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Effect of Broken Family to Students Performance

A Research Paper
Presented to
Prof. Jobelyn Mae Aguirre
English 201, 5:30-6:30

Noligen Baguio
Karen Bocboc
Vanissa Teresita Canolo
Angelica Gordo

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all people who shared
their time, expertise and resources for the completion of this study. Without
their blessings, this paper would not be realized.

Special thanks to our beloved parents for their financial support, patience,
and their unconditional love.

We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to Prof. Jobelyn

Mae Aguirre, for her expertise and guidance in making our research. Who
gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
‘Effects of the broken family to the students’

We also give thanks for ourselves for continue cooperating until it’s
completion for lending our different laptop’s and helping each and every one
of the group encoding and editing of the final copy.

Above all to God, Our Savior for the countless blessings and strength
given us to continue doing this until it’s done.

The Researcher

I. Title Page i

II. Acknowledgement ii

III. Table of Contents iii





Chapter 1


The Family is an essential factor for a human’s whole-being, everything

about a man, his background, attitude, all of his achievements, his honor and
dignity, relies on the structure of the family a man lives in with. A family is
composed of a father a mother and their offspring, bonded by their love for
each other.

Here in the modern age a family could be two things, complete or

broken. A broken family is believed to be a cause of a child’s mislead in life,
some people give it as the main reason of the rebellious and unclear acts of
children. School, another factor which meld us on becoming successful, but
how will it make us successful if we can’t focus, we can’t do schooling like
others cause we mind the problems we encounter in our homes.

Many articles that support the issue that broken families affect the
child’s performance, attitude and self-esteem. They show statistics that
broken families affect much of the child’s emotional and spiritual being, that it
greatly distresses the child’s education.

The study was conducted on teenagers age 13-16. These ages are the
most effective, cause at this age, a person discovers how to confront the
problems, and he learns how to live with it. They also establish their own
personality at this age, so the researcher took advantage of this factor,
because of this, the researcher can see how much a person is affected by this
kind of problems, if there are other factors which counter the problems he/she
Some might use friends and other stuff to forget things and focus on
studies. Using a questionnaire with 10 questions, the researcher surveys the
effect of a broken family to a person’s performance in school. He randomly
Chapter 2

Related Literature and Studies

A broken family can negatively affect all domains of the child’s development.

The stability of family creates a building block for children to progress

throughout life. When parents separate the children are left with no stability
causing them to lose basic concepts of childhood that may carry with them
throughout life. Children of divorce or separated parents have less success
and happiness. Watching parents take a home from a traditional family
Lifestyle to a “broken” home by getting separated is very devastating for a
child’s mental well-being. Reviews of literature summarize evidence that
children are emotionally and socially distressed by parents’ separation. Young
children are depressed and anxious and they feel comfortable and common
in families . However, family breakup has not become a positive yet; it still
remains negative. One of the dangerous effects is emotional and financial
disruption of children’s lives. Considering the above mentioned issues.

The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension explains that

the effects of a broken family on a child’s development depends on numerous
factors, including her age when her parents separate, and on her personality
and family relationships. Although infants and young children may experience
few negative developmental effects, older children and teenagers may
experience some problems in their social, emotional and educational


After a divorce, children from pre-school through late adolescence can

Experience deficits in emotional development. Children of all ages may seem
tearful or depressed, which is a state that can last several years after a
child’s parents’ have separated, explains psychologist Lori Rappaport.
Additionally, some children may show very little emotional reaction to
their parent s’ divorce. Rapport explains that this may not be developmentally
beneficial. Some children who show little emotional response are actually
bottling up their negative feelings. This emotional suppression makes it
difficult for parents, teachers and therapists to help the child process her
feelings in developmentally appropriate ways.
. EDUCATIONAL – Mostly affected is their concentration whenever studying.
The data gathered shows that the respondents find it hard to concentrate in
studying because they kept on thinking about their family situation.
b. PHYSICAL – The respondents not find it hard in their physical body when their
parents separated but most of them give time in resting.
c. SOCIAL – Some of the respondents find it hard to mingle with other people but
others overcame this shyness.
d. EMOTIONAL – Some of the respondents can able to control their emotions in
regards to interacting with other people but they find a hard time change their
negative point of view about their lives.

Slowed academic development is another common way that divorce affects
children. The emotional stress of a divorce alone can be enough to stunt your
child’s academic progress, but the lifestyle changes and instability of a broken
family can contribute to poor educational outcomes. This poor academic
progress can stem from a number of factors, including instability in the home
environment, inadequate financial resources and inconsistent routines.

Divorce affects children’s social relationships for several ways. First, some
children act out their distress about their broken family by acting aggressive
and by engaging in bullying behavior, both of which can negatively affect peer
relationships. Other children may experience anxiety, which can make it
difficult for them to seek positive social interactions and engage in
developmentally beneficial activities such as teen sports. Teens from broken
families might develop a cynical attitude toward relationships and harbor
feelings of mistrust, both toward their parents and potential romantic partners,
explains psychologist Carl Pickhardt in the article, ''Parental Divorce and
adolescents'' published in Psychology Today.

Family Dynamics
By its very nature, divorce, changes not only the structure of the family but
also its dynamics. Even if you and your spouse have an amicable divorce,
simply creating two new households permanently alters family interactions
and roles. Based on the new living arrangements, your children may need to
perform more chores and assume additional roles in the new household's
basic functioning. Additionally, in some broken families, older children may
take on a parental-type role when interacting with younger siblings because of
their parents’ work schedules or inability to be present in the way that the
parents were before the divorce.
Chapter 3


This section presents the findings of the study. Results are organized
based on the following sub-problem: Common problems/issues of the family
that become a broken family, disadvantages of having a broken family, and
how it will affects to the children specifically in their studies.

1. What are the disadvantages of having a broken family?

Based on a government research reveals that a broken family is likely to

cause children to suffer damaging mental troubles five times more than
children with parents staying together, Steve Doughty explains on Moreover, the research shows that children with two parents
are more likely to avoid slipping into anti-social behaviour and emotional

Doughty reports that children often suffer badly from a parental breakup or
divorce, and those raised by a single parent usually perform poorly in their
studies, suffer bad health and fall into addiction, crime and poverty in
adulthood. The study unveiled that children whose parents split when they
were between five and 16 years old had higher possibilities of developing an
emotional disorder and a conduct disorder. The research findings say that the
family backgrounds of children are as important as the health, income and
educational qualifications of their households.

Children from broken homes experience a hard time finishing school and
finding a job, says Stephen Lunn of News Corp Australian. Studies show that
these children have higher tendencies of entering into multiple live-in
relationships upon reaching adulthood. Moreover, girls from divorced families
are more likely to become teenage mothers. Children from divorced families
engage in de facto relationships instead of marriage as a means of self-
protection to avoid social and economic risks related to marriage.

2. How does being in a broken family affect the student’s academic

3. How it will affects to the emotional aspects of the children?

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