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1. Nurse Giana is planning discharge with a 75 year old patient on a variety of medications, How can she
best ensure that the client is capable of taking the medication safely at home

a. Have the client actively participate in drug administration during hospitalization

b. Include the client’s children in discussions regarding proper medication administration
C. Give the client a pamphlet outlining the actions, side effects and doses of all prescribed drugs.
d. make a chart for the client, showing exactly which drug are to be taken at different times during the

2. An older adult client named John Barry presents with signs and symptoms related to digoxin toxicity,
which age related change can potentially result in toxic drug levels in this client

a. Increased total body water

b. Decreased renal blood flow
c. Increased gastrointestinal motility
d. Decreased ratio of adipose tissue to lean body mass

3. A client named Nasser has a history of falls has been placed in physical restraints after the failure of
all other alternatives for fall prevention, What action should the nurse take to ensure the safety of the
client in restraints?

a. Check the client every hour, while keeping the restraints in place
b. Check the client every 30 to 60 minutes, releasing the restraints every 2 hours
c. Check the client once each shift, releasing the restraints for feeding only
d. Check the client twice each shift, keeping the restraints in place.

4. Diana confides, feeling a loss of control over life after having a mild stroke, What would be the best
action the nurse could take to support this client?

a. Explain to the client that such feelings are normal, but that he or she must have realistic expectations
for rehabilitation
b. Encourage the client to participate in decision making
c. Further assess the client’s mental status for other signs of denial
d. obtain an order for physical and occupational therapy

5. Which of the following statements made by an older client alerts the nurse to the possibility of
medication errors?

a. “My husband is on the same medication, so we always take our medication together in the morning
b. “I prepare all my medication for the week and place the pills in a container labelled for each day”
c. ”When I don’t sleep well at night, I take two thyroid pills the next day instead of just one”
d. “I take my Coumadin every day when the noon news comes on the television”

6. Which of the following statements best describes tolerance of pain medicine

a. Occurs over a long period of time

b. The client has adapted to the drug and over time its effects decline
c. The client has signs and symptoms of a withdrawal reaction
d. What the client says it is

7. Anjo undergoing preoperative assessment before an elective procedure tells the nurse that she has
been taking 10mg of prednisone daily for rheumatoid arthritis, What is the nurse’s best action?

a. Notify the surgeon and anesthesiologist

b. Document the information as the only action
c. Reschedule the surgery in 2 weeks when the client has cleared the drug from her system
d. Suggest that the lient switch to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent for pain relief

8. When nurse Angel brings the preoperative medication to the client about to have an abdominal
surgery, she tells the nurse that she does not need the injection because she had a good night’s sleep
last night, What is the nurses best first action?

a. Tell the client that her surgeon has ordered the medication therefore, she should go ahead and take
the medication because the surgeon knows what is best.
b. Tell the client that the pre-operative medication is ordered to reduce the risk of some problems
during surgery rather than to ensure adequate rest
c. Appropriately discard the preoperative medication and notify the surgeon
d. Document the client’s statement and notify the charge nurse.

9. When asked about allergies, the preoperative client tells the nurse she has allergies to all of the
following substances, which allergy alerts the nurse to potential problems in relation to the scheduled

a. Pollens
b. bee stings
c. Shellfish
d. Peanuts

10. Deo who is scheduled to have surgery within the next 2 hours tells the nurse during the admission
interview the following information, Which piece of information should the nurse be certain to
communicate on the outside of the chart for the entire surgical team to know?

a. The client is allergic to cats

b. The client is hard of hearing
c. The client had a glass of wine 12 hours ago
d. The client takes 2000mg of vitamin C each day

11. Two hours after abdominal surgery the nurse auscultates the clients abdomen, No bowel sounds are
present. What is he nurses best first action

a. Position the client on the right side with the bed flat.
b. Check the dressing and apply an abdominal binder
c. Palpate the bladder and measure abdominal girth
d. Document the finding as the only action

12. Regine is 4 days postoperative from bowel resection and has a large abdominal incision, When the
nurse enters the clients room, he tells her that he felt the incision “pop” when he coughed just a
moment ago, What is the nurses best response

a. It is good that you are coughing and deep breathing to prevent lung complication
b. That is a normal feeling in the incision whenever you are moving
c. Be sure to splint the incision with a pillow or your hands when you cough
d. Lie down flat on the bed and let me examine your abdomen

