half of all marriages ending in divorce. Depression is a major effect that
divorce has on children. Nurses who regularly see children in their practice are currently treating
victims of child abuse, including sexual abuse and neglect, whether they know it or not. Another
quality wrestling has given me is leadership. Some children irrespective of home background or
structure may work hard and become successful in life. But because of such human incapacity, we
cannot succeed it. They have to express their emotions in order for them to lessen their loneliness. If
you're new to the workforce, internships can be a broken way to begin a career as an activist.
If you are interested in a cause that affects other people, then one of the best ways to understand
how to dissertation 18eme siecle them is to listen to what they have to say. REODICA God created
the world one by one in every specie from plants to animals until human beings. In question 5 most
of the respondents (20%) are eing loner because they are affected by their family being broken. A
keynote address delivered on the occasion of 26th Annual Conference of CASSON, University of
Benin, Benin City, August, 2002. It is a genuinely nice feeling when a individual knows that they
have person to run to when they have jobs and wanted to be comforted. One of the main reasons is
that the child sees this example of aggression that his or her parents are setting, and he or she begins
to react in the same manner. Identify the aspects to a student’s life that is affected by a broken
family. 2. It is fielded on August 2012 to March 2013. We may ask for additional information for a
better, more accurate quote. If you looked at him closely, he’d seem an ordinary guy, not very
strange. The study aims to establish whether being from a broken family influences a student’s
behavior and performance in school. To some extent, there is simple evidence to show that marital
instability brings about stress, tension, lack of motivation and frustration. To browse
and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
A million children have no meaningful contact with their fathers. Thus, Ichado (1998) concluded that
the environment in which the student comes from can greatly influence his performance at school. In
question 6 least of the respondents (27%) said yes tried to do wrong things because of It.
Manifestations act negatively on a child’s academic performance. Other aspects of parental
environment such as the structure of the family have been grossly neglected. Broken Glass a drama
by Arthur Miller set in Brooklyn. 1938. focal points on the tapering matrimony of Sylvia and
Gellburg during the wake of Kristallnacht. The first parents had their offsprings then followed by
many generations. When children are growing up, they like to learn something more and explore new
thing as much as possible. In question 2 most of the respondents (73%) changed their outlook in life.
They feel insecure, depressed and helpless when they see their family break apart. Just talk to our
smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Chapter II: Related Literature The
selection and influence has historically been ignored in research on proximate broken family
influence. However, modern society has seen an increase in the number of broken families, with half
of all marriages ending in divorce. No matter how hard I tried, the cruel and callous scale never
registered above 40. Lastly question 8 majority of respondents (83%) they didn’t blame by having
family being broken. Eleven per cent of those children whose families broke up had emotional
disorders, against 3 per cent among those whose families were still together. However in the broken
family, from where children would get such love and care. The longer I live the longer I realize how
difficult those words are for many couples.

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