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Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness

Motivation and its impact on organizational performance has always remained

highly researched area and have gone through many discussions and iterations.
This paper identifies the factors that effects employee motivation and examines
the relationship between organizational effectiveness and employee motivation.
The study focuses on the practice and observance of the two central factors,
empowerment and employee recognition for enhancing employee motivation
which leads to organizational performance. So organizations should design their
rules, policies and organizational structures that give space to the employee to
work well and appreciate them on their tasks fulfillment and achievements.
Higher the motivation among employee to task accomplishment higher will be the
organizational performance and success. (Dwibedi .L, 2018)
Society since ancient times faced with a weak involvement of human resources in
organizations. Therefore motivating employees became today an important
objective for organizations that want to remain viable on the market today.
Motivation of human resources in the organization will bring extra performance
to the manager that hopes to reach the organization's goals. (Robescu, O. &
Iancu, A.2017)
This paper states that it is very vital for top management to take care of their
employees to ensure that they are satisfied in their jobs; when they are satisfied;
they strive for the company's goals and aim (Latham, 1994; Egan, 1998). The
success of any organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a
motivating environment for its employees. All motivated workers are pampered
in their effort to perform creditably well in their functions. The needs and wants
of the employees should be looked into. The employees should be exposed to
seminars and workshops as they play significant role in reviewing the past with
criticisms and providing solutions and remedies to current problems and issues in
the best interest of the employees and the organization itself. (Osabiya & Joseph
This research is aimed at looking into the importance of motivation in the
management of people at work, no system moves smoothly without it, and no
organization achieve its objective without motivating its human resources. The
study therefore is to study and come out with the effect and ways of motivating
worker in organization. The goal of motivation is to cause people to put fourth
their best efforts with enthusiasm and effectiveness in order to achieve and
hopefully surpass organizational objective. (Maduka & Okafor ,2014)
Employee motivation is considered as a force that drives the employees toward
attaining specific goals and objectives of the organization. Now days, it is one of
the sizzling issue in organizations since every wants to make best use of their
financial and human resources. Main purpose of this study is to inquire that what
kind of factors influence employ motivation in Pakistan and finding up to which
extent motivation affects the employ performance. Data is collected from 160
teachers of Government and private schools by using self-administered
questionnaire. Regression analysis is applied to find the effect of employee
motivation on employee’s performance involving four variables employee
motivation, employee performance, intrinsic rewards and employee perceived
training effectiveness. The results of this study show that significant and positive
relationship exists between employee motivation and employee performance. It
is also concluded that intrinsic rewards has a significant positive relationship with
employee performance and employee motivation. This study concludes that
employee perceived training effectiveness has a negative relationship with
motivation. It is also proved from to their responses, they were provided with the
training courses but this training was not implemented by them in their routine
teaching as they considered it to be ineffective. They were not satisfied with the
training provided to them and this affected their motivation to teach. (Shahzadi
et al., 2014)
The majority of organizations are competing to survive in this volatile and fierce
market environment. Motivation and performance of the employees are essential
tools for the success of any organization in the long run. On the one hand,
measuring performance is critical to organization's management, as it highlights
the evolution and achievement of the organization. On the other hand, there is a
positive relationship between employee motivation and organizational
effectiveness, reflected in numerous studies. This paper aims to analyze the
drivers of employee motivation to high levels of organizational performance. The
literature shows that factors such as empowerment and recognition increase
employee motivation. If the empowerment and recognition of employees is
increased, their motivation to work will also improve, as well as their
accomplishments and the organizational performance. Nevertheless, employee
dissatisfactions caused by monotonous jobs and pressure from clients, might
weaken the organizational performance. Therefore, jobs absenteeism rates may
increase and employees might leave the organization to joint competitors that
offer better work conditions and higher incentives. Not all individuals are the
same, so each one should be motivated using different strategies. (Dobre,. 2013)