13. Maida is postoperative from surgery performed to determine whether a growth in her colon is
cancerous, She asks the nurse what the pathology report shows, The pathology report indicates that the
growth is benign, What is the best response?

a. Congratulations! the growth was not cancerous

b. You will have to wait for your doctor to tell you the results
c. You shouldn’t worry, Most of tumors of this sort are benign
d. I will call your doctor to let her know you are awake and concerned about the result.
14. What dietary modifications should Nurse Prechut teach to the client who is going home with an
extensive wound after surgery

a. Drink at least 4L of fluid every day

b. Eating dietary fiber can help prevent constipation
c. Be sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamin C in your diet
d. Try to lose weight so that you don’t have to put too much strain on the incision

15. What instructions should be given to a client with decreased cardiac output from an old myocardial
infarction who now needs to engage in a rehabilitation program after a total knee replacement?

a. You must take prophylactic antibiotics just before engaging in the planned exercise
b. You must take prophylactic nitroglycerin just before engaging in the planned exercise
c. You must take prophylactic analgesics just before engaging in the planned exercise
d. You must take prophylactic potassium chloride just before engaging in the planned exercise

17. Which laboratory test abnormally in a client with a disabling condition alers a nurse o an increased
risk for skin breakdown

a. Low serum albumin level

b. High serum transferrin level
C. low serum carboxyhemoglobin
d. High serum haematocrit

18 Cheena has left sided weakness, Which gait training technique should the physical therapist and
nurse use when assisting the client to walk with a cane?

a. Placing the cane in the clients weaker hand and moving the cane forward, followed by moving the
weaker leg on step forward
b. Placing the cane in the clients weaker hand and moving the cane forward, followed by moving the
stronger leg one step forward
c. Placing the cane in the clients stronger hand and moving the cane forward followed by moving he
weaker leg one step forward
d. Placing the cane in the clients stronger hand and moving the cane forward, followed by moving the
stronger leg one step forward

19. Which nursing intervention should nurse Nikki implement to prevent venous stasis and thrombus
formation in a client’s undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke?

a. Range of motion exercises

b. Foot support while in bed
c. increased dietary calcium intake
d. Avoidance of sudden position changes

20. Which dietary modification should the dietician plan and the nurse reinforce to reduce the risk of
skin impairment in a client with mobility problems?

a. High protein, high carbohydrate, low fat

b. High protein, high carbohydrate low fat
c. High protein, High carbohydrate, high fat
d. High protein, low carbohydrate, high fat

Perception and Coordination

1. The client has an incomplete upper motor neuron lesion, What complication should the nurse be
alert for in this client
a. Contractures
b. Hyperreflexia
c. Hypotension
d. Visual disturbance

2. Which of the following deficits should the handsome nurse Jomar expect to find in a client who has
experienced an injury to the occipital lobe of the brain?

a. Inability to interpret taste sensations

b. Inability to interpret sound
c. Impaired vision
d. Impaired learning

3.Which instructions should the nurse include as part of client education or the prevention of low back

a. participate in a regular exercise program

b. Purchase a soft mattress or sleeping comfort
c. Wear high heeled shoes only or special occasions
d. Keep your weight within 20% of your ideal body weight

4. Which of the following clinical manifestations alerts the nurse to the possibility of sciatic nerve
impairment in a client with back pain?

a. The client has pain that radiates down the affected arm
b. Client has a loss of handgrip strength
c. The client has a shuffling gait
d. The client walks with a limp

5. The client with a herniated disc is about to be discharged after having a percutaneous laser disc
decompression, What post-procedure instructions should the nurse provide to this client?

a. You should rest in bed for 24 hours before beginning ambulation

b. You must sleep in a supine position until the bandage is removed
c. You may feel numbness or tingling in the legs
d. You will need to wear a brace for 1 week

6. A nurse I scaring for a client who has undergone a spinal fusion, What specific post-op instructions
should the nurse give the client?

a. You may lift items up to 10 pounds

b. Wear your brace when you are out of bed
c. You must remain on bed rest or 48 hours after surgery
d. You will need to take steroids to prevent rejection of bone graft

7.A client who suffered a spinal cord injury at level T5 several months ago develops a flushed face and
blurred vision, On taking vital signs, The nurse notes the blood pressure to be 184/95, What is the
nurses best first action

a. Palpate the area over the bladder for distention

b. Place the client in the trendelenburg position
c. Administer oxygen via nasal cannula
d. Perform carotid massage

