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Name: Surya Srivastava

Enrollment number: A70656118002

Roll no:
Name of BS faculty: Aachal Mam
School Name: Amity Law School
Programme Name: LLB
Name of HOD: Dr. Kushal Vibhute
Contact Number: 9619485661
What is a group?
A group refers to two or more people who share a common meaning and evaluation
of themselves and come together to achieve common goals. In other words, a group
is a collection of people who interact with one another; accept rights and obligations
as members and who share a common identity.

What is group dynamics?

Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a group. Group
dynamics concern how groups are formed, what is their structure and which
processes are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is concerned with the interactions
and forces operating between groups.

Stages of group formation:

Group Development is a dynamic process. There is a process of five stages through
which groups pass through. The process includes the five stages: forming, storming,
forming, performing, and adjourning. Though in group formation several stages may
go on simultaneously.
The first stage in the life of a group is concerned with forming a group. This stage
is characterized by members seeking either a work assignment.
In this sage the members seek out familiar or similar individuals and begin a deeper
sharing of self. Continued attention to the subgroup creates a differentiation in the
group, pairing is a common phenomenon. There will be conflict about controlling
the group.
The third stage of group development is more serious concern about task
performance. Efforts are made to establish various norms for task performance.
Members begin to take greater responsibility for their own group and relationship
while the authority figure becomes relaxed. Once this stage is complete, a clear
picture will emerge about hierarchy of leadership.
This is a stage of a fully functional group where members see themselves as a group
and get involved in the task. Each person makes a contribution and the authority
figure is also seen as a part of the group.
In the case of temporary groups, like project team, task force, or any other such group,
which have a limited task at hand, also have a fifth stage, This is known as adjourning.
The group decides to disband. Some members may feel happy over the performance,
and some may be unhappy over the stoppage of meeting with group members.

Importance of group dynamics:

1. The group can influence the thinking of its members. The members are always
influenced by the interactions of other members in the group.
2. A group with a good leader performs better as compared to a group with weak
3. The group can give the effect of synergy, that is, if the group consists of positive
thinkers then its output is more than the double every time.
4. Group dynamics can give job satisfaction to the members.
5. The group can also bring team spirit among the members.
6. Even the attitude, perceptions, and ideas of members depend on group
dynamics. For example, the negative thinkers can be converted to positive thinkers
with the help of the facilitator.
7. If the group works as a cohesive group, the cooperation and convergence can result
in maximization of productivity.
8.Lastly, group dynamics can reduce the unrest and turnover due to emotional
attachment among the group members.

Importance of team building:

1.Enables better communication
2.Diminishes misunderstandings and judgments
3.Identifies and develops strengths of others
4.Urges self-awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses
5.Cultivates problem-solving skills
6.Boosts morale and job appreciation
7.Incites creativity and innovation
8.Breaks the barrier

Characteristics of an effective team:

1) They communicate well with each other

2) They focus on goals and results
3) Everyone contributes their fair share
4) They offer each other support
5) Team members are diverse
6) Good leadership
7) They’re organised
8) They have fun

Trust Circle:
The exercise tries to buid in trust of the members. The members rely on each other
and primarily on the leader. Each member individually tries to stable the group linig
providing support on the both the sides.

Conflict management in the group:

Conflict Management plays a very important role in reducing the chances of
conflicts in a group and results in better bonding among the members and better
output. Differences can not only arise between two individuals but involve many
individuals in a group. One has to very careful while handling conflicts in a group
as if not controlled at the right time can lead to major unrest and severe tensions.

Human knot
This exercise reminisced me of the childhood days where we used to play a same
game. This exercise marked the significance of team efforts to solve a complex
situation. Additionally the non-communicating part of the exercise marked that
sometimes in a group we have to understand the side and problem of other in a group
and not act on our own.
Effective leadership:
Good leadership is important. Effective leadership shines not only when the going
is good, but also when things are rough. They’re respected and not feared by the
people around them, who in turn, become motivated to work harder and make more
significant contributions to the betterment of the organization as well.
Leadership is not about working towards a goal single-handedly. In fact, leadership
is about inspiring and motivating people to work together towards a goal. Leader is
one who walks together and directs and not only orders to subordinates.

Generally speaking, the activity and workshop made each individual comprehend the
estimations of gathering elements and group building. The significance of each part
and the correspondence between individuals. The flexibility of gathering to the
characteristics of every individual put into collaborations and complete the assignment.

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