Motivational factors play an important role in increasing employee job

satisfaction. This will result in improving organizational performance. High
productivity is a long term benefits of employee motivation. Motivated employee
is a valuable asset who creates value for an organization in strengthening the
business and revenue growth. Motivation is going to work if the right person with
suitable skills is made responsible for the job or otherwise it will be the wastage
of resources and time, and will lead to job dissatisfaction. The paper is aimed to
study the effect of employee motivation on job satisfaction and organizational
performance. (Chaudhary .P, 2012)
The literature and various studies concluded that factors: empowerment and
recognition have positive effect on employee motivation. More the
empowerment and recognition of employees in an organization is increased,
more will their motivation to work will enhance. Also there exists a positive
relationship between employee motivation and organizational Effectiveness. The
more the employees are motive to tasks accomplishment higher will the
organizational performance and success. The study focuses on the practice and
observance of the two central factors, empowerment and employee recognition
for enhancing employee motivation which leads to organizational effectiveness.
The organizations should design their rules, policies and organizational structures
that give space to the employee to work well and appreciate them on their tasks
fulfillment and achievements. This will surely lead to organizational growth.
(Shukla, 2012)
Organizational Communication, in today’s organizations has not only become far
more complex and varied but has become an important factor for overall
organizational functioning and success. The way the organization communicates
with its employees is reflected in morale, motivation and performance of the
employees. The objective of the present paper is to explore the interrelationship
between communication and motivation and its overall impact on employee
performance. The paper focuses on the fact that communication in the workplace
can take many forms and has a lasting effect on employee motivation. If
employees feel that communication from management is effective, it can lead to
feelings of job satisfaction, commitment to the organization and increased trust in
the workplace. (Rajhans., 2012)

This paper explores the role of motivation in higher productivity. There is a

general believe that man has the natural tendency to be lazy with regards to work
and he is being forced by circumstances to work. According to some scientists,
motivation is a need and organization is making great use of every facility in
human works to achieve motivation. Productivity means the rate of power to
produce, but productivity from the management or economic point of view is the
ratio of what is produced to what is required to produce it. This study is therefore
designed to find out the link between the extent to which various motivation
strategies encourage the workers to improve their job commitment and increase
their productive capacity. It is examined through the origin and evolution of
related studies. On the other hand, it also offers information relative to the
influences perceived and detected in these developments. This paper presents
totally, a concepts based findings. These data allow us to offer an approximated
picture of the motivation in higher productivity. Research suggests that
individuals are motivated to perform well when the work is meaningful and
individuals believe they have responsibility for the outcomes of their assigned
tasks. It is recommended that, an organizational movement should be away from
the current merit pay reward system to an organizational structure that promotes
challenges and accomplishments, creates organizational learning opportunities,
utilizes group incentives as well as individual incentives, rethinks job design, uses
positive reinforcement and promotes healthy work environments. (S.K. &
Barmola 2014)

 “Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Performance” (Lalan
Dwibedi , 2018)
 “The Effects of Motivation on Employees Performance in Organization”
(Robescu, O. & Iancu, A. 2017)
 “The effect of employees’ motivation on organizational performance”
(Osabiya, Babatunde Joseph, 2015)
 “Effect of Motivation on Employee Productivity” (Chukwuma. Edwin
Maduka & Dr Obiefuna Okafor, 2014)
 “Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance” (Irum
Shahzadi & Ayesha Javed & Syed Shahzaib Pirzada & Shagufta Nasreen &
Farida Khanam , 2014)
 “Employee motivation and organizational performance” ( Ovidiu-Iliuta
Dobre, 2013 )
PERFORMANCE” (Pankaj Chaudhary, 2012)
 “How motivation factor affect the organizational effectiveness “(Naveen
Kumar Shukla, 2012)
 “Effective Organizational Communication: a Key to Employee Motivation
and Performance” (Kirti Rajhans, 2012)
 “Role of motivation in higher Productivity” (S.K. Srivastava & Kailash
Chandra Barmola 2011)

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