8. A client has arrived by ambulance at the emergency department after a cervical spinal cord injury,
Which assessment is a priority or the nurse to perform at this time?

a. Assessment of mental status

b. Assessment of heart rate and rhythm
c. Assessment of muscle strength and reflexes
d. Assessment of respiratory pattern and airway

9. A nurse is to assess proprioceptive functions in the lower extremeties in a client with a suspected
spinal cord injury, What assessment technique should the nurse use?

a. Ask the client to flex and extend the feet and knees
b. With the clients eyes closed, move the clients toe up or down
c. Apply resistance while the client plantar flexes the leg and feet
d. Apply pinprick to the lower extremities and compare bilaterally

10. The client is prescribed phenytoin (Dilantin) for treatment of a seizure disorder, What precautions or
instructions should be taught to this client

a. Do not take aspirin or aspirin-containing products while on this drug

b. Avoid contact sports and heavy physical exercise while on this medication
c. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight while on this medication
d. Do not take warfarin (Coumadin) While on this medication

11.A nurse is assessing deep tendon reflexes in a client who sustained a spinal cord injury 5 days ago,
The nurse can elicit a mild response to a tap on the patella, What is the nurse’s interpretation of this

a. There is a gradual response of all the nerves and muscles

b. It is too early to tell how extensive the injury is at this time
c. The injury has resulted in only temporary spinal cord dysfunction
d. The spinal shock phase of the injury is over

12.A client who experienced a spinal cord injury 1 hour ago is brought to the emergency room, Which
medication should the nurse prepare to administer to this client

a. Intrathecal baclofen
b. methylprednisone
c. Atropine sulfate
d. Epinephrine

13. Which statement regarding the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis is true?

a. The myelin sheath is destroyed by the immune system

b. Myasthenia gravis is caused by antibodies to dopamine receptors
c. There is evidence of both central and peripheral nervous system disease
d. There is a defect in the transmission of nerve impulses to the skeletal muscles

14. Which physical assessment finding would the nurse expect to observe in a client with myasthenia

a. Difficulty or inability to perform the six cardinal positions of gaze

b. Lateralization the affected side during the Weber test
c. Absent deep tendon reflexes
d. Impaired stereognosis

16. The client suspected to have myasthenia gravis is about to undergo tensilion test, What drug should
the nurse have available or complications of this test

a. Epinephrine
b. Atropine sulphate
c. Diphenhydramine
d. neostigmine bromide
17. What technique should the nurse use to elicit the brudzinski reflex in the client being assessed for

a. Instruct the client to hold both hands back to back while flexing the wrist 90 degrees
b. Gently flex the clients head and neck onto the chest and observe for flexion of the hips and knees
c. have the client stand with feet and knees together and eyes closed, Observe for swaying
d. Flex the clients leg at the hip and bringing back the knee to a 90 degree angle, extend the knee and
observe the client for hamstring muscle pain or spasms

18.Which statement regarding the pathophysiology of parkinsons disease is true?

a. Alteration in neuronal signals from the basal ganglia cause dopamine levels to increase
b. Degeneration of the substantia nigra leads to a decrease in dopamine levels
c. Cerebellar levels of acetylcholine rise, inhibiting voluntary movement
d. The cerebral cortex fails to use available acetylcholine

19. Which statement indicates that the family has a good understanding of the changes in motor
movement associated with parkinsons disease?

a. I can never tell what he is thinking, He hides behind a frozen face

b. She drools all the time just so I can’t take her out anywhere
c. I think this disease makes him nervous, He perspires all the time
d. I can offer smaller meals with bite size portions and liquid supplement

20. Which nursing intervention will assist in preventing respiratory complications in the client with
parkinsons disease?

a. Keeping an oral airway at the bedside

b. Ensuring a fluid intake of at least 3L/day
c. Teaching the client pursed lip breathing techniques
d. Maintaining the backrest elevation at greater than 30 degrees

21. The daughter of a client with stage 2 alzheimers disease asks if the medication her mother is taking
for AD will improve the clients dementia, What is the nurses best response

a. The medication will help your patient live independently once or more
b. The medication is used to halt the advancement of AD but will not cure it
c. You will see slow but steady improvement in memory but not in problem solving
d. medications do not improve dementia but help control emotional responses

22. The caregivers of a client with advanced Alzheimers disease asks how to manage the clients restless
behaviors, What is the nurses best response?

a. Allow for a 45 minute daytime nap

b. Take frequent walks throughout the day
c. Using a geri-chair may decrease agitation
d. Give mild sedative during periods of restlessness

23. Which of the following precautions are most appropriate in caring for the client diagnosed with
meningococcal meningitis?

a. Universal precaution
b. Neutropenic precaution
c. Complete isolation precaution
d. Respiratory precaution
24.The 75 year old client tells the nurse that this is the first time he will have had his intraocular
pressure measured and that he only came because his daughter insisted, He also says that he is afraid
the test will hurt and that he might find out he has glaucoma and will go blind, What is the best

a. The test is painless because you will receive a sedative if you have glaucoma, the correct glasses or
contact lenses can prevent blindness
b. The test is quick and painless because a local anesthetic is used, Early detection of glaucoma allows
medication and other procedures to prevent blindness
c. The test does cause a little pain but it is over very quickly, This test however does not determine
whether or not you have glaucoma or are at risk for glaucoma
d. The test causes some pain and tearing but you can have your daughter present to hold your hand, it is
unlikely that you have glaucoma because no one in your family has it

25. Which eye assessment finding indicates to the nurse that the seven voluntary muscles of the clients
eye orbit are functioning in a coordinated manner or both eyes?

a. The client has not experienced double vision

b. The client has synchronized blinking movements
c. The client has not experienced headaches and dizziness
d. The clients pupils both constrict to the same degree in response to light

27 Which intervention should the nurse suggest to and older adult client whose irises no longer fully

a. Wear dark glasses whenever you are outside

b. Use eye drops on a regular basis to prevent dryness
c. Avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent corneal abrasions
d. Turn up your room lights when reading or doing close work

28. Which statement regarding a pathologic fracture is true

a. A pathologic fracture results from minimal trauma to a bone weakened by disaster

b. A pathologic fracture occurs when a bone is broken and pierces the skin
c. A pathologic fracture is a painless fracture of the hand digits
d. A pathologic fracture is produced by a loading force on bones in the vertebral column

29. Which of the following clients is most at risk for deep vein thrombosis

a. 50 year old female with a fractured ankle who takes aspirin for rheumatoid arthritis
b. 25 year old male athlete with a fractured clavicle
c. 40 year old female diabetic with fractured ribs
d. 60 year old male smoker with fractured pelvis

30. Nurse tina is in charge of the orthopaedic ward, She orients the students that the most serious
complication of a pelvic fracture is which of the following?

a. Infection
b. Delayed union
c. Hypovolemic shock
d. Impaired skin integrity

Surgery Baby
1. The joint commissions universal protocol for surgical and invasive procedure which was created to
prevent wrong site, wrong person and wrong procedures / surgery includes the following EXCEPT:

a. mark the operative site I possible

b. Conduct pre-procedure verification process
c. Take a video of the entire intra-operative procedure
d. Conduct time out immediately before starting the procedure
2. As an Or nurse, one of your responsibilities is to identify potential risks for pre and post op clients to
reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from fall you can implement the following EXCEPT

a.Assess potential risk of fall associated with the patients medication regimen
b. Take action to address any identified risks through incident report
c. Allow the client to walk with relative to the bathroom and hallway
d. Assess and periodically reassess individual clients risk for falling

3. Team effort by all members of the surgical team is very essential in the OR department, If you are the
nurse in charge for scheduling surgical cases, What essential information do you need to ask the surgeon

a. Who is your internist

b. Who is your assistant and anethesiologist, and what is your preferred time and type of surgery
c. Who are your anesthesiologist, internist and assistant
d. Who is your anesthesiologist

4. Client safety is of utmost priority by the OR nurses, in relation to this counting, documenting used
supplies and instruments, therefore is very important, To whom does the scrub nurse report any
discrepancy of counting so that immediate and appropriate action is instituted?

a. head nurse, 1st to follow the chain of command

b. Surgeon
c. OR nurse supervisor
d. Circulating nurse
e. anesthesiologist

5.A one day postoperative abdominal surgery client has been complaining of sever throbbing abdominal
pain described as 9 in a 1-10 pain rating, your assessment reveals bowel sounds on all quadrants and the
dressing is dry and intact, What nursing intervention would you take?

a. Medicate client as prescribed

b. Encourage client to do imagery
c. Encourage DBE and turning
d. Call surgeon stat

6. Which type of surgery is most likely to predispose a patient to post-operative atelectasis, pneumonia
or respiratory failure

a. Upper abdominal surgery on an obese patient with a long history of smoking

b. Upper abdominal surgery on a patient with normal pulmonary function
c. Lower abdominal surgery on a young patient with Dm, alcoholic
d. Abdominal surgery on an asthmatic patient

7. A nurse is completing a preoperative assessment n a male client who states, I am allergic to codeine,
Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

a. Apply an allergy bracelet on the clients wrist

b. Label the clients allergies on the front of the chart
c. Ask the client what happens when he takes the codeine
d. Document the allergy on the medication administration record

8. A post-op order reads “DAT”, principles that guides food choices should be

a. A low residue diet should be followed indefinitely to avoid over stimulating intestines
b. A return to regular diet as soon as possible gives psychological support and more rapid physical
c. many foods will cause more discomfort
d. More rigid dietary rules limiting for food choice are needed to provide security
9. Preoperative medications were ordered by the anesthesiologist, Which of the following drugs is
administered to minimize respiratory secretions preoperatively?

a. Valium
b. Nubain
c. Salbutamol
d. Atropine
e. metoclopramide

10. A 45 year old patient gave her consent for a bilateral mastectomy, To ensure the legality of the
consent, The following conditions must be met EXCEPT

a. She gave her consent freely

b. She must understand the nature of the surgery
c. The consent must be signed by a witness
d. Signing should be done after administering pre anesthesia meds

11. A patient was scheduled for a MRM, the OR nurse is correct I she stated that such an operation

a. Removal of the entire breast axillar lymph nodes, pectoralis muscles

b. Removal of the lump of the breast
c. Removal of the entire breast, axillary and neck lymph nodes, excluding pectoralis muscles
d. removal of the entire breast but nipples remain intact

12. A 56 years old patient, is scheduled or surgery, Halothane is to be used as an anethetic agent, upon
reviewing the chart o the patient the nurse noted significant information, Which of these make the use
of this agent questionable?

a. Hgb count of 120g/L

b. Serum pH of 7.46
c. ALT of 42 u/L
d. Serum potassium of 3.501

13. During the immediate postoperative period following gastric surgery why must the nurse be
particularly conscientious about encouraging a client to cough and deep breathe at regular intervals?

a. Marked changes in inthrathoracic pressure will stimulate gastric drainage

b. The high abdominal incision will lead to shallow breathing to avoid pain
c. The phrenic nerve will have been permanently damaged during the surgical procedure
d. Deep breathing will prevent post-operative vomiting and intestinal distension

14. Nurse princess Panit is caring for a client for total hip replacement, which behaviour indicates the
need for further preoperative teaching?

a. The client uses the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to inhale through the nose and exhale through
the mouth
b. the client demonstrates dorsiflexion of the feet, flexing of the toes and moves the feet in a circular
c. The client uses the incentive spirometer and inhales slowly and deeply so the piston rises to preset
d. The client performs abduction and adduction exercises of both legs
e. none of the above
1. The nurse supervisor understands the new nurse and the nurse supervisor asked the new nurse to
describe the management process that is being used in health care organizations

a. Scientific management
b. Decision making
c. commanding and controlling others using hierarchical authority
d. Planning organizing, coordinating and controlling

2. As a nurse manager, Which of the following best describes this function?

a. Initiate modification on client’s liestyle

b. Protect client’s rights
c. Coordinate the activities of other members of the health care team in managing patient care
d. Provide in service education programs, use accurate nursing audit, formulates philosophy and vision
of the institution

3. an effective tool for orienting new employees or a basis for developing administrative procedures in
then ursing service

a.Nursing service procedure manual

b. Management by Objective
c. Nursing service policy manual
d. Perormance appraisal

4. The nurse manager also identified that one of the staff nurses assigned to take care of chronically ill
patient is poor in decision making and is always prone to commit error, The nurse manager should

a. Recommend the transfer of this staff to another unit

b. Provide closer supervision and guidance to the staff
c. Refrain from giving her chronically ill patient
d. Encourage the staff to enrol in the masters program

6. A long term plan that guides the organization towards its goal, it helps all the staff stay directed and
prevent the organization from responding to inappropriate requests

a. Operation plan
b. Strategic plan
c. Tactical plan
d. Contingency plan

7. The new nurse is demotivated and demonstrates an unacceptable level of absenteeism, Which initial
action would the nurse manager take to handle this problem?

a. Fire the nurse

b. Talk to the nurse and identify what the problem is
c. Refer the nurse to the psychiatric ward
d. Give the nurse the schedule she wants

8. The nurse supervisor urther asked the new nurse on what management process that nurses are
assured o the smooth unctioning o their units in the attainment o quality care through the use of
available human and material resources

a. Nursing leadership
b. Organization Process
c. Management Process
d. Nursing management
9. A registered nurse has been working as a staff nurse and after long years of hardship the nurse is
promoted as a head nurse, She was then transferred to another unit, Which is the BEST thing or her to
do in the new unit?

a. Project an image of authority by sounding irm and knowledgeable

b. Delegate responsibilities to staff nurses according to their abilities
c. To get the cooperation of the team leader assign her the best schedule
d. Seek the advice of a close friend

10.Which of the following is oftentimes a major managerial responsibility of a head nurse

a. Join the doctors during their rounds

b. Set a standard of performance among the staff nurses
c. Provide bedside nursing care to critical patients
d. See to it that the ward is clean and orderly

11. An example of a managerial responsibility of the nurse is

a. teaching patient to do breathing and coughing exercises

b. Preparing for a surprise party for a client
c. Performing nursing procedures for client
d. Directing and evaluating the staff nurses

12.A new staff nurse, during the rounds witnessed her co staff-nurse restrain a patient who refused to
take her medications, Then nurse Deo confronted her co staff nurse to report this to their supervisor but
her co staff nurse told her not to tell what to do since she is the senior staff in the ward, What should
Deo do?

a. Tell the patient to report the actions of the staff nurse when the advisor visits the ward
b. Report her to your co staff in the ward
c. Remain silent and wait for the staff to report it herself
d. Immediately bring this matter to the attention of the supervisor

13.Process that assures nurses of the smooth functioning of their units in the attainment of their goal of
quality care through the use of available human and material resources?

a. Nursing management
b. Case management
c. Case Nursing
d. Nursing Care plan

14. The best organization of the world today are going beyond the traditional formal structure and
trying to form boundary-less structures, The nurse manager is talking about the following organizational

a. Centralized
b. Decentralized
c. Matrix
d. Formal

15. Hierarchical organization that begins at the top with the most senior leaders and then cascades
down to the subordinate managers and then subordinate employees below those managers are called?

a. Decentralized
b. Matrix
c. Formal
d. Informal
e. Centralized
16. A nurse manager is attending a top level meeting of a nursing service, The group of the nurse
manager is evaluating the expenses of the nursing service, Rudy is asked to define a nursing budget,
Rudy is knowledgeable and aware of the nursing budget and defined it as;

a. A financial plan to meet future service and expectations

b. An account for the income and expenses that is associated with day-to-day activity within a
department or organization
c. A plan for the allocation of resources based on preconceived needs, to deliver patient care
d. An account for the purchase of major new equipment or replacements

17. Your head nurse in the unit believes that the staff nurses are not capable of decision making, She
makes the decisions for everyone without consulting anybody, This type of leadership is?

a. Laissez Faire Leadership

b. Democratic leadership
c. Autocratic Leadership
d. managerial Leadership

18. It is the performance for a fee salary or other rewards or compensation of professional nursing
services to individuals, families and communities in various stages of development towards the
promotion of health prevention of illness, restoration of health and alleviation of suffering

a. Professional adjustment
b. Nursing jurisprudence
c. Nursing ethics
d. Nursing profession

19.What leadership style is used in the operating room wherein the nurses are skilled and well trained
to do their specific responsibilities?

a. Laissez Faire
b. Democratic
c. Autocratic
d. Managerial leadership

20. This is the best solution for conflict and encompasses all important goals to each side:

a. Confronting
b. Collaborating
c. Negotiating
d. Avoiding

21. Re-evaluation on administrative process is best described as

a. A continuing process of seeing that perfmance meets goals and targets

b. Obtaining commitment of members to do better
c. Informing personnel how well and how much improvement has been made
d. Follow-up of activities that have been studied

22. The leader consults his/her subordinates in solving problems and work related deceision are made
by the group .

a. Directive leadership
b. Participative leadership
c. Permissive Leadership
d. Laissez Faire Leadership
23. The traditional line of communication which includes policies, rules and regulations and memoranda

a. Downward
b. Horizontal
c. Upward
d. Outward

24. The process by which responsibility and authority for performing a task is transferred to another
individual who accepts that authority and responsibility

a. Supervision
b. Delegation
c. Empowerment
d. Transferization

25. It is a method of measuring performance wherein the evaluator records observation that describes
the nurses experience with whom, where and when

a. Checklist
b. Rating
c. Diary Taking
d. Anecdotal Recording

Community Health Nursing with Nurse Myra

1. Nurse myra is a new registered nurse, she wants to become a public health nurse to help promote
wellness and prevent illness, She wants to teach individuals and groups on how to live health lifestyles
and prevent disease, Where will Nurse Myra apply?

a. DoH
b. Provincial health Office
c. Regional health office
d. Rural health Unit

2. Which of the following is the most prominent feature of public health nursing?

a. it involves providing home care to sick people who are not confined in the hospital
b. Services are provided free of charge to people within the catchment area
c. The public health nurse functions as part of a team providing a public health nursing service
d. Public health nursing focuses on preventive, Not curative

3. Primary health care is a total approach to community development, Which of the following is an
indicator of success in the use of the primary health care approach?

a. Health services are provided free of charge to individuals and families

b. Local Officials are empowered as the major decision makers in matters of health
c. Health workers are able to provide care based on identified health needs of people
d. Health programs are sustained according to the level of development of the community

4.The mission of PHC must be embodied in the hearts of health care providers, Which mission
strengthens health care system?

a. Supporting conditions for healthy habits

b. Increasing opportunities to be healthy
c. Letting people manage their own health
d. Financing health care programs
5. A primary health nurse assess an older clients functional status and ability to perform activities of
daily living, The nurse focuses the assessment on:

a. Everyday routines
b. Self-care activities
c. Household management
d. Endurance and flexibility

6. A community health nurse is caring for a group of homeless people, When planning for the potential
needs of this group what is the most immediate concern?

a. peer support through structured groups

b. Finding affordable housing for the group
c. Setting up a 24 hour crisis center and hotline
d. Meeting the basic needs to ensure that adequate food, shelter, and clothing are available

7.Community health nursing is a developmental service, Which of the following best illustrates this

a. The community health nurse continuously

b. Health education and community organizing are necessary in providing community health services
c. Community health nursing in intended primarily for health promotion and prevention and treatment
of disease
d. the goal of community health nursing is to provide nursing services to people in their own place of

8. The community health nurse myra is planning a school dietary program to help prevent nutritional
deficiencies through healthy dietary practices, Which should the nurse use as primary prevention in the

a. Community wide dietary screening

b. Identifying individual dietary practices
c. Screening programs for poor eating habits
d. Educational programs about healthy eating

9. Nurse myra wants to provide a good quality service in the community setting, What does best
describe the meaning of community service?

a. The service is provided in the natural environment of people.

b. The nurse has to conduct community diagnosis to determine nursing needs and problems
c. The services are based on the available resources within the community
d. Priority setting is based on the magnitude of the health problems identified

10. A community health nurse is working with older residents who were involved in a recent flood,
Many of the residents are emotionally despondent, and they refuse to leave their homes for days, When
planning for the rescue and relocation of these older residents, What is the first item that the nurse
needs to consider?

a. Contacting the older residents families

b. Attending to the emotional needs of the older residents
c. Arranging for ambulance transportation for the oldest residents
d. Attending to the nutritional status and basic needs of the older residents

11. Which is the primary goal o community health nursing?

a. To support and supplement the efforts of the medical profession in the promotion of health
prevention of illness
b. To enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities to cope with their health needs
c. To increase the productivity of the people by providing them with services that will increase their level
of health
d. To contribute to national development through promotion of family welfare, focusing particularly on
mothers and children

12. Disease prevention is one important goal in community health nursing, The first thing the nurse
should do is.

a. Make a home visit

b. Establish good working relationship with the RHU health team
c. Mobilize community health resource
d. Conduct a community health survey

13.Law mandates devolution of basic services from the national government to local government units,
Which of the following is the major goal of devolution?

a. To strengthen local government units

b. allow greater autonomy to local government units
c. to empower the people and promote their self-reliance
d. tomake basic services more accessible to the people

14. Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the health care delivery

a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Intermediate

15. Utilization of indigenous resources maximizes efforts of the community health nurse, Which one f
the following department of health programs could you apply this principle?

a.bVegetable gardening
b. Training of barangay health workers
c. Herbal Medicine
d. Nutrition of children

16.The public health nurse takes an active role in community participation. What is the primary goal of
community organizing

a. To mobilize the people to resolve community health problems

b. To maximize the community’s resources in dealing with health problems
c. To empower the people
d. To develop the people’s self-reliance in dealing with community health problems

17.An indicator of success in community organizing is when people are able to

a. Participate in community activities for the solution of a community problem

b. Implement activities for the solution of the community problem
c. Plan activities for the solution of the community problem
d. Identify the health problem as a common concern

18. Which type of family- nurse contact will provide you with the best opportunity to observe family

a. Clinical consultation
b. Group conferences
c. Home visit
d. Written communication

19. Which of the following is an advantage of a home visit?

a. it allows the nurse to provide nursing care to a greater number of people

b. It provides an opportunity to do first hand appraisal of the home situation
c. It allows sharing of the home situation
d. it allows sharing of experience among people with similar health problems
It develops the family initiative in providing for health needs of its members

20. The pHN bag is an important tool in providing nursing care during a home visit, The most important
principle in bag technique states that it:

a. Should’ve save time and effort

b. Should minimize if not totally prevent the spread of infection
c. Should not overshadow concern for the patient and his family
d. May be done in variety of ways depending on the home situation

21. Which of the following is a function of epidemiology

a. Identifying the disease condition based on manifestations presented by a client

b. Determining factors that contributed to the occurrence of pneumonia in a 3 year old
c. Determining the efficacy of the antibiotic used in the treatment of the 3 year old client with
d. Evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of health programs like the integrated
management of childhood illness

22. Which medical herb is given as antifungal?

a. Sambong
b. Tsaang Gubat
c. Akapulko
d. Bayabas

23. Which of the following is an epidemiologic function of the nurse during an epidemic?

a. Linkages with health organization

b. Requesting donations from NGO’s
c. Partnership with people
d. Electing good people in government

25. Freedom of choice in one of the policies of the family planning program of the Philippines, Which of
the following illustrates this principle?

a. Information dissemination about the need for family planning

b. Support research and development in family planning methods
c. Adequate information for couples regarding the different methods
d. Encourage of couples to take family planning as a joint responsibility

26.To improve compliance to treatment what innovation is being implemented in DOTS?

a. Having the health worker follow up the client at home

b. Having the health worker or a responsible faily member monitor drug intake
c. Having the patient come to the health center every month to get his medication
d. Having a target list to check on wheter the patient has collected his monthly supply of drugs

27. A newly hired CHN underscores the importance of community participation, The importance of
community participation are the following EXCEPT:
a. It encourages dependence on the health workers and representatives of other government agencies
b. it gives the feeling of ownership to the community
c. it provides the community the opportunity to assume responsibility and leadership
d. it creates awareness and interest

28. A step in community organizing that the community health nurse will do in order to clarify
expectations of community members and build trust for each other is:

a. Form care group

b. Community diagnosis
c. Integrate with people
d. gain entry to the community

29. Which of the following public health programs are devolved and are made accessible to the people?

a. Environmental health and communicable disease control

b. Maternal and child health program
c. Control of non communicable diseases
d. All of these

30. Community health is science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and
efficiency, Which of the following statements abut the function of community health nursing is NOT

a. The focus of nursing care is based on individual health needs

b. Nursing care is directed on education and preventive aspects
c. It motivates individuals, families and communities to assume responsibility for their own health care
d. it gives the nurse a better perspective of the community’s health conditions and the health program
being implemented

31. What is the aim of the Magna Carta for Public health workers

a. To develop their skills and capabilities

b. To promote social/ economic wellbeing of health workers
c. To encourage those with good qualifications to remain in government services
d. All of the above

32. Which of the following programs study the factors in man’s physical environment that may cause
harmful effects on his health, wellbeing and survival?

a. Environmental sanitation
b. Health education program
c. Occupational health program
d. Urban health and national projects

35. Nurse Myra may include in her teaching plan the existing policies to be followed prior to the use of
potable water, Which of the following policies should he emphasize?

a. Certification is issued on the potability of an existing water source

b. Water supply facilities subject to recontamination must be disinfected before use
c. Water should have the quality standards that meet the provision of the national standards for
drinking water
d. All of the above policies should be emphasized